Have you entered a store without the mandated mask affixed to your face?
Visited a friend in violation of a lockdown order?
Frequented a New York bar that didn’t offer “substantive” food to go with your beer?
Congratulations! You’re a thought criminal!
And here’s the best part: There are more thought criminals being born every day!
What am I talking about? The counter-economy, that’s what!
Do you know what counter-economics is? And do you know how we can use it to avoid sleepwalking into the coming COVID-1984 nightmare? Well, you will after reading this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber!
For free access to this editorial, please CLICK HERE.
The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 25 (August 02, 2020)
by James Corbett Have you entered a store without the mandated mask affixed to your face? Visited a friend in violation of a lockdown order? Frequented a New York bar that didn’t offer “substantive” food to go with your beer? Congratulations! You’re a thought criminal! And here’s the best part: There are more thought criminals being born every day! What am I talking about? The counter-economy, that’s what! As you’ll no doubt remember from my previous writing on the subject, counter-economics is not what the Pentagon does to cook its books each year. No, it’s both an idea and a practice that was pioneered by Samuel Edward Konkin III, everyone’s second-favourite Canadian émigré anarchist. In An Agorist Primer, Konkin explains that “All (non-coercive) human action committed in defiance of the State constitutes the Counter-Economy.” That’s a deceptively simple definition, so let’s tease out some of the nuance here:
So, you walk into a store without a mask in defiance of your city’s ordinances? Congratulations! You’re a practicing counter-economist. You pay a barber under the table to cut your hair despite lockdown orders to the contrary? Congratulations! You’re a practicing counter-economist. You’re a business owner who fails to implement the government-mandated physical distancing and disinfection standards in your workplace? Congratulations! You’re a practicing counter-economist. Now, this idea could be extended to the point of inanity. Yes, you could technically be a counter-economist if you drive 51 km/h in a 50 km/h zone, but such action is less likely to be an attempt to undermine the authority of the state and more likely to be an attempt to get to a dental appointment on time. A key part of counter-economics is that this “human action committed in defiance of the state” is consciously directed action. Its purpose is to defy the state, or to carve out a space for people to interact and transact with each other in ways that defy the state’s edicts. This space—the truly free market, unfettered by concern for the state and its mandates—is the agora. Derived from the Greek word for the marketplace, the agora is the space where counter-economic activity flourishes. (But you already knew that, right?) As Konkin puts it: “The goal is living in the agora and the path is expanding Counter-Economics.” It should now be apparent how applicable agorism is to our current situation. Take the recent demonstration in Berlin. Depending on which source you rely on, there were thousands or hundreds of thousands of Germans who took to the streets of Berlin to protest the stifling coronavirus restrictions in their country. But this wasn’t just a protest; it was human action in defiance of the state. Note well: These Germans didn’t object by writing scholarly papers challenging the restrictions or by starting an online petition. They physically took to the streets in defiance of the very orders they were opposing. That is counter-economics in action. Or take the recent action by Defending Utah, a liberty-minded organization based in Utah. To protest local face mask ordinances, they began a regular Thursday event whereby interested members would be texted the location of a particular grocery store and a particular time. At the appointed hour, members of the group all enter the store without masks. They can’t be stopped on their way in because there are simply too many of them, and they can’t be ignored by the establishment mouthpiece media, who have to resort to smearing them instead. That is counter-economics in action. There are plenty of other examples. Like the Texas salon owner who cut customers’ hair in defiance of lockdown orders and who chose jail time rather than make a court-ordered statement admitting to being wrong and selfish. Or the New Jersey businessmen who were thrown in jail for refusing to shut down their gym despite statewide shutdown orders. You see? This whole COVID-1984 phenomenon is giving plenty of otherwise ordinary, obedient tax cattle the chance to become counter-economists. It is growing the agora. But it needs to be restated: All of these counter-economic activities that are happening as a natural response to the lockdowns and restrictions mean nothing if they are not consciously directed counter-economic activity. If people are not aware of the importance of their decisions, if they don’t understand why we must expand the agora and broaden popular support for unsanctioned activities, then they will be easily led back into the system at the first convenient on-ramp. If the state slackens the rules here or creates some leeway there, then people will—as usual—take the path of least resistance. “Sure, we could form trading communities outside of the purview of the state. We could begin building up alternative currencies, supporting local businesses, disconnecting ourselves from the Big Brother enslavement grid . . . but that seems like a lot of work. And what if we get caught? What if we face resistance? What if we get a bad social credit score! No, much safer to just sign up for our new Digital Dollar account with the Fed and receive our monthly UBI payment. Of course, it means we’ll have to roll up our sleeve for the coronavirus vaccine and keep our COVI-PASS app current, but what’s the harm in a little prick and a quick update? At least we’ll be taken care of!” It’s impossible to argue that the counter-economic path is going to be an easy one, because it’s not. But for those who care about human freedom, it’s the only path. And, as the technology of control available to the state increases in sophistication—from brain chips to 5G to gene editing—the agorist path becomes even more important. It is no exaggeration to say that there will be no humanity as we’ve known it by the end of this century if the would-be societal controllers get their way. The choice of whether or not to grow the agora is quickly becoming an existential one. In the end that choice is ours to make, but we’d better make it quickly. Are we counter-economists committed to growing the agora and ending the state? Or are we merely tax cattle to be slaughtered when the state deems us to be sufficiently fattened? |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Recommended ReadingNew “Brain Science” Specialization, “Neuroetics” Recommended ListeningRecommended ViewingBill Gates’ message to Covid-19 conspiracy theorists Just For FunRedLetterMedia – re:View |
I think it is growing and I am supporting the business that are operating outside of state control. Other people are too…supporting hair stylists and restaurants that aren’t “obeying “ the guidelines. I think that there would be no way for them to accomplish their plans without substantial compliance meaning complete compliance. Even one though criminal is a seed of resistance and that grows exponentially.
The psychopaths that are orchestrating this I believe will fail.
I had an interesting conversation with an German immigrant yesterday. He fled east Germany for west Germany with his Mom and Dad as the borders were closing. The rest of the family were left in east Germany. 2 sets of grand parents, Uncles, Aunts, cousins. His comments on socialism, authoritarianism were tactial to him. He learned all about the take over, subsequent abuse to his family first hand. He came to the USA at the age of 27 so he had matured under the two Germanys.
He claims he can Smell the socialist agenda here in Tulsa . It reminded him of his youth as the clear headed thinkers could only flee the zombiefied masses. He claims he has seen this before. He stated the lost generations of Germans were Snowflakes, and his observations of the 2 lost generations of Snowflakes here in this city reminded him of his youth. He claims these Snowflakes were running to the socialist Masters in complete submission in avoidance of facing any decisions.
They have no idea of what they are loosing.
Where have i heard that before. May have been on one of the few independent News outlets? You know you are in trouble when the herd turns for the cliff at warp speed. Thanks James. Agorism is looking better every day, maybe the last border available to cross into a place of hope.
I can also smell it too my immigrant friend. Tulsa Stinks to high heaven.
I have seen one business running in the counter economic way. The
This morning, for the first time since this all started, I had to go shopping. My trusty semi statist spouse has been willing to take that responsibility in order to make sure that her husband doesn’t end up in a confrontation or worse.
Well, she is gone off to visit family this weekend and I needed some stuff.
I read on LewRockwell.com yesterday that Lowe’s, a Home Depot competitor was being reasonable about the mandate so I called the local store to confirm. I asked about their policy and was told that masks are required. I then asked the nice young lady if anyone would put their hands on me or call the police. She immediately said “Oh no, of course not”.
So I said, “Then I can come get a few things without wearing a mask and I won’t be hassled?” She said, “yes of course”.
I thanked her and told her that assuming what she told me is true, then Lowe’s was now my favorite hardware store. She laughed and we said goodbye.
I then called the local Home Depot and went through it again. This time I was told that while they would not put hands on me or call the police, nor would they allow me to check out. Even though they have self check out machines.
They, like some other cowardly local establishments have lost my business indefinitely.
Anyway, I set off for my water filters in a good mood so I thought that I would push my luck a bit. I stopped a a Winn Dixie grocery store that was on my way. Didn’t really need anything but I figured I could use some fresh fruit if I got lucky.
I walked right in, making a point to smile at any of the masked people who seemed to look at me. I grabbed a cart and went about shopping. Not a single person spoke to me except when I asked where the wheat germ was. Nobody knew but they all answered me pleasantly and I eventually found it myself. The cashier was extremely friendly and helpful and never even indicted that she was concerned about my unmasked mug in the slightest.
At Lowe’s it was just about the same. Not a single negative comment from anyone and a very nice cashier.
In neither store did I see even one other person without a mask but no one seemed to care much about me. If I got dirty looks I would never know it. I don’t make eye contact with the muzzled ones unless I need to speak with them and its really hard to tell what their expressions are under those face nappies anyhow.
I am encouraged by this experience.
Well, like I said. I’m encouraged. I admit that this was the first time I can remember every feeling anxious about shopping. But I can honestly say that I look forward to doing it again.
I am an optimist and believe that people are in large part just going along to get along. I think that many people who are still wearing masks are resenting the hell out of it. I think that you can only push people so far and for so long.
I think that there is a good chance that some people will be tempted to rip the mask off their face if they see enough smiling, engaged people who are just going about their own business in a completely normal way.
I don’t want to have discussions with strangers in some store even if I think that they would listen. Hardly anyone ever does. I just want to be normal and sane.
The fact that I am the only one acting sane in a giant store isn’t my fault. But perhaps it is an advantage.
I really like what they are doing in Utah. Strength in numbers. A little extra bravado too.
I just have to do what I can as a Luddite loner.
Oh yeah, I meant to say that what you describe is what they were doing here before they “opened” back up. I am certain that those tactics will be rolled back out when it serves their purpose.
Got to try to do what we can while we have the chance. I guess.
Congrats, Steve. I’ve more or less had the same experience overall, but have run into a few upsetting situations. As I’ve said here before, no one said it was going to be easy.
I know a big supermarket where I can show un-bothered so although not as convenient as I’d like, worth the extra mile.
I have stopped shopping at local supermarkets, and will not go to my local post office anymore. They have been the worst when it comes to the mask. Even when you hold up the flyer from the town saying medical exempt people SHOULD NOT WEAR A MASK. Oh well.
However, like you, I am the ONLY person in a store not wearing a mask and one of the only people outdoors.
I was told last night of some young people in my sphere who spent last weekend at a cottage for summer holiday – apparently one (or more?) didn’t feel well and they all were tested for covid. ALL POSITIVE and they are now quarantining.
Will it ever end?
I can’t get it, this focus on masks.
So many worse things I’m concerned about in the corona fascism.
Where I live masks are obligatory for closed spaces, but rarely enforced. So I don’t wear it. Rarely I see some non-masker. I didn’t experience any bothering.
Just few times security at the entrance demanded to put mask. I play the game with them, I don’t hear/understand them at first. Once a guy was very bossy …oh…he got his lecture about politeness, about proper temper. At the end I put the mask on. I didn’t come to store to scratch my balls, I need something, I have to accomplish something.
What I think is more important, never miss an opportunity to talk with people about ‘rona insanity, this or that, small or big, burning of books aka deleting gootube channels….
I am very upset about many other things, too, mik.
I guess the mask exemplifies so much, and is about the only thing I have control over where I can show my opposition to everything that is going on.
Believe me, my heart aches for people that have died alone – really alone in nursing homes and hospitals because family weren’t allowed to visit – or could only visit one person at a time. I thank god my dad died 2 years ago – with all of his children at his bedside. He never would have survived the solitary confinement.
The schools closing. I can’t even speak I am so angry. And now reopening with staggered classes and masks and no closeness, eating together, sports, etc. I would not send my child. And imagine having to teach in such conditions.
The shenanigans you have to go through to see a doctor??? I only go under duress.
So, it’s not just about the mask but I suppose I focus on that because it is the symbol I can do something about. jurisdiction over my own life.
ha!…I enjoy some of your expressions.
I am really enjoying reading all these anecdotes.
Thanks ya’ll.
Reply chain was exhausted so I’ll continue here.
“….not just about the mask but I suppose I focus on that because it is the symbol….”
Now when virus is spread all around mandatory mask regime makes no sense, sooner or later you will get it, unless you go to total quarantine, but even then… Not to mention closing borders insanity. Masks now are more about training obedience.
Still, by focusing on masks we might forget about more important fact that represent a paradigm change and was excellently addressed by James a while ago, but not repeated it enough(!!).
In new paradigm people should be seen as virus carriers, potential grandma killers. This has to be totally and completely rejected. By eliminating this potentiality we would be left with just a mirage of life.
Rulers never present it this way but that is the substance. Suddenly they became so interested, so devoted to well being of the last member in society…., except those pesky pesticides, gmo, opiates, wars, microwave-oven planet …..
Masks are such a low hanging fruit, we should aim at more important targets. In my conversations with normies I try to come to these most important topics:
– potential grandma killers
– this virus was made in lab
– they will try to implement total control
– experimental vaccine
Of course you cannot discuss everything from above with construction worker whose maths ends with number 5 (4 shovels sand, 1 cement), but is worth trying, life is full of surprises.
Thanks dagstorm. It really helps to hear from others who are seeing things like I do. Encouragement to be rebellious and civilly disobedient is hard to come by other than online. Yet isn’t non compliance with tyranny exactly the spirit that this country was founded on?
I am familiar with many of the content producers you suggest. I will try to check out the ones that I don’t know.
These days I am mainly just listening to podcasts while I do other things. Even the Corbett Report and MM truth be told. Dr Paul, The Ice Age Farmer and Adapt 2030 all have podcasts. I seriously don’t have time to listen to everything that I am subscribed to. There are so many great ones.
As for videos, I try to only use Bitchute. Unless I really have a pressing need, I will not use youtube. I am subscribed to a few of my favorite channels that have migrated over and that supplies more than enough content to overfill my video time allotment.
Its kinda funny when I think back a couple decades and consider how much time I wasted watching the television.
Nowadays I don’t watch television at all and I can hardly find time to do all the stuff that I like to fill my days with.
But then a couple decades ago I was gung ho to cast a vote for George Bush and watched Fox News Sunday religiously. What can I say? Sigh.
I would like to share a couple of suggestions for channels/podcasts you might like also.
(If you’re feeling adventurous) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/plasmaburns/
(Not political but excellent) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/academy-of-ideas/id1364706343
Thanks for the link debra.b
Attention all Corbetter’s – we spoke about this interview series over the past few days but I am plugging it again. A must see.
“Alison McDowell and Jason Bosch – The Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
There are 3 parts. I have watched two. (Just finished watching 2)
Must see’s!! I need to send James an email and suggest her as a guest. But then I am thinking it is going to have to be an extra long special interview because she backs up and adds to everything James (and others) have talked about over the past few years and you would just not want it to end.
She is very well spoken is obviously exceptionally gifted in her research and “connecting the dots”.
I’m looking forward to the third.
I don’t know about anyone else but I feel like I’ve earned at least a BA in world affairs in the past 5 months. By the time this is over – and by God, it WILL BE OVER – I wager I’ll have a PhD at the end of my moniker.
“…..Samuel Edward Konkin III, everyone’s second favourite Canadian emigre anarchist.”
🙂 oh, yeah, coooool
“So, you walk into a store without a mask in defiance of your city’s ordinances? Congratulations! You’re a practicing counter-economist.”
Actually I am no longer practicing.
I did all my practicing months ago when they hadn’t yet mandated masks.
I don’t need to practice anymore. They say practice makes perfect, so I guess I’m perfect now. 🙂
In my neck of the woods I haven’t worn a facemask yet and never will.
So I guess you could call me simply a counter-economist.
I was thinking the past day or so about society in general and society
today under the plandemic.
Practically everything we do in life is based upon rules or laws.
They’ve simply tightened those rules/laws up a notch or two (or three) now. 🙁
It takes a certain personality type to go against the grain.
Yes, it does Faulty Towers.
I started in the second grade. I’ve been practicing ever since.
I haven’t perfected it yet but I’ve caused a good deal of trouble.
On the positive side, I’ve become a good advocate.
Here’s what people in Melbourne, Australia are in for . . . . .
From the statement . . . .
“From 6pm tonight, Melbourne will also move to Stage 4 restrictions with stronger rules to limit the movement of people – and limit the spread of this virus across our city.
That includes a curfew – from 8pm to 5am – beginning tonight. The only reasons to leave home during these hours will be work, medical care and caregiving.
Where you slept last night is where you’ll need to stay for the next six weeks. There’ll be exemptions for partners who live apart and for work, if required.”
I’ve been reading about the restrictions in Australia every day on offguardian.
It’s insane. Australia? Who knew.
Aussies are seriously running out of time.
No kidding.
It was almost like a pat on the back.
I felt great after reading this article.
Great James. Over the last week I had been thinking of putting in a question for Corbett over whether there was a difference between someone who breaks a law out of principle and someone who does it just because they want to get away with something.
From a anarchist perspective there’s no difference however in a practice the prinicpled person is going to stick with it. The crim is going to stop when the cameras go up.
Have a lot of folks died from Covid down under in recent weeks?
I heard about…
~~ “Where you slept last night is where you’ll need to stay for the next six weeks.”
~~ Curfew between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m.
~~ Only one person per household will be allowed to leave their homes once a day — outside of curfew hours — to pick up essential goods, and they must stay within a 5 kilometer radius of their home unless nearest shop is over 5 KM away.
~~ Exercise can be taken for up to an hour a day, with one other person, but still within five kilometers of a person’s home.
Well you know some of those old folks are just too agile to be taken out with a hit and run attack from a bus, so they have to be euthanised by taking them to a hospital and hooking them up to the Dyson.
So far the restrictions you have listed, only apply to a different shaft of the salt mine. Not the one I’m in. But no doubt there will be some “selfish” person who wants to visit a dying relative in a different shaft of the mine and it we will all be on again.
The mask wearing ritual has not caught on in this shaft either, however I have plans for when it does. Build one of those fake Geiger Counters like I made when I was kid. Just need to hold near someone wearing a muzzle and press on the hidden pressure censor under the case to send it off the scale, “Oh, I guess that must be one of those made in China masks”…then walk off leaving them to form their own conspiracy theories.
Nothing like a bit of psychological warfare if you feel the odds are against you!
Oh! The image of that ploy! I love practical jokes like that.
Some YouTuber who wanted to chalk up views could do a bunch of Covid skits like that. Showing the silliness of all the drama would be a riot.
HR – I read offguardian everyday and there are a few people from Australia and New Zealand who comment daily and yup, it’s bad. I’m shocked.
Melbourne and Victoria seem the worst.
Unless they are just throwing out all these restrictions to instill more fear with the thinking that people will just ignore?
Words can’t explain….
“The choice of whether or not we grow the agora is quickly becoming an existential one.
In the end that choice is ours to make, but we better make it quickly. Are we counter-economists committed to growing the agora and ending the state? Or are we merely tax cattle to be slaughtered when the state deems us to be sufficiently fattened?”
That is for sure! To grow the agora at this point means the difference between surviving outside the system, being irreversibly enslaved by it or killed by it through any one of its high tech weapon capabilities or famine and so forth…
The agora is defined etymologically as, “open assembly place, chief public square and marketplace of a town; popular political assembly held in such a place,” from Greek agora “an assembly of the People” (as opposed to a council of Chiefs);”
We certainly need to assemble ourselves, through communication and organization, in some way, and we need to head back to the earth, to a more rural agricultural setting. Without tangible resources we have nothing to build our own truly free voluntarist market place from.
As Joseph Hill states in his song Satan Company,”me na go inna babylon kingdom to beg no bread” and that ultimately is the literal carrot on the stick of the new world order.
Now they are training the people for it – can’t buy nor sell with out the mask, and then it will be the vaccine you can’t buy or sell without and then will come the bichip and so forth – if you can’t buy or sell in their market place then you don’t eat – there needs to be a resource base to work from.
Maybe something will spring up naturally when enough people realize the necessity for a resistance or sorts, the right kind where those involved know the real enemy rather than some fake twisted “enemy” that the true enemy, the “elite” has sold them like we see with all of the blm, anitfa and now the NFAC who has a leader that is most likely the cia’s grand master Jay.
“The system owns them, babylon control them”
We need to come together somehow, someway and use what resources, talents and skills we have as a people in this awakened community to breath life into the agora
Our knowledge and education about this agenda must be the foundation that we move forward from – because to know the enemy and know it well is step one in this endeavor. The next step is to act from that place of knowledge to move forward…
Carl Jung and Eric Fromm called the dangers of the mob conscious out years ago – so the healing of mans psyche and the process of individuation is of utmost importance as well.
Isn’t it interesting that the word psyche means “animating spirit?” Well we need that too
Animated – inspired
Wow James, very interesting article. My mind is blown. I just learned this from you and I will be speaking about it when I get into conversations. I am very concerned for not only what is taking place in our current state of society, but what is ahead. We have to resist this , and I’m glad to see more people are standing up for what is right and protesting these draconian lockdowns.
“the fake shootings like Christchurch,”
Christchurch was real.
But it wasn’t a lone white supremacist who pulled it off.
I’ve always thought that the best way to get back at the globalists and the systems in place, is to fight back using the same tools. Don’t like the stuff youtube throws up on its algorithms? Use your own algorithms. Hate all the programming and thought control of the mainstream media? Create your own media and make it go mainstream. Remember ‘They Live’ where the resistance hacked the TV broadcasts? That, for me, would be the most effective way to open people’s eyes, a real way to level the playing field.
Failing that, we have alternative platforms (which depending on the service you run the risk of having your views co-opted or compartmentalized into echo chambers so it can difficult to reach those with differing viewpoints) and daily face-to-face interactions. (Which they are doing they level best to make less and less meaningful.)
I agree with James and Max Igan that peaceful non-complience is the way to go and I’m hoping that the protests in Berlin and London will help spur more protests, just as there were before the plandemic. It isn’t just a matter of countering the pervading narrative. The growing number of people against all this need a way to know that they are not alone.
Once again: F I W
wish i could move to The land with no face masks — The nation’s top scientists, having examined key data and research, have declared there is no firm evidence to back the use of face coverings. Indeed, they argue that wearing the wretched things may actually hamper the fight against disease.
unfortunately, moving is out of the question due to health issues. im so fed up, hate living in f’kin face masked new mexico, & im with her ☞
I WILL NOT be Masked,
Tested, Tracked, Chipped
or Poisoned to Support this
Orchestrated Lie!!
This is NOT my
“New Normal”
> wish i could move to The land with no face masks
i live in that country.
and yes, this is a positive detail, but you’d be surprised how big a percentage of the population believes in the Scamdemic, how many say: “let’s hope the vaccine will be here soon”
this is not different from other countries.
like everywhere we have to be carefull what we say or we get into endless and useless arguments, loose friends and get alienated from family etc.
it is so useless to discuss masks when you can’t make the bigger picture clear.
zooming in on details is a swamp of drifting away from what is **really** happening…
yeah, i sort of gave up trying to talk about what i learned with people who don’t want to hear it.
what James writes in this article is so much more usefull.
i’d rather be with people who i can talk to, who want to hug and touch me.
but it’s a big thing to swallow we are being cut off from who used to be friends.
also i love to travel, and it’s as hard to swallow that that might not be possible anymore in the future.
the world will never be like it was before 2020.
we better take a deep breath and get to work on creating a new world.
being angry is negative energy and stands in the way of creating.
another thing i did is start my own chatserver, of course not in any cloud but on a secure line, and invite friends who are on the same page, to discuss what we can do.
it’s a bit of a pain to set up but with a little resaerch it can be done.
I think that’s a great idea, San*a. It gets a bit lonely, other than being on like-minded sites, to be the only non-masker and narrative non-believer. Good for you.
albeit i dont believe what i shared was “useless” w/out your caveat San*A, of course you hv a right to your opinion, narrow as it felt ~ at the same time i give credence to widening commentary…
living where masks are mandated & folks believe it means actual law, many blindly comply with wearing, then there are those who know whats happening & hv to wear to work… totally unimportant, has nothing to do with global governance. and so what if masks are making ppl sick, makes TPTsB quite happy & we should all be happy about it!! testing ~ what a dream, who wouldnt want a swab rammed deep up their nose, the more times the merrier. tracking ~ with a dumb phone, big bonus, get radiated too. everybody must get chipped & poisoned for the greater good, ppl need to become ill, or disabled for life or die b/c thats the price of depopulation war!! do as your told, obey & your health will also steadily degenerate from lock down, quarantine, social distancing — woo hoo, party alone! just get with the 2020 social engineering program, itsa 1984 brave new world, keep drinking the kool-aid, live in fear, & by all means snitch on each other.
back to the masks, during yrs of extreme abuse i wore masks cuz i had no choice, & many others wore. which is another reason why seeing ppl wearing masks in public can bother me, i need to just f’kin let it go, it doesnt matter… oh wait a sec
The Characteristics of an Initiation Ritual
anyhoo, moving was wishful thinking, as i stated out of the question due to health issues.
i’m sorry to hear about your physical condition, it must be hard and frustrating…
let me try to explain what i mean by useless.
it’s almost 15 years ago that i first questioned 9/11. it was a revelation, in the course of a few years more and more pieces of the technocracy-puzzle started to fall in place, up to where we are today.
it has been a “waiting for the big-one” and voilà, in January there was corona.
i have been talking about what i learned with everybody who wanted and didn’t want to hear, and often felt so much resistance. out of fear mostly. when people start understanding for ex. that your government is not there to serve you, but you are a commodity to thém and all implications that come with that, for most people that breaks the foundation of their existance and therefore they will not accept it.
i ran into so much resistance when talking about these things that i had to slow down.
i don’t believe anymore you can beat the system by playing by it’s rules.
we tried in the 70’s and 80’s with anti-war protests, anti-nuclear-energy protests, free-marijuana protests and whatnot. it all ended in frustration.
the sane thing to do is to step out of that system.
our German neighbours had a bumpersticker in the 80’s:
“Stell dir vor, es gibt ein Krieg und keiner geht hin”
(Imagine, there is a war and nobody goes there).
stop playing by their rules, make your own rules.
how you realise that is up to you, there is no general denominator under Corbetteers, what works for I Shot Santa might not work for somebody else, but i don’t believe anymore you can educate the masses.
find like-minded people and save yourself…
now i understand what you meant by useless. the heavy resistance to your speaking out musta been rough, ive experienced some, not nearly as much as you, it wasnt fun.
great german quote. no doubt the system is rigged, getting out the best way to go. finding like-minded ppl yes, recognizing whats good for one person may or may not be for another, absolutely!!
since 1973, part of me dreaded this year ~ 2020 mind control programme, memory recovered in 2002.
hey debra, ive also learnt that feelings need to be felt, allowed. expression can be powerful, creative… much of my fav artwork & writing stemmed from anger, as well as underlying pain.
nice acoustic, way cool song 🙂 takes me back to college days when the bangles were a new group, i remember seeing billboard advertisement, they were playing at the same place as the dead kennedys — what a crazy blast!!
I feel kinda broken today. Here in Mexico,(which Im starting to think is a trial run for the next stage of medical martial law) they have erected fences around every street leading to the plaza with an archway entrance blasting – something – over you as you pass through. They don’t say on all the propaganda signs along the fence what the spritz is but it made my skin stingy.
Then I went to the bank and was informed that my bandana scarf was not a mask (or mouth covering as it is called in Spanish). He shook his head on exemptions. Apparently anxiety and panic attacks are no longer a medical condition.
So sorry to hear southamerica –
My bank was snotty too, so I took my money out and put it in another bank.
If I have to I will buy a portableoxygen canister (empty) and a canula – which I’ll stick in my nose. Let them bother me with a mask then.
southamerica says:
He shook his head on exemptions.
Apparently anxiety and panic attacks are no longer a medical condition.
Via NEED TO KNOW — G. Edward Griffin’s News & Analysis had a link to this GreenMedInfo piece…
Face Mask Induced O2 Depletion and CO2 Enrichment Elicit Fear and Anxiety (i.e. Trauma-Based Control)
This Corbett article is perfect timing. I found this video this morning, and hand wrote out a bunch of cards to carry with me with the name of the video. I will hand one to anyone who says anything to me about masks.
The Science and History of Masks in Medicine. The 54 minute video has good info on immune system maintenance in the last part. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHQ7zDNXKj0
Does anyone know of a downloadable browser/search engine for an iPad that gives results other than the approved main stream ones?
I have been using DDG after abandoning Firefox which I used after giving up google and chrome.
When I search for something like “Sweden Uruguay covid response” I get dozens of crap articles that I could read on msnbc.
When I search for a video, say an old song by a famous artist. I get pages and pages of youtube videos but not a single Bitchute video.
Are there any neutral, fair search engines out there?
If anyone has a suggestion, could you please respond to this post. I forgot to click the “send email notification button. Thanks
https://swisscows.com/ seems to mix it up a bit, but I don’t think there’s a silver bullet out there. For some things this is a bit better than google.
Thanks for that. I will give it a try.
Make Medical Bracelets or official “Medical Alert Bracelets” which have a statement of the sort which you mentioned.
One could also sell official looking “MASK Medical Exemption Certificates”.
ANECDOTE regarding Agorism and the Counter-Economy.
Buying Gold and Alternative Currencies – Glintpay – Gold Backed Debit Card
Last summer, my granddaughter graduated from college. A month after graduation, she packed the car, the dog and drove from Texas to work in New York City. She turned 21 late that summer. Almost a year later, in April 2020 with all the Covid insanity, she moved back to Texas from New York City. In short order, she got her own Dallas apartment and a job.
In mid-May, I went over to see her at her new Dallas apartment. I gave her some physical gold and silver and some “Goldback CURRENCY (which is spendable ‘legal’ gold-infused paper currency) in advance for her birthday in a couple months.
Let me tell ya… a 1/10th of a troy ounce gold bar is pretty dang small. It don’t look like much. I also gave her a bunch of handmade ‘blown-sculpted’ glass roses which I had torch/kiln made when her Dad was a young teenager. They are not ‘modern art’, but look like a florist rose that is frozen as glass.
Previous gifts to both her and her now 19 year old brother, included Bitcoin about 3 years ago. He is more savvy at computers, so I sent both crypto-gifts to his wallet. My grandson quit working at the fast-food chicken place after graduating High School this May 2020. Now, he makes underground money by helping to debug other internet users with their video games. His computer smarts outweighs my vocabulary, but it sure looks impressive. And he makes pretty good money independently on his own.
— Birthday Card —
With my granddaughter’s birthday fast approaching, I made a handmade birthday card, complete with stick-figure drawings and various, corny Grandpa jokes.
(By the way, just like the book “To Kill A Mockingbird”, I ask that my grandkids, son and other relatives call me by my first name, not a relative-moniker such as “Grandpa”. I also sign my letters/emails/texts that way, with my first name. Ignoring me, often relatives use the relative-label anyway, but whatever they want to call me, I’ll go by.)
The birthday card’s back-side makes note of the source manufacturer: “El Cheapo Printing” and “Crusty Codger Company”.
I included a $5 bill, with a sticky note that says “I saved 5 bucks on this card. Here is the 5.”
There is also a tiny red dot on the bill, and a small sticky note with a red arrow pointing to it. The sticky includes the red ink words: “Warning! Covid Virus! Do not eat.”
In the envelope with the birthday card, I also included a check, a 4 page hand written letter and a flyer printout for “Glint” / “Glintpay”.
My original plan was to surprise her with a “Glint Gold Backed Debit Card”, but after calling the Colorado based U.S. office for Glint and speaking to a very helpful representative, Sam, I decided that it would be best for her to do it. But only if she wanted. I told her in the letter that she could spend the check money anyway she wanted.
Glint has been around in Europe since 2017. About a year ago, Glint came to the U.S. For folks who are not in the loop, Sprott is a well-known precious metals company. They invested in Glint. For me, this aspect helped to win my trust.
www glintpay.com/
For the 1st time you can save, exchange and spend gold in any amount with the Glint Mastercard.
Save, exchange, spend and switch between various currencies in your Glint account anywhere at the real exchange rate (multiple currencies are coming soon to the US, for now you can exchange between USD and gold).
We are laser focused on security. Your money is held in a segregated and safeguarded account at a Tier-1 bank.
Your allocated physical gold is held in a secure, insured and independent Brinks vault in Switzerland. Your gold is held in your name and is insured by Lloyds of London.
Glint YouTube VIDEO – https://youtu.be/l8uPTOxno0A
Now, for me, I’ll be honest and tell you that personally, I have not signed up to Glint. I like the Glint concept, but right now I just can’t bring myself to download the “Google Play” App.
It does take a “Google Play” or “App Store” App to open an account with Glint.
Maybe, in the future I will. I dunno.
I know that most folks do download different Apps. My grandkids already have a phone filled with Apps. I try to avoid it, if I can.
Regarding all the previous comments, I should put forth the disclaimer that one should not put much stock in my advice. I am a poor handler of money. Over the decades, I have seen well over a million dollars of my personal money evaporate by different means.
~~ I am also a criminal of the State, a breaker of laws, and often my activities move into the gray-zone of unorthodox morality…
~~ I have been in jail twice for soliciting without a permit.
~~ I have been through two IRS audits and have had IRS agents repeatedly come out trying to find me at my past business warehouse.
~~ The Internal Revenue Service for the State of California chased me for years with tons of letters demanding payment for $3.24. The postage and printing costs must have surpassed several hundred dollars.
~~ I have had a Federal Agent with the “U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission” come to the street corner where I was street selling a mountain of “bean bag chairs”. I had temporarily rented part of the parking lot of a Chinese Restaurant to sell my bean bags and had the colorful bags stacked 20 feet high. The agent wanted to check the zippers to my bean bags. New rules demanded a two zipper opening, thus deterring boys from putting their little brother into the bean bag.
~~ While in Paris, TX, an Agent with the “Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife” came over to my cube-van to issue me a $250 dollar fine for selling “Asian Sourced Frozen Shrimp” on the side of the road without the mandatory TX Parks and Wildlife sticker on my vehicle. It did not matter that the shrimp did not come from the Texas Gulf.
~~ With co-conspirators, and with experiences on both sides of the equation, I have been involved in countless schemes which involved kickbacks, monetary ‘tips’ or ‘bribes’ and a host of likely spurious trading transactions. Once, on the IRS form, I even filled out the line which was slated for “kickbacks”.
I still raise my glass to it all, toasting Flippant Insouciance
flippant – DEFINITION – not showing a serious or respectful attitude; somewhat ‘playful’ lack of seriousness
insouciance – DEFINITION – lighthearted unconcern, disregard (with a grin), nonchalance
You aren’t a poor handler of money, you’re just an agorist who caught a few times. Hopefully, some of that rubbed of onto your grandchildren.
Regarding glintpay, that looks interesting, but one should never trust any seller that “holds your gold for you”. You have two good hands, you can hold your gold yourself. That’s they only way to hold gold – in your hands. Burying it on several locations on your estate is also a good way to go.
Thanks mkey.
I agree completely – holding physical gold in your own two hands – is the way to keep it. When some banker offers to “hold” it for me, I mentally picture a gun-belted bandito’s pleasantly-stated offer to hold it for me.
Of course, a cubic foot box of gold would weigh 1206 pounds.
I won’t complain none about the weight. The box would have 17558 troy ounces of gold, which at today’s gold prices would be north of $30 million dollars.
Here is a main benefit which I see with “Glint Gold Backed Debit Card” …
It well benefits the user and receiver in making transactions.
There are very few minor fees involved. The receiver of the transaction, the seller of goods, gets the money in their preferred ‘legal’ currency.
The owner of the “Glint Gold Backed Debit Card” likely has a hedge against the debasement of the normal currency, such as the U.S. dollar. The wealth value is stored in gold.
In May 2019, Gold was priced about $1250 per troy ounce.
This past May 2020 it was $1700. Today, August 4th, it was at $2,000.
Thus, if a “Glint Card holder” put $1250 on account in May 2019, today they could go out shopping and get $2,000 worth of goods or services.
When buying physical gold from a dealer with dollars, the buyer always pays extra (a premium) to purchase the metal. In times of high demand, this can end up being a hefty percentage. Kind of like a tax.
When selling the physical gold to a dealer for dollars, often again the seller takes a percentage hit.
I think for long term protection of monetary wealth, having physical gold and silver are an excellent way to go. Just remember where you hide it, and tell someone you trust. I’ve had 2 gold-bug friends who died in recent years, but their stash locations weren’t really all known.
If a person wanted a short term method to hedge their purchasing power against the U.S. dollar, I think the “Glint Gold Backed Debit MasterCard” is not a bad way to go.
Thanks for this anecdote HRS! I raise my coffee cup to your playful nonchalance way. Your resumé is very impressive. One on my little humble list is
-waiting for “them” to knock on my door and collect the mandatory local tv&radio MSM-fee which i neither wish to consume nor want to help finance their brainwash- fake news and therefore i do not pay.
Not sure if you were aware (and not sure if you are going to see this comment), you have answered here a question i had posed on last weeks article about how you personally deal/have dealt with the IRS.
Regarding Glint; i have heard of a similar idea here. Yet as you yourself and mkey stated; i am hesitant too. Even if you trust your seller, if something happens to the person you never know what will happen to your gold nuggets.
Thanks for the comment!…sometime while both online we’ll have a beer or coffee together.
Personally, I think that Glint is probably wonderful for short term holding of “pending spendable income”. I trust the company. In fact, it may be safer and certainly much more rewarding than a bank.
If a person was looking at saving money on a long-term basis, then Glint is likely not the best avenue.
There are risks in any currency, whether crypto or cash or dollars or lost physical gold (I once had a drug addict stepson steal my gold). I’ve lost money, because I hid it so well that I forgot where I hid it. In a way, money is like a tool. You can use them or lose them.
Sorry, I missed your tax question previously. (I don’t have the “reply” notification setup.)
On your tax stuff/question & Sherry Jackson sub-thread, I’ll go over there and answer a quick tidbit when I am through typing here.
But here is…
ANECDOTE – Federal Grand Jury & Prosecutor & IRS & TAX Audits
Lovely, it has been a while since i last shared a friendly conversation over some beverages.
absolutely no offence taken. Your mailbox would be overflowing if you`d had that notification installed. I merely keep forgetting to hit that button.
I have read your replies and your above link to the anecdote-thread. As it is late and i take ages to formulate sentences with minimal grammar-violations and maximum comprehensibility let me just thank you for now. There were some wise words to be found in them which i much appreciate.
Kitco News is a huge resource for precious metals news.
On their video channel, this July 30, 2020 episode is very interesting…
$15,000 gold price? Jim Rickards and Peter Schiff give forecasts (Part 1/3)
I want to mention that people can hedge some of their savings money in Mining Company Stocks or in the related “Precious Metals Royalty And Streaming Companies”, such as Franco-Nevada Corp. (FNV), Sandstorm Gold (SAND), Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd. (MTA). Sometimes, mining stocks give a nice percentage return when gold or silver goes up. After all, the metals are ‘stored’ underground. Of course, it is wise to do some homework on the mining company and also be aware of this world of fickle geopolitics.
August 15, 2020
David Morgan – 1980 $50 Silver Equals $600 Today
(36 minute interview)
I have often previously mentioned David Morgan in the comment section. He is pretty savvy when it comes to precious metals, especially silver. Dan Dicks once interviewed David Morgan.
What I most like is that Morgan doesn’t try to spin a hyperbole pitch to silver, but a balanced view.
I bought a bunch of physical silver American dollars (American Eagles) back in very late 2019.
Silver spot price was about $18 more or less.
I paid a “premium” of about $1.50 – $2.00 per coin over spot.
(A “premium” is the extra fee which the seller charges.)
In recent weeks, silver spot prices are hovering around $27 or $28 per ounce.
However, if you go to actually buy American Eagles, the premiums range at $7 to $10 per coin. Thus, a silver coin which I paid a total of $20 for, would now cost me close to $35 or $37.
The reason I like physical silver coins is that it makes small trade transactions with like-minded folks easy.
In the near future, I may purchase some more coins, especially if the premiums start to lower.
I also own some silver (and gold) related mining stocks.
Some have more than doubled in share price or close to it.
(By the way, I am not wealthy. I’m poor. I just have some of my savings delegated that way.)
I stopped shopping at Wal-Mart.
Telling customers that they have to wear FaCe CoVeRiNgS inside the store was the final straw.
Wish I had stopped sooner.
By chance I happened to know the person who was tasked with standing in front of the store to tell people to wear FaCe CoVeRiNgS.
I shared information about the ineffectiveness of the FaCe CoVeRiNgS, their potential threat to health and their likely true purpose.
Turns out he was already heavily bothered by the position and said he’s going to ask to be returned to his cashier position.
“FaCe CoVeRiNgS”
I love puzzles. Let’s see. F C C V R N S … an acronym perhaps?
Federal Communication Commission Very Regularly Nixes Speech?
Fu@#ing Covid Calamity Virtually Ruins Normal Society?
Hmm. How bout a hint?
I live in the U.S. state of Michigan, where the governor has issued an executive order that stores can be fined $500 for not enforcing the mask mandate. I’m not sure how enforceable that is as law, but all the stores are obeying, either because they believe or because they fear reprisal. So I wear the !@#$% mask to avoid causing trouble for myself or others. I saw a man get forcibly ejected from a big-box store for refusing to wear a mask, and who’s going to defend him? Not the police, and I didn’t see a flash mob form over it. What I’m doing to make myself feel better is I’m making buttons that say “Coronaphobia: Teaching You To Love Big Brother.” I might make a mask with that on it, too–if and when I ever get around to it.
Well not just Brazil, I’d say most countries sooner of latter.
Yes Agorism is the solution, but after the bloodbath has commenced and most of the worlds population has been killed off, Agorism will be the solution adopted by the survivors.
Broc West had this on his Twitter…
“I love my mask”
kick ass!! awesome…
I’m almost sorry I looked into her channel lol. This is some perverse stuff.
Covid Vaccine Hacked My DNA!
I think the vaccine messed up her satire gene and now she’s the superhero satire demigod vigilante.
Covid Vaccine Hacked My DNA!
Great humor! She’s great!
I’m surprised at the low view count.
While these two guys are pro vaccine, that is they find that some vaccines do work, they are against mandatory vaccination or the 70 vaccine schedule. I’m just pointing out what’s obvious to anyone who has listened these guys talk for an ordinate amount of time.
We can go into more practical steps to head towards the counter-economics. Especially by using PR, methods to gain popularity and when it comes to acting to MSM journalists: remaining rethoric towards the television.
Aside from all bureaucratic and psychological options present in both the comments and James Corbett’s article, we also have to find physical methods to also introduce stealth black markets. Which basically means markets that cannot be revealed on satelite images. Specifically underground buildings with nothing on top visible. Some might think that it’s impractical, but think about the long term effects this could have on society and the free market as a whole.
To make a building underground, simply dig for enough space. Then do your work on the floor and walls. For which you can use containers, some steel beams, a steel framework, and concrete for an underground market. Also make sure you have enough dirt and grass to cover the underground structure and make sure the hatch is also insulated, your underground structure is sound proof. Plus have a ventilation system with hidden exhaust pipe to keep the air fresh.
Watch the videos from Colinfurze about building a bunker for some inspiration. I think it’s time to realize an underground market.
This sounds like a root cellar, a very important structure to carry certain vegetables through the winter months!
Which then could be used to trade on an “underground” market. I am not sure how feasible it is to build literal underground structures and trading routes.
I’d say, none of those “fines” will manage to hold up in court. However, I would also posit that the argument for disobedience is always the same and at sufficiently high number, the usual tune of 10% would be a good starting point, the courts would simply have no chance to keep up with the influx of fine related appeals.
Black Lives Matter & “The Bill and Melinda Gates EUGENICS Foundation”
If someone ever becomes skeptical about Gates and their Eugenic operations targeting blacks, this video needs to be seen.
Obianuju Ekeocha – VIDEO
Exposing the Gates Agenda in Africa
(12 minutes)
Hot dang!
I love reading this!
Good Habits:
This stuff is going to get a whole lot worse, so I urge all to get into “good habits” asap – by “good habits” I mean favouring those daily mundane activities that enhance personal protection and personal freedom and avoiding those that don’t. Arrange daily routines to suit, so they become second nature and you can do them without thinking.
daily needs
potential threats
Here’s an example: I regularly pass several, often more expensive petrol stations (owned by globalist/monopolistic corporations) just to fill up at a mom and pop store. I do this because – even if I am the only person crazy enough to drive past three service stations selling cheaper petrol, at least I know that I am doing something in my tiny way to push back against centralisation and therefore tyranny by supporting an independent small business. Call me nuts if you like. I do not give a “brass razoo” 🙂 ….. as it happens they are often cheaper.
Another way that I have been at pains to push back against tyranny is to become part of the Windex community (ex Windows users – to quote a previous poster – thx). I have ditched Windows and gone Linux. Yay! Operating Linux desktop is a piece of cake, but the installation might be a bit confusing so I have put a step-by-step guide in the comments section of James’s 2020 thread of how I did it. You might like to give it a try(?).
OK. Go well and remember that well-worn saying “hope for the best, but prepare for the worst”