Imagine this: you wake up to the blaring of your alarm clock and immediately reach for your smartphone to scroll your Insta feed before getting out of bed. But instead of the usual delightful and informative Instagram posts, today you’re greeted by a “server not found” error.
Deciding that it’s too early in the morning to deal with this, you hop in the shower . . . but for some reason Alexa won’t play your Spotify playlist through your bathroom smart speakers. You have to shower in silence like a luddite.
Getting frustrated, you head downstairs for breakfast. You prop your iPad up next to you and go to check your email while stuffing your face with your morning bowl of Cheeri-GMOs (now with extra HFCS!) but you’re not getting any new messages. You turn on your smart TV and navigate to YouTube so you can catch up on all the latest news from MSNBC, but all you get is the never-ending spiral of the spinning “loading” wheel.
Twitter? Down.
Facebook? No luck.
Reddit? Forget it!
Increasingly desperate, you try in vain to remember how to turn on your regular terrestrial TV. Then you recall you have something collecting dust in a closet somewhere: a radio. You turn it on, fumble with the dial, and find a station just in time to hear the announcement:
“. . . is claiming responsibility for the outage. Once again, widespread outages across a range of internet services is sweeping the globe this morning, as a shadowy new terror group emerges to take responsibility . . .”
Suddenly, your phone starts making a strange sound. You don’t know what it’s doing at first, until you realize it’s ringing. One of your friends is calling you. On the phone. Not texting, tweeting, messaging or snapchatting. Actually calling you.
“Hey Norm! You hear about the big news? Internet’s down!”
“They say it’s some kind of new terror group. Cybeterrorists In Action. C.I.A. for short. Sound pretty scary.”
. . . Oh, OK, I’ll stop teasing. Of course this doesn’t describe you or your daily routines, dear reader. I know you’re the clued-in, switched-on sort who peruses The Corbett Report and avoids normie internet sites like the plague (the real plague, not this ginned-up COVID cold).
But don’t scoff at the scenario. A scene like this one could play out one day for billions of Normie McNormesons around the world. And when it does, there will already be a plan in place for changing the internet as we know it.
Do you know about the threat of virtual false flag terror? And do you know about the plans that are already waiting in the wings to clamp down on the internet in the event of a spectacular cyberterror attack? Get up to speed on the latest false flag terror vector in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Corbett Report members can access the full editorial by logging in to the site.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 38 (November 29, 2020)
![]() by James Corbett Imagine this: you wake up to the blaring of your alarm clock and immediately reach for your smartphone to scroll your Insta feed before getting out of bed. But instead of the usual delightful and informative Instagram posts, today you’re greeted by a “server not found” error. Deciding that it’s too early in the morning to deal with this, you hop in the shower . . . but for some reason Alexa won’t play your Spotify playlist through your bathroom smart speakers. You have to shower in silence like a luddite. Getting frustrated, you head downstairs for breakfast. You prop your iPad up next to you and go to check your email while stuffing your face with your morning bowl of Cheeri-GMOs (now with extra HFCS!) but you’re not getting any new messages. You turn on your smart TV and navigate to YouTube so you can catch up on all the latest news from MSNBC, but all you get is the never-ending spiral of the spinning “loading” wheel. Twitter? Down. Facebook? No luck. Reddit? Forget it! Increasingly desperate, you try in vain to remember how to turn on your regular terrestrial TV. Then you recall you have something collecting dust in a closet somewhere: a radio. You turn it on, fumble with the dial, and find a station just in time to hear the announcement: “. . . is claiming responsibility for the outage. Once again, widespread outages across a range of internet services is sweeping the globe this morning, as a shadowy new terror group emerges to take responsibility . . .” Suddenly, your phone starts making a strange sound. You don’t know what it’s doing at first, until you realize it’s ringing. One of your friends is calling you. On the phone. Not texting, tweeting, messaging or snapchatting. Actually calling you. “Hello?” “Hey Norm! You hear about the big news? Internet’s down!” “Yeah.” “They say it’s some kind of new terror group. Cybeterrorists In Action. C.I.A. for short. Sounds pretty scary.” . . . Oh, OK, I’ll stop teasing. Of course this doesn’t describe you or your daily routines, dear reader. I know you’re the clued-in, switched-on sort who peruses The Corbett Report and avoids normie internet sites like the plague (the real plague, not this ginned-up COVID cold). But don’t scoff at the scenario. A scene like this one could play out one day for billions of Normie McNormesons around the world. And when it does, there will already be a plan in place for changing the internet as we know it. As I know you know, the transition from the homeland security state to the biosecurity state that I documented in COVID-911 raises the specter of false flag bioterrorism. But there are other vectors for false flag attacks that could cause massive disruption to our lives, and, like every spectacular false flag event, increase the power and control of the deep state. In this case, I’m thinking of false flag cyberterrorism. The idea of a “cyber 9/11” coming along to disrupt the internet has been around since the actual 9/11 occurred. Back in 2003, even as the Pentagon was feverishly drafting its plans to “fight the net” as if it were “an enemy weapons system,” Mike McConnell, the ex-director of the National Security Agency (NSA), was fearmongering over the possibility of a cyber attack “equivalent to the attack on the World Trade Center” if a new institution were not created to oversee cybersecurity. In the following years, report after report continued to use the horror of 9/11 as a way of fueling public hysteria over cyberterrorism until just such a US Cyber Command was created. But the creation of CYBERCOM did not end the cyber threat anymore than the creation of the Department of Homeland Security ended the terror threat, and for precisely the same reason: the real terror threat doesn’t come from the cave-dwelling terrorists that the politicians tell us to be afraid of. No, the real terror threat comes from the very agencies that have been tasked with “saving” the public from the terrorist bogeymen. Case in point: Stuxnet. As you might recall, Stuxnet was a military-grade cyberweapon co-developed by the United States and Israel that specifically targeted Iran’s nuclear enrichment facility at Natanz. As we later learned, Stuxnet was only one part of a full-scale military cyberattack against Iran codenamed Nitro Zeus. Yes, to the surprise of absolutely no one, the largest and costliest cyberweapon ever developed (or at least officially acknowledged) was not the product of an Al-CIA-da cyberterror group or even the dreaded “Russian hackers,” but the militaries of the US and Israel. Neither should it be surprising to learn that the intelligence agencies have crafted ways of making such cyberweapons appear to have been created by other entities, which is a functionality that is essential to any false flag attack. We know, for example, that the CIA has already developed the Marble Framework, an anti-forensic tool that “might be used to disguise the CIA’s own hacks to appear as if they were Russian, Chinese, or from specific other countries.” In other words, the CIA has spent time and energy developing a way to pin the blame for its own cyberweapons on its enemies. Although the CIA obviously will not confirm why, how or even if Marble has been deployed in the past, there is no other explanation for its existence: it is a tool for enabling virtual false flag terrorism. This is important because, exactly as the Patriot Act was already ready and waiting in the wings pre-9/11, so, too, is an “iPatriot Act” ready and waiting in the wings for a “cyber 9/11” to come along and justify its enactment. We do not have to speculate about this. It was confirmed by Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig at a conference in 2008. “I had dinner once with Richard Clarke at the table,” he told the audience at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference in Half Moon Bay, California. “And I said, ‘Is there an equivalent to the Patriot Act — an iPatriot Act — just sitting, waiting for some substantial event? Just waiting for them to come have the excuse for radically changing the way the Internet works?’ And he said, ‘Of course there is’ — and I swear this is what he said — ‘and Vint Cerf is not going to like it very much.'” Keep in mind that the Richard Clarke who told Lessig about the iPatriot Act is the same Richard Clarke who came out after the death of Michael Hastings to note that intelligence agencies have ways to remotely hijack cars, steer people to their deaths and disguise their tracks well enough to “get away with it.” Also keep in mind that Joe Biden likes to brag about having written the [regular] Patriot Act in 1994. So what kinds of things might be contained in such an iPatriot Act? Once again, we don’t have to speculate. Various government officials have talked about their wish list for an internet clampdown in recent years.
Given all of this, it is not hard to imagine how a cyberterror event may play out: a cataclysmic attack on the internet’s infrastructure massively disrupts people’s online lives for a period of days or weeks. Social media is inaccessible. Online banking and shopping is halted. All news and information during the internet blackout comes from the old, controlled dinosaur media. A shocked and distressed public learn that the Russians (or whatever bogeyman du jour is convenient) are being blamed for the attack. In order to prevent such a thing from reoccurring, emergency legislation is passed in the US (and, coincidentally, in all other Western nations) requiring proof of identity to use any and all internet services. In one fell swoop, not only would the last vestiges of internet anonymity be eliminated, but a key part of the erection of the social credit control grid would be in place. Now, just like in China, all of your online activity would be tied directly to your social credit score. Lieberman must be wetting his pants in anticipation. Of course, this is not to say that the internet as we’ve known it would be gone altogether if such a scenario were to play out. In a network that was literally designed to be accessible and usable in the wake of any cataclysm, even nuclear holocaust, there will always be alternative ways of getting online access. There will be pirate internet and mesh networks and dweb sites and peer-to-peer protocols like LBRY that will be accessible to anyone able and willing to put in the effort to learn about such technologies. But the Normie McNormieson we met in the imaginary tale at the beginning of this article would be forever cut off from the free and open internet of old. (Good thing we’re not Normie McNormieson, huh?) As ever, it is important to know about these false flag possibilities so that when a spectacular cyberterror event takes place we are not railroaded into a phony solution that will serve only to increase the power and control of the real terrorists. And, in the meantime, it is important to be researching and preparing ourselves for just such an event so that, regardless of whether it happens as predicted or not, we will be less dependent on the systems of control that are increasingly defining the normie internet. |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
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If the ‘entire’ Internet goes out your mobile phone likely wont work.,,more seriously YOUR BANK CARD wont either.
Can you imagine the mass panic when people are literally unable to spend ANY MONEY on any item? Not quite as horrific as cutting a cities water supplies but still a good reason to always have a some cash in your actual wallet in case you happen to be 50 miles from home when it happens.
Hopefully any cyber false flag would be limited to just scare people rather then starve them into instant acceptance of a new exchange system
PS Corbett Report Site was down earlier today.
Yep, received a “502 Gateway Closed” warning when I tried to connect. I thought: “Uh oh, now it begins.” Was pleased to see the veil eventually lift and James reappear. However, it was a good wake up call with the realization I hadn’t downloaded the link from LBRY. But while downloading, I noticed it was good only for Sierra and up. I’m running an earlier Mac OS and don’t want to upgrade. I’m assuming this version won’t install. I can only hope there will soon be a link for Yosemite.
Don’t know if anyone else with a Macbook Pro has experienced this, but for over a month, the Mac will suddenly drop into a sleep mode. It’s necessary to wait for about 20 seconds, press the power button quickly, and it reloads. If anyone else has experienced this, and has a fix, I’d be grateful if you’d share. I have run the Sophos virus software but it shows no threat.
My reaction to the corona bologna charcuterie platter served up to the global population 10 months ago was the same as David Icke’s: “I’m having none of it!” However, friends and family began gobbling it down immediately. Thus, I remain surrounded by all my kin, who not only sampled liberally from the tempting tray of tantalizing WHO tidbits, but are now full of it. If they had gills, that’s where the digested material would be languishing. After repeated attempts, all rebuffed, to offer the CR purge, I finally sighed: “Let it go. It’s their journey.”
I can’t tell how comforting it is to know the CR community is still flourishing. If I were in the US I would most likely be a part of one of Derrick’s Freedom Cells. However, as fate would have it, I find myself in a Buddhist country, most likely assigned until my eventual demise, for I will never submit to a vaccine or take to the unfriendly skies veiled, a designated bio-terrorist until proven otherwise. I remain a spiritual being on the road to find out. A wai to you all from The Land of Shrouded Smiles.
“…If anyone else has experienced this, and has a fix, I’d be grateful if you’d share…”
Did you update your Mac? THAT might be a ‘Feature Improvement’….
Just kidding…but if you can pick up an old junker PC maybe slap Elementary OS on it for a ‘Mac like’ look- though my personal favorite is Pop OS-their both Linux under the interface and you’ll get more millage out of a slow machine.
No conspiracy theorist should be without Parrot Linux though…. if you can boot just about any computer you own via USB thumb drive you can have it “live” and then reboot right back into your old system. what a ‘live’ key is HOW to make one
still slow today. got a 502 for leavin the gate open down at the sheep pen. pa gave me a whuppin ‘course.
I agree with Duck, though my choice would be pure Debian 10, with the MATE desktop Environment. Cinnamon is nice, XFCE is good, LXDE if you need more resources freed up. Other desktop environments like Gnome, and KDE are slower and not a good work flow for me.
BUT, put a nice GNU/Linux on your computer and most of your issues will disappear.
I recommend finding the .iso of Debian 10 “Buster” that runs live, and includes the non-free drivers. If everything works live, then install it.
I too an surrounded by people with no clue how to even recognize a clue.
We have to find simple ways, simple facts, to impress truth on simple minds.
I Like MATE desktop too…but I put a Linux noob on Pop OS and when I showed them to click the Tile Window switch on the top right and click “Activities” on top left to get the Launcher bar they needed zero extra help.
It looks slick and modern and is simple to get started with nice big icons and not too much choice. Personally my fav for a slow PC is x86 Raspberian 🙂 But then- I’m on a Pi4 right now
Hi OneKnightErrant, I was having that issue earlier in the year and I thought I had a powering issue with my faithful old 2009 MacBook Pro running OS 10.11.6
It would happen once maybe every couple of days; sometimes more, sometimes less. However, a while back it stopped happening and has been absolutely fine since. It went on for maybe 3 months or so. I’m in the UK. Strange!
Warm Greetings from the land of maple syrup 🙂
I have been working on building a library of pertinent, practical and soul enriching books (and putting their contents into action) over the past few years so that if (or rather when) the grid goes dark (and/or my ability to access to internet is cut off because I become declared an “undesirable/fringe third class citizen” by the government here for some reason or another) I will not be so adversely impacted on my path to better my self and work towards contributing something worth gifting to future generations.
I have some of James Corbett’s material on a flash drive in a faraday cage but I do wish he would write a book or two (or ten) that I could add to my library, as I trust and rely on books more than computers myself.
I have experienced a similar path with my blood family in the past two years and share in your conviction to refuse to submit to their mind games and bio-security tyranny so that I can fly.
May your time on this plane be long, peaceful, prosperous and full of mystery.
@Duck, I keep wondering whether it will be scenario (1) where the power grid/internet/banking go down temporarily for days/weeks, or (2) where the same goes down AND all our savings are hacked.
Many would suffer with scenario (1), as they may have late payments, no heating, etc., but scenario (2) would mean the loss of wealth of millions that would literally cripple Americans. If the megalomaniacs pull that trigger, then civil war (which we all here know they want) would come very quickly. I’m not a metals bug, but having some of that or some cash on hand would be good, but of course others knowing that you have a lot of it would be dangerous.
scenario 1 and 2 are pretty much the same in outcome… the majority of people don’t have ANY savings…even if you DO and after a few weeks you got your savings ‘back’ who will be open to sell you stuff?
Who’s gonna trade you ‘stuff’ for metals at a better rate then you can just buy those goods NOW with bank money?
The majority of people would be begging for the New stable currency to come in so THEY could function in a money economy. Whatever THEY decide to use or whatever is imposed on them is what will buy goods and services- I guess you could find SOMEONE to take metals (at a discount) for stuff but its like a pal of mine who is a gun nut told me, people like him buy Ammo every week and keep it while normal people suddenly realize they want some at the same time and then cant get it at any price.
Hey Duck, thanks for the reply/feedback!
Yeah, I totally tend to agree that scenarios 1 and 2 are pretty much the same for the majority, as it’s also my understanding that the majority of people in the US (and maybe the same is true in Europe) don’t have ANY savings. However, I tend to think the middle class will fair much better if they have a large cushion of cash, but it’s just speculation at this point.
I think some people will still sell stuff, but I tend to believe that the stuff you want will be more difficult to get as the noose tightens. To be more specific, I think buying food and livestock with cash would still be possible after a grid down collapse, that the same food and livestock may cost 5 times as much a year later, and that the same food and livestock may be unavailable at any CASH price 5-10 years from now, and possibly only available for purchase through the new forced digital currency. In other words, I think economies do eventually hyperinflate like Argentina or Venezuela, but I personally don’t think the curve will be exponential until the later phases which I believe we haven’t seen yet.
We already have hyperinflation, its just invisible because all those dollars are shoved under foreigners beds.
You may be right about a slow inflation at first (if they can manage it) but when it ‘pops’ its going to pop way faster then we can respond to it.
TRUE, India is full of poor people with little ability to fight back and little incentive to value freedom over clean water.
The urbanization is a bit like the horrible tower block phase they went thru in the UK in the 60’s
Culture wars had a couple of articles over how their being socially engineered into apartments and changing their views on social issues like homosexuality. and this one on their economy
Mass starvation ensues with either scenario, in as little as a few days. No need to worry about your lost wealth, the excreta impacts the whirling blades, and knocks the fan off the table.
Well in Sydney they apparently find covid in the sewer system. So I’m banking on the sewer system going down at the same time as the Internet.
Here the link to the ‘Sewer Surveillance Program’ –
No unfortunately this is not fiction.
this totally reminds me of a QfC I wanted to ask:
how often does the corbettreport website experience attacks, be it ddos or otherwise?
From the article on Hillbilly Elegy (not seen it on TV)
“..What high-openness liberals feel as mere nostalgia, low-openness conservatives feel as the baseline emotional tone of a recognizably decent life…”
Being slow to change something that WORKS is how you stay alive and successful when you cant afford risks. The Blue collar lower and lower middle class NEED to be strict otherwise they and their kids rapidly become scummy pillbillys if they let things slide, the same way that poor blacks needed to be uptight to avoid turning into ghetto trash.
The richer classes are able to be more open since their resources protect them from IMMEDIATE the consequences of unwise actions. You could say morality and tradition are “Practical Wisdom” because such behaviors (honesty/hardwork/loyalty/ect) lead to more GOOD life outcomes.
Low resource Poor peoples life outcomes almost NEVER recover from being born in a single parent household, being a single parent, laziness, drug use or a messy divorce.
When you are well off you can push off the results of stupid behavior on others or project it into the future … its the arrogance of wealth, a level of degeneration that only very rich people could get away with even 50 or 100 yrs ago.
Worse is that degenerate aristo’s in the past never encouraged the peasants or artisans to take up gambling and loose personal behavior nor scorned them if they needed steady habits, marriages and home lives in order to scrape by.
The disgusting pretense that we are all equal while pushing the results of globalization and immigration off on poor people is far worse then everyone knowing who is richer and more powerful and rolling with it
Helping hurts sometimes… as link shows
Thanks.. found the link I should have posted
The Moynihan Report said the same thing ages ago but the government did the exact opposite of helping.
Imagine too if a group of freedom fighters hacked the Internet at the precise time that the virtual false flag occurred so that when the powers that shouldn’t be decide the sheeple have had enough an try to bring the internet back up – it doesn’t come back up. In fact it stays down for months on end.
Imagine all those sheeple going cold turkey with nothing to watch other than stuff on that hard drive that their crazy conspiracy theorist neighbours lent them. 🙂
You should read ‘Notes from the Internet Apocalypse’ by Wayne Gladstone …. my favorite line was when a guy gets a job at the UN despite his past because “Without the internet anyone can be anonymous again!” Lol
Other highlights are “Jeeves” setting up in the park with reference books and mobs or people catching cats and forcing them to perform tricks… 4Chan meeting in person and the “Rule 34” club.
So much is now dependent upon constant connectivity that mass death occurs if the Internet as a whole collapses. Utilities, transportation (particularly, food), and so on. Hardly just a matter of no more email or “entertainment.”
He did talk about that in the book …though mainly to gloss over it 😉
Its more of a social commentary commentary on howthe internet has warped interactions then a serious book.
I wonder if they can’t target US. I had a conversation on the phone about 6 months ago with a friend and was concerned about the way water may be undermining my foundation, and particularly spoke of the need to get gutters functioning properly. We talked about gutters. I had never looked for gutters on line and don’t think at that point I had even written about them. I think it was a suggestion maybe in an attachment from a home inspector, but that’s it. Almost immediately, I started getting ads for gutters, and junk email for gutters. Incidentally, the speakers on my computer are disabled, but my phone is connected through my internet.
If they are practicing that kind of targeting, it’s possible we will be without the internet while they are still connected, acting, lying… doing what they do.
It is not uncommon for corbettreport or pressfortruth or globalresearch to be slow or not immediately connect, when every other site is functioning normally.
“… Almost immediately, I started getting ads for gutters, and junk email for gutters….”
Your phone is likely listening to you ALL THE TIME… there used to be “infinity bugs’ that you installed to turn a home phone into a listening device you could remotely turn on. THAT is what your mobile phone is… a listening device that takes photo’s. The problem is NOT that…its that now AI can listen and in real time pick out what you are talking about the way they used to moniotor almost all landline phones back in the old days (I read about it in the 90’s). THOSE computers could pick out a few words… compare that with an Alexa today.
Do not trust ANY computer you cant physically unplug from the internet- wi-fi can connect without you knowing it.
I wonder how big a collection of important people sitting on the toilet the NSA has? I imagine a wall in some office plastered with trophies from phone cameras.
“..Aren’t these just test tools for a new control mechanism over all… since all doing stays always present?
Wouldn’t that be the perfect alliance for a social score system… … Always to see for everyone knowing the how to’s…….”
Not trying to answer for Mr Corbett but he did talk about that
Pretty sure if you type that title into the search bar you will get a text version too. Technocray was planning this stuff back when a ‘computer’ was a human who did your hard maths for you…. listening to “The Inovators” by Walter Issacson I was amazed that they were doing demo’s of teleworking and google doc stuff back when computers in your home were crazy sci-fi..AND there was that creep Larry Brilliant who is still around thinking up ways to contact Trace you.
The Internet is a cool tool but its a ‘Net’ to draw you out of real life….Silicon Snake Oil by Clifford Stoll got everything Right…even as it got it all wrong LOL
It would be interesting to find out more about those alternative ways to access the web but it strikes me that there must be some non-normies among the 1.3 billion Chinese. And if there are, perhaps the social credit system has little or no effect on their lives. I wish. Nevertheless, I never miss a Corbett report or article; hope springs eternal.
“.. some non-normies among the 1.3 billion Chinese. And if there are, perhaps the social credit system has little or no effect on their lives…”
There will always be room for a “Stainless Steel Rat” but its a mistake to imagine that being essentially a criminal is a good life style choice… I am sure it would be a)Hard b)Stressful c)Ultimately end in failure
The aim of social credit is (while I’m on sci-fiction books) like ‘The Draka’ slavers- make it ALMOST impossible for you to live outside the system and TOTALLY impossible for you to have children and bring them up outside of it.
Via Ice Age Farmer…
Klaus Schwab says:
“We all know, but still pay insufficient attention, to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack.
To use the COVID19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons the cybersecurity community can draw and improve our unpreparedness for a potential cyber-pandemic.”
(one minute)
‘World Economic Forum’ Managing Director, Jeremy Jurgens says:
“I believe that there will be another crisis. It will be more significant. It will be faster than what we’ve seen with COVID. The impact will be greater, and as a result the economic and social implications will be even more significant.”
(30 seconds)
Ice Age Farmer WEBSITE
(alternative platforms listed)
“Next Crisis Bigger than COVID” – Power Grid/Finance Down – WEF’s Cyber Polygon
by Ice Age Farmer | Nov 15, 2020 |
don’t depend on dns. bookmark this servers IP:
Thanks for mentioning IP.
I think DNS attack is the most probable, most people would be “decapitated”, while corporate infrastructure would stay untouched.
I finally written down CR IP:
Great list!
I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that my wife says that cosmetics will have lots of trading value as she tends to think that even though many will be starving if SHTF, that women will still feel a stronger need to “make themselves feel pretty” (as she says). If it’s the case where women put more value on “looking pretty” than having some food to eat, then I pity our society.
Interesting I think there’s some truth to this. I made some money off cosmetics stocks but got out of the market after Covid.
I think that if people are on the verge of starving and are physically hungry that changes their perspective even women who might like to look pretty.
I’m enjoy makeup a lot but if I were hungry I would find a way to feed myself and my family. I wouldn’t care about makeup. But she could be right some people may value looking pretty than eating. Those people won’t survive long.
If you can make your own ammunition and have supplies in storage that would be a good thing to trade.
When you are in the worst of times, a dab of perfume can give you some dignity and a sense of normalcy.
James, with all due respect, I think you are missing the point when you say that there always be alternative ways to access information online. The plan is to block the access to the internet not to the web. That means that without an authorized secure verified account there will no access to your isp so no access to any mainstream or alternative server. No bits and bytes going in and out at all.
Unless we can build an alternative infrastructure, which belong more to the world of dreams than to reality, there will be no internet because the power not to be own it all.
I think your wrong in the sense that they will leave enough gaps for people to get online if they are willing to work at it… the point is that the Internet is THEIR ground.
They left it open at first to lure normies into using it and then becoming dependent on it…its Whisky and smallpox blankets for us 21st century Indians. Its so they can destroy trade in realspace.
Internet is NOT a real threat to them unless people are know each other and are meeting in RealSpace as well as CyberSpace. Actually building an alternative is pretty easy IF YOU HAVE PEOPLE who want to be in that alternative.
If you know 10 or 20 people in your area you can set up a phone BBS in system, or a MESH net (even one that links to the “darknet” (that is most internet services) via some kind of home made TOR) or even a HAM radio network. Thats not the problem, the issue is getting anyone to use it for more then downloading porn and $h1tposting.
“..chatter away harmlessly into their webcams, as the material realm is transformed into an inhuman void…”
Ugh…you made me shiver at the visual, but its true.
Like in CS Lewis Screwtape letters when the demon boasts how they have separated KNOWING/Thinking and DOING in modern humans minds
sorry but I think you miss the target by a mile. If the internet is not a real threat, why are they censoring every alternative voice? Limiting who can have access to the internet, not to the websites, services, etc that depends on the internet, is the ultimate form of censorship. Only approved content providers can publish anything and all the “alternative service” get shut down.
If you look back to the history of the internet you’ll realize that it has always been thought as a delivery means to the “zombies”. Servers were and are still prohibited on any not business line, they just do not enforce the rule for small traffic servers. Additionally, the lines are mostly asymmetric, fast for download, slow for upload making content publishing a problem. Al Gore information superhighway was just propaganda and all the promises of the free information for everyone never turned into reality.
For the tech part, see my other post below.
The internet is (MOSTLY) not a threat- the risk posed to those in power are accepted the way you accept that someones best chance to escape a hold is when your adjusting it for a choke.
10 years ago this lockdown would have been impossible to enforce because people lived in RealSpace. The powers will NEVER permanently shut off the internet because it is the perfect Soma and the perfect leash.
IF you have people who want to share info they will generally find a way to do so but today most people find it harder to break thru the media brain fog and IQ lowering distraction. Who wants to put down netflix and pintrest for scary information? Who is going to do more then Email a petition?
Remember that many of the powers are magical thinkers who trade in the simulacra of the thing – they make magic money and then buy real things with it….and now they pretend power and make it real. THEY control the NPC by projecting an illusion of power over the New media and that becomes real when the NPC’s act as their enforcers.
You cant break that with truth because NPC’s follow power and popularity.
Computers, On the other hand, make YOU powerful – able to make pro quality books, pamphlets podcasts music and videos and share them for free… They EMBRACED that, then EXTENDED it so that Mae Brussell style audio is no longer good enough, you need visuals and effects and high bandwidth and free blockbuster movies…then the EXTINGUISH it and pull things like ‘googleing’ a fact, high bandwidth and easy video hosting.
The biggest threat right now is that they reduce everyone to using I-slave devices like phones or Chrome books which you can not truly control, that spy on you and that are only good for using Online services THEY dominate. The gestapo or Stasi couldnt look at your photo album, read your mail, or know what book your reading in your house without considerable effort and expense…. Today YOU need to go to considerable effort to keep that stuff private.
Internet wakes a few people up BUT is Soma for the masses…personalized TV to calm, shape and guide them. Those NPC’s were once guided and shaped by community, church, politics, and other things are now totally under the sway of the I-slave fondle-slab. Its a literal PERSONALIZED TV STATION working to mold and shape every single one of us…. I have seen plain old TV turn boomers attitudes 180 degrees so how can an average person resist a system of persuasion that knows everything they see or hear or read???
THEY control, always have and always will control the virtual world of make believe. IF they can push commerce and money into that they will have 99.999% of us in a death grip.
We CANT become Neo and beat them in the fake world they built… Realspace is where we need to live.
I do agree with the points you make but I have never argued that they are going to shut down the internet. My point was that they are going to shout out the non-zombies from it.
Right now, as long as you can use an ip address to send or receive information, the gatekeepers are playing a game of Whac-A-Mole. For example, they shut James out of YouTube, he moves to LBRY. If they find a way to kill LBRY he can move to IPFS or whatever new protocol someone can come up with. If they issue a “zombi certificate” that allow only the zombies to send and receive IP traffic (maybe the same health certificate for the vaxed), James will have no way to do anything. It is game over for him. This way they cut the free-thinker off from each other, they make sure that no one with “wrong” ideas can reach the zombies, and keep the zombies happy. Sounds like a win, win, win situation to me.
What is happening now with YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook is setting the scene. Those are private companies and so they can do whatever they want. Guess who own the internet? Many of the same guys and if they want to shut any of us out, they will and no one will stop them.
Centurylink, big player in the internet field just re-branded itself “your partner for the 4th industrial revolution.” It looks like the WEF playbook at work to me and we know that that playbook doesn’t work well for us.
“..My point was that they are going to shout out the non-zombies from it…”
I think we mostly agree but the point is that the Internet is communications tec, talking to people hundreds of miles away is useful but ONLY if you know people locally that you can work with.
I fear people having zero friends and allies in RealSpace more then I fear loosing access to people hundreds or thousands of miles away
IF people WANT to communicate they will find a way…the real worry is that most NO LONGER desire to communicate, they want to watch cat videos and porn. The idea that you need the internet to find Freedom Cell friends is horrifying because it shows that most people have NO ONE they can depend on in RealSpace.
When commerce and money are here in cyberspace such helpless, disconnected people will be easy to control…you can ONLY win by winning out here
I completely agree with what you say. That’s why I posted in first place. James stating that there always be a way to communicate via the internet because new platforms and protocol will become available to get around the restrictions imposed by the masters, is dangerous because leads the people to think inside the box built by the powers instead of outside it. If we want to be free, we can rely only on what we control directly.
One thing I am noticing more and more in the recent months is that there is a growing conformity on the alternative platforms too. It seem like the free-thinkers are not so free after all. They just are watching and being kept in line using a different kind of “porn.”
“..a growing conformity on the alternative platforms too. It seem like the free-thinkers are not so free after all…”
I’ve been feeling that a little too…. the same stories and ideas coming up in different place.
Also, issues I have been thinking about that people start talking about shortly after- now while I could just e thinking of trends I suspect that my view is being shaped by whats being fed me like “the selfish ledger”
I bet you already saw this but will post link anyway.
Definitely, not a world of dreams… check out meshnets. Literally other internets. That is the solution. We erect not one, but many new internets. Open source meshnet protocols have been in the works for many many years now. If you are network savvy I’d strongly recommend getting involved in a local meshnet. Very much not a dream world.
Jeff and Duck,
I am tech savvy, that’s why I am saying what I am saying. I am sorely aware of my own limitation and of how much I do not know but I think I have a good grasp on the technology to understand that making an alternative internet is a dream.
MESH are cool but they have serious limits. First they use 5 and 2.4 MHz band equipment. That means that each node has to see other nodes. Second, the hardware can handle small routing tables to move traffic around not the big tables needed for a large network. Third, there is a limited number of channels available which would require highly directional antennas to avoid interference that would make communication impossible. So, if your goal is to communicate with your immediate neighbors, it might work; just that walking over might be easier, less expensive, and more secure.
HAM equipment can go far in HF but the limited bandwidth keeps the transmission of data to speed lower that 1980 modems even if you own one of the $1500 modems. So, newsletters ok, images not so much, videos are you kidding right? While it could be a possible way to move around simple information, you still need to build a network of stations. I have been trying hard for years to have something like this going without success. I either found contacts who see a commie behind every tree or the DHS brown noses that operate within the various emergency nets. Even living with or solving the above issues, HF is easily disrupted by interference which makes it easy for the government to shut it down.
If you guys have more info, please share. I would happily learn from you to fill up the gaps in my knowledge.
I am interested in erecting a local/city wireless meshnet for the sole purposes of communications. As far as priorities – text first, voice/pictures second. Video – not critical at the moment – later down the pipe. Ultimately the network would grow and/or connect/bridge to other nets. I understand the obstacle of interoperability of multiple protocols, but protocol folks are working on this as we type and no doubt will continue to develop as more and more protocols emerge. I’m not certain how this communications solution would pan out, but something I like about it is that it is currently not an enterainment streaming network, inherently (no doubt would change in the future, possibly hybrid wired(expensive)/wireless solutions). If netflix dies… good riddance (it won’t as The Internet will always provide that for the mob). I would consider mesh ‘internets’ in its infancy. It currently has its limitations, but it’s advantages are powerful – decentralized, namely. Whatever the solution to The Internet, decentralized is critical. I imagine endless numbers of nets in the future and endless protocols, it won’t be simple or easy, but thats ok. It ought to be used with purpose, not as a toy to distract endlessly away from one’s own actual survival (or the transfer of power thereof).
Folks I pay attention to and inspire me quite a bit are the battlemesh people:
Lots to explore there. I’ve been meaning to get a mesh off the ground here for years, been on the back burner, but a buddy of mine just told me he wanted to start a decentralized internet. So we shall begin. I think we can pull it off in our town. I’m hopeful at least. Lot’s to do, but the motivation is strong.
the issue is not protocols, it is available bandwidth. The airwaves are like a pipe, they can carry so much. You can get creative and squeeze some more out of it, but the limit is pretty low to start with.
Talking to your comment here quick, protocols are the issue as far as meshs talking to each other, solution bound no doubt, but currently not a simple situation. Bandwidth is really not a concern at the moment for a local mesh and our vision of ‘the internet’. And talking a little more to that, this isn’t the best forum for technical debates on mesh, they are out there and I implore you to voice your issues there for sure. Which leads me to something you originally said, admitting your limitations and capabilites with tech, whatever they may be, from that only source of creative power, which is an important one, to come to the conclusion that mesh ‘internets’ are to be discarded to dreams only, is a gross misunderstanding of the power of open source projects generally. I do not have the solutions to your present problems with mesh tech, but somebody does. The battlemesh folks are great because they work together, share their work. New protocols and routing/transmitting/receiving hardware will emerge in time, but using what we have to get a local mesh going is very viable and certainly worth our conscious time in the conscious world.
when I am saying bandwidth, I am not talking of the amount of data you send on the link between you and your buddy. I am talking of the fact that the frequency you use is shared and interfered with by every hotspot, Alexa, printer, etc that is between you two and around you.
In my area we have a 5.8MHz ham net. Works great for the few lucky enough to get line of site to any of the towers and being close enough to them so they do not have to use a 2′ dish antenna. Interference and general electrical noise have been a problem that required additional shield to be installed and still they cause problems.
I have played around with some mesh equipment and it was cool and worked fine having the routers in proximity. Getting to the neighbor house was a no go because, even if I was able to see the house, the multipath caused by the trees was causing the signal to degrade so badly that it was useless.
I am not discounting the fact that mesh can be a valid solution in some cases or even in many cases. I sure have issue with the statement that it is a solution to replace the internet even if it is only for email and text web browsing. The laws of physics cannot be changed.
Endof theroad, I’m happy for you that you take issue with that statement, I do not, I said it and I stand by it. Albeit my vision of other internets does not at all resemble The Internet toy that it has become. I also do not pretend to know the future. I lean hard on meshnets as they are inherently decentralized network solutions. I promote it hard as the replacement of The Internet to get more and more people interested and working on it. The future of internets does not need to be limited to or include meshnets whatsoever. But you can bet your 2 bottom Jacksons I’m going do my darndest to get a local going. You are facing bandwidth constraints and obstacles, of which I know we will also face, and when we’ve banged our counterintuitive heads together to the point of no solution, I’ll be turning to the mesh communities crawling all over the world, as I encourage you, if have not done already, to do the same.
End Of The Road
“.. the frequency you use is shared and interfered with by every hotspot,…”
If your not getting house to house with your Mesh didyou try one of those Yagi’s they make for wifi bands? I never used them but Yagi’s do great for 2 meter. If you put a pole outside your house you should be able to get 1/4 mile easy LOL these guys had a super antenna…. 12 K They have a link to buy the gear off amazon.
If your a HAM you can (legally:) run an amplifier too
I have tried a Yagi but the problem is not that the signal is too low but that it is degraded from bouncing off the trees. What you receive is a signal that’s the sum of several out of phase signals.
At 2m you get it too but the difference in path is small compared to the wavelength and shows up as a small fluctuation of the signal. At 5cm, it is huge and can cancel the signal completely.
I actually own a 2′ dish. It is able to pick up hotspots that are 10 miles away if it gets clear line of sight. If there is so much as a small tree branch in the way, the signal is gone. Fun to play with it though. 🙂
“..Even living with or solving the above issues, HF is easily disrupted by interference which makes it easy for the government to shut it down…”
If the Gov is trying to jam HF radio then you dont need it anymore because its WW3/TEOTWAWKI/boogaloo/whatever-you-wanna-call-it.
You dont need anything more then a 2 meter repeater system for local communications.
“..I either found contacts who see a commie behind every tree or the DHS brown noses that operate within the various emergency nets….”
THAT is your real issue… if you have people you know who are honest and smart then you should see them in the real world. You can communicate with such people very well with RTTY or even morse code. an example of BBS text’s (look at the ascii art files! LOL)
The problem is people to build an internet of their own so we can keep wasting time here watching high def video rather then to build real world relationships. Much of this is just geek talk, but when they talk about the local and social aspects of BBS culture.
“If the Gov is trying to jam HF radio then you dont need it anymore because its WW3/TEOTWAWKI/boogaloo/whatever-you-wanna-call-it.”
That would be true if governments acted independently but, as the COVID response shows us, they are acting in concert so jamming HF frequencies is not out the question and can easily be covered up with the “biggest solar flare in a century just hit earth.”
While I agree that local contacts are extremely important, I see a lot of value in long distance communication as a form of intelligence gathering. Think of what your view of COVID would be if you limited you information from what you can gather locally. If you didn’t know that the same measures taken by your county are taken all over the world, would you believe that there is a devious plan behind it?
After all, we are talking to each other without knowing where the other is located or who he is. We are using a website hosted in Europe, managed by a Canadian living in Japan who researches material from all over the world to help us being informed.
“THAT is your real issue… if you have people you know who are honest and smart…”
Is that IF that causes the problem. I am not a person who trust easily and over and over I find that people who initially seem to have some common interest with me turns out to have some big incompatibility that I feel is a risk factor for me and my family. I am painfully aware of the need of building a network but on the other side, I strongly believe that, if I do, it has to be strong and reliable, otherwise it going to become a net that tangle me rather than save me.
Anyway, I appreciate your input. Keeps the wheels turning. 🙂
A Rebuttal to Klaus Schwab’s Article on the Covid-19 Crisis
(Already banned on Facebook apparently)
I have long advocated owning a simple fax machine, for such a scenario. Our masters would have to be very, very desperate to take down the POTS (plain old telephone service) network, so a fax machine will allow you to transmit large amounts of data, as we used to do in the past, before the Internet. Samisdat!
Unfortunately Unlikely not for much longer, here they have pretty much phased out the POTS. You can still use old phones and faxes, but they plug into a box that converts them to Internet Protocol. As soon as the internet goes down, they go down as well.
“As soon as the internet goes down, they go down as well.”
I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Everything is digitized today, but telephony is running in highly reliable closed software environment that might share some infrastructure with internet, still it’s totally different world.
Well, it has shut down switch that can be used “need” be.
It used to be that way. Lots of voice traffic gets routed over ip. Everything is data nowadays.
It still is if you are using old phone, fax or cell phone. Although it might be transferred using the same cables as internet but it is routed by different equipment using different protocols.
Apps and voip rely on internet(IP, tcp, udp..)
I had a pal who worked in an old exchange… he told me that they used to have something like a truck sized lead acid battery to power the POTS- which is why even today you could draw a little free currant from them in MOST power outages.
He accidentally dropped a wrench on the power bus bars and made a pretty light show.
Some history
Morris Worm, the first internet worm from 1988
Interesting coincidence: it was written by student whose father worked for……what a surprise, NSA
I ‘disagree’ (a little…)
It will be POSSIBLE to get on the network illegally, it will just be beyond most peoples ability…. but thats on the day they lock it down totally.
In the time between then and now the other “Small(er) Tech” sites are what people should use as much as we can…who knows? MAYBE the decentralized web will grow too big to kill (even if not likely)
Still saving locally anything I want to keep.
“..All (e.g. even water district) distribution systems in nature are hub-and-spoke network topology because it’s too costly for every node (customer) to purchase a 12” water main line from their house to the world….”
Now I re-read this i see that as being kinda a poor analogy… making a MESH is not really hard, nor super expensive…its just not easy for people who are not into tech. There was that creepy plan to make everyones Wi-fi router into a city wide internet of things monitoring MESH and see this from 2013
The thing is its just kinda boring to most people compared to the real internet and theres not much push to do it or get on it for most people.. the latency doesn’t matter except if you want to stream video and stuff like that
I believe that the only reason that the masters have not shut down all the peer-to-peer/decentralized stuff, yet, is so they do not show their hand too soon. It would be trivial to do. Just mark all user traffic at the source router and, at the destination router, block it if it goes to users. It is probably two lines of code on the firewall.
“.. is so they do not show their hand too soon…”
Well… also they kinda NEED some it it- they use TOR for their own illegal spook type stuff and they WANT you to get used to Crypto and online payments…also they really dont want people to get the idea that the last 10 years of doing everything online was a mistake
(Ross! So glad you are here. A big “Welcome” from all of us.)
Cops for Covid Truth, claimed Australians were “having a globalist agenda put upon them”
The letter, posted on a website called Cops for Covid Truth, claimed Australians were “having a globalist agenda put upon them” and that police were being used to carry it out.
The six-page letter, which claimed many members of the force were “fed up with the approach to enforce oppressive rules placed upon the population in the name of COVID-19 and the looming mandatory vaccinations”, was attributed to a police officer in the Coffs-Clarence Police District.
It questioned the severity of COVID-19, the testing regime, and the move towards ensuring the Australians were vaccinated against the coronavirus once a vaccine was available.
NSW Police confirmed they were aware of the matter, which was now the subject of an internal investigation.
“The officer, who is attached to a specialist command in the northern region, has been spoken to,” a spokesperson said in a statement.
“His duty status is currently under review.
“It would be inappropriate to comment further at this time.”
The letter called on Commissioner Mick Fuller to ensure police had a choice if they wanted to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
It also said NSW Police would not participate in “forcing vaccines on the population”, and recommended the Police Association started preparing to defend police employees who chose to not be vaccinated.
The ABC approached the Police Association of NSW, but it declined to comment.
Here is the 6 page Letter from COPS FOR COVID TRUTH
Cops For Covid Truth
Dec 1st – J.P Sears (AwakenWithJP)
The Elitists Who Control You
(9 minutes)
Some of JP’s videos don’t really do it for me.
This one is a real winner.
I like it.
Hi Ross
Learning about 911 rocked me as well. A few years ago, Corbett’s videos were easily seen and recommended on YouTube. That’s how I discovered his work. I left Normiehood a long time ago when I learned about what happened in Panama. (Watch a documentary called The Panama Deception if you can find it.) But it was Corbett’s information about 911 that got me to start really paying attention.
As to your question about sharing his work- do it. Absolutely. That’s the whole point.
So prescient
BBS is still alive :
So take a look at it !
Hi James, have you ever done a video about CERN?
I understand the vulnerability of POWER GRIDS.
My Nephew is a top grade White Hat Hacker and leads a team.
I think it was in 2019 that his team won the big award at the yearly convention in Nevada.
He once hacked into the Power Grid of Canada.
It would put him on the spot.
While he loves and admires the hell out of me, I won’t ever ask him for details.
He has classified clearance, and there are many things that he can not talk about. Nor can his crew members.
He knows that I am a “Conspiracy Realist” and we chat the chat together.
I let him volunteer information whenever I am with him, or I might hear a story from his Dad, (one of my younger brothers). But I won’t ask him for sensitive details.
There has been a very interesting effort by a particular user named annonymint on this Corbett post in the comments to shoot down not just meshnets but almost any idea whatsoever. And this is probably just the ‘5 year old’ ‘stoopid’ ‘simpleton’ in me talking, so don’t worry annonymint, you’re far more mature than I regarding anything of intellegence, but I wanted to touch on something this person mentioned that is righteously critical. Two things rather.
One, most the users in Corbett, and I admit, I’m going out on a limb here, aren’t network administrators. Most just folks ‘waking up’ like we all have, from fill-in-the-blank you name it any and all lines of work from all kinds of corners around this little blue ball bouncing around the universe. To jump into a corbett forum and begin machine gunning down meshnets, is not anything anybody needs here. That’s already been done writ large, clear, and apparent as day by media and politicians to the extent folks are straight up scared of meshnets. I’ve said it before and it bears repeating, mesh isn’t the only solution to The Internet, it is just one part of the solution. Many solutions. To ‘compete in the information age, or be a dinosaur’ is precisely the kind of binary us or them thinking that shuts creative human innovation down. Audience, please do not fall for this. Can’t I be a dinosaur… using smoke signals, or even a walkie talkie, to talk to a friend about an idea growing carrots? Which leads me to the second.
Most importantly, the legendary rhetoric from annonymint, ‘What is the use of a network that only scales to your local community?’ Klaus Gates couldn’t have said it better. This one is massive so I’ll try to say it shortly. What is the use of a government that only scales to your locale?The better question, what is the destruction that can be wrought by a gov that scales BEYOND your locale? We all know that answer in this forum. Now apply that to communications. To survive is not to chat to somebody across the planet. It is to live. Food and shelter from the elements. Fundamental. How do we do that? In Second Life? Of course not. We grow/raise food. Build shelter. Collect water. Take care of our health. And manage these systems…. extremely local systems. So what use then is an internet that is only local? The most use. 100%. How to live in a particular locale is the most important shared information. What is going on local to your physical being is absolutely the most important knowledge. How to eat and stay protected from the elements, either alone or working together is the most local thing you can do. That’s the starting point. Perhaps someone can produce a better yield of carrots naturally somewhere else on the planet, similar environment. That more expansive form of communication is on par with expansive innovation. But that isn’t the first step. Turn the computer off folks.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
Thanks so much for your post.
Thank you.
and thank you.
(continued and my pleasure HomeRemedy) …Turn the computer off folks. Go outside, meet your neighbors. Start talking about a local internet. Trade some food with each other and chat up gardens. Not only is this natural decentralization to human life, it is how nature operates entirely. Nature is inherently decentralized, and the last time I checked, never, not once fell for the binary thought trap of either this or that. It’s problems and solutions are infinite. I recommend taking a page or two from the lessons of nature itself. Local is key. A local communications network couldn’t be more important and useful to living the actual good life.
I really liked what you say here. Thank you.
You’ve written plenty. I’ll take my chances with that thing you quoted me on. Be well, anonymint.
Colloidal silver, a treadle sewing machine, cat food, laying hens, seeds or seedlings, mason jars and a pressure cooker…