James joins Richard Grove on Grand Theft World to discuss the importance of physical books.
Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World
The WWI Conspiracy : The Corbett Report
Double Standards: The Rudolf Hess Cover Up
Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich
The New World Order – Shawn Stone
Lying About Hitler – Richard J. Evans
The Anglo American Establishment
Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making – David Rothkopf
TruthStream Media – And Then They Came For The Books…
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve
COVID-19: The Great Reset – Klaus Schwab
Hidden History – The Secret origins of the first world war
A Partner in Shaping History – Weforum – World Economic Forum
I would LOOOOVE for James (and Richard, and more of your close discussion partners) to put together a set of (let’s say) 25 of the most important books, that comprehensively explain the geopolitical and societal history as it actually is (in contrast to what we are taught in the propagandistic system).
On Post literacy
1) Reading is more efficient then listening- you read faster then you hear and you also recall better if you can have the text to locate the words in space.
2)IF it was not better to read and write then rich people would not be sending their kids to expensive schools to learn these ‘traditional’ skills.
3)Post literacy is a return to the Roman world where most people can only read political slogans and adverts but remain mostly uncultivated and can be thought of as “beasts of burden” by their masters who want to be Platos philosopher kings- but end up being revolting hipsters mostly
‘Leverage my over-learning to pay it forward’ — I can certainly relate to Richard’s motive! I read voraciously…to serve two masters: My understanding, my ability to repeat and reference my learning <3 And I also use the typing-out methods all the time. I think the best possible view of this world is that each and every one of us is (potentially) both Student and Teacher. We learn while we are endeavoring to teach (share with others who are not able or accustomed), and we teach only by continuous learning. And there is nothing like a REAL book — something to flip around in with ones fingers, mark up, dog-ear, re-read, loan to others, etc — all without damaging eyes or upheaving one's endocrine system. Much gratitude.
“..I really enjoy and benefit from both formats: written and spoken….”
TRUE… I’m sorry if I came across as anti podcast when I actually love them and have a dedicated flip phone (never had a sim card or been off airplane mode) that i use to play them while I do “things”.
Its just that I know I retain and learn better and faster reading and note taking but I often dont invest the time to get the pay off. If I’d spent all that time reading, drawing mind maps and note taking I’d know way more and understand it better.
I love to listen to audio books but Cal Newport is right about the need to have a single target…
… I’m just too scatty to focus so dont get the pay off
Liber in latin means both “free” and “book”.
Also ‘sounds’ like the german word for “Love”… lol
I am still watching, but I find this discussion fascinating and insightful. It is like an episode of “How Do They Do That?”
Personally, I primarily consider James Corbett a writer.
Of course, we all know that he is an extremely skilled researcher.
But the boy sure can Tell The Story.
On “Hidden History” one of the best books on ww1 here is a lecture Docherty gave on how future president Herbert Hoover fed the German army with the help of bankers and then had almost all the paperwork confiscated
For folks who want an alt take on ww2, they can try David Irving’s books- many free downloads on his (very Old Fashioned… ) website.
He is pretty good , and was once a very well respected historian before he got in trouble for his views on the holocaust
Hi James! I haven’t finished listening yet (my very active 10-month old keeps interrupting) but would you consider selling a collection of some of the transcripts from your videos?
I’m planning on printing some of my favorites out, but would rather give that money to you than Canon for ink.
Is this something you’ve considered? I know you’re a busy man & printed transcripts wouldn’t capture the full experience, but I think others would be interested in buying a copy as well!
Thank you for all of your hard work!
Tower of basel…. I think this is t he one I listened to, claiming to be the full audiobook.
on the Bank Of International Settlements