Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda

by | May 16, 2021 | Newsletter | 112 comments

If you have not read “Exploring Biodigital Convergence” yet, I suggest you stop what you’re doing and read it now. Seriously. I’ll wait. . . .

. . . And now that you’re back, I’m sure you’ll agree with me that this is important stuff. Are you ready to talk about it?

OK, let’s dig in. . . .

Join James in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber as he delves into the nightmare future that the Canadian government (and their globalist brethren around the world) are laying out in black and white.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 11 (May 16, 2021)

by James Corbett
May 15, 2021

If you have not read “Exploring Biodigital Convergence” yet, I suggest you stop what you’re doing and read it now. Seriously. I’ll wait. . . .

. . . And now that you’re back, I’m sure you’ll agree with me that this is important stuff. Are you ready to talk about it?

OK, let’s dig in.

The first thing to note about this revealing document is that it is an official Government of Canada publication. More specifically, it is from “Policy Horizons Canada,” which describes itself as “a federal government organization that conducts foresight.” Clear as mud? Well, apparently their mandate is “to help the Government of Canada develop future-oriented policy and programs that are more robust and resilient in the face of disruptive change on the horizon,” and they are a government “foresight center,” complete with a “Chief Futurist” and a team of “Foresight Analysts” who work in the Government of Canada’s first “innovation lab” producing regular “MetaScans” on topics of interest to the government, including “behavioural insights and experimentation.”

If that sounds like a lot of federal bureaucratic gobbledygook designed to obfuscate the fact that this is just a government think tank that talks about future trends and developments, then don’t worry. That’s exactly what it is.

The second thing you’ll notice about the document is the smirking face of Kristel Van der Elst, who, we are told, is Director General of Policy Horizons Canada and the erstwhile author of this document’s foreword. Three seconds of searching will reveal that Ms. Van der Elst is the former Head of Strategic Foresight at (you guessed it) the World Economic Forum, whose globalist bingo card is almost as impressive as Dr. Leana Wen’s. In addition to being intimate with the Davos crowd, she’s also a Fulbright Scholar who went to Yale, a Special Advisor to European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič, and, in addition to heading up Policy Horizons Canada, is also a fellow at the Center for Strategic Foresight of the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Quelle surprise.

So what does Van der Elst say in her foreword?

In the coming years, biodigital technologies could be woven into our lives in the way that digital technologies are now. Biological and digital systems are converging, and could change the way we work, live, and even evolve as a species. More than a technological change, this biodigital convergence may transform the way we understand ourselves and cause us to redefine what we consider human or natural [all emphases in this article are mine].

Guess what, guys? I have just found my go-to synopsis for when I’m asked to explain the great reset and the fourth industrial revolution in a nutshell. Right there in a few short, crisp sentences, is exactly what I’ve been warning about regarding the transhumanist agenda for 13 years now. But in the true spirit of the open conspiracy, since this is a bland admission from a senior government think tank worker, it will undoubtedly be viewed as a boring, self-evident truth by the normies who seek to find a way to downplay the coming extinction of the human race.

From there, things only get weirder.

The document goes on to outline “Three ways biodigital convergence is emerging,” namely:

  1. Full physical integration of biological and digital entities;
  2. Coevolution of biological and digital technologies; and
  3. Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems,

Please re-read that list in case you didn’t grasp its significance the first time. But in case you didn’t catch the importance of those trends, the report then provides some concrete examples of each.

Regarding “Full physical integration of biological and digital entities,” the document notes:

Robots with biological brains and biological bodies with digital brains already exist, as do human-computer and brain-machine interfaces. The medical use of digital devices in humans, as well as digitally manipulated insects such as drone dragonflies and surveillance locusts, are examples of digital technology being combined with biological entities. By tapping into the nervous system and manipulating neurons, tech can be added to an organism to alter its function and purpose. New human bodies and new senses of identity could arise as the convergence continues.

With regard to “Coevolution of biological and digital technologies,” we are told that there is “a blurring between what is considered natural or organic and what is digital, engineered, or synthetic.”

For example, biosynthetic vanilla is created using ferulic acid, eugenol, and glucose as substrates, and bacteria, fungi, and yeasts as microbial production hosts. Although it does not come from a vanilla plant, under both U.S. and EU food legislation, its production from “microbial transformations of natural precursors” allows it to be labelled as a “natural flavoring”.

And in elaboration of “Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems,” the authors of this report opine that:

As we continue to better understand and control the mechanisms that underlie biology, we could see a shift away from vitalism – the idea that living and nonliving organisms are fundamentally different because they are thought to be governed by different principles. Instead, the idea of biology as having predictable and digitally manageable characteristics may become increasingly common as a result of living in a biodigital age. Any student of biology today will have grown up in a digital world and may consciously or subconsciously apply that frame of reference to bioinformatics and biology generally.

Are you getting a sense of where this is going yet? Do not gloss over this material and do not take it in stride. A government think tank is openly talking about the blurring of the lines between biological and digital systems, between living and nonliving organisms, and how this could lead to “new human bodies” and new senses of human identity. The transhumanist plan to effect the extinction of homo sapiens is being calmly discussed and dissected as if it’s just another technological breakthrough by the scientific boffins.

Do not allow your normalcy bias to take over here. This is insanity.

But wait! It gets even more insane!

Next we’re treated to some cyberpunk fan fiction by the frustrated sci-fi writer wannabes at Policy Horizons Canada. In a bizarre narrative entitled “Good morning, biodigital,” we are guided through a typical day in the life of an average post-human in this biodigital nightmare state. Here’s a representative passage:

The summary of my bugbot surveillance footage shows that my apartment was safe from intruders (including other bugbots) last night, but it does notify me that my herd of little cyber-dragonflies are hungry. They’ve been working hard collecting data and monitoring the outside environment all night, but the number of mosquitoes and lyme-carrying ticks they normally hunt to replenish their energy was smaller than expected. With a thought, I order some nutrient support for them.

As an English major, my first thought is: Don’t quit your day job, whichever one of you “Foresight Analysts” wrote this turgid piece of expository inanity. But as a connoisseur of transhumanist propaganda, I feel I must note that this depiction of the future dystopia hits every item in the globalists’ Agenda 2030 wish list:

  • People rounded up into dense urban environments and placated with digital facsimiles of the natural world? Check.
  • Smart technology monitoring everything we do and making all of our key decisions for us? Check.
  • Brief glimpses of the threat that such technology poses to us (intruder bugbots and the like) being immediately dispelled by careful elaboration of all the amazing things that this whiz-bang technology can do (like growing a liver for a local puppy as a school project)? Check.
  • A helpful italicized note at the end to inform us that “This story may sound far-fetched, however all the technologies mentioned exist in some form today“? Of course that’s a check.

Next, in a display of textual whiplash typical of these report-by-committee documents, we are brought back to the question,  “What new capabilities arise from biodigital convergence”? This time, the information is presented to us in the form of a table that lists:

What new capabilities are opening up?” (e.g., “New ways to monitor, manage, and influence bodily functions, as well as predict, diagnose, and treat disease”),

What combinations of biological and digital technologies allow this?” (e.g., “Gene sequencing entire samples helps us understand complex environments such as the human microbiome; Digital devices can be worn or embedded in the body to treat and monitor functionality; and Machine learning systems can predict mortality and treatment outcomes”), and

What is possible today?” (e.g., “Guardant’s liquid biopsy proves more accurate and faster than tissue biopsy in patients with lung cancer; University of Waterloo researchers develop a self-powering sensor for medical monitoring; Amazon patent will allow Alexa to detect a cough or a cold; AI gives reliable coma outcome prediction.”)

The third column is especially enlightening for those who might have missed some of the latest developments in biodigital technology, like Microsoft’s demonstration of the first fully automated DNA data storage system or the use of CRISPR to build dual-core computers inside human cells.

Next, we are treated to a section analyzing the “possible characteristics of the biodigital system.” This section assures us that these technologies will be democratizing; after all, “mail-order bioengineering or CRISPR kits allow biohackers to purchase and practice genetic alteration at home.” (Surely these technologies will be evenly distributed to Joe Schmoe and definitely not hoarded and used by the intelligence agencies of the world against their nations’ own populations, right?)

The crack “Foresight Analysts” behind this document even try to make the case that these technologies will be decentralizing by citing—of all things—lab-grown meat, since this will produce “the ability to create food and engineer meat without the need for arable land.” So wait, instead of us, anywhere, being able to literally throw seeds in the ground and reap the rewards, we will now need access to complex and costly laboratory equipment to “grow” our food? And this is intended to decentralize food production? There’s a meme for that.

Finally, the document goes on to explore the policy implications of these technologies. I’m sure you can pick out the gems from this section yourself, but my favourites include the “neurotech nightmare” scenario that they paint in their sidebar on “The future ain’t what it used to be” (which, observant readers will note, is eerily similar to the “Carrot Rewards” Canadian social credit precursor I talked about in these pages four years ago).

Now, there are many, many things that need to be said about this document, but let’s boil it down to a few takeaways.

Firstly, given the document’s repeated insistence on the usefulness of these biodigital technologies for preventing, tracking, diagnosing and treating pandemic diseases, it is interesting to note that the report was released in February of 2020, meaning it was penned long before the COVID scamdemic had been foisted on the Canadian public.

Secondly, and more importantly, it provides yet more confirmation (if any were needed) that the would-be social engineers are not just working toward but are actively planning for the extinction of homo sapiens. Read the document. This is not hyperbole. They are literally talking about the redefinition of what it means to be human. This is yet more of the Eloi and Morloch-style bifurcation of humanity that those crazy conspiracy theorists at the BBC were talking about 15 years ago and that tinfoil nutter Klaus Schwab has been writing about for 5 years.

Don’t fall into the trap of debating whether you think this or that particular technology that they are trying to sell as part of this transhumanist vision of the future will or will not come to fruition. They would love to get you hung up in endless and pointless arguments about whether a toaster has a soul while they’re busy rolling out integrated brain-machine interface platforms and releasing biodigital locust swarms and creating fully synthetic bioengineered life forms.

These things are already happening.

And while I’ve intimated before that I believe the “we’ll all upload our consciousness to a computer and explore the universe through a robot avatar” hype about the transhuman future is indeed nonsense that is being sold to the mid-level stewards of the technocratic state in order to motivate them, we must not lose sight of the fact that the transhumanists are in fact actively working to alter humanity in such a way that it is not truly human anymore.

In fact, the “transhumanists” are revealed as post-humanists, with a very real anti-human lust. That lust is being openly revealed in documents like this one. We dismiss this open and admitted threat to the human species at our own peril.

They are working toward the elimination of homo sapiens. The mRNA injections are just the thinnest edge of the wedge that will eventually involve the wholesale transformation of humanity into something else entirely. And at precisely the point that we allow the precedent to be set that governments can mandate the forced injection of unknown biomedical technologies in the name of a declared health “crisis,” Orwell’s nightmare of a boot stamping on the human face forever is transformed from a dark warning about a possible future to a virtual certainty.

You have been warned. I suggest you warn others. But let me make a bold prediction of my own: Many will choose to dismiss this information using the very type of self-deception that I described at the end of last week’s article.

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

MIT researchers ‘infiltrated’ Covid skeptics… (plus MIT report + article)
The Criminalization of War: Gaza
The Fourth Turning

Recommended Listening

Permaculture Property Design for The Everyday Person

Recommended Viewing

Epic Deception Being Exposed | James Corbett on
Dear Toronto
Government Itself is Immoral – James Corbett (cited article here)

Just For Fun(?)

From a listener:
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s Imaginary Zoom Meeting
“America’s Doctor” Responds to Critics


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  1. What does it even mean to be human anymore? I’m sure many will agree that vast sections of population on this planet do not meet all the requirements for being a full fledged human being. Will they even be able to sense that they are losing something that didn’t even have for a long time or something they never even had? What are these people even living for?

    • Humans are created in the Image of God. The Nephilim of Noah’s times were abominations, a rudimentary form of “transhumans.” God destroyed the world for that.

      “Transhumanism,” and, “transbiologism,” would remake everything we know and think we know, about the biosphere of Earth if allowed to come to complete fruition. The Image of God would be extinguished, and all His creation would be erased. Biodigital obscenities would replace them.

      God is going to have to create a new Heaven and a new Earth, likely because of these “transhumanist” devils who will unleash horrors inconceivable to anyone not possessed by Satan. They will destroy on a vast scale, but not succeed with their ultimate goals.

      People are welcome to dismiss Christianity, but their dismissal will change nothing about the fact the ancients wrote down what God enabled them to see, back then, now, and in the near future. They were not in error; “we” are in error when we fail to recognize what they said was and is true, if we place ourselves in their historical era contexts.

      • beaconterraone

        True… but that kind of person really does think that they can “be as gods”

        Even most of the people who oppose the insane tyrannical types have the seeds of that same kind of thinking im their own ideas 🙁

        • Unfortunately, you are right.

      • beaconterraone, you nailed it.

    • DogStar
      “.. because the less one has to lose, the less power the evildoers have to wield over one…”

      The problem is that those who have nothing to loose generally dont have much to care about either…

      The average blue hair or wine aunt or playboy (be he “mgtow” or ‘incel’…) really does not have any stake in the future… the current mass of such people only think about running out their clock in the good times.

    • mkey
      “…What does it even mean to be human anymore? I’m sure many will agree that vast sections of population on this planet do not meet all the requirements for being a full fledged human being..”

      When the professional narcissist gets worried you know its bad- he made a video

      • He’s basically talking about brain damage resulting in imbalance leading into many of these people becoming, I would posit, second tier psychopaths.

  2. Well James, you have certainly ‘stumbled’ across some breakthrough information!..and by ‘stumbled’ those of us that have read/listened to you for years knows what that really means as you have done, once again, your due diligence and FOUND this quite amazing document. This is beyond creepy and speaks to what you have indeed been speaking about for many years. We have a colossal thing before us and it is high-time we meet it head on and do our utmost to defeat it.

    • I know that people who are testing vaccines with magnets,
      because they suspect them,
      will not be taking vaccines themselves,
      because they suspect them.

      So this is misinformation, or stupidity, or both.

      Physics of Magnetism:
      To hold a magnet against an arm you need quite a lot
      of ferromagnetic material. And something that
      is in a vaccine fluid will never work.
      Implants (usually titanium) do not work either.
      Nor do chips /nanotechnology (silicon, germanium, carbon).

      Physics of Sticky Skin:
      People can stick all kinds of metal things to their body.

      Because the person had a vaccine and is probably pro-vaccine,
      I suspect that the person being tested is holding a
      big magnet under her/his arm-pit.
      And this is just a plot to make people on the internet look foolish.

      • A similar thing with the wires that were moving in masks.
        They were clearly pushed with electric fields.
        The wires themselves are probably just polyester wires,
        probably from clothes.

        Here is an example of “wires” that are made in the lab.
        The poster thinks that it proofs that the wires in masks are engineered.
        But the wires are extremely small carbon wires that are
        pushed around with a ~50,000 Volt Tesla tower.
        The lab wants to make wire structures with it, for electrical circuits.
        But now they fall apart if the Tesla tower is turned off.

        And it is common for electric forces to move dust and small threads around.
        The old tube TV was always full with dust.
        It is why plastic is usually more covered with dust than glass.

        Some simple experiments that you can do with electrical fields:
        I posted those 3 years ago.

      • Nanoscale metals have different properties than normal scale metals. That can account for the lack of “sufficient mass” holding the magnets.

        If you can explain these videos with anything but the canard of “misinformation,” or the pathetic insult of “stupidity,” I’m willing to listen.

        • I started with “misinformation”,
          because the people that inject themselves are probably pro-vax.
          AND because the best way the vaccine companies can deal with
          the opposition, is by making them look stupid.
          And it seems to work very well!!!
          The injections are already harming and killing people,
          so what better way to distract by injecting stories about
          weird side-effects that are harmless.

          So always start with a very skeptical look at these stories,
          so you do not cover-up the immense story about people being
          murdered with fake-vaccines.
          Or didn’t you know?
          All artificial mRNA tests on animals were catastrophic failures..

          Based on the comments that I saw from others, the
          more common cause seems to be the “sticky skin”.

          This can be explained when the mRNA causes the injected
          person to sweat far more. It is very common for them
          to have a severe fever.

          • “Sticky skin” is an ASSumption.

            It’s no more valid than “feeling like you have the flu means the ‘vaccine’ is working.”

            • “Sticky skin” is a great explanation, as it is the
              same explanation for the “Magnetic Boy”
              It is also an explanation that can be tested.

              It is not likely an implant, because we already
              have many whistleblower nurses that would already
              have told about this. They get the “vaccine” out of the
              flask into the syringe. They did not report about a chip
              or whatever stuff to put in the syringe as well.
              Can’t we trust all those 100s of whistleblower nurses?

              How to test if it is just “Sticky Skin”
              Did anyone put a piece of paper between the skin and the magnet?
              Of course not, because these people do not know physics.

              Only if it still holds well, and it is not faked with glue
              in the paper, then there may be another force.
              Also tests what else sticks on the skin,
              like a fork or nail or plastic button or copper coin.

              Note: A plastic button or copper coin are not magnetic,
              nor ferro-magnetic.

            • How to test for magnetism
              Check for a magnet or metal under the arm first.

              Test magnetism by reversing the magnet.
              Does it now repel? You can try the magnetic test card.
              Magnetism can be easily tested with magnetic field viewer card:

              How to test for ferro magnetic material
              If it still sticks with paper and reversed,
              you have found a ferromagnetic material.
              Test the force around the arm to track the location
              of the ferromagnetic material.

              You can also check different field strengths at
              different positions.
              And that way you can find the location of the object.
              It exactly is like finding a U-boat.

              Chips and nano-tech are NOT ferro magnetic.
              But if you are afraid it is a chip or nanotech..
              Just hold your arm against a plasma ball and it
              is likely short-circuited.

        • Do you have an example video that cover all the important points? Or a set of videos that does the same?

    • This is just another, albeit very thin, branch of the tree of evil. Many people are simply unable to discern facts (or what at least seems probable) and so we keep running in circles.

      I have a small neodymium magnetic disc at hand (these things are incredibly brittle), about 5g weight and some 14 mm (about half an inch) in diameter. I put some saliva on it, it stuck to my non “vaccinated” hand and held in the upright position without issues. Were there any sweat on my skin, I suppose it would have stuck even better.

      Some of these things are really easy to check, let us not entertain outrageous conspiracy theories.

      • Your use of the term “conspiracy theories” tells me your mind is very attuned to Mystery Babylon’s approved doctrines.

        “Saliva” does NOT account for what I’m seeing in most of the videos. I’ve been “playing” with REM/neodymium magnets for years. I’ve got a collection of different sizes. Fortunately, none of my local family & friends have taken the needle, so, unfortunately, I can’t test anyone I know.

        • OK, they can also use some grease or glue, a piece of bubble gum or a sugary residue. Or maybe they stick the magnet in the same place from where these idiotic stories come from and sit on it for a while.

          • Next you’ll tell us the “vaccines” are “safe” and “effective” and it’s “our duty to humanity” to get injected immediately.

            Your comments give me the impression of gaslighting to protect the “vaccines.”

            • Your comments make me believe you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. And that’s good, because I’m a professional with dealing with people of such persuasion, doing it all day long.

        • I have seen little in videos that convince me 100% that there isn’t some hoax going on. But just like UFO videos. There are a few that are pretty hard to explain.
          I did see a photo that showed a magnet creating a convex spot on the skin when held close. I would have liked to have seen that experiment carried out by trustworthy people using video.
          Nevertheless, if I have learned nothing in my life, especially the last year or so. I have learned that I should never dismiss the possibility of the existence of things that I would never have considered possible in my more naive and innocent periods.

          Anyway, it should be pretty darn easy to determine whether or not there is any truth to this. I checked my accountant and felt zero attraction. She took the AZ shots but that was weeks ago and she is quite heavy and perhaps that makes a difference.
          And no, I don’t feel stupid for investigating for myself. Just like I don’t feel stupid for checking out the vegetation near 5G towers since I heard about how trees can be harmed by the radiation.
          Strange world we live on folks.

          • One should never feel stupid for doing an experiment. Especially when experimenting on others, just ask Pfizer *drumroll*

            One thing I was feelling when conducting an experiment of my own was a strange tingling sensation on my tongue, followed by inner monologue in form of “why the hell did I just lick this magnet that’s been who knows where”.

            Regarding that 5G damage (or any other damage) and long term effects will be difficult to spot, hence the issue most people seem to be having with the principle of cause and effect.

          • Everything I have seen in my life, and especially that in the last 14 or so months, tells me we simply do NOT know what is actually “possible” any more. Previous limits on what is “impossible” breached.

            Yes, a full-on all-science experiment must be undertaken to confirm or deny what we see in these videos. If true, the implications are almost beyond imagination.

            I suspect that many people will not display this phenomenon, since whatever is causing it has disbursed already in them.

      • I had a discussion with some people who thought that
        the mathematical PI was 4.
        They claimed that it was a mathematical conspiracy.
        (Related to the work of milesmathis, who uses conspiracy
        to proof that he is correct, because it is conspiracy)

        And they even tried to proof it with two balls rolling on

        There are also people that think magnets can be a source
        of unlimited energy. (Or anti-gravity)
        But that is more related to how difficult the
        physics of magnetism already is.

      • Maybe these videos have been made to make a mockery of those who won’t take the “vaccines”?

        That would be my position, yes.

        Conspiracytainment should have a certain quality associated to it, it’s should be a circuitous tale that’s not so easily disproved.

        Like discussing why KillBill is going through a divorce, probably several books could be written on the subject. That topic would also have a soap opera feel to it, making it excellent material for a docu drama.

        • The Gates divorce is EASILY explained, as is the “he’s a pervert/friend of Epstein” trope in the liesmedia right now.

          The divorce is a strategic move, for psychological warfare. Bill Gates of Hell has been set up as a “thought leader” for COVID-19(84) and “transhumanism” in general, and the Resistance has rightly used that prestige as a weapon against the Agenda itself. In response, a FAUX “tarnishing” of the Gates image is underway, to falsely imply “the System” is “holding him to account,” LOL. Morons will point to this and say, “see, Gates isn’t as powerful as you claim.”

          In reality, neither Billie Boy nor Manlinda will discontinue or slow down the “work” of their fake “charity” or their funding of the war against humanity. In short, the “divorce” and associated “news” is but a distraction for the low-brow.

    • There are now dozens if not hundreds of videos, most of which appear completely credible, showing neodymium and even “ordinary” kitchen magnets sticking to COVID injection sites. One man took a stud finder, and a compass, and demonstrated that the devices detected “something” at the injection site. Further, I’ve seen a couple of reports alleging that people who have been injected have a much higher electromagnetic field than those who have not taken the needle.


      1) hoaxes (unlikely, since not a few apply basic scientific principles in their videos);

      2) injectees have been “microchipped” (personally, I discount this);

      3) injectees have been injected with nanoscale ferric metal, purpose and specific nature unknown (for me, personally, most like scenario);

      4) injectees have been injected with nanites, nanoscale self-replicating machines (this would account for the whole-body EMF anomalies seen).

      Competent individuals with proper lab equipment need to properly investigate this. This “anecdotal” evidence is more than sufficient for professional investigation. Of course, anyone doing such testing will be attacked viciously by System stooges inside and outside academia, so publishing such data is likely a career-ending event. Nonetheless, “something” is going on with these phenomena. If anything but the first scenario above is true, then millions have been “transhumanized” before our eyes already.

      • 2, 3, 4 do not work.
        You need a lot of ferro-magnetic material to create an attraction.
        And there are only a few materials.
        Chipse do not have magnetic attraction.
        Theoretical nanites are probably carbon and do not have magnetic attraction.

        What does have attraction is a sweaty skin, caused by the fever.

        • “ You need a lot of ferro-magnetic material to create an attraction.”

          That makes sense. I don’t think that they there could be enough iron in the injection to create a “magnetic spot”. But there is enough iron in the body that if something caused a lot of it to coagulate or dare I say “clot” a very strong magnet might be attracted to that spot. Right?

          • IF “nanites” were gathering “raw materials,” say, iron from hemoglobin, to build, sure, they’d amass a mass at the injection site initially.

            Thank you for thinking and having an open-mind to this profoundly important phenomenon.

          • Iron in the blood is not ferro-magnetic

            The large amount would also clear blood-clots.

            Check the same with a copper coin.
            Does coin still stick to the skin?
            Then there is no magnetism, just sticky skin.
            And a paper between magnet and skin.
            Does magnet+paper still stick to skin?
            Reverse magnet Does it still stick with paper:
            Yes: Ferro magnetism. No: maybe there is magnet.
            In both cases you can scan the skin to locate
            everywhere around the body.
            Like try the other side.

        • Many ASSumptions, no facts.

          “Sweaty skin” is just a pathetic “explanation.” Equivalent to “don’t worry, you feel terrible right now only because the ‘vaccine’ is working.”

          I was hoping for more open-mindedness here.

          • This is how disagreement works, you need to be mature enough not to get offfended. But by all means, feel free to get offended as much as you like.

            In the meantime, this idiotic magnetic narrative is going to be countered as to curtail the spread of outrageous conspiracy theories.

            • I don’t believe for a second you are sincere. The phrase “outrageous conspiracy theories” is a talking point from The Problem. No one who pursues the truth and only the truth would use such a phrase.

              You said elsewhere you’re a “professional.” A professional WHAT?

          • Do you understand the problem of your “theory”?

            Observation: Small magnets stick to people
            Explanation1: Fake / Hoaxed (very easy to do)
            Explanation2: Sticky skin, like Magnetic Boy
            Can be tested and verified.
            Unlikely Explanation3: Iron implants due to broken bones.
            Unlikely Explanation4: Part of needle broke and got stuck.

            Theory that you seem to push:
            Top secret Implant with nano-technology
            that is far beyond any known technology.

            That is a million of dollars per injection.
            We (and nurses and lab-personal) can see the fluid that is injected.
            It is easier to do mind control via smartphone.
            The vax is hurting and killing people already.
            What goal can it even achieve?
            There is no way to test it.
            There is no way to make it.

            Implants from Alien abductions have far better
            proof than this.
            They have some memories. With x-rays and operations
            there are found small bits from their hands and feet.

              • I am not gaslighting.
                I am following a clear procedure of investigation.
                While you are jumping to a very extreme conclusion.

                Maybe these stories makes you scared, but
                theories need to based on something.
                And each part of the theory should be as clear
                as possible.

                I even proposed good methods to test magnetism:
                Test with a paper between magnet and skin.
                / Copper coin / Reversed magnet.

                I was correct in guessing your theory of nano-tech.

                The article shows where the army will spend trillions on.
                That is great, and with that we can work further.

                I worked in the chip industry and know the latest commercial technology.
                And they are usually close to the military technology,
                because they do not spend money on bullshit and bribes.
                I can make such tech if you like.

              • A. Is it magnetic?
                Hell no.
                Carbon, Hemoglobin, Silicon, GaAs, are not ferro-magnetic.
                So it has NO relationship with the magnets on the skin.
                We can stop here, but lets check other steps.

                B. How much money would they spend on making this?
                Any guesses?
                A million per injection, seems pretty close doesn’t it?

                C. What would nano-bots need to operate?
                1) Power. which is hard to get. How long does your phone last? 10 days max?
                2) Control/ guidance. Which only works if the controller
                is close-by. Like in a lab.
                3) Detectors. The nano-bots will need to know exactly, where they are. And the layout is different per person.

                D. What can such an injection do theoretically?
                Can it change our mind? No.
                Can it change our health? Possibly.
                Isn’t that a waste of money?

                E. What goals can be reached far cheaper?
                Yes. mRNA can create ANY protein that is active in either
                the brain, health, or immune system.
                Additional RNA can also add special triggers.
                Mind can be controlled with drugs like Fentanol etc.
                Health can be damaged with most vaccine-ingredients.

                Especially the mRNA can have long lasting side-effects.
                And with reverse transcription (like HIV?) it may
                theoretically install itself in the DNA.

                So based on that my TESTABLE conclusion is
                that the magnets are a complete distraction.

              • So these are 5 clear steps that show that the
                nano-bot theory is not true.
                The theory is jumping too far to be credible,
                or even possible.

                And a sticky skin is pretty common.
                Everyone can lift a coin with a finger of a sweaty hand.

                And people that got vaxxed are extremely sweaty,
                because they usually have a fever.
                “Then you know it is working”

                The best of all, is that we can test this.
                Just a piece of paper can already show the difference!

                (Assuming they do not keep a large magnet under their arm)

            • Great!
              Bullshit exposed with this simple test!

              And this whole magnet-thing shows how easy
              many in the conspiracy group can be manipulated.

              That is why I try to teach people critical thinking.
              Starting with their our theories.

              Here is a simple list:

              1. What alternatives are there?
              2. Which options are logical?
              Can you remove your fear/ anger from the theories?
              3. What options are possible? How easy or difficult?
              4. Which options can be tested, or have been tested?
              5. What would be the goal if the theory is true,
              and what if it is false?
              6. Are there cheaper/ better /easier options?
              7. What are the unknowns, and how can you test these?

              8. What are the likely conclusions?

              • Just to be perfectly clear, even though I laid it out straight in the video description:

                this does not prove that all the magnetic skin videos are faked (even though I’m quite sure all of them are, possibly some not understanding basic properties of the skin and its ejaculates)

                it just demonstrates how easily they could be faked.

                Do people like to fake stuff? Does the pope defecate in the woods?

              • You two are the Snopes of The Corbett Report forum.

                DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE! Believe US instead! You are “too stupid” to “understand” what you see.

                I’ve had enough lies and gaslighting over the last 14 months. How sad that paying subscribers here sound exactly like the corporate liesmedia. Your fake “debunking” tells me more about you and your tag team partner than the magnetic phenomenon you have NOT explained away.

              • Believe whatever you want. I’m just demonstrating the magnetic power of spit, in a way that is freely accessible for all to see. Everybody is free, and morally bound, to come to their own conclusions.

                Regardless of what hysterical cult leader wannabes have to say about it.

            • That’s the way!…Just like shining shoes…
              The mechanics of spit.

              Engineers know.

            • I unfortunately am not educated enough to understand what I am reading when I peruse scientific papers. But I was looking at the paper linked earlier that says hemoglobin is non magnetic and it doesn’t seem to be that cut and dried. Or else I simply misinterpreted what I read. Perhaps someone could explain this in layman’s terms.

              “ Ferrohemoglobin In contrast to oxyhemoglobin and carbonmonoxyhemoglobin, hemoglobin itself contains unpaired electrons, its magnetic susceptibility showing the presence of a pronounced paramagnetic contribution.”


            • This also seems to imply that there is some magnetic properties in blood. But again I am not even sure what the heck I am reading.

              “ The magnetic susceptibility of hemoglobin itself (ferrohemoglobin) corresponds to an effective magnetic moment of 5.46 Bohr magnetons per heme, calculated for independent hemes.”

            • DiscrimineCogitandi:
              Great that you were testing.
              Always test /verify your hypotheses if you can.

              Now you have these magnets, you can
              do some fun stuff if you also have
              ferro fluid (or iron dust)

              Steve Smith:
              Everything is magnetic in some way.
              The hemoglobine is not ferromagnetic,
              so it is like 100x less magnetic than iron.
              And it is also in a very low concentration,
              not capable to produce any noticeable force.

              If you want to know more then look
              on wikipedia and youtube education channels.
              There is “paramagnetic” and “diamagnetic”
              and “ferromagnetic”.
              Then we also have super-conductivity,
              which is even weirder.

            • It is not just spit and sweat,
              the anti-infection fluid
              and the band-aid are adhesive too.

    • MAGNETS – The Last American Vagabond
      “Biodigital Convergence, COVID Magnetogenetic Ferritin Vaccines & Big Spikes In Mass Vaccinated Areas”

      (Around the 1:31:00 mark is where magnetic stuff comes up.)

      • MAGNETS…It’s not a hoax.
        MAGNETS do stick on some people’s injection site
        but not on every vaccinated person.

        Thursday May 20, 2021 – The Highwire with Jefferery Jaxen
        (The Magnet segment starts at 57:30)
        (I will update the direct titled video link below when the website publishes it.)

        Jefferery Jaxen is filling in for Del Bigtree this week. He does an excellent job and stays on focus with calm, smooth presentations of the stories.
        I personally believe that Jefferery often visits the Corbett Report and will read the comment sections scouting for news items.

        The first half of the show goes into the bribes which are being doled out in order to coerce people to get the Covid vaccine. Tactics such a peer pressure at schools are discussed. Many folks within government agencies have not received the vaccine.

        Next topic is the “gain of function” origination of SARS-Cov-2, Dr. Fauci’s lies, and how it is becoming more acceptable to discuss the topic publicly because Congress is looking at it.

        As a lead into India, some graphs are shown for different countries. The graphs point to when the vaccines first rolled out…then a few weeks later Covid daily deaths shot up like a bottle rocket.
        IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember “shedding” and the Miami school banning teachers who had been vaccinated?… I wonder if these graphs shine a light on that phenomena as well.

        The India story is a real eye opener. It puts the situation into perspective. (I liked the phrase that social distancing was once considered anti-social behavior.)

        Following India is the Magnet story.
        The show ends with some segments showing how people have been pushing back at the authoritarian dictates, and standing up for their freedoms.

        • LINKS UPDATE…

          Full show – (One hour 20 minutes)

          The Covid Origin Theory Dam Breaks; An India Insider Tells All; Is Covid Vax Triggering Deaths? Texas Bans Mandates; The #MagnetChallenge: Truth, or Hoax?

          (17 minute segment)

          The “Covid Vaccine Magnet Challenge” is the new viral sensation on social media where vaccinated individuals place a magnet on their arm near the shot site to see if it will stick. Our Mom-on-the-Street, Carmen Estel, tested this out in the field with some pretty shocking results. Check it out!

          #VaccineMagnetChallenge #MagnetChallenge #CarmenEstel #MomOnTheStreet #VaccineAdjuvants #VaccineSafety #TheHighwire #DelBigtree

          #MagnetChallenge – TWITTER

          (There is a 6 minute video via Global News Toronto which discusses “Shedding”.)

          • From the Jennifer Spengler (JenSpen) Twitter on the above Thread #MagnetChallenge is a video an 11 minute video…

            There is a guy who demonstrates a micro-chip insertion needle.
            Of course, the micro-chip is magnetic.

            • Sorry, where is the micro-chip in the 11 minutes?
              And how is it magnetic?
              Note that Silicon is not magnetic.

              And did anyone actually try a piece of paper between skin and magnet?
              Now it is all just a distraction from the
              numerous deaths and severe side-effects.

              • Today I tested 8 individuals who have received one injection or the other and there was no attraction to a dangling magnet.

              • 67,
                At the 7:48 minute mark, a guy unwraps a fresh needle containing a microchip. After shooting the needle, he holds a magnet to it.

                Steve Smith,
                Thanks for doing that test. I read your other post where you wrote about company coming over.

        • “Shedding” SUB-THREAD LINK

          The northern comment with “THE COVID VACCINE EPIDEMIC” – The Highwire with Jefferery Jaxen contains some charts at the 34 minute mark.
          Basically, the charts show the timeline of when Covid Vaccinations started in various countries. Within a few weeks following the campaign, suddenly the statistic “Daily Covid Deaths” shot up like a rocket.

          This sudden rocket spike in “Daily Covid Deaths” could be associated with some type of “shedding” phenomena from being vaccinated.

        • BUMP
          “Magnets sticking to the Covid Vaccine Injection arm” explained by Dr. Jane Ruby

          Read the description under the video link. Dr. Jane Ruby explains how the megnetic aspect of the lipid nanoparticles induces a forced delivery into the cells.
          Ruby mentions the acronym SPIONs. (3:40)
          SuperParamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles

          Here is the top of the original May SUB-THREAD
          “Magnets sticking to the Covid Vaccine Injection arm”

      • Because of all the attention that this gets,
        it looks very much like a
        planted fake conspiracy theory to me.

        People worry about a sticky metal.

        But healthy people are dying soon after getting a vaccine!
        Even children!

        What fucked way of thinking makes people more
        afraid of a magnet than the murder of children?

        • “ What fucked way of thinking makes people more
          afraid of a magnet than the murder of children?”

          I don’t see too many people in these videos who seem very concerned about becoming magnetic. In the Highwire “Mom on the Street” episode people appeared mostly amused.

          Personally, since I am not going to take the crap, I am not fearful. I am simply interested in what is going to happen to about half of humanity because of this psyop.
          I want to arm myself with as much valid information as possible. I can’t do that by dismissing out-of-hand every controversial or hard to imagine theory. Too many crazy conspiracy theories have turned out to be true to approach the unimaginable that way anymore.

          There are lots of questions about what the poison is going to do to people. Even to abstainers who are simply in prolonged close contact with the victims. And there are even more opinions and even categorical pronouncements from people on all sides. I take nobody’s word for anything nowadays.

          Many of my wife’s family is currently visiting Florida from California. They are all victims. They are arriving in my town tonight. Over this weekend, I plan to take a very small but powerful magnet that I have and superglue a piece of thread to it. I will dangle the magnet against their arms and see if anything happens. If the magnet sticks it won’t be because of being pressed against sticky skin.

          • But do you get what a great story this is for the newspapers?

            “Sticky Magnets were just adhesive skins.
            Vaccines really are Safe for children.”

            Big Pharma just loves this stuff.

            • “But do you get what a great story this is for the newspapers?“

              Yeah, I get it. But what deceivers write and what zombies absorb are things that I can do nothing about.
              What is your recommended approach to things like this? To suspend your curiosity? I am unable to do that.

            • Here is the first mainstream story I found:
              BBC – Covid Vaccines: Could they be magnetic?

              Oh god, how can anyone believe that vaccines are unsafe.

              It is exactly what they want to write about.
              Not the children who die with bloodclots,
              or the elderly that survived covid but not the jab.

              With bad science you give the opposition the
              best strawman they could dream of.

              So start with good science.

              When you see something weird, test the variables.
              It is just as “Magnetic Boy”
              No magnet appears to stick when there is a piece of paper
              or cloth in between.
              That is because paper/cloth blocks most of the adhesive,
              but not the magnetism.

              So with good science you start with testing under
              what conditions the magnet or whatever sticks.
              Put different things in between.
              Measure the places where it sticks.

              The same can be done with 9/11 twin towers.
              And there you see that you can only get
              a free-fall collapse, when there is a full-scale
              demolition going on.
              With no demolition, the fall is slowed down.

              In the Israeli bombing you can see a partial collapse,
              slower and sideways.

              That is why I name 911 a Full-scale demolition, where
              every part of the construction is demolished. So it is
              out of the way when the rest is falling on it.

              Dont get lost in science fiction
              I have studied micro-electronics and know a bit how these
              nano-tech things could work. But the science-fiction
              that we read about is impossible to reach with current
              technology. You need a good power source, a control system,
              an internal detection system.
              All far beyond our capabilities.
              Yet with a simple mRNA you can target people’s brains, or
              whatever you want to target.

          • I tested 8 “vaccinated” people today and noticed zero magnetic attraction.

    • June 8th, 2021 – “Health Freedom for Humanity” YouTube Channel
      Magnetism and Reactions

      Brittany Galvin’s social media pages are filled with blurred out posts with banners that say “misinformation,” “missing context,” and “misleading.” All of her posts are recent videos she’s filmed documenting her real, lived experience post-Moderna shot. How can they possibly label her videos in this way if she’s simply documenting her experience?

      In this video Brittany describes her experience with injury as well as a strange magnetism phenomenon that is making its rounds on social media platforms.

      NOTE – This video demonstrates that there are many vaccine injuries occurring, and that medical professionals are recognizing this fact.

    • Via “Not On The Beeb” UK – MAGNETISM from VACCINES

      Dr. T Review the effect of C19 vaccinations inducing cellular magnetism
      aka title: Dr T on masks, swabs & the effects of magnets
      (13 minute video – Dr. T. discusses magnetism and other vaccine problems)

      The Magnet Challenge – Four Videos

      Film 1 – Not On The Beeb investigates the agent challenge. True of False?
      Film 2 – We take Dr T to a public walkabout-challenge.
      Film 3 – The ultimate compilation of agent challenge home videos
      Film 4 – Dr T delivers a devastating verdict on magnetite

    • Magnets & Vaccines
      June 26, 2021

      Corbett Member robster posts a link to a 7 page pdf entitled:

      “The survey is stopped for reasons of conscience and morals because the investigator is no longer able to cope with the helplessness of people whose faces become petrified when they realise that they have been injected with a substance of which they know nothing.

      The investigator, who has studied management techniques and psychosociology in the past, is very uncomfortable with these people who are wondering what is happening to them.

      People become pale, white, nervous, put a hand to their forehead or cross their arms and pinch their bottom lip. Some sweat from their hands as they are seen wiping them on their hips or thighs.”

    • Jeremy Naydler article 5G The Big Picture. “…As our world is increasingly smothered by a fog of radio waves, microwaves and millimetre waves, it may seem that the gods of the Underworld have taken hold of humanity in an ever- tightening grip, drawing us towards the false lights – the illusory lights of the hell-beings and hungry ghosts that the Tibetan Book of the Dead long ago warned against.

      The electromagnetic energies that we have summoned, and which promised to give us new powers, now appear to be overpowering us, carrying us down into an Underworld realm of hellish entertainment and distraction, of illusion and disconnection from the reality that really matters – the reality of nature and the spiritual order that infuses nature, the reality of fellow creatures with whom we share our world, living in soil and sky and walking the Earth beside us.

      The electromagnetic energies that we have summoned, and which promised to give us new powers, now appear to be overpowering us
      We must ask: Does the Earth need an electronic ecosystem? Is it going to benefit in any way from being irradiated with millimetre waves? Is there actually any need at all for 5G? Can we even remotely conceive that 5G is the answer to any of the pressing ecological, social and spiritual problems that face us today? We stand at a dreadful threshold, and yet surrender to despair cannot be the right response. What can we do?
      … bring spiritually informed understanding to the deeper significance of the global electronic brain whose emergence 5G will hasten. To this end, we need to develop a clear perception of the moral quality of electricity, the better to recognize the kind of spiritual entity or entities that it serves.

      One of Rudolf Steiner’s most helpful insights into electricity was his observation that it is light in a fallen, degraded state – light that has fallen beneath nature into the sub-natural realm – and that is why we must actively guard against an ever increasing dependence on it, for it threatens to drag us down.

      A third thing we can do, Rebuild our relationship to the light, which in its selfless benevolence and purity greets us every morning, and which, unlike the false and illusory electronic lights that would lead us into the Underworld, beckons us in a quite different direction, towards our essential humanity.

      As the curtain of electrosmog is drawn across our world, we are presented with a sacred task…

      • I’ve never understood Paul’s words at Ephesians 2:2:

        “Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.”

        Until recently.

        The phrase “Prince of the Power of the Air” certainly gives me the impression that the Devil is a master broadcaster.

  3. By far, the most chilling and sickening section of this document was the Good morning, biodigital. The scenarios they described were so technocratic and anti-human that it made my stomach turn. The future they paint is a future devoid of any freedom or privacy.

    Everything looks all right, so I check my brain’s digital interface to read the dream data that was recorded and processed in real time last night. My therapy app analyzes the emotional responses I expressed while I slept. It suggests I take time to be in nature this week to reflect on my recurring trapped-in-a-box dream and enhance helpful subconscious neural activity. My AI recommends a “forest day”. I think “okay”, and my AI and neural implant do the rest.

    …Building codes and home energy infrastructure are synchronized, and require all homes be autoregulated for efficiency. Because houses and buildings are biomimetic and incorporate living systems for climate control wherever possible, they are continuously filtering the air and capturing carbon. I check my carbon offset measure to see how much credit I will receive for my home’s contribution to the government’s climate change mitigation program.

    Also, I’ll admit that it sounds gross, but it’s a good thing the municipality samples our fecal matter from the sewage pipes. It’s part of the platform to analyze data on nutritional diversity, gut bacteria, and antibiotic use, to aid with public health screening and fight antibiotic-resistant strains of bacterial infections.

    The buildings in my neighbourhood share a vertical farm, so I get carbon credits by eating miso made from soybeans produced on my roof and fermented by my fridge.

    • The main vibes I get from this section are:

      – Climate criminals will exist in the future, as well as health criminals. Wait, the latter is already the experience of the present.

      – People will hesitate, or be unable to trust their own instincts unless their personal AI suggests it or demands it of them.

      – If these scenarios become reality, some humans will be living in a world resembling The Matrix (in many ways we already are).

      – Reality will no longer exist or be experienced in the way it exists currently

      • Definitely read it. I’d love to hear your analysis.

    • Truth lies in accepting reality, not distorting it or avoiding it. The motivation behind such a thing is to get away from your current reality into some better reality. It is an engineering approach to life as a means to control it, instead of just letting it flow as it is and accepting it for what it is. You will never be satisfied because you will always be wanting more. That’s not to say people shouldn’t do it if they feel they should, but in my view it is perverting life.

      • Unfortunately, you are right. The masses will go along with the program.

    • I agree. i had trouble reading the whole thing as my entire being recoiled from the thoughts. Towards the beginning they state “we could see a shift away from vitalism.” To me that is a clue that we have to champion, celebrate and encourage vitalism with every ounce of energy, intelligence and love that we have. Vitalism! keep it alive!

      • Shifting away from vitalism. That says it all, huh? This agenda is against our natural instincts and humanity.

  4. Unfortunately, I suspect all the biotech mentioned in this article will be misused to such a great extent as it is possible. Just for the starters, those who would like to push this tech I reckon are masked Eugenicists. One of their favored playgrounds is to label individuals as damaged ones. Though to emphasize the justifiedness of their label, now they will have the tools. It will be enough if the vast major population will be forced to have some sort of augmentation to their body, so the rest of the individuals, who will not allow their natural bodies to be modified will be immediately labeled as the damaged ones. Ding, they even won’t have to prove anything, it will be documented, you have no augmentations, period. Or, let’s take it even further, the mRNA vaccines will slowly be modified to reprogram the DNS into a new “direction”, and a simple blood test will reveal the true humans who did not take any vaccines and other insane bio modifications. So again, the label will be stamped: there is a damaged outcast who is not eligible to participate in society. But, as with everything, it will be a double-edged sword, all the biotech will be hackable and I am sure, some of the oppressed real humans will be creative enough how to use the opportunities. Nevertheless, great article! Thank you very much for the report!

  5. My reaction to this article is the same as my reaction to last week’s article. Why go to the trouble of controlling people through bioimplants when you can already get them to: self-imprison, wear whatever you choose, completely change habits that have been typical of humans and mammals for millions of years, believe in non-existent pathogens, and finally, allow themselves to be injected with unknown concoctions that supposedly protect them from the non-existent pathogens. I am heartsick at the human behavior I see today. My family, my friends, my neighbors, all volunteering to be guinea pigs for an experimental non-vaccine of unknown content. I argue, I provide alternative information. They politely go right ahead and ignore it. What do you need implants for? People are voluntarily and happily signing up to join the BORG. Resistance is not only futile, it is regarded as tin-foil lunacy by those waiting in line to sign up.

  6. Everytime I read articles of this nature I think:
    1) A precursor to the Mark of the Beast is being unfurled in the west;
    2) There is a greater reason than simply having the mark on one’s forehead, or right hand, in order to just “buy or sell”, that would cause those that take it to lose their souls. Indeed, these two articles are describing what most of us would call “Losing one’s soul”.

  7. C.S. LEWIS’S book THE ABOLITION OF MAN and MEDICAL NEMESIS by Ivan Illich, for those who still read whole books check them out. You will be surprised at how eerily prescient they are with arguments we can defend ourselves with today.
    I also think of the scripture, because they loved not the truth, I will send them a strong delusion.

  8. Thanks for this Cowan link. It was a great interview.

  9. Thanks James for alerting us to this monstrosity of a paper.
    I also quickly looked up the lead author and learned of her connections to Schwab’s WEF. Everything after that then made perfect sense.

    It caused me to think “I wonder how many other WEF disciples have been planted in governments around the world to ‘think tank’ these same sick biodigital blue prints drafted by the WEF?”

    ” I can’t imagine having to inject myself with needles like my mother did when she was a child. Now it’s a microbe transplant that auto adjusts and reports on my levels.”

    Really, you think diabetics will be part of Schwab’s biodigital eugenics plan? Come on, let’s not kid ourselves.

    ” I check my carbon offset measure to see how much credit I will receive for my home’s contribution to the government’s climate change mitigation program.”

    Let me guess, more government mandated climate change madness?

    “I am glad they decided to tree the roof of this building with fire-resistant, genetically modified red cedar, since urban forest fires have become a concern.”

    Huh, urban forest fires?
    I didn’t know urban forests even existed!
    Isn’t that an oxymoron?

  10. I admit to skimming through that disgusting bio-terror “how to destroy humanity” handbook cranked out by the Peoples Republic of Kanada. What kind of mind-fucking, bad-sci-fi-plot crap are THEY (Live) dreaming up under Fidel’s boy?
    There is a global blitzkrieg of memory-holing former anchors of our best civilizations.

    My Take: An Annihilation of Homo Sapiens Sapiens and it’s cultures is currently underway engineered by the Satanic/Sociopathic Technocracy Allied with the old guard titans, tottering on their last legs. Viva Organic real food, Viva Cryptocurrency, Viva Self-Reliance, Regenerative Agricultre, the Amish, etc.

  11. One cannot begin to understand, let alone fight, these “people” without recognizing they are in unshakeable league with the Devil, and probably possessed by his lesser devils. This is all Bible-level evil we’re facing.

    CRISPR and all transhumanist “technologies” are direct assaults on the Image of God.

  12. See reference 11: vanilla ‘was’ my favourite flavour! Damn you microbial transformations of natural precursors!

  13. Convergence, nice word. If it is meant mathematically (they will never intersect, come together), then I agree to extent. They are doing all kinds of shit, huge stinking piles, by pure probability they will occasionally achieve some (minor) success.
    I’m more afraid of side effects of this research, that is in essence pretty much pure monkeying. Years ago human genome has been mapped, but that means nothing because for many things they don’t know what it means. Of course, they also don’t know what they don’t know. Fog.
    Even if you subscribe to the materialistic world-view you should be totally pissed, they are monkeying with the foundation of life, ignoramuses, Fachidioten in German, one to the other.

    Lets look what they have actually achieved.

    I will show that article CRISPR used to build dual-core computers inside human cells(link in newsletter) is a complete misrepresentation.
    Holy shit, even the best semiconductor manufacturers are way from making dual-core computer the size of human cell and the supposedly built it.

    “”The human body itself is a large computer,” says Martin Fussenegger, lead researcher of the study.”
    Yeah, “scientist” says. Can he prove this??? Moron probably never heard for philosophy.

    “These processors act like digital half adders – essentially, they can compare two inputs or add two binary numbers, and deliver two outputs.”
    Inappropriate use of analogy, half-adder is not a processor, it’s just one among many many building blocks! Core, CPU, processor have different meaning in computer science.

    Lets look at research itself, maybe it’s more scientific.
    Again, the same misleading computer analogies.

    Look at Fig.2 what they have actually accomplished. They built several types of Logic Gates that are fundamental blocks of CPUs, that is all.

    “Controlling gene expression with sophisticated logic gates has been and remains one of the central aims of synthetic biology.”
    “Such biocomputing systems have enormous potential for diagnostic, therapeutic, and biotechnological applications.”

    After all, maybe they are not building CPU, maybe it’s about controlling gene expression. Don’t know what is worse.

    “However, the creation of more complex gene circuits with sophisticated computational functions remains challenging due to the difficulty of combining multiple core regulation processors into one processing unit.”
    No processor, CPU, core for now!

    • …continued…

      “We observed correct circuit performance after 24 h, although the performance was improved after 48 h”
      Does it need one day to become kind of functional and in two days is better? Or this “computer” operates at a frequency of mili-Herz?

      “Generating circuits that can perform an adder function in biological systems is a significant step toward realizing biocomputing systems.”
      Significant, no! It’s enough to have nand-gates or nor-gates and you can do everything by combining them and the latter they are not able to do(for now…yeah, sure).

      There is no biocomputer!!!


      How much of that kind of research is over-hyped like this one?
      I think a lot.

    • ….some more….

      Comparing biological systems to computer is not questionable just from philosophical perspective, it’s factually wrong. Computers in similar circumstances and identical input will always give identical output. That is not necessary true for biological systems.

      Regarding analyzed article and claims from lead researcher, that are full of misrepresentations, one can rightfully ask, what else might be dubious.
      For example, can their contraption be meaningfully and functionally integrated into biological system? Supposedly it has been shown the contraption has some functionality, but how will they provide input data, how output can be plugged into something and so on.

      To get a feeling where bio-gene-monkeying actually is you might check the following monstrosity: the first ever gene-modified human babies Lulu and Nana.

      “The embryos’ genomes were edited to remove the CCR5 gene in an attempt to confer genetic resistance to HIV”.

      “…. CCR5 is linked to improved memory function in mice,[91] as well as enhanced recovery from strokes in humans.”
      One gene is linked (not define, no certainty!!!) to HIV resistance, memory function, recovery from strokes. Genetics are full of this: one thing affects many things, often things that don’t appear to be in some connection or dependency at all.

      “…reproduce the phenotype of a specific mutation in the gene, CCR5-Δ32, that few people naturally have and that possibly confers innate resistance to HIV”

      “…two copies of CCR5Δ32 mutations (homozygotes) were about 20% more likely than the rest of the population to die before they were 76 years of age.”

      These are just few examples of being lost in the fog, article is full of them. Nevertheless, “scientists”, that in a sane world would be called ignoramuses, just go and experiment and maybe something useful will happen. Sure, give a pencil to thousands monkeys and with enough time one will write down a word monkey.
      I’m pretty sure, the above approach cannot bring a complex result, like bio-computer, and certainly not without huge side-effects.

    • …and finally….

      Lets try not to miss the elephant in the room when diving into discussions what bio-monkeying might achieve and possible consequences. That is a problem philosophical in its nature.

      Sure, if you don’t look for things you won’t find them.

      But does human ingenuity has its inherent limits?
      Is the reason itself limited?
      Is it possible that we will never understand some things because that is just how things are?

      I think current paradigm would dismiss such questions as meaningless, maybe even decisively answer No.

      My answer to questions is Yes.
      I won’t discuss everything, that would be book size. I’m just pointing out one of the main pillars for my position: beautiful far-reaching Goedel theorems. They say (simplified): there are truths in maths that cannot be proven. Maths, the queen of science.

      I believe it is of utmost significance where one finds himself in this dilemma. This is world-view defining stuff. And ethics, something I didn’t mention above and that is obviously thoroughly fucked up.

  14. Another series of videos:

    “They put saliva, glue, tape, etc. on the magnet” is nothing but gaslighting.

    “There’s not enough ferric material to hold it” is a cop-out, since you need to explain WHY this is happening with something much better than obviously false low-brow “explanations.”

  15. As cheesy as it sounds…. I’m just keeping the “there is no spoon” concept in my mind. This whole bio digital re-engineering of all life is a monster that I can’t reasonably come up with a way to battle. At least not without some kind of psychic/telekinesis spiritual super powers. It’s a long shot….. but here’s hoping the thing my wife seems to have that kills watch, phone, and hair clipper batteries at an accelerated rate or freezes computers when she’s frustrated is real and can be understood by those of us who live outside of this nightmare future.
    Thanks for your ongoing incredible work, James!

  16. The following interview of James Corbett by Jim Goddard (Mainstream Radio “This Week in Money”) should go under this week’s article:
    Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda

    Interview 1639 – James Corbett on the Human Extinction Event
    (one hour – Many topics are explored. Lot of links in show notes.)

    In the latest edition of the ongoing “James Corbett redpills the normies” series (see, for example, this conversation with Thaddeus Russell and this conversation with Takota Coen), James talks to Jim Goddard of the mainstream “This Week in Money” radio program about the transhumanist “great reset” and the globalist plans to transform the human species. Buckle up and strap in for this data dump of information on the most important threats to humanity in the 21st century.

  17. [No links without titles and/or explanations of why people should be clicking on them, please. -JC]

  18. [No links without titles and/or explanations of why people should be clicking on them, please. -JC]

  19. recent example (not really, 3 weeks old but it did make the rounds only these days and the study is from last year)

    Scientists Use Scalps From Aborted Babies to Create “Humanized Mice” and Fauci [NIH] is Funding It


    from the abstract:
    “Myoablated male and female mice were transplanted with human fetal-thymus, liver, and spleen in the kidney capsule, autologous CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (via retroorbital injection of 0.2 × 106 cells)17, and full-thickness human fetal skin on the panniculus carnosus of the mouse skin-excised dorsum…”

    truly disgusting

    • I do expect the universe to intelligently align and appropriately reward the brain damaged individuals who are taking part in these obnoxious unnatural acts.

  20. Interesting. I did not know.
    ABILIFY MYCITE is a prescription medicine of an aripiprazole tablet with an Ingestible Event Marker (IEM) sensor inside it

  21. Reality and the virtual becoming blurred together, difficulty telling the one from the other?
    Sounds to me, having galloped through the Biodigital Convergence splurb, that those envisioning these scenarios, both the writers and the governments considering such imaginings, are living in cloud cuckoo comic book land, as are those designing the 3 dimensional stuff needed to implement such scenarios. They have all read too many comics in their childhoods and watched too many sci-fi movies, it has addled their brains.

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