One of the iconic moments from my Who Is Bill Gates? documentary is the clip of Gates at the 2010 Aspen Ideas Festival discussing a proposal to increase funding for public education by diverting money from end-of-life care for the elderly and terminally ill.
Lamenting the skyrocketing tuition rates for college students, Gates tells the Aspen Institute’s Walter Isaacson, “That’s a trade-off society’s making because of very, very high medical costs and a lack of willingness to say, you know, ‘Is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient—would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade off in medical cost?'”
Then, squirming around in his seat and looking over at the audience, Gates acknowledges that there may be some objection to this line of thinking: “But that’s called the ‘death panel’ and you’re not supposed to have that discussion.”
A decade ago, when Gates made those remarks, it would have been difficult to imagine an idea that was more out of touch with general public sentiment than the idea of “death panels” to free up money to hire more teachers. It was shocking enough to the general public that even the socially inept Gates realized that talking about it was verboten.
But what many sitting in the festival audience that day may not have realized is that the idea of trading health care for the elderly for public education funds is not Gates’ own novel proposal. In fact, this “death panel” discussion has been around for a long time, and that discussion was spearheaded by a relatively obscure—but incredibly influential—branch of philosophy known as bioethics.
Bioethics, for those not in the know, concerns itself with the ethical questions raised by advancing knowledge and technological sophistication in biology, medicine, and the life sciences. This branch of study often leads to serious academic debates about bizarre, improbable, science fiction-like scenarios, such as the ethics of using memory-enhancing drugs or of erasing memories altogether.
While the musings of bioethicists on the case for killing granny and after-birth abortions and other morally outrageous ideas may still seem a little “out there” to much of the public, conversations about these previously unspeakable topics are going to become much more commonplace as we enter the COVID-1984 biosecurity paradigm.
In fact, they already are.
So what is bioethics all about? And what does it have to do with death panels and the birth of the Corona World Order? Find out the dark truth of the modern-day eugenicists in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber.
For free access to this editorial, please CLICK HERE.
The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 24 (July 26, 2020)
by James Corbett One of the iconic moments from my Who Is Bill Gates? documentary is the clip of Gates at the 2010 Aspen Ideas Festival discussing a proposal to increase funding for public education by diverting money from end-of-life care for the elderly and terminally ill. Lamenting the skyrocketing tuition rates for college students, Gates tells the Aspen Institute’s Walter Isaacson, “That’s a trade-off society’s making because of very, very high medical costs and a lack of willingness to say, you know, ‘Is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient—would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade off in medical cost?'” Then, squirming around in his seat and looking over at the audience, Gates acknowledges that there may be some objection to this line of thinking: “But that’s called the ‘death panel’ and you’re not supposed to have that discussion.” A decade ago, when Gates made those remarks, it would have been difficult to imagine an idea that was more out of touch with general public sentiment than the idea of “death panels” to free up money to hire more teachers. It was shocking enough to the general public that even the socially inept Gates realized that talking about it was verboten. But what many sitting in the festival audience that day may not have realized is that the idea of trading health care for the elderly for public education funds is not Gates’ own novel proposal. In fact, this “death panel” discussion has been around for a long time, and that discussion was spearheaded by a relatively obscure—but incredibly influential—branch of philosophy known as bioethics. Bioethics, for those not in the know, concerns itself with the ethical questions raised by advancing knowledge and technological sophistication in biology, medicine, and the life sciences. This branch of study often leads to serious academic debates about bizarre, improbable, science fiction-like scenarios, such as the ethics of using memory-enhancing drugs or of erasing memories altogether. While the musings of bioethicists on the case for killing granny and after-birth abortions and other morally outrageous ideas may still seem a little “out there” to much of the public, conversations about these previously unspeakable topics are going to become much more commonplace as we enter the COVID-1984 biosecurity paradigm. In fact, they already are. Case in point: In my recent conversation with Canadian journalist Rosemary Frei, she drew attention to a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine in March of this year. The paper, “Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of Covid-19,” was written by a team of prominent bioethicists and discusses “the need to ration medical equipment and interventions” during a pandemic emergency. Their recommendations include removing treatment from patients who are elderly and/or less likely to survive, as these people divert scarce medical resources from younger patients or from those with more promising prognoses. Although the authors refrain from using the term, the necessity of setting up a “death panel” to determine who should or should not receive treatment is implicit in the proposal itself. In normal times, this would have been just another scholarly discussion of a theoretical situation. But these are not normal times. Instead, the paper quickly went from abstract proposal to concrete reality. As Frei noted in her own article on how the high death rates at care homes in Ontario were created on purpose, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) simply adopted the recommendations laid out in that New England Journal of Medicine article, abandoning its usual practice of deliberating on major changes to policy over a months-long consultation process because “[t]he current situation, unfortunately, did not allow for such a process.” Lest there be any question about whether these policies are currently being put into practice, one needs simply observe the conversation that is taking place in Texas right now regarding how to deal with the supposed “surge” in COVID hospitalizations. As The Guardian puts it: “Texas hospital forced to set up ‘death panel’ as Covid-19 cases surge.” It doesn’t matter that the hospitals are not actually full in Houston. It doesn’t matter that the concern over the flood of hospitalizations in Texas is based on statistical trickery and outright lies. In fact, that’s kind of the point. By scaring the public with horror stories about hospitals being on the verge of collapse, the combined weight of the government, the media, and the medical establishment have managed to do in just a few months what Gates and his cronies have been unable to do in the past decade: Introduce the verboten “death panel” discussion to the general public. In fact, when you start documenting the history of bioethics, you discover that this is exactly what this field of study is meant to do: Frame the debate about hot button issues so that eugenicist ideals and values can be mainstreamed in society and enacted in law. From abortion to euthanasia, there isn’t a debate in the medical field that wasn’t preceded by some bioethicist or bioethics institute preparing the public for a massive change in mores, morays, values and laws. The research into the history of bioethics leads one to the doorstep of the Hastings Center, a nonprofit research center that, according to its website, “was important in establishing the field of bioethics.” The founding director of the Hastings Center, Theodosius Dobzhansky, was a chairman of the American Eugenics Society from 1969 to 1975. Meanwhile, Hastings cofounder Daniel Callahan—who has admitted to relying on Rockefeller Population Council and UN Population Fund money in the early days of the center’s work—served as a director of the American Eugenics Society (rebranded as The Society for the Study of Social Biology) from 1987 to 1992. As previous Corbett Report guest Anton Chaitkin has extensively documented, there is a line of historical continuity connecting the promotion of eugenics in America by the Rockefeller family in the early 20th century to the creation of the Hastings Center in the late 20th century. The Center, Chaitkin points out, was fostered by the Rockefeller-founded Population Council as a front for pushing the eugenics agenda—including abortion, euthanasia and the creation of death panels—under the guise of “bioethics.” As a result, many of the most prominent bioethicists working today come from the Hastings Center stable. Take Peter Singer. If there is any bioethicist working today whose name is known to the general public, it’s Hastings Center fellow Peter Singer (*CORRECTION: The Hastings Center Fellow Peter A. Singer is a different bioethicist named Peter A. Singer than the one who wrote in defense of infanticide), famed for his animal liberation advocacy. Less well known to the public are his arguments in favor of not only abortion but also infanticide, including the notion that there is no relevant difference between abortion and the killing of “severely disabled infants.” Or take Ezekiel Emanuel. Another Hastings Center fellow, Emanuel is also a senior fellow at the shady Center for American Progress and a bioethicist who has argued that the Hippocratic Oath is obsolete and that people should choose to die at age 75 to spare society the burden of looking after them in old age. He is also the lead author of that New England Journal of Medicine article advocating for rationing COVID-19 care that was adopted by the CMA. What few may realize is that Emanuel’s death panel proposal did not emerge in response to the current COVID-19 “crisis” but has, rather, been a key part of his advocacy for decades. In his 2008 book, Healthcare, Guaranteed, Emanuel argued for the creation of a National Health Board to approve all healthcare payments and procedures in the United States—a board whose life-and-death decisions would be final, with no possibility for objection from patients, healthcare providers, government officials or the taxpayers who funded the system. But not even a pie-in-the-sky, ivory tower bioethicist like Emanuel could believe that such a drastic change in American health care could take place absent some catalyzing event. Taking a page from his brother Rahm, Ezekiel admitted in 2011 that “we will get health-care reform only when there is a war, a depression or some other major civil unrest.” He may as well have added “plandemic” to that list of excuses for “health-care reform.” With the birth of the Corona World Order, it looks like Emanuel and his bioethicist brethren are about to finally realize their death panel dream. At the very least, Bill Gates can relax now: We can finally have the discussion on death panels. |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Recommended ReadingPlanned Parenthood finally admits that its founder was a horrific bigot Recommended ListeningHistory of Agorism with Victor Koman Recommended Viewing#ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2, And Gates Questioned On Vaccines Just For Fun(?)TENSE PRESENT: Democracy, English, and the Wars over Usage by David Foster Wallace |
Does anyone know if Spiro is still associated with Newsbud and Edmonds?
I don’t think that he is any more. Now he has a youtube and bitchute channel and his work is also posted on Activate Post:
I am subscribed to his Bitchute channel and have asked the question of him directly but got no reply.
I suspected that he was on his own again but wanted to be sure.
I have no respect for Edmonds.
Edmonds took a wrong turn some where or was a plant from the get go, I am not sure because I never really keep track of her work.
I remember her from the 911 days and that she was an FBI whistle blower, but beyond that I didn’t know much more about her until someone directed me to this newsbud report on Syria that James covered.
according to WikiSpooks NewsBud page — In late 2017[citation needed] James Corbett left after a disagreement with Sibel Edmonds reporting from Syria which lead to publish a response on YouTube.[2] The other departures from the team between March 2017 and March 2019 were Todd Macfarlane, Abigail Hall Blanco, Spiro Skouras, Broc West, Jeff DeRiso and Ali Syed.
Thanks for posting this.
Thanks. That is reassuring.
spiro…I despised the guy.
Looks he deserves a second chance.
I don’t trust him since his defence of what was going at NB so it doesn’t matter much to me if he is still associated or not.
James, consider “context”. What no one is talking about is the most basic and fundamental contextual quality, the very underlying principle by which we speak and act in any moment. There are only two possibilities: (1) egoity, coming from the place of separateness, separation, individuation, competition, fear, anxiety, etc., or (2) unity, our inherent and intrinsic oneness with our family of humankind, which is about cooperation, tolerance, and peace. Until now, in human history, we have only (in general) expressed egoity, as our “self”, our individual family, our tribe, our country, etc. We are now, however, face-to-face electronically, and because of the possibility of nuclear annihilation, it is far too late for anything but our unity. This is the consciousness change you are looking for, and it is described beautifully in the book, Not-Two Is Peace. There is just no other book anything like this one, James. You’ve got to see it. Blessings to you, my man. Keep it going.
Here is how I see it…
We all have had some pretty heated shouting matches with a spouse or friend or business partner, even sometimes being screwed out of money or reputation.
Time passes. People do change perspectives, and perhaps mature.
The 15-year-old-me does not hold the same perspectives as the Old-Codger-Me.
I am not saying “erase memories” nor reduce a sense of caution.
But one can move forward in a new unit of time.
Once, a past business partner owed me $10,000. He broke his promise of repaying me, and then my credit went to shit. There was a lot of fireworks about this issue.
Years later, I ran into him at his Christmas tree lot where he was doing gang-busters in business. We chatted like the old friends we once were.
I said, “Ya know Greg, ya really ought to pay me back that 10k.”
He said, “You are right. I will do that.”
A few days later, we met at a greasy spoon (now closed permanently with Covid). With the place packed during the lunch hour, on the booth table he counts out $10,000 in hundred dollar bills. I verify the stacks. Neighboring tables and the waitress were wondering if we were doing a drug deal. A nice way to wrap up lunch as I exit with a small brown paper bag of cash.
I still love the guy. I won’t business partner with him, but his flippant insouciance to authoritarian rules and permits is a quality which bound us together on many, many past adventures.
insouciance – DEFINITION – lighthearted unconcern, disregard (with a grin), nonchalance
That’s one tongue twister you have there, homey. It ought to be, being a french word.
Regarding the debt, you let the guy go off easy. Borrowing between friends is a bitch, but at the same time a great test. With modest sums it can be very practical to gauge someone’s friendship and possibly recoup your future time investment against the borrowed sum.
Anybody else having troubles getting to the article? Server not available is all I get.
I was able to read it.
Must be my phone. Still can’t pull it up.
Can read it at this spot. I had hit the link. Which goes nowhere. Never even thought of hitting the comment button to read it before. Duh!
Yes, I noticed it also.
I am on a computer, so could read the article at Corbett’s website.
This is the link at CLICK HERE
Hi NorthernBean
the CLICK HERE link is the link to the free access to this editorial. atm, it isn`t accessible for me either and i have experienced this with passed articles too. Maybe due to some upload issues or maybe it isn`t yet approved by the hoast (just my interpretation) but as a member you surely should be able to read the article when you log in on CR. Just keep on scrolling down. The article starts after the editorial picture.
CORRECT LINK to Corbett’s article “From Bioethics to Eugenics”
I just clicked on the comments button. The article is above my first time I noticed that! Damn attention to details!
Regarding the Recommended Viewing section
Powerful and insightful answers by Sherry Peel Jackson on Democracy Down – courageous, intelligent and sensible Person. I much admire her attitude.
She has been at this fight for a very long time.
Over a decade ago, I mailed her some cash to help with the struggle.
honorable thing you did,
out of curiosity; were you able to cut or even eliminate the amount that the Insidious Representatives of Satan (i liked that one) are stealing from you?
I really think her approaches learning ways within the system to reduce or eliminate taxes and also rejecting the victim role (especially when it is granted to you by the media) are essential
Don’t get caught.
When you are going to run the red light, be sure you won’t get caught by cameras or an unmarked car.
We all should be smart in our approach in life with all these Authoritarian dictates. “The Art of War”.
There is no cowardice nor lack of courage in surviving so we fight another day in a battle we know we can win. After all, they make the rules and change them midstream in their game. We can outwit them.
So, don’t leave a digital or paper trail of documented misdeeds.
There are all kinds of ploys or approaches.
One can go to the casino occasionally (or not), withdrawing cash from the bank in small increments repeatedly and repeatedly.
Then depositing cash back into the bank.
And there are methods of making a cash income or barter and trade.
I do know someone who is very stupid about it.
A very sizable revenue stream from checks for a business comes in to the person’s checking account. Yet, the person reports a low annual business income. However, the personal expenditures and new cars, new house & home improvements/decor demonstrate a vast amount of income.
Just because it has worked for the past 10 years, does not mean it will continue that way.
With this Covid era, the Revenue Service may eventually go into overdrive on prosecuting. It’s a digital age. They got the documents.
Personally, I could not live with the stress of knowing that at any time, they could come and destroy your life.
For me, I got things to do. I don’t want to worry with the tax-game and consequences. I’ll play by the rules in a documented form, but with wit.
James Corbett’s article of July 26, 2020 “From Bioethics to Eugenics” gave me insight on the shift towards a broader acceptance of Eugenics.
Corbett gives some excellent, documented examples.
The Peter Singer “Infanticide” example. the proposed killing of “severely disabled infants” struck me.
After all, we are in the age of Autism.
We are in the age where more and more children are born with mental or physical handicaps which were not seen when I was a child in the 1950’s.
Corbett’s article touches on something much deeper.
Eugenics is really another platform in the debasement of man’s humanity.
Wars. The debasement of humanity is easy to see.
However, this entire 2020 Pandemic Era has seen many examples which debase man’s humanity. “Dehumanization on steroids.”
Many people are not acting like normal human beings. Humanity, its compassion and good senses are being lost.
Dehumanization is a Eugenics weapon.
Unfortunately, dehumanization is more contagious than any virus.
It can, and does, affect us all.
Even on these comment boards.
Retain our humanity.
I totally agree HomeRemedySupply.
And it’s very painful when you see it.
It’s very interesting because when I studies homeopathy I studied the miasms and I can now see a miasm forming just like my teacher describes the syphilis miasm changing and enhancing chauvinism, war, division etc…
Now it’s the total dehumanization of society and the complete desintegration of relationships. I had never thought I was going to see this so early in my lifetime, I knew it was coming but the way it took place was like a sparkle in a oil station.
I am mesmerized to see the total change of things like handshakes, really basic things, just the fact that now it’s social acceptable and even desirable that one says: mantain the social distance, is a change that it’s impossible to analyze in a short period of time.
I can’t even imagine this in the minds of the children. Huge impact…
Total reprogramming.they don’t have tolerance for hypocrisy, they recieve it as complete true.
It resembles a lot demolition man, my boyfriend told me to watch that movie because he thought it was totally appropriate and I couldn’t even believe that it was so I retesting in very simple aspects.
And if this is not convincing yet, wait, just learn how to politely decline a handshake:
In the end I am going to be one of those crazy people who kisses people in the cheek when I meet them, I was odd enough before, now I’m an atomic bomb . My culture is disappearing lately.
When this scam first started, I heard this one guy talk about how whenever someone went to shake his hand he would spray Purel on their hand first. Without asking. I consider that assault with a nasty weapon. But to be nice,I’d never shake his hand. Cuz I’d have to punch him if he sprayed it on me.
Anecdote MASK and Shaking Hands
Last week, the air conditioner in my duplex went out. Texas has been hot and humid, in the high 90’s F (36.6 C) .
Now, I am somewhat used to the heat and humidity. But it ain’t no fun trying to sleep on sticky, sweat soaked sheets.
Even as a kid in the 50’s to 60’s, there were homes I lived in that did not have air conditioning. Sometimes, us kids slept on the screen porch, or the house had all the windows wide open.
(One time, a burglar crawled through me and my brother’s bedroom window during a hot, humid, still-wind, Louisiana style, east Texas sweaty summer night. We slept right through it until we heard our Mother screaming.)
So, I do a lot of emails and phone calls to the landlord. The first HVAC company said it would be 4 days before they would be out. Finally, got a company which would be out the following day. I told the HVAC appointment lady, that I ain’t scared of getting Covid and no one needs to wear a mask. I won’t. She told me that the company’s owner mandated that employees wear masks at all times. I asked her to let the service person know how I feel.
Very late in the hot afternoon, the HVAC company van finally arrives. With my screen door open, I heard it drive up. I go outside to greet the repairman. Out steps a big, kind of football-heavy, middle-aged black guy. As he walks towards me, he fumbles in his pocket for his mask.
Straight-away I says: “Look, pleeease, you do NOT need to wear a mask on my account. I ain’t scared of Covid.”
He smiles, slips the mask back into the pocket as a bit of sweat drips down, and unwavering, we walk towards each other. As if dancing both our arms stretch out in unison to firmly grasp each other in a handshake. My left hand gripped his right forearm in affirmation. It felt good to touch a stranger.
I let him in and showed him the scene with the A/C.
But, just prior, I told him, Say, I’m sorry, the only cold thing I have to drink is real beer and also fake beer – no alcohol. Which do you want?” He took the fake beer, and he said that he liked it.
(Usually, I drink room temperature water or hot coffee, but save the beer for savory moments.)
Anyways, he was a great guy to be around. He fixed me up in less than an hour and was on his way.
I have offered my hand to just about every customer that has come to my shop since this whole thing started. The vast majority have taken it. Even if they came in wearing muzzles. I think many just shake hands out of habit.
How does infanticide combine with vaccine damage? Will infants damaged by vaccines be infanticided as well? If that’s the case, we may be seeing the rise of a new paradigm where the vaccine is a litmus test leading to determination whether an infant deserves to live.
Excellent point mkey.
Currently, we are at 1 in 32, or 1 in 54 autistic children in the U.S., depending on the source.
One of my married nephews and his pregnant wife are very distraught.
Lots of grief that is hard to let go of.
They may lose the baby.
They really, really want this baby.
The best case scenario is that baby survives, but the baby will have Down’s syndrome ( mongoloid child).
Lifetime Costs Of Autism Can Exceed $2 Million, Study Says
Thus, if one in 40 children were exterminated because they were deemed undesirable, the $2 million could be spent on the other 39, doth say the eugenicist.
Thus, if one in 40 children were exterminated because they were deemed undesirable, the $2 million could be spent on bombs.
Corrected it for you.
I am really laughing. Truth makes that funny bone act up.
Very important subject.
I have a line of a song that says: ” you only occasion I hear about ethics when it’s to kill it”
I find that that field is basically a way of dehumanizing anything with a certain degree of false legitimization.
There you have some of the pearls I read during covid scare that are even more interesting when you realize the connections of the writers:
So, all of a sudden a very shadowy (from a scientific perspective point of view) medicine intervention, vaccination, got even more shadowy.
And then the artificially created “race to find covid treatment” has this tendency to generate the sensation of urgency one really can take advantage of and no doubt is being so abused.
So long Nuremberg code.
Hello dark side with not even glimpse of shame…
This whole bioethics thing started really coming out when Obamacare was being hyped. Actually read about 300 pages of that crap. Which is about 300 pages more than any “representative” read. Welfare for big pharma and hospitals was all I saw.
The link didnt work for me either
“Morays” also means “customs”.
That was just a word play. Lets move on.
The link to the free version of the article has been corrected.
Hungergamesy indeed. You really can tell that shit hit the fan when you need to invent verbs and adjectives to describe the new normal.
I would like to thank you so much for helping me think again and re examine my beliefs (and if there are mine or not – or other peoples)
Also it has given me the links to look at subjects and other thinkers that have really help me to rethink who I am an what I believe.
Even though it is a difficult process and it has come as at a time when the world is going mad – I am much more comfortable in my self!
Thanks you for every thing you do.
The beauty of democracy. This is a great example of why voting is immoral.
Apparently Wally world has reversed their mandatory mask policy. Having to conserve my phone use as the rain has been messing with my solar panels charging my battery banks, but high impact flix has a video on it. Just saw the title.
The Eugenicist have center stage now. Emmanuel, Gates, Faucci, etc. Their ilk sees us as faceless data,and drone bees. The mask is to help us see each other that way. The masked see the unmasked as inhuman and heartless and the unmasked see the masked as mindless order-followers. As the divide deepens the easier it is to be crueler in our interactions, easier to feel the other should be culled. It’s an evil psychological game. The powers-that-should- not-be seemed to have passed this plandemic through a super computer to see how many institutions it could bring down with their pandemic scenario, but never dreamed how compliant the masses would be. Unfortunately things are moving faster than imagined.
I saw that earlier today via Lew Rockwell.
I would hate HATE being forced to go to school under those conditions.
I would probably bring some “fart bombs” to school. What?…everyone’s got masks that protect them from nano-size viruses…they are protected, right?
In High School, I often was up to mischief…like the time I organized my buddies as the end of the year was near…
I grabbed an ancient camode from the old German POW camp in our west Texas town. We painted it up with stars and stripes, and attached a mannequin hand sticking out holding a beer can. In the late night, we epoxied it to the concrete in the main courtyard, and ‘hid it’ temporarily with a trash can.
Strung the top half of a mannequin holding a stick flag up the flag pole. Tied all the buildings’ entry doors shut with rope. “Poppers” were spread out all around the walkways, so that when students stepped on them, they would crack a pop.
I didn’t want to cause any permanent damage, just mischief and fun.
Peter Singer, supposedly a moral philosopher, what a shithole.
He argues that “the boundary between human and “animal” is completely arbitrary.”(wikipedia)
That was in 1975 and now there is brainchild animal rights. I’ve tried to explain to normies this is in fact degradation of humans. As far as I know Roman law recognized rights to be only applicable to people. But they were bastards having slaves, we are more evolved, yeah. Now we have degenerates who are proposing rights for raw materials, in that sustainable circular economy.
So, next time when you use the word Rights, try to remember what time is it.
When we add environmental concerns, where we are pests on mother earth, and a myriad of other bullshit denounced by gurus, the outcome is totally bad self-esteem. And now, like it’s not bad enough….grandma killer.
Probably every normie knows personal bad self-esteem is a road to nowhere, you have to do something about it, shrink, ssri, clean the room…what ever it takes.
But what I’ve said about humanity’s bad self-esteem, that’s weirdo thinking.
We are the only ones who can value ourselves.
I think we should not demand Rights, we should demand Values.
wrong verb in last sentence, should be aspire, strive
“My daughters and dear friends will continue to try to convince me that I am wrong and can live a valuable life much longer. And I retain the right to change my mind and offer a vigorous and reasoned defense of living as long as possible. That, after all, would mean still being creative after 75.”
That slime ball Ezekiel Emanuel.
He’s already looking for an out to his self-imposed death sentence.
Do others also have the right to change their minds too Ezekiel or is it just you?
ha! I love your point.
“That, after all, would mean still being creative after 75.”
…being creative…
He has been creative writing that crap, mf poisoner. That kind of “creativity” he can stick into his ass and die immediately.
What’s good for the goose, isn’t good for the gander.
Interesting article about the mental effects of the scamdemic from Lew Rockwell.
Not sure but I think I have noticed some increased stress even among Corbetteers. 😉
That is not what I took away from it. But thanks for your opinion.
I have to agree with this assessment. Granted, I have only read the first half of this article, after coming to a conclusion that my time is better spent elsewhere.
So I take it that you guys don’t really believe that there are any negative mental health effects to be concerned with. Which is what I mainly got from the article.
Personally I believe that there are. I believe that there are many people suffering from the effects of isolation that perhaps seem trivial to some.
I don’t believe that the virus is anything to be concerned with but the response to it is hurting people. I don’t believe that calling a government sponsored hotline is the answer but calling an old friend who might be lonely might not be the worst idea ever.
I always go back to that sharp lady in France, ManBearPig, who brought up…
Michael Crichton | States of Fear & Mental Stress
“Pointing the bone”
(2 1/2 minutes)
Yes, mental health effects of this hysteria will probably be felt for generations. What I do disagree on is the central topic of the article. I hold the position that it’s not about mental health effects but about rubbing the paranoia even deeper.
When I felt a friend of mine was down I didn’t call him, but made a house visit. We shared a meal and single f@ck wasn’t given about dehumanizing social distance claptrap mantra. Phone calls and especially skype are a bad alternative to eye-to-eye hand-on-hand communication.
We must not forget who is Bill and Melindas bioethics officer.
Mrs.Antony Fauci.
The public has generally lost it critical thinking. To gain access to “The Truth” in their mind is akin to buying a new TV to fix the problem. That is about as far as it goes in ‘public’ reasoning.
The logic of segregation has been destroyed in just 6 months. As I was abused as being selfish for not wearing a mask. I had to remind Big Momma how many years it took to do away with Jim Crow laws. Maybe we should have forced the Blacks to wear masks and how much more pleasant their segregation would have been by just wearing a mask as apposed to using separate
facilities and forced to the back of the bus.
I remember all to well the Virtuous Whites telling the ()igger where his place was.
This is the return of evil .
But was the evil ever really gone, general? This type of crazy always seems to be hidden right beneath the surface, everready to pop out and poo-poo on everybody’s day.
#ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2 – August 8th, 2020
(See the Derrick Broze video in Corbett’s “Recommended Viewing” below this week’s newsletter)
First off, right out of the gate, I want to mention that James Corbett is NOT some Ivory Tower keyboard puncher.
He has earned his stripes.
WATCH James Corbett in dissemination action…
Santa Claus Brings 9/11 Truth to Japan
While I disseminate often at every appropriate opportunity, I am preparing for August 8th.
I want to pass along some info.
Many Corbett Report Members are well aware that I have been at this dissemination of truth game for over a decade. Us Texans brag about it.
After getting a massive head hernia straining my guts out to rally troops to help disseminate over the many years, I can tell ya that the vast majority of “self-professed truther” folks won’t do squat.
They just sit around and yawyaw about how bad it all is. They complain that the true information is not getting out there in this InfoWar.
And that’s it.
Just hot air.
Just typed words on a forum.
That is the extent of their activism.
A few dozen of our North Texas Truth Group members will testify to the fact.
Ask Derrick Broze, he will tell ya the same thing.
“Ignorance is Strength” is the Home Page mantra of “The Powers That Should Not Be”.
Outreach of valid information helps to remove that ignorance.
My point here is that anyone can do some kind of outreach.
If you got a printer, you can type in huge bold font “CorbettReport/Gates” “#ExposeBillGates”.
Now you have a flyer. Done.
Online advertising in your local paper
I called a local publication this morning to get rates. It’s been a few years since I last advertised (in some big ways with truth messages).
It is $10 per thousand impressions. $200 minimum (20,000 impressions). It includes the 3 banner & block ads linked to CorbettReport/Gates.
These are ‘sensitive’ times, and so the paper has to approve it.
Last time, they did with 9/11. In fact, the lady I spoke with about the ads knew about Building 7.
I wanted to relay this ad info in case someone else wanted to give it a shot in their area.
Joe.s tells me he is burning some more DVDs. I keep hearing tidbits of what others are planning…maybe some signs.
How are DVDs working out for you guys? I have a feeling more and more people don’t even have a required device to use the thing, with young’uns probably not even knowing what that damn thing is. Is it a coaster? A frisbee? As if they would recognize a frisbee.
And I hear you, talking to people is some onerous, oft unrewarding work. To put it mildly and while assuming you run into someone who won’t throw a fit, leading into an out pour of insults and possibly a fist to the face.
You are absolutley correct mkey, the world is moving away (has moved away) from DVDs.
It is no longer the preferred device. At the donation drop, repeatedly, folks would drop off their DVD / BluRay players and DVD movies by the boxful. Some were almost new.
I used to take home boxes of DVDs, watch them, then redonate them. ha! But we all got let go suddenly with Covid. So, I have a fair number of boxes of DVDs to still watch. I guess that was my severance pay.
(I still have a couple of the old ancient free CDs which AOL gave out free at all the grocery stores when they were starting up back in the 90’s.)
Phones are the new “go to”. At least in my opinion.
That is why I put out the 50 flyers on car windshields during the last “#ExposeBillGates”. The flyers were “landscape view” which said the two phrases mentioned above. No clutter script, cause people don’t read. Just the two phrases, huge and bold across the length of the page.
I figured that folks would stick the flyer inside the car. Someone in the car, a driver or passenger, might quickly phone search the phrase.
Phone searches are almost an OCD kind of activity now-a-days. Rather than look out the window on the drive home, a passenger is likely to pick up their phone.
People don’t want “downtime”. Phones are easy access.
Flyers on cars are pretty simple.
No uncomfortable, personal face-to-face.
I always hit the driver’s side, so they can easily take the flyer off.
It is fast.
A person can hit 50 cars quickly. Very quickly.
The message is guaranteed to be seen, unlike advertising in a paper or with a sign.
I don’t think that the flyers would be conceived as “proselytizing” by the viewer.
They may suspect that it is political, like a “Trump campaign” or something.
Hopefully, they become curious.
Dissemination is a numbers game.
Some folks will reach, most won’t.
From my old business days, I would say that a 2 to 4 percent response is par. 10% reach is extraordinary.
Timing plays a role.
A person who does not reach now, may reach in the future. Especially, if the message is repeated.
“I am not alone in my perspective.”
I want to bring up another benefit of dissemination.
There ARE other people in your sphere of influence who do have many of the same perspectives as you when it comes to Bill Gates and vaccines and The Great Reset of The New World Order.
During the course of your dissemination, you will find others who are on the same page.
When a person receives any type of dissemination which they resonate with, they find that they are not alone.
Hopefully, it will inspire some of these folks to also spread the word.
It snowballs.
How many Corbett Report Members have said, “Are there other like-minded folks in my area?”
There probably are.
And you can ‘make’ more.
Dissemination is the way forward.
Thank you HRS!! I appreciate your efforts. I will see what is going on in my area and try to print out some flyers and post them around.
I think there will be a lot of push back in the integrative medicine community surrounding the vaccine. I think the rushed vaccine will have the most resistance.
Don’t let the negativity get you down. I think humanity will win!
UPDATE – July 29, 2020
Interview 1566 – Derrick Broze Announces #ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2
Online advertising in your local paper & Previous Newspaper Ad Campaigns
Regarding the LIVE NEWSPAPER Ad below
I want to highlight what I Mentioned previously on the Corbett-Derrick Broze interview thread (see above link)…
“However, I do have to put a notice on the ad.
They told me that I needed to have the statement,
“This is the opinion of the advertiser.”
I counter-proposed a re-work of that statement.
It was approved and thus you see it in the ad below.
UPDATE – Thursday July 30, 2020
“Who is Bill Gates?” Online Ad Campaign GOES LIVE in the Plano Star Courier Newspaper
(Ads rotate – Sometimes they appear and sometimes not)
Newspaper Online Ad IMAGES
Medium Rectangle IMAGE
Banner IMAGE
You’re something else, HRS!!!!!!! 🙂
Found this from the link you supplied on today’s NWNW show. Am returning there now to make a quick comment on a different subject.
Nice work. I can’t see it though, it’s saying data protection something or other when I click on it.
This site is not available in EU due to GDPR.
That is interesting. I don’t know much about the General Data Protection Regulation.
But, I do know that these 14 newspapers are very mild, almost mundane, in their stories and information.
Usually, it is just local ‘feel good’ stories or local crimes events.
The papers provide information about the local school systems and starting school. It is actually good timing to run these ads, because nobody in Texas knows what the heck is going on with the school re-openings. Thus, parents will probably seek out updates on the new school year.
My guess is that these suburban papers don’t have the clout that a paper like “The Dallas Morning News” has on the international scene.
Here are some IMAGES of the pdf versions of the 14 Newspaper of Star Local Media.
The ONLINE “Who is Bill Gates?” ads run only in the Plano paper in order to improve focused visibility instead of rotating to all the papers.
The other suburban papers all have links to stories found in the Plano paper, so readers will often click to the Plano paper.
Full Page 9/11 Truth Newspaper Ad in Plano Paper (circa 2016)
The problem with GDPR is that the added complexity to business operation reduces visibility of smaller companies since they’ll just avoid being visible on certain markets. The typical side effect (or is it the main effect) or regulation.
Recent…July 22nd, 2020
Playlist of short Q&A VIDEOS from “Fluoride Action Network”
~~ Fluoride absorption in the shower or tub?
~~ Getting Fluoride out of the body?
(H/t to D.R. of “North Texans for 9/11 Truth” for this)
The State of Texas has its own House of Representatives and Senate for state legislative processes.
Texas State Senator Bob Hall has District 2, which encompasses a vast variety of counties and cities in parts of Dallas and to its east ranging to the north all the way to the Oklahoma border. (Dallas (17%), Delta, Fannin, Hopkins, Hunt, Kaufman, Rains, Rockwall, Van Zandt)
In this 11 minutes VIDEO on Facebook, Senator Bob Hall gives an update.
He states that “Our current response…is causing more damage… than the Covid itself.
“The use of Hydroxychloroqine will reduce the impact of the Covid 90%….”
He goes on to shame the government and medical board’s Covid response while showing charts and documents.
Needless deaths.
I want to also note that Bob Hall’s Rockwall Senate office is less than 2 blocks away from Smile Ranch Dentistry which uses a holistic approach that includes ozone therapies and no fluoride. Dr. Crystal Robyn Abramczyk DDS, MS, FAGD, NMD, IBDM, AIAOMT has helped with the “” campaign to stop water fluoridation in the regional area.
A couple hundred feet away from Smile Ranch Dentistry is Dr. Vincent Gononio’s alternative medical establishment, Gonino Center for Healing. It is a fairly large practice which offers a vast spectrum of approaches to better health.
Among the approaches are the variety of Intravenous Therapies (IV) which include Vitamin C, Nutrients, Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, and more. A large room with loungers and broad window overlooks a pond while dozens of patients receive their IV’s.
Mid-July Town Hall with Senator Bob Hall
(77 minutes)
Bob Hall visits with a group of ‘boots-on-the-ground’ medical doctors who are successfully treating patients in this battle with COVID-19. Listen as these medical doctors tell you what they have learned about early intervention medical treatment and why they are no longer afraid of COVID-19.
Dennis Spence DDS, M.D.
Robin Armstrong, M.D.
Brian C. Procter, M.D.
Richard P. Bartlett, M.D.
Stella Immanuel, M.D.
Richard Urso, M.D.
All hail the Descriptivists!!!
isn’t narcan what they gave juice wrld?
Excellent post which is VERY relevant to this Corbett Report article From Bioethics to Eugenics…
…and also extremely relevant to Covid ventilators and people who die.
I am pretty sure that is Dr Paul Byrne MD.
Life Guardian Foundation.
July 24, 2020 – The Daily Mail
Face mask U-turn:
Walmart, Home Depot, Walgreens and CVS are among stores saying they WILL serve customers who don’t wear masks despite announcing face coverings were mandatory
~~ Major U.S. retailers brought in rules requiring masks to be worn by customers
~~ However, the rules appear to be little more than a suggestion with stores powerless to deal with those who refuse
~~ The requirement for customers to wear facial coverings have sometimes brought violent reactions from some patrons who have refused to comply
~~ Companies that had previously announced a ‘mask-on’ policy now say they won’t challenge customers who refuse to wear them and police will also not be called
~~ Retailers are trying to walk a fine line between enforcement and friendly service
~~ Some stores have stated that if a customer refuses to comply they will be served quickly and encouraged to order online to avoid future encounters….
(H/t to Hanky)
No Mask Information Website
An assortment of articles and videos from around the world.
You can watch videos of activists who easily walk into Walmart or Kroger without a mask.
World renowned epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski:
” Anthony Fauci said masks are there as a sign to show that we’re willing to do what he wants us to do.
So, it’s a sign of the willingness to comply. It is a modern version of the Gessler hat.
William Tell was this national hero who did not want to bow in front of the governor’s Gessler’s hat that was put on a pole. And then he was arrested for that and had to shoot or split an apple sitting on his son’s head.”
(A brief search on Albrecht Gessler is interesting.)
“No Mask Info” Twitter
Ben Swann
July 25, 2020
New May 2020 CDC and WHO Study Proves ‘No Evidence’ Facemasks Prevent Virus
(14 minutes)
Ben Swann discusses Facebook Fact Checkers, different studies on the efficacy of masks, and also mentions a new alternative free speech platform ISE.MEDIA in which the public can also invest.
Face masks are breaking facial recognition algorithms, says new government study
Stopping the spread of disease and mass surveillance (* oh, really*)
You see, there is some good after all. 😉
“ a study by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has found.“
Why should anyone put any credence in a study by them?
You think they are just good at producing crap?
I think that is all they are good at producing.
For crying out loud, why would the NIST tell us the truth about anything?
Steve, I was kidding (tried). These days is imperative to find something positive, always.
Regarding that nist study:
“….and the more of the nose covered by the mask, the harder the algorithms found it to identify the face.”
That’s correct. If you hide root of the nose most algorithms fail. Failure rates they mentioned are in range one would expect.
So, put that nose properly into the mask. 😉
(NOTE: Some of these Doctors were interviewed by Texas Senator Bob Hall – see above comment.)
NEWS FLASH July 28, 2020 Tuesday morning U.S.
CNN Headline
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube scrub platforms of viral video making false coronavirus claims
A video featuring a group of doctors making false and dubious claims related to the coronavirus was removed by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube after going viral online Monday.
The video, published by the right-wing media outlet Breitbart News, featured a group of people wearing white lab coats calling themselves “America’s Frontline Doctors” staging a press conference in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC.
President Trump shared multiple versions of the video with his 84 million Twitter followers Monday night despite the dubious claims running counter to his administration’s own public health experts…
(Script about how Hydroxychloroquine is unproven and unsafe. Script about the social media platforms removing the Press Conference Video.
Script ends with sentence below.)
…As of Monday, the virus has caused nearly 150,000 US deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University, and is on track to become a leading cause of death in the country.
WEBSITE for “America’s Frontline Doctors”
July 28, 2020
Health Impact News
(VIDEO embedded)
“Nobody Needs to Die” – Frontline Doctors Storm D.C. Claiming “Thousands of Doctors” are Being Silenced on Facts and Treatments for COVID
America’s Frontline Doctors stormed into Washington D.C. today to host their first annual White Coat Summit on Capitol Hill to combat the misinformation and propaganda on COVID being fed to the American people through the corporate media, while successful treatments against COVID are being censored by Big Tech.
They held a brief press conference first that was sparsely attended, and where impassioned doctors, all of whom deal directly with COVID patients, claimed that the American people were being deceived, and that “nobody needs to die” from COVID, because all them are successfully treating COVID patients with effective cures that are being censored for political reasons.
The purpose of this summit from their website:
American life has fallen casualty to a massive disinformation campaign. We can speculate on how this has happened, and why it has continued, but the purpose of the inaugural White Coat Summit is to empower Americans to stop living in fear.
If Americans continue to let so-called experts and media personalities make their decisions, the great American experiment of a Constitutional Republic with Representative Democracy, will cease.
One of the speakers at the press conference today was Dr. Stella Immanuel from Houston, Texas. She stated that she studied medicine in Nigeria where she used Hydroxychloroquine for malaria patients, and is therefore very experienced with this medication, and that she has now treated over 350 COVID patients in Texas with Hydroxychloroquine, and none of them have died….
(Dr. Stella Immanuel from Houston, Texas was interviewed by Texas Senator Bob Hall (see comment above). She delivers a great talk!)
Just watching the video of their presentation now. I love the passion of the lady doctor from Nigeria.
But a warning to some of the readers here. These doctors are not all self proclaimed anarchists and I think that they believe that there really is a virus. So because they don’t mirror every belief that the reader has, some of the people here should probably not bother listening to them. (Sarcasm Alert)
(Streamed three hours ago – Current time 4pm Central)
(Their website is still down)
America’s Frontline Doctors Respond to High Tech Censorship.
(22 minutes)
5 hours ago (from 4 pm Central time)
‘America’s Frontline Doctors’ website goes dark as platforms scramble to scrub misinformation
The latest salvo in the battle to control online information is a group calling itself “America’s Frontline Doctors.” After its video making false claims about the coronavirus pandemic ricocheted across social media platforms yesterday, tech giants including Facebook, Twitter, Google, and others scrambled to stop the content from further going viral. It was removed from most major platforms, even as copies continued to reappear and spread all over again, leading to the familiar game of whack-a-mole that so often ensues when undesirable content proliferates.
The video, featuring what purported to be a press conference from a group of doctors, contained what the platforms said were violations of their policies on COVID-19 misinformation. (Among the misleading or false assertions made in the video: that we don’t need to wear masks and that the Trump-touted drug hydroxychloroquine is a “cure” for COVID-19.)
But it’s not just social media platforms that struggle with how to handle misinformation during a public health crisis. Companies that power personal websites are also finding themselves on the front lines, so to speak. Up until this morning, America’s Frontline Doctors had a website, easily discoverable on search engines such as Google, where anyone could find the information the group’s members are looking to peddle. But after news of the video spread on Tuesday, the website suddenly became unreachable. Squarespace, which hosts the website, now presents visitors with a message saying it has “expired.”
It’s unclear why the website was removed, although Squarespace does have an “acceptable use policy” that prohibits certain kinds of content. We reached out to Squarespace for comment and will update this post if we hear back.
The struggle by online platforms and hosting companies to rid themselves of potentially harmful coronavirus claims underscores broader moderation challenges at a time when many Republicans, including President Trump, are accusing them of unfairly censoring content. (It’s worth mentioning that Trump himself shared the America’s Frontline Doctors video, and the full video is still circulating on YouTube and elsewhere.)
Last week, Twitter took a bold step in cracking down on accounts that share QAnon conspiracy theories, but some experts say such moves could backfire by feeding into a common narrative among conspiracy theorists that they are being silenced.
In the video below, the Frontline Doctors explain that “SQUARESPACE” took their website down.
As I type, Trump is doing a News Conference at The White House.
During the Q&A, he was asked about Hydroxychloroquine. He brings up the “America’s Frontline Doctors” and the censorship and more.
The last question by a news person was nutty. “Vaccines from alien DNA” and exaggerated statements.
Evidently, the last question from a reporter came from some news like this…
“The Hill” July 28
Doctor retweeted by Trump has warned of alien DNA, sex with demons
Trump Press Conference speaking about “America’s Frontline Doctors”
These videos still seem to be available here. From the provided URLs, only one is still available on youtube. Even some of the videos uploaded to bitchute appear to have been scrubbed.
July 27 – Monday – Streamed
America’s Frontline Doctors Summit – Session 1
(3 hours 12 minutes)
July 27 – Streamed
America’s Frontline Doctors Summit- Session 2
(3 hours)
I am so sorry for spreading misinformation fellow Corbett Report Members…
I first should have FACT-CHECKED “America’s Frontline Doctors”.
“The Most Comprehensive Media Bias Resource”,
“Media Bias / Fact Check” says:
“Overall, we rate America’s Frontline Doctors a quackery level pseudoscience website based on the promotion of false or misleading information regarding Coronavirus that does not align with the consensus of science. We also rate them Low for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency as well as using known pseudoscience sources to draw their conclusions.”
just a friendly reminder Pause, #takecarebeforeyoushare
As the world confronts its biggest challenge in living memory, there has never been a greater need for accurate, verified information. Like the virus itself, misinformation spreads from person-to-person, heightening the risk to health and spreading fear and division. The world cannot contain the disease and its impacts without access to trusted, accurate information that promotes science and real solutions – and builds solidarity within and between nations.
ha! yea…I was being sarcastically facetious about the Fact Check sight, because they themselves were so blatantly bias, and that is their namesake “bias”.
WEBSITE Removed from the Internet
The host company for the Doctors’ website (Squarespace) took down their website.
I was not terribly surprised that social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) censored “America’s Frontline Doctors”, but I am surprised that a web host removed their website.
This sets a bad precedent for WEBSITE FREEDOM.
I hear ya Deb,
I did not watch all the long videos neither. I skipped around.
Like you said, it comes to an economy of time.
I believe the censorship of the short ones will actually stir up some flames in the fire…maybe get folks stoked. We’ll see.
Hey, thanks for mentioning the “retain our humanity”. I know that I said it on the comment board the other day, but even I have to remind myself to retain my own humanity when my teeth start grinding sideways.
Honey, please take care of yourself. Sometimes, it can be tough to keep these ole bodies running.
By the way, most always, I read your comments even though I may not ‘reply’.
NEWS UPDATE July 29 “America’s Frontline Doctors”
Doctors behind viral COVID-19 misinformation video met with Vice President Pence
(Video embedded – Reporter states that the President violated FDA mandate which says Hydroxychloroquine may not be used for Covid.)
A group of doctors who participated in an event on the steps of the Supreme Court — a viral video of which was taken down the next day by social media companies for spreading disinformation about the coronavirus — met with Vice President Mike Pence, according to Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, an influential far-right group that organized the event.
A video of Monday’s event went viral after Breitbart posted it, ultimately garnering tens of millions of views before being removed the next day by Facebook, Twitter and YouTube due to its many misleading claims about the coronavirus.
Some of the speakers, who were part of a group calling itself America’s Frontline Doctors, talked about the merits of hydroxychloroquine, which has not been proven effective at treating those infected with the coronavirus, and described masks, which studies have shown are effective at slowing transmission, as unnecessary.
Martin, who also attended the event, said the meeting with the vice president on Tuesday had been in the works for weeks and was focused on hydroxychloroquine. The doctors arrived with a “very specific ask” for Food and Drug Administration emergency-use authorization for hydroxychloroquine, Martin told Yahoo News.
The FDA in mid-June withdrew its emergency-use authorization, citing safety concerns and the drug’s lack of proven effectiveness. President Trump and some of his allies, however, have continued to speak positively about it.
Pence, said Martin, promised he is “looking into it.” She said she has spoken twice with White House coronavirus task force leader Dr. Deborah Birx about hydroxychloroquine. “We just want a clarification that it is a safe medication,” Martin said….
UPDATE – Fox News & “America’s Frontline Doctors”
(One minute video)
Doctor Simone Gold Fired from Hospital After Attending ‘White Coat Summit’ — Hires Atty Lin Wood
Here’s the amended website she refers to in that interview, which includes the whitepaper on Hydroxychloroquine in pdf under the references heading:
Huge story that slipped under my radar.
Huawei won’t get chips from TSMC very soon, because of uncle sam. You might think they will get them elsewhere.
No, for the most advanced chips there is no elsewhere.
In the same package they’ve been banned from using EDA software (electronic design automation), where american companies have virtual monopoly.
The whole thing is huge fuckup for Huawei, China also.
And now uncle sam would like to stop NordStream 2, gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. Some years ago they stopped SouthStream, with the help of EU (Germany).
We would freeze without Russian gas.
Those meatheads at washington really behave like spoiled children, the game doesn’t go well for them, so lets destroy.
Eastman Kodak Company – Shares up over 200% in one day
From $2.62 share Monday to somewhere around $8 or $9 during the Tuesday market day
July 28, 2020 Tuesday
Kodak Gets $765M Government Loan for Generic Drugs Production
Eastman Kodak (KODK) – (Get Report) shares tripled Tuesday after a report said the erstwhile photography king has been granted a $765 million government loan to boost production of a variety of drugs.
Kodak now makes print and advanced materials and chemicals. The U.S. International Development Finance Corp. is making the loan under the Defense Production act and hopes to curb U.S. dependence on drugs made overseas, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Kodak will make ingredients for generic drugs, including the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine that President Trump is high on – and took – as treatment for the coronavirus.
The government wants to wean the country off dependence on China and India, Kodak CEO Jim Continenza and U.S. officials told the Journal.
Kodak shares stood at $8.80 in premarket trading, up an astronomical 235.88%. The stock has slumped 35% year to date through Monday. It jumped 25% Monday.
The stock has plummeted 91% since 2013.
On Friday, Trump issued executive orders that seek to limit drug prices.
The four orders call for rebates and tying prices to costs paid abroad.
One of the orders would make it easier for states to allow some cheap drugs to come here from Canada. Drug companies are adamantly opposed to importing cheaper drugs from abroad, The order would resurrect the administration’s proposal on the issue from last year.
Another order would create an “international pricing index” to keep Medicare drugs prices in line with those of countries that have much lower prices, the so-called “most favored nations” clause.
(MY NOTE: Notice “The Street” is a financial publication, but they slipped in the phrase, “including the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine that President Trump is high on – and took – as treatment for the coronavirus.”)
Among normies HCQ and trump are almost synonyms.
Failed corporation got money, cool.
In my opinion, winner in this money frenzy is catholic church. They grabbed 1,4B$ at least.
Once I’ve heard they are the biggest hidden shareholder on the world.
It would be great to collect all the topics, ours truthers topics, that were tainted by trump. On the top of my mind is: HCQ, climate change, fake media…
This mf is psyop on so many levels, just incredible.
I’ve watched catholic church ugly face in real time during transition in ex-Yugoslavia states. They got back all that was confiscated and that is a lot, fucking a lot. Then they charged tenants thoroughly, commercially, no mercy, some were even thrown out. In Slovenia they got huge forests of top quality, that were in way better shape than they were taken, with newly build infrastructure. In Croatia they are getting on top some money straight from state coffers. During the 2008 crisis a huge church owned investment fund in Slovenia, with investments all around, bankrupted. Not sure, but I think state was involved to some extent in helping to cool down situation. Shortly, bastards hungry of money and power, with faithful voting machine. Disgusting.
AMAZING! Kodak insiders made some big bucks!
July 29th – Wednesday morning
Kodak shares were up another 280% (more or less).
Monday, a share was $2.62. As I type Wed morning a share is $36.07
Bank of America…
Gym owner arrested for reopening tells Tucker he’s ‘not afraid of tyrants’
This bearded gentleman is a breath of fresh air.
More propaganda from the guardian.
Cost of preventing next pandemic ‘equal to just 2% of Covid-19 economic damage’
Spending of about $260bn (£200bn) over 10 years would substantially reduce the risks of another pandemic on the scale of the coronavirus outbreak, the researchers estimate, which is just 2% of the estimated $11.5tn costs of Covid-19 to the world economy. Furthermore, the spending on wildlife and forest protection would be almost cancelled out by another benefit of the action: cutting the carbon dioxide emissions driving the climate crisis.
“It’s naive to think of the Covid-19 pandemic as a once in a century event,” said Prof Andrew Dobson at Princeton University in the US, who led the analysis. “As with anything we’re doing to the environment, they’re coming faster and faster, just like climate change.”
Today I received notification of a new The Lancet article titled:
Fertility, mortality, migration, and population scenarios for 195 countries and territories from 2017 to 2100: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study.
The study was exclusively funded by:
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Here is the link:
A key point from the article is “continued global population growth through the century is no longer the most likely trajectory for the world’s population.”
Another is “As nations come to recognise the challenges of fertility rates lower than the replacement level and the potential for demographic contraction, they have four options to pursue: attempt to increase the fertility rate by creating a supportive environment for females to have children and pursue their careers, restrict access to reproductive health services, increase labour force participation especially at older ages, and promote immigration. It is worth considering how each of these options might play out in different countries.”
Joe used to have a page where people could recommend guests…
A few years ago I convinced some of my friends to help me try to get James in.
Maybe we should have another go at that – if that’s still possible…
Bill Gates says:
“This is a communications exercise.”
as he addresses conspiracy theories,
“America’s Frontline Doctors”,
and the current ineffective censorship capabilities.
Thursday morning – July 30, 2020
Yahoo Finance – (in the “Influencers” show segment)
Bill Gates interviewed by Editor-in-Chief Andrew Serwer
(Note: Yahoo Finance is owned by Verizon)
34 minute video
In a way, Bill Gates position on Hydroxychloroquine is kind of comparable to Building 7.
A lot of folks will see that and say: “That’s a controlled demolition.”
The Bill Gates agenda becomes obvious.
BUMP the Bill Gates VIDEO above, because Bill calls for heavier, “improved” censorship
Around the 25 minute mark, the viral video of “America’s Frontline Doctors” comes up between Andy Serwer and Bill Gates.
(Reference SUB-THREAD above –
Bill Gates says:
…In terms of this outrageous, ya know, Hydroxychloroquine anti-mask thing. It spread so fast, that even though eventually the social media people stopped it, it was so famous that now people are still seeking it out.
And so their ability to stop things before they become widespread – uh, I think that they probably should improve that.
I don’t think it is easy, because it spread so quickly. I mean, that thing was fairly new and now we have 14 million views and you can’t find it directly on those services, but everybody is sending the link around because it is still out there on the internet.
And that one – this Hydroxychloroquine thing, this is nutty stuff. I mean, we are supposed to be a developed country that uses science. Oh my god! It’s, uh ah, really hard to believe that that what’s being retweeted.
Then the conversation turns to Tony Fauci.
You’re now really tempting me to watch that video but I’m really tired of his face, words, gesticulation, evil grin, stupid glasses, psycho personality and all the other stuff.
In the Bill Gates and Andy Serwer Video
” Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act” is mentioned.
Trump recently had signed an Executive Order
Of course Gates would say something like that. I learned much more about him when I saw James documentaries. He’s pushing hard for his rfid chipped vaccine. None of these technocrats want people cured , in my opinion, In order to keep pushing this agenda. I’m glad these doctors are coming out speaking the truth of what is going on in their clinics and hospitals!
Bill Gates interview on Yahoo Finance – MORE INFO
The AUDIO activates when you scroll across the screen. The tools come up so you can unmute the video in the lower right corner.
I can tell that Gates is worried about this Hydroxychloroquine thing. It could take all the air out of his push.
Here’s a lighter version of the video on a lot better platform.
July 29th Thursday or 30th, 2020
YouTube nuked “Del Bigtree on The HighWire”
Broc West gives us the scoop.
Before it is deleted, here is a brief message from Del Bigtree about the YouTube purge.
VIDEO on Facebook – Del Bigtree on The Highwire
WEBSITE – Del Bigtree on The Highwire
July 21, 2020
UN Unleashes Army of Trolls to Shut Down Opposition
Story at-a-glance
~~~ The United Nations has enlisted 10,000 “digital volunteers” to rid the Internet of so-called “false” information that’s supposedly worsening the COVID-19 pandemic
~~~ Upset by the fact that individuals are using social media and their immediate social circles to share information they deem relevant about COVID-19, the U.N. is asking the public to sign up to become “information volunteers” who commit to sharing “U.N.-verified, science-based content”
~~~ Censorship of media and social media is already filtering information and telling people what they should and shouldn’t fear, and increased surveillance is being pushed courtesy of coronavirus
~~~ The campaign, dubbed the Verified initiative, amounts to an army of trolls engaging in censorship in an attempt to shut down opposition or opinions that run counter to the status quo
In an effort to combat “misinformation,” the United Nations has enlisted 10,000 “digital volunteers” to rid the Internet of so-called “false” information that’s supposedly worsening the COVID-19 pandemic…
…While it sounds altruistic to volunteer your time to combat the spread of misinformation, what the campaign, dubbed the Verified initiative, amounts to is an army of trolls engaging in censorship in an attempt to shut down opposition or opinions that run counter to the status quo…
…Their primary audience is a vague “those who are being targeted with misinformation,” Fleming said,4 calling COVID-19 not just the century’s largest public health emergency, “but also a communication crisis.”
She warns:
“Purveyors of misinformation are creating storylines and slick content that are filling information voids where science has no answers. They offer promises of cures that have no evidence of benefit or may even be harmful.
They are savvy about using narratives that link to people’s fears and appeal to people’s need for answers or a culprit. While misinformation has always had a dynamic in this crisis, there are signs that its role is dangerously increasing. You have seen the flood of new conspiracy theories in recent weeks.”….
Hello everyone. My name is Lynette and I am a new member. I am happy to be a part of this community. I am 36 years old, from California, and I have been a critical thinker I would say since my mid twenties. I have been enjoying James youtube channel. I am learning how to navigate through the website as well. Thank you James for the step by step, easy instructions on how to create my login. Glad to be here! 🙂
Thrilled to have you on the comment boards!
There are a lot of folks from California here.
Are you in the north or south?
Thank you 🙂 I’m in Southern California. That’s cool! Thanks for the welcome 🙂
That’s neat Debra! Thank you so much for the welcome thoughts. I’m glad to be in this community . Connecticut I heard is beautiful! I noticed when I comment on here it shows a different time slot , it’s funny because it’s 3 am here and it shows the time in Japan . ? I love Corbett’s work and I’m glad I discovered him.
Here in California, there are so many people driving in their cars wearing a mask. I can’t help but laugh or smile, it’s so ridiculous. Do you see that a lot where you live ?
After-birth anortion, or killlig babies in other words, is already legal in New York.
Oh my God, Slavescu is scary:
Stumbled into something really juicy. Thanks to the WWW.
Here’s our good pal, riches to rags kind of guy, dr. Tony (excuse me, Tony only for his good friends) Anthony Fauci on cycle threshold
Again, a good question. And what is now, sort of, evolving, into a bit of a standard. That, if you get a cycle threshold of 35 or more, that the chances of it being replication competent are minuscule. So that somebody… and, you know, we do, we have patients, and it’s very frustrating for the patients as well as for the physicians. Somebody comes in and they repeat their PCR and it’s like 37 cycle threshold. But you never, you almost never can culture virus from a 37 threshold cycle. So I think if, somebody does come in with 37, 38, even 36, you gotta say, you know it’s just, it’s just dead nucleotides, period.
Here’s the full video from “This week in Virology with dr. Anthony Fauci”.