This IS The Global Reset. Prepare Accordingly.

by | Apr 6, 2020 | Newsletter | 148 comments

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way . . .”

—Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Every now and then, the world resets.

Sometimes it’s a cataclysm or natural disaster that pushes the reset button. Sometimes it’s a political revolution. Sometimes it’s a war. Sometimes it’s a technological innovation.

Dickens’ immortal “best of times / worst of times” formulation comes from his novel about one such reset: the French Revolution. Dickens’ words capture the dual nature of each fracture point in history. Like the old (and spurious) trope about the Chinese word for “crisis,” a reset presents both a danger and an opportunity.

It is now apparent to all that we have arrived at another world reset. This time we are being asked to believe that it is a viral pandemic that has pushed the reset button. Others would contest that it is in fact the panic over the (presumed) pandemic that is responsible for this crisis. Yet others insist that the p(l)andemic is nothing more than a distraction from the global financial reset which was going to happen regardless.

Whatever the case, the fact remains that the reset button has been pushed. No one knows for certain what lies on the other side of this chasm, but—as we’ve been endlessly told in recent weeks—life will never be the same.

So, following Dickens, let’s explore the dual nature of this global reset and outline the dangers and the opportunities that this crisis presents. . . .

Find out more about the global reset and where humanity goes from here in this week’s subscriber editorial, and stick around for an update about how Japan is reacting to the crisis in this month’s subscriber-exclusive video. To access the full newsletter and to support this website, please become a member today.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 11 (April 05, 2020)

How is Japan Reacting NOW? – Subscriber Exclusive #095

In this month’s subscriber exclusive video, James gives you an updated look at the streets of Japan and discusses the latest moves to prepare the public for the inevitable lockdown.

by James Corbett
April 04, 2020

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way . . .”

—Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

Every now and then, the world resets.

Sometimes it’s a cataclysm or natural disaster that pushes the reset button. Sometimes it’s a political revolution. Sometimes it’s a war. Sometimes it’s a technological innovation.

Dickens’ immortal “best of times / worst of times” formulation comes from his novel about one such reset: the French Revolution. Dickens’ words capture the dual nature of each fracture point in history. Like the old (and spurious) trope about the Chinese word for “crisis,” a reset presents both a danger and an opportunity.

It is now apparent to all that we have arrived at another world reset. This time we are being asked to believe that it is a viral pandemic that has pushed the reset button. Others would contest that it is in fact the panic over the (presumed) pandemic that is responsible for this crisis. Yet others insist that the p(l)andemic is nothing more than a distraction from the global financial reset which was going to happen regardless.

Whatever the case, the fact remains that the reset button has been pushed. No one knows for certain what lies on the other side of this chasm, but—as we’ve been endlessly told in recent weeks—life will never be the same.

So, following Dickens, let’s explore the dual nature of this global reset and outline the dangers and the opportunities that this crisis presents.

It is the worst of times.

I don’t think I have to explain how this is the worst of times. But I will anyway.

It’s the worst of times economically. An absolutely unprecedented 10 million Americans have filed jobless claims in the last two weeks alone, with many millions more expected to join them in the coming weeks. The numbers are similarly apocalyptic in Canada, Europe, South Korea and many other parts of the globe. The word of the year is “supply chain,” as people are starting to discover just how tenuous the links supplying the global just-in-time delivery of food and medical supplies and cars and high-tech goods and basically everything else really are during a massive worldwide disruption. The Fed is outright monetizing the debt and dropping helicopter money on Wall Street as fast as it can print it up, but markets are still in meltdown. The modern-day bread lines are forming and there is no longer any doubt that we have entered the event horizon of The Greatest Depression.

This is also the worst of times for human freedom. Half of humanity is now on lockdown orders or being requested to “self-isolate.” Borders are snapping shut and internal checkpoints are popping up in country after country as travel is further and further restricted. Police drones are increasingly being used to enforce “social distancing” and snitch hotlines are allowing citizens to police each other. Governments are now openly tracking smartphones in order to monitor all citizens’ movements at all times. Medical martial law is here, and it’s only getting more restrictive with each passing day.

And this is the worst of times for our health. It is quite possible that a bioweapon has been wittingly or unwittingly unleashed upon the world. Meanwhile, installation of 5G towers is proceeding apace, threatening to further compromise our immune systems and otherwise harm our health in the midst of this virus scare. Promising potential cures for whatever is going around right now are being actively suppressed by Big Pharma and their mafia buddies. And a completely novel mRna vaccine is being developed to “cure” and prevent further outbreaks of the Covid-19 disease. Once that vaccine is ready, you will require proof of vaccination to engage in most daily activities as The National Plan to Vaccinate Every American unfolds before our eyes.

It is the best of times.

Given just how “worst” the “worst of times” appears to be, it might seem that there is no “best of times” to be had from this reset. But it is important to remember that a reset involves wiping the slate clean, and, as I’ve pointed out before, it is only in these moments of chaos that there is the opportunity for true change—change initiated by us as individuals, rather than being foisted upon us from on high.

If you’ve found this column, it’s likely you’re already aware of the need to change the status quo. Waking up to the fact that the world we inhabit is built on politicians’ lies, unpayable debt, false flag terror, and kakistocratic rule is unpleasant, to say the least. But it brings with it a secondary burden: the Quixotic task of convincing those around you that there is a problem and that things need to change.

Convincing others of this need shouldn’t be difficult to do; after all, everyone knows that the system is broken. But the propaganda the public is fed has been so effective, their indoctrination so thorough, that the most the majority can muster is an inchoate rage that manifests in squabbles between neighbors rather than in attempts to overthrow the psychopaths who are attempting to enslave humanity.

But now the reset button has been pushed.

It is only at times like this, when everything around us is being altered sharply and dramatically, that we have any hope of convincing the masses that something is wrong and that action has to be taken. I should know. The dramatic and spectacular false flag events of 9/11 are a key part of the reason why I started to question the Matrix we are living in. If this unfolding coronavirus crisis is truly a global, slow-motion 9/11, as some are suggesting, then many, many more newly unemployed and newly “radicalized” people with a lot of time on their hands will be waking up to our harsh reality very soon.

That great awakening can’t happen soon enough. Surely it is a noble cause to stand up to the globalist agenda, but in this age of technocratic tyranny, our small, isolated pockets of resistance can be quickly discovered, rooted out and squashed. Mass action will be required for us to effectively redirect this crisis away from its current path. And now we have a real opportunity (perhaps the only opportunity of our lifetime) to shake the masses out of their slumber and motivate them into action.

If the powers-that-shouldn’t-be had simply continued their slow boil, the frog that is free humanity would have been cooked within decades. By trying to turn up the heat and speed up the process, they may just spur the frog to jump out of the pot.

It is what we make of it . . . but not for long.

I’m not going to sell you false hope here. Things really are bleak. The global enslavement grid that the globalists have been crafting for decades—from the cashless society to the total surveillance state—is coming into view. There are still many people who are cheering this all on from their balconies, convinced they’re being “socially responsible” and helping to save lives.

At this point, motivating the public into revolting against the system will be difficult. Those who have not yet woken up to the lies of 9/11 or the deceptions of central banking or the corruption of the medical-industrial-defense-intelligence-media complex are likely un-wake-up-able.

Worse, no one of us has the power to change the course of these global events. No one person can stop the global economy from collapsing single-handedly. Nor can any one person stop society from collapsing. And, however prepared we may think we are, we may not even be able to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the effects of that collapse.

But there are some things we do still control: Our ability to say “no.” Our ability to refuse consent. Our ability to resist.

It will not be easy. It never is. Victory is not assured. And, however glorious it might sound, a martyr’s death is still death.

No, I can’t promise that we’re going to win this battle. And I can almost assure you that there will be much grief and heartache from this point forward. But perhaps, as the reset begins and we choose how we will react to these events, we—like Sydney Carton at the end of A Tale of Two Cities—can find that there are fates worse than death.

“It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.”

Recommended Reading and Viewing

Recommended Reading

World Economic Forum Ramps Up “Known Traveller Digital Identity”
$1.5 Trillion Helicopter Money for Wall Street in 3 Weeks of Fed Bailouts
All Roads Lead to Dark Winter

Recommended Listening

James Corbett PODCAST w/ Phranq Tamburri (Trump Report) & Tim Picciott (Liberty Advisor)

Recommended Viewing

No, Trump Did not Nationalize The Fed!
Everybody Can Make DeepFakes Now!

Just For Fun(?)


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  1. I almost can’t believe this is my country when this happens:
    and I just know I MUST be living in a Matrix/Twilight Zone when my fellow citizens, my neighbors, my friends DEFEND it!!!
    (clip shows police violate social-distancing order to go to private residence violating social-distancing order… among other nonsense) That’s a FAIL, it’s illogical and indefensible.

    As a reminder:

    The Preamble to The Bill of Rights (December 15, 1791)…
    “The Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, IN ORDER TO PREVENT MISCONSTRUCTION OR ABUSE OF ITS POWERS, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of PUBLIC CONFIDENCE IN THE GOVERNMENT, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.” …

    follow up by READING and protecting #1, without which, there are no others.

    • Thank you SuperMom Belle!
      I like Ben Swann.

    • Can’t post. Only reply: “Several German law firms are preparing lawsuits against the measures and regulations that have been issued. A specialist in medical law writes in a press release: „The measures taken by the federal and state governments are blatantly unconstitutional and violate a multitude of basic rights of citizens in Germany to an unprecedented extent. This applies to all corona regulations of the 16 federal states. In particular, these measures are not justified by the Infection Protection Act, which was revised in no time at all just a few days ago. () Because the available figures and statistics show that corona infection is harmless in more than 95% of the population and therefore does not represent a serious danger to the general public.“

    • Well, it IS the year of the Rat – and, one suspects, the Pig as well!

  2. A Tale of Two Cities has been a reference for me for many years….ever since my own personal awakening. The catalyst was the JFK assassination, not when it happened, but as I studied it as an adult. I don’t have any Pearl’s of wisdom to add here….I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am for you, James….you. help me feel not so alone

  3. Thank you James Corbett. I’ve learned so much from you.

  4. On my daily dog walks I see rapid changes in people’s behavior. Most are buying the official narrative. Last week, I only saw perhaps 2 people / walk with masks; this week it’s at least 70%. Last week, many people still shared the side walk with me and the dog behind/or in front of me. Now, almost 100% jump into the street, or even cross the street temporarily when they see me (a ‘picture of health’ with rosy cheeks) and dog (small, cute, behaved, friendly-looking) approach.

    On a 60 min walk, dog and I met ONE person who didn’t move away. he was an about 70 year old man who was obviously fuller of vitality than the 20 year olds with masks. He petted the dog who enjoyed himself. I remarked ‘He enjoys it also because all other people walk away when we’re coming’. ‘Not me he said’. ‘Me neither” I said. We understood it each other without going into details. This old man has a much better chance for survival than any of the young, scared people we met before and after.

    So about 1 of 30 people still has it together here in San Diego, a proud smart city where people are cowering in their corners and if they go out run out of a stranger’s way because their government told them so, and they trust it.

    Well, it’s never a bad thing to hang on to hope. But the math doesn’t add up in my neck of the woods. There has to be a miracle for a mass awakening, I would have thought people are smarter than to simply swallow THIS one which actually affects them directly (other than 9-11, mandatory school kid vaccinations, the wars, climate engineering, etc). But they aren’t and maybe they never will; at least not the majority.

    Very appreciative of your reporting and everybody else hanging in here. Maybe such seeds of awakened people can somehow ‘overpower’ the ready-to-die and ready-to-obey socially distanced zombie, head-in-the-sand population.

    • This old man has a much better chance for survival than any of the young, scared people we met before and after.

      He also has a reason to survive and continue to thrive.

      I also believe that I know exactly where you are coming from with this. It’s been two weeks now that I have been observing this scenario in my neck of the swamp. The first week was quite a sad ordeal; empty streets, empty everything really and you could really see the fear in people’s eyes as you would come across. Even in those whom you have known for decades, but far be it from me to understand these elevated states of mind.

      I too though people were smarter than this. But this was one rude awakening. In the second week, things looked a bit less stifled, as if people are not getting wiser but slightly bored. This thing is being kept alive by fear and panic, but these feelings are fleeting so I don’t think it can last.
      When people start to disobey on a large scale, even if for completely wrong reasons, the state will have trouble keeping everything in check. After all, they are afflicted by incompetence, lack of training and equipment while the number of agents of the state is dwindling. At least in this sorry failed so called republic.

      What worries me the most is the economic status, of course. While the state managed to somehow, at least nominally, ween of the borrowing, now this is surely poised to take off again at stellar speed.

  5. The biggest battle is control of our minds.

    I was speaking with a buddy about this and he said just like 9-11, they got away with that and nobody did anything and they are getting away with this.

    I said do you realized if you didn’t know that 911 was not caused by middle eastern men with grievances against the USA, you would be supportive of the war on terrorism, but you do know that wasn’t case and you don’t support invading other countries and the draconian measure implemented after 911. You know better. That is a big deal. They aren’t fooling you.

    Just like with this. I know of the history of scare tactics with swine flu, Zika, etc of the past and knew that corona virus was hype from the get go. I didn’t get alarmed. I knew that the reaction would be worse than the virus. The more people that know the truth the harder it is to fool the masses.

    Don’t think you are powerless. Presenting solid facts puts hole in any of their agenda. Focus on how you can share simple facts, while not being emotional.

    Facts such as put out on what happened with the deaths of people dying “with” covid-19 vs. those dying “from” covid-19.

    Our friends and family you might call sheeple (please don’t insult people, it helps nothing,it actually alienates people from one another) are working with the information they have been provided with. They are not stupid, most are smartest than I am. They may have never seen the videos where every news outlet says the same catch phrase, they just don’t know that information. Share info with them in a calm reasonable manner in small bites. It will make all the difference in the world.

    • They are stupid for not even considering there could be another world outside of their little bubble. You are far more smarter because you considered the situation and made an informed choice. They seem to find time to watch TV.

  6. Insightful as usual, Thanks James

  7. On a very, very positive note…

    Finally, headway in the mainstream hospitals with
    Ozone and UV and Vitamin C Blood Therapies…with great success.
    I am excited.
    It is a step in the right direction.

    If you haven’t heard…
    go to this SUB-THREAD for details.
    SUB-THREAD entitled: 300 Integrative doctors on Covid-19 – Coronavirus – and how to be prepared and prevent this virus

    Below, I will give a few solid successes.

    • ITALY – Ozone Blood Therapy Successes for COVID-19

      Seventeen hospitals in Italy are now approved for Ozone Blood Therapy.
      According to one of the first reports from one of the hospitals, 10 coronavirus patients in serious or very serious conditions have had a rapid and decisive improvement.
      After just 5 treatment sessions, of the 5 intubated, one has improved to the point of being extubated and the others are improving significantly.

      The patient in less serious conditions, after a few sessions of Oxygen Ozone Therapy, recovered and returned home.

      The group’s only deceased was in widely compromised conditions, ozone therapy was practiced as an extreme attempt, but there was nothing more to do.

      In the technical report, the doctors wrote that after 5 treatments with Ozone Blood Therapy as per SIOOT protocol, the patients are all much better.

      After practicing Oxygen Ozone Therapy, doctors found the following evidence:

      – a general improvement in clinical conditions;

      – a normalization of body temperature (that is, patients are suffocated);

      – a reduction in Reactive Protein C (PRC);

      – a normalization of the heart rate;

      – an improvement in saturation and reduction of oxygen support;

      – a normalization of renal function (creatine).

      Dr. Marianno Franzini confirmed these important results. No previous patient affected by Covid-19 has had an improvement as fast and as stable as that experienced in patients treated with oxygen ozone.

      Franzini emphasized that ozone therapy should be applied at the very beginning, when the swab turned out to be positive, in order that patients could be treated before their conditions aggravate, thus managing to avoid hospitalization.

      • CHINA – Critically ill Patients with COVID-19 recover rapidly with Ozone Blood Therapy.
        1. Ozone inactivates virus and bacteria.
        2. Improve the body hypoxia
        3. Stimulation and regulation of the immune system

        All patients with Ozone Autohemotherapy treatment:

        1 critical patient, received 10 pass Ozone Autohemotherapy treatment. He felt very good, the index improved and recovered.

        1 critical patient, received 2 pass Ozone Autohemotherapy treatment, and improved to normal patient. Fully recovered.

        1 normal patient, received 1 pass Ozone Autohemotherapy treatment. Fully recovered.

        1 normal patient, received 1 pass Ozone Autohemotherapy treatment. Fully recovered.

        The above information was provided by Dr. Shi Kemei from the second hospital of Tianjin medical university, Tianjin, China.

        • April 5, 2020
          NEWS UPDATE from a New York City Doctor
          (Another reason why Ozone is a better protocol, because it provides Oxygen to the patient without stressing the lungs.)

          NYC Doctor in ER and Critical Care: Lung Injuries Caused by Ventilators – “We’re Treating the Wrong Disease!”
          (2 videos in article from Doctor)

          A New York City physician who says he is working as an ER physician in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) treating COVID19 patients, took to YouTube to explain that he believes patients with COVID19 symptoms are being treated incorrectly with mechanical ventilators, and that the ventilators are doing more harm than good.

          I am a physician who has been working at the bedside of COVID+ patients in NYC.
          I believe we are treating the wrong disease and that we must change what we are doing if we want to save as many lives as possible.
          I welcome any feedback, especially from those bedside: doctors, nurses, xray techs, pharmacists, anyone and everyone. Does this sound wrong or right, is something more right? Please let me know.

          In short, I believe we are treating the wrong disease, and I fear that this misguided treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great number of people in a very short time…
          …COVID-19 lung disease, as far as I can see, is not a pneumonia and should not be treated as one.

          We are putting breathing tubes in people and putting them on ventilators and dialing up the pressure to open their lungs.
          I’ve talked to doctors all around the country and it is becoming increasingly clear that the pressure we are providing may be hurting their lungs. That it is highly likely that the high pressures we are using are damaging the lungs of the patients we are putting breathing tubes in… we are running the ventilators in the wrong way…. COVID-19 patients need oxygen, they do not need pressure.

          • BUMP

            Thanks for posting that!
            I appreciate it!

            As most Corbett Report Members can probably tell after my countless comments over the years, and especially in recent months,
            Ozone Therapy and Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy are my bailiwick.

            Dr. Robert Rowen has been at the forefront of trying to get the word out for many years.
            You can tell that he really cares.

            There are so many great websites and videos out there.
            This stuff is a tremendous anti-aging and health technology, and so inexpensive…and so miraculous!

            It is no wonder that currently there are some “poo poo” stories in the mainstream media about it, because the Medical Mafia would lose billions if not trillions due this technology of Ozone and UV Light.

            Ozone Therapy and Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy would make VACCINES obsolete.

          • ! ! ! ! ! ! !
            BUMP to this…
            Corbett Report Members should see this video’s last part…

            (58 minute mark)

            Dr. Mercola and Dr. Robert Rowen are on the same page as Corbett Report Members.
            It is as if they have been (and they may be) following The Corbett Report.

            ~ Exaggerated hype by the media
            ~ Deliberate take down of the economy
            ~ Global digital currency
            ~ Control and Monitoring the populace
            ~ A China like Social Credit System
            ~ Mandatory vaccines
            ~ This event contrived to take our freedoms away, just like 9/11 & anthrax scares

            And it goes on as Mercola and Rowen discuss the philosophical aspects surrounding the COVID-19 PsyOp.

            (58 minute mark)
            Watch the video embedded at this link which Libertydan provided…

        • OZONE THERAPY UPDATE for COVID-19 – April 3
          along with other Alternative Therapies and Medical Information about what is currently being used by Conventional Medicine

          Dr. Vass (Vassily Eliopoulos, MD) works with Dr. Khoshal Latifzai, MD at Rocky Mountain Regenerative Medicine in Boulder, Colorado USA.

          In this recent YouTube Video, Dr. Vass goes over how Italy is having success with Ozone in the treatment of COVID-19.
          He goes through some of the scientific studies about Ozone, showing them on the screen.

          Later, he talks about how Conventional Medicine really has no effective tools to combat the coronavirus, nor most viruses.

          Dr. Vass has much personal experience in treating malaria with Hydroxychloroquine and gives us more insight into that drug.
          He also goes over other valuable alternative therapies for health, such as Peptides and Stem Cells.

          Ozone – Exciting new treatment for COVID-19 showing promise in Italy
          (16 minutes)

          • OZONE THERAPY – April 7
            Dr. Mercola and Dr. Robert Rowen discuss Ozone Therapy for COVID-19,
            along with other therapies and health tidbits.
            At the last 15 minutes, Mercola and Rowen discuss the
            philosophical aspects surrounding the COVID-19 PsyOp.

            This video was published on YouTube April 7th, but took place March 23, 2020.
            (77 minutes)

            • Spain
              Spain – Ozone Therapy success against COVID-19

              The article is in Spanish, but is linked in the shownotes of this video.
              The video is an English translation.
              April 10, 2020
              (7 minutes)

              • More OZONE success in SPAIN (and also China & Italy)

                April 8, 2020 by Rhian King
                in Spain’s The Ibizan
                via Health Impact News
                Ozone Therapy Proving Successful In Covid-19 Patients

                The Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinica in Ibiza is the first in Spain to use the Ozone technique in treating Covid-19 patients, with success.

                In a press release the clinic said:
                “Many patients who were about to be intubated and connected to mechanical ventilation have, thanks to ozone therapy, not only avoided it but improved to the point of not requiring oxygen with just a few treatment sessions.”

                The clinic also stated that they are seeing improvements in patients after just ‘2 or 3 treatment sessions’. Ozone therapy has the benefit of improving oxygenation at the tissue level and therefore reduces the inflammatory response suffered by patients.

                Italy and China Trial Ozone:
                At the Santa María della Misericordia University Hospital in Udine, Italy, 36 patients with Covid-19 pneumonia who had respiratory failure were administered Ozone therapy. Only 3% required intubation compared to the usual 15%. There is a high mortality of intubated patients and given a fifth were spared intubation; it is an achievement to highlight. There are also four clinical trials underway in China and the provisional results could not be more hopeful.

                Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinic:
                “In Spain, only we have begun to administer it with the mandatory authorisation of the Quality Committee of the hospital centre, and the results have been spectacular,” says Dr. Alberto Hernández, Assistant Physician for Anaesthesia and Resuscitation at the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinic in Ibiza.

                “We have registered a clinical trial, but we need to tell the world that Ozone is a very effective and beneficial therapy in these patients and that we must immediately incorporate it into the treatment of these patients.”

                (…continuing article below…)

              • (…article continued…)

                Dr. José Baeza, President of the Spanish Society of Ozone Therapy and Vice President of the World Federation of Ozone Therapy, states that:
                “Given the absence of an effective treatment or a vaccine and in the context of the current health emergency, all hospitalized patients should receive Ozone therapy as the clear benefit is evident, and Ozone therapy has no significant side effects.”

                On April 4, the therapy was authorised for it’s first use at the Polyclinic.

                After presenting the potential benefits of Ozone therapy at a medical scientific session, the centre’s group of experts in Covid-19 infection: Drs Montserrat Viñals and Asunción Pablos, from the Internal Medicine service, Dr. Adriana Martín from the Service of Intensive Medicine, and Dr. María Victoria Velasco from the Emergency Service of the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinica in Ibiza, gave their approval to the protocol for the administration of Ozone in patients with Covid-19 presented by Dr. Alberto Hernández.

                The First Patient
                A 49-year-old man who had already required ICU admission was deteriorating on the ward.
                He had deteriorated to the point that he required oxygen at the highest concentration and yet it was oxygenating his lungs poorly.
                Intubation and connection to a ventilator was planned, but surprisingly, after the first session of Ozone therapy, the improvement was significant and oxygen requirements could be decreased.


              • (…continuing…)

                Dr. Alberto Hernández explained that:
                “The improvement after the first session of Ozone treatment was spectacular. We were surprised, his respiratory rate normalised, his oxygen levels increased, and we were able to stop supplying him with as much oxygen since the patient was able to oxygenate himself.

                To our surprise, when we carried out an analytical control, we observed how Ferritin, an analysis determination that is being used as a prognostic marker in this disease, not only had not followed the upward trend, but had decreased significantly; that decline continued in the following days. This result encouraged us to administer it to other patients who are following the same improvement as our first patient.”

                We Will Help Other Hospitals
                Dr. Hernández said:
                “Let no one hesitate to contact us in order to establish the appropriate circuits and structure to be able to incorporate Ozone therapy as soon as possible in the different hospital centres that wish to do so.”….

              • Thank you for the information, HRS! Although I have to say that the treatment is not effective against “covid-19”, but against the clinical signs/symptoms. The problem is that these physiological alterations could be produced by this virus, or could be not. Since it hasn’t been demonstrated that this biological entity can produce any disease, then I wouldn’t assume it, taking into account the staggering amount of bacteria and virus that we have in and out our body.

                And I am talking from the mainstream point of view of the germ theory, but I find it much more likely that what we are seeing is a multifactorial disease produced by contamination, stress and fear. Just look at this article that was quoted in to see the dimension of the pollution problem… and they’re probably falling too short.

                By the way, the best treatment for any disease is going to see the amazing landscapes of the “Islas Baleares”, where Ibiza is located 😉

            • Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy and Ozone Therapy demonstrated on a patient
              (20 minutes)

              Dr. Jason West of Idaho explains Ozone Therapy and Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy.
              He goes over the literature and science, showing some of the studies, along with talking about the many benefits of these therapies during these times of COVID-19.

            • SPAIN Spain Spain & Ozone Therapy Successes

              YouTube April 10, 2020
              0:00 / 3:06
              El paciente Sergio Tonelli nos cuenta su experiencia

              (3 minutes)

              Vídeo de Policlínica Nuestras Señora del Rosario, paciente tratado por coronavirus con ozonoterapia.

              • The Ibizan NEWS
                By Rhian King
                April 10, 2020
                Ibiza Covid-19 Patient Expresses Thanks For Ozone Therapy

                Sergio Tonelli, a 49 year old man entered the Nuestra Señora del Rosario Polyclinic in Ibiza on the 27th March was quickly sent to the ICU due to his deteriorating condition.

                After receiving 6 sessions of Ozone therapy he is walking, talking and able to tell his story.

                In a video posted by the clinic, Tonelli explains that he entered on March 27 and was quickly sent to the ICU: “It was difficult for me to breathe. They gave me oxygen but I was breathing badly. I saw black and I didn’t know if it was going to come out” Tonelli says…

                …His wife authorised treatment with Ozone therapy and the response was “immediate”.

                “It changed my life,” says Tonelli. “After the first session I was more animated. I was improving and I was happier.”

                “Dr. Viñals offered it to us, I had confidence and thanks to that I can count it,” says Tonelli, who is already counting down the days to return home, although he will return to the centre to thank the staff for the treatment that “saved his life.”

                The patient received six sessions in three days and after that time the oxygen was withdrawn, which he no longer needed, and he could get up on his own.

        • Ozone and Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy
          Explained and Demonstrated in 4 minutes.

          Why this is The Ideal Treatment for COVID-19 !!

          Excellent Summary!

          April 11, 2020
          Dr. Clifford Fetters, MD of “Health and Wellness of Carmel, LLC” Indiana
          Treating COVID-19 with IV Ozone therapy
          (4 minutes)

      • VITAMIN C IV BLOOD THERAPY – Success against COVID-19

        Dr. David Brownstein, M.D. reports of the success of Vitamin C Intravenous Therapy at three hospitals in the United States.

        #1 – The vitamin C is a combination therapy developed in 2017 by Dr. Paul Marik at Eastern Virginia Medical School. He gives critically ill patients IV doses of hydrocortisone, vitamin C, and vitamin B1 within six hours of entering the emergency room. Dr. Marik reported a significantly lowered death rate in those treated with his regimen.

        When COVID-19 came to Virginia, Dr. Marik used his protocol. He reported saving four COVID-19 patients including an 86-year-old man admitted to the hospital with 100% oxygen.
        Elderly people on oxygen usually do not survive COVID-19.

        See this 2 minute video of nurses talking about the Vitamin C Therapy of Dr. Marik.
        ICU nurses discuss vitamin C therapy for Sepsis
        (2 minutes)

        #2 – Dr. J. Varon at United General Hospital in Houston reported saving 16 lives with this protocol.
        He reports that his patients are getting off the ventilator at 48 hours instead of 10-21 days!

        #3 – “If you can administer Vitamin C intravenously starting in the Emergency Room and every 6 hours thereafter, while in the hospital, the mortality rate of this disease and the need for mechanical ventilators will likely be greatly reduced,” says Dr. Pierre Kory, the Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center and Chief of the Critical Care Service at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.

        Patients should be getting vitamin C IVs within six hours of entering the ER because data shows a markedly reduced mortality rate if the IV is started within six hours of admission. A delay above that markedly increases the death rate.

        Once 12 hours has passed, it is too late. There is no mortality benefit from the IV protocol.

      • Italy
        April 21, 2020
        Italy – Ozone Therapy – Italian Study Success
        Success with first study of 36 COVID-19 Patients & Ozone Therapy
        New larger study involving several hundred patients started.

        Dr. Amato De Monte, Director of the Asufc Department of Anesthesia and Resuscitation at the Hospital of Udin in Italy is interviewed in this video.

        Dr. De Monte gives his background experience and great success with Ozone Therapy involving patients who had vascular circulation problems which led to ulcers and inflammation.

        He describes the wonderful success of Ozone Therapy in their hospital’s first study of 36 patients. All 36 patients were treated just prior to entering the Intensive Care Unit. One patient did end up in ICU for a short period temporarily. All patients have greatly improved and some patients are completely well.
        It should be noted that these patients were already wearing “helmets” and in grave shape, on the verge of going to intensive care, when they were first treated with Ozone.

        The larger study will involve several hundred people split into two groups. Both groups will receive standard anti-viral medication, but one group will also receive the Ozone Blood Therapy.

        The Doctor points out that Ozone Therapy can not be patented, and this is why it is not promoted widely.
        Another factor is that the therapy is so simple and so miraculous, the Medical community views it with skepticism and disbelief.

        April 21, 2020
        The Big Idea Podcast
        Coronavirus Patients in Italy Treated with Ozone Therapy
        (46 minutes)

    • My prelude:
      Note that Conventional Medicine has never had effective protocols for generally attenuating a virus. Thus, the current medical regimen is to only hospitalize those who show severe symptoms of COVID-19, while the rest are sent to home isolation. In the hospital, when the patient has life threatening symptoms they are often put on the oxygen intubation.

      In the video/article below, NOTE the “mechanics” of the body processes in attenuating the virus, and its simplicity concerning nutritional aspects.
      What should be underlined and highlighted is the fact that the virus replication becomes impeded with Zelenko’s protocol. This fact is where conventional medicine has always failed in its approach to addressing viral diseases, and why conventional medicine has become a failure during this COVID-19 Crisis.
      ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
      April 5, 2020
      New updates from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko:
      Cocktail of Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc Sulfate and Azithromycin are showing phenomenon results with 900 coronavirus patients treated
      – Must Watch Video

      …In a one-hour video, Dr. Zelenko provides a detailed medical explanation about why his cocktail of Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Azithromycin (not Z-Pak) works, and why the three-drug combination are really needed in killing coronavirus.

      Unlike the conventional method of admitting patients to the hospitals, Dr. Zelenko’s approach is to provide treatment to patients before their situation get worse so they don’t have to be admitted into the hospital. His approach has been so effective to the point that he has treated 900 coronavirus patients with 99.99% rate. His approach is to provide treatment to people so that they don’t have to be put on ventilators. His out-patient treatment regimen, which costs only $12, is as follows:

      1. Hydroxychloroquine 200mg twice a day for 5 days
      2. Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days
      3. Zinc sulfate 220mg once a day for 5 days

      “We know that hydroxychloroquine helps Zinc enter the cell. We know that Zinc slows viral replication within the cell. Regarding the use of azithromycin, I postulate it prevents secondary bacterial infections. These three drugs are well known and usually well tolerated, hence the risk to the patient is low.”
      …that hydroxychloroquine helps zinc penetrate the cell (zinc decelerates viral replication in the cell).

      • This story kind of makes me stay up with my zinc supplementation.

        • ZINC – Getting Zinc into the cell –
          (Zinc stops the replication of the virus)

          Ionophore – definition – A substance which is able to transport particular ions across a lipid membrane in a cell.

          Natural Health Folks may recognize these two supplements (food components)…
          Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG)

          As I was searching for a “Zinc Ionophore” besides hydroxychloroquine, I ran across a Scientific Study involving the above two natural nutrients, Quercetin & EGCG.
          The study showed how they also act as an ionophore.

          Upon further searches, I ran across this wonderful article by Dr. David Dahlman of “Hyde Park Holistic Center” in Decatur, Georgia. He lays it all out very well.
          Chloroquine and Natural Solutions for Coronavirus

          • Above we note above:
            Quercetin as an ionophore for Zinc – Scientific Study
            and that this “ionophore zinc attribute” is one major reason why Hydroxychloroquine has shown efficacy with COVID-19.

            March 16, 2020
            Quercetin and Vitamin D — Allies Against Coronavirus?

            Mercola goes into great detail about QUERCETIN and cites the literature.
            As reported by Maclean’s,4 Canadian researchers Michel Chrétien and Majambu Mbikay began investigating quercetin in the aftermath of the SARS epidemic that broke out across 26 countries in 2003. They discovered a derivative of quercetin provided broad-spectrum protection against a wide range of viruses, including SARS.

            The Ebola outbreak in 2014 offered another chance to investigate quercetin’s antiviral powers and, here too, they found it effectively prevented infection in mice, “even when administered only minutes before infection.” ….

            Within the article is an embedded MedCram video, where pulmonologist Dr. Roger Seheult discusses the importance of vitamin D for the prevention of COVID-19.

            Much, much more in the article.
            It is interesting to note how U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) funds some studies anti-viral protocol.

        • Excellent information, thank you HRS for all of your compilations. I question if official adoption of these protocols and establishing successful cure diminishes the likelihood that we will all be force-vaxxed in not too far a distance, which is by far my greatest concern at this time. Or will we see WHO & CDC under direction of Pharma Industry warp facts and flawless science into unrecognizable and grotesque heaps of carnage to stuff their own pockets once again under reverent applause by the people ?!

      • April 7, 2020
        via Zero Hedge
        Los Angeles Doctor, Dr. Anthony Cardillo speaks of potential benefits of Hydroxychloroquine combined with Zinc.
        Hydroxychloroquine acts as an Ionophore for Zinc.
        ZINC is the key.
        Possibly, many natural substances act as an ionophore also. We know that Quercetin and Epigallocatechin-gallate (EGCG) act as an Ionophore for Zinc.

        (VIDEO in article – Doctor gives details)
        Another Doctor Reports Dramatic Improvement In COVID-19 Patients Using Trump-Touted Treatment

        Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (see comment further above this one) has used the following three supplements/drugs for 5 days with success on over 900 patients.

        1. Hydroxychloroquine
        2. Azithromycin
        3. Zinc sulfate

        Ionophore – definition – A substance which is able to transport particular ions across a lipid membrane in a cell.

        • Zinc Zinc Zinc Zinc

          April 7, 2020
          Lew Rockwell
          Author Bill Sardi
          Modern Medicine Knew Of Zinc Cure For Coronavirus Infections A Decade Ago But Failed To Put Into Practice
          (well written article covering a lot of information with sources)


          …In 2010 a collaboration of university-based researchers in The Netherlands and the USA reported that the combination of the trace mineral zinc plus a zinc transport molecule (ionophore) that facilitates zinc’s entry into cells efficiently impairs the replication of RNA viruses, like the newly mutated COVID-19 coronavirus, to effect a cure…

          …This zinc + ionophore approach was successfully tested on the deadly SARS-coronavirus that struck human populations in Asia in 2003-2004 and was also found to be effective against coxsackievirus, foot-and-mouth disease, and rhinoviruses (cold viruses)…

          … It would be critical for zinc to enter cells to destroy the virus, which makes the discovery of an ionophore as important as zinc’s primary role in infection control…
          …Such a discovery, if put into practice, would have upset the reigning vaccine paradigm that now predominates in modern medicine…

          …But as researchers note, zinc deficiency is documented to dampen immunity and zinc replacement restores normal immune function…
          … In other words, zinc normalizes the immune response, as does vitamin D…
          …Quercetin as a zinc ionophore…
          …Zinc, up to 30 milligrams/day. Be aware, when it comes to zinc, more is not better. Excessive zinc can lead to suppression of the immune response….

    • April 2020
      John Jones, JD, PhD
      via Health Impact News
      China Cures Coronavirus with Vitamin C;
      Research Suggests Selenium

      EXCERPTS – NOTE: Pollution Levels
      I live in China. This year, like every other, people with severely compromised immune systems were and are suffering from pneumonia. In early January 2020, in Wuhan, China – a place with dreadful air quality—hospitals started receiving patients.

      In fact, for most of November, all of December, and most of January, the air quality index (AQI) was so bad that local governments regularly issued standard health warnings due to high levels of particulate matter. (At my school in Shanghai, if the AQI is over 150, children are cannot play outside. This is based on government advisories.)

      And please be aware, far from hiding the problem, government officials in China at the regional and national level, readily provide daily and historical reports of the air quality index, noting particulate matter (PM2.5) and more. Thus we can track data for Wuhan — and most other large cities and urban areas — for the past six years.

      Unsurprisingly, those diagnosed with severe forms of COVID-19 are the elderly and the immunocompromised. Additionally, people who have a host of pre-existing conditions are at higher risk. (NEJM March 30th, 2020). The Boston-based non-profit, Health Effects Institute, says anywhere from 500,000 to 1,250,000 Chinese die due to air pollution alone each year. (see pages 11-13)…

      …All across China, not just in Wuhan, but also in other cities that saw pneumonia cases (and note, Chinese medical teams discuss COVID-19 as pneumonia), people are being cured with vitamin C.

      I am including the details from a public report written in Chinese and published by a medical team Xibei Hospital, affiliated with Jiao Tong University, in the city of Xi’an, Shaanxi province….

    • April 10, 2020 article
      Dr. Mercola
      Glycyrrhizin, the major ingredient in licorice root, has shown effectiveness against SARS virus in scientific studies

      …Glycyrrhizin has been effective in treating viruses such as herpes, HIV, hepatitis, influenza, encephalitis and pneumonia.

      Glycyrrhizin outperformed conventional antiviral medications against SARS in research published in the journal The Lancet.

      The substance seems to work earlier in the virus replication cycle, compared to other medications, inhibiting absorption and penetration of the virus…

      …In modern times, glycyrrhizin has been shown to be a formidable antiviral, fighting herpes, HIV, hepatitis, influenza, encephalitis and pneumonia as well as less known viruses like respiratory syncytial virus, arboviruses, vaccinia virus and vesicular stomatitis virus.2

      Still, it’s glycyrrhizin’s effectiveness against SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) that has scientists hoping this important natural substance may be a tool against COVID-19…

      National Center for Biotechnology Information:

      “Glycyrrhizic acid is extracted from the root of the licorice plant; Glycyrrhiza glabra. It is a triterpene glycoside with glycyrrhetinic acid that possesses a wide range of pharmacological and biological activities … potential immunomodulating, anti-inflammatory, hepato- and neuro-protective, and antineoplastic activities.

      Glycyrrhizin modulates certain enzymes involved in inflammation and oxidative stress, and downregulates certain pro-inflammatory mediators, thereby protecting against inflammation- and reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced damage. Glycerrhizin may also suppress the growth of susceptible tumor cells.”….
      REFERENCES and SOURCES footnoted.

      • I never like that (industrial) taste of licorice, but worse case scenario, this root looks like a replacement for sugar, sans the poison.

    • At Home, Effective Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy for COVID-19 coronavirus

      Story by Brandon, a Paramedic who contracted COVID-19.
      He was laid up at home, trying to recover.
      Breathing became difficult and he utilized “Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy “.
      It made all the difference in the world towards his recovery.

      Dr. David Brownstein in Michigan and Brandon share the story in this 8 minute YouTube Video.
      There’s Still Hope # VIII

      • Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy
        Interview with Dr. Thomas Levy by Dr. Mercola
        VIDEO – Published April 10, 2020 (but recorded prior)

        The first half of this video discusses in detail approaches to H2O2 Inhalation Therapy.
        In the latter part, Dr. Levy (well known for Vitamin C Therapy), discusses the importance of Magnesium as a nutritional cornerstone.

        In the YouTube interview by Dr. Mercola with Dr. Robert Rowen, they also discussed the many benefits of “Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy”.
        Published April 7, 2020 and entitled:
        Coronavirus and Ozone Therapy- Interview with Dr. Robert Rowen

        • Dr. Mercola article (also with short video of demonstration)
          April 9, 2020
          Could Hydrogen Peroxide Treat Coronavirus?

          Story at-a-glance
          ~~ Nebulized hydrogen peroxide therapy is an inexpensive and simple way to treat most viral respiratory illnesses

          ~~ All you need is a nebulizer with a face mask that covers your mouth and nose, and common household 3% hydrogen peroxide, available at most grocery stores and pharmacies for less than $1

          ~~ Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) consists of a water molecule (H2O) with an extra oxygen atom. The oxygen inactivates viral pathogens by breaking down the viral structure

          ~~ Additionally, your immune cells actually produce hydrogen peroxide. This is in part how your immune system kills infected cells. Hydrogen peroxide therapy aids your immune cells to perform their natural function more effectively

          ~~ To prevent an infection from taking hold, begin treatment at first signs of symptoms. Commercially available 3% hydrogen peroxide is fine for this purpose, and can be used without dilution for 10 to 15 minutes, four times a day, until your symptoms are relieved

    • – Holistic Integrative Functional Medicine –

      More than 95 COVID Patients at “The Center for Holistic Medicine”:
      Zero Hospitalizations and No Deaths

      Natural healthy approaches to the coronavirus – COVID-19 are discussed with a variety of case histories on YouTube.

      For example:
      A patient, Chris says:
      “4 days ago, I was staring at inevitable death.”

    • April 17, 2020
      Del Bigtree on The HighWire – COVID-19 Doctors
      Dr. Brownstein and Dr. Ng –
      H2O2 / Vit C / Ozone IV’s & Nebulizer H2O2 & vitamins and more

      (11 minutes)

      Del Bigtree says: “One of my thoughts is…you know…I want to get this thing.”
      ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
      Plus… more about Dr. Brownstein and Michigan’s “Center for Holistic Medicine”.
      March 14th, 2020
      Dr Brownstein says:
      “We are Not Worried About COVID-19
      We Are Ready and You Can Be Ready Too!”


      David Brownstein, MD, presents an hour-long webinar, discussing how ozone therapy can stimulate energy production and ATP formation to be used as a treatment for a wide range of medical conditions.
      Ozone Therapy: Harnessing the Power of Oxygen to Heal your Patients
      (one hour)

    • Many VETERINARIANS utilize Ozone Therapy with Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy

      Published April 17, 2020 – Friday
      YouTube Video – Hosted by O3 VETS
      Veterinary Ozone Therapy Summit
      – Ozone Therapy in This Time of COVID-19 by Dr. Margo Roman

      (29 minutes)
      Veterinarian Dr. Margo Roman of www in Hopkinton, Massachusetts has a very long, impressive resume.
      In this brief presentation she goes over some of benefits of Ozone Therapy in dealing with COVID-19, not only for Vets and pets and animals, but also for all medical staff and the public at large.

      O3Vets is a company that supplies quality veterinary equipment and tools without breaking the bank.
      We are the first one to provide Holistic Veterinarians with Ozone therapy and Ultraviolet blood irradiation equipment as well as the training needed so as to have the knowledge on how to use every tool.

    • G6PD or glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase TESTING
      Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg warning
      Ozone & Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy
      Vitamin C Intravenous Therapy

      Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg warns of the dangers in using Vitamin C and Hydroxychloroquine in light of a possible G6PD inherited enzyme-defect.

      Most experienced Doctors (mine included), who utilize IV Therapies such as Ozone and Vitamin C and Ultraviolet Light, will first run blood tests to check for such things as (G6PD) glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

      For example: In the Dr. Mercola and Dr. Robert Rowen interview listed on this Thread, you will hear them discuss the G6PD factor and testing.
      You will also hear about that factor in the Ozone and UV Light Educational Doctor Conference Webinars.

      It is well known with many of the alternative medical professionals who practice IV Therapies that a relatively high percentage of people who are of African decent may have hereditary glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.
      (Recall that Dr. Rowen treated Ebola in Africa.)

      Thus, rightfully so, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg warns:
      “Chloroquine may kill many people in Africa, Chicago and elsewhere!”
      ~~ www
      “However, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is one of the drugs that causes severe damage to red blood cells in cases of hereditary glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.
      The erythrocytes then burst en masse. Their debris clogs the smallest blood vessels and damages sensible organs like kidneys and brain. In addition erythrocytes are then missing to transport oxygen throughout the body. This is one of the reasons why there is severe shortness of breath without typical signs of peumonia.

      April 16 article from SOTT – Sign of the Times
      Dr. Wodarg warns:
      ‘High-dose Vitamin C & Hydrochloroquine may be WRONG treatments for some COVID-19 patients’

      (Short Dr. Wodarg VIDEO embedded)

      • There are genetic traits which can make a person more susceptible to certain toxins or pollutants.

        William Marcus, PhD – Top EPA Scientist
        Genetic traits result in higher Lead levels for Blacks & Hispanics from Fluoridated Water.


    • A few examples of how effective COVID-19 Therapies are being suppressed…

      EXAMPLE #1 – Famous mainstream journalist, Linda Stasi, is not allowed to publish a story about the demonstrated effectiveness of Ozone Therapy.

      EXAMPLE #2 – The HighWire with Del Bigtree – Government and Media efforts have been made to thwart Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment option.

      EXAMPLE #3 – Dr. Corsi interviews three Doctors – Dr. Katarina Lindley, Dr. Kimberly Legg-Corba, and Dr. Karladine Graves.
      Dr. Katarina Lindley expounds on how the Authoritarians of the Medical System hurt the health of patients.

      • EXAMPLE #4 – During the week of April 22nd (Wednesday), the mainstream media went on a crusade demonizing Hydroxychloroquine, while citing a so called study from the Veterans Administration.
        However, the VA study is not really a study.

        Essentially, in the far past, veterans who were dying of unrelated COVID diseases were put on Hydroxychloroquine as a last attempt to keep them alive. Most would have died anyway, succumbing to the disease of which they were suffering.

        The “paper” only surveyed the number of veterans who were on their deathbeds who were given Hydroxychloroquine. So, the “Conclusion” is perverted to imply that Hydroxychloroquine caused the death of these succumbing patients.

        Obfuscation at its finest.

        VA Study
        Debunking The Veterans Study on Hydroxychloroquine

    • April 23rd at The White House & UV Light & Ozone & a patient’s fever

      Prelude: With UltraViolet Light Blood Therapy, a small amount of blood is drawn and then passed through UV light. This kills parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses in the blood. Then the blood is put back into the body. In short, the body’s immune system now has a much better recognition of pathogens and goes to work. The results are miraculous with no hyperbole.

      From “The White House” YouTube Channel
      4/23/20: Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing
      – William N. Bryan of Homeland Security’s “Science and Technology”

      QUEUED VIDEO (8 minutes, or more)

      At the 25 minute mark of the video, a “Best Practices Slide” is shown.
      It highlights three important factors on how to attenuate a virus.
      Heat. UV Light. Disinfectants.
      (Actually, Corbett Report Members already know this, but I guess it takes Authorities to make it “true”.)
      About a minute following the slide, President Trump makes some comments about using UV Light and a disinfectant inside the body.
      I want to underscore a correlation:
      Solar Light = UV Light
      Disinfectant = Ozone
      Heat = Patient’s Fever

      To me, this again validates Ozone Blood Therapy and Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy, and also the anecdotal facts that Covid-19 patients who have been taking things like Ibuprofen to reduce body fevers tend to get dramatically worse.

      Melatonin as a Treatment for Covid cases – Great Success

      and also
      Ghana, Africa – Home Remedy Recipe for treating Covid

      Also of note, at the linked comment…up above the link is information about…
      Vitamin B1, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Vit D, & Niacin

    • Dr. Brownstein is mentioned many times on this and other SUB_THREADS.
      His interviews with COVID patients were extremely informative and helpful for anyone wishing to combat Covid. The patients told their story and told about the things which remedied their Covid condition.

      CENSORED – CENSORED by the government
      Around May 14, 2020 Dr. Brownstein was censored

      Dr. Brownstein pulled all of his YouTube videos and also his blog posts which had accounts of patient successes.

      OCTOBER 2020

      As previously noted, Dr. David Brownstein has successfully treated more than a hundred patients with Covid 19, without a single fatality.
      When he published interviews with patients and results of their treatment on his own website, however, he received a letter from the FTC Federal Trade Commission telling him he was violating the law.
      Thus he pulled down all YouTube videos and written information.

      August 16th interview with Dr. Brownstein which gives details in video description.
      Successful Covid Doctor SILENCED by Federal Trade Commission

      Covid-19 TREATMENTS which were used – Published Papers

      …The interventions provided at the outpatient medical office included oral supplementation of iodine, Vitamins A, C and D, intravenous hydrogen peroxide and Vitamin C, intramuscular ozone injections, and a nebulized solution of dilute hydrogen peroxide and iodine….
      (Exact amounts & number of days in paper)

  8. Who Will Win The War On Covid-19? by Louis-Vincent Gave

    If we accept that we live in a world with three main powers—the US, Europe, and China—then the Covid-19 war could have four potential winners: the three superpowers, plus the broad idea of “globalization”—the notion that we are all in this together and that global problems should be tackled through greater exchanges, integration and goodwill between the big three blocs.

  9. Thanks for your great efforts James. Because of your and other good people, there are today people in every little town all over the “civilized “ world, who all see the patterns and are awake. We hope these people will stand up for what’s is right and show the next man an example. All the best from OMC. BR Frank

  10. US Embassy put out a warning a few days ago: essentially, If you are an American, and you want to go home… go now! … or plan to stay in Costa Rica for the foreseeable future.

    Over last year, a LOT of US “donations” of boats, helicopters and training. Also warm and fuzzy building of schools and hospitals… Been here 21 years, Big changes. We’re in near lock down.

    Good luck, stay the fuck out of trouble, and thank you brother, Fuzz

  11. COVID-19 and the EU

    In their fight against the spread of COVID-19 over the last weeks, EU governments introduced temporary restrictions to border traffic of various degrees ranging from border controls to outright closure. In several cases this had a severe impact on freight traffic as border controls led to tens of kilometres of traffic jam, such as between Poland and Germany.$PROD0000000000435632&rwsite=RPS_EN-PROD&rwobj=ReDisplay.Start.class&document=PROD0000000000506615

  12. You seem to have all the answers so what are you doing about it. Do you, by any chance, wear a costume to work? You won’t be watching us try. There are no TV’s where you’re going!

  13. Terraset,
    What have you done to better conditions?

  14. Sorry, but no. People will turn against people. It’s the nature of the beast!

  15. Thanks for this inspiring article.

    I am not as optimistic as you, but then I am not as young as you.
    Others have mentioned ozone therapy and intravenous vitamin C injections in this thread. In case of a global reset, there is a parallel world of all sorts of methods and non-pharmaceutical interventions to maintain health. Since I am not a doctor, I am not prohibited from making any claims about diagnosis, prevention, treatment, or cure of any disease, so I suggest you do your own research. The law does not prohibit me from citing a doctor verbatim.

    If the subject is health, if you are not feeding from the public trough, or perhaps even if you are, then you owe it to yourself to do some research into natural or naturopathic methods. You could possibly start with excellent websites by unconventional but honest medical doctors who note their observations, methods, and experience. Some websites are junk, of course, but many offer clear insights into safe, effective methods to maintain your health yourself and even to gain health, if you have lost it. Many of these methods are cheaper than conventional methods, starting with changing eating habits, cutting junk food, stopping smoking tobacco, and stopping to drink alcohol.
    Sound draconian? What do you value more – your health or your habits?
    An excellent resource to start is by Andrew Saul.
    Check it out. Can you please consider interviewing him or fellow travelers on your show?
    “Look for the truth, and your health will follow.” – Dr. Herbert Shelton, MD

    • Ben-
      You’ve hit on one of the very few positive societal shifts in the past decade and given this crisis not only will alternatives to our sanctioned yet deadly medical system be critical to our survival but also very likely elusive. NOW is the time to learn how to maintain your health on your own as it won’t be long before the astounding amount of info currently online about self care will vanish.

      Long story short: I spent 16+ years undiagnosed with multiple diseases from a tick bite and a HepB vacc. Slowly recovered, then 10 yrs later I started spiraling downward from a flu vaccine. Of course, NOT ONE of the 20+ Mds and health specialists I saw during this time ever investigated nor even suspected vacc injury because the medical system is designed to discourage it, if not prevent it.

      Finally, I started doing exactly what you’re suggesting and investigated, pursued, learned and unlearned, and put knowledge to work. After limited but necessary progress with multiple other protocols I studied intermittent fasting and implemented it to train for a 35-day water-only fast. It has changed my life beyond words. I don’t know how many years I added back to my life but I feel like I did 20 years ago. Literally. (Of course, the downside is that I’ll be living through the impending hell…)

      I wouldn’t wish this experience on my worst enemy but I feel profoundly prepared from a health standpoint–as long as alternative health care remains legal.

      • Thanks for the anecdote!

    • Corbett Member ben.r

      “Look for the truth, and your health will follow.” – Dr. Herbert Shelton, MD
      An excellent resource to start is by Andrew Saul.

    • “…starting with changing eating habits, cutting junk food, stopping smoking tobacco, and stopping to drink alcohol.
      Sound draconian? What do you value more – your health or your habits?”

      What about another worldview question:

      What do you value more Apollo or Dionysus?

      I value and love them both.

  16. Even some of our old heroes are having a hard time with it. This one assumed a new alias.

    The Alone Ranger

    The Alone Ranger
    Does not wear a mask
    But looks all around
    And can’t help to ask

    Why has everyone
    A mask on their face
    Where are the humans
    He feels out of place

    Or do those masks hide
    A sad ignorance
    It certainly shows
    Their obedience

    To mythic powers
    That they’re addicted
    Which many in here
    Surely predicted

    The Alone Ranger
    Has something to say
    But maskers don’t hear
    From six feet away

    Yet he yells out loud
    From lungs very clear
    Is there thinking left
    Through this fog of fear

    Go hug your neighbor
    And throw off those masks
    Show everyone love
    That’s all that I ask

    Or is it too late
    For Alone Ranger
    Since most maskers now
    See him a stranger

  17. Is it possible all this is in reaction to the Jainism Party?
    Jainism is a religion from India and has the swastika as its symbol.

  18. A very comprehensive article:

    “Ground Control to Planet Lockdown: This Is Only a Test” by Pepe Escobar


    “Essentially, the Fed will ‘leverage the bill’s $454 million bailout slush fund into $4.5 trillion’. And no questions are allowed on who gets the money, because the bill simply cancels the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for the Fed.

    “The privileged private contractor for the slush fund is none other than BlackRock. Here’s the extremely short version of the whole, astonishing scheme, masterfully detailed here.

    “Wall Street has turned the Fed into a hedge fund. The Fed is going to own at least two thirds of all U.S. Treasury bills wallowing in the market before the end of the year.

    “The U.S. Treasury will be buying every security and loan in sight while the Fed will be the banker – financing the whole scheme.

    “So essentially this is a Fed/ Treasury merger. A behemoth dispensing loads of helicopter money – with BlackRock as the undisputable winner.

    “BlackRock is widely known as the biggest money manager on the planet. Their tentacles are everywhere. They own 5% of Apple, 5% of Exxon Mobil, 6% of Google, second largest shareholder of AT&T (Turner, HBO, CNN, Warner Brothers) – these are just a few examples.”

    • pearl says:
      “So essentially this is a Fed/ Treasury merger. A behemoth dispensing loads of helicopter money – with BlackRock as the undisputable winner.

      BlackRock is widely known as the biggest money manager on the planet. Their tentacles are everywhere.
      They own 5% of Apple,
      5% of Exxon Mobil,
      6% of Google,
      second largest shareholder of AT&T (Turner, HBO, CNN, Warner Brothers)
      – these are just a few examples.”

    • Hey Brody, had I realized I guess I could’ve ignored the link and left it up to chance that the reader would investigate further by following the link (which Mr. Escobar found revelatory) embedded within the original article, but then the info on Blackrock might’ve been overlooked. More than likely, I would’ve just added a disclaimer. Leave no stone unturned!

      • “I just didn’t expect to land on a white supremacist website. Maybe just add a little warning note in future please?”

        Nor did I. The opening music, which gave me pause, should’ve been my first clue, but I was simply too hasty. Lesson learned! 🙂

        And, thank you, dear MBP, for your wise input on my behalf. ?

    • Hate speech is the most sacred speech. Bad Voltaire quote.

      Jimbob; who only shoots messengers delivering censuses.

  19. Can you open this up to non-subscribers? I think so many of us (me) are so bad at conveying a message as effective as James can with his writing and opening this up to be viewed by the public would give us another tool.

  20. One of my favorite lines is from the Spanish Civil war – in spite of the odds against them, I forget who said it, but – We do not fight fascists because we’re gonna win, I fight fascists because their fascists. I do not oppose the powers that shouldn’t be because I will win, I fight them because they look enslave humanity for their own benefit. I believe we will fail – they have too much power. But I will not be their slave … I will probably lose, but it will be on my terms, not theirs.


    I live in the UK about an hours drive outside of London in a large city. Before the military started patrolling the streets there, people were clearly flaunting their disregard.

    We have received the lockdown orders. However less than 3% of the people we see on the streets (and YES people are still going outside for the exercise we are ‘permitted’) are wearing masks or other nonsense.

    Many people are clearly seeing that there is something else going on, and we have had conversations with complete strangers who seem a LOT MORE OPEN TO ALTERNATIVE REASONING than ever.

    If you believe that EVERYBODY is going along with this you are WRONG. Don’t forget that the MSM have the power to make it SEEM that there is full consent. This is another way in which they try to program us, BY MAKING US FEEL ALONE AND POWERLESS. We are neither, and need each other.

    I am not a technical person but I would suggest that we create a place where it’s possible to share our best ideas and results and look at ways that we can help each other.


    People are seeing what is happening. People need reassurance that they are NOT ALONE. If we all do something we can make a difference. If ALL OF US wake up ONE PERSON, we would have DOUBLED.

    AND YES WE MUST WATCH OUR LANGUAGE. Have you ever noticed that James is so well respected by many people?

    There is no need to talk about things that we cannot prove, or to resort to ‘muck raking’. Yes Queen Elizabeth MIGHT be a lizard who worships Satan, but until we can prove such a thing, it’s better to stick to things that we CAN PROVE!

    We have to take ourselves serious if we want others to do the same.


    Knowledge is power. Knowledge shared is power multiplied. – Robert Boyce

  22. Feeling a little teary and sick to my stomach right now.I truly am shocked at the lack of push back from my fellow citizens. All this right on the heels of Epstein, which should have red-pilled alot of people in the US.
    I cannot understand this world wide reaction at all..

  23. Being a troll can be fun and I understand why you’d want to come here (paying a minimum of $1) to flex your ‘knowledge’ against us plebs. But please, anyone in the Corbett community, don’t listen to Terraloser. “You need to build shit that worked and advertise it as such”…lol. Then he goes on to rant about how we take no actions other than talk. The ignorance, or nescience, Terraloser is displaying is exactly what’s ruining humanity. He’s stuck in Plato’s allegory of the cave. You want to bash us for finally stepping outside and trying to share those stories with people stuck in the dark? You’re sickening, my guy.

    He doesn’t like how we post videos. He blamed society being socially engineered to dislike conspiracies on us being unable to share the content correctly. He says all we do is fuck up, when in fact the truth community does so much good that the governments literally perform exercises and murders to silence us. He literally says we should utilize freedom cells/spontaneous order and gardening, which we have covered numerous times on numerous topics. He says the freedom movement has no organization, when in actuality the freedom movements around the world have organized a lot (Swarmwise is one example) to make big changes that eventually the GOVERNMENTS want to alter and change.

    The icing on the cake of this dumb argument: “The elites, who I am convinced at this point really are your betters, actually get shit done. They know how to speak people’s language and build what the people actually want. And that’s why they won.” LOL LOL LOL. If you typed this as a troll just to get a response then I applaud you for paying the money to do so, but sadly you seem like a victim (stuck in Plato’s cave story). I hope the Corbett community can learn from people like you. You’re a perfect example of how not to think, unless you want to stick your head in the sand.

  24. What no one is talking about is that a virus is dead not live therefore cannot be transmitted to a human other than via injection. It must develop at the cellular level.
    Also there are a host of reasons that could get your body to release exosomes, which would produce a false positive on a Covid19 test. Pre-existing health issues, exposure to toxins, stress etc.
    This type of info needs to get to the public, they have a skewed perspective thanks to the media, health officials and movies like Contagion and Outbreak.
    A viral pandemic is impossible without mass vaccinations

  25. An Epic Film of Timeless International Impact.
    One of the greatest science fiction, real life novels of all time.

    We are living it.

  26. I think we can gauge to a certain extent the political response (laws, orders, new standards, etc.) by listening to what the real influencers are saying about their ideas for the future response to this virus, and others to come. Check out the pretty scary stuff Bill Gates talks about in his interview with CBS This Morning. This very well may be what we can expect to come in the future.

    Extended interview: Bill Gates on coronavirus pandemic – CBS This Morning
    April 2, 2020

    Bill Gates: “We are kind of in uncharted territory about how we minimize the pain. Even the issue once you get the case numbers down, there is a lot of dialogue between our foundation experts and the government now, but what does ‘opening up’ look like? Which activities have, like schools, have such benefit, can be done in a way that the risk of transmission is very low, and which activities like mass gatherings, uh, may be in a certain sense more optional? And so until you are widely vaccinated those may not, uh, come back, uh, at all.

    This is sheer lunacy. Mass gatherings may not come back AT ALL? Your right to assemble and protest something en mass may not come back at all.

    • This is a classic demonstration of correlation between wealth and psychopathy. Didn’t even dawn on him even though the flying goose knocked him right in the forehead. Although, uh, he uh felt a hair stir.

  27. Wow terraset, you sound like one of them – i am most likely safe in assuming that you are one of the so called elites, aren’t you?

    “The elites, who I am convinced at this point really are your betters, actually get shit done.”

    Really, lets look at how they get things done. By using mind control and manipulating people with fear, using trauma to create confusion and so forth.

    Manipulating the people who project their own moral code on the leaders who do nothing but deceive them in their satanic psychopathic program.

    Yeah they really get things done don’t they.

    Wicked bloodclot!!! – the time is going to come when you and all your kind are going to have to face the fruits from the vine of which you tended.

    know this – that wages of sin is death and that your time will come!

    Egotistical shithead!

  28. James Corbett & Ireland

    James once studied in Ireland.
    While in Ireland, James Corbett accomplished many things…I believe he was once kicked out of a drinking establishment.
    A feat any Irishman would wear with pride.

    Of James Corbett, the old men at the corner table still tell stories savage and pure.

  29. “Mass action will be required for us to have an effect in truly redirecting this crisis away from its current path. And now we have a real opportunity (perhaps the only opportunity of our lifetime) to shake the masses out of their slumber and motivate them into action.”

    James is right. But what is needed is organized, yes organized, mass action. Isolated individuals can do nothing, not even save their own skin.

    Secession is a separatist solution. We need an organized, congealed mass movement— an organized solution among many actors.

    I am reminded of Dr. Pangloss from Voltaire’s biting sarcasm in his book Candide:

    Pangloss is responsible for the novel’s most famous idea: that all is for the best in this “best of all possible worlds.”

    Check out his sunny attitude when he gets syphilis:

    “Oh, Pangloss!” cried Candide, “what a strange genealogy! Is not the Devil the original stock of it?”

    “Not at all,” replied this great man, “it was a thing unavoidable, a necessary ingredient in the best of worlds; for if Columbus had not in an island of America caught this disease, which contaminates the source of life, frequently even hinders generation, and which is evidently opposed to the great end of nature, we should have neither chocolate nor cochineal.”

    Talk about cannibalizing crisis.

    Voltaire wrote during the Enlightenment period, a time of the founding of the US and French ‘democracy’.

    We now have entire websites devoted to ‘dis-enlightnement theories’.

    They argue, like Peter Thiel of Palantir, Facebook and Paypal, (to mention only a few of his spying companies. He funded Epstein for example and has many investments in Zionist Valley), that the Enlightenment is over. That myth must now replace reason. That capitalism and democracy cannot co-exist, an argument many socialist libertarians make. But Thiel makes the argument to protect capital. To assure full spectrum dominance of the economy by what Plato called: A Nocturnal Council. Fascism, in our case technological.

    “The Greek philosopher Plato supported many similar political positions to fascism.[5] In The Republic (c. 380 BC),[6] Plato emphasizes the need for a philosopher king in an ideal state.[6] Plato believed the ideal state would be ruled by an elite class of rulers known as “Guardians” and rejected the idea of social equality.[5] Plato believed in an authoritarian state.[5] Plato held Athenian democracy in contempt by saying: “The laws of democracy remain a dead letter, its freedom is anarchy, its equality the equality of unequals”.[5] Like fascism, Plato emphasized that individuals must adhere to laws and perform duties while declining to grant individuals rights to limit or reject state interference in their lives.[5] Like fascism, Plato also claimed that an ideal state would have state-run education that was designed to promote able rulers and warriors.[5] Like many fascist ideologues, Plato advocated for a state-sponsored eugenics program to be carried out in order to improve the Guardian class in his Republic through selective breeding.[7

    The digital Dark Ages, people. The Age of Un-Reason. The Dark Ages or long slumber unless we somehow unite.

    • Thank you, manbearpig. I love the new word you’ve given me! I’m a big fan of my dictionary.

      I know it all looks so bad.

      I’m still thinking that an evil so big as we are dealing with has to have a hell of an opposite. A powerful force for good.

      I like the idea that we can live up to that.

    • Thank you, Jed!

      It’s a long running plan for sure, I’d say.

    • I am kind of hoping that these technologies will in the end prove completely inadequate and technically unfeasible, just loke GMO. Not that that would do anything to stop it dead in its tracks.

  30. #PropagandaWatch

    Hello again sane people from the CorbettReport. After a few days in which I neeeded to rest a little bit my head (very difficult, of course), I bring to you a little story from my sleeping country.

    Vox, a “far-right party” (at this point we all know about left and right), has published this Tweet today:

    The translation is:

    The Spanish are spontaneously taking many images.
    This perfectly portrays the pain of this tragedy that the Government and its media satellites try to hide

    The news website from which I found this story says: (brackets are mine)

    “I am the original author of this photograph [taken in 2019] and I demand that this publication be removed as soon as possible. They cannot interpret the work as they wish.” With this message, photographer Ignacio Pereira has responded to the tweet that Vox published this Monday on his social network. An image of the deserted Gran Vía, traveled only by a Glovo delivery man, to which dozens of coffins have been added and which the far-right party does not intend to remove, according to its author.

    • haros,
      I am not quite sure on something.
      Are the coffins in the photo real or were they an added synthetic special effect?

      Did the far-right party place the coffins into the 2019 photo?

      • Good morning HRS!

        I am going to explain myself in a better way (I hope):

        1) Ignacio Pereira, a photographer, took a photo in 2019 of an empty Gran Vía (an avenue) in Madrid.

        2) Vox, the party, used this photo to lie about the coronavirus situation in Madrid PLACING the coffins with photoshop or whatever software they used (they tweeted it yesterday).

        3) The author of the picture has demanded the party to remove the picture because it had nothing to do with the coronavirus (and they had manipulated it by placing the coffins)… but Vox said “no”, so the tweet is still published.

        Just one more thing: in Spain ALL the main parties are lying and manipulating, so it is not just a thing of this Vox.

        I hope you have understood me now and thanks for asking!

        • Gosh!
          That is what I suspected, but I just couldn’t believe it.
          The world has gone nuts!

  31. Many of you will recall the intro of Thomas Paine’s Crisis Paper 1:

    “These are the times that try men’s souls…
    … Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
    yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict,
    the more glorious the triumph.
    What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly…”


    But you may not have heard this relevant part:

    “It is surprising to see how rapidly a panic will sometimes run through a country. All nations and ages have been subject to them…Yet panics, in some cases, have their uses; they produce as much good as hurt. Their duration is always short; the mind soon grows through them and acquires a firmer habit than before.
    But their peculiar advantage is that they are the touchstones of sincerity and hypocrisy, and bring things and men to light which might otherwise have lain forever undiscovered. In fact,they have the same effect on secret traitors which an imaginary apparition would upon a private murderer. They sift out the hidden thoughts of man, and hold them up in public to the world.”

  32. Is it just me, or does it seem that the only leaders suffering any major ill affects of this NWO virus are from Iran or Mr Boris Brexit?

    • I also had those thoughts.
      ahhh…just a coincidence surely.

  33. Did you ever have a gut feeling about something?

    Synthetically Created Biology Slated for the Post-Crash
    …and is here now in our gut

    April 6, 2020
    (7 minutes)

  34. Long Island!
    Very interesting anecdote.

  35. Good effort, stuart_f ! Times like these challenge us to assess our believes and moral blueprint – or our convenient and nebulous construct thereof, complete with its baggage of excuses – and face our unnerving incongruences. Not so much for the wider era of “Victims of the fast food, sound bite, vacant culture. Desperate, immature”, who confuse imprint propaganda with anchors of deeply rooted values. I wish I could agree with you that the frogs are alert. It seems the unleashed tide is ripping all along. is an interesting concept. How about a more upbeat branding and insert of a beneficial cause, such as crowd funding for a respirator (addresses the #1 terror = imminent death) to soothe panicked minds so they may allow rational thought and crowd sharing. A rally to defeat the world virus enemy with well researched and positive snippets (6 sentences or less) of concentrated, accurate information that clarify and uncover propaganda mind twists. A reputable Snopes of sorts, a list of ‘Acronyms’ with links to the larger story (CR) for the ones who can focus. A Newtopia – oh geez, wouldn’t you know it, this is already….perfect.. Like this: Check it out. “Our habit change platform….” LOL.

  36. U.S. time – April 6, Monday

    Market Close
    “Boom Bust”

    “Boom Bust” presents an overview of today’s Economic News, including COVID-19, the “Zoom” app, and U.S. Hospitals.

    Gold and Silver prices went higher and shined today.
    Many stock prices also climbed, but as was pointed out, the stock prices are still in a bubble…the artificial trough of government and Central Bank money will eventually bring about inflationary times.

    Hospital Bubble in the United States (and commercial real estate)…

    For more than a decade, ever since Obama-care, there has been a massive buildout of hospitals and medical centers throughout the United States. It was the new “gold rush” for the health care system.
    Eventually, this industry overbuilt.
    Quorum Health, which operates 24 hospitals in 14 states, is preparing for bankruptcy.

  37. What you don’t hear much about is the fact…
    that many of us will get (if not already had) the coronavirus.
    When they say “flatten the curve”, they mean that they want some folks to get it later, rather than now.

    It seems like there are some powerful forces at work to shut things down in the economy and to inflate the fear along with the casualty list.

    These powerful forces definitely DO NOT WANT a HEALTH SOLUTION to COVID-19 unless they own the marketplace for it, along with the control which the Pandemic has ushered in.

  38. The simplest way to avoid all this tracking stuff is to throw our phones or smartphones to the trash can.

    I have been looking up options in the last days to avoid this, but it seems that even using another OS like LineageOS Google can track us. Of course, phone companies can know where we are at any moment. I feel that this surveillance is even deeper and they can collect data in ways that we don’t know… but I am not an specialist on this topic.

  39. Hi all,

    Interesting report out from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS). It would appear Covid-19 isn’t as deadly as governments would have us believe…shock.

    Here’s a few snippets from the week 13 report:

    “In Week 13, 18.8% of all deaths mentioned “Influenza or Pneumonia”, COVID-19, or both. In comparison, for the five-year average, 19.6% of deaths mentioned “Influenza and Pneumonia”. “Influenza and Pneumonia” has been included for comparison, as a well-understood cause of death involving respiratory infection that is likely to have somewhat similar risk factors to COVID-19.”

    “Looking at the year-to-date (using refreshed data to get the most accurate estimates), the number of deaths is currently lower than the five-year average. The current number of deaths is 150,047, which is 3,350 fewer than the five-year average. Of the deaths registered by 27 March 2020, 647 mentioned the coronavirus (COVID-19) on the death certificate; this is 0.4% of all deaths.”

    Full report here:

    The Covid-19 numbers only relate to those “mentioning” Covid-19 on the death certificate regardless of the cause of death.

    Stay at home – Protect the NHS – Save lives


  40. I was thinking the same thing this morning, Kempus

    I just finished watching the 2 hour interview on London Real with David Icke.
    Some might think that Icke has been a bit “out there” in the past, but this interview is illuminating. And he has been predicting what we are going through, and possibly about to go through, for thirty years.

    In the interview he speaks to the Boris Johnson quick turn-around, undoubtedly told by the controlling cabal what exactly was on the line.

    My suspicion was that Johnson’s illness is purely for propaganda purposes and he will make a miraculous recovery (much the same as the USA governor’s brother ) or that the outcome may be what you describe. It’s very scary to think that we live in a world where we can even surmise something like that happening as almost par for the course.

    I read and watch alternative and independent news constantly now. I find that the consequences we are likely to endure going forward are far scarier than the actual virus (whatever that really is)

    In addition to reading Corbett Report Daily (and throughout the day) I have found a few interviews/videos very illuminating: (I’m sorry, I still don’t know how to link properly but if you search you’ll discover…)

    Catherine Austin Fitts interviewed by Greg Hunter on USAwatchdog April 4

    David Icke interviewed on London Real April 4

    Spiro Skouras – his info on Gates and mandatory vaccinations. (He also recommends people watch Corbett Report for good info on what’s happening)

  41. Smart phone will be implied-mandatory in the future.

  42. BUMP
    This here SUB-THREAD

  43. “How do we know the media are lying? Because their pixels are moving.”


  44. Tuesday in Texas – April 7, 2020

    Gasoline at the pump for $1.31 per gallon.

    I went to 2 grocery stores to get a few items.
    At both stores, the quantity of goods on the shelves was bleak, really blank. Bottled water is limit one. No limit on beer and the once empty coolers are full of it.

    Eggs. I had to scramble to find some eggs, which is why the 2nd grocery store. Found some. Limit 2 dozen. There were only about 20 dozen total on the shelf. Typically, at both grocery stores, there are hundreds of dozens on the shelf and in the back coolers.

    People looked bad today. Serious. Worried. Cautious. Silent. Not like last week.
    Many, many folks were wearing some type of mask, whether it be a homemade bandana or whatever.

    I talked. At checkout and other places around and out of the store, I would talk.
    Sometimes raising my voice so others would hear…
    “Ya know…there is a lot of things the TV is not telling people…Corbett Report…ya know when they say ‘flatten the curve’, they mean that a majority of folks will get or have had the coronavirus. It is only a matter of time. And there are some very effective natural treatments for the virus, but the media is not telling people about those successes….”

    The product distribution lines are probably really screwed up.
    April 3rd
    Yahoo Finance
    U.S. dairy farmers dump milk as pandemic upends food markets

    I am just glad that my 21 year old granddaughter who was working in New York City escaped and made it back down to Texas the other day.

    • I’m glad she got the hell out of dodge in the nick of time. Densely populated areas are becoming potentially very dangerous with extreme dependence on supply lines and all.

      • Yep, she was pretty excited about her new adventure just after graduating college last May. I was all for whatever she wanted to do.

        At that age, and in better times, most of us were filled with the taste of adventure.

  45. It seems that learned helplessness has set in with those few folks around me who till recently were somewhat receptive to my thoughts.
    I am being avoided more diligently than social distancing would explain.

  46. ha!!
    Yes sirree!

    jed says:
    Hearing that Texans are worried, cautious and silent is about the scariest news I’ve read so far.

  47. 5G and Mobile Operators

    Over the past couple of years we have published several Citi GPS reports that look toward the future and highlight wonderful new advances on the horizon — the likes of the Internet-of-Things, driverless cars, virtual reality, smart cities, and factories of the future. A common thread throughout the reports is an assumption that 5G will be the telecom infrastructure backbone that will be needed to enable these products and services.

    PDF download is a good read

    • Del Bigtree has show that you don’t even need symptoms, they leave it at the “discretion” of the doctor to “presume” a death was caused by covid-19 while taking the obligation not to revisit this presumption later on. It’s sickening, really.

      There is also alignment between the explosion of covid attributed deaths in US and the implementation of cause of death coding changes.

  48. In my part of Germany (NRW) we do not have a full lock-down due to a Prime Minister with some brain on active duty.
    So I am happily cycling every morning and just went to the farmers market.
    Being on Home-Office and thus no need for my daily commute gives me one hour of additional sleep and spares me hours in the train. Thumbs up!
    Small business owners here are becoming creative and finding ways around the closure of their shops. You can order my mail in a local bookstore and get the books handed through the window. The local ice-cafe was closed for 3 weeks and now opened a desk in front of the cafe. Now we are having fresh ice again.
    Only bad thing was that my vacation was cancelled, not able to travel to France.
    So we are now cooking French cuisine every day at home.
    But hey, now I really living more intense in my local community.
    And you meet many people who would be on vacation in the local forest.
    Live is a bit on slow-motion.
    Not too bad.
    Making the best of it and I am astonished that I did not need to change my life that much.

    • Germany is definitely a place I am thinking to go to live, unless I directly decide to get out of society (something which eventually will happen). I feel “envy” to see scientists or journalist in your country speaking critically about the situation. In Spain I haven’t been able to find someone critizising the attack by the government against our freedom. Not a single virologist/microbiologist speaking about the numbers of cases, which are directly a fraud.

      Since I know that there are some great scientists in Spain, the only thing that comes to my mind is that they are being silenced… or simply that they don’t want to talk because their carreer could end.

      Anyway, I have to start learning German!

  49. In the early 80’s, I spent more than a year traveling around Louisiana, especially southern Louisiana.

    In the beginning I was selling designer jeans at $10 pair on street corners (10 to 20 banquet tables) in the black sections of town, because black folks are better roadside customers than white folks.

    Later, I was doing large women’s fashion sales at convention centers or Hotel ballrooms around Louisiana.

    Louisiana is predominantly black. A lot of Creole. Cajun country.
    Some gorgeous women in southern Louisiana near Lafayette.

    However, a common characteristic in the poor black (and poor white) communities is the terrible Walmart style diet with crap food.

    That said, there also seems to be an allele (genetic trait) which disproportionately affects blacks with Fluoride poisoning and Lead poisoning, as opposed to whites.
    “Dallas For Safer Water”

  50. Alexandre is from the Sao Paulo area.

    Actually, Corbett did mention it in an earlier episode, and Corbett Report Members have been giving updates all along.

    Go to The Corbett Report menu at the top and click “Videos”, then go see the comments. All over the world.

    Here is one video and at the comments, often the country is in BOLD.
    How to Practice Proper Social Distancing – #PropagandaWatch

  51. Tucker: How long will the lockdowns last?

    Carlson Tucker gives a decent and balanced overview of the situation. Proves that MSM viewers have alternatives, but they may be filtering a bit too much.

    Fair usage warning: contains several cringy statements by the “officials”. Like the one from the mayor of LA proclaiming that snitching is fun and A-OK.

    Or some WHO piece of excrement claiming “authorities” may have to resort to busting into people’s homes and pulling out the infected to provide them humanitarian aid in form of forced insulation. Sounds like busting people into the joint, but maybe that’s just me.

    You have been warned, funky content ahead.

    • COVID-19 – “World Health Organization”
      Barging into ones house

      Tucker QUOTE
      “…People don’t respond well when you threaten to take their kids…”

    • I gotta say, Tucker does bring up some spot-on points.

    • @ManBearPig
      ‘…I trust him to carry out his propagandistic establishment mandate….’
      The lie of objectivity is strong in our culture, a hundred years ago no one thought their news source was not partizan and today ALL of the media that are allowed to exist are allowed to do so only to give us propaganda- from Tucker to Mr Corbett they are only allowed to operate unmolested as long as they are not a threat to the greater plan.
      I ambled into conspiracy theory thanks to “the smarmy” (the only non oligarch I can recall Mr Corbett saying anything mean about) Jon Ronson and later the hysteric alex jones.
      Without getting at the integrity of any of them I think ALL these people are allowed to exist because they are either predictive programing the people or because they are a safety valve to blow off steam.
      It may be this time or the next time but eventually anyone big enough to make a difference will be either tricked or bribed or removed.

      Right now plenty of (i think) honorable and honest alt media types are pushing the corona virus as the next black death because (to paraphrase badly the classic ‘operation mind control’ by walter bowart) people can only make decisions based n the information presented them

  52. Here’s an article from Foreign Affairs encouraging the West i.e., democratic countries of the necessity in adopting surveillance justified by the current Pandemic… FA is part of the CFR. As James has indicated the CFA creates doctrines for the New World Order. Articles in FA are often messages of CFA’s intentions.

    Coronavirus and the Future of Surveillance

    Democracies Must Offer an Alternative to Authoritarian Solutions
    By Nicholas Wright

    The novel coronavirus pandemic is causing tens of thousands of deaths, wreaking economic devastation, leading to lockdowns across much of the world, and upending societies and their assumptions. But going forward, one of its most significant legacies will be the way that the pandemic dovetails with another major global disruption of the last few years—the rise and spread of digital surveillance enabled by artificial intelligence (AI).
    Public health measures have always depended on surveillance, but that has been especially true in governments’ responses to the coronavirus. China, after initially suppressing news of the outbreak in Wuhan, used its arsenal of surveillance tools to tackle the pandemic. These techniques ranged from deploying hundreds of thousands of neighborhood monitors to log the movements and temperatures of individuals, to the mass surveillance of mobile phone, rail, and flight data to track down people who had traveled to affected regions. But democratic countries in East Asia also used expansive surveillance powers to battle COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. South Korea harnessed closed-circuit television (CCTV) and credit card data to track the movements of individuals, and Taiwan integrated health and other databases so all Taiwanese hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies could access the travel information of their patients.
    As they struggle to contain the spread of the virus, Western liberal democracies are looking to China’s tools for limiting the outbreak and wondering whether they should adopt some of those authoritarian methods. Over the past decade, China has been building a digital authoritarian surveillance state at home while vying with the United States on the international stage to determine global standards and shape key network infrastructure, exporting 5G technology and Orwellian systems of facial recognition abroad. The overlap of these two global disruptions—the epidemiological and the technological—will shape the next few years of global history.
    East Asian countries have demonstrated that a robust regime of surveillance is essential to fighting a pandemic. Western democracies must rise to meet the need for “democratic surveillance” to protect their own populations. But what models can the West demonstrate that take advantage of the great benefits of AI-enabled surveillance without sacrificing liberal values?
    Although poorly understood at the time, one of the biggest long-term impacts of the September 11 attacks was expanded surveillance in the United States and other democracies, by both public and private sectors. Similarly, one of COVID-19’s most important long-term impacts will be the reshaping of digital surveillance across the globe, prompted by the public health need to more closely monitor citizens. The stakes are high. If democracies fa

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