NATO 2030: Global Domination or Bust

by | Jun 28, 2020 | Newsletter | 27 comments

It’s like something out of a comic book.

Speaking from his billion-dollar fortress, the Overlord of the dreaded military alliance, S.N.A.K.E. (Supreme Nasty Alliance for Killing Everyone) delivered his starkest threat yet, declaring a “S.N.A.K.E. 2030” vision that would see the organization ruling supreme over the planet in the next 10 years. “All challengers will be destroyed!” he brayed over the video uplink as the world cowered in terror.

If this were a comic book story, this is the point where the valiant fighters of the FREEDOM Alliance would swoop in and capture the Overlord, defeating his robot army in the process.

Sadly, this is not a comic book story, it’s a very real one; and we’re not dealing with S.N.A.K.E. but with NATO, a very non-fictional military alliance that has just put forward its vision for NATO 2030—a vision that threatens to realize NATO’s quest for total global domination.

So let’s roll up our sleeves and go over the details, shall we?

Find out more about NATO’s 2030 agenda in this week’s subscriber editorial, then stick around for James’ recommended reading, listening and viewing. To access the full newsletter and to support this website, please become a member today.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 21 (June 27, 2020)

by James Corbett
June 27, 2020

It’s like something out of a comic book.

Speaking from his billion-dollar fortress, the Overlord of the dreaded military alliance, S.N.A.K.E. (Supreme Nasty Alliance for Killing Everyone) delivered his starkest threat yet, declaring a “S.N.A.K.E. 2030” vision that would see the organization ruling supreme over the planet in the next 10 years. “All challengers will be destroyed!” he brayed over the video uplink as the world cowered in terror.

If this were a comic book story, this is the point where the valiant fighters of the FREEDOM Alliance would swoop in and capture the Overlord, defeating his robot army in the process.

Sadly, this is not a comic book story, it’s a very real one; and we’re not dealing with S.N.A.K.E. but with NATO, a very non-fictional military alliance that has just put forward its vision for NATO 2030—a vision that threatens to realize NATO’s quest for total global domination.

So let’s roll up our sleeves and go over the details, shall we?

The venue for the declaration of this NATO 2030 manifesto was, unsurprisingly, an Atlantic Council-hosted virtual event. Speaking via video uplink from NATO’s new billion-dollar headquarters, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg unveiled his outline for strengthening the military alliance over the next decade, an agenda that he is rather unimaginatively calling “NATO 2030.” (Hmmm . . . The 2030 Agenda. China 2030. Saudi Vision 2030. It’s almost like they’re telling us something . . . .)

You can watch the full presentation for yourself or read the official account on the Atlantic Council’s website . . . but if you follow global geopolitics, you already know what Stoltenberg said. Not because you heard about the speech, necessarily, but because these types of speeches are so boringly predictable.

Suffice it to say, Stoltenberg used the opportunity to identify his alliance’s new arch-enemy, the dastardly fiends who will provide the justification for NATO’s grand project of global domination in the coming decade. And you’ll NEVER GUESS who that bogeyman is!

. . . Oh, wait. You totally will. It’s the Chinese. But yeah, you already knew that, didn’t you? In fact, you could play globalist BINGO with the key words from his speech and everyone’s card would be completely full within five minutes.

Yes, apparently “The rise of China is fundamentally shifting the global balance of power” and, in order to counter Beijing’s “bullying and coercion,” the alliance needs to take a “more global approach.” Blah blah blah “security consequences” yadda yadda yadda “missiles that can reach NATO-allied countries” something something “freedom, democracy and the rule of law.” You know, the usual.

Still, as predictable as Stoltenberg’s “grand vision” is, it should not be dismissed lightly. We all know by now that the wildly misnamed “North Atlantic” Treaty Organization has spread, via its “partnerships” with various countries, to every corner of the globe. And we have even seen how NATO’s operational domain has been expanded to include outer space. So it should come as absolutely no surprise that Stoltenberg is now firming up this globalist agenda by attempting to draw Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and other “like-minded countries” into a closer relationship with the alliance.

One ominous sign of this expanded global NATO vision comes in the form of the North Atlantic Council’s recent decision to recognize Ukraine as an “Enhanced Opportunities Partner.” While the material benefits of such a designation are dubious at best—Ukrainians can now enjoy “enhanced access to [NATO] interoperability programmes and exercises”!—the real meaning behind this move is not difficult to discern. The drawing of Ukraine into NATO has been the ultimate goal of the Western warmongers since the fall of the Soviet Union—broken promises about “not one inch eastward” notwithstanding. With the Ukrainian feather in NATO’s cap, the alliance will be right on the doorstep of former arch-enemy (and still high-ranking enemy) Russia.

Now, by specifically citing China as a rising threat to world order and by calling on South Korea by name to expand its cooperation with the alliance, NATO is attempting to plant a flag on the doorstep of President Xi as well.

It is not difficult to see where the push behind this agenda is coming from. As Brian Cloughley points out in his recent article on the subject:

In May 2020 members of the US Senate Armed Services Committee proposed a multibillion dollar “Pacific Deterrence Initiative” intended to expand US military deployment in Asia and “send a strong signal to the Chinese Communist Party that the American people are committed to defending US interests in the Indo-Pacific.” Then in early June Senator Tom Cotton (he who wishes to use armed soldiers to put down protestors in his own country) introduced legislation titled “Forging Operational Resistance to Chinese Expansion (FORCE)” with a multi-billion dollar price tag. It is intended to “help thwart the Chinese Communist Party’s main geopolitical aim [of] pushing the United States out of the Western Pacific [and] achieving cross-strait unification with Taiwan via military force.”

(FORCE? Really? Yet another sign that we’re living in comic book land.)

But even as Stoltenberg starts to ramp up his Evil Overlord rhetoric and begin beating the war drum for the next “Great War” with the dastardly ChiComs, signs are emerging that things are not all peachy keen in NATO-land.

Take the latest developments in NATO-ravaged Libya, for example. Historical enemies Greece and Turkey have become embroiled in a spat over the question of who is the rightful government of Libya. The quarrel goes back to late last year when Turkey inked a maritime accord with Libya’s Muslim Brotherhood’s so-called “Government of National Accords” (GNA) that gives Ankara nominal control over parts of the Mediterranean currently falling in Greece and Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone. The deal is, unsurprisingly, not recognized by the Greeks and the Cypriots, who insist that the Tobruk-based House of Representatives represents the real government of Libya.

Normally, such a dispute between Turkey and Greece would be just another Tuesday, i.e., a routine disagreement between historical enemies. But here’s the rub: Both countries are NATO members. This means there is a rift in the alliance, and that rift is expanding.

France, after having its own naval vessel attacked by Turkish frigates in a brazen NATO-on-NATO skirmish, has issued its own stark rebuke of its erstwhile NATO “ally”: “We cannot accept that an ally behaves this way, that it does this against a NATO ship, under NATO command, carrying out a NATO mission.”

And, even if NATO’s Turkey problem is resolved in time for the implementation of its 2030 plan, it still faces an even greater problem: that of American recalcitrance. The Great Withdrawal that we noted last week is not lost on the alliance, after all, especially when it means America is unilaterally signing deals with the Taliban to begin winding down its operations in NATO-ravaged Afghanistan. And, even more unthinkably, the US has recently surprised everyone with its plans to withdraw troops from NATO ally Germany.

Trump’s campaign blather about “draining the swamp” and pulling the plug on the NATO alliance was, of course, just that: campaign blather. But the reality behind those statements—the increased American push to get fellow NATO members to pay “their fair share” for the alliance’s upkeep—is not necessarily any better for the NATO 2030 planners. They can hardly go about realizing their grandiose global vision when their main ally keeps threatening to withdraw its support.

Of course, none of this is meant to get anyone to shed tears over the poor state of the NATO alliance, nor is it meant to give succor to those who hold China or Russia up as pure innocents on the global stage—innocents who only deliver freedom, sunshine and rainbows to people around the world (not to mention their own heavily surveilled and controlled populations at home). No, unlike the comic books, there are no good guys to root for in this Great Powers conflict because, as I’ve pointed out before, WWIII is really a struggle between the powers-that-shouldn’t-be and the mass of humanity.

But make no mistake: The “NATO 2030” vision of Overlord Stoltenberg and his string-pullers is no empty rhetoric. They certainly do intend to drive ahead with this agenda for global domination, consequences be damned. And if those consequences happen to be military conflict between military superpowers, so much the better for those who seek to bring order out of chaos.

Consider this fair warning: NATO has put the world on notice that there will be no peace until they consolidate total global control. But then again, peace has never been part of the agenda, 2030 or otherwise.

Recommended Reading and Viewing

Recommended Reading

A Review of Stephanie Kelton’s The Deficit Myth
5 Facts BBC’s “The Salisbury Poisonings” Forgot to Mention
Dark Mirror: Edward Snowden and the American Surveillance State

Recommended Listening

General Knowledge Podcast S2E17 – Exercising My Rights with Victor Tey

Recommended Viewing

Exposing the Gates Agenda in Africa
Aliens From Hell
The History Of The Devolution Of Musical Art

Just For Fun(?)

The Stories We Tell Ourselves


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    • Wow!
      His website is wild. What a deep dive!

  1. Regarding James Corbett’s 6/28/2020 article NATO 2030: Global Domination or Bust

    I appreciate James filling us in on NATO and world events.
    This article took me longer to read than most. Perhaps, like the Comic Books, I like to get the picture.
    With the COVID scenario being daily front page news, these other international trends fall off my radar.

    Although Corbett links to it in the article, I want to again mention his June 17th, 2020 VIDEO
    How Will WWIII Be Fought? – Questions For Corbett #062
    This gives an excellent overview as to what is occurring in the Comic Book Land which has become real life.

    • “How Will WWIII Be Fought? – Questions For Corbett #062” has a link to…

      Corbett’s September 2017 presentation in Copenhagen, Denmark, entitled:
      Episode 320 – Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War

      This was the Autumn of 2017.
      Virtually, very few people were talking about China as the next bogeyman in 2017.

      What I have often observed…
      …James Corbett is very good at viewing potential future geopolitical trends, while citing concrete references — not juju chicken bones.

      • The 2017 Denmark presentation “Episode 320 – Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War” is lengthy because there is so much to address.

        Below is a more brief rendition of the key points.

        “During the Open Mind Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2017, the organizers recorded an interview with James Corbett about his presentation, “Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War”.
        This is that interview…”

        Five Stars
        (18 minutes)
        Interview 1474 – James Corbett on Echoes of WWI

        • Along the TIMELINE and correlating with…
          … 2017’s “Episode 320 – Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War”

          …in 2018, James Corbett produced his documentary series ending with
          Part Three: A NEW WORLD ORDER
          The WWI Conspiracy

  2. For those who missed it…

    June 21, 2020
    From James Corbett and Broc West

    How to Talk to Someone Who’s Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation
    (3 minutes)

    This is a wonderful dissemination tool!
    Email, Twitter, Social media, article comments, etc.
    A great way to get the word out in a smooth fashion.

    • Another great Corbett Report DISSEMINATION TOOL VIDEO besides the 3 minute “How to Talk to Someone Who’s Spreading COVID-19 Misinformation” from James Corbett and Broc West…

      “Stuck in Quarantine? Take The Corbett Report Challenge!”
      (90 seconds – Excellent Corbett positioning for dissemination to others)

    • 7/20/2020
      James Corbett
      How Do I Wake Up My Friends and Family? – Questions For Corbett #065

      (10 minutes)

      One of the most frequently asked questions I receive is how someone can wake up their friend, family member or coworker. It is, of course, and unanswerable question, but I gained a new insight into the question of waking up recently that might help us understand and approach the question in a different way . . .

    • James Corbett walks a person through the Corbett Report WEBSITE and also gives guidelines for posting COMMENTS.

      Welcome to The Corbett Report!
      (8 minutes)

    • Another great Corbett Report

      July 22, 2020
      WHO Cares What Celebrities Think – #PropagandaWatch
      (17 minutes)

      Join James for this week’s #PropagandaWatch as he peels back the layers on the WHO’s “celebrity influencer” propaganda campaign.

      Event 201
      Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts and other celebrities
      Public Relations Marketing firm “Hill and Knowlton Strategies”
      Iraq… “…babies thrown on the cold floor”

  3. “The Great Reset”
    Thanks Joe.

  4. For the United States

    June 25, 2020
    YELP is an American public company which develops, hosts, and markets the website. YELP publishes crowd-sourced reviews about businesses. Yelp users can submit a review of the business or restaurant’s products and services using a one to five star rating system.

    Local Economic Impact Report

    (Very alarming statistics in this report)

    Zero Hedge headlined this Yelp report with…
    “41% Of Businesses On Yelp Have Permanently Closed As V-Shaped Recovery Implodes”

    • what fabulous paradoxes, conundrums, opportunities… heaven!! nah, technocrats and/or transhumanists hv no interest in Space: NATO’s latest frontier

      In July 2018, at the Brussels Summit, Allied leaders recognised that space is a highly dynamic and rapidly evolving area, which is essential to a coherent Alliance deterrence and defence posture, and agreed to develop an overarching NATO Space policy. Less than a year later, NATO defence ministers agreed such a policy. And in December 2019, Allied leaders welcomed the recognition of space as a new operational domain – alongside air, land, sea and cyberspace.

      There was some speculation in the media that this flurry of space activity at NATO had been triggered by President Trump’s initiative to establish a United States Space Force (USSF). In fact, these were deliberated Allied decisions preceded by and based on years of careful and thorough reflection and debate. Some of the underlying factors that drove the decision to create the USSF, also influenced the Alliance’s decisions on space policy and space domain. Coincidentally, France has also adopted its first Defence Space Strategy, and is set to reorganise its Air Force into Air and Space Force.

      Even for the Alliance, space is not a new domain. NATO went into space before space came to NATO. For decades, NATO has operated its own SATCOM satellite programme. Today, these now defunct satellites are still orbiting the Earth, carrying the NATO logo.

  5. Following on from the Michael Moore climate doco, we now get this

    it is amazing that these mea culpas are surfacing amongst the din created by covid and the wokesters pushing BLM – almost as though someone is trying to push the last 30 years of climate propaganda down the memory hole with max distraction.

    Greta will need a new role as a racial activist.

    • Wow. Covid has killed almost as many people as the normal flu. Accepting the stats anyway. The insanity never ends.

    • Thanks Ukdavec,
      It’s a great write-up!
      I recently had read that article via Zero Hedge.
      I thought of Corbett Report Member ManBearPig when I read it.
      She is usually the first to post that topic.

  6. The superhero’s and supervillians in the Chaz too…year of the weird.
    i could be wrong but think its mostly just entertainment to take our minds off what matters.

  7. That’s sad.
    To me, it becomes an injustice to future generations.

  8. Towers went down,
    One, Two, Three,
    In a unblocked fall.
    And small explosions to see.

    But one plane was missing,
    And one hit the Pentagon too,
    The air-defense was a chaos that day,
    And where have the Trillions gone to.

    The big joke came later,
    As we went into Iraq
    to find non=existing things,
    And left it a wreck.

    Afghanistan was next,
    not because it had Osama
    But because it had heroine
    he was later shot by Obama.

    It did not end there.
    Much blood spilled the soil
    They claimed to save people
    But it was about the oil.

  9. I never know where to comment if I’m bringing up a new thread.

    Today on NPR I heard about a letter written by over 200 doctors telling the WHO that they need to acknowledge the aerosol transmittability of the coronavirus.

    On a quick search of just four random names of the signatories, three are active in climate-change: Paulo Saldiva, Daniel Peckham and Tunga Salthammer. The third was a partner in HP’s “Re-Invent” in 2019(?). These don’t seem to be doctors who are mostly interested in the public’s health.

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