An extraordinary thing happened this week: Taro Kono, Japan’s Defense Minister, got up and announced that the Japanese government would be halting its plan to deploy a new multi-billion-dollar missile defense system. Tokyo had committed itself to buy the Aegis Ashore system from the fine folks at Lockheed Martin back in 2017, a.k.a. the height of the hysteria over North Korea’s missile provocations. But Kono has put the plans “on hold” indefinitely, citing budget and schedule overruns.
What makes this announcement so unusual is that it took everyone by surprise. Not just the governors of the prefectures where the system was to be sited—who, according to Kyodo News, were only informed about the change in plans in a last-minute phone call—but even the US government, which Nikkei Asian Review reports was not informed of the decision ahead of time.
What? Japan scrapping a multi-billion-dollar defense deal with a key US contractor without warning? What’s going on here?
To those who don’t follow geopolitics and military matters in the Asia-Pacific, this may not sound like the most extraordinary thing to happen in 2020—and, to be fair, given the year we’re living through perhaps it isn’t. But the Japan-US military alliance has been the backbone of the security order in the Asia-Pacific since the end of the Second World War, and the idea of Japan making such a monumental decision unilaterally without even informing its American counterparts beforehand would have been unthinkable even a few years ago. Yet here we are.
In fact, it’s not just the Asia-Pacific. From Europe to the Middle East to South America, an extraordinary change is taking place, one that is seeing US power and influence waning around the world. Is the post-WWII era of “Pax Americana” truly over? If so, what does that mean for the future of global geopolitics?
Join James for this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber as he examines the waves of troop drawdowns and withdrawals that the US is engaging in right now, the waning of American influence around the world, and what it means for the death of the Old World Order.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 20 (June 20, 2020)
by James Corbett An extraordinary thing happened this week: Taro Kono, Japan’s Defense Minister, got up and announced that the Japanese government would be halting its plan to deploy a new multi-billion-dollar missile defense system. Tokyo had committed itself to buy the Aegis Ashore system from the fine folks at Lockheed Martin back in 2017, a.k.a. the height of the hysteria over North Korea’s missile provocations. But Kono has put the plans “on hold” indefinitely, citing budget and schedule overruns. What makes this announcement so unusual is that it took everyone by surprise. Not just the governors of the prefectures where the system was to be sited—who, according to Kyodo News, were only informed about the change in plans in a last-minute phone call—but even the US government, which Nikkei Asian Review reports was not informed of the decision ahead of time. What? Japan scrapping a multi-billion-dollar defense deal with a key US contractor without warning? What’s going on here? To those who don’t follow geopolitics and military matters in the Asia-Pacific, this may not sound like the most extraordinary thing to happen in 2020—and, to be fair, given the year we’re living through perhaps it isn’t. But the Japan-US military alliance has been the backbone of the security order in the Asia-Pacific since the end of the Second World War, and the idea of Japan making such a monumental decision unilaterally without even informing its American counterparts beforehand would have been unthinkable even a few years ago. Yet here we are. In fact, it’s not just the Asia-Pacific. From Europe to the Middle East to South America, an extraordinary change is taking place, one that is seeing US power and influence waning around the world. Is the post-WWII era of “Pax Americana” truly over? If so, what does that mean for the future of global geopolitics? To better understand this issue, let’s take a look at just a few of the incredible stories slipping under the radar as Americans concern themselves with arguing about pancake syrup characters.
Yes, it seems that Uncle Sam is finally taking the old refrain of “Yankee Go Home!” to heart. And why not? The United States is experiencing incredible internal turmoil right now—from the bitter political divide over the response to the coronavirus scamdemic to the outright political warfare that has erupted between left and right in this era of Russiagate and Fake News and Orange Man Bad to the latest flare-ups on the streets with the Black Lives Matter and police brutality protests. Heck, there’s a self-declared Autonomous Zone “operating” (in the loosest sense of the word) in the heart of one of the country’s major urban centers right now. It only makes sense that America is turning inward at the moment and devoting less of its attention to the problem of projecting its will around the world, doesn’t it? Of course that also means that the recalling of troops from around the world has an ominous undertone to it. After all, we’ve just spent the last few months under the lingering specter of medical martial law. In the past few weeks, that prospect has been replaced with the threat of martial law to quell the protests. But once the second-wave narrative takes full effect, it’s very possible that half of America will be clamoring for medical martial law and the other half for anti-protest martial law. Whatever the case, it’s darn lucky that all those troops will be returning from their overseas deployments, isn’t it? But the withdrawal of US forces around the globe isn’t necessarily a withdrawal by choice. As I noted in this week’s edition of New World Next Week, the Trump administration’s attempts to “negotiate” with North Korea Washington-style—i.e., by pointing a loaded gun to their head and telling them to disarm—has blown up in its face, with tensions on the Korean peninsula arguably even worse than they were before the much-ballyhooed Trump-Kim summit was even held. Also, as I have noted in these pages in recent weeks, the mighty, world-conquering superpower that is the United States of America can’t pull off a simple regime change operation in Venezuela or even offer to mediate the India-China border dispute without being laughed off by both powers. And now even Japan, a US vassal state in all but name, is brushing Uncle Sam and his military contractor vultures aside without even the nicety of a phone call to warn him beforehand. For anyone who has been paying attention to global geopolitics over the past 75 years, these are remarkable times. To the conspiracy realists who have long noted that the Old World Order could never become the New World Order without the controlled demolition of America’s economic and military might, it comes as no surprise. Regardless, the end of an empire and the shift over to a new system are the types of world-historical moments that history books are written about (by the winners, of course). And while none of these stories by itself amounts to an End of the Empire moment, taken together they point definitively to the tectonic change that is coming. If you thought the first half of 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet . . . |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Recommended ReadingCollapse of the British Empire, The Round Table Movement, Canada’s Untold History Recommended ListeningKOL290 | Liberty412: On A Coronavirus Vaccine, Anarchy In Our Lifetime, IP, and More Recommended ViewingIs George Soros More Than a Boogeyman? Just For Fun(?)+ |
Summer starts today.
June 20, 2020 – James Corbett’s The Great Withdrawal.
…To the conspiracy realists who have long noted that the Old World Order could never become the New World Order without the controlled demolition of America’s economic and military might, it comes as no surprise.
Regardless, the end of an empire and the shift over to a new system are the types of world-historical moments that the history books are written about (by the winners, of course)…
…If you thought 2020 has been a rollercoaster ride, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet . . .
Hope it’s not too hot.
James Corbett’s excerpt & link:
“arguing about pancake syrup characters.”
Often, some of the embedded links in these Corbett newsletters lead to some very interesting sources.
Here is some syrup for your Sunday morning pancakes…
An0maly – News Analysis & Hip-hop
I feel that Anomaly has an impressive YouTube video published on June 20th…
Black Lives Matter, Aunt Jemima & More:
How We’re Tricked With Labels Over Substance!
(14 minutes)
In his video is some old footage of G. Edward Griffin.
Note Griffin’s tie, which holds a clue to the era.
That is a pretty good video.
G Edward Griffin is a cool source… the who guy laid it all out back when Youtube can in film cans via the mail. Back then he thought communists were just a thing by themselves rather then just a branch of the real problem.
Published June 20, 2020
Constitution Report YouTube
75 minute vintage video
This address by G. Edward Griffin, given in 1968, is as current as today’s headlines.
Mr. Griffin shows that the Leninist strategy for conquest involves two kinds of revolution:
One is violent;
the other is non-violent.
Griffin also highlights the writing of Manning Johnson.
Johnson was an African American man who joined the communist party after he was convinced they were trying to help the democratic party support black communities.
After climbing the ranks and realizing they were using him and his fellow black Americans to begin a race war in the future, he retreated from the organization to begin warning his fellow Americans on this agenda.
(“Color, Communism And Common Sense” written by Manning Johnson circa 1958)
More Dangerous Than War: The Communist Revolution In America
(75 minutes)
The hidden hand is certainly closing up shop in america in preparing the way for the global government.
America has been nothing but an engine for world government. Now that america has served its use in the so-called “great work of the ages,” the hidden hand is now in the process of destroying “her,” and the people themselves have been psychologically conscripted to take part in the controlled demolition/destruction.
America was always nothing but one big animal farm and slavery never really went away, it changed its form into economical slavery; debt slavery through a monetary system they have no understanding of. The american people helped to fund so much of what has gone into building and preparing the agenda for the hidden hand.
This move by Japan is simply another sign on a wall that is filled with signs of what is to shortly come for america and the rest of the planet.
The american people have failed themselves, each other, the people of other nations and most importantly the Creator.
America is the great hypocrite among the nations, professing freedom but exemplifying the exact opposite. A nation of superficial and superstitious fools.
God brings to nothing the mighty and he exalts the lowly ones. Read that somewhere. This is all part of the script. I might not have expected the exact details but it isn’t difficult to see where it’s headed.
We have some fake food for thought in Recommended Viewing, namely Edward Bernays and Group…
I will focus on last two minutes, when authors astray really badly.
Sure, it’s not good to base individual identity on groups membership, but that is the outcome of decades of pushing people towards individualism. People lost a “feeling” for society.
“the existence of society based on individual rights and liberties is dependent on a population which has developed this capacity for individual-consciousness, or in other words,on a society of individuals who understands themselves and treat others as individuals first and foremost”
Then goes further and citing E.Neumann talking about group-consciousness predates individual-consciousness.
Sounds ok, just those right and liberties, how they came about?
They were established/given, after our forbears fought for them, our forbears that were more about group-consciousness, that had feeling for society.
And now these rights are taken away as we drown in era of individualism and there is no society to fight back!
Then we come to culmination (that pissed me off to write):paraphrasing
“proclivity to of individuals to engage in group-identification is danger to society and also a regression of consciousness (me:WTF). A pathological tendency that needs to be overcome”
That should bring authors Gold Bernays medal!!!
Unfortunately, observing many “social” movements today one might even agree with authors. BLM instead of ALM, or Stop Police Violence or Freedom. And all the myriad of movements for small particulate group interests. This groups are surrogate-society.
Machiavelli suggested making groups and make them fight. Today’s social engineers went further, they created “society” of atomized individuals. He would be delighted.
To overcome this miserable state of affairs some substantial worldview change has to happen.
Society and individual should conceptually be seen as ying/yang, not like separate entities but intertwined entities.
The single person has no power without the group identity… you are correct that the group identity has been attacked.
‘Culture of narcissism’ sees that as a natural growth of industrial society by EM Jones (of ‘Culture wars’)shows that ethnic and religious identity have been attacked deliberatly in order to create classes (such as suburban ‘white people’) that have no value other then personal needs/wants.
The “right” enjoys this since they become good consumers and easy voting blocs
the “left” likes this for the same reason and since such people dont have civic virtue and vote themselves goods that bankrupt the state and accelerate the collapse of the present order and bring revolution
BLM and most movements today are mostly astroturf
Is it so hard to show this minimal respect, that should be given to any human being, and RESPECT MY WILL.
Sorry, forgot your name
Hi James and Corbeteers!
Is the Pax Americana Empire is waning or just shifting gears? With all the setup for Africom being the West/China showdown, I worry that this on the back burner as the hot war distraction from Event 201 agendas or are the Wall Street/Military coffers just saving this for later. I used to think this Deagle site was three letter nonsense until lateley.
I’ve been reflecting on the current Hybrid War that is well under way and how that has been manifesting with the all-out global agenda rollouts and the color revolution hot-spots in the streets which follow the Gene Sharp CIA Color Revolution handbook model to the anti-lockdown protest. It’s weaponized outrage all leading up to and off the cliff of America’s Top Prez selection 2020. The leader of the BLM has been quoted as saying, We have been trained to pomote Marxist ideology, “we’re trained Marxists”.
The left has been weaponised & spoon-fed parroting a devolved/depraved message of “I hope the Trumpers get the CV for not following orders of lockdowns and mask wearing”. Rediculous clown world citizens. It’s considered pedestrian to not be moronic outrage clown these days, as the normies are all losing it and have nothing to say other than what FB psychographics tells them to. The fact that all the lockdowns happened in every country around the world at the same time like a coodinated all-out assault on the world populace with a significant spike in mortalities closely following the lockdowns is an indication of the nebulous but deadly form of soft warfare we are experiencing on the Event 201 front. Here is an article Vanessa Beeley shared documenting the spike in deaths after lockdowns – This Hybrid World War we are experiencing is manifesting in homes, schools, communities everywhere around the world with the very same issues of loss of freedoms and each government pretends like they are all not together under the world banks(Fed Plan “One Bank to Rule Them All”. The autocrats will try and sell us crumbs of our past freedoms back at high prices like tin-pot dictators as long as we virtue divisiveness. Well, I am not outraged, but I find myself constantly dissapointed with positions people take around me and in my community. I am also surprised in finding a few like minded people who really need to share their experiences and work to network intelligent solutions with. These are the people I am interested in, these are my people!
The ability of a society to protect rights of persons in that society depends on the members having either a respect for such rights outside of materialism OR a group identity that means that an attack on the rights of one is an attack on all.
The idea that a group identity is more ‘primitive’ is also silly since a ‘totally individualistic’ person who cares ONLY about their own needs and rights is basically an infant- or a psychopath.
George Friedman wrote “The coming war with Japan’ back in the 90’s and everything he said kinda made sense (nations need to control their land mass and have secure borders so that they can afford a big navy, and they then want to control the oceans and they then to control the nations FACING them on the other side of those oceans though the ‘villain’ was more China by the time I read that book.
If I was Japan (assuming actual ‘free to act’ leaders) I’d pick China over the US which is looking rather like the Soviet Union just before it fell over. I cant remember when, but the Philippines were looking like they were going to jump ship to china a few years back I guess they changed their mind…lol
Thanks to the Just for Fun section, I ran into a video any metalheads in the audience might enjoy. This band from the 60es seems to have been seminal for the entire genre and the many subgenres. It was so much ahead of its time that it, sadly, flopped. Many of the artists that are usually listed as the source of various metal icons may have been influenced heavily by Coven and its frontwoman, Jynx Dawson.
ONE HIT WONDERLAND: “One Tin Soldier” by Coven
The “Billy Jack” movies
Back in the 60’s and early 70’s, sometimes independent film makers could get distribution of their films because of the network of independent theatres and independent drive-ins.
Wikipedia gives a brief summary of how Tom Laughlin (Billy Jack) booked the theatres. There is much more to the story. It took a lot of guts to pull it off.
The Billy Jack films were extremely popular with my age group at the time. We would quote parts of the film and stuff like that.
This short film clip portrays how people really did dress.
I well remember it on the screen, as does my younger brother.
Billy Jack (1971) “One Tin Soldier”
(2 minutes – with music)
Billy Jack is a “half-breed” American Navajo, a Green Beret Vietnam War veteran, and a hapkido master.
A group of children of various races from the alternative school go to town for ice cream and are refused service and then abused and humiliated by Bernard Posner, son of a local corrupt politician.
This prompts a violent outburst by Billy. (Kick scenes)
Later, Jean (school director) is raped by Bernard, who also murders a Native American student.
Billy Jack confronts Bernard, whom he catches in bed with a 13-year-old girl, and sustains a gunshot wound before killing him with a hand strike to the throat.
On November 20, 1971, Coven performed “One Tin Soldier” on the Dick Clark ABC-TV Saturday-afternoon program American Bandstand.
mkey and I and others…
discussing “Billy Jack” and the era.
What a small world it is. I think I did watch that movie, can remember the ending quite vividly. Maybe some other movie borrowed from it heavily, not sure.
rumour has it… when Jynx said “NO” & promptly gave the president of columbia records a swift knee in the groin, her fate (& Coven’s) was sealed ~ forever blacklisted. if he had only just asked her to sign the contract in blood, she woulda been more than happy to oblige.
I guess we’ll find out exactly what it means soon enough. One thing I am trying to practice is living in the present while doing as much as I can to influence the future-which at this point isn’t much.
Being an American myself some of the comments were accurate about the general public. There’s a lot of ignorance and just going along because it’s easier. My maternal family is from Australia so they had a different culture and valued education and doing things that were ethical and not supporting things that were oppressive. There’s so many oppressive things that our moral values are corrupted like the meat industry and clothes from China made in sweat shops. People get numb to the harm of what they support and just try to tune it out and the psychology of cognitive dissonance takes hold.
Do “we” deserve what’s coming? I don’t know. I don’t think so. I don’t think anyone deserves slavery and manipulation. Is it better to die fighting? I think it is. It is better to fight for what is right than to acquiesce-to go along with the plan in hopes of eking by like a hungry rat.
Masks – Some potential legal ways NOT to wear a mask
There is some good information at the link.
For example, an employee can site an OSHA regulation.
Employers do not like messing with OSHA. Even OSHA’s paperwork is horrendous for an employer.
Another example:
Recently on June 19th, the tyrant dictator Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins demanded that all Dallas County businesses enforce that customers entering their store don a mask. The business could be fined $500 for each violation.
Thus, if the store is caught with a customer who does not have a mask, the store could be fined.
Little kids are exempt, because they are always picking their nose and slobbering and touching things.
This is all over the news.
Here is the rub, (because I can read).
The Ordinance itself states:
“Face coverings do not need to be worn in the following circumstances: …
(#3 of 6)
…When doing so poses a greater mental or physical health, safety, or security risk.….
If anyone asks about your physical health…
In the U.S., you are not required to give out personal medical information.
Just got a cell signal. Checked my email and GAB had an excellent article on critical theory. Think SJW theory.
Around the 39 minute mark, Urban Farmer Curtis Stone points out that James Corbett has some fantastic stuff.
The following is a fascinating look in layman terms at solar activity and how it will affect agriculture.
Some folks use the term ‘coming ice age”, which in reality signifies how weather patterns are changing.
Urban Farmer Curtis Stone and the Ice Age Farmer look at graphs and charts, while discussing the trending changes in agriculture.
June 11, 2020
The Next Big Event You Need To Prepare For!
(57 minutes)
“fellow traveler’s” signalling Need for speed: Japan supercomputer is world’s fastest
Fugaku is 2.8 times faster than the second-ranked US Summit supercomputer … built with government backing and used in the fight against coronavirus…
numerologically: 2+8 = 10 (1 & 0 computer binary digits) — 10th month is oct, & bill gates birthday 10/28. of course, 10 reduced to single digit is one ~ alpha, as well as “new beginnings”. in the petaflops speeds, there’s a lot of fives, & 5 often means destruction, a horrible example: 9/11/2001 added & reduced to single digit ~ 5. ok, back to gates… his birth year 1955, when i found out the 55 tripped me out, didnt comment on it, simply posted his 10/28/1955 birth date as binary ~ 10101010 which reduces to 1111. will be interesting to see how much longevity he has.
just saw this — more fives
June 22, 2020 (*6+22+22=50)
A new Top500 champ was unveiled today. Supercomputer Fugaku, the pride of Japan and the namesake of Mount Fuji, vaulted to the top of the 55th edition of the Top500 list with 415.5 (*4+1=5,5.5) Linpack petaflops, marking a win for system builder Fujitsu, for Arm-based supercomputing and for the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in which Fugaku is already engaged. In reduced precision, measured via the new HPL-AI benchmark, Fugaku achieved a record 1.4 (*1+4=5) exaflops.
*my add
just a single letter typographical tweak ☞ UNcle sam ☜ why not, the blue flag with its 33 segmented world, flies in front of new york city headquarters… roll the dice & down the road the bldg gets destroyed, geneva becomes hq, which is also home of WHO.
those ones & zeros more than a bit (pun intended) dizzying in bill gates binary birth date. also left me with a nagging sense of missing something, tho i saw the 1111 as two elevens (22), wasnt till last nite it finally dawned on me:
10/28/1955 — month(10)+day(2+8=10)=20 & yr total=20(1+9=10│5+5=10) ⇢ 2020
sure seems like he was born for this year, birth dates are highly significant to TPTSB, planned & arranged… so i actually feel kinda sorry for him, what a f’kd up life to hv to lead, born into ~ he’s trapped, enslaved… which, when i step back, look at the bigger picture is how i see ’em all, not that i condone any of their criminal behaviour.
perhaps at a later date will come back to post about 4 & 8
“Tracing. Testing. Tweaking. Approaches to data-driven Covid-19 management in China” analyzes the various digital solutions China has used. Show how the Chinese state and companies deployed apps and data infrastructure, explore China’s protection framework for personal data, and assess the benefits and risks of China’s data-driven approach to crisis management.
Coming soon for the rest of humanity….. if we allow it.
Lest anyone has the impression that “it will never happen here”
The way to reboot economic activity post Covid 19 according to Goldman Squid?
Bet that you are shocked to discover that it is a “green” solution.
Link to pdf on this page
Only available to rich supporters of #BLM I suggest.
speaking of moguls & monsters… to escape vaxx life imprisonment, if i need to im gonna take on new identity/s as a phony transhuman, or just a fake rich bitch.
here’s my selection of coven aliases ⇢ top secret top 22:
angelina carnegia
astoria waldorf
belinda goates
carla slim fast
cecilia rhodes-less travelled
davida lee rothschild
diamond de queers
ellie larson
happy abbey habsburg
jafra beezosbub
henrietta “found on the road dead” ford
marcia z’uckfaceburger
mary ellen walton
michelle “ma belle” bloombugger
muffet buffett
octavia flavia
op winniefur
peetar the-eel
philippa crown-virus
pj morganstein
rockette rockefeller
xelon muskrat
zee kissingrl
plus, im receiving consultation from THE most technologically advanced outta sight hipsters in the multiverse… A Day in the Life of a Jetson
Sadly, all part of the agenda that has been planned since the ‘end’ of WW1.
Has anyone here seen this? Plandemic is right!
Keep up the excellent work James.
Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China – Bat viruses – National Institutes of Health – Dr. Fauci – Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)- EcoHealth Alliances
June 25, 2020 – Thursday
by Danielle Zoellner via YahooNews but at The Independent
(VIDEO clip in article, but the “funding” topic not there.)
White House abruptly cut off funding to coronavirus grant research, Dr Fauci says
The White House has abruptly cut off funding to the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) coronavirus research, said Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Mr Facui made the revelation when speaking to Congress on Tuesday about the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.
Representative Marc Veasey, a Democrat from Texas, first asked Mr Fauci why the funding was cut in April during a House Energy & Commerce Hearing…
…The cancellation of the grant came after reports surfaced about EcoHealth Alliances’ research with a virologist at Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China, who works with bat coronaviruses.
This lab became the centre of a conspiracy theory with the US federal government speculating that Covid-19 did not originate at a Wuhan wet market but instead in WIV.
During a coronavirus press briefing on 17 April, a reporter asked why the US would provide a grant to China amid this pandemic with rumours circulating about where the virus originated…
…EcoHealth President Peter Daszak tweeted that it was an “obvious case of political interference” on Tuesday following Dr Fauci’s testimony in front of Congress.
“Eventually, we’ll all know the shoddy truth of how a conspiracy theory pushed by this administration led @NIHDirector to block the only US research group still working in China to analyse Covid origins,” he wrote. “Thanks to this China can now do the research, we can’t!”
Virologists at the Wuhan lab have long disputed claims the virus broke out from the facility.
Full source video
Dr. Fauci testifies in the hearing entitled: “Oversight of the Trump Administration’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
Damn! That’s good money.
A decade ago (I was old then), after the 2008 crash, I was desperately trying to find a job which paid decent. For an old guy, I was in healthy shape.
I applied as an Engineer for a Railroad in my area. Engineer was a polite term for the grunts who check and switch the tracks, couple the freight train cars, and such. Long hours, hard manual labor, and any kind of weather, riding the rails out of town. I knew what to expect, and the esprit of the fellas working around the place was what I wanted.
It was fun just to be around the guys. Everyone was Union (Unions are not always common in Texas).
I was in better physical shape than most all the other younger applicants in the room. I made it into the final cut when three bosses pulled me in for a sit-down. They liked me, I could tell. I told ’em straight up: “Fellas, I know I am old, close to where most retire. But look at me. I am strong and healthy and I really, really want this job.”
You could see it in their eyes. They felt me.
Well, I did not get the job.
Destiny is what it is.
But I loved just even having that exposure and experience.