Welcome back to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
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Story #1: “Unite for Freedom” Protest on August 29th
Coronavirus Protests Across the World
BREAKING: Germany Bans Coronavirus Protest; Berlin Senator labels protesters “right wing extremists”
Story #2: The Carney/Freeland “Green Reset” Shapes Canada’s ‘New Normal’
Chrystia Freeland Sworn In As Finance Minister; Parliament Prorogued
CRISPR: New Genetic Engineering Techniques Pose Numerous Risks
PDF: “Broadening the GMO Risk Assessment In the EU For Genome Editing Technologies In Agriculture”
Florida Approves Release of 750 Million GM Mosquitoes Amidst Public Outcry
Suspect In #TaosCompound Case Found Incompetent To Stand Trial
United Arab Emirates Sells Out Palestine for Israel
Australian Drones to Find People Not Wearing Masks, Driving Too Far From Home
Glyphosate Herbicide Harms Even GM Glyphosate-Tolerant Soybeans
Could Injectable Microrobots One Day Run In Your Veins?
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If anyone has any information about a freedom deal in Michigan, let me know. Alas, I will check goo-tube for the masses.
Michigan native here, can’t say that I’ve heard of a “freedom deal” in Michigan. There is the Michigan Freedom Fund which is a non profit that funds constitutional causes in the state, such as the protest that was held in Lansing outside the capital building opposing Gretchen Whitler’s stay at home order. Other than that I don’t know what you could be referring to?
Bring your own… are you expecting a free Obama Gun?
That’s funny.
Here is an idea or two to find a lead for Michigan.
“Rally” is often a keyword.
There have been a variety of outspoken Michigan Doctors, some of whom practice Integrative Medicine. I remember three or four in the news cycle.
I’ll bet that they have patients who are on board.
While, I don’t cotton to politics, you may want to search any Republican grassroots activism.
Now-a-days, it seems that many protests are networked on Facebook.
Our 9/11 group used to piggy-back on other people’s anti-war protests, but bring our own signs.
If you catch an old news article of a past protest, you might find a lead to an organizer.
I am from SW Michigan.
The best effort is a citizens ballot initiative to repeal the 1945 law that the governor is using to extend the state of emergency.
They only need about 500,000 signatures to send this to the house and senate. They can vote on it and the governor cannot veto it.
If they do not pass it, it goes on the ballot for voters to decide.
They have collected about 300,000 signatures in a short time.
Thanks for reporting on all the protests
Resistance is fertile!
Reporting from Germany
the protest was banned by the mayor of Berlin but it will go through the courts in the next hours of whom it is expected that they disregard it as blatantly unconstitutional.
Anyway even some in mainstream press lambasted him for this and more importantly
everyone will come anyway. Today there have been registered several thousand demos as a countermove for 29th too. People will come no matter what.
Some will stay. Camping. Until it is over.
Some are saying this may become the biggest protest Germany/Berlin has ever seen (yes ever including before the fall of the wall).
To my memory the protest in London/Trafalgar is also only a protest in solidarity with the one in Berlin.
Prof Cahill who was involved with the protests in Dublin on 22th is also aware and connected to some of the German resistance.
I personally can provide links with footage etc. only September first or later because I will not have any electronics with me. But probably other attendees can weigh in earlier here.
cheers mielia
PS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyECB-sBB7s Berlin invites Europe | Teaser Official | Demo 29.08.20 | #Berlin
in several languages
BUMP that 3 minute VIDEO “Berlin invites Europe”
It got very long, sorry,
but if anyone wants to read (infos none of us really need but now it is out there), I wrote an explainer of everything so far
Great work Mielia! 🙂
Wow , thanks for sharing this !
none of us can take it back or stop it at this point in time
I am very anxious too
but let’s all go in heartful mood
Frieden, Wahrheit, Liebe
peace, truth and love
Well, me and mine are piling into Trafalgar Square this coming Saturday. Not sure what difference this ‘rally’ will make, but having signed the meaningless petitions, having been ignored by BoJo and local MP, several times, Uniting for Freedom seems like a splendid idea. Just to be mixing with other human beings, outside of our ‘bubble’, outside of our house. Can’t wait. Connecting with people! Imagine that.People!! Plus most of my favourite speakers will be speaking. They won’t tell me anything they haven’t already told me, but I’m looking forward to embracing humanity again.
complete cookie
I watched the London protest. It was great! Having a bit of a problem in Berlin as I watch. Waiting to hear some speakers.
Yes! Go UK! So glad to see and hear people standing up to this shenanigans. So many people I speak to, some too scared to speak up loudly, but they do it on person when you actually reach out to them, are against everything the government has done and the things that are happening, so many unhappy people, so many against this big pile of coronarubbish….
Trafalgar protests: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/aug/29/coronavirus-sceptics-conspiracy-theorists-anti-vaxxers-protest-london
Boo to this big pile of steaming poo:
Here is a short film from a youtube channel about the croud in Berlin this weekend
Was there the whole day, was great to have hundreds of thousands of people arojnd without masks, some coming from all over Europe..
5 minute fast speed through Berlin
“Don’t mourn, organize!” is an expression, abridged from a statement by labor activist and songwriter Joe Hill near the time of his death.
Hill wrote the full statement in a telegram he sent to Bill Haywood, which stated, “Goodbye, Bill, I die like a true blue rebel. Don’t waste any time mourning. Organize!”
Hill followed that telegram with another: “Could you arrange to have my body hauled to the state line to be buried? I don’t want to be found dead in Utah.”.
In 1915, Hill was convicted and executed for the murder of John and Arling Morrison a year prior; he denied having committed the murders but, for reasons that remain a source of speculation, was unwilling to give an alibi during his trial.
Orrin N. Hilton, the lawyer representing Hill during the appeal, declared: “The main thing the state had on Hill was that he was a Wobbly and therefore sure to be guilty.
So, don’t mourn organize for collective resistance is now your only friend.
That’s a very interesting story and it’s point is so profound.
After reading your comment, I thought of this…
William F Pepper –
Don’t mourn the passing of liberty…Organize!
(90 seconds)
“Steel your spines!
Inspire your children!…”
also one correction, it was not the mayor Müller but the minister of the interior for Berlin Geisel who banned and now his ministry and the police office/agency or whatever it is refused to accept the papers for the 6000 newly registered demos
Well, what else can you do? Non-compliance on the personal level is great but demonstrations with many others showing resistance is a great way to show the self-proclaimed masters that there is more than a single resisting person on a block.
Showing public peaceful resistance is the best we can do to slow the train and to perhaps pick up/wake up a few who are not lost to complete unconsciousness. Even those half asleep or maybe even those fully asleep may wake up when the masters rattle the chains even more and the people realize that THEY also will be negatively affected by these illegal undemocratic ’emergency’ regulations if they quietly keep complying with them.
Only by showing resistance can we (hopefully) still stop the train.
You guys in Berlin have put the rest of the world to shame! Here in the UK mostly everyone is going along with everything .gov.uk inflicts upon us. We are such a spineless nation. Me and mine will be with you on Saturday, cheering you on. Good luck!
If we do not tell them we object they will keep doing their thing…. they would love an outbreak of violence because thats easy to crack down on, but as long as people are just protesting their limited in their responses
The court has just cancelled the banning of the protest march because it was against the Constitution.
Thanks freewildyogi!
Excellent news. The law is not always an ass.
A picture from Berlin yesterday. The police tried to escalate because they were demanding the proper distancing from each other but they closed all the streets and blocked the croud from moving forward although they were forced to let them through by the court that stated that the march is legal. So more and more people gthered and were filling up the space making “social distancing” of 1.5 m impossible. Those were police-state-like measurements because they ignored the decision of the court. So the organizers had a hard time to maintain calm and non violence. So please do not “believe” the official pictures that show mostly violence. That was on 2 places and it was intentional. I was there the whole day and there must have been a million people, some coming from all over Europe, keeping a peacefjlmbehaviour despite of the provocations.I guess it was one of the biggest, if not the biggest demonstration in the history of Germany.
Here is one more picture that I took yesterday,
A group of people in front of the statue of victory showing charts with “WE ARE THE PEOPLE”..
freewildyogi says:
I was there the whole day
and there must have been a million people,
some coming from all over Europe, keeping a peaceful behaviour despite of the provocations.
I guess it was one of the biggest, if not the biggest demonstration in the history of Germany.
My comment after attending the demo
the video by freewildyogi below (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1572-new-world-next-week-with-james-evan-pilato/#comment-92488) is another video making the rounds in several versions, I believe it is roughly from 14 hrs to 15 hrs, main event started at 15:30.
speech by Robert F Kennedy was pretty much at the start (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u3H3PvebBU). He had another speech the day after and Heiko Schöning made a speech mixed German/broken English which is probably interesting to truthers.
(I won’t link further speeches.)
So far I would recommend
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZG63U0jOM0&feature=youtu.be to judge how many people were there (it is from above).
(there is another single picture where everything is full/crowded that has made some rounds on telegram but I strongly believe it is not from the event)
Another nice moment was at the end with the lights Nana Domena/one of the moderators https://youtu.be/BsuoNo-9W_g?t=114
Someone wrote here 8.5 million, I have neither read nor heard this number anywhere.
If I had to guess/take a number from these three: 85k, 850k, 8.5 mio I would take 85k.
I have a pessimistic/realistic tendency and thus have mixed feelings, maybe am disillusioned and would focus my activities on actions similar to those from Utah that James posted (flashmobs/shopping together to more easily brake mask adherence) than any demos.
But we’ll see. Let’s give it some days. My mood is changing quickly all the time.
As usually people tend to overestimate such numbers, I would guess last time we had 60k-300k and this time 120k-600k. I give a wide range because it is difficult to judge. This time definitely more people attended.
The mood was a bit different, more attention to the speakers than the crowd, the need for the attorneys to cooperate with the police and thus “enforcing” rules of distance – a terrible/very German comparison to London,
more pictures for the press to paint something negative with the Reichstags incidence, most attention now towards that – which is unwished-for for us.
With too many speakers too many goals, it is more difficult to unite and easier to divide.
Although I would say the athletes and police officers and religious people and two youngsters were a superb inclusion.
The goddamn ideologues to the negative and the ‘new constitution’ a step too far, although I re-listened to Ballwegs intro speech and his reasoning was appropriate (which nobody will care about though obviously).
Enough people? No
Where is the consciousness? Very much: helplessness, ego, neeeeeds and neeeeeds which people long for
lack of creativity, even more of self-determined, autonomous action and appropriateness/wholesomeness
but then: Who am I to judge all this?
Take care everyone, push forward in your areas and don’t forget: Resistance is fertile!
mr. tucker, very nice. thank you.
and thank you james’!!!!
This includes up to August 29th planned protests and actions, plus recent weeks and stretching back to the end of July.
Many actions occurred in August.
(Scroll to the bottom of the COMMENT THREAD for the most recent posts)
7/29/20 – Interview 1566 – Derrick Broze Announces #ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2
“North Texans for Truth” Group is in the process of printing up a variety of flyer formats.
Topics include “masks” or “Covid statistics” or “documentaries & Info”.
Each flyer design has the QR Codes (Square Barcodes) for links.
This group prides itself with its community outreach interactions, and the sharing of information with both members and the public at large.
Anyone anywhere can join.
If you want any downloadable flyer formats, just message an organizer.
Don’t worry…
If you come to a weekly meeting, group members practice social distancing and the wearing of masks.
Those masks are as effective in battling viruses as cloth masks but instead of disseminating fear and paranoia they spread laughs and smiles.
Information from Germany.
Most likely many “tourists” will show up in Berlin this weekend after the demonstrations have been banned.
Let’s see how that goes. I will go there by car, some 12 hours roundtrip.
More information here:
This organization started it all back in April in Berlin
and here the friends from Stuttgart.
Both organizations joined now in the protests.
Cardboard Signs
At the 25 second mark of “8/27/20 Interview 1572 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato”,
there is a photo of two fellas holding cardboard signs.
I want to emphasize how simple this is to make.
Landscape view on the printer with large font.
“Word” by default only says size 72 as the largest font. Just highlight the box and type a size like 200. Press “enter”. You will get it.
(I like the simple message in the photo. I may mimic the signs Broc put in the video.)
Let me tell you a story. It’s about six passenger flights from Wuhan that led to an unprecedented global disaster.
Great read! …with references!
…As we live through the consequences of economic depression and the (hopefully temporary) destruction of our way of life, remember that it all comes back to the belief that finding six people with Covid on six flights was a good way to estimate how many people had the disease…
…They admitted that their conclusions were inconsistent with events at the Diamond Princess cruise ship – the best real-world Covid-19 experiment…
…Despite all of the uncertainties, they were still pretty sure that their work would be used to influence government decisions – and they were right about that…
…Finally, for those of you who wear tin foil hats instead of face masks, you’ll appreciate the acknowledgement by Ferguson that he works for GAVI the Vaccine Alliance, a pharma company which is now making Covid-19 vaccines, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
I read that a few weeks ago, great!
It’s a tip of the hat type of salute. He just doesn’t have a hat on so you may have missed it.
On Saturday August 29 2020 there will be a protest against Mandatory Flu Vaccinations for all student/daycare ages 6 months – college at:
Massachusetts State House
Beacon St
Boston MA
10 AM – Noon
I am making my big poster signs tomorrow.
(So glad to hear I can make my donations by check or money order!!! Thank you both.)
The date for Massachusetts protest has been changed to Sunday August 30
I am relieved that the James’ have figured out how to solve the Luddite problem with their members.
I had to take my chances last year when I snail-mailed a couple of checks and what was probably a very boomerish letter to Pilato’s post office box address.
But sure enough, after an expected lengthy delay due to our favorite DJs globetrotting, I found myself with passwords and access.
While I have not been able to master the chat stuff on Media Monarchy, I do listen to all the Morning Monarchy shows on podcasts. I hardly ever have a chance to catch the show live.
I certainly enjoy being a minor part of this community and I am grateful to James Pilato for going to a lot of trouble to help make it happen. And I am glad that I won’t have to be such an imposition next year.
There was a demo last Saturday in Dublin, which of course was demonised as 500 far right loonies, although 5-7,000 ordinary folk attended, including my family. I’m absolutely gobsmacked how ‘follow the narrative’ the ‘left’ are, have they all lost their critical thinking brain cell?. Barrister threatened with loss of her job, next up here in Ireland. Nasal vaccination of all 2-12 year olds with the ‘flu’ vaccine. Just watch it spread.
Hey Valm, I was at the protest also. Wasn’t it a great day, I remembered what it was to feel human and have the craic.
I got a bad vibe when the Candidate of the Irish Freedom party spoke, did you notice the atmosphere change?
I wish it had nothing to do with a political party.
I got home to a venomous attitude towards it, even the lady from the health food shop and my colleague who is in a punk band were not impressed. It’s been heart breaking, even my boss basically called me an idiot for believing all that non-sense. He asked me what the arguments were, I was speaking sense but felt like I was speaking an alien language talking about freedom and bodily autonomy. I can clearly see people are tortured to the point of exhaustion by this and us conspiracy theorists are an easy target for them to vent.
I offered to sing my protest song at the next one and they said that would be great. Do you think there is something shady within this protest because I’m not sure weather to do it now?
What I’ve learned this week is to actually try and enjoy the experience of reacting in a sane way to an insane world
Lizzie, what a great last line there: “What I’ve learned this week is to actually try and enjoy the experience of reacting in a sane way to an insane world”
This is something to think about!
Thanks Ruby.
It happened at work. The weeds at the farm are relentless at the moment because of all the wet and warm weather. I was army crawling through the drills pulling weeds out and after 5 or so rows of agony I started to pick up pace and enjoy it, that’s when I made the analogy that the fear driven collective brain are weeds and the cabbages are the voice of reason hidden amongst them. It’s a great feeling when you look back and see just cabbages.
Sust. Here is the song that line came from
Ruby and Debra, I must confess now before I become famous for my quote.
It was the wonderful Dave Thompson who did, well kind of did he read it in a mental health e-zine 20 years ago
It’s in this song No Harm here
First god made man then he made …Dave Thompson? that’s what we say here?
Much love and I will dedicate this song to all the wonderful ladies on here
I’d like to take part in one of these protests. I’m currently living between Philadelphia and New York City, so am able to go to events in either of those cities. If any knows of any, or can even tell me where to watch that any might be advertised, please let me know.
My brother and I went to see what the vibe was like on a night out in London last weekend. We’d seen in the “news” that Soho was overcrowded so we headed there. After a short tube (subway) journey we arrived in Victoria. This is notorious for masks and “fingermen”, sorry, travel champions. Fewer people were wearing masks than usual tbf but there were propaganda signs everywhere. Just when we thought we’d seen enough we saw a large government looking sign on the street, “save lives blah blah blah”. As we got closer we realised it was an anti-lockdown sign and we went nuts! Turns out the guys were sitting in for a 24/7 protest leading up to the Trafalgar event. Two hours later and we were still chatting to the them and having beers. The police came over to tell them they weren’t allowed to attach an umbrella to a plastic garden chair as it would be classed as a structure. I’m not joking. They left when we burst out laughing. We chatted some more and swapped ideas on how to handle the situation then shook hands and parted ways. Soho was pretty grim, all table service and zero atmosphere, so we left. Maybe a night out now is talking to people in the street about Bill Gates, who knows?
You bet your arse we’ll be there on Saturday!
Thank you for all you do James & James.
AUSTRALIA Freedom Day – SEPT. 5, 2020
They Crossed the Line , We Draw The Line
From the August ACTION REFERENCE Thread
Signs, Flyers, mailed postcards, classified ads in local papers, etc.
If a group protest is not going on near you, any person can (and does) have an impact on their local community by disseminating information.
The more physically visible (e.g. signs/flyers), the better.
There are others who feel the same way in your area. and they would love to be reassured by your sign or flyer that they are not alone.
And, there are others who have an interest in alternative views about Covid.
I know this works with even just one person in a community.
I have seen the results.
I could give pages and pages of anecdotes.
So, I encourage anyone who does not have a protest to go to, to just put out a sign or two. Or put out some flyers. Or just do something.
Just got some flyers back from the printers!
I love your Facebook post.
Thanks so much for being on this comment board. I love seeing your posts.
I felt that James C. was dismissive of James P.’s mention of how protesting the mask mandates gives it power. When I found out about WT7 in 2005, my husband and I made the decision to make the change from our typical former lifestyle (working jobs and buying food) to one in which we produce most of our necessities on our homestead. We feel that what is happening is much to big and powerful for anyone to be able to stop. It will play itself out by God’s plan.
We are amazed that they are using the common cold to isolate people. We thought they’d use smallpox or at least something a little more scary to disguise the inevitable economic collapse. But it actually makes sense from “their” perspective: this very survivable purported disease spreads cognitive dissonance very well, while making pro-maskers vs. anti-maskers a new divide-and-conquer issue.
My advice, should anyone be interested, would be to spend the time you might have to protest, to instead learn homesteading skills from someone that actually knows how to take care of him/herself independently from the modern infrastructure.
We live on 14 (unmortgaged) acres in Western Washington and strive to live a lifestyle in which we don’t exploit. We have trained oxen, milk a cow and are committed to our bovine family members who will never be killed or sold. If we don’t want tyrants as overlords, we should stop being tyrants.
So, all those folks that me and my friends helped to make aware of 9/11 since 2005…many tens of thousands…by flyers and marches and DVDs and newspaper / radio ads and events and theatre showings…
…should we have just done nothing?
…should we have done no outreach?
…should I have not helped Richard Gage gather Architects and Engineers from Texas and the surrounding states when he had only a few hundred on board?
…should we had not spent thousands and thousands of dollars of our own money and tremendous number of hours waking folks up about 9/11?
We had a huge impact and I saw the ripple effect through the years in our area. I sure am glad now. A lot of folks in our area are aware of the Plandemic.
Maybe we should have done nothing, just made bank and carved out our own space.
Kind of like the many farmers who Curtis Stone interviewed that had the government come and destroy their homestead and farms, by specialized restrictions. …The Great Reset step by step.
As for me, I’m not gonna tell my grandkids that I did not try to inform others, and help stop the tyranny.
I just couldn’t stomach myself for not doing something.
While my grandkids’ Father has 28 acres with livestock, he is like me. He and his wife know what is going down and they tell others.
Anyone, anywhere can do something, whether it is protests or something else to inform others.
Protests and marches are one form of outreach. They actually accomplish a lot.
Primarily, they inspire others.
Protests help to portray a concept that others are awake…that people are not alone in their ideas.
Protests draw like-minded folks together as a community.
A march or protest does not consume a tremendous amount of time from an individual’s life. Maybe a day, or two if it is a big event.
What does consume time is the organizing and recruitment efforts.
My hat is off to those who work hard with the organizing efforts like Ireland, Germany, America’s Frontline Doctors, etc.
I know what that is like…pulling your own teeth is easier.
Of course, you won’t see many marches and protests in Australia nor New Zealand.
It is too late for that.
Police Raid Man’s Home, Forcibly Quarantine for Refusing COVID-19 Test
Here is a 9/11 march we did ten years ago along a parade route of what was guessed to be close to 100,000 people attending.
We had done this parade in previous years.
By 2010, many along the route knew about 9/11.
You could hear them shout, “9/11 was an inside job!”
2010 Jan 16 Martin Luther King Parade – Dallas
(10 minutes)
I’m proud to have been a part of that.
That is a moving video. I remember those times. Your earlier point is well taken. I spent the better part of the last 20 years involved in protest/education and just being the truther at the party. Not a super popular guest but I feel I made a difference. Unfortunately I did neglect to build my own homestead, which is why I’m looking for a way out of the city at this late date…
HomeRemedySupply, I’m glad that your efforts to wake up others has had good results and imagine that doing this service must feel satisfying. My comment was about James’ dismissive attitude towards even considering the metaphysical aspect of the psy-op being played on the people. The perps use adrenochome which actually gives them mystic abilities, while they’re on it. As such, they are aware of how people’s thoughts affect the akasha, ether. Right now the akasha is being sorely affected by all the anxiety and fear being promoted.
Protests are fine, but it is better to work towards something than against. And usually when someone is protesting, it is because they have something of the trait they’re protesting against in themselves.
I understand your point of view and your decision,but I think it is safe to say that many if not most people will not and can not live the lifestyle that you have chosen.
I think we can still choose a self-sustaining lifestyle with the boundaries of what is comfortable and sustainable for us.
As for protesting – one thing it might accomplish is to spur others who are on the fence to take action. When you see a crowd of people organizing and standing together for a purpose it can be motivating. At times it can be quite moving and I would say Holy.
I think the civil rights movement of the 60s was uplifting and moving. The poor peoples march on Washington was riveting.
Just my opinion. I have not been to a demonstration in decades, but I am making my signs and showing up on Sunday Aug 30. At least it is an action I can take besides just not wearing a mask. And it will also be nice to be around a group of people, in person, who feel the same.
I know the James don’t always agree on every point. This has never been a concern for me.
I live in a small town in the Oregon Coast. We have only a few stores for necessities. When Oregon said everyone must wear a mask in stores (no medical excemption), I started simply wearing one corner of a very old bandana, so I can actually breath. I do this without complaining, because I do not want the few small businesses we have to go out of business. I ignore the outdoor mask wearing, which states if you can’t maintain 6 foot distance, wear a mask.
Those who protest and try to go on without masks, IMHO, are protesting riveting people.
My line in sand, I will not name anyone if I get contact traced, I will not take test, and will not take vacvine. At 70, it is easy to say, I would rather be dead than comply further than 10-50 minutes of mask wearing.
I was in the middle of moving out of my flat, planning to buy land and build a natural home with goats and chickens when lockdown stopped me in my tracks. So I started a podcast (“Imagining Freedom” – protesting against the lockdown and Covidocracy) and then joined freedom groups when I found them. Now that lockdown has ended, my homesteading plans are proceeding at a hectic pace. I haven’t had the time to do much podcasting, but I still find time to join in the weekly protests.
plato said you should be able to hold 2 opposite views at the same time. and examine them
I salute you. And I agree that the strategy has not changed. To bring about a civilization of peacefully coexisting humans we need to make governments obsolete by raising and educating generations of people who understand what liberty and responsibility are.
Tyrants laugh at protests I suspect. And there must be better ways to reach the uninformed. Especially in light of a corrupted media.
I hate to say it but the only way I will be attending any protests will be if they come to my neighborhood. And I won’t be carrying a sign. I will look like a older, skinnier Kyle Rittenhouse.
I have recently developed a very healthy reluctance to be in crowds.
Holy cow! These jerks with a little power love to pull the tyrant show.
How about Japan?? I know, not likely, but does anyone know of any resistance in Japan?
The Queensland premier has killed her first baby.
A Ballina woman is now mourning the loss of one of her twins, after she was denied entry to Queensland for emergency care.
Doctors in northern New South Wales were hoping to send Kimberley to hospital in Brisbane, with her early twin pregnancy requiring urgent care.
She then waited 16 hours to fly to a Sydney hospital, after being told she wouldn’t be able to get into Queensland. Sadly, it’s just been revealed that one of her twins has passed away at just 24 weeks. The Queensland Premier was questioned over this specific border rejection last week, where she said she wasn’t aware of all the details.
For those who don’t live in Fascistralia, Ballina is only about a 2 hour drive to a major hospital in Brisbane but around 8 hours to Sydney. I’m not sure why she had to wait 16 hours! to even get a flight to Sydney as we usually have emergency helicopter transport for medically urgent cases. Either way a 2 hour drive or much shorter helicopter trip to Brisbane should have been what happened and would have been before these political criminals started playing their pathetic little games.
Information from the German state of NRW (Nordrhein-Westfalen):
After massive protests by pattens and pupils, NRW dropped the face-mask mandate for schools.
It was an absolute non-sense from the start.
This mandate woke a lot of people up.
One small step, but resistance is fertile indeed!
Still we leave the petition open, just in case …
From Germany: After news came out of prohibition of the big rally on 29th August 2020 in Berlin, thousands of organizers announced small rallys in Berlin. Also there is a constitutional complaint going on from the lawyers of the movement quer-thinking 711 against this prohibition. People are firmly determined to go to Berlin and stay there, no matter which counter measures the government will take to hinder them. Also in many other cities of germany rallys will take place. Many people from neighbour countries will partecipate and come to Berlin – and among them there is Robert Kennedy Junior, coming to Berlin as well. He has been invited to speak. Not yet known if he will do that, but he is in Berlin, that has been confirmed.
We germans remember well J.F. Kennedy at his times, standing in Berlin and saying: I am a Berliner – Ich bin ein Berliner. Hopefully a Kennedy now reniews this bond. Please keep watching this rally and its outcome on the following channels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClHaXE8lx22Qtq0GRwgTLgg and here: https://www.youtube.com/c/BITTELTV/videos and maybe here too: https://kenfm.de/ – activate english subtitles.
Today, 28th of August 2020: Berlin Administrative Court passes judgment: Ban on demonstrations is unlawful. So – for now – we won this battle!
Youtube is continuously deleting channels of youtubers who just present the official data of the official institutes – with their interpretations of course. Censorship to the fullest! But we smell the enormous amount of fear of the ruling elite. We are the 99%, the people!
Foxlady says:
“From Germany:…
…Robert Kennedy Junior, coming to Berlin as well.
He has been invited to speak.
Not yet known if he will do that, but he is in Berlin, that has been confirmed.”
So cool!
I hope he speaks…the world will go wild!
That was a good video link. It translates well. Thanks.
In the UK, XR and BLM have teamed up (I got sneered at on FB when I suggested that they share the same agenda) to have a weekend of non compliance… the bottom line is that they are going to totally disrupt all the legitimate freedom, anti-lockdown/mask/vaccine protests planned as well as hijacking the narrative and, no doubt going to cause a few scuffles (possibly staged?!) that will be reported by MSM and keep focus on those naughty protestors, rather than the cry for freedom.
Urgh… no doubt to try and give the impression that the anti-mask/lockdown protestors are right-wing Trump supporting QAnoners. Which is actual nonsense. I hope the protestors are not triggered by these rent-a-mobbers.
I am curious as to how much ‘rank’ or validity this story has on the planned protests in GERMANY.
Zero Hedge
August 28th Friday
Germany Imposes Fine For All Non-Mask Wearers In New National Crackdown
Chancellor Angela Merkel announced during a virtual meeting Thursday with state governors that almost the entire country will be under a 50 euros minimum ($59) fine for breaching the national mask mandate.
…After the meeting it was announced that all federal states except the east’s Saxony-Anhalt agreed on setting a minimum fine.
In her comments Merkel also urged Germans to stay home “wherever it is possible” and avoid traveling to “hot spots” like the United States.
Berlin also agreed to impose a strict limiting on gatherings. Not only have many major public events been canceled outright, but police are enforcing a ban on private parties of more than 25 persons.
Large public events will not return until 2021. The new stringent measures including the mask fines go into effect by the end of the day Thursday….
PROTEST NEWS!! Scots will be out protesting on 5th September in the MARCH ON HOLYROOD, starting at 1pm at the big car park near the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh. Prof Dolores Cahill and Dr Malcolm Kendrick will be keynote speakers. Hopefully it will rouse some of the sleepy Bravehearts awake.
I wish I could attend the London protest on Saturday. I also kinda wish they’d scheduled their march to coincide with ours. Our march had been planned for two weeks with the keynote speakers all booked when the English group held the planning meeting for their march – I didn’t attend the online meeting, but I knew about it, as I’m a member of both groups. It’s hard enough trying to wake up the sleepy in the UK without having different factions!
Anyway, the more marches the merrier I suppose. They wouldn’t have also got the amazing Dolores Cahill to speak at their event if they’d held theirs on the same day. I’m looking forward to tuning in to the livestreams from London on Saturday.
I should also add that the fantastic group StandUp X has been holding weekly protests in London and other English cities for weeks. I think they are co-organising the march on the 29th.
And if James is reading this, please look up Moira Dundee on Twitter. She has been out protesting on her own in Dundee city centre, just going out there with her megaphone and taking the verbal abuse. Amazing lady.
Moira Dundee says:
“Any PUBLIC SERVANT who votes for an extension to the Coronavirus Act 2020:
– IS a terrorist.
– IS an enemy of the people.
– IS an authoritarian monster.”
I think most of them are anyway!
I found this article from 27 August 2020 about mental health on the WHO webpage: https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/27-08-2020-world-mental-health-day-an-opportunity-to-kick-start-a-massive-scale-up-in-investment-in-mental-health
Is mental health something worth to invest money? If you want to earn money with this, maybe there will be some need of having more mental ill persons. Maybe all those crazy conspiracy theorists and other annoying critics of the corona theatre show? Why do i find this so very suspicious and disturbing? Maybe because it somehow reminds me on the “life unworth living”-philosophy of the nazis, which lead to killing people with mental deseases on a mass scale… (wouldn´ t this fit the euthanasia philosophy of the super elite?). The only thing that surely will keep us mental healthy is: Lets get rid of this spooky WHO!
Gosh! Scary indeed.
They are coming for our morals now and the battlefield is in our brains
recent action in belgium. open letter signed by key practitioners (not only doctors but also profs, a judge, a well-known journalist, a statistician and others – read the list). it is only available in french but one can make an automatic translation via the privacy-friendly tool: https://www.deepl.com/en/translator).
Lettre ouverte à nos responsables politiques : Il est urgent de revoir totalement la gestion de la crise Covid-1
Via Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance
VIDEO MONTAGE – Mini-documentary
“The Truth About the August 1st Anti-Lockdown Protests in Berlin”
(34 minutes)
(There are many very interesting aspects presented in this video, all the way through.)
On August 1, 2020, hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Berlin, Germany to protest mask mandates, lockdowns, and the growing tyranny of COVID. The media attempted to paint the attendees as right-wing extremists and nazis. This documentary shows a different story.
The next big demonstration is planned for August 29th and is called “Berlin invites Europe – Festival for freedom and peace“.
Special thanks to Laura Kern for compiling this!
Sources/Thanks to:
SchwrzVyce (song), KenFM.de, eingeSCHENKt.tv, Ben Swann, LION Media, NuoViso.TV, Epoch Times Deutsch, RT – Deutsch, Dr. Bodo Schiffmann, Sandra Wesolek, UNBLOGD, Samuel Eckert
Hey folks, check out Del Bigtree’s Highwire from yesterday.
The CDC has come out with some pretty significant changes around the protocols.
Unfortunately Anthony Fauci cannot respond because he has had a nodule removed from his vocal chord. I’m not kidding.
Also, Del interviews David Martin PhD from the movie Plandemic part 2. I love listening to Martin. Extremely intelligent guy. Lots of good info.
August 27th Thursday
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
(2 hours 10 minutes)
China Cashes in on COVID;
Star of “Plandemic 2”, David E. Martin;
New Investigation into HCQ;
The World is Waking This Weekend.
Starting at exactly the 2:00 hour mark, the last 10 minutes of The Highwire Video highlight ACTIVISM.
It is well worth watching.
Also mentioned during that last 10 minutes were…
Albany State Capital, New York (Academy Park – 9am until all have spoken) – August 29th
Massachusetts State House (10am till noon) – August 29th
Earlier in the show, like LoveToDust pointed out, Dr. David Martin was interviewed. It was an extremely fascinating interview.
When Martin briefly talked about exposing the vaccine manufacturers’ documentations…I sat up!
“Fauci with no voice” (Thank you God)
At the 50 minute mark, Jefferey Jaxen brings up the CDC’s webpage “Public Health Guidance for Community Related Exposure” of July 31, 2020. Jaxen goes on to quote under the topic “Factors to Consider”. I personally, actually stopped the video and found the CDC webpage online.
I read the paragraph.
It is “mushy” as trying to understand, because of the mush-mouth way they fog over this topic.
~~~ BOTTOM OF PAGE – 2 asterisks **
That said, at about this time of the week, a lot of controversy was developing, and Governors were angry.
Dr. Fauci Worried New CDC Guidelines Are Being “Misinterpreted”
Then, on 8/29 Yahoo News had this article
The CDC Just Issued These New Face Mask Rules
Here is a CDC webpage “Considerations for Wearing Masks”
“CDC calls on Americans to wear masks to prevent COVID-19 spread”
It’s just continuation of the missinformation and delusion campaign. Information that baxk in the day needed to be hidden is now presented in plain sight, and I think that is so for a good reason, but people simply refuse to see. This is the type of conditioning required for the onset of the new normal.
Lets also remember that, according to the “test” manufacturer, testing without other indicators such as symptoms, is completely pointless.
So the other day the Gestapo in Melbourne harass and threaten a guy for…..wait for it…… taking out his rubbish bin!!! And then lied about when he called them out.
Quick update, the cops insist that the guy was lying and would LOVE to provide the bodycam footage but although the officer activated the camera, it failed to work (for both officers apparently) and therefore there is no footage available.
Robocops never make mistakes like that. Only inferior humans.
This oversight will be corrected very soon.
Resistance is futile.
Weird science: Covid-19 does NOT cause heart damage, as blockbuster study had basic calculation errors
“…A comedy of errors
The only problem with the conclusion of the paper is that almost every piece of data given to support it was wrong. As more and more media breathlessly reported that Covid-19 will eventually kill everyone with heart attacks, the mathematically minded on Twitter – including Darrel Francis, a Professor of Cardiology at the National Heart and Lung Institute – began to point out obvious miscalculations and mismatches in the results of the study.”
Thanks for sharing that. Underlying effects have become a huge talking piece and if it’s true that is the ace card to justify more lockdown anti-human measures .
I am keen to believe those claims have no weight but have to keep an open mind that it could be the case. My brother says he knows lots of people who have lost their sense of smell after having it, he does have a tendency to exaggerate though.
Berlin is the place to be today, the demonstration goes on!!
about the demonstration the first of august
A powerful speech, spoken from the heart. I wish he would have referenced sovereignty, people really need to realize there is no legitimacy to slavery. But still strong rhetoric coming from someone who’s very resistant to defamation.
Jan’s first video above…
BUMP – Robert F Kennedy Jr in Berlin 28th August 2020, the eve of the historic LARGE DEMONSTRATION on August 29, 2020 in Berlin.
(18 minute video)
At the table with Robert Kennedy, Jr. you will recognize folks from
ACU2020.org and Germany’s “Extra-parliamentary Inquiry on COVID-19”.
This excellent video from GlobalResearch.ca tells the story of the new vaccines and covers many scary facts and implications.
Under the category of News Roundup #3….GMO will shortly. Include GMO humans….at about 9 min mark she gets to it: This legally implies ownership of humans by their re-makers.
As I have asked before if humans owning other humans doesn’t mean Slavery then what does it mean?
Is human 2.0 the new techno version of Slavery?
Activists to protest in Zurich, Switzerland, 1700-1900 Aug. 29 to denounce COVID-19 restrictions
Yellow Vest activists have called for a march to be held in Paris on Saturday, August 29.
Damn girl! Thank you so much for doing all the linking!
I attended the ralley in Zürich for the same reason as member richard.mo state further down this commentsection.
It was a diverse group from elderly people to children. Most of the attendees didn`t fit any particular label, they were there to stand there ground participating in the name of freedom. People with signs who were against mandatory vaccines, who spoke out that the Covid-numbers and statistics do not justify the measures, who participated for the elderly against locking them in their carehomes and depriving them of their rights, who stated the fact that PCR tests arn`t a valid diagnostic instrument and that masks do not inhance health they rather reduce it. I also spoted 3 people with MAGA hats and 2 people with “Q written on their face diaper which they wore on their forehead, swiss flags, rainbow flag, Someone had a “#pedogate”. Good speeches by a GP, a legal expert, a Politician (who got kicked out of the green party because of his “controversial” view on the governments imposed measures).
High police presence (highly armed). Although they did check people who didn`t wear face-diapers and constantly threatend by calling the organiser via phone that they would end the rally if people didn`t follow the rule of wearing face-diapers they did let the rally finish.
Antifa was present on the otherside of the street on a school area, all wearing a face-diaper. They hung their 3 banners over the fence for the MSM to take easy pics of it.
1. Banner “Against the governemnt yes, but smart” (the a written as the anarchy sign)
2. Banner “corona denier = strengthening fascism”
3. Banner “partiotism is a virus too
The rally went from 5pm- 7pm and was peacful and powerful to feel and see so many people united for similar or different reasons but for the same goal. After that a couple of people were still hanging arround on the square, hare krischnas were playing music and dancing, a few people joined in. Police was still present but their attention was now mostly directed at the counter-demo by the antifa on the otherside. They had cameras on one corner filming people from the antifa.
Our local news did not present the rally in any positive way (no surprise there) and they even mixed in the titel that the rally got out of control at night and police had to step in with waterguns and rubber shots at 11pm because containers were set on fire. But that was the Antifa`s appearence and had nothing to do with the rally earlier on.
During the whole rally i did not spot any right winged or even a so called nazi..This is how a group called English Coronavirus updates for Switzerland portrayed the rally on IG and how people commented.
These countermeasures by mainstream media and infiltraded groups by framing this rally (and the rallies world wide) shows how desperate they are trying to further impose their sleeping spell by fear, lies, humiliation and threats. It was a peaceful and especially an empowering rally!
Really tough knowing who or what to place stock in these days. Reverse psychology! Shit! As if it wasn’t difficult enough nagivating the seas of misinformation and propaganda.
About the only thing that I know for sure is true is that one thing that is never mentioned by the PTSB. Strengthening our immune systems. Getting plenty of sunshine and eating unprocessed food.
On another note, do you have an opinion about Dr. Brownstein’s peroxide nebulizing protocol?
I felt a cold coming on back in late Spring and put a bit of hydrogen peroxide in the big pan of water I was boiling to do the steam thing.
I cannot find a nebulizer that I like so I just do the old fashioned pot of hot water steam and the towel over the head.
Worked fine for me. I did not overdue it with the peroxide. Just a bit.
I have a little vaporizer that you can use essential oils in. I filled it up with peroxide and slept with it running next to me. Didn’t seem to hurt me.
Its weird about the hydroxychloroquine though. It has been around so long and so many people who I thought are honest have been promoting it. Ron Paul, Dr. Mercola, etc. Hard to believe that they are all lying.
I don’t know. But since hydroxychloroquine has been in use for over sixty years I have to believe that if it was as dangerous as Dr Day makes it out to be the other doctors who are singing it’s praises would have to be aware of it. So if it were true that it is that dangerous then they must be lying about it. Or at least lying about how much they know about it.
Something just doesn’t add up in my mind.
And as for RFKJr. I have heard him challenge any comers to an open debate about vaccine safety. Anyone. He has had no takers. If he were dishonest or disingenuous about his claims doesn’t it stand to reason that he could easily be debunked by someone who had “true” information? He has invited them.
I know you said that you are busy harvesting and canning,(very cool), but I wish you could be specific about where RFK is not to be trusted.
“Makes sense?“
Up to a point yes. And I totally agree with you about allopathic medicine. The only way I will ever go to a western doctor is if I break a bone.
However from what I understand, hydroxychloroquine is a anti malaria drug that has been used very successfully for over sixty years to reduce the severity of the symptoms of that disease. Its really well understood.
Now I cannot get into whether viruses exist or whether malaria is real or not. But If everything that one thinks is to be suspect then how and why should we ever discuss anything at all?
I maintain that if the drug were as dangerous as Dr. Day says that it is then Dr Paul would know about it. The Frontline Doctors and so many others would not have made the claims that they did about it.
I would love to see Dr. Day interviewed with or by one of the many doctors who insist that the drug is safe and that they have had great success with it. Not as a cure of course but to ease suffering and reduce symptoms.
Berlin Live Stream – Samuel Eckert
He showed Robert Kennedy walking around a few minutes ago (about 7:30 am Central time).
Try this…
I just finished putting out another 100 flyers in my area.
The flyers, in large print of different sizes, say:
Very Large –>The Government and Media Lie !
In small print I mention Censored on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter…. and then the “Plandemic 2” film and also “America’s Frontline Doctors” with links.
My cumulative total of “flyers out” is now 500.
Awesome. You are an inspiration my friend.
PHOTO IMAGE of Flyer 8/29/20
I just couldn’t stand it… After seeing RFK and Berlin, I made up 5 signs and put them out.
SIGN – Berlin & RFK on pole
SIGN – Berlin & RFK on tree
I have done SIGNS previously. If you go to the link above (#ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2), you will see images.
It’s about the message, not the person.
I’m primarily trying to convey a message for people to look.
Really look into what is going on.
Honestly, for the time spent on making and putting signs out, I would much rather put out flyers.
For the wild hair I had with the 5 “Berlin & RFK, Jr.” signs, I do not expect that even one or two might “google search” the phrase.
I guess one could hope, but hope don’t pay the bills.
However, on the flipside…
…there will probably be some folks who drive by the signs and sit up on the keywords: “Berlin” and “RFK”.
These would be the folks who are aware of the protests in Europe and are aware that the fate of the world is at stake.
This is the aspect which makes the signs very effective.
They convey to that person that they are not alone…that there are other people in the neighborhood who also are awake.
This strengthens our community.
It helps to convey courage.
On the courage topic…
One other thing which I would like to say:
I’ll tell you what…the women here at Corbett Report have more balls than most men! They do not mess around. They get the word out and participate in any way they can.
They are not gonna let the future generations become subhuman techno-slaves.
I’m gonna grab a beer, and drink to them.
Good for you HRS.
I’ve been talking up Vaxxed 1 and 2 and Plandemic 1 and 2.
September 3rd – Thursday
I put out a little over 100 flyers today.
My cumulative total of “flyers out” is now 600.
I had business on another side of town.
While I was in the area, I stopped by a discount printer ink place to pick up some black toner ink cartridges. They cost about $26 and are good for approximately 500 flyers more or less, depending upon the amount of script per page.
After getting the ink, I hit cars with flyers in a shopping center.
A couple guys sitting outside on a bench said, “We’re with you man!”
It was kind of sad…I was driving around old areas which I had not seen in a while. Lots of empty parking spots in these huge shopping centers, and it was the busy part of the business day. The area was mostly vacant of activity.
I don’t know how some of these businesses and commercial property owners are gonna make it.
Update Sunday – September 6th
Today, I put out 300 flyers.
That brings my cumulative TOTAL of “Flyers Out” to 900.
It was warm today, in the 90’s. And light wind.
One can’t do flyers on cars when it is windy or rainy.
I am very polite and considerate when placing these flyers on cars.
If someone is sitting in the car, I won’t put a flyer on their windshield but will move along to the next car without bothering them.
Sometimes, I run into someone who is about to get in their car.
I politely ask, “Would you like a flyer?” Usually, they take one.
As I approached a car today, the driver was sitting in it, but her rear window was down with a friendly Lab in the back seat. She was about 75 years old. I asked if she would like a flyer? She rolled down her window and took it…studying it for a frowning, skeptical moment…then brightened up and said, “You know how I phrase it… ‘They are playing us!'”
An older Indian fellow and his family were loading the back of their van when I asked him if he wanted a flyer. He said, “Sure!”.
Then a minute or two later as I wrapped up the few cars around him, he called me over. I stood next to him as we both looked at his flyer.
He asked, “How can I donate? I want to give money towards this!”
I responded, “Normally, I only take $100 dollar bills, but any cash you have will work.”
(Nah!…I'm joshing on my response.)
I pointed him towards the Corbett Report website in large bold print, and told him that he could send his donations there. I explained that people from countries all around the world, including India, go to The Corbett Report.
You have a very delicate touch, HRS.
UPDATE – Monday – Labor Day Holiday in U.S. – September 7th
Except for retail, most businesses in the U.S. are closed. Typically, retailers have “Labor Day Sales”. In my guestimate, it seemed like the number of shoppers out for the weekend Labor Day sales was significantly less than in previous years. The state mask mandate for retailers is still in effect. Seeing drivers wearing masks is not uncommon.
Today, I put out 200 flyers for a cumulative TOTAL of 1,100 “Flyers Out”.
The weather today was much like yesterday, hot but windier.
With all the pickup trucks and country western music playing on their radios, I knew I was surrounded by friendly territory in this very large shopping center anchored by a grocery store and a hardware store. Across the street was a tractor supply store. From the east, many folks who lived in the country would come here to get supplies.
Two interactions with people stand out today. It is worth noting both these interactions were folks who were of Indian descent. (See yesterday’s anecdote.)
As the sweat was dripping off my brow while I am walking through a large parking lot hitting cars with flyers, a car comes towards me honking its horn. I stop and it pulls up next to me. An older Indian man shows me his flyer and asks what I think about Bill Gates. Between my Texican accent and his Indian accent, he had to repeat the question several times. Finally, I said over and over that I personally think that Bill Gates is an evil man, a bad guy.
That is what he wanted to hear. He says, “Yes, I am going to tell my son. Yes. Thankyou.”
I was on my last 50 flyer packet. I’m wearing out. As I go down a double row of cars, I run across a young professional Indian family getting in their car from the hardware store. I approach the man. “Sir, Would you like a flyer?” He kind of frowns, hesitating. So I said, “It’s about censored websites.” He perks up and readily takes it. His wife makes a comment to her husband something to the effect that he had been recently talking about the censorship.
I can tell that some folks are apprehensive that the flyer might be political, either Republican or Democrat.
Their prices are almost the same as in 2014.
In 2014, “North Texas for 9/11 Truth” ordered 100 stake signs printed on both sides. The whole package of 100 signs and stakes, including shipping, cost us $350. $3.50 cost per sign. The full cost would had been $50 less if we printed one side.
PHOTOS and description of our “ReThink911.org” CAMPAIGN
The Official ReThink911 Video (circa 2013)
(6 minutes)
(Link in show notes to http://www.rethink911.org which at the time was its own dedicated website. Now it links to Ae911truth.org )
— ReThink911 Campaigns in Dallas area —
Billboard across the freeway from the Dallas World Trade Center
A battery powered LED, “ReThink911.org” banner – Street Actions
Newspaper “ReThink911.org” Campaigns – Online & Print (NOTE: Corbett’s 5 minute video linked)
September 2015 Actions (Note the BLUE “ReThink911/org” handheld signs)
— EXPOSE BILL GATES DAY OF ACTION #3 – Saturday September 12, 2020 —
Statistics UPDATE – On Saturday, 9/12
30 ReThink911.org Signs out – 100 Flyers out
All around the area, I put out signs. 23 smaller yellow signs and 7 large ‘blue’ signs. The ‘Blue’ signs can be seen in the last link above. The ‘yellow’ signs at the second link from the top.
The signs all had a “Vote” word on them, in order to be classified as “political”, because all non-political signs will be picked up by municipalities next week.
It took some hours and driving to get that many signs out in effective locations.
Following staking the signs, I put out 100 flyers.
’Flyers Out’ Cumulative TOTAL = 1,200
Two IMAGES of SIGNS which I put out Saturday September 12th.
That “vote” thing is a very nice hack. How do these people adjudicate that plotical msssages are worth more than other messages is beyond me.
The politicians make the rules for political signs.
City and County codes typically always exempt political signs, because the codes have to be approved by the governing officials.
Also, there is typically a partial exception of sign placement for real estate.
(e.g. “For Sale” or “Open House” signs are okay)
Real Estate values (the tax rate on values) are the primary source of revenue for most local jurisdictions.
In contrast, if one does a garage sale, first the home owner needs a city permit. They then can place a sign in their yard. In many areas, the city code enforcement will ticket the home owner if they place “Garage Sale” signs down the street to direct traffic to their home.
Retail business owners are very limited in how they can put out temporary signs. Often, they have to get prior approval and pay a fee for a temporary permit. I know…I have had to pay for those permits many times. They can be fined if in violation.
All retailers have to get a costly permit (with restrictions) for permanent signs at their operation. Having a sign on a building can become a big ticket item for a small business.
Back in the day when I sold stuff on the street corners, I was occasionally given a ticket because my signs did not meet code guidelines.
Cities have code inspectors who patrol even on weekends and will cite tickets to those folks who are in violation.
UPDATE – Saturday September 19, 2020
An additional 400 flyers out
Friday, I put out 100 flyers. Saturday 300 flyers.
My cumulative TOTAL = 1,600 flyers out
I tweaked my flyer
The weather yesterday and today has been great!
Sunny, very little wind, and a comfortable 75 degrees F (23.9 C).
I got a lot of projects and stuff done.
However, some folks seemed “on edge” …kind of tense. Of course, it is hard to see smiles behind the masks.
UPDATE Sunday – September 27, 2020
My cumulative TOTAL = 1,650 flyers out
Today, I only put out 50 flyers. The wind made it rough, so I stopped.
At the above Sept 19th IMAGE link is the FLYER.
On the BACK of the flyer, in somewhat medium sized print, I have added these two segments…
MASK FACTS – The Science of Masks
Videos and listed scientific studies
FREE Information – No Gimmick
Stealth Strategies to Stop COVID Cold
Proven, Natural, Safe, Effective and Inexpensive Ways to Enhance Your Immune System.
UPDATE – Saturday October 3rd, 2020
My cumulative TOTAL = 1,850 flyers out
Today, I put out another 200 flyers.
Nice weather. 75 to 80 degrees F.
ACTIVISM Sidenote:
Today in Austin, TX there was a demonstration with many speakers.
“The Constitutional Rights Summit”
UPDATE – Saturday October 10th, 2020
“International Day of Action” #ExposeBillGatesDay
My cumulative TOTAL = 2,000 flyers out
Today I put out 150 flyers.
The weather was great! No wind, sunny, about 80 degrees F (26.7 C)
I was a bit distracted, occasionally mulling over in my mind how to handle a small situation while I walked along with the flyers.
Honey Bees.
Right next to the front door of my small duplex, I had made a garden plot, lined with rocks to keep the Bermuda grass from overtaking it.
Although it is mulched with cedar, I recently covered it with cardboard to kill off some of the grass tuber-like rhizomes and stolons.
The honey bees want to build a hive in those layers of cardboard.
I’ve been lightly trying to get them to move.
Garden hose water. Covering their entrances with more cardboard.
Cinnamon powder.
These type of honey bees are more of a ground dwelling species.
I’d be happy if they’d move to the back yard in the far part.
I certainly hope the record will not show that your efforts were more effective on the bees than the people. Though, in their respective domains, bees seems a whole lot smarter these days.
They decided to leave and move someplace else. It was getting too soggy. In a way, I miss them.
But I love all the lizards. Lots of baby lizards all over the place. The are commonly called Texas Chameleons, but the proper term is green anole . They can quickly change colors to match the backdrop…green to shades of brown and brown gray.
Rats come around the place. I rarely see them, but I see their poop. They are a problem, because they will nibble at tomatoes and such. I planted some catnip, just outside about 15 feet from my desk. I can see it through the screen door from my desk. A cat loves to visit and get high off the catnip. But it also likes to hunt in my small backyard.
The summer was hot and mostly dry. I thought I lost the goji berry, but I now see some berries appearing. Picked the last pomegranate a week ago.
I cloned some Mulberry trees from twig cuttings two seasons ago. I will transplant them from the pots this Fall.
The Organic Mulberries which I buy originally come from Turkey or Croatia.
Although I am now growing Comfrey, I still have two bags which came from Croatia.
It’s incredible how the market will find a way for that product to land on your table thousands of leagues away. Were it left to the state, we’d all be on welfare and handouts. That seems to be the general direction we’re taking.
Recently, they introduced the “can eat, can’t walk without a mask in restaurants” “measure” and things are again ramping up. People seem willing to jump through hoops, we’ll see how far this can get. Probably very far. I don’t think many people are able to think strategically and envision a few steps in advance, they don’t realize that much of the waning prosperity we had is never going to come back. But I’m sure they can spell “debt slavery”.
I find it interesting that people seemed to go completely out of their minds during spring when we were hitting 100-200 “cases” (and a few remotely related deaths) per day. Now we are doing more than a 1000 cases (and still a few deaths) daily and people now seem somewhat bored. The masks are critical for maintaining the psychosis alive.
They also keep a tally of “active” cases, that is people who haven’t yet recovered. One should apply some simple maths and try to understand how could a daily average of 750 new cases yield 3 thousand and something people in recovery over a disease with 15 days incubation time.
Total deaths up to now, as juiced as they can be, are about 350. They only ever published the name of one of these supposed covid victims, it was the first man who died in suspicious conditions and who was initially added to the tally, then removed and later added again to the count.
They quickly learned on their mistake and stopped publishing any more names. With names known one can snoop around, get more information and dig out all types of dirt. When people are just a number, possibly not event the family members know that the one who passed away has been added to the tally.
We must persevere. Every evil authoritarian system in history has failed, we just need to make sure this is the last one.
UPDATE – Saturday October 17rd, 2020
My cumulative TOTAL = 2,050 flyers out
Today, I put out 50 flyers. I started earlier, before the wind got stronger. Flyers are rough to handle with winds.
It was pleasantly cool. About 60 degrees F (15.6 C).
A lot of early shoppers were out, especially at the grocery stores.
But I was saddened.
Lots of people driving with masks on.
And, of course, everyone I saw going into stores had masks.
I have a hard time accepting this “new normal”, but from appearances the public seem to have accepted it.
UPDATE – Saturday October 24th, 2020
My cumulative TOTAL = 2,150 flyers out
Today I put out 100 flyers. Great weather. Sunny. No wind. 60 degrees F.
No incident, but I think I interrupted a “whoopie session” by a couple hidden in the back of a van which was parked way off to the side of a parking lot in the shade.
The BACKSIDE of the Flyer has the following script with different sized fonts and bold in places, all centered.
MASK FACTS – The Science of Masks
Videos and listed scientific studies
America’s Frontline Doctors – www americasfrontlinedoctors.com/
OSHA Mask Science – Search videos with Tammy Clark and Kristen Meghan
Videos with Science studies – www themodelhealthshow.com/maskfacts/
FREE Information – No Gimmick – Strategies to Stop COVID Cold
Proven, Natural, Safe, Effective and Inexpensive Ways to Enhance Your Immune System.
www stopcovidcold.com/
America’s Frontline Doctors – www americasfrontlinedoctors.com/
Budesonide prescription – www budesonideworks.com/
Behold the power of ‘Karens’:
There are 520 employees at my work and only one ‘Karen’.
That one ‘Karen’ is the reason that 519 other employees have to wear a mask five days out of the week.
On her days off, no one wears a mask.
When she’s working in her office, everyone pulls their mask down below their chin.
Do you guys know any ‘Karens’ IRL?
Have you had any encounters with any?
Yes, I do know a Karen.
It’s the person writing this comment. I’m surprised they named her Karen, and not my name.
I am definitely paying Karma the high price it’s exacting after a lifetime of letting people know what they are doing wrong.
My family jokes about it. I was in a managerial position for years in a community setting and oh my dear – people hate to be told what to do, so they sure as shite hated me.
I tried to be fair but I have to admit I was at times unreasonable.
Well, what goes around comes around.
I am grinning. Great anecdote.
I do understand the “management hat” perspective…that is part of the job description, part of the responsibility…to manage and control the area.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Speaks at Berlin Rally for Freedom and Peace
Bobby spoke in front of about 10 thousand people, 15 k max.
Debra, thank you so much for this!
I watched London and Berlin live all morning and afternoon. I was really looking forward to seeing Kennedy speak.
London was great. Don’t know who the female “MC” was but she had great spirit.
And who would have ever thought that David Icke would become mainstream!
It was a good lively protest.
The police in Berlin kind of mucked that one up – it became a bit disjointed, but they were only doing there job. It did not look like anyone got hurt. (hope not!)
I watched Kennedy on the Highwire feed. I give him a lot of credit. He has been non-stop since April. Speaks everywhere. Lots of interviews.I think the German crowd appreciated what he said. And you cannot escape the significance of his uncle having been there years ago. (also can’t escape the sadness that it wasn’t JFK Jr who could have said those words like his father did).
I was thrilled to see that 99 per cent of Londoner’s and Berliner’s did not wear the mask. That says something to me.
“Just doing their job” doesn’t provide a moral highground. Every evil ever perpetrated by the state was carried out by people doing their job.
Let us not promote this canard.
It seems the German secret police doesn’t have nearly the same amount of patsies to incite violence and destruction on these public gatherings as US alphabet soup agencies have.
Terrible pitch, he couldn’t sell water in a desert with that composure. Can the neuralink do something about that mask wearing compulsive disorder?
I love mischief! Hat tip!
Oh my Lord – correct me if I a wrong –
is the “lowly man who promotes vaccination….” Robert Kennedy Jr.?
Because for the love of God, will people please stop accusing him of being a fraud because he’s been vaccinated, had his kids vaccinated, and had flu shots!!!!!
He did not get involved in the vaccine injury movement until approximately 2003. That would have made him 49 years old. Of course he’d been vaccinated. We all were. His kids were grown by then, of course they’d been vaccinated. And he’d had his flu shots. We all have.
Before people go off on how fraudulent Robert Kennedy Jr is it might pay to get the correct information.
He is not anti-vax – he is anti vaccine injury. He is pro SAFE (which they aren’t yet) vaccines, and pro honest transparent pharmaceutical companies.
If the lowly man is not Robert Kennedy Jr, then my apologies.
Robert F. Kennedy Junior – Berlin 29.08.2020 [ganze Rede]!!!
(13 minutes)
”All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin.
And therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words: Ich Bin Ein Berliner.”
— John F. Kennedy June 26, 1963
(40 seconds)
thanks for sharing
great for comparison (crowd size)
I actually hadn’t seen video of that day before and haven’t read the whole speech (as he says something in German before Lasst sie nach Berlin kommen – in a pretty broken German)
are those pictures something to celebrate or to fear?
you could easily argue these are just another type of socially engineered masses
There are a few mind numbing comments.
@rubberwillis 18h Replying to @robinmonotti and @Charlotte3003G
This is offensive. Working in a red London hospital I saw the full extent of COVID-19 and it was awful. There’s also many individuals who are immunocompromised within British society…what are they meant to do? Hide in doors while you all selfishly roll on top of each other.
Better to just lock up everyone.
From Germany:
While MSM in Germany is telling that there were only rightwingers and Nazis in Berlin yesterday, it was obviously a success.
This one is the most balanced article I found so far.
Deepl says:
Different rallies, exact separation necessary: Peaceful lateral thinkers, riots in front of the Reichstag
By Kathrin Sumpf30. August 2020 Updated: August 30, 2020 10:55
The Street of June 17 on August 29, 2020.photo: Sean Gallup/Getty Images
Berlin was the scene of many rallies and demonstrations on August 29. While the rally was held in a “spirit of optimism” and completely peaceful, other actions were not quite so easy to handle. One of them was an action in front of the Reichstag, which resulted in skirmishes with emergency forces.
In addition to the peaceful demonstration of the lateral thinkers (at the Siegessäule) and their prevented parade from Friedrichstraße, there were further protests on August 29, 2020. Several other groups met for protests in front of the Russian and American embassies. Another group tried to protest in front of the Reichstag in the evening. The live ticker can be read here.
A detailed report on Robert F. Kennedy’s speech at the Querdenken rally and an interview with him by the Epoch Times will follow. How many people participated in the rallies and protests is still uncertain. Official estimates by the authorities currently indicate 38,000 people (as of August 29, 8 p.m.).
Lateral thinking
In a press statement in the late afternoon, Berlin’s Senator of the Interior, Geisel, announced that around 18,000 people had gathered in the morning for the lateral thinking rally in the area of Unter den Linden/Friedrichstrasse/Torstrasse. Since the participants “as expected” did not adhere to the minimum distance requirement, the police had pressed for the minimum distances. When this had not been observed, the officers gave verbal orders to wear mouth and nose covers. Since this was also not observed, the police ordered the meeting to be dissolved at 1 pm. This then dragged on for several hours.
Hostage did not mention that the demonstrators had no possibility to keep the minimum distance because the police had blocked all side streets. He also did not mention that, according to the video material available to us, the participants largely complied with the obligation to wear masks. Also the information of the transverse thinking lawyer Markus Haintz, that a dissolution of the meeting and the associated abolition of the mask obligation even the infection risk still increase, was omitted.
From here, a parade of the participants was to lead to the Straße des 17. Some of the participants who broke away from the parade faced police blockades. The people stood on a side street just before Pariser Platz, but were not allowed to go any further. Neither the Victory Column nor Strasse des 17. Juni was accessible to them. People were supposed to go either to Alexanderplatz or back to Friedrichstrasse.
Later – after Robert F. Kennedy’s speech at the demonstration of lateral thinking – the police let some people through.
Geisel estimated the number of participants at the Querdenken rally at the Großer Stern at the Siegessäule to be around 30,000.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke to the participants of the lateral thinking rally on the Straße des 17.
Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., nephew of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy, spoke at the rally to protest against the fact that “all cameras and almost all journalists were gone” and that police began clearing the square around the Victory Column late in the night of August 30
In the course of the construction of the new 5G mobile network, he warned against total surveillance and attacked Microsoft founder Bill Gates [more detailed report by ET and an interview with Kennedy Jr. will follow].
On banners, participants called for the resignation of the federal government and an end to the protection requirements and everyday restrictions due to the corona pandemic. Posters said “Muzzle Democracy – without us”, “Stop the Corona Madness” and “End Corona Dictatorship”. Again and again the crowd chanted “resistance” and “We are the people”.
Nightly clearance at the Siegessäule
After “all the cameras and almost all the journalists were gone”, the police finally began to clear the square around the Victory Column late in the night of August 30.
Roughly estimated there were still 1,000 to 1,500 demonstrators on site. Most of them sat on the ground and refused to leave the square after repeated requests by the officers. Boris Reitschuster, who headed the Moscow office of “Focus” until 2015 and was on site, writes
In response, the forces of law and order proceeded brutally – but only the Berlin police and partly the Brandenburg police, the contrast to the Lower Saxony and Bavarian police, who were also deployed, was enormous.
He filmed the scenes. Among them was a policeman pressing his knee on the head of a man lying on the asphalt. A woman was “evacuated” and subsequently required the assistance of a local rescue team for a long time. In further film footage, during an “extremely violent arrest”, the police “ultimately hides in front of my camera behind their police car.
Further demonstrations
Banners in front of the American embassy show Chancellor Angela Merkel and other politicians in prison clothing. This event ran completely independently of “lateral thinking”. Reich flags and US flags were also on display. On a banner there was the text “We call the Emperor”.
A banner in front of the American embassy shows German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other politicians in prison clothing.
The head of the Federation of German Criminal Investigators, Sebastian Fiedler, warned of possible consequences of the Corona protests. “Such demonstrations are an ideal environment for radical movements to win more and more people over to their ideologies,” Fiedler told the “Rheinische Post” newspaper. “There, enemies of democracy mix with parts of the middle class, and conspiracy theories can thus spread faster and faster”.
Russian Embassy
According to Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD), about 200 people were arrested in front of the Russian embassy. According to him, stones and bottles also flew onto the police there. According to the police, there were also prisoners’ liberations there. Geisel described the events as predictable. “It was predictable what happened today,” he said on ARD’s “Tagesthemen”.
Also arrested in front of the Russian embassy was the vegan cook Attila Hildmann, who calls himself “ultra-right” and a conspiracy preacher. Geisel did not comment on the background of Hildmann’s arrest.
In the course of the day, streets were also temporarily blocked, barriers were broken through and a construction container was set on fire, the police reported further.
On August 29, from about 7:30 p.m., a group of people, who also had no relation to the demonstration of “lateral thinking”, started an action at the Reichstag. Police officers formed a chain in front of the building.
Later, protesters broke through a barrier and stormed onto the Reichstag stairs. Police officers pushed the people back. The police used pepper spray, skirmishes broke out. A rally had previously taken place at the Reichstag building. A number of black, white and red Reich flags were seen among these demonstrators. The police then broke up the demonstration. Emergency forces cleared the square in front of the Reichstag building and pushed the demonstrators away.
Videos circulating on the Internet show people standing directly in front of the Reichstag door. Only three police officers were still standing in their way.
Police spokesman Thilo Cablitz explained: “We can’t be present everywhere all the time, this is exactly the gap that was used to cross the barrier here, to break through it, and then to get to the stairs in front of the Reichstag.
Politicians of almost all parties have expressed their dismay at the events at the Berlin Reichstag following the peaceful protests against the Corona measures.
“The Reichstag building is the seat of our parliament and thus the symbolic center of our liberal democracy. The fact that chaos and extremists are abusing it for their own purposes is intolerable,” Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) told the newspaper “Bild am Sonntag”. “Diversity of opinion” is a “trademark of a healthy society”, he said.
The last part:
But freedom of assembly “has its limits where state rules are trampled underfoot”. The Minister of the Interior thanked the police “for quickly and consistently saving us from this today”. The state, he said, must “take action against such people with zero tolerance and consistent severity”.
“Diversity of opinion is a hallmark of a healthy society. But freedom of assembly has its limits where state rules are trampled underfoot,” Seehofer continued. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) twittered: “Flags of the Reich in front of parliament are shameful. He added that everyone had the right to argue about how to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and to demonstrate for his or her opinion. However, the minister wrote that no one should “run after right-wing extremists, endanger police officers and expose many to the risk of infection”.
SPD candidate for chancellor Olaf Scholz wrote: “Nazi symbols, Reich citizenship & empire flags have lost absolutely nothing in front of the German Bundestag.
Asked whether it might have been better to ban the demonstration, SPD Secretary General Lars Klingbeil said that he was surprised that the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, according to its own statements, had not discovered any indications in advance “that right-wing extremists were trying to infiltrate this demonstration. The pictures of the day showed something else. “We will have to take a closer look at why these hints were apparently not available in advance or why they were not properly evaluated,” said the SPD politician in “Bild live”. Now in the Council of Elders of the Bundestag it will be to be clarified “how security concepts looked like.
SPD Secretary General Lars Klingbeil explained that it was “completely legitimate to demonstrate against politics, to ask questions and to criticize things. This is part of democracy, Klingbeil told “Bild” live. But it makes him angry and stunned “when I see Reich citizens and Nazis trying to get into the building with other demonstrators”. He was grateful to the police officers “who stood in the way and prevented worse things from happening.
The Green politician Katrin Göring-Eckardt called the pictures “shocking”. In front of the Reichstag building demonstrators had tried to attack democracy. “That they do not succeed, not today, never, is the mission of us all,” she appealed on Twitter.
CDU politician Norbert Röttgen called the pictures “shameful”. “Above the west portal of the Reichstag building is ‘Dem deutschen Volke’. The absolute majority of Germans do not want to see Reich flags on the steps leading to their parliament,” Röttgen explained on Twitter.
Thanks so much for the English version.
I attended the rally in London on 29th August 2020(yesterday). I do not think much of attending protests as I don’t hold much stock in shouting at empty buildings and asking ‘our masters’ to be kinder to us. But on this occasion I went because I want others to know they, like me, are not alone and there are others who think like them.
Here’s my write up and view with photo’s of the event.
richard.mo says:
…These are the people who are questioning the statistics, challenging the mandates and calling for ‘normal life’ to resume.
They are not telling people to get used to a ‘new normal’,
to be fearful
and to sacrifice freedom for safety….
Thanks for the report. Even if fails to do anything else, I’m sure these protests will help curb suicide rates a bit. Knowing that he isn’t alone can bring the man back from the edge.
“ What a show! The weapons of mass distraction careened from the mouth of an actor crafted to dispel the truth, dressed in a suit that was raised on the stage above the commoners, celebrity status of course.”
Why does it seem like you are dancing around what you are trying to say?
Obviously you are referring to RFK junior. Why not just say so? Why do you feel that he is being disingenuous? Please just answer directly rather than with confusing inferences.
In the U.S., on Sunday August 30th, I did not notice very many headline, detailed mainstream media articles about the Freedom Protests in Europe, especially Berlin and RFK, Jr.
Because the mainstream media intentionally strains to be deceptive, I sometimes like to gloss through their articles in order to notice the tactics.
A massive protest Saturday in Berlin against Germany’s coronavirus restrictions was shut down just hours after it began because the majority of attendees were not wearing face masks or socially distancing as is required. Berlin police estimate that 18,000 people were in attendance…
…More than 3,000 officers were deployed to help maintain the demonstration after anti-restriction and far-right supporters took to social media to call on people to arm themselves and take part in the protest.
The protest was organized and promoted by far-right groups and outlets, including the Islamophobic political party Alternative for Germany (AfD) and Compact Magazine, which was removed from Facebook and Instagram on Friday. Compact has called the demonstration a “freedom movement” and has described the coronavirus restrictions in the country as part of a “dictatorship.”
Photos of the protest, which was organized and promoted by far-right groups and outlets, show many attendees representing far-right conspiracy theory QAnon… …expose a group of pedophile globalists and celebrities who are involved in sex trafficking have been covertly running the U.S. and influencing world issues.
They also believe that many of the world’s events and issues, including John F. Kennedy’s assassination and ISIS, are tied back to the “deep-state” of celebrities.
Kennedy’s nephew, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is adamantly anti-vaccine and has unfoundedly compared the number of children injured by vaccines as “a holocaust,” spoke at the protest….
Observationally, the figures of 18,000 attendees and over 3,000 police do not add up.
The reported numbers imply that for every 6 or 5 persons attending, there was one cop.
It means that at least 17% of the crowd was cops.
My eyes did not see this in the videos.
Imagine a football stadium with a paltry 21,000 people, and one out of seven in the seats was a cop.
While this stadium photo does not show an aerial shot, a person can get the concept with a 16,478-plus crowd for Roma-Austria Vienna.
(From johnhendersontravel.com/hello-is-everyone-home-soccer-attendance-in-italy-is-fading-fast-from-fan-protests-tv-economy/)
Right you are.
And the photo does not show the many other areas of Berlin where people got together.
London protests:
Found this very powerful speach of David Icke at the London protest.
Very inspiring indeed.
Just watch it.
Berlin – Police blocking roads, routes and access
I keep hearing stories about how people were “herded” or “rerouted”.
Here is one personal anecdote…
…The Police had actually blocked all feeder roads and modes of transport to the main event area. Since the police had blocked the access roads there was a pileup of people pushed through inflow from the back. This was used by Police as excuse to shut down the demonstration parade, since ?distancing? was not observed. (If distancing, apparently no masks stipulated)
At the main event at the SIEGES SAEULE distancing was observed, but despite, Police illegally started to shut down the event of people sitting peacefully on the ground from around 23:00 hours…
I also want to
BUMP – 5 minute fast speed through Berlin crowds and streets
posted by freewildyogi.
When the street – unter den Linden – was already blocked by the police (what I didn’t know at that point), I was at the Brandenburger Tor, a few hundred metres back. There was a policeman with a megaphone. He was shouting that people should move on and start walking towards the start. I asked him what he said because I had not understood him well. Answer: start walking. Hard to believe that he didn’t know that the street was blocked. So they themselves were responsible that people couldn’t keep distance.
PS homeremedysupply thank you for your addition in my first poste
That VIDEO warrants another BUMP, because it so well summarizes the global agenda.
Robert F Kennedy Jr in Berlin 28 Aug 2020
(Friday – the eve of the historic LARGE DEMONSTRATION on August 29th.)
(18 minutes)
At the table with Robert Kennedy, Jr. you will recognize folks from
ACU2020.org and Germany’s “Extra-parliamentary Inquiry on COVID-19”.
The above video is a well-placed edit of a longer video.
Here is the longer rendition.
“Hey Daddy!
Are you too chicken!?
…or too stupid?!”
Hmm ? wonder why we aren’t seeing these types of protests in the United States ? Oh wait .. that’s right . They were demonized ?♀️Meanwhile , blm is still going on here, more riots and looting still as well . Here in California, I’m seeing so many people still wearing masks while driving in their cars!
“To me the way to fight collectivism is with its opposite, individualism.”
Hear, hear! You’re speaking my language.
Lovely indeed. Hola Debra! How’ve you been?
It sounds brutal, Debra. I’m pretty sure there’s no better medicine than getting to snuggle and kiss one’s grandbaby. Down the list is music of course, but what kind suits your fancy? Here are just two songs which came to mind (I couldn’t decide between the two, so you get both):
Get some rest, and soak up that beautiful baby’s love!
Approximately 1,500,000 in Berlin – Robert Kennedy, Jr. estimates from aerial photos
Streamed live on Sunday August 30th, 2020
Pressekonferenz Mit Robert Kennedy
(One hour or less – Intermittent speaking parts)(Low volume on video)
5 minute mark – RFK speaks about the way to challenge Totalitarianism is through accurate information.
He revisits this solution at several points in the video, and later makes the analogy that we as individuals can spread the light to others while the cockroaches love the darkness (47 min).
Kennedy gives an example of the founding fathers of the USA who debated only allowing property owners the right to vote, and tells of Jefferson’s emphasis to ensure that the masses were well informed.
12 minute thru 17 minute – RFK discusses MASKS. Then he goes into the ways quarantines kill and harm people.
(skip to 27)
27 minute – Panel with 2 Doctors & RFK – Dr. S. discusses how masks are unhealthy. He points out how the quarantine civil rights abuse is unhealthy.
ANTHRAX ATTACK 2001 – 30 minute mark Dr. S. talks about the corporate ties to the 2001 Anthrax attack with the same company capitalizing on the Pandemic.
38 minute mark – RFK is asked about the Georgia Guidestones and population control. Later RFK talks about Vaccines (Biologics) and their contaminants and harmful components.
Battle between Truth and Fear.
SOLUTIONS – 44 minute mark When asked about any way out, any solution, RFK responds: ”What I see here is the solution!” He goes on to bring up methods of spreading accurate information with the alternative media and individuals acting as a beacon of light spreading the information to others.
It is in this context that Kennedy brings up the 1.5 million people in Berlin, “peaceful, behaving in an exemplary fashion”.
1,500,000? Were there really that many people? I mean I’d be delighted if there were but it did not look that way to me.
Any confirmation about that number?
I tend to believe the 1.5 million figure, especially with aerial photos and Kennedy’s statement. I do not think that he would widely exaggerate.
Berlin is a large city with many streets. With folks coming from all directions and streets suddenly blocked off, the crowds were dispersed throughout the city. That was probably part of the intent by the authorities of blocking access – to make the gathering look smaller.
This 5 minute video at fast speed through the streets only covers some streets. I am sure other streets could have been filmed.
OK, thanks!
Homey the press is and will always be the 5th state. Or is it the 4th state. Here in commie Tulsa it just the lock step state.
As a young man, I representing my small business to help some small publishers and small town news papers solve physical plant problems got in the door of the private, small town news people. Bristow,Ok. Sapulpa, Ok. North Tulsa, Ok. Small news papers that reported the news! No spin pulp truth. No more , all gone .
SPREDING ACCURATE INFOMATION. Now its Lee Enterprises propaganda rags. Pure Bull shit. Hometown rags like the Gusher! Pure Crap. Its either Kaiser (Jew) or Warren
( Catholic ) rags. No difference from the Lee B.S. .
A Daily or weekly sheet of paper would make all the difference in the world. But alas im old now and everyone younger wears masks. Bitter here, oh so bitter. You would think it was January 21st its so cold.
I have been noticing the same thing down here with small publications.
The “free thinkers” are no more.
And I really hear ya about “I’m old now”.
While I still got some spit, I just don’t have the air in me for tackling some major project.
Hey folks, just a little “ripple in the water” good news.
Yesterday I just finished getting my order at a famous coffee/donut franchise here in New England when a fellow around my age (60+) approached me. I was unmasked, he was wearing one.
He said “I’m sorry to bother you, I hope you don’t mind – but do people say anything to you because you’re not wearing a mask? I’d like not to but I’m afraid…”
I told him that by and large, actually, no, most people, especially young staff associates said nothing. I did tell him about my twat bank manager and my local post office, but I just don’t go to either establishment anymore.
I showed him my “Medical Exemption” card and said if anyone asks I just tell them I have a medical condition.
He said “You’re brave”. Which I thought was funny because that’s not how I feel at all.
We spoke a little more and he said thanks. I said “Good luck. Most people don’t want to be wearing them”.
So there you go, you never know when you might be having a positive effect by just going about your business.
That is good news, lovetodust. And yes, you are brave. I’ve been so very impressed by your displays of courage.
“twat bank manager”
Ha! I got a chuckle out of that!
Great anecdote!
Excellent point: “…you never know when you might be having a positive effect.”
C.J. Hopkins
September 2, 2020
New Normal Gleichschaltung, or: The Storming of the Reichstag Building on 29 August, 2020
(C.J. Hopkins was there in Berlin and gives us an English language version of what transpired.)
G. Edward Griffin
September 2, 2020
(26 minutes)
“Europe Rising against Pandemic Scam”
This is a compilation of three videos from London and Berlin recorded on August 29, 2020.
This video confirms the huge, very huge, numbers and the civil peaceful nature of the event
My 2 cents…
1.5 million people seem like a valid estimate posed by RFK, Jr.
(see comment further north)
One can extrapolate from the observable footage which Mislav has provided. The number of folks in Berlin were off the chart.
This link goes to the original comment by Mislav with his wonderful video and the replied comments to that video.
September 4, 2020
via Robert F Kennedy, Jr. – (CHD) Children’s Health Defense
August 1st Berlin Demonstration – 1.3 million attendees per the police count.
August 29th Berlin Demonstration – Between 1.5 – 3 million estimated attendees.
Season 2, Episode 1 of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
In the first episode of our second season “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., he and Vaxxed 2’s Polly Tommey covered a variety of topics including:
~~ The inaccuracy of mainstream news accounts of the August 29 Berlin Protest: wrong on the numbers and wrong on the nature of the rally itself
~~ Similarities between what’s happening today and the origins of Nazism in Germany: censorship and creating fear
~~ How authoritarian efforts are destroying the middle class while tech barons such as Gates, Zuckerberg, and Bezos are making billions
~~ Creating a new form of media among “awakened” people to counter the misinformation of mainstream media
~~ Vaccine mandates
~~ CHD’s lawsuit against the University of California for mandating flu shots for all faculty, staff and students
~~ Dr. Fauci’s tenure at the NIH
~~ The launch of CHD’s new publication, The Defender, on September 10
Waterkeepers: What it is and how it started
Evidently this is from September 5th, 2020 – Saturday
via RT News
Thousands Rally in Madrid against their corrupt Government’s tyrannical Corona restrictions.
(2 minutes)
This U.K. Twitter user is printing and art working SIGNS/flyers.
Here is one example, but go to her home page for more.
(Open Source)
Vancouver Freedom Rally
Sunday – September 13, 2020
Noon till 5pm
Vancouver Art Gallery
Rise up before it is too late!
If you are against…
Mandatory Masks
Mandatory Vaccines
Mandatory Curfew
Contact Tracing
This is why trying to influence the government is also important in my opinion. The state still exists and I think it’s useful to pursue the courts and local government in particular for change in addition to not instead of other things like alternative economies.