Everyone has heard by now that Soleimani was responsible for 600 American deaths . . . but where does this oddly specific number come from? Today on “Questions For Corbett,” James finds the answer at the bottom of a barrel of neocon lies.
Watch this video on BitChute / Minds.com / YouTube or Download the mp4
Interview 1506 – Ryan Cristian on the Assassination of Soleimani
State Department briefing on 600 deaths report
Iran killed more US troops in Iraq than previously known, Pentagon says
Lies About Iran Killing US Troops in Iraq Are a Ploy to Justify War
Is this the beginning of the end?
Is there something wrong or evil with Iran seeking sustainable energy?
Maybe they’re just being forward thinking, no?
I found a link to back up what you’re saying:
I’ve only skimmed through it, but I can’t see how or why you’re seemingly painting this awful picture of their desire to keep up with the rest of the developed world in an economically sustainable manner.
It’s obvious how desperate the United States is in wielding sanctions against an otherwise, or erstwhile, independent, competitive, sovereign, country such as Iran, who have been having to deal with Western imperialistic, colonial intervention for the last 67 years – Masonic architecture, notwithstanding.
And what about this “heavy social engineering” adopted by Iranian public schools?
Here’s an interesting link on 30 facts about their educational system:
[Here’s fact No. 9: “According to 2015 estimates, the literacy rates of total population age 15 and over is 86.8% of which 92.1% are male and 82.5% are female.“…. That’s pretty damned good if I have to say so, myself.]
But, here’s an 2019 article outlining some of the reasons for teachers protesting. Seems for better pay and working conditions…Sound familiar? Others are unhappy with the state mandating (unconstitutionally, so it would seem) that schools teach the national language, Farsi, rather than various regional languages, as a first language.
I’m not quite sure that would be my definition of “heavy social engineering” as you mentioned. Perhaps there’s other details you could share to justify your comment?
The truth of the matter is Iran has been trying their level best to hold on to their national sovereignty, and not the other way around, despite every effort on the West’s part to hold it down, stifle its development, and still more recently, since at least Bush the younger, to set off on a campaign to demonize, demoralize, and economically isolate it, with the goal in mind to ultimately crush it. Or, in neocon parlance, liberate it.
On another note….
Interestingly, Trump’s war crime message threatening to obliterate cultural and historical sites among “52” chosen targets hearkens back to symbolism of the CIA’s calling card placed on their hits. Trump obviously would love to use the whole deck. I wonder if that statement was actually Pompeo’s dumb-ass idea.
In rereading the above, I’m actually trying to decipher “Fact No.9” which I had highlighted:
[Here’s fact No. 9: “According to 2015 estimates, the literacy rates of total population age 15 and over is 86.8% of which 92.1% are male and 82.5% are female.“…. That’s pretty damned good if I have to say so, myself.]
I’m questioning, mathematically, its statement that of the 86.8% literacy rate, 92.1% are male and 82.5% are female? That adds up to 174.6%. lol I’m hoping at least that the article got the 86.8% correct. Because that is pretty impressive. It reminiscent of the high literacy rate that Libya achieved under Gaddafi. Of course, Libya’s since been torn asunder.
“I’m questioning, mathematically, its statement that of the 86.8% literacy rate, 92.1% are male and 82.5% are female? That adds up to 174.6%. lol I’m hoping at least that the article got the 86.8% correct.”
86.8% was the percent of the population aged 15+ that was considered ‘literate’.
92.1% was the percent of the male population aged 15+ that was considered ‘literate’.
82.5% was the percent of the female population aged 15+ that was considered ‘literate’.
You may be right.
The only thing is, if that were the explanation, shouldn’t dividing the sum of the male and female percentages equal the overall average percentage?
92.1 + 82.5 = 174.6 / 2 = 87.3
It’s close, but not exact. 🙂
“The only thing is, if that were the explanation, shouldn’t dividing the sum of the male and female percentages equal the overall average percentage?
92.1 + 82.5 = 174.6 / 2 = 87.3
It’s close, but not exact. ? ”
Only if the percentage of males in the population equals the percentage of females.
I will give you two examples to clarify this:
1st has a total population of 1000.
500 male 92.1% = 460.5 literate.
500 fem 82.5% = 412.5 literate.
873 male+fem are literate.
873 / 1000 total = 87.3% literate of total pop
2nd has a total population of 1000.
700 male 92.1% = 644.7 literate.
300 fem 82.5% = 247.5 literate.
892 male+fem are literate.
892 / 1000 total = 89.2 % literate of total pop
I’m going to consult my resident mathematician tomorrow, out of curiosity, to find out what percentage of the total were males and what percentage were females.
Unless you can handle that, too, Fawlty Towers? 🙂
Fawlty Towers
450 males @ 92.1% = 414.45
550 females @ 82.5% = 453.75
868 / 1000 = 86.8% literacy
But, no matter how you slice it, for the region, that’s a very high literacy rate, especially that the rates among males and females are practically identical.
I once saw an Iranian made movie, with all the expertise of a Hollywood production, e.g., cinematography, directing, etc., centering on the affairs of a middle aged, upwardly mobile doctor in Tehran, and I marveled at how Western it was! In other words, the movie could have been French, and been no different in the character’s psyches, and their basic concerns, etc.
An Iranian once told me – and he was being very matter of fact, he wasn’t trying to sell me on anything – that there’s nothing wrong with Iran, except for the Mullahs. If Iran could get rid of their Mullahs, it would be a great country….
No, alexandre, Iran’s not in simultaneous dimensions, other than in ones head, as such claptrap paradigms, like worms borrowing into the skin, have been embedded into a collective (un)consciousness from left, right and center.
Above I have a post that’s “awaiting moderation”. But, in it, I basically asked phreedomfile, among other things, what’s wrong with Iran, or for that matter, any country, desiring sustainability?
Why the level of disdain? Idiocy? I don’t see why the concept of “sustainability” especially if simply taken on face value, that is, by the meaning of the term, itself, stemming from “to sustain”, can’t be mutually exclusive with rejecting Al Gore’s embellished and highly questionable theory of CO2’s role in climate change.
Unless you want to take up John McCain’s heady presidential campaign mantra of “Burn, baby burn!”, without a thought, without a care, without a concern, then, cool. Then that which is “sustainable” could be viewed in someone’s light as idiocy. Maybe by the light of the campfire, eh? 🙂
PS: I remember we left off on a conversation a while back where you mentioned something about knowing, or have met spiritists. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the context.
Fair enough. Technocracy is some scary shit, absolutely.
By nature, and how I live my life in general, tends to favor the Luddite mentality and I get called out for it all the time. Friends want to buy me a fucking smart phone and I tell them don’t bother cause I’ll just throw it in the trash. My office has a 50 plus yr old rotary dial phone connected by copper wiring. If someone’s in the office when it rings, the response at times is – is that thing for real?? That’s because they’ve never heard a fucking real phone ring before. Lol You know? That is, a phone that actually has a set of fucking real bells….
But, anyway, I’m not crazy about multi-dimensional chess boards. It looks cool on Star Trek, and probably the only one who would or could possibly be half way proficient playing it would be a Spock-like character, not the half-baked, would-be evil pricks out there. I’m of the opinion that those who would babble on about it probably play a lousy game. In other words, describing reality in unnecessarily complicated jargon only makes matters worse, and for all their supposed noble intentions, basically creates an untenable, unknowable confusion. The game of chess is complicated enough. We don’t need to capture Brzezinski’s queen in three dimensional space. For attempting a winning strategy, a flat board will do. Imho.
Yeah, we’ll have to get to the bottom of the spiritists thing. I know we were talking about jazz at the time.
Be good.
Well, after thinking about what I wrote above, I almost thought to post a short note to explain that I was on a bit of a rant…. After coming home four in the morning after a night out, I was still in a rather “spirited” zone….ah, yes, lots of spirits!
So, I herein make a retraction, that life and it’s strange affairs aren’t two dimensional, and what’s playing out can and does occur on multiple, convoluted levels. To be sure, most, if not all the time, what we see ain’t exactly what we get, as we know. The back stories, the agendas, hidden or masked in plain sight, historical connections, etc., etc., constitute quite the job to piece together, to find and connect the dots, to make objective analyses. It’s a Herculean task in the truest sense of the term. And, far from making light of the work Corbett does here, I find it quite admirable…. And guess what, as a smart guy – and Corbett is a very, very smart guy – he would no doubt probably play a pretty mean game of 3D chess against the likes of a Spock, or even a full fledged Vulcan, for that matter. Not sure he’d win, but, who knows? 🙂
The most important aspect and key issue of digging into and seeking the truth on any given subject, or in the linking of subjects, is the process and manner of validating the facts – evaluating and weighing all the bits and pieces of information researched and gathered up. No sense connecting dots to create a picture if the dots are false. And I think Corbett is careful about weighing information based upon its source, and the degree to which it is documented and/or speculative, as the case may be.
The other crucial aspect is in interpreting said facts; that is, figuring out what they mean, and determining if there’s enough facts to form an objective understanding. The process, unfortunately, is fraught with an existing minefield of misinformation and disinformation, as well as missing and/or incomplete information, which can lead to just as false a narrative as one derived from disinformation.
And I think you’re perfectly right about how we label our world in “terms” and how those “terms” may not necessarily reflect our world with any accuracy. You touch on a very philosophical concept here. With the human intellect, or to qualify that a little further, with the Western intellect, we’ve managed to have chopped the world up, and have spat it out in our own illusional and imaginary image.
I’d like to know what the Spiritists would say?
Rant, Corbett! Rant more!
That cracked me up!
Persian shadow puppetry with global appeal
Phreedomphile, going back to 1953 the removing of the democratically elected President ? Of Iran, who in that era can be connected to industries,mining,ect. ownership,to the Paris faction of supporters that brought forth the Khomeini path to power. The Shaw came from Paris too, didn’t he? Was he (K) one of the ‘n’ backup to the Shaw route chosen by the CIA,MI6 ? Should the Shaw get too accustomed to power and forget who was running the show? The Populace get out of control? Ms.Whites revelations of the primary role of the CIA to vet corruptible people. So in the best reductionist fashion, Who was running the show? Who assigned the CIA to this control? Dutch royals,Anglo royals, German royals, French royals, American royals, a cabal of all?. It gets confusing. But the patterns are there and I can’t agree more that we have forgotten the source of the Nile. Blood lines and a thread for another day, definitely!
RealNews out of Baltimore added some collaborating information about the buzz words that masks the truth of the matter. That matter still seems to allude us. It seems both parties are desperate to throw both cultures under the elite power bus. The caps of the pyramid want to jettison the body in the worst way and turn a profit in doing so. And clear the way for a technological ordered universe for better administration… Too many inmates screwing with the asylums wardens. Both parties have common desires.
You called it James back in 2007.
Clear as crystal! Thanks.
Who needs Errol Morris to figure out
these rabid Yankee dawgs?
Libertydan says:
“I like the way James concluded this video with Trump’s Secretary of State, and former CIA Director, Mike Pompeo laughing about having completed Courses in Lying and Deception at the CIA.
You can bet that this clip will never be seen on Main Stream Media. “
I agree. It was the perfect wrap-up!
James Corbett says:
“No rational, SANE, Human Being wants this war!”
Alexandre , you got that right. Every chance he got cause he was a professional ! Professionals are not immune from correction by civilians, professional citizens. Here is a naturalized ” citizen” trying to be as real as possiable too that dream of what this country use to be. Even Portoriquenhos know how precious the story is, the story that has not been written. This dream is the never ending story.
I really like this guy for believing in the long game. The 3 part trilogy of birth of a nation, modern treachery new world alliances and finally ???? That part hasn’t been written. It just takes a spark to get that immigrant fire going, throw in a pitchfork and get this correction started. It is just as easy one way or the other, depends on your perspective. This guy knows burning desire. It can be a beautiful novella if you work at writing it beautifully. Its not writing itself, is it? If all murderous tendency’s of human nature gets written out of the script all the better. The rest will organize spontaneously warts and all. Lifes what ever the author writes.
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai on the long game. Vigilance
Alex , did you ever view ” Birth of a Nation” by D.W Griffith. An old 1915 three hour silent film. Powerful film. It sounds like you have. Somebody has to die for you have to be born. Who is immune from that nagging emotional manipulation we are exposed to daily? Is this proof you are no schieden-freude psychopath.?
Voce pode me dizer, what is Oroonoko?? The Royal Slave? Good point. I Get it now. What isn’t fiction based anymore? The arts? The sciences? The energy we consume? The news?
How ’bout a song to take our mind off our troubles. Got any new ones? Im in the mood. The world spins around and around.
Thanks I can smell the warm air off the pampas with Wes blowing through my ears. Im watching it snow here.
Its now another Saturday night, here is one more.
Alex, where are those giant armadillos from. I want to have a little of their warmth. People don’t get the fact its summer down there. Its a balmy 24 degreesF. here So the whole planet is cold in there minds.
I would have to ask a Canadian what that is in cellulose. All I know is its cold and Im ready to drive the 8trillion centimeters to somewhere warmer.
Thanks for the music.
Alex , its in the pantenall. Yes the Tatu-Canastra. I don’t know where the pampas came from. Excusa. Que voy. Anywhere warmer.
This CAPS LOCK Thread
I just want to remind everyone to keep the conversation civil with no mean-spirited name calling.
Jokes are acceptable.
(10 seconds)
If only someone would hack into Fox “News” during one of its 2 men and a bimbo chats, and stream this video. How I’d laugh, reading the comments from those jingoistic Ever Trumpers, to such a show in its You Tube account!
I had quite a bit of a shock listening to Dr. Steve Pieczenik on the link you provided.
Man, did he get old…. For years he was a regular on Alex Jones, touted as a guy who could. with his “insider” information, properly analyze what was going on at any particular time, much like Alex’s other purported CIA and Pentagon “contacts” whose identities were left undisclosed.
But, what a mouth piece! A propagandist of the highest order!
Pieczenik truly makes me now wonder what Alex Jones was, or still is, all about?
Pieczenik, as a former State Department Official, educated at Cornell, Harvard and MIT sounds like he could have been a very high level something or other. lol
I’m listening to what Pieczenik has to say with guarded laughter:
“…and we are now in the process of trying to minimize our own intervention in Yemen, and in fact it’s Mohammad Bin Salman who’s made the overture to the Iranians to say, look, we want some sense of peace in our area, in the Middle East…”
That’s Mohammad Bin Salman, the murderer? Looking for a sense of peace. Wow, Pieczenik, really?
Though, some of the comments in your link say it best:
“Love your work, views – not buying this, stinks to high heaven – US get out of middle east”
“Dr….after you get done “splaining” it to us, please tell me again why we (the US) are in Iraq.”
“Please don’t assign any original thought to this buffoon game show host.” – (my personal favorite)
“I am afraid McCain is singing from hell his favourite song: bomb,bomb,bomb, bomb Iran….”
“”Surgical Strike” ????? Those CIA royalties must have doubled in value.” – (another good one)
“Steve you’re sounding like a NeoCon here.
You might as well just advocate for killing Generals in every single country that the United States has made into enemies in the middle east. Since you know as well as I that Trump can use the same excuse to justify taking out virtually anyone in the middle east.
You sir have failed all of us here. Thanks Steve.”
“What kind of BS is this? I used to like your videos when you discussed Epstein and Mossad….looks like you’ve been compromised.”
Yup, his words and background say it all. It’s not that he’s suddenly compromised, it’s that he’s 76 yrs old and he’s slipping.
Anyway, decti, thanks for the link! It was highly informative!
I the early moments after the hit, I was thinking, ‘Here we go, WWIII’.
Then I observed the mainstream media people losing their minds over this.
I’m typically on the other side of the MSM on certain stories, where I’m not buying what they are selling.
Then I saw the post by a Iranian woman that said this guy was a very bad man, She coulda said, “Jerry, you’re a very bad bad man’.
So now I’m OK with the this hit because sometimes evil has to be met head on. This was a bad dude and when average Iranians are happy this guy was taken out, I’m OK. It’s the world we live in.
“So now I’m OK with the this hit because sometimes evil has to be met head on. This was a bad dude and when average Iranians are happy this guy was taken out, I’m OK. It’s the world we live in.”
Oh really?
So you’re OK with macho U.S. taking out whoever it pleases, whenever it pleases?
You don’t think Iranians are capable of taking out their leaders?
Ordinarily, I denounce myself in advance for statements that might be perceived hostile, trolling or looking to start a flame war.
To put my comments and perceptions of the event into perspective, consider watching this woman’s video:
Apparently, this video went rather viral with some 10 million views, especially among right-wing circles. This Iranian-American woman, Saghar Kasraie, or “Erica” as she says she’s known by her friends, has an interesting background, which is critically explored in the following link:
Personally, I tend to agree with Richard Silverstein, the author of the foregoing link, concerning this woman, as immediately, she seemed to be a straight out, professional propagandist. Indeed, to be sure, some of the best actors and actresses out there, are not necessarily to be found on the silver screen.
At the very best, this viral video is woefully biased, and must be appealing to only those who might still believe in American financed benevolence, spreading democracy (at the point of a gun or tip of a missile, mostly) to hoards of enslaved souls who they believe will offer by the hundreds of thousands, fig leaves and flowers to heavily armed, kick-your-front-door-down, American and Coalition emancipators that come to the rescue.
That’s really been working out well up until now, hasn’t it?
But I mean, really, as far as “Erica” is concerned, baking cookies and cakes out of the shear joyful reaction to Soleimani’s assassination? C’mon, man. Did she have a couple of twisted, girlfriends in Tehran do a little cheerful baking in solidarity with her far-right views? Her notion simply doesn’t jive with the millions throughout Iran who gathered in Soleimani’s funereal honor, in a vast show of their solidarity…. “Erica” is also pretty descriptively loose with her exhortation that protesters had “taken over the US embassy” in Baghdad. Hardly.
Anyway, the most important take-away from all this turmoil in Iran (as well as in Iraq and elsewhere), is the fact that US sanctions have been taking its toll on the lives of ordinary Iranians, just as it had on Iraqis years earlier, adversely so, deadly so, before they were “liberated” by the 2003 US invasion.
There’s just no getting around this hard, brutal, perverse and very undemocratic truth.
Also, not to shine too harsh a prison yard spotlight on “Erica”, she simply isn’t your every day podcast homie.
From the link I posted above is a photo of her “chatting up” none other than Dick Cheney:
Make of this as you wish, but sometimes there’s no truer truism than this: A picture is worth a thousand words.
candlelight and alexandre-
I’m not replying in sequence because it wasn’t possible.
Your posts sent me down memory lane. I grew up in Silicon Valley, before it was called that. A little place called Cupertino. Our family had one landline of course, a rotary dial that went Ding-a-Ling. I remember when we got this newfangled thing called an answering machine. We were so excited. My sister and I were in junior high school and high school respectively, so phone calls were a big deal. When we would come home and see the little red light flashing we would almost stab each other with forks to see who the message was for. How things have changed. To very loosely paraphrase M Python, you tell the youngsters about that, and they wouldn’t know what the fuck you are talking about.
I have cousins in Cupertino 🙂
Ha ha, funny.
They’re okay.
It’s me. I’m still trying to save myself…from myself!
But, somehow, I haven’t managed just yet.
Getting back to the sampler. Not being a musician, just a consumer of vinyl, 8-track, cassette tape, compact disk, and now, last but not least, simply a youtube listener, I never heard of the sampler until you mentioned it. But, I certainly see what you’re ragging about, for sure.
But, in all seriousness, the “real” will still be here for the long haul, even as it gets pitted up against its digital copy.
Music is so primordial and basic to the human spirit and the embodiment of freedom, that if NWO, trans-humanist geeky fucks manage to strip that off us, then we’re truly fucked….
It would mean we got fooled, again.
Let’s “pray we don’t get fooled, again!”
“No, no!”
Not too philosophical at all. In fact, if I’m hearing you right, that’s pretty much how I’ve always felt about over-reliance on the Moog synthesizer, or keyboards with the various simulated instrumentation. I was always like, why bother with the fake shit? Laziness? Easy? Or, just because it’s been invented and now they can. Okay, fine. But, I still wasn’t crazy about it. It didn’t float my boat, and never will
But, this is not to be confused with say, the wah wah pedal, or speaker feedback. I’ve never heard a more masterful sound from each than when Hendrix did it. Or Clapton.
I did have a musician friend who was also a computer scientist and he produced a couple of CDs of his computer compositions which he really got off on. But, that was his thing, he was making his code sing.
God bless him.
But, I’m afraid they’ll not be walking back digital anytime soon. It’s here to stay and will probably be here after all the vibrations of the strings are long gone.
Real? In a few more generations real’s passé.
Call in that old violinist? Hell, no, we got an app for that, man.
9-11 insider dealing redux
When you write a story that suggests that people may have had access to advance knowledge of momentous events and then managed to make huge amounts of money trading on that information, you get a lot of criticism.
…. he noticed the unusual trading in the stocks of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin in the hours before the drone strike in Baghdad and wondered why their stocks began to “surge” an hour before the hit. “If it is insider trading it would be fairly gobsmacking,” he wrote, “not to mention brazen, and while the implications of your previous [V.F.] article are egregious, behaviour like this involving assassination and the prospect of armed conflict is on another level altogether.”
Latest from Pepe Escobar
Iranian radars disabled. Coordinates of a civilian Ukrainian aircraft changed – so it would look like an enemy aircraft.
The downing of the Ukrainian Boeing might have been the result of a US cyber attack.
Link referred in facebook post:
“Anyone talk to Sibel Edmonds the Iranian gal of Boiling Frogs Post / Newsbud? It is an oddity I’ve noticed over the years that folks often avoid what could be some of the best sources.”
Ms. Edmonds and Mr. Corbett are not exactly on speaking terms at the moment. 🙂
Ms. Edmonds did say something about Iran as recently as Jan 9, 2020.
She released a video entitled “The Coming Cooked-Up Dossier on Iran”.
Some new information about the retaliation attack by Iran
Partisan Girl
5 Lies about Iran’s strikes – debunked
She shows evidence of how most missiles did hit the intended targets.
And that the US did not strike back, because Iran threatened
to attack Israel.
MBP , right again, you know how well a cold war works for everybody. Me I am cutting off the cuffs and going short sleeved. Then Im joining the VXR and end it voluntary if you don’t cough up that cup cake recipe.
If that wasn’t the spookiest Gia worship thing, right up there with flat earth, couldn’t believe it if I hadn’t read it.
The Plot to Attack Iran – Myths, Oil & Revolution
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8Zb8615ib0 Empire Files
Abby Martin sits down with Dan Kovalik, human rights attorney and author of the book “The Plot to Attack Iran,” to discuss the context to Trump’s recent attacks, the most common myths about the country, and the history of US plots.
Explains how the country is not so bad as is portrayed.
Even moderately liberal. But it has Oil.
I loved this interview.
Fundamentals were addressed.
Iran – history, religions, demographics, condoms, etc.
Iran Armenian Anecdote
While the Dan Kovalik interview paints Iran in a much different light than John Bolton would, I am sure that just like any nation, it can be a mixed bag when ascribing characteristics to a nation.
Back around 2007/2008, Alfie (not his real name) was a strong activist in his early 20’s who was helping with our “North Texans For 9/11 Truth” Group. I worked closely with him on a variety of projects.
Alfie was of Armenian decent. He was born in Iran and spent his first years of school in Iran. His family moved to the U.S. where he completed his education. Alfie had no foreign accent whatsoever to his English.
Alfie resented Iran. He told me why.
During those early childhood schooling years, the instructors would often beat him with a switch / stick. He expected the daily swats. He was Armenian, which implied that he should be beaten daily. At the time, Alfie thought that this was ‘normal’, that this was how it was when a person was Armenian.
So, like many countries, some places have their prejudices against race, creed or ethnicity.
Alfie’s Father was in his early 70’s or late 60’s. He must have been a tough guy. Rather than go to the Dentist(in the U.S.), his Father got a pair of pliers and pulled out his own teeth.
Alex you never cease to amaze the artist kindred spirit in me. Yes, we are either caught in a spiders web with what we know and what we are being told or we have found the holy grail of knowledge in the Corbett report. That maybe why Abby Martin goes main stream. Exposure to this stuff is limited to so few people. I have asked all over this little city and only 5 or 6 even know The Corbett Report or any alt media exists. Its a small number.
You are so right on the book thing. ( cap lock warning) EXPOSURE EXPOSURE EXPOSURE. TO THE NORMIE WORLD!
Your an Ad Man how would you make James as attractive as Abby Martin? Open the flood gates . At least 100 million people are here and waiting for someone to tell them why they have so many doubts. I know there is no venues to expose the masses to what’s really going on, or is there? Hum…you make me want to think laterally.
Alex. Lateral thinking. I don’t know , esta sabor nada , but it seems to be necessary in this prison planet. However nothing good ever comes quick. The assembly of spontaneous order , say in creativity, say music, comes pretty quick when you change an approach to a goal. Think differently, act differently to the established order for something greater than the sum of , the goals individual parts. It seems to be in conflict as It relates to the law of Conservation of Energy. It borders between two realities. Spiritual and Physical. Anarchy favors the spiritual in my small thinking because it breaks the established rules.
To design a future Ad campaign, as Bernaise did , out of the box thinking broke all the rules. And wah-la! We have the reality we have today. Now, how to construct a new reality and move out of inercia without all the habitual resistance to change that will occur. Im saying think like Bernaise. Isn’t Jazz lateral music? The change we are looking for is the million dollar question. Why don’t people in general view their imprisonments differently. Learned hepless
Alex , I forgot to leave this definition of lateral thought.
They used some very normie topics as examples of problems. The problem i would pose show do we tear down the matrix prison walls. It will take minds like yours.
Good point, Corbett would first have to get a lot more attractive to be on Abby’s level, eh? Not only figure-wise, but maybe grow some hair? I don’t know….
Well, they do have RT in common. Corbett, even very early on, somehow had the eye of the RT producers and was interviewed a number of times, if I remember correctly.
But, Abby’s reaching a different sort of audience. She doesn’t probe as deep as Corbett. In a way, the fact that she reaches a wider audience sort of compensates for her lack of depth: deep and narrow vs wide and shallow….
But, to follow your narrative concerning the real puppet show before us, as it’s rather obvious that, as you intimate, presidents aren’t the ones making the decisions, the question becomes, then, who, behind the curtain, are making the decisions? For instance, who is it, exactly, who tells the CIA what to do? Who to kill, who to go after? It’s one thing to realize the CIA killed Kennedy, but who was the individual or individuals who sanctioned it? Select members of the Bilderberg group? Others? Trilateral Commission members?
This still remains a very shadowy question, the answer to which truly hasn’t been pinpointed that I know of. Hinted at, speculated about, but, not answered.
This elusive truth is not ready for prime time, or Abby, as darn pretty as she is.
“But, to follow your narrative concerning the real puppet show before us, as it’s rather obvious that, as you intimate, presidents aren’t the ones making the decisions, the question becomes, then, who, behind the curtain, are making the decisions? For instance, who is it, exactly, who tells the CIA what to do? Who to kill, who to go after? It’s one thing to realize the CIA killed Kennedy, but who was the individual or individuals who sanctioned it? Select members of the Bilderberg group? Others? Trilateral Commission members?”
Dulles is a prime suspect for directing the CIA to make the kill, even though he had already been removed from the agency.
Fawlty Towers
When I wrote the above, the name Allen Dulles slipped my mind so, even though I was temped to say “what’s his name”, I didn’t bother. Had I remembered his name, I would have said the Kennedy assassination was directed by the CIA in the personage of Allen Dulles, etc. But, what my question actually was and still is – under who’s direction did Allen Dulles take his orders from? Of course, if it was the chiefs at the Pentagon, the question remains, who does the Pentagon work for, etc., the ultimate answer being the naming of names at the very pinnacle of this unholy pyramid.
Ironically, James’ very next podcast touching on Logos may have pointed a very fickle fated finger in the direction of the Freemasons as a very likely avenue to explore, being that their symbology adorns virtually the entire globe. So, unless 2 + 2 = 5, it stands to reason that part of the puzzle is associated with that not-so-secret-anymore society, whose members, apparently, had the poor judgement to allow Freedman Fly into their inner chambers. They couldn’t possibly have foresaw Fly’s exposé…. They ain’t that good.
“Thinkin’ out of the box”: I thought GBW’s introducing Dr. Edward de Bono was interesting an informative. It led me to watch one of his longer lectures. I liked his “blonde” joke: There were two 90 year old friends, and when the second to die meets up with old pal in hell, he sees him sitting with a young gorgeous blonde on his lap. And he says to his friend, ah, are you sure this is hell? The friend replies, yes, it is. This is her punishment….
Yet, as interesting as de Bono is, I’m more with you. I liked very much your reaction to the creative problem solving out of the box meme. It’s earthy.
Check out this “banana in the tailpipe” link. Oddly enough, scrolling half way down, it features some of your Brazilian compadres and how they deal with the modern world….Now I know precisely where you’re coming from!
That was a low blow about the hair, ostensibly. Though, If I can tell you a little secret…I think from that comment I could be excused. lol
“When I wrote the above, the name Allen Dulles slipped my mind so, even though I was temped to say “what’s his name”, I didn’t bother. Had I remembered his name, I would have said the Kennedy assassination was directed by the CIA in the personage of Allen Dulles, etc. But, what my question actually was and still is – under who’s direction did Allen Dulles take his orders from? Of course, if it was the chiefs at the Pentagon, the question remains, who does the Pentagon work for, etc., the ultimate answer being the naming of names at the very pinnacle of this unholy pyramid.”
In his book “The Devil’s Chessboard – Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government” David Talbot posits that Dulles did not take his orders from anyone. That it was Dulles himself who made the decision to eliminate JFK.
Fawlty Towers,
The premise that Allan Dulles was top dog making the decision to off JFK simply doesn’t work for me.
I didn’t read the book, but let’s go to Talbot’s Wikipedia page where it has a synopsis of his book, and copy a line from it:
“According to Talbot, Dulles orchestrated the assassination of Kennedy at the behest of corporate leaders who perceived the President to be threat to national security, lobbied Lyndon B. Johnson to have himself appointed to the Warren Commission, then arranged to have Lee Harvey Oswald take sole responsibility for the act.”
Dictionary meaning of “behest”: A person’s order or command.
That makes a whole lot more sense. So, I want to know who those fucking people were who gave Dulles the fucking Command.
Do we read The Devil’s Chessboard to find that out, or does Talbot keep that info to himself? Or does he even know?
Will Talbot suffer another stroke before we find out?
“Your an Ad Man how would you make James as attractive as Abby Martin? Open the flood gates . At least 100 million people are here and waiting for someone to tell them why they have so many doubts. I know there is no venues to expose the masses to what’s really going on, or is there? Hum…you make me want to think laterally.”
I was thinking about the ‘going viral’ thing ever since a comment I made yesterday.
When we think of an idea or action going viral these days what immediately springs to mind?
Gootube, or Twitter or Fakebook etc.
All mainstream dribble outfits.
None of them would ever permit an important Corbett video or message to go viral. That is, flood the world in a matter of days or weeks.
Therein lies our conundrum. Can you think of any alt-media that has the power to go viral, truly viral?
We (in the alt-media) need to start developing platforms that can do this!
I had the same thoughts as you, just after I made my post.
So just how does Mr. Corbett reach a wide enough audience to make a really BIG BANG in this world?
(I haven’t seen his latest ‘Going Viral’ video but am looking forward to it.)
The MSM/deep state channels would never permit one of his eye-opening videos to gain substantial viral momentum.
There currently doesn’t exist an alt-media venue that can achieve the ‘viral effect’ and even if one eventually surfaced, you can bet your bottom dollar that TPTB would find a way to pull the plug on any video that was too ‘truthful’ and threatened to go viral.
It would be a crying shame indeed if 10-20 years from now (assuming Mr. Corbett is still plugging away at this) his worldwide impact remains the same as it is now, in relative terms.
Alex, Puedo saborear lo que dices. Gracious!
Looking at the disastrous weather conditions around the globe, I’m wondering if weather can be man made? Meaning:
Are some people at work to create earthquakes ,tsunamis ,drought,rainfalls etc ? It is said the next wars are going to be fought by manipulating weather,is it true?
Farrur, Possibly, locally crops can be destroyed for war or for economic terrorism and profits. Elana Freeland has 3 books out on the subject. They are full of information, references and sources. True may not be the word, but probable and possible are more likely .
Benny Wills (a veteran Joy Camp guy) says:
“I want to show you a video….”
An English fellow visits Iran and drives across it on a motorcycle.
Spoiler: Ya probably won’t go hungry in Iran.