The Grand Leader of The Technofascist Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, has issued his pronouncement: our digital infrastructure (and even the power grid that enables it) is at great risk of global disruption from cyberattack. And you know what? He’s right. It’s just that the most likely cyberterrorists are the criminals in government and in organizations connected to the World Economic Forum. In any case, we shouldn’t rely on the idea of important information being forever and always available at the click of a button. So what ever can we do to safeguard the books, music and media that we hold dear? What people have always done: keep a physical copy of it. Today James and his guests extol the virtues of physical media in an increasingly digital age.
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Welcoming Remarks. Klaus Schwab
Cyber Polygon 2020 full livestream
What I Learned From the Master of Propaganda – #PropagandaWatch
Cybercrime is maturing. Here are 6 ways organizations can keep up
“Next Crisis Bigger than COVID” – Power Grid/Finance Down – WEF’s Cyber Polygon
The Photo Book That Captured How the Soviet Regime Made the Truth Disappear
Episode 384 – The Library of Alexandria is on Fire
And Then They Came for the Books…
Launch of HathiTrust – October 13, 2008
Episode 360 – Steal This Podcast (Please!)
Grand Theft World Podcast 005 | Unmasking Dystopia
There are some unrestricted libraries in digital format.
With a lot of educational content.
With example:
JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy
Such an important conversation. One of the most frightening things to me is the loss of physical information. Whether it’s books, newspapers, magazines or even physical audio.
Humans aren’t truly free until they have access to information. If all information were to be digitized, who would the guardians of such information? This question is easily remedied by owning physical information in whatever format. I try to backup as much of my libraries on DVD as I can. Certainly, all of my blog articles and audio are backed up to DVD.
Remember, the cloud is just someone else’s computer.
Thanks, James. That was a timely podcast.
So you’re telling me your Gates DVD will only be available for a limited time only? Kind of like the McDonalds Shamrock Shake?!? I better get one quick!
Haha I kid, I kid, but your previous podcast came to mind as soon as you said that. But seriously, I will be purchasing a copy as it is valuable information to share with others.
The whole HathiTrust thing is a nightmare, and quiet strange. It was the librarians who protested the loudest at the “business records” provision of the un-PATRIOT Act which would later be used to justify the illegal surveillance programs by exposed by journalists using materials provided by Snowden.
But, here is the golden question about your media:
> Will it work if you don’t have an internet connection?
They key point here is that if it does, you can peruse it in private. If not, you cannot, unless you can audit the code of the software that is “playing” it and those people are rare.
The last bastion of private media is your brain, and they’re trying to get control of that too. : (
Apart from actually using the mechanisms of HTTP to its potential (linking source material), one of the things I love most about JC’s documentaries is that he publishes the TEXT. Whilst this gets massive credibility for supporting the deaf, it also does something else.
It creates an official version. So, if someone fiddles with his work and publishes that (although faking his voice would be hard, you could easily just remove things) we can know that it is a derivative/altered work.
The whole “hacker” thing is garbage. Firstly, the term comes from the Free Software movement and means “playful, creative efforts to bend some system to your will”. The “hackers” were trying to get more usage/time on the multi-user timesharing operating systems of their time at their Univerisities by playful and nefarious tricks, not break into other systems. The term for breaking into someone else’s computer is cracking/cracker.
But, cracking does happen. Thats what military intelligence agencies do, and “cyber” (translate to “computer/network”) criminals.
The rub is that attribution of who did what in cracking is both difficult and the number of people with the expertise to do it is extremely limited. Thus, it creates the perfect opportunity for false flag ops, as JC has recently noted. Indeed, we’ve had a clear case recently. The whole Russiagate thing. Complete fabrication.
The recently released (May?), after 2.5 years of suppression by the relevant head of some congressional committee testimony, by Shaun Henry, head of Crowdstrike which was the company hired by the US Democratic political party to investigate their server infrastructure, showed two things:
1) There was no evidence of exfiltration (any data being copied from the infrastructure to elsewhere) and
2) he said there were signs of local malware (viruses etc.) with common characteristics that had been used by russian military intelligence previously.
The first point destroys Russiagate, but the second is far more interesting.
It highlights the potential use by the CIA of the “Marble Framework” published by Wikileaks which got Mike Pompous into a “non-state military intelligence agency” tizz (*). Even if that’s not the case, it also highlights what happens when these competing military intelligence agencies “do their thing”. Not only does country X meet country Y on country Z’s computing infrastructure (in this example X = USA, Y = UK, Z = Belgium), but they also meet other arms of country X’s agencies. Its a mind numbingly complex web of interlocked insanity couched in a technical language that almost no one speaks. And, I say this as a IT/Network professional with 25+ years of experience.
Do you think that even the good journalists can tease that ball of string apart?
(*) Think about it. Who wants to oversee the internal communications of the DNC? Russia? Yeah, why not, but if you get caught you’re in serious trouble. The CIA, with the Marble Framework. *uck yeah. Plausible deniability and access to the political winds. Remember, the CIA has had influence of USA media since the 50’s. I’m sure the Russian’s try too, but they are nothing compared to the UK and Israel. So, the CIA has a get out of jail free card. If I was working for them and had license to use that toolset and cover I’d be “At what frequency would you like my reporting?”
Oh, and here’s Bill Binney, ex-Technical Director of the NSA, showing conclusively that Russiagate was a complete hoax and that the FBI *knew* this when they obtained and held Seth Rich’s computer in mid 2016.
Its turtles all the way down:–1g_k7i0FA
It was *Physical Media* that was used to transfer some of the emails to wikileaks 🙂
This news about the Hathi Trust makes my blood BOIL! I stumbled across them in 2019, after I found a periodical from 1877 on my mum’s bookshelf. I started reading it, got hooked, but I didn’t have all the chapters. I was very happy to find all the chapters on the Hathi Trust website – all except the last chapter. Eventually I found that the National Library of Scotland had a copy of the original. I was able to read it in the library, and then I took away a copy. I was even thinking about donating it to the Hathi Trust, to complete their collection!
As far as I know, ordinary folks like me can still visit libraries in the UK, but I’ve been put off because of the insistence on masks and track and trace.
I’ve noticed that things are being taken into copyright that have no business to be in copyright, eg photos taken by a man who died 150 years ago. I brought this to the attention of the Digital Rights Organisation a few years ago. They seemed really interested at first, but then they stopped replying to my correspondence.
I’m very impressed with James Evan Pilato’s collection. I’m also fanatical about keeping original books and even tapes, and when clearing out my late mother’s flat this year, I had to keep some of my stores secret from the rest of the family, who were calling me a hoarder and asking me why I needed to keep so many books when I could just buy new ones on Amazon (which I boycott these days anyway). I protested that I’m actually a historian and to some extent an archivist, and thankfully they respected that.
It’s fashionable these days to be “minimalist” and it’s in keeping with the “tiny house” phenomenon and “you will own nothing”. I’m building my own house, and it will have a special store room for my archives. I also digitise some of them, to be kept offline.
It’s important for people to keep original copies, and I’m so glad that James is stressing the importance of this. But ultimately, these documents belong to the public and governments should be reminded that we have a right to have access to them.
I enjoyed reading this. Thanks Minnie.
I’m suddenly ‘unashamed’ that I’m such a “packrat.” (Now, if I could just convince my family to see me a “collector”)
BTW: The Brady Bunch S1 E13 has been memory holed. The Brady family has a chalk board with all kids names (& even the dog’s) where they check off all the [now-described as] “deadly diseases” for which there exists liability-free vaccines – that were once seen as “rites of passages.” Made by CBS & viewable on Hulu, it skips right over 13, episode 12 to episode 14 with NO mention nor explanation to what it was or why it’s not there.
I understand the packrat syndrome. I got it too, as did my Mother.
However, at this age and with each decade, less and less living space, I have been culling the stuff.
I’d rather delegate it out now, than have it eventually end up trashed or at my own estate sale.
Ironically, about 2 or three weeks ago, I started making plans to send James Evan Pilato some collectibles that I have in storage.
Then, coincidently, today, I watched this episode.
SuperMom Belle,
Thanks for the brief about The Brady Bunch.
‘…Why must a power plant be connected to the Internet? Why must the back office of a bank be Internet connected?..”
Partially laziness, it makes some things easier to do and is cheaper then making your own dedicated phone or network system
I ‘read somewhere’ that the British railway has the biggest PRIVATE phone system in the world for a long time, all on (expensive) copper wire.
I’m informed you too can wander around the internet of things if your interested and that they even have remote controlled crematorium ovens 🙁 WHY ?????
secondly because people can be idiots.
but firstly,
because all of the digitizing of our interests (the lot) and the precious life moments that it consumes (see humans glued to screens) is, I think, about birthing an AI.
Sure the random high speed access to info is helping to expose the good and bad news, especially the human vulnerability and obsession with deception: so many are easily deceived, or worse, become addicted to one’s ability to deceive others.
I think the big digital picture is a compounding of billions of users patterns that will then be the basis of a mechanistic dead end. The human race, which has always been , the first one to the egg wins, will then become last one left better pull the plug (as we were preemptively told by Kubrick’s space odessy 2001).
“…I have a Kindle e-reader ,,,”
I have one of those epaper things too… but if you EVER connect it to the internet your letting an outside company know what page of what book your reading… not even the Gestapo could do that.
Mine has never been connected to anything but a PC for just that reason, I just load it with books from there
Wow, that’s very concerning. Im a Canadian and live in both provinces (ON, QC) I’ve been so busy in the USA proceedings since I believe the outcome of winning might give precedent to Canada. Quebec City had a lawyer paid by the people who drop out 1 day before the filing… Rocco took on our case to join with Ontario. Will everything you said, I should start paying attention. Thank you.
James, a potential work around to shipping DVDs:
Have you ever considered having a download link for the iso disk images? Let us buy the DVD, but download it. We burn it to a DVD at home. Saves you the work of burning hundreds of DVDs and all the postage.
Also thumb drives are now so cheap and large. I’d love to buy a thumbdrive with all your mp3, mp4 archives for myself or as a mirror.
Final thought, how do I find the IPFS link to your articles and videos?
The IPFS link is on the YOUR RIGHT SIDE OF THE PAGE if you scroll down the fount page ( ) – look UNDER the newest comments and then UNDER the ‘search tags’ thing- its just a colorful square logo with “THE CORBETT REPORT” and a cube pic and ‘IFPS’
IFPS backup is usually a bit behind the regular website when I look at it.
IPFS backup – Corbett Report
Who finances the Hahti Trust? Would we be surprised if it was the Gates Foundation?
The university library in my town circa 1970: Looking for the “Proceedings of the German Anthropological Society” (no English edition of course). Noticed that all the volumes between 1933 & 1945 were missing from the series. What happened? All locked up in the basement of the library. Ha ha ha. Big brother knows best.
Wow! That is wrong. I worked at a public library system for twenty four years. The last eight years were under a different director. Slowly privacy rights of patrons were eroded and censorship increased. I don’t know if others complained, but I ended up getting demoted….Altho that wasn’t only thing I could’ve been demoted for, I think it played a part….
phoneticly try: Ha-tee it means elephant in hindi
I guess this Thread revolves around “talking about the Elephant in the room”.
😉 – Okay…my jokes get too corny at times.
I thoroughly enjoyed Corbett’s story approach with Episode 391 – Solutions: Physical Media.
Corbett had other media “guests” help to tell the story.
This was a top grade way to do it, and it keeps the audience interest high.
It also tips a hat to these other media folks.
I was re-watching parts of the Who is Bill Gates? series the other week.
Man Alive! This is a spot-on dissemination piece for newbies!
I can’t emphasize it enough. This continues to be a wonderful piece to spread around.
QDOS -> DOS: Quick and Dirty Operating System -> (Just a) Dirty Operating System.
Suck that, IBM.
Here’s a couple of suggestions:
I often take “hard-copies” of important stuff but rarely actually print it out as paper is expensive, so I “hard copy” to an external USB drive like so:
EMAILS: using yahoo mail (sorry) I hit the print icon from an open email and specify that I want to print to a PDF then SAVE. Voila! Also convenient if you want to attach an email to another email.
WEB PAGES: using Vivaldi (that’s more like it) the formatting goes a bit nuts if you just try to “print” so I find it useful to convert to text first. Usually you have a little icon in the address bar like three or four horizontal lines – hit that and your page is now being viewed as text. Now you can right click and select “print”. As with emails above specify that you want to print to a PDF. Then SAVE.
You can always get a paper copy later….
While I’m here if you have LINUX (I have Mint) then “Video Downloader” is super cool. It downloads just about any video via a non-nonsense GUI…. Download to a USB and you’re set!
Yo Mal!
I love people who offer their methods to others. But I’m from the generation who said green terminals were horrible and we went amber! So, command-line for me.
I assume that your Video Downloader GUI is based on youtube-dl and there is a wonderful story about them from about 6 weeks ago. The US Recording Industry of “America” Association (RIAA) sent a “cease and desist” letter to which hosted the code for youtube-dl. It said “they are xxxx’ing copyright and so you must take their code down”. Github, recently purchased by Micro$oft, went aaah shit and did so. But, their CEO did some outreach via IRC to the developers saying “we sorta had to do this, but we’d like to help”. In the end it was the Electronic Frontier Foundation that sent a “just submit this to the judge” letter to Github which did an absolute bitch slap to the RIAA’s legal rubbish. End result; Github and youtube-dl developers happy and code back up. Good job EFF.
But, the fun part is what happened in the middle. Of course, lots of “open sourcey” people got pissed, but some did one of the most beautiful tech take downs I’ve seen in years. Now, Github had failed to fix a bug in their repository update process, which allowed people to submit “pull requests” which were theoretically not allowed.
So, what did said “open sourcey” hackers do? They submitted pull requests to Github’s DMCA (the law that RIAA was using) repository with the entire youtube-dl code. Man, I was laughing my arse off.
As for LINUX (its called GNU/Linux) Mint is great, also Ubuntu. I use Fedora, and if you want to be a purist, use Debian (which is the basis for both Mint and Ubuntu).
Best of luck to you and all in conquering your digital challenges and SAVE the STUFF!
Howdy Hugo, yep I used to use youtube-dl until it stopped working. (Talking Linux Mint) went to the “software manager” and found “Video Downloader (Flathub … whatever that means)” and installed it. Tried it for multiple video platforms. Cheers Mal
And they’re not even being subtle about it.
Give me some respect! I want subtlety and elocution and nice words and …
No, you get: BIGGER PROBLEM!
DVD burning – Language(s) – German
I noticed this too at my local library. When I went in to vote I noticed the book were taped off. Books might cause cooties! It was scary.
Ice Age Farmer (Christian) mentions BLACKROCK…
December 15, 2020 – OILPRICE.COM by Alex Kimani
Big Oil Slammed With A $7 Trillion Reality Check
About a year ago, the world’s largest asset manager BlackRock Inc. (NYSE:BLK) declared its intention to increase its ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investments more than tenfold from $90 billion to a trillion dollars in the space of a decade. Few took the investment firm seriously, given its spotty track record on climate action in the past.
But just in case investors thought BlackRock was bluffing as usual, the company recently issued a chilling update on its approach to engaging with companies, essentially saying it will abandon its traditional modus operandi of siding with boards of directors at companies but will instead start favoring shareholder resolutions.
Blackrock manages $7 trillion in global funds, making it the world’s largest asset manager…
…In the past week, U.S. oil giant Exxon Mobil Corp. (NYSE:XOM) was targeted by angry activist investors as well as CalSTRS (California State Teachers’ Retirement System), one of the country’s s largest pension funds.
But it did not stop there.
New York State’s $226 billion pension fund recently announced plans to divest from oil and gas stocks in the coming years…
…Last week, Ceres announced a consortium of investors managing $9 trillion in assets that has fully committed to investing along with net-zero carbon goals.
ESG Momentum
Indeed, there’s no denying that ESG investments are rapidly gaining momentum with investors actively demanding environmentally and socially responsible choices…
…Sustainable investing assets now total $17.1 trillion. That’s up 42% just from 2018…
…Blackrock itself says its clients will double their ESG assets in just five years.
In fact, money managers say climate change is their No. 1 concern and the “leading criteria” determining where they put their money to work…
…On its part, BlackRock has been outstanding, with the firm now managing more than $7 trillion while the stock has gained nearly 40% YTD.
And this isn’t about morals or ethics. It’s about the free market. Sustainable stocks are outperforming everything else because they are the new safe haven–one that makes money while de-risking from the looming climate threat.
Perception management is the game. The means change historically.
If one is a control freak, wants power, money or has all of it, he asks him or herself how can I mantainain control? And we are talking about control of the world so the question is important.
Erasing memory is obviously the idea.
Psy-ops of course due the trick.
But if I had control of the world or a little short, the best way would be to erase from history the struggle between capital and labor.
Cause if I have capital, I want it to grow and grow fast. And then I want to get rid of competition for it is messy. Better to have monopolies.
I do not want people to know about the Wobblies or the anarchists, the socialists or the communists for they might get collectivist ideas.
Yes, and I would want to assure that no voluntary association among workers, or citizens could exist to challenge my power.
Can’t have damned slaves, peons or workers (all hierarchical terms of the class society) organizing physically or online. No meetups.
Go digital, say it is good for convenience and savings while spending more time with dysfunctional families watching TV or playing with the computer, they will buy it.
Or will they?
Soon they will ask us to eat digital grown food and lead digitally correct lives, etc. We know this.
Who is they ‘they’?
Global and national capitalists, plutocrats, oligarchs and landed gentry.
They have the chips. We have to wait to see if they strike first.
You cannot negotiate with ‘capital’. It wants to accumulate and if this means lower wages or slavery then so be it.
But control over capital is what is important.
This is the Great Capitalist Reset.
To assure the privatization of every part of the world and the ownership by who else, the owning class; the capitalist class.
Books. I own thousands and only read books, never online.
I am old school and believe that the actual physical holding of the book, the stale smells of libraries, enchant me but I am old.
James is right. How will we tell our children of the death of the Guttenberg press and the rise of cyber technological fascism?
The Great Book Burning now being done under the auspices of modernity.
But the fight, be it over digitalization or the Great Capitalist Reset is the same: a small group of individuals have all the coconuts and you have none. It is called the class struggle.
The “…Great Capitalist Reset..” is being sold as socialism
They are going to sell it using phrases like “..the class struggle…” Or its more modern form “inclusiveness’ and ‘fairness’ and ‘equity’.
Its not a class struggle, its a values struggle. Looking at the world in pure material terms is why pure capitalism and socialism are both destructive.
Even the would be masters of society know that which is why they want to create a fake religion to sooth the masses
I disagree. It is being sold and will be sold as identity politics. Capitalists hardly ever use the word ‘class’, unless among themselves. You are not supposed to know or talk about class; it is seditious and a no, no outside ruling circles.
And this can be shown by your correct observation that words like ‘inclusiveness’ ‘fairness’ and ‘equity’ will be used. This obfuscates the class nature of the economic system while using pretty words to assure oppression.
Values arise historically. Used to be that it was moral to own slaves. Used to be it was moral to burn people alive for their beliefs. So morals are historically entwined with economics, history and social life.
The morals of modern capitalism are predatory profit. Abandonment, isolation, alienation, arrogance, intellectual cowardice, egocentric thinking, no passion for investigation, intellectual hypocrisy, intellectual cowardiceness, lack of fairminded thinking, lack of peseverance, lack of confidence in reasoning and many more values.
But I am talking about the vaues of critical thinking and there lack thereof.
If one is talking about absolute values, that they exist, then they are absolutists and history,class, economics and social forces have no bearing.
I am not an absolutist and believe very strongly that our values come from the systems we live in and the struggles weage for freedom.
That our subjectivity is married dialectically to the material conditions within which we find ourselves. And thus the struggle to change the society is at once the struggle to think critically.
Bertolt Brecht had a great story, put into a small animation, about this:
If Sharks Were Men
looks like we’re going to hell in a hand basket
just posted this on twitter
too many people do not get it yet
the writing has been on the wall for decades
1969 lecture of Dr Day, from planned parent hood
Many great men for the last couple centuries have tried to wake their brethren up. George Orwell and his book 1984, he knew what was going on. Or currently in 2008 Aaron Russo, manager for Bette Middler and producer of “The Rose”.
Aaron Ruso, NY gold and silver trader, manager of Bette Midler, producer of “The Rose” and “Trading Places”, friends with a Rockeller (trying to capture him into NWO) and not as well know for producing this documentary, where he exposing the shenanigans of the banksters.
Rockefeller told Aaron Ruso back then about chip implant, the banksters starting CFR, UN which spawned WHO, etc
and how they were going to eliminate cash and the only way you could function in the one global NWO
would be this mandatory chip implant gradually introduced through mandatory vaccination.
what they DON’T teach you in our pathetically controlled dumb down education system.
“America Freedom To Fascism” prod and directed by Aaron Ruso
to me seems like we’re seriously fucked
to little to late now
unfortunately ?? ☮️
Thanks for the links and notations.
You will probably want to see Corbett’s stuff about Aaron Russo & Rockefeller.
have a nice day
from the cold climes of Calgary SE
Just a thought.
What if the real conspiracy is deterring people from a true form of egalitarian world governance?
Listening to David Rothkopf(I haven’t read Superclass, yet) he seems to think that’s the greatest fear these parasites have. Is real international regulation not the way to go?
Of course it would be rigged when left in the hands of the parasites. By the sounds of what’s on the way with all this “NEW BRETTON WOODS MOMENT.” That’s what we will have to deal with quite soon, no?
Anyway, I’ve started putting together a book collection for all the reasons brought up here. I also love to spin some wax as well. Nothing like it.
As someone from the Indian subcontinent, I just wanted to point out the following.
Hathi is the Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi (and many other subcontunent languages) word for elephant.
It is pronounced “Ha-Thee” (‘thee’ part sounds like the beginning of the words “thin” and thick”)
To get the whole picture we must talk also about intrinsic flaw of the books. I wouldn’t be aware of it if a friend, professional book restorer, didn’t explain me the problem.
With the explosion of book printing they started to use paper made of wood. Such a paper has a problem that it degrades with time and it ends looking like old newspaper, the shape you are probably familiar with. It has no flexibility, it cracks. And all the books will look the same with time. Yes, some are printed on better paper, still, it is just a matter of time, because it’s basically a chemistry problem. With newspaper paper, you probably know, the problem occurs in a span of few decades, with books it’s slower, centuries, certainly not millennia.
It would be possible to prevent degradation, but the main problem is too many books and the process to prevent degradation is too complex. Therefore digitization is the only long term solution. Digitally stored information can be refreshed, for example burning another copy of DVD before it degrades, yes, they are degrading too. Digitally stored information can additionally be protected by using error correcting procedures (CRCC), something that is not possible in analog format.
Are both the data DVDs and video DVDs affected? (I also purchased a collection in 2019 for future reference but have not opened them yet.)
People could name one thing they did to try to change things and what the effect was. We could expand in-person organizing to strategize in our local area and list what our responses were to our interventions and build from there, see what works what doesn’t.
Moving from thinking and research into doing the experiment. It’s a whole different experience. And it can be fun. We must try because this is our evolutionary challenge, do or die.
what i am REALLY wondering about is this: With all these announcements like the Klaus Schwab one at the WEF, and add to this things like event 201, WHO are they actually addressing? Normal people dont watch this stuff, the Elite itself doesnt need to get a briefing on this. Is it for their minions, say people who are important to them working in certain industries but are not high enough in the ladder to know whats really going on? I dont quite understand
As i finished the episode now and looked saw the first youtube comment talking about Klaus Schwab seeming like a parody of every american movie villain ever, which i agree with, I want to go even further and make up and actualy conspiracy theory: I think there is a very good chance that this is just an act. This whole thing how he is talking in that thick german accent and dressing like the head of the empire in star wars. Its just too unreal. And so what if it is intended to be picked up by truth seekers the way we do now? What if they fake goes even beyond the false flag attacks, corona deception etc? What if an even bigger game is being played where certain informations are not only fed to the common people who have no idea what is going on, but also to the truth seekers? I have no answer to this i just want to put this out there as i have always on occasion wondered about this throughout the years….