Have you ever wondered what’s behind The Corbett Report paywall? Well, wonder no more! Today James takes you behind the login to show you exactly what super secret insider info you get by becoming a subscriber (spoiler: you don’t get any super secret insider info at all).
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We have been conditioned by centuries of top-down capitalism into thinking that the model “money first, then product/service” is the most successful and the only possible one that Only after the advent of Internet Open Source movement people have started realizing that the model “product/service first, then money” is not only possible but also potentially more efficient.
It puts great responsibility on both parties as the producer must provide an excellent product regardless the final monetary reward, while the buyer must understand the broad economy around the product to reward the producer fairly.
In such systems, for example, cartels to establish monopolies and root out the competition would be impossible as the final price is established by every single the individual buyer and not the producer.
I was having a conversation in Barcelona with one of the “free city guides” who survive with donations given at the end of the our and they told me they earn significantly more than those employed by companies. Needless to say, their tours are also more fun and better researched than the “traditional” ones.
Again, many more examples can be given, but ultimately James’ “philosophical stand” should hopefully become the mainstream model rather than the exception.
Whew, that was close; I was worried you were about to give away our secret meeting locations which only us three-year and above subscribers enjoy.
Just wait until you find out about the benefits the $1000+ donators get. Quickest way will be to donate $1000 right now and find out, I very much recommend it.
So I’m only on the outskirts of the in-crowd? Say it ain’t so! I think I can scrounge up that sum…do I send it to Corbett or…??
Chill, man…bearpig. Just learn the secret handshake and it’s all good. But I just heard that if we up our donation to a mere 1000, life will be even sweeter.
Better question, how would one go about upgrading their monthly membership to a higher amount?
Obviously, James… you provide a very easy-to-understand economic function. Faced with fake news as the quotidian norm, we’d all spend the same time you do culling all the same information if we didn’t subscribe (or hadn’t subscribed). For both memders and non-members alike, you provide a much appreciated service at the lowest possible cost. Simply earning money for what you make freely available — you may have discovered how to create a new kind of monopoly, one which Rockefeller could have never imagined.
The most significant benefit from becoming a member was a relief from the years of guilt and self recrimination I suffered from as a freeloader. Now my conscience is free.
Except for the myriad other people that I wish I were in a position to help support.
Being able to post inane comments is fun too though.
Greetings to everyone btw.
Whenever I’m lauding CR to people I know (which I frequently do), I always mention the donation-based way in which the site is funded. I think it’s a fantastic way to run a site, and it ensures I will never cancel my subscription.
Keep doing what you’re doing, guys.
PS Is there a way to search the comments I have made over the years? Sometimes I feel like glancing through them, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do this…
Hotfoot says:
PS Is there a way to search the comments I have made over the years? Sometimes I feel like glancing through them, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to do this…
You will have to experiment with different search engines and keywords.
Start with…
“Corbett Report” and “Hotfoot” and perhaps a topic you recall mentioning.
You can search for your comments (or another Corbett Member”) on a webpage quickly in Internet Explorer…
press Ctrl+F keyboard combination to bring up the Find bar.
Hope that helps.
I’m with ya, calibrator.
“Frankly, I’m not sure I’d support James if he would put up a paywall…
The other major reason I support James – besides the quality of his work – *is* that he puts it up entirely for free.
I don’t know about most Corbetteers here but I also get my wage at the END of the month and not beforehand…”
Anyone can make “Corbett Report Hoodies”, sell them and keep profits.
Same would go for “Corbett Report” bumper stickers, T-shirts or whatever.
There is no copyright by James Corbett on the “Corbett Report” name.
He owns no copyright.
A person can do what they want with the profits.
Voluntary life-styles are very appealing to me.
With the prices on some of these name brand clothing and shoe items, I am continuously amazed at how many folks buy them.
Even scented candles by Iron Man’s girlfriend (G. Paltrow) are priced pretty steep, but Jamaican-style mushroom tea might affect staff decisions.
As for me, my next business venture is to sell bananas taped to walls.
IMAGE – https://img.republicworld.com/republic-prod/stories/promolarge/xxhdpi/f6groonfd0lsgiqa_1575626302.jpeg?tr=w-812,h-464