What will the world look like in 2025? Don’t worry, you don’t have to think about the world you want and then work to bring it about. That’s silly! Just listen to the good Bilderbergers at Cognizant, who are more than happy to tell you about the new police state on steroids that is about to be erected to fight the invisible enemy of coronavirus . . . and how you can cash in on the opportunity!!!
Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4
Episode 387 – Your Guide to The Great Reset
After the Virus: A Discussion Looking Back on the Next 5 Years (video)
Episode 383 – COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity
Psychological warfare does not need you to LIKE the future, it just requires you accept that you cant win. I am pretty sure that Mr Corbett is right and most people are only pretending to be asleep.. how quick the poverty arrives will decide if people resist enmass or not
I agree. I think that people tend to act when they have to not when they feel that they should. I think once the government starts confiscating assets and guns, people in the US will be more motivated to actually fight.
People in positions of power, like members of the military who can actually use force to stop these psychopaths need to stand up against this.
The people who have guns and bombs need to be on board with stopping this nightmare. I don’t think that’s impossible. I know during the
Vietnam War there were instances of mutiny against commanding officers. There needs to be a shift in consciousness among a large number of people.
“… I think once the government starts confiscating assets and guns, people in the US will be more motivated to actually fight…”
THAT is the trap.. people see themselves suddenly digging up their banned guns and rising up to rebel… but that will be after years and years of obedience training. Seeing the Hollywood fight movie “at the end” they put off doing the little things that could help right now.
The longer people just go along the less likely they are to push back which is why I expect they are trying to make it a very gentle slide into Technocratic poverty
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B203twyaMfM “The enemy can not push the button if you disable his ha…Mind”
I think you’re probably right. Perhaps the time to fight is now. Hit the enemy when he doesn’t expect it. I hope there is someone smarter than myself with better skills than me who is also think of this and planning it.
That’s right, but the enemy is expecting it/our fighting back and reacting with more censorship already. But then, maybe we’re just playing it cool and holding back our move (possibly until it’s too late). How many people even bother to take their masks off even at places and times where and when they’re not required. Something is terribly wrong with people. Even I could probably sell many bridges although I am not a good business woman (yet).
Show today’s Westerners a picture of Trump or Biden and off they go. They forget they’ve been wearing their masks for hours indoors, that’s how excited they get. Most of us unfortunately, still fall for the deception, divide and conquer game with unwavering predictability.
Who still doesn’t get it into their heads that the official covid 19 narrative is a bunch of lies and distortions may not even get it if the NWO pulls their clothes off their bodies to replace them with ‘the’uniform.
I still think the NWO crowd misses the point that their ‘Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution’ will do them in as well (‘the internet of things, or rather the involved technology, will fry their brains as well’)
re bombs…I’m not a chemist, and I would never do this, but I did find a link where apparently it’s not too difficult to make “plastic”, or “plastique”…not sure of the pronunciation, explosives. I’m sure anarchists could set these up at strategic points (radiation / cell towers, etc.) if they wanted to create lots of havoc against the govt.
Also, many think there isn’t any running away from this and I do agree that people will have to fight. But I think that the battle is better had in the rural parts than the cities as I have believed and the Cognizant link tends to show that the cities would be impacted first so that would be their first line of attack.
A better battle is people just not going along…they would back off fast if people just pushed back. Right now we can destroy the elites power base JUST by not giving them out money or our data, they aim to remove that option.
When its appropriate to blow stuff up its already too late…they LIKE that kind of resistance, they FARM terrorists as a cash crop for the security states contractors.
cu.h.j says:
“I know during the Vietnam War there were instances of mutiny against commanding officers.”
About 6 or 7 years ago when I was working the Vitamin Department of Sprouts, a petite & pale, hunch-backed lady in her upper 80’s would come every few months to buy about $300-$500 worth of supplements. Sweet gal. She would give me a list, and I would fill it. She was working hard on a project to keep the Library afloat down in the poor border town of Del Rio.
One day an old Black fella comes in and hands me a list. I told him that it reminded me of the lady.
He said, “Yes. I work for her.”
We get to talking. He tells me about Vietnam. He’s in charge of a barge on the river. One day a white, cocky officer comes on the barge and says,
“We are going to take these supplies.”
The black fella pulls his gun aiming it straight at the officer’s head, saying
“Get your cracker ass off this m__f__ boat you honky ____ ! I’ll shoot you dead if I see you agin!”
Fast forward decades later. The black fella needs a job and responds to an ad by the little old lady. He gets hired by her.
One day he is in the living room and meets her husband.
He looks at him, pausing, and says, “Are you the fella who pulled a gun on me in Vietnam?”
There was grumbling by the old white guy, but his wife rules the day.
The world’s a stage, isn’t it?
Just keep in mind, all that is happening was prophesied. We are also promised Final Justice when the cavalry from Calvary arrives. These demons do NOT win, even though they gloat like they will.
Just make sure you’re on the right side when the Savior arrives again.
Bastards! I’m only 20 seconds into the “looking back the past 5 years video”, and my first thought is, well, we’re still paying high property taxes, which mostly goes into the schools, but we’re not sending our kids to a school so why aren’t our property taxes reduced overnight by 40%? On top of it, the family income has been almost halved overnight because now most families have the second wage earner having to stay home full time to take care of, feed, and educate the kids when this used to be done by the state. Now granted, at least families can better control and lessen the brainwashing that kids get by homeschooling, but don’t doubt that it wasn’t part of their agenda to immediately impoverish the average working class family by forcing the closure of the schools. So instead of sending our first grader to public school, we’re now paying $1,000 a month to a tutor to come for only 2 hours per day, and 90% of the time isn’t spent teaching her, but rather just getting her to sit down and listen instead of wanting to play with her toys in the house. Their educations are screwed at best.
“..So instead of sending our first grader to public school, we’re now paying $1,000 a month to a tutor to come for only 2 hours per day…”
You can give your kid the equivalent of a full day in school ‘learning for learning’ in an hour yourself. 80 to 90% of the time in school is spent herding children into the 10 to 20 % of time that they actually learn something. The official time it takes for home bound students to receive instruction is something like an hour and a half per day..
1) One parent o grandparent should always stay home to bring up the kids. I know people who basically work to pay for the car, phone, and daycare ALL so other people can access their offspring.
2)The 2 working parent pattern is designed (Like Universal basic income) to make families more dependent and prone to economic destruction thru loss of the 2nd income
3) Assuming your a literate person of average intelligence you would have to ACTUALLY WORK to give your kid a WORSE education then they get in preschool and primary education. You can literally spend time watching school house rock and learn more then a day in school.
There is a reason that serious colleges want home school kids more then ones from the state chicken pen
Honestly, a kid who just has an environment with out tablets or TV and easy access to decent books can actually teach themselves better then the slave schools. I know TEACHERS who WILL NOT sent their own kids to those place anymore. The last 10 years have seen a STEEP decline.
The ultimate plan is to decentralize the slave training into everyones home with online schooling..anyone who CAN should educate their kids up to age 10 or 11 at least…
EDIT: I dont know your or anyone esles situation so sorry if I come across too strong but school is destroying the majority of kids chances to attain their intellectual level
I believe you may be right. I know for myself, there’s only so much I can focus (whether at work or on something else) before my mind just wanders.
kids of that age usually show some interest in reading and maths, and the claim that they lose interest in school is not so farfetched.
That was my case at least. My mother didn’t want to teach me to read before school because she thought I would get bored and hate school. Guess what, I got bored and hated school anyway. One particular thing that I hated was to have to sit down for hours in a row.
I believe it is not a coincidence that only after I finished highschool did my interest in studying and learning really flourish.
> The 2 working parent pattern is designed (Like Universal basic income) to make families more dependent and prone to economic destruction thru loss of the 2nd income
Not only that, today it is basically impossible for a couple with one working spouse to buy a house, car, etc and raise 2 or 3 children and that is by design. Even so much as interrupting a professional career for 5 or 6 years, which was fairly common a few decades ago, is out of question for most women as they have been brainwashed to fear being dependent on their husbands and to have obssessive shopping behaviours.
The (nuclear) family has been completely destroyed at least 3 decades ago and that has opened the way for the state to brainwash children much more efficiently.
“..The (nuclear) family has been completely destroyed at least..”
The joke is the nuclear, non extended family is a creation of the industrial age…they broke up extended faring families into more easily managed nuclear units and now want to break us down into component parts.
BUt there is still hope… if a young person learns an actual trade skill and avoids college debt they can often still buy a house and raise a family- the hard part is finding a partner who is not **cked up in the head by societal training. Its hard but it can still work
Exactly as you said, the nuclear family itself is an atomized version of the extended family, much more unstable and without a true mechanism of provision and care. The family was an important unit both as a intermediary for the bigger structures in society and for the caring of its weakest members.
Families and dinasties are sources of power and that is why the elites don’t relinquish their patriarchal families while they promote feminism, alternative lifestyles and having less children.
Back in the spring, when California shut down the schools, I offered to pay for the cost to provide my two grand kids the Ron Paul Home Schooling program.
It was only $650/yr total for both kids! This includes all the books and lessons and is designed to minimize parental time demands to about 1 hour a day by 4th grade while providing a classical education to the kids remotely, individually and at their own pace.
In contrast the State of California spends about $20,000/yr to indoctrinate those two kids remotely for one size fits all brainwashing. California demands at least 2 hours/day of parental time enforcing the kids brainwashing – but forbids the parents from observing or participating in the lessons.
Ignoring the qualitative difference, it is astounding that the private home schooling alternative costs only 3-4% of the State costs with half the parental time demands. $650 vs $20,000! Your tax dollars at work.
Home School incredibly low cost! (including books)
People make the mistake of thinking the school is there either to “teach” their kids, or (conspiratorially minded) to indoctrinate them…..both are true but they are both FAR FAR down in the agenda.
An example is that “free” laptops pay Microsft an “Office” license rather then use FREE libreOffice which is a better product… even if they get a super deal on Google services for online students and on Office and only pay (For example- I have no idea what they pay) 1$ a month per kid then the taxpayer is STILL pouring money into Microsft and Google services WHILE getting kids personal data.
Schooling is the NEW defense industry! (though killing minds rather then bodies)
The REAL reason the school industrial complex exists is for the benefit of Administrators and Teachers, Principles and clerical staff, the people who sell them equipment…. somewhere way down on the list of priorities is “program kids” and even lower “help kids”
Just as a cancer is dependent on sugar in the blood to live and grow the school industrial complex depended on free cash raining down to grow so huge. Local districts paid for without federal cash could not become such monsters….and now the system cant be reformed because too many people are totally dependent on it- they managed to addict many kids and parents too via free food (usually the most disgenic filth that makes them sicker and stupider)
Yes it is an industry, and it is designed today to harvest data, and make certain interests money. The only solution is to opt out. “the only wining move is to not play”. That is easier said than done.
My kids are grown, but I’m still paying for the system with my taxes. Convincing my kids to keep their kids out of the state system is difficult. If they choose to withdraw from the system they are much better off, but are still forced to pay for the system with taxes, plus pay for the alternative.
I’ve decided to go the Agorist gray market route and set up a foundation – “the Bill and Hillary DiggsJazz Foundation” that makes all the assets, property, and income put into it tax deductible and tax exempt. It only requires 3% of its income be given to charity or educational purposes annually. But since I already tithe 10% thats no biggie. It will cost about $1500/yr in accountant filling fees – a tiny fraction of the taxes I pay now for income and real estate taxes, and less than the CPA fees I pay now for tax returns.
Technically I won’t own it – I’ll just control it. Whats the difference?
This is the legal path set up to preserve the family wealth of our “benevolent overlords” a hundred years ago. Its time we little guys start using the same system for us. Back in the 1980’s I did all my personal and company taxes and realized that the tax system was set up to fleece the little guy but protect the wealth of the big guys. I realized that understanding and using the tax laws was the key to keeping ones hard earned money.
I’m done complaining about the system, I just want solutions. I want to opt out and protect my family.
A foundation is something similar to a trust?
A trust is used to determine inheritance while avoiding probate. It is not tax exempt.
A foundation – Like the Rockafeller, Carnagie, and Gates Foundations – is a privately controlled charitable or educational institution. It is tax exempt.
Any money you put into it is tax deductable. But you still control it by controlling its board. If you plan its function you can move real estate, business assets, investments, cash etc into it and they are no longer subject to Income or property tax. But the Foundation can still provide for your needs: The Foundation then pays you or your kids a salary that is personally taxable, but less tax than from the income held by the Foundation.
That is the very short version.
That’s very interesting, thanks for the rundown.
[SNIP – No links without titles and/or explanations of why people should be clicking on them, please. -JC]
As always, thanks for the bad news, James! 😉
It’s sad to see that all those Bilderberg Dimwits forget at least one important factor in their Agendas:
Wifi, 5G, radiowaves – the basis of the ‘new economy’ and ‘new normal’ – will literally destroy the biosphere even these numb skulls depend on (unless they are already fully non-organic monsters). No health or environmental safety studies have been done on 5G and still it’s rolled out like crazy. http://www.stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/USSR-Biological-Effect-of-Millimeter-Radiowaves-by-N.P.-Zalyubovskaya-1977-CIA-RDP88B01125R000300120005-6.pdf
In addition, the tens of thousands of 5G satellites will be shot into space via rockets, each rocket decreases the ozone layer even more than it already is.
The satellites disturb our ionosphere and Earth’s magnetic field. All life depends on both ozone to decrease toxic ultraviolet radiation as well as the geomagnetic field.
Millimeter waves are already being used for crowd control (and probably worse, Cuba / US Embassy / neurological effects). All cells (incl. microbes) are affected by artificial EMFs.
The above mentioned numb skulls also forget that the chemicals intentionally released in the stratosphere also compromise the ozone layer and poison the entire biosphere.
We see the effects of both radiowaves and stratospheric injections already. It won’t be long until it’s ‘game over’ for the entire planet and life as we know it. No Greta, WEF or UN can save us without putting a stop to what clearly kills our biosphere. Turning off some cars and reducing some truly non-essential plane travel (like military planes that spray chemicals or drop bombs) may be great but it’s like putting a bandaid on a cut aorta; it won’t stop the rapid deterioration of the patient Earth. http://www.GeoengineeringWatch.org has lots of data, so does EnvironmentalHealthTrust http://www.EHTrust.org and The Bioinitiative Report https://bioinitiative.org/
The link in the description for the MP4 is incorrect. It currently links to:
which is a different video.
Thanks for the tip, orion. The link has been corrected.
Holy shit…read source material, hell no, even watching this excited ……. I have much to much of ‘rona hysteria. You read it for me, thanks James, your subjective presentation is highly appreciated.
Otherwise, some good observations lately, we might not be fucked.
I noticed quite some people are not fully buying into ‘rona scam.
Also similar number have kind of double think position, to some extent they buy the story, but they are aware that we are generally going in wrong direction. Weird position, still there is hope for them.
We have to double our efforts.
Yeah, some people get it. My wife and I have our circle of friends who get together every since about late April with no fears of the King/beer virus.
And in the last week, we met a neighbor across the street who sees the globalist agenda, along with meeting others at a nearby park who believe the same.
Obviously the more people who don’t fall for the BS, the better so we can stop and change the laws / orders that have been implemented.
Longer-term, not sure what the solution is: some here and on other blogs/sites say we need to stop their agenda now (presumably by force). That option could lead to deaths and casualties on our side. The other option is to fight the battle later, which would likely also lead to deaths on our side. Do our chances go up by fighting now? And if we “fight”, who/whom do we fight? The policeman who’s following orders?
I think the common agreed upon answer is to disobey the mask and other silly requirements, which I agree with. But that could also lead to trouble, financially or criminally. For example, if your city doesn’t let you enter the bank, or the grocery store without a mask, then disobedience is a real problem right now, and the battle may be better down the road.
Anyway, I’m just saying that they obviously played out via a simulation the likely scenarios and they’re constantly measuring effectiveness and making adjustments and that we’ll also need to be equally nimble in deciding individually when to comply, when to do a soft disobeyance, and when to fight to the death en masse. And personally, if I’m going down, with 3 kids, mother and father, then it’ll be during the final battle, not over wearing or not a mask because if I’m taken out, then it’ll be my toddlers fending for themselves, and that’s not a fair fight for them.
I think fighting is a state of mind. It doesn’t have to be physical per se. It can manifest itself in the big and/or small things. Fighting to the death I will reserve when they come with mandatory or semi-mandatory vaccines for me and my family.
In the meantime I will concentrate on smaller things such as trying to educate the people around me on what is going on. I think that is a very important part!
But I also think it is very important to think about how to do this in a pedagogical manner. For example, certainly in the beginning you have to connect on the level the other person is on. There has to be a build-up from small to big. If you start with the heavy stuff right away, they will typically shut down the conversation early. And although we both might think we have superior knowledge (being readers of the Corbett Report and other alternative media), we must engage them as an equal partner in the conversation otherwise we WILL come across as a bully and that perception will then be deserved. So don’t even think you have superior knowledge, just engage them as equals and take it from there because that is how a logical discussion works and anything else is bullying.
Furthermore, if we can muster enough energy, another thing that could be done is to write a researched piece on a topic that takes out one part of the Covid-narrative, for example as the inaccuracy of the PCR-test, or something else. We could then print it out a 100, 500 or 1000 times and distribute it in a train or other public places, or build a simple website and put it on display there. At the very least you could tell your findings to our friends and family.
Then, we could do it with another topic that takes out another part of the Covid-narrative, and so on.
Finally, be practical, use guerilla-tactics against the system however you can, develop alternatives to the system (crypto for example), developing a network of like-minded people and on occasion something going to anti-Covid-lockdown-rally also could be options.
In any case, all the best and good luck to you and all of us!
Oscar says:
“In the meantime I will concentrate on smaller things such as trying to educate the people around me on what is going on.
I think that is a very important part!”
I agree! Cultures change this way.
James – what can sheeplepeople do, more than whine and bah? I understand that most people are sensible enough not to WANT catastrophy, but nevertheless, here it comes. Why? Because power is not a matter of choice of sheep. It is the will of shepards
True… only about 10 to 20 % % of people actually matter MUCH to the broad historical narrative. About the same % that got to pass on their genes back when people were wild.
During “After the Virus: The World of 2025 – #PropagandaWatch”, as James mentioned several times, it becomes apparent that Cognizant is hyping business opportunities.
In some of the business publications, I also have been noticing this ‘trend’ of glorifying potential financial prospects meant for the Big Players, despite the disastrous destruction of so many Mom-n-Pop businesses.
In late September, Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer interviewed Actress and business owner Jessica Alba.
She talked about how “The Honest Company” has been doing great with the lockdown. Sales of Covid related products are through the roof.
(“The Honest Company” sells ‘kind of’ natural products, and gets a premium price because it is considered an elite brand.)
The interview also hit the keyword buttons… Woman owned, women of color, ‘healthy’, successful, well thought of, etc.
Alba said the emphasis on safe products and ethical business practices owes in part to the company’s commitment to serving a diverse clientele.
“Black and brown communities are affected the most when it comes to exposures to unnecessary chemicals and how it can affect their health,” she says. “I really wanted to make sure that I make my products accessible to everyone.”
~~www ph.news.yahoo.com/jessica-alba-companies-dont-need-a-cutthroat-white-middleaged-guy-125906792.html
Update to Lock Step?
It seems that the Rockefeller Foundation that has brought us the scenario ‘Lock Step’ that is being played out right now (see page 18 on http://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf) has brought us a new and updated document.
The “National Covid-19 Testing & Tracing Action Plan” can be downloaded from their site:
Whether this “leaked” memo is real or not, but it paints a very similar picture of the future. Maybe a bit darker. And definitely possible.
Here is also break down of the document.
Some more about the WEF agenda and the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with COVID-19. Oceania will ALWAYS be at war with COVID-19.
Vaccination from the latin word for cow is it not?… vacca
Cattle-ized… healthy cattle
Oh, you are right! This is so appropriate.
“..giant tape worm consuming the beauty we humans are capable of creating..”
Its a Screwtape… http://www.samizdat.qc.ca/arts/lit/Toast_CSL.pdf
A quote
“…But do you realize how we have succeeded in reducing so many of
the human race to the level of ciphers? This has not come about by
accident. It has been our answer — and a magnificent answer it is — to
one of the most serious challenges we ever had to face…”
On Armies being fossil fueled, you remember that an army just has to be better then the army it faces- I read a novel about a resource collapse and the USA was doing pretty well because China was in a warlord period and German dominated Europe was the other major power.
If all the leaders THINK they are now going to sit quiet at the trough they might think there is less need for armed power… of course that usually ends with someone breaking the rules and grabbing all the good stuff
As to oil, there really is no shortage, peak oil is as much a scam as global warming
When you say “coming” I guess “some day” it is possible that there will be an actual shortage of extractable oil… but not on any time scale that will cause technological society any concern.
Peak oil was an early lie- its also one of the early fake environmental worries that I used to subscribe to. The guy who came up with it was
“..Dr. Marion King Hubbert (born 1903, died 1989), know as M. King Hubbert, was geologist born in Texas, USA. He was a former member of Technocracy Inc….”
I am sure you know about Technocracy Inc but for anyone that does not
The ability to extract oil has steadily improved and oil is plentiful and will be for the foreseeable future. The false resource shortage is the tool of those who want to control people just like the population bomb global warming and the famines that “needed” the biotech agricultural revolution…. I too used to subscribe to all those ideas too but they are pretty much all faked by people like maurice strong in order to grab emergancy power over resources- the corona scare is what they are trying now
Carbon Ration Cards suggested…
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1021983/Every-adult-Britain-forced-carry-carbon-ration-cards-say-MPs.html a link thats working from the vid on Technocracy linked in my other post
My take on
Oil, Natural Gas, Minerals and Precious Metals such as Gold/Silver.
The days are gone of easily accessible rich deposits of these resources.
The cream was skimmed off in decades past.
Now it has become more costly to extract, process and transport these resources.
Now-a-days, a gold mining operation might get 2 grams of gold per ton of earth.
Home Remedy Supply
True, but extraction has become more efficient and effective and use has become more efficient so less is used for the same result
As I posted above the guy who invented Peak Oil was also the guy who wrote the Technocracy Inc study course- look him up
Its use of fear to control resources… just like Corona virus. Both fooled me at first TBH.
I totally agree with the fact that “Peak Oil” fear mongering is a PsyOp.
Corbett has long been talking about it.
Some of Corbett’s interviews with F. William Engdahl were very interesting and shed light on the topic.
Thats a pretty good link, listening now – Thanks!
His Audio was awful back then though, Lol… glad he got a better mic.
Two studies have changed the way we view how life, water and oil arrived on Earth.
Researchers at the University of Hong Kong have discovered that stars above a certain size produce complex organic matter. When a star is in its planetary nebula phase it ejects petroleum and coal, originally thought to only be biotic in origin. This points to an abiotic origin of oil. When this interstellar organic material landed on the Earth in the Late Heavy Bombardment it helped kick-start the development of life.
In another study, Japanese scientists subjected this inter stellar organic material to high pressure and heat. At 350ºC it produced pure water and at 400ºC it produced oil of the same type that is found in crude oil in the Earth. This may well be the source of water and oil found in the earth.
Interesting tidbits about abiotic oil.
Do you have a link to the research?
New insight into the origin of water on the earth
Discovery: Cosmic Dust Contains Organic Matter from Stars
Cosmic Carbon Chemistry: From the Interstellar Medium to the Early Earth
Links will appear when admin allows.
Thanks, spider.
I wonder if The Band gets free drinks on the house.
If so, then it might be a while before we see those links. 😉
New insight into the origin of water on the earth
Discovery: Cosmic Dust Contains Organic Matter from Stars
Cosmic Carbon Chemistry: From the Interstellar Medium to the Early Earth
For those people that want to be a bit more active I’ve created an A5 flyer in a PDF you can download, print out and give to family, friends and strangers in the street: https://infrakshun.files.wordpress.com/2020/03/coronoavirus-flyer.pdf
I like that. Lots of references.
Minor factual addendum: LVMH is Louis Vuitton (Moet Hennessy).
That is interesting about your students and their perspectives. It gives us insight.
Hijole! Los ojos arriba.
Thanks for the ANECDOTES ManBearPig.
On the Dr. Simone Gold YouTube Channel (America’s Frontline Doctors), is this talk by psychiatrist Dr. Mark McDonald.
He talks about…
The Pandemic of a mental illness – Delusional Psychosis
(3:40 mark “Delusional Psychosis”)
A delusion is a fixed, false belief that is contrary to reality.
“..leave nations and people being divided in the image of the spawning of Pakistan? ..”
To be fair while the British DID use ethnic/religious hatreds to keep control of India Muslims and Indians had plenty of reason to hate each other before that. The partition was a good thing- people who hate each other are better living far away from each other- they fight most in contested areas where they mix and periodically set each other alight in the street to this day.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
I am appalled by the reaction of the French people. I do not understand. They have changed so much. This would never have happened in the ’60s or even ’70s, but of course, the fabric of society was so different at the time.
It will soon be 30 years that I left Europe, but I really do not regret moving out of there. I am not sure how long I would be able to stand living there without exploding.
Two days ago, I read that 73% of the population agrees with the lockdown. I could not believe it. It was confirmed by friends. And now, you basically say the same.
Gosh, I so much wish that General de Gaulle could come back!
My daughter has been telling me for years that people will not revolt. I am afraid I am starting to think she is right, at least for Europe.
fun times slugging that ‘special bottle of scottish gold? this might help. insert smiley face here.
A few “one-liner” EXCERPTS…
Nowadays, we have elections in lieu of freedom.
The defects in any system of choosing rulers outweigh the risks of letting people run their own lives.
People are entitled to far more information when testing baldness cures than when casting votes that could lead to war.
Politicians have mandated warning labels for almost everything except voting booths.
A successful politician is often merely someone who bamboozled more voters than the other liar running for office.
When people blindly trust politicians, the biggest liars win.
and also deleting texts in the broader archive.
In my own research, I use the INTERNET ARCHIVE and
HATHI TRUST on a daily basis, and have done since they were
formed. During the past week I have encountered over a dozen
instances of textual source material having been deleted.
I didn’t dwell upon it, in the moment, but
tonight I checked their Blog. I read they have decided to assist
the “hard work” of the so-called “Fact Checkers” who are employed
by American corporate media. INTERNET ARCHIVE has capitulated
to the Fascist-Left and are now attaching warning labels to
page scans long archived in the WAYBACK MACHINE. The Blog article
(October 30th) did not fess-up to the weeding campaign that seems to be
underway in the broader archive. No doubt there will be a call for volunteers to help them censor the pre-Internet thoughts of humanity.
It will be an endless task.
Thanks for the brief from your observations.
Do you have a link of the blog page and/or can you copy-n-paste some text onto a comment?
Thanks for the heads up om wayback, shame but to be expected at some point I guess.
I have taken to copying news articles to my hard disk (I shorten the name so it wont mess up due to long file nameswhen transferring via USB drive
That awful Cognizant actor woman at 4m00s with her fleshcreeping vocal fry voice made me want to hurl a large lump of concrete at my laptop screen. Why can’t the people who produce authoritarian garbage like this at least pick people who come across as slightly appealing? Are their minds so truly soiled by the poison they’ve absorbed that they don’t hear things the same way as the rest of us? She’s like some robotic stick insect from another planet. Truly vile stuff.
2025 and beyond. The Establishment wanting to give us eternal life because technology is going to be so great?… yes they think this is reality. Just like the public schools think we are going to educate the next generations so well that… “Hey, we’re going to Mars and beyond”. Simply… too much Star Trek…
There is a very simple way to distinguish who TRULY is awake and who is just saying they are awake. Those who are not angry are not awake. How could you feel anything else but fury at what is happening unless you don’t realise what is happening?
Despite the abundance of evidence that those holding the reigns will never willingly allow things to return to how they were, people (even those claiming to be awake) still act as though things will return. The only way they can return is by exposing the fraud.
In addition to this, how things were, was no paradise. Even before all this, the corruption and perversion was so extreme that a revolution was already required to restore liberty. So maybe this is exactly what we needed to finally stand up and create the society that should’ve existed all along. Instead of the “Great Reset” perhaps the “GREAT UNPLUG.”