It’s silent. It’s deadly. It’s spreading all around the globe. And, if you’re not careful, it’ll get you next!
The viral pandemic? No, silly! The viral infodemic.
Haven’t you heard? There’s a tsunami of fake news that’s coming to get you! And if you plebs don’t behave properly then your rulers are just going to have to shut down the internet for your own good.
If you haven’t heard the term “infodemic” yet, lucky you. But trust me, you’re going to be hearing about this idea ad nauseam in the coming months, so you’d better get prepared.
So what is an infodemic, exactly? Good question.
Find out what the WHO and governments around the world are planning to do about the “over-abundance” of online information in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 13 (April 18, 2020)
by James Corbett It’s silent. It’s deadly. It’s spreading all around the globe. And, if you’re not careful, it’ll get you next! The viral pandemic? No, silly! The viral infodemic. Haven’t you heard? There’s a tsunami of fake news that’s coming to get you! And if you plebs don’t behave properly then your rulers are just going to have to shut down the internet for your own good. If you haven’t heard the term “infodemic” yet, lucky you. But trust me, you’re going to be hearing about this idea ad nauseam in the coming months, so you’d better get prepared. So what is an infodemic, exactly? Good question. Let’s turn to everybody’s favorite global health agency, the World Health Organization, for that answer, shall we? On February 2nd the WHO released a situation report on the novel coronavirus outbreak. Its section on “Managing the 2019-nCoV ‘infodemic’” helpfully explains that an infodemic is “an over-abundance of information—some accurate and some not—that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it.” Oh, no! Too much information? Say it ain’t so! If only someone can save us from this terrible scourge of having to use our own brains and apply a little discernment when sorting through the surfeit of data we encounter! Don’t worry too much, though. The good folks at the WHO have a plan for dealing with such an “over-abundance” of info:
OK, everybody, it looks like the WHO has everything under control here. Be sure to follow them on Weibo, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, and turn off your critical-thinking switch. After all, they’ll sort out the good info from the bad for you! No thinking required. Well, that solves that. I guess we can all go back to enjoying our self-isolation in peace, right? If only. No, of course we have not seen the end of this hand-wringing over the “flood” of mis- and disinformation on the internet. Nor have we seen the last of the meddling globalist busybodies who are desperately seeking to reestablish the monopoly on information that they enjoyed in the old dinosaur media paradigm of TV, radio and print. In fact, this is just the beginning of what is shaping up to be the largest battle in the history of the infowar. Perhaps the deciding battle. So, what exactly is the gambit here? As with everything else about the corona crisis, we can get a better understanding of where things are heading by consulting the pandemic blueprint: Event 201. As everyone knows by now, Event 201 was a tabletop exercise simulating a global pandemic that was held in New York last October. Hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in cooperation with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Event 201 simulated “a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic.” Now, it’s important to note that Event 201’s “hypothetical” pandemic was caused by the sudden outbreak of a novel coronavirus that totally wasn’t in any way related to the sudden outbreak of a novel coronavirus that was happening at the exact same time as the simulation, you crazy conspiracy theorist, you! (What, you don’t believe the Center for Health Security’s blanket denial that their simulation of a novel coronavirus pandemic was related in any way to the simultaneous novel coronavirus pandemic? Fine, here’s a debunk for you! Take that, you tinfoil wingnut!) For those who haven’t checked out the entire Event 201 playlist yet . . . well, why not? It seems rather relevant to the events we’re living through right now, and it featured many of the same players who are directing the response to the real-life (but totally unrelated!) novel coronavirus pandemic—like Chinese Center for Disease Creation and Propaganda Director-General George Gao, US Centers for Disease Creation and Propaganda Deputy Director Stephen Redd and Bill & Melinda GatesofHell Foundation President Christopher Elias. The penultimate session of the exercise was entitled “Information Dissemination Discussion” and centered on the problem of dealing with the disinformation and misinformation spreading in the wake of the (totally hypothetical!) novel coronavirus pandemic. After watching a literal fake news segment detailing how Twitter and Facebook have identified a “disturbing number” (what number is that, exactly?) of accounts “dedicated to spreading disinformation about the outbreak,” the participants discuss how to combat the horror of people saying things online that are not officially sanctioned. In brief, their discussion focused on the following points:
Several of the speakers referenced the “Edelman Trust Barometer,” which they use to determine who is considered “trustworthy” and thus who can help propagate their propaganda most effectively. Apparently, this barometer told these participants that the CEOs of large companies are considered trustworthy (what planet are these people living on?), and thus CEOs are prime candidates to be courted by “business leadership organizations” that can presumably be relied upon to toe the WHO line on information about the pandemic. So how much of the simulation exercise is playing out in reality? Government shutdowns and internet blockages over pandemic “misinformation”? Check. Accusations that those dastardly Russian bots are waging disinformation campaigns around this pandemic? Check. Social media giants working to “elevate authoritative voices” and purge dissenting voices from their platforms? Check. Leveraging “trusted voices” to spread the WHO party line? Well, funny you should mention that. In fact, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has just released a creepy video telling us exactly where to place our trust. (Spoiler: Vaccines. He wants us to trust in vaccines.) Guterres has also announced the creation of “a new United Nations Communications Response initiative to flood the Internet with facts and science while countering the growing scourge of misinformation.” The world eagerly awaits the word of the UN communications response team on what information to trust and what to distrust, I’m sure. I jest, of course, but I think we all know where this “infodemic” narrative is going, and it is not good news for independent journalists like myself who do not agree with the WHO or its big pharma buddies on the solutions to the covid “crisis” (or even on the nature of that crisis itself). You can bet your bottom dollar that outlets like The Corbett Report are exactly what the Event 201 planners had in mind when discussing their purge of dissenting voices online. Lest there be any doubt where the crackdown on independent journalism is heading, we merely have to look at how the “infodemic” contagion is infecting “lawmakers” all around the world. You could start with the pronouncements of governments—from Russia to Cambodia to Thailand to Egypt to Azerbaijan and many other countries—that promise to stem the flow of online misinformation by employing various draconian methods. Of course, when they censor independent voices it’s seen as horrible thuggish authoritarian censorship. But when the good guys do it, like the British government announced last month. . . well, that’s just a prudent response to dangerous conspiracy theorists and foreign disinfo bots. Take British MP Damian Collins, for example. In addition to calling for laws to punish the spread of “dangerous misinformation” about the pandemic, Collins has also set up Intended as a “fact-checking” site, Infotagion doesn’t just rate the veracity of claims that “the US Covid-19 lockdown is an anti-Trump plot” or that “Covid-19 is a big pharma conspiracy” but, in an even greater insult to its audience’s intelligence, tells them whether they should or should not share such claims on social media. (You know, in case the plebs are too dumb to get that rating something “false” means that you shouldn’t pass it on.) Inspired by Collins—and, no doubt, admiring the sheer audacity behind the idea of locking people up for sharing information that has not been approved by the Ministry of Truth—Canada’s Privy Council President Dominic LeBlanc has admitted that the Canadian government, too, is “considering introducing legislation to make it an offense to knowingly spread misinformation that could harm people.” Yes, in case you haven’t cottoned on yet, “infodemic” is a euphemism for “fake news.” And we all know that “fake news” is just the term that government officials and their MSM mockingbird repeaters use to describe independent online journalism. The current pandemic pandemonium provides the purveyors of official, government-sanctioned fake news the perfect opportunity to remove independent voices from the internet. You better believe they’re going to use it. So watch out for the infodemic. If you’re not careful, the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are going to take care of this “problem” of the “abundance of information” by making sure you only ever get your information from approved sources. |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
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[supsystic-price-table id=59]
James et al: Please include this item in your next “Propaganda Watch”…
I have no interest in the games so I never watched a moment of the 2012 London events. That is some next level creepy “entertainment”.
It was certainly enough for me to research predictive programming.
Thanks for the link.
I’d have preferred if they spared me the bible quotes in the linked video though, I consider that text just an early propaganda tool, designed to control the masses.
James covered predictive programming back in 2011. Here’s the link to that podcast. I can’t comment on it as I’m listening to it right now.
Stoffa, thank you for the Corbett radio link on predictive programming. Reminds me it would be worth my while to eventually read/listen to everything Corbette
I was glad to find James thinks Philip K. Dick is one of the writers trying to warn us, not one of the ones part of Deep State.
Interesting about The Lone Gunmen possibly being slipped ideas by the CIA.
Wow! The hospital part of the ceremony was very strange. When the stadium lights up it looks exactly like corona virus particle. It’s funny that image is so embedded in our heads now
robert.t, I know it should be obvious to me why
CCI = 201
but, alas, it’s not.
Could you elaborate, please and thanks!
CCI is the roman numeral for 201. ?
Duh! Of course! Merci, my priceless pearl! 🙂
Reporting Live from Baal
“No difference. BIS is still looking the same as usual”
Looks like something the Ark of the Covenant would do after a person has been sacrificed to an Hindu deity
Btw local news confirmed on July 5th 2016 that there was NO martial law…excuse me mixing up MSM articles.. i meant that..
..There is no door to the underworld at Cern
At Cern nobody knows anything about an opening to hell. Arnaud Marsollier, who is responsible for communications, says: “The Awake project exists, with which we test new technologies for particle acceleration. But the project won’t be launched until the end of the year. “We already did a test run, but that was the week before the storm.”
I listened to Freeman Fly’s podcast last where he discussed that freakiness last night as I dozed off. Weird stuff.
I have difficulty believing the whole predictive programming and occult stuff but what the hell else explains this kind of thing. Art?
BUMP video
While I’m personally do not believe in Satan, there’s no doubt in m mind that these people do.
I had an urge to save this video locally. Now I’m thinking about whom I could show it to, anyone who could see there’s something strange with it.
This goes hand in hand with that tunnel opening show in France and the superbowl (was it?) where they paraded Sandy Hook “murdered” children.
MPB, there were at least two YouTube videos (probably many more) of supposedly OTHER (non-murdered) children from the Sandy Hook school who had been invited to the Super Bowl to sing in the half-time show. Both of the videos that I saved back then are now, not surprisingly, “unavailable.”
As I recall, most of the singing childrens’ faces bore an uncanny resemblance to the photos of the SH victims that the media was parading in front of our eyes every day. But the Super Bowl kids were several years older. Some independent researchers analyzed, in minute detail, each Super Bowl-performer’s facial features and hair color — and cowlicks! — to prove that the children who were killed at SH were still very much alive and that the photos of them plastered all over the internet and print media were actually class pictures snapped a few years earlier. Get it?
I can’t find that video any longer. In 2013 there was a quite of some sort and my search attempts are gaslighted by that event.
mkey, I’m not sure what you mean by “quite of some sort,” but there have been, as you know, lawsuits brought by the father of one of the alleged victims (I guess he won a suit recently), plus YT was striking SH videos left and right and removing entire channels devoted to the subject.
I mistyped. A quire from Newton appeard on 2013 superbowl so all the results I’m getting are for that. Maybe the video I was refering to is not actually deleted but has just been memory holed.
In the past sometimes I could find something through search engines when youtube has given me nothing, but now they appear more aligned in their search results.
If you have that video handy I’d sure appreciate if you would upload it somewhere.
Well, mkey, when I entered the words “Newtown” and “choir” and “2013 Super Bowl,” I found what I think you’ve been looking for (though the ones I used to have, in which the researcher studied each child’s face meticulously, have been memory-holed):
Right you are, I was a bit on the hangover side the other day. Thank god for hangovers, they always provide me ample time to reflect on err of my ways.
I found something on vimeo, this is like the highlights reel, maybe it’s the same author. I’ll be sure to download this one.
Yay, mkey! You found a great example of the eerie similarity between the photos of the younger children and the close-up snapshots of the Super Bowl stars.
I can’t believe Vimeo hasn’t removed the video in the three years it’s been up. Maybe it has evaded the censors because it’s titled “description” instead of something more attention-getting, like . . . well, you know.
Here an article on the Gotthardtunnel ceremony (to which manbearpig had provided a link) which i found an interesting view point
The Gotthard Tunnel Ceremony Reveals the Aesthetic of Statism
and on the federal councils offical website they have a document uploaded writing about the ceromony
I think it is interesting to note that on page 9 (of 12) they even mention ritual human sacrifice when describing the first part of the ceremony titeld “Sacre del Gottardo”
“Sacre del Gottardo” is the title of the first part of the support-ing artistic programme directed by Volker Hesse. The French word “sacre” can be translated as “rite” or “consecration”, calling to mind rituals and ceremonies. The ceremony for the project of the cen-tury – the Gotthard Base Tunnel – calls for grand gestures, fulfill-ing pathos, holy earnestness. The word “sacre” also has other as-sociations, such as “sacrifice” or “sacred”. This is the case for Igor Stravinsky’s world-famous ballet “Le sacre du printemps”, which is about a ritual human sacrifice – archaic, wild and cruel.
Alchemist, the dancin’ docs remind me of the festive firefighters in Orlando after the Pulse Nightclub “shooting” in 2016:
The link to the above video has been stashed in my “fake events” folder on my computer for four years. But I couldn’t find the Orlando police equivalent, so a quick search produced this grainy video comparing Orlando’s cavoring cops to the . . . well, you can see for yourselves and be sickened:
This video reminded me of this interview with some guy. It was some time ago so I don’t remember who he was exactly, but he had his own alternative media platform and he was a reverend or something if I remember correctly. Anyway, he said that he had a friend that was inside the inner circles of the “elite”. His friend explained to him that the “elite” do have a kind of morality, but it’s not the same kind of morality that we “ordinary” people have. The morality of the “elite” was more along the lines of: You can do whatever you want, but you must have made it known or have broadcast what you are going to do beforehand somewhere.
So I guess you can say they have ticked that box off.
Or you can alternatively say, that indeed Predictive Programming is a more useful explanation than this ‘morality of the elites’ stuff.
And of course, let’s not call them ‘elite’ but ‘psychopathic criminals’.
Yes, They are coming for the Children!
What the real problem is the propagandemic coming down from the ivory towers of the so called elite.
It has been with us for a long time. Now people once again are afraid of the goblins and dragons that are beyond the fiefdoms walls, but in this modern superstitious age – we are now faced with the “possibility” of anyone and everyone being the cootie man.
Headline reads: “watch out because the cootie man is out to get you.”
Psychologically man has not changed much in the past so many hundreds of years, in fact we are mentally worse off as a whole then we were 400 years ago.
It is like i am watching the prequel to idiocracy unfold around me.
I pray for lightening to strike every wicked nwo shithead dead!
Death to all oppressors!!!
Its good eh? tapping out the mental monkey into a global horizon. I write and, phew get reasonable for a few moments, until “and here’s Tim with the weather”. Internet: the best and the worst are springing from it. just another tool (an essential one?). Happily there are a few other items on the list, up in front: it aint rocket science, like overall psychic-physical healthiness through creative effort, a general lack of interest whose place is filled with sublime care, kindness, humor, play
Just sayin’ Kubrick gave a myth/play book to the situation at hand, and have we sped past that opportunity of pulling Hal’s plug? would be handy to know the cleverest way we might play, I dont know, are we holding any cards? I’m looking for the joke switch, but cant seem to find it.
purge the perjury, starve the obstacle,, bet long, seeing the accelerated conditions as a blip in yonks of eons of story, or bet short, that today is the “same as it ever was”, or don’t bet, but don’t wait for godot, “he’s not coming until tomorrow”.
I’m beginning to look for the omni-scale meaning of events. As in the smallest or the largest moments are fractally contained and yet contain all elements, which means the same spirit of struggling to share the planet as fully fledged, is occurring for all. what then does that fcking mean, practically? It means “one love” is real, and synergy through cooperation is the ruby slippers weve always been wearing.
the more we take responsibility for our choices, the more fun it gets, our small part of keeping creation’s song strong.
“one time” in wharlabul, indigenous Aus central east coast, used when parting
Not particularly relevant but just watched the documentary Out Of Shadows, it’s already got 8 million views. I wondered about the timing of re-hashing pizzagate to add to the masses already overwhelmed brains. Anyway the main reason for my message is that the one and only Corbett Report logo is featured ( 34.45 mark ) placed in a multitude of other cooperate logos such as CNN, Disney and Fox News. I wondered what is meant by this, is it saying that it’s the cooperate report or is it a secret homage. Possibly just random but it caused me to wonder.
It takes roughly 6 months to find your way out of the Pizzagate rabbit hole.
Yeah Lizzie, great documentary.
I even thought pizzagate was a wild conspiracy until I saw this documentary and the brave journalist who published the legitimate questions that was brought up from Wikileaks email exposition and of course the plain reality brought up since the Epstein scandal.
There is indeed dark forces in control of this world.
Oh ho ho ho, look what we have here, just hours old.
Why Coronavirus Is Unlikely To Lead To Martial Law In The U.S.
CNBC – Apr 18, 2020
People aren’t buying what they are trying to sell, though. Top comment from the YouTube comments section:
Sounds like when a girl says he’s just a friend and you have nothing to worry about.
MSM “you repeat after me, I am a wild boar, a wild boar!”
Commenters “You are a wild boar, you are a wild boar!”
Yeah scpat, I saw that and shook my head. They really want to counteract any challenge at this point.
John Tutus, Best Evidence. Part two. Showed up in the inbox.
BaseBall, remember opening day distractions. Also besides Johns info-vidio, one thing I gotta throw out like Friday nights fish is another Expert telling you what to think and when to think it.
Julie Swann.[ a real black swan ] head of the Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.[ aka-the silicon triangle ]
L.A. Times , Debra Netburn. Well crafted propaganda telling you kindly “How will we ever trust the CoronaViris , our unseen enemy not to infect us at every opportunity? ”
Two stories being told. The Corbett following will easily be able to spot the real reporting from the propaganda. Hope it spreads . However we should expect an inoculation vaccine against such future viral thought.
John really delivers some fantastic analysis. You can really see he’s gotten into these people’s heads.
MBP. Calm yourself. With so many ejections there is a danger of mass impregnated thoughts. Very French. Enlightenment.
Waiting in Que for moderation injection on John Titus’ s part two. Auto correct keeps insisting his name is Tutus. Why?
MBP, my neighbor had a barking little lap dog named U.B.. I renamed him U.B.Quiet!
How ya holding up? Got the perfect blues tune for yeah. Osaka Blues.
Waiting for the news
Given me the blues
Sitting here thinking of you
Humming an ol’ French tune
Stuck in the Que
Got a bad case a blues
Cause its 1:23am in
Just 5 hours to go
Till James hits the Flo’
In his jamys made from alpaca
And releases the show
So everyone will know
Its 6:23am in
Stronghorse; whatever I can do to help! Im becoming something but its not a poet.
However I can’t help with your obsession in financial matters.
It was interesting to hear two guys having a conversation of the present financial coup.
This would be unimaginable here. I’ve tried to just have a conversation. Even a small talk about the FED.RESV. No one has a clue as to why it even matters. Thanks for a peek at the way a discussion really should take place. It sure does speak for itself.
MBP; Im singing Gilbert and Sullivan style
Who’da thunkit funk. Rigth now while clapping on my porch. Just inspirational….
To remain civil, I do not write down what is going on in my head, otherwise, I will be censored out of my existence by the Truth Departments.
Thanks, James for your work. How can we counter this (aside from sharing all the ‘fake’ news we’re finding)?
I came to realize that the polarization of the population almost seemed planned or at least is a prerequisite to pull off these things. Talk to a D, they blame Trmp; talk to a R, they blame the Ds as they want to take down Trmp. It’s a gang mentality. “You’re either with us or against us.” Everything my team says is right, whatever anybody else says is wrong. Simple. End of discussion. Not that even discussions would be possible.
It’s like blind belief. Nothing you could say would sway me. Nothing you’re sharing with me can be true if it sheds light from another angle than that used by the people of my side who all know the whole truth and never contradict themselves. I don’t even read the stuff you sent me, because I already know everything from real scientists.
I have had many such encounters; two more along these lines just this morning. People have become unable and unwilling to examine the evidence themselves.
How can one counter this?
You know what, Geisha, I don’t think you can (counter this).
I do not try. Especially now. My family has joked about me seeing a conspiracy in everything for the past few years.
I actually think I am not hearing from family members now because they have an inkling of how I feel about this world situation. When it was all starting they were, and remain, appalled that I will not wear a mask or gloves or wash everything down.
I’ve had friends comment also, in not very flattering ways. I just won’t discuss it anymore. Let’s face it, if all they read and watch is mainstream media there is good reason they are scared.
Plus, I have to remember – I consider this whole shebang part of a big, not very nice agenda, because for the past 6 years I have watched videos, documentaries and movies about the real history of the USA.
I have read the Corbett Report, Catherine Austin Fitts, Dan Sheehan, JFK Education Forum, books about the First World War (suggested on this site), the CIA, Allen Dulles. I’ve watched “Jeckyl Island” about how the Federal Reserve was started, and much much more.
Had I not been reading and studying all of this information during these past several years, I would undoubtedly be wearing a mask and wiping down my shopping cart. How do you explain the history and the agenda when people think they are faced with imminent death?
This is part of a very big picture that most people in this country live their lives not knowing about.
I think people hear about mkultra on a tv show and it goes right over their heads. They think it’s entertainment.
I don’t write any of this condescendingly. I do not use the term “sheeple” when referring to the masses.
It’s frustrating, I know. I have 3 friends I can talk to about this. I know – that’s a lot! Even if they do not agree with everything I postulate, they at least listen and discuss and don’t give me the “crazy” look. And I NEVER try to convince them.
I find myself confused a lot myself!
Good luck,though!
Thank you Lovetodust!
I have one real person who at least listens to me and agreed to receive the info I send her (I told her she doesn’t need to believe anything I say or send because she has to make up her own mind, she should just consider the info). Then there are a few online friends who are fortunately open minded and don’t drink the msm kool-aid. And then of course, there are communities like this with people who aren’t attached to a narrative, but open to look at facts.
How often did I hear conspiracy at home? I forgot to count. And don’t push anything considered controversial any more.
When I realized the truth about one ‘conspiracy’, I became more alert to others, and there are many. I haven’t even had the time to dive into everything you have (but maybe a few others instead and there are quite some).
It almost seems hopeless. How does one counter this all? Without people understanding the shades of the story, how can they oppose an infodemic tailored to defend their programmed views?
Geisha, I think about this quite a bit. I try to entertain other ideas with people in lines, at work, but most insist on the masks, the six feet, etc. A myriad of examples on my end make no difference.
I wonder(segue) if it takes a person with some imagination to want to delve into these topics that really affect us and are on the Corbett Report. Possibly, without the ability to imagine, we wouldn’t have the ability to wonder about what the truth is about any topic. Maybe if you can’t imagine, then what the authority says, goes. And maybe their imagination is based on what they did today, yesterday, what their friends did or didn’t do and why and with whom. Or some people have partial imaginations and are basically on the fence with these things.
So, while we’re on that deserted island, and we’re desperately trying to communicate with smoke signals or with a piece of broken mirror to the frequent boats that zoom by, we’re astonished that they don’t notice us! However, they can’t reflect on the beauty of the island, or the glittering sea while they have only their to do list, and we ain’t on it!
david.f, your reply to geisha captivated me — especially one word you used: “imagination.” That is, the lack of it.
As you’re probably aware, Jon Rappoport has written a lot on what he variously calls “the unlimited power of imagination” and “the surpassing power of imagination.”
A search of that word on brings up all of Jon’s relevant posts, in chronological order and originating in one of his books, “Exit from the Matrix”:
But the person who came to mind first, before Jon, when I thought of “imagination” is a guy named Nathan Winograd, whose website explains his mission:
A number of years ago I went to his all-day seminar on how to create a No Kill movement in one’s own community. He said that if a leader wants to break out of the status quo (say, the unnecessarily high rate of “euthanasia” in animal shelters), that leader needs, above all, imagination. The leader can possess perseverance, drive, courage, communication skills, empathy, intelligence in spades, but without the desire and ability to IMAGINE charting a new course that will actually reach a seemingly unreachable goal, then every other quality is for naught, he said. And rightly so.
That said, I see from the recent offerings on his website that Nathan would do well to be more imaginative and skeptical on the subject of . . . well, you know, the subject dominating the headlines of the day. 🙁
Hey, david.f, maybe I’ll borrow your idea and send Nathan a little smoke signal and see if he will look up from his list of to-do’s and detect it!
Yeah, the UN and Mr. Gates of Hell are definitely in bed together.
I think they are desperate because they have been losing control of the narrative and are engineering crackdowns to wrest it back into their cold, undead hands.
These controllers, though, have one fatal flaw in their thinking.
They are not experts on chaotic systems. Their engineering mindset is still stuck in the “law of thermodynamics” way of linear, algebraic thinking.
This may go well with computer programs and machines – but when trying to control the labyrinthine permutations of decisions made by human beings and other chaotic systems – they cannot with a certainty control the outcomes.
I think of the CIA when they handed out acid in the 50s and 60s to transfrom the consciousness of Americans toward their version of a New World Order – only to backfire on them when they protested the Vietnam War and demanded reforms using democratic processes only for them to complain at that point there was “too much democracy.”
While quantum computing and AI may give them more of an edge of control in the future (which is why they are so obsessed with it), the sytems they clearly have in place now are flawed and backfiring.
Of course, they will take another crack at it in the future.
Even if they shut down the internet and all I heard was their version of things I have a mind and it would say BS I can recognize a lie when I hear it!! Common sense has not left my place on the planet.
Very interesting discussion, covering many aspects
Coronavirus Roundtable With Dr. Buttar & Dr. Mikovits – How Your System Is Being Used Against You
The Last American Vagabond:
I was honored to be a part of a Coronavirus roundtable discussion with Dr. Rashid Buttar & Dr. Judy Mikovits recently where we discussed many different aspects of COVID-19 and the lies and misinformation surrounding this topic. We also discussed the legal and constitutional ramifications of the current government response. This discussion was hosted by Brandon from
Dr. Judy Mikovit actually worked on viruses in laboratories to give them other functions. She also knows a lot about diseases and vaccines.
Totally unrelated question (didn`t want to bother JC with it):
above of my comment i just posted the following is written;
Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview, your comment will be visible after it has been approved.
this has already occured once. Is this due to a word(s) i used?
Chapati, I’ve given up trying to figure out why we occasionally get that “awaiting moderation” warning.
It might happen when a comment is too long and needs snipping.
Or when someone leaves a hyperlink but no explanation of what it’s about; so the comment is rejected.
Or if there are too many links in the comment; I don’t know how many too many is.
Or if the comment is a reply to the rare comment Corbett himself makes, as he did the other day when informing us that, in fact, Vandana Shiva IS a member of the Club of Rome. I could see that GBW wrote a reply to James (it showed up among the emails in my inbox), yet it took a while to appear in the online thread.
Today (I mean yesterday, by now) I wanted to thank MagicBullet for answering my questions, but I couldn’t, because, even though I saw MB’s reply in my inbox, it wasn’t posted.
So, just be patient, it’ll appear when you least expect it. And you may never learn why it was held up. Hopefully, the moderator is James — and not the NSA or its Japanese equivalent!
Thanks CQ for the multi-facetted response. My curiosity has been satisfied.
P.S. Just for fun: NSA or the japanese equivalent you say? Seems like the warning itself has the ability to fuel a conspiracy-theory of its own
Haha, Chapati.
We live in a world of warnings, don’t we?
Don’t do that or else . . .
Do this or else . . .
Warnings prompt worry, don’t they?
Worry induces fear, doesn’t it?
Just where the FWO wants us!
“FWO”? Fear World Order?
Actually, Flu World Order (tip of the hat to WenigerGottquatsch, who came up with that clever moniker over at the coronastats thread:
CQ not sure if you got my silly little joke, i meant the “awaiting moderation”info (which you referred to as a Warning earlier)
But yes indeed, i worried that my humble words could be censored by JC (or the NSA or the japanese equivalent) this worry induced some fear. So i typed my question into the CR community universe for help. and received (less conspiracy though than technical) answers 😀
Also i chuckled at that comment. I take it that science is WenigerGottquatsch`s cup of tea.
Yes, Chapati, I got your joke! In my crazy conspiracy mind, “awaiting moderation” could be construed as a “warning” that we may have done something wrong . . . so we better beware, mind our Ps & Qs, promise not to do it again, and be very, very obedient from now on. (Just teasing!)
Ou shooooo! First i was like “Pheeww, all technical explanations, nothing to worry” but now i am fetching my tinfoil hat out of the garbage.
After gazing into a starlit night sky and witnessing the what seemed an endless chain of starlink satellites at arround 9:30pm today (for arround 20min untill the pain in my stiff neck finally lowerd my stunned gaze) i knew this night will not be a usual one… and now you hit me with this further thought of the “awaiting moderation” being a warning (and my crazy conspiracy mind) suspects it might be even due to a leak in the matrix. igniting the reptoid surveillance nightmare.. As a protective counterforce i will laugh out loud heartily before dozing off (and hope the neighbours won`t ring up the white coats)
From another Thread
I am starting to keep a bookmark of Sub-thread comments like this one which can help out others in the future.
Anyone who has mileage has been “snipped” and “moderated” at one time or another.
An aside in bold in case someone misses it…
NO EMAIL ADDRESSES nor PHONE NUMBERS posted in a comment.
Less than 3000 characters is the snip rule.
Also, URL only posts will be snipped.
Posts with more than one URL will be sent to the queue. You can either removr the leading part.of the URL or spread them over several posts. Or simply wait it out.
Thanks guys for the helpful responses! Yes i guess it was due to the two URLs i used. Thanks for the tip mkey. Will keep in mind to remove the https://
On two recent occasions, I was in moderation. The first was below the 500 word count which included two links but one of them I’d clipped the http:// part so it didn’t show up as an official link in blue. My theory on why it ended up in moderation is because within said comment I used two html codes: italics and embed (where the link is contained within a word or phrase like “click here”), and that wordpress scrapped it to either the spam folder or moderation. The second comment which ended up in moderation did have two links together with the html codes above. I didn’t realize two links put one into moderation. From here on out, in a comment containing links, I won’t use more than one html code, and it’ll be a simple one like bold or italics, not embed. Again, this is just my theory.
I don’t know about embed, but italics and bolds should go through without any limits. On a few occasions I used them quite profusely.
That’s been my experience as well, but embed together with bold and/or italic may be that combination that gets one in moderation.
Unfortunately the masses are already repeating and chanting the “only trust official sources of info” mantra, have been for a couple of weeks now I think, along with the other long lists of government propaganda. Just in case we missed the TV, radio, social media and forum-wide spread of the vomit worthy conformist nonsense. As well as thinking they and others have to stick to the only allowed out once per day rule. It is getting tiresome, irksome and as long as I have breath in my body I will never toe the line…
Trouble is… nobody personally knows anybody who has died from SpookyVirus™.
If I was a psychopathic eugenicist, I would locate the disbelievers by allowing, for now. the pied pipers to continue their invaluable contribution to the identification of rodents….like us.
2 birds with one stone: people will soon know somebody who has died from SpookyVirus™
Trouble makers… like us.
Here’s a challenge for you. Find out how the “infected” are tested for covid-19.
If you require assistance, I’ll gladly provide links to OFFICIAL sources showing undeniably that there is a man behind the curtain.
I have been following Case Histories of the COVID-19 virus (or strains of the virus) and what Doctors are running into since mid-February.
It is all over the map as far as how it hits a person.
We do know that things like aspirin and Ibuprofen can really bring it on.
Some Doctors caution against too many carbs which might bring on inflammation.
Dr. Korianne Haas (California) had some sweets while infected, and it brought on more severe symptoms. So she brought home her Ozone and Ultraviolet Light stuff from the office.
Dr. Brownstein and Dr. Ng have had over 100 COVID-19 patients (some at a distance) and no one has yet had to go to the hospital.
However, patient Chris thought he was about to die.
An ambulance worker patient started to really feel bad.
Watching the case histories is edifying.
I have mixed feelings on the clays and their effectiveness. I used to sell them. The Zeolite I have used for soil when gardening to absorb contaminants.
Many of the same Doctors who offer Ozone and Ultraviolet Light, also do other IV Therapies, including chelation.
NAC N-Acetyl-Cysteine once saved my life.
It can help pull out toxins and is also a component amino acid of glutathione.
I often drink a blender of lemon, cilantro and parsley to help pull out contaminants.
Aluminum is often used in vaccines now. This is likely the cause of many allergies per some studies and Robert Kennedy’s talk.
See his talk at the top on the VAXXED webpage.
On the NEWS & ACTIVISM webpage (in the middle)is information about Aluminum and how to help rid the body of it.
At the bottom of that webpage is a lot of information about Ozone and Ultraviolet Light Therapies.
A dilemma with heavy metals is that they often get in the bones. Bones dismantle and rebuild. The metals can come and go within the body’s circulation, just like Fluoride does. Thus, it can be a long timeline of getting rid of this stuff.
Look, it’s being formalized, science in action.
What is the Doomsday Argument?
Shell game specialists!
I know they are wrong, it’s common sense.
But to mount rigorous argument against them, that would be really hard.
Doom is in the air??
Freshly baked from channels I watch frequently.
Will NASA’s Asteroid mission save us in the future?
This one is just party about doom.
Tokyo Skytree Experiment Proves Einstein’s Time Dilation Theory
Or is this just gootube programing towards me? (I don’t watch doom stuff otherwise)
Not to mention that I’ve been later served with tonnes of doom “recommended for you” suggestions.
What about using Usenet? Even if they close one news server, there are plenty of others.
How would you access these servers with internet down or tightly controlled?
The other day I was working on my small front yard garden. The weather was great! No wind. 68F 20C . No chemtrails. Partly cloudy.
Pinning up the blackberry vines and mulching the tomatoes and peppers, while eyeing my comfrey and celery and collard greens.
One of my neighbors in our poor neighborhood of old duplexes, a big black guy with the same first name as I, walked out front and we started talking.
I walked over to him and we gave each other the knuckle-knock hand greeting.
We chatted about all kinds of things. Of course, I throw in Corbett Report and also explain the Ozone and Ultraviolet Light Treatment I had back on March 16th.
He told me that he and his wife are doing Uber Eats.
He said that some folks will not open the door.
They are scared.
Really scared.
They shout through the door to leave the food on the front porch.
I guess this Fall when Halloween comes, we will have an entirely different scenario of door-to-door “Trick or Treat” and scaring people.
I ponder that… now, it would be strongly politically incorrect to go shopping while wearing a Hazmat Suit or dressed as a Coronavirus or…
…spill Coronavirus juice in a New York City Subway car
(40 seconds)
By the way, this video was once on Instagram, but got censored.
From February 12, 2020
WTI West Texas Crude went south to Negative worth today – Monday 20th
Something bizarre happened in the markets on Monday: The price of a barrel of oil went negative. -NY Times
Gosh Jed!
I don’t know what to do…
I really do live by Southfork Ranch <–(JR of the Dallas TV Show Series)
I don't know what I'm gonna do about those 'earl' wells on the south forty…they keep pumping and I keep losing dinero.
Those damn wells.
Oh!…just looked…oil is up to 60 cents a barrel. Quick…I'm gonna load some barrels in the pickup and swap them for some French Fries.
Tidbits and Southfork Ranch and New York City
JimBob (wingsuitfreak) and mkey talk too.
The famous censored writer, Joe Bob Briggs, now lives in New York City the last I heard.
“I ponder that… now, it would be strongly politically incorrect to go shopping while wearing a Hazmat Suit…”
If I could get my hands on one I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to go shopping in it.
Yesterday I took my phone to use it as an mp3 player, and while waiting in line with the mostly masked and gloved shoppers at a grocery store, I started playing (full volume) the Police’s “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” which I had looped to play over and over.
One unmasked lady who was a few spots next to me in the winding line started smiling. 🙂
Cool action! So cool.
seth.w.h, the candle shining the brightest in the dark metaphor is a consoling reminder to not despair.
I’m also comforted to see a new name — yours — in the comment section. (If you’re not new, forgive my having overlooked you before.)
A few examples of how effective COVID-19 Therapies are being suppressed.
April 3, 2020
By Linda Stasi <—(See note at end)
$3 Ozone Therapy Might Beat Covid-19. Why Won’t Anyone Listen?
(5 minute read)
As a veteran, award-winning journalist, I was excited when I got a tip two weeks ago from a very trusted source. “Ever hear of Ozone therapy for Coronavirus,” he asked. I had a bit of personal experience in a completely different way with it myself, so I at least, skeptically I admit, heard him out.
What he told me was interesting enough for me to contact his source, Robert Rowen, MD, a California doctor who graduated a cum laude from Johns Hopkins and received his medical training at the University of California, San Francisco.
Since we have no known treatment for some viruses (such as Ebola, etc.), Dr. Rowen told me he’d traveled, during the Ebola epidemic to Africa on his own dime and at the invitation of the president of Sierra Leone. There he successfully treated patients with cheap Ozone therapy.
He’s used this therapy on viruses, (has treated countless thousands of patients with Ozone therapy for various ills), yet, he can’t get anyone in power to believe him in the USA about its potential for treating COVID-19. This, even though it has worked, he claims, for influenza, Epstein Barr, Measles, Herpes Zoster, Ebola.
More telling still, is that the very prestigious peer reviewed medical journal, Journal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology has recently published his paper on the potential of this inexpensive treatment for Covid-19.
I managed to get both his article and his personal contact info into the hands of the highest authorities in both New York City and New York State.
But after a few phone calls, Dr. Rowen was left hanging without any answers.
I couldn’t get any media for whom I’ve worked for decades to give me the go-ahead for a story either.
I was shocked.
“I am not surprised that American authorities have not moved on this,” Dr. Rowen told me in an email. “Their brains have been frozen by the current medical paradigm and the concept that it is better to let people die than try something out of the box (not FDA approved)”.
“Our method of ozone (DIV) is dirt cheap, leaves no medical waste, and should work just as fast as any method. And, I cannot get any media to look into this while people are dying. It is craziness.”
That might change soon however. Seventeen hospitals in Italy are using it, several in China and elsewhere around the world and the success rate has been very impressive.
A report by Antonio Gaspari, Direttore Orbisphera, (an Ozone therapy provider in Italy) states: “From the first report of one of the 17 hospitals where ozone therapy is being performed according to the protocol of the SIOOT (Scientific Society of Ozone Therapy), 10 patients in serious or very serious conditions have had a rapid and decisive improvement.
After just five treatment sessions, of the five intubated, one has improved to the point of being extubated and the others are improving significantly.
The patient in less serious conditions, after a few sessions of Oxygen Ozone Therapy, recovered and returned home.
The group’s only deceased was in widely compromised conditions, ozone therapy was practiced as an extreme attempt, but there was nothing more to do.
After 5 treatments with Ozone Therapy as per SIOOT protocol, the patients are all much better.”
After practicing Oxygen Ozone Therapy, doctors found the following evidence: “A general improvement in clinical conditions; a normalization of body temperature (that is, patients are suffocated); a reduction in Reactive Protein C (PRC); a normalization of the heart rate; an improvement in saturation and reduction of oxygen support; a normalization of renal function (creatine).”
Clinical ozone methods for medical treatment include both intravenous and via syringe.
I wouldn’t have believed such an inexpensive treatment could work, BUT it so happens I’ve had a bit of experience with it myself. My experience was unrelated to Dr. Rowen whom I’d never met before this tip came my way.
I’d had disastrous foot surgery last January, which developed into a bone infection. I was subsequently isolated in a room at a different hospital, the Hospital for Special Surgery (five times) in NYC, to save my foot and kill the infection. The treatment there included surgery to remove infected bone and skin, and 24 hour round the clock IV antibiotics.
When the doctors thought they had finally killed off the infection in December, I went to our house in the Dominican Republic. But because the skin around the area in my foot was so necrotic from the ongoing infection, it opened up again. Within a day, it again became so infected I couldn’t wear shoes.
But I was so far from home.
(…continuing… 3 of 3)
Desperate, I went to what turned out to be an excellent medical facility in Punta Cana, DR, and they put me on an out-patient regimen of cleansing with $5 OTC Oxygenated water (Ozone), and $5 OTC powder which was over-the-counter, in the pharmacy. Within four days the open wound began to close, and in a week, it was totally closed and not infected. I couldn’t believe it — especially after a year, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in hospitalizations and medications including a picc line in my heart at home. All it took in the end was $10 worth of oxygenated drug store products.
MY HSS doctors were thrilled when I returned home. An infectious wound care specialist even told me, “I wish we could get that here, but the FDA is too tied up in red tape.”
So I gave him my stash for personal use.
I’m not saying this is a cure for Coronavirus — but damn! — it’s worth a look at the data and at Dr. Rowen’s theory.
“If you had a 10-cent cure for cancer, you’d be thrown out,” Rowen told me.
“We have a $3 cure for infectious diseases and it’s being ignored,” he said.
Ain’t that the truth, brother, ain’t that the truth?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Linda Stasi is a popular and well-read author, and columnist/critic for the New York Daily News, has written for The New York Post, and has also been an on-camera co-host with Mark Simone on NY 1 TV’s What a Week for the past ten years.
Linda is also a frequent on-camera guest on The Today Show, Good Morning America, The CBS Early Show, CNN, Good Day New York, Fox News, MSNBC, etc. and has appeared on The View, and countless other talk shows.
Dr. Robert Rowen is affectionately known as “The Father of Medical Freedom” for pioneering the nation’s first law protecting alternative medicine in 1990 in Alaska. He also served on the Alaska State Medical Board.
EXAMPLE #2 – of how effective COVID-19 Therapies are being suppressed
April 17, 2020 – Friday
The HighWire with Del Bigtree
(9 minutes)
Del Bigtree runs through the timeline of number of COVID cases in the United States and also the corresponding events surrounding the use of Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment modality.
It becomes obvious that efforts have been made to thwart Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment option.
Hydroxychloroquine story is interesting.
I got presentation for doctors in Croatia made by doctor working in dedicated hospital (all other patients have been removed) for covid patients (huge new hospital that is now pretty much empty, while many other hospitals in town have problems with space because of damages sustained by earthquake).
In presentation under section treatment stands:
1. mild illness: symptomatic treatment
2. heavier illness: Hydroxychloroquine 2×400 mg p.o. first day, then 2×200 mg p.o. for 4 days
• chloroquine phosphate 1×1500 mg p.o. (900 mg baze) for critically ill or 1000 mg
p.o. (600 mg baze) for others during 5 days
or if available
• remdesivir (1. dan 200 mg i.v. ones, then 100 mg i.v. daily) for 10 days
+ ceftriakson 1×2 gr iv 7-10 days
+ azitromicin 1×500 mg 3-5 days
not ok, because of
/Bin Cao et al. A Trial of lopinavir-ritonavir in adults hospitalized with
severe Covid-19, NEJM, March 18., 2020.
Looks in Croatia Hydroxychloroquine is first choice for heavier cases.
I think that this is the best example,
because it is completely mainstream.
I can show this to any doctor.
It shows that the agenda is all about money.
And it leads to the next question:
How many therapies are suppressed in other diseases like cancer, etc.
Also related, how ventilators are killing people. They should
be treated with oxygen instead.
It gets even more criminal:
NIH knew about chloroquine.
Long before Covid-19 we knew that Chloroquine was
effective against SARS viruses.
EXAMPLE #3 – of how effective COVID-19 Therapies are being suppressed
April 14, 2020
Dr. Jerome Corsi – YouTube Channel
Dr. Corsi interviews three Doctors who are active in Doctor-Patient Online Teleconferencing and Prescriptions
Dr. Katarina Lindley, Dr. Kimberly Legg-Corba, and Dr. Karladine Graves
(66 minutes)
All three Doctors are interviewed during this discussion.
Dr. Katarina Lindley was born in Split, Croatia and now practices in the small west Texas town which was once my old stomping grounds of many adventurous years.
She is passionate about liberty.
Dr. Katarina Lindley reveals much of the “behind the scenes” suppression which independent Doctors run into because of authoritarians.
For example: Not the individual pharmacist, but the “Rule Makers for Pharmacists” can prohibit them from filling a Doctor’s prescription for a medication such as Hydroxychloroquine.
The above 3 EXAMPLES are linked to this SUB-THREAD
which is composed of many references to
successful alternative COVID-19 Treatments.
The whole thing is revealing.
I found the the data about how the COVID-19 test works very profound.
SOURCE of video
I just read this link. Thank you.
“So, It’s a Hoax?” White House Fox News Hot Mic Claims Fatality Rate Is “1/10th of what reported”
Holy shit, how low can you go…..
Coronavirus V: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
That “V” in title means fifth edition, he made mf blockbuster, he is utterly sold out.
Watching this episode I got the feeling that Corona Insanity became a part of Selection Circus in the US.
Is this true???
Copulation of Insanity
Things are becoming so insane that soon there won’t be and any tinfoil expert capable to untangle the mess.
You have to figure at this point that they started setting up the late night talk show hosts.
It is amazing (and sad) how political and one-sided late night comedy has become.
I used to watch Stephen Colbert daily on his original show, LOVED him. He is brilliant. He could skew the politicians but in a very funny and non partisan way. Plus he delved into other topics and guests.
I knew when he went to late night things would change. I can’t even watch now. I mean everyone is, of course, free to do whatever they want in this world, but I just thought “Wow, they got him.”
Same with Jon Oliver who was sooooo funny on the DailyShow with Stuart years ago.
And Trevor Noah.
Also, although the cast is the best its been in years I had to stop watching Saturday Night Live. Just total bashing now. And I am by no means affiliated with one part or another. But it really gets boring after awhile.
This interview might have already been mentioned…
Passionate Rant!
April 16th
The Next News Network
Well respected, Dr. Rashid Buttar blasts and disses on Gates, Fauci, & Government..
Exposes the Fake Pandemic Numbers As Economy Collapses
(49 minutes)
By the way, around the 26 minute mark, on the subject of the First Gulf War, the Doctor mentions a friend in the military who set the 300 oil well fires which were blamed on Iraq.
I saw this HomeRemedy.
Very informative. Why isn’t he on CBS, NBC, et al?
He’s also done a video with Dr. Judy Mikowitz on bitchute. I’ll have to find the link.
Yes, he is very passionate.
I keep coming back to what he and Mikowitz say – you can’t catch the virus from asymptomatic people! And you can’t spread it if you are.
Thanks for the link.
Where did COVID-19 come from? Part 2
“Last week, I outlined genetic evidence that the present pandemic had its origin in a laboratory. In the segment below, I tell two stories of how this might have occurred, one as leak from an American lab and one from a Chinese lab. I was surprised to find that there is a history of collaborative work between American and Chinese bioweapons labs on exactly the kind of Coronavirus responsible for the current epidemic, in which a protein that binds with ACE2 was artificially spliced onto the genome of the bat virus ancestor.”
Once again, blind certainty in models leads to catastrophic economic destruction.
COVID-19: What’s wrong with the models?
Smoking Tobacco Nicotine
nicotinic choline type receptors in smokers
acetylcholine – (a “brain” chemical)
COVID-19 & receptors & cytokine storm
PRELUDE: Excerpt from my comment in Oct 2019:
“I am not promoting “smoking tobacco”, but this tidbit is interesting…
…the body makes more nicotinic-choline type receptors in smokers.
These receptors can help with focus and mental acuity.
The receptors also work on other body functions, which possibly explain why quitting might cause a gastro-intestinal issue as some receptors fade away.”
April 15, 2020
The Daily Mail UK
by Sam Blanchard
“Does smoking PROTECT against coronavirus?
That was the amazing claim from David Hockney but multiple scientific studies now suggest he might be on to something”
~~ www
Daily Mail link via
SOTT NEWS article
(Other LINKS on smoking & possible ‘benefits’ at bottom of article
“Bombshell COVID-19 discovery:
Smokers are far less likely to contract illness – Scientists ‘astonished'”
However, a wonderful rendition of mechanisms involved with Smoking, brain chemicals like acetylcholine, receptors related to COVID-19 / cytokine storms is in this article…
by Dr. Gabriela Segura, MD
COVID-19, ACE2, Nicotinic Receptors And
The Cholinergic Anti-Inflammatory And Cognitive-Improving Pathway
(Grabbed via SOTT)
…A pre-print on smoking and hospitalization for COVID-19 brings up this same issue of whether the ACE2 molecule gateway is harmful or beneficial.
We all know how smoking is terrible for people and is related to many illnesses, right?
Well, the puzzling thing is that smokers and ex-smokers seem to fare better than non-smokers when it comes to COVID-19 complications.
The following paper “raises the hypothesis that nicotine may have beneficial effects on COVID-19″:
(Paper and its highlights are noted by Dr. Segura. – Then she goes on to say…)
… they overlook something fundamental…
…The vagus nerve is the heart of the parasympathetic nervous system. It is the body’s own ‘anti-stress system’. The vagus nerve is your calming and relaxing nerve…
…it wanders throughout your body. When you take deep breaths, this wandering nerve is activated and it releases acetylcholine, which reduces the production of inflammatory molecules like cytokines. Recall the ‘cytokine storm’ that occurs in severe COVID-19 cases…
…Receptors for acetylcholine, also known as cholinergic receptors…
… nicotine, isolated from tobacco, was one of the chemicals used to distinguish acetylcholine receptors. This is because our bodies contain nicotinic receptors for acetylcholine.
People who smoke often undergo slight temporary impairment of cognitive abilities when they quit smoking, until their bodies re-adjust to the cessation of the nicotine influx. This worsening is because nicotine acts as an agonist to mimic acetylcholine receptors, which is important for learning, memory, and cognitive functions…
…excessive release of cytokines can result in systemic inflammation, organ failure, and ultimately death, as is happening in some patients with COVID-19…
…regulation of local and systemic inflammation – that is, the molecular link between the brain and the immune system – is done through the anti-inflammatory cholinergic pathway. This is the mechanism comprising the vagus nerve and its neurotransmitter acetylcholine…
…Acetylcholine has a direct inhibitory effect on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, thus avoiding the damaging effects from excess production of cytokines.
Nicotine, the prototypical acetylcholine nicotinic receptor agonist, attenuates the release of cytokines….
Homey thank you for sharing this information. I can only tell you of my own experience with tobacco. It was brief and yes a Cohiba was the best. What I can agree on is that tobacco is a great pest controller and reduced a lot of garden issues the morons would try to solve with Big Chemical products. Mold mildew fungus parasites aphids grasshoppers corn tassels and slugs. Is saved the dog ends in a vat and stir it up and spray the juice on the garden. That how I could justify the habit . Eventually it played out but i can tell you the juice was a great help with pests. So is it any suprize something so adictive has a antiseptic effect on the common cold. Any old Indian could testify to that. Are there any Indians left in Texico? I do also, don’t promote smoking tobacco outside of religious ceremonies.
GBW, I bet things are really greening up where you are at.
Many years ago, I was talking to my great Uncle Herman in Oklahoma City. He was showing me his fruit trees.
He would drill a hole in the tree and stick in some tobacco snuff. It kept the bugs away.
~~~ ~~
Since I roll my own ‘organic tobacco’ and smoke, I take the tailings and put them on the yard and garden to keep the bugs away.
Cinnamon really does it when I need it.
Or, I might spray some orange oil / water on the area.
I have a homemade herbal anti-mosquito water based spray which works good when I am in the garden.
Evidently Nutribiotic GSE Grapefruit Seed Extract is supposed to help with keeping away bugs. I am gonna give it a try this year.
I have been using that GSE stuff more often recently…I posit that it acts as an ionophore and also has its other anti-viral anti-microbial properties. I do notice a difference sometimes.
Most the Native American Indians in Texas are now mixed blood with native Texans who are mixed in with once native Mexicans who are mixed in with whatever country on the planet.
Both my ex-wives are part Indian.
My step-son-in-law is part ApacheMexican from New Mexico…and his family says that Billy the Kid used to camp on his great Aunt’s land.
(Me thinks that researchers are trying to pad their resumes)
April 23, 2020
The Daily Mail
Was Hockney RIGHT?
French researchers to give nicotine patches to coronavirus patients and frontline workers after lower rates of infection were found among smokers
French researchers are planning to trial whether nicotine patches will help prevent – or lessen the effects of – the deadly coronavirus.
Evidence is beginning to show the proportion of smokers infected with coronavirus is much lower than the rates in the general population.
Scientists are now questioning whether nicotine could stop the virus from infecting cells, or if it may prevent the immune system overreacting to the infection.
Doctors at a major hospital in Paris – who also found low rates of smoking among the infected – are now planning to give nicotine patches to COVID-19 patients. …
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Article found from post at SOTT
~~ www
Homey glad I got a box of Cohibas stashed away for retirement. Can I send you a couple of the life saving doglogs. [B R A L O T G]*?
ie.¤ brown round and lays on the ground
April 25, 2020
Business Insider
France has banned online sales of nicotine substitutes after a study showed smokers are less likely to be admitted for COVID-19
France on Friday banned online sales of nicotine replacements — such as nicotine gum and patches — after a widely reported Paris study found smokers were less likely to admitted to hospital for COVID-19.
In a draft legal text published earlier this week, the government warned there could be a run on nicotine replacements thanks to the study. Pharmacies dispensing treatments for tobacco addiction must limit the amount they issue to an individual patient to a single month’s supply.
The text states: “Because of media coverage around the possible protective action of nicotine against Covid-19, there is a strong risk that the dispensing in pharmacies and internet sales of nicotine replacements will experience a surge in the coming days.”
The government said the ban would stop people from rushing out and potentially over-consuming nicotine substitutes, as well as ensure a steady supply for patients genuinely being treated for smoking addiction.
The decree comes after a Paris hospital study found that the infection rate for smokers among COVID-19 patients was lower than non-smokers. The study factored in around 480 patients at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital. French researchers now plan to hand out nicotine patches to COVID-19 patients and frontline health workers to explore the theory further.
According to Jean-Pierre Changeux from France’s Pasteur Institut, a co-author of the study, the theory is that nicotine may adhere to cell receptors, thus blocking the virus from entering people’s cells….
In the Business Insider article, they sure don’t get their facts straight.
This statement is FALSE and STUPID: …the theory is that nicotine may adhere to cell receptors, thus blocking the virus from entering people’s cells.
Jean-Pierre Changeux & Institut Pasteur & the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
Search trend “nicotine coronavirus” has erupted across the US in the last several days.
April 25, 2020 via SOTT
by Christopher Snowdon
Smoke Fags, Save Lives: The Remarkable Discovery That Smokers Are Far Less Likely to Contract COVID-19
…Three weeks ago, Public Health England fished around in the emerging literature and found a study from China involving a grand total of five smokers hospitalised with Covid-19, of whom three suffered severe symptoms. From this crumb of evidence, they made the astounding claim that ‘smokers with Covid-19 are 14 times more likely to develop severe respiratory disease’.
The quango should have paid more attention to how few smokers were in hospital in the first place.
In a country where 27 per cent of adults smoke, only 6.4 per cent of the Covid-19 cases were smokers.
This was not a fluke finding. Awkwardly for the anti-smoking lobby, smokers have been strangely under-represented in all the studies for which smoking prevalence data is available.
They made up just 1.4 per cent of the cases in Zhang et al, 6.7 per cent in Wan et al, 3.9 per cent in Mo et al, seven per cent in Huang et al, nine per cent in Dong et al, 10 per cent of cases in Yang et al, 1.9 per cent in Guan et al, six per cent in Zhou et al, and 6.4 per cent in Liu et al. In Shi et al, only 8.2 per cent of cases had any smoking history.
Dr Konstantinos Farsalinos of the University of Patras in Greece noticed this phenomenon early on and put a preliminary study online in late March.
It noted the ‘unusually low prevalence of current smoking was observed among hospitalised Covid-19 patients’, which ‘does not support the argument that current smoking is a risk factor for hospitalisation for Covid-19, and might suggest a protective role’…
I keep going back to the underlying foundation upon which this entire “CRISIS” of the economy and pandemic is built…
…The Authoritarian Medical Complex
We all know James Corbett’s works such as
“Episode 286 – Rockefeller Medicine”
“How Big Oil Conquered the World”
Blatant in ungodly ways, we see no real efficacious efforts on the part of authorities to address the health of its citizens.
We know that effective alternative immune boosting therapies exist and are being used, but the media refuses to report them.
A simple YouTube or Google search gives “potential solutions to COVID-19” based upon conventional and patented methods.
It is no wonder that those searches bring up pharmaceuticals or expensive hospital based procedures.
They don’t want a ‘cure’. They don’t want a non-tragedy of health. They do not want people to recover naturally via a healthy immune system.
The drum beats only about the daily deaths of this ‘terrible rampaging virus’ which can ONLY be handled by authoritarian mandates.
Personally, I think that the biggest fear that “The Powers That Should Not Be” have is that folks get healthy on their own, that folks whoop the illness without their “help”.
If people get well by their own decentralized, independent means, then what good are the Authorities?
Authorities become obsolete…just a yawn…when they yell and scream: “You might die! You will get sick.”
Anyway, I like “threatening” The Authoritarian Medical Complex with alternative effective protocols for good health.
It hits them at the base of the structure of this “CRISIS”.
While I agree that Big F is a party to the planning of this plandemic,
other Big interests are also being served.
Many economies of the world, the U.S. in particular, needed to be reset.
This is the perfect opportunity to reset them, under the guise of the plandemic.
Governments the world over have been able to carry out an experiment
to see just how far they can go to control their citizens. They must be completely surprised at how obedient and servile the masses are, with them even helping enforce the Draconian measures put in place.
The magic ingredient for the success in this plandemic is fear. Bring into the picture a ‘life-threatening’ fear and you have the masses eating out of the palm of your hands.
This time-honored formula has proven to be successful for centuries. It never fails.
The masses never learn. Who are the masses? The ones in masks.
Oh, yeah, Fawlty Towers, the masks.
In the comment section of TSM’s “The Charactertics of an Initiation Ritual” (, “Spooky Cat” says: “The mass wearing of masks has serious socio-psychological ramifications. Firstly, the mask depersonalizes everyone else. They are no longer individual people and are therefore easier to ignore, take advantage of, arrest or even kill. Secondly, being able to read other people’s body language and facial micro expressions are vital for existence. If a person is wearing a mask and standing at least 6 feet away we cannot tell if they are friend or foe, what mood they are in, or what their intentions are.”
The JFK Sessions
Phillip Lavelle interviewed by Richard Dolan
The interviews explain the clear evidence for a conspiracy in which JFK was killed.
A lot of this evidence can be found in the records.
The blowback begins….. De Blasio’s social distancing tip line flooded with penis photos, Hitler memes
EXCERPTS – With text links in original
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s critics let him know how they really felt about him ordering New Yorkers to snitch on each other for violating social-distancing rules — by flooding his new tip line with crank complaints including “dick pics” and people flipping the bird, The Post has learned.
Photos of extended middle fingers, the mayor dropping the Staten Island groundhog and news coverage of him going to the gym have all been texted to a special tip line that de Blasio announced Saturday, according to screenshots posted on Twitter.
One user sent the message “We will fight this tyrannical overreach!” to the service and got an automated message that in part said, “Hello, and thank you for texting NYC311.”
“F–k you!” replied @MorganLSchmidt1, along with a meme showing Adolf Hitler and the words “TO THOSE TURNING IN YOUR NEIGHBORS AND LOCAL BUSINESSES — YOU DID THE REICH THING.”
“Start flooding their reporting text numbers with this pics!” the tweet added.
Other profane messages included a photo of a bowl of gummy candies in the shape of male genitalia and a sign saying “EAT A BAG OF D–KS.”
It was not immediately clear whether any of the posters actually lived in New York City….
IMAGE of Hitler NYC Mayor
PR Newswire
News provided by
Fluoride Action Network
Apr 20, 2020, 15:06 ET
Video Trial on Fluoridation Chemicals Set for June 8 in Federal Court
NEW YORK, April 20, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Twice-delayed, a lawsuit seeking to prohibit the addition of fluoridation chemicals to public water systems in the U.S. because of the threat fluoride poses to the developing brain will begin June 8, reports the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).
Under the jurisdiction of the U.S. District Court in San Francisco, the eight-day trial will be conducted by video conference, rather than in the courtroom, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
FAN is the lead plaintiff in the groundbreaking case, which challenges a practice endorsed by the U.S. Public Health Service 70 years ago and that today affects more than 200 million Americans through water systems in thousands of communities.
In accordance with U.S. law, the trial will be accessible to the public, although details remain to be worked out. Whatever the precise format, fluoridation, aggressively promoted by the American Dental Association and the government as a tooth decay preventative, will get a close look over eight days.
As plaintiff, FAN is joined by Moms Against Fluoridation and the consumer advocacy group Food and Water Watch. The groups are joined by several individuals representing themselves and/or their children.
Plaintiffs are represented by Michael Connett and C. Andrew Waters of Waters Kraus and Paul of El Segundo, California. The defendant is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), represented by the Environmental Defense Section of the U.S. Department of Justice.
“This case is groundbreaking for the opposition to fluoridation,” said Paul Connett, FAN Executive Director. “Several well-conducted and government funded Mother-Offspring studies indicate that fluoride has the potential to lower the children’s IQ. These studies have changed the ball-game on the argument over fluoride’s neurotoxicity.”
EPA plans to call on hired experts from the consulting firm Exponent Inc., known for servicing large corporations.
The lawsuit falls under the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA) which gives EPA the authority to prohibit “the particular use” of a chemical substance if it presents an unreasonable risk to the general public or susceptible subpopulations.
The plaintiffs submitted a Citizens Petition under Section 21 of TSCA to the EPA in November 2016 requesting a ban on the addition of fluoridation chemicals to water. When the EPA denied their Petition, they filed suit in federal court.
A Fact Sheet providing further information on the case is at
Fluoride Action Network – Founded year 2000
The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) seeks to broaden awareness among citizens, scientists, and policymakers on the toxicity of fluoride compounds.
I got the impression that Bermas and Corbett may soon be doing an episode together.
It was from this Derrick Broze and Jason Bermas episode.
James Corbett often links Event 201 in his episodes.
For example:
Corbett Report’s 3/21/2020 Episode 373 – Medical Martial Law 2020
has the original source video link “Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel” …
…which links to the entire video series from the “Event 201” SOURCE.
~~ www
The October 18th, 2019 Event 201 Exercise
also timed with…
The October 18, 2019
Opening ceremony of 2019 Military World Games in Wuhan, China
(VIDEO – Live on Oct 18th from New China TV )
(2 1/2 hours)
April 22, 2020 – Wednesday
Health Impact News
by Brian Shilhavy
TAIWAN: No Lockdowns, No Closed Businesses, Non-WHO Member, and Relatively Unaffected by COVID-19
Johns Hopkins University had predicted that Taiwan would have the second most COVID-19 cases in the world, due to its close proximity to Mainland China.
But astonishingly, in spite of being only 80 miles from the coast of China with over 400,000 of its 24 million citizens working in China, as of mid-April, the country only had 400 cases of COVID-19, and only 6 deaths.
And the vast majority of their 400 cases came into the country from abroad.
All of this has happened without shutting down the country with lock downs,
and with almost all of its businesses continuing to operate.
Is Taiwan doing something else the rest of the world is largely missing?
…According to the Taipei Times, Taiwan’s CDC tried to warn China and WHO on December 31, 2019 about possible human-to-human transmission of the new coronavirus, while China was still denying that such transmission was possible.
That same day, Taiwan started policies to monitor travel from China to reduce the chance of having the coronvirus come into their country. They were one of the first countries to restrict travel from China at their borders…
…John Ransom, reporting for TownHall Finance writes:
…Worldwide there have been 321 cases of COVID-19, or Wuhan flu, per million people.
(321 cases/one million people)
In Taiwan there have been just 0.3 cases per million people for a total of 422 cases, with only six total deaths.
(0.3 cases/one million people)
Equally important is that while the Taiwanese economy has been damaged by the global shutdown, their domestic economy and society has remained open….…
…About the only thing we do know for sure,
is that the vaccine gods and their global leaders like Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci and the WHO
cannot take credit for Taiwan’s success, because they never were able to successfully develop a vaccine for SARS, and they have successfully kept Taiwan out of the WHO….
However, I want to point out the aggressive government authoritarian monitoring and tracking in Taiwan.
In the above article is this embedded PBS News Hour VIDEO…
Taiwan’s aggressive efforts are paying off in fight against COVID-19
(7 minutes)
This may be of interest related to Taiwan and Covid 19, details from an NZ MP.
“Taiwan learned from SARS and has excelled at beating COVID-19 with minimal disruption to everyday life. Like us, Taiwan is a friendly, free-spirited island nation. This Sunday I’ll be asking Jeff Liu what can we learn from their approach that might help us as we navigate through the COVID-crisis.
Over the coming weeks, in place of the usual meetings I hold for our community, I’ll be running virtual talks, online with people of interest in the current circumstances. If you’ve joined me for those meetings before, I hope you’ll join this one virtually. If you haven’t been able to make it physically, this is a perfect opportunity.
How to Tune in
You can join us at 2pm NZT on ACT’s YouTube channel.
You do not need to sign in to watch, just click these link. H
About the Guest
Jeff Liu is the Director General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Auckland. Mr Liu has 22 years’ experience in public service and has represented the Taiwanese Government in Auckland since 2019.”
I’m not subscribed.
You should make your own decision based on your own research and not on what I say with the following.
While Jeff Berwick has done some good things, there have been some things that make me question his character, including his dealings on receiving funds from others for certain promises but reneging, and also his past and present party life-style.
Personally, I would never go out to a bar or restaurant with him, nor make him a close personal friend.
Link dump on DCEP – China’s National Digital Currency
DCEP: Will China DOMINATE Digital Currencies?
DCEP: China’s National Digital Currency Overview
China gets first glimpse at sovereign digital currency after screenshot leaks online
Details Of China’s Digital Currency Are Scarce. What Are The Implications?
Blockchain not suitable for China’s digital currency: PBoC
Why the U.S. shouldn’t let China dominate the digital currency race
Deutsche Bank Research: transition to digital payments could “rebalance global economic power
Both of these videos have been removed. I have put up the Respiratory therapist video here.