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Polls show that 100% of people love #PropagandaWatch and the vast majority of the viewing public thinks this is an excellent episode of the series. A recent survey found that everyone you know subscribes to The Corbett Report (and so should you!). What, you’re not one of those non-Corbett Report loving weirdos, are you?!
Poll shows support for funding to research aimed at obesity epidemic
What Americans will (and won’t) give up to fight climate change
Poll: 4 in 5 Support Full-Body Airport Scanners
How TV News Manufactures Consent – #PropagandaWatch
Most People Believe In JFK Conspiracy Theories
Most Americans Who See Collapse of Building 7 Doubt Official Story, Survey Finds
I use predictive programming on people. I discovered that this technique can be used on friends and family. If I tell someone about WT7, then the chances of them being more open to it the next time they here about it are more likely.
I try not to pester people to the point of them getting frustrated but I will always push; little by little. That is exactly how we got here; Fabian-style.
I also decided that living as if I am in the Matrix trilogy, and having to lie about most things i know just to fit in is no life at all. I’d rather be alone. At least now I know who is open for learning truths and who is worth spending time with. I now take the insult of being dubbed a ‘conspiracy theorist’ as a compliment. If I am called it, which happens daily, I give great thanks for the compliment and explain that it means that i think outside the box and am not afraid to have an opinion outside the official narrative.
When someone tells me “That sounds like a conspiracy theory.”, I say, “No! You don’t understand. I am the ultimate conspiracy theorist”. Then I go on to explain the real meaning of the term which is basically one’s ability to think outside the box.. When it’s all done I have surreptitiously turned their Orwellian thought tyranny into an underhanded insult at them under the guise of insulting myself. After that, folks seem to tolerate me saying whatever I know and they no longer try to keep me in their authoritative box.
– “That sounds like a conspiracy theory.”
– “And the official storyline doesn’t?”
This just in-
100% of people polled believe that Foley artists should get more recognition.
What I’m not telling you is that the only people polled were myself and 99 Foley artists.
Maybe something else I’m not telling you is that there wasn’t really a poll. I just said there was.
I’m afraid you’ve fallen for some propaganda yourself, James. Grease, or fat, and calorie consumption is not what causes obesity. Read Good Calories, Bad Calories to learn the history of this misdirection. It is more than the environment that the NWO wants us to not eat beef. Keep up the good work.
I agree with you suasn15. Low fat, high carb increases your risk of cancer and senility and DEATH. It’s all about sugar and how sugar kills. The brain is made up of cholesterol and water. Why people want to reduce their cholesterol with Statins, I don’t know, but I have known and been related to seven people who were prescribed them and they all died within seven years. My closest friend, within two. High fat is much healthier, hence the cry for veganism in the coming extinction rebellion – a Rockefeller agenda. Check out Keto.
As I read comments I am struck with the off the wall comments that have NOTHING to do with Jame’s report.
The report is how fallacies, such as polling,can affect ones’ ability to think critically.
Profiting from close to seventy years, I m coming to the conclusion that people not only can’t think critically, they don’t want to.
Bubbled off into their little vessels of thought, Jame’s report rolls over them like water off a duck’s back.
Ah well, I’m one of the worst offenders then. Sorry ’bout that. James’ reports never roll off my back, though I’m more a ruminator myself.
But contrary to a more disciplined forum, the laid-back atmosphere here is one of the most creative, diverse, thought-provoking, stimulating and lively I’ve come across. Since people think all kinds of ways, I regard most tangents as expanding the topic rather than suffocating it. Other times, it can be totally off-topic in fun, conflict or merely informational, but I’ve never heard James complain, bless him.
Absolutely. Well said. I’m sure most people in this forum feel the same way. And those who don’t, well they have other options. The variety and randomness and tangents of posts here make it even more interesting.
And it is my exquisite pleasure to be wildly off-topic again here.
Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of something that helped advance human civilization and culture. On October 5, 1969, the first episode of Monty Python’s Flying Circus was broadcast.
That’s right! So glad you mentioned it. The other day you suggested checking out an interesting debate with John Cleese (did I get that right?). I was intrigued, but true to self got distracted and forgot all about it ’til now. So thanks for stepping out of bounds again!
Yea, I did mention that debate. If you want to watch it I’ll save you the trouble of thread searching for my post:
Just search Life Of Brian debate and it should just pop right up. There are clip videos of it but you should really watch the whole program. Real easy to find.
Good deal. Something to look forward to first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks!
Just finished watching it, cooly. I wish it was longer. Such an interesting discussion. Cleese, having made so many excellent points, didn’t get to speak nearly enough, overrun by the modern day gnostic pharisees.
I remember watching that film in the early 90s when I was a brand new believer and cringing horribly, believing Christ was being mocked. But my, how my perspective has changed given the 25 years of immersion in protestant doctrine and my subsequent disgusted departure from same. The two clips they showed from “Life of Brian” I totally got this time around and found quite hilarious; it’s not about Christ, but rather mocking how quick people are to abandon their own autonomy, intellect, responsibility and attach themselves to any voice in the wilderness. And Muggeridge’s hero worship of Mother Teresa and St. Augustine! Ha! Don’t get me started!! White-washed tombs full of dead men’s bones, each one of them. [end of rant]
Tragic about the anti-mosquito spraying. That’s incredibly infuriating. But what a great article! I learned a few things, such as not all monarchs migrate and some even overwintered in Houston. I wonder if that characteristic is what is causing an uproar by some hobbyists against nurseries selling “Tropical Milkweed”. My mother sent me an article from her neighborhood blog calling on residents to “chop down their milkweed or else the butterflies won’t migrate!”. Never even heard of that concern until this past spring when a nursery employee told me about her being chewed out by a customer for selling it, thereby causing monarchs to ignore their instincts. But as I see it, the native milkweed (which grows all around during both migrations) doesn’t die back until a hard freeze, so how’s that any different than tropical milkweed? Doesn’t make sense to me. Anyway, regarding my own patch of green, I was beginning to worry since I’ve not seen one single monarch yet! But when I consulted the very same website he linked to (Journey North – an excellent website for all kinds of info), I was relieved to find the sighting map a delightful cascade of shades of orange. No more worries; they’ll pass through any day now. Meanwhile, we’ve been wowed by the daily numbers of tiger swallowtails and giant swallowtails visiting my zinnias the last several weeks.
Thanks again, mbp! I shall forward it to my mom!
Grass Fed Animals
I have often thought about what our ancestors ate, before the days of grain feedlots.
In a way, it is really common sense that the healthy oils (lipids) and other nutrients from green plants would go up the food chain and end up in milk and beef.
We all know that Omega 3 oils are important for humans.
Grass Fed beef has twice the Omega 3 as conventional beef.
– Berkeley –
Concepts to try to live by…
Harris says:
I am a small farmer working to bring back some autonomy to our lives by working with local people, so I feed them good quality produce and they know exactly how well their animals are treated and how pesticide-free vegetables are grown. Try to find someone near you and visit their farm – get to know them.
That is what has happened with brexit for the last 3 and a half years in the uk. We’ve had polls, protests, reports, experts and fear based reporting. A great deal of properganda.
So much so that people who want to remain in the EU feel morally superior while the majority who want to leave keep it to them selves as the polls and msm opinion make them look like social and political parias.
Although a silver lining is the complete breakdown of trust in government as people wake up and see their true colours.
Very insightful, thanks James.
Brits should look at this:
it’s in 3 parts. All Brits need to look.
Just for fun, compare your graph with your neighbors graphs, I have a mighty feeling they are lying through their teeth.
I noticed this tactic while reading Wikipedia’s article on Dr Tim Ball. Excerpt: ”Ball has worked with Friends of Science and Natural Resources Stewardship Project, which oppose the consensus scientific opinion of significant anthropogenic global warming,[5] and is a former research fellow at the Frontier Centre for Public Policy.[6][7][8] Ball also rejects the consensus scientific opinion on climate change, stating that “CO2 is not a greenhouse gas that raises global temperature.”[9]”
Notice that they mentioned twice that Dr Ball both ”rejects” and ”opposes” the CONSENSUS scientific opinion.
What they do not mention is that science is NOT an opinion. 100 experiments can give the impression that a theory is correct but it takes only one experiment to prove it wrong. James has expounded upon this subject:
Climate change is about the environment, not the economy …… yeah right..
Managing the Financial Risks of Climate Change
Climate change is a concern for financial regulators: Greenhouse gas emissions, global warming and climate change are not only existential issues for those concerned with the future of humanity, they are also immediate concerns for financial regulators. Climate change poses a ubiquitous risk to financial bottom lines, even for corporations that do not have any direct exposure to ESG issues. The good news is that some key financial regulators and supervisors across the world are aware of these risks and are acting upon it.
Getting news from social media is an increasingly common experience; nearly three-in-ten U.S. adults do so often.
Well? Are not polls statistics as poopooed by Samuel Clements as lies, damn lies.?
Funny thing happened on the way to a university degree. A conspiratorial group took surveys for a week on spending a lot of the student associations money on a rock and roll show in 1979. As an speculative $ 68,000.oo venture it had no chance. However polls showed it was wanted 4 to 1 in a student body of 3500. So we had a great party and lost $ 18,000.oo and were piriras for the next 2 years. I know the power of polls. Smh!!!
Why can’t you sell that kind a poop to banks instead of stupid government boobies like the student senate or say state guv’ment?
There is a definite theme here of polls , pariahs and rock-n-roll and spell-check.
{ thanks for keeping it light Mr. Corbett }
Poll just out from the Calgary Thrifty Nickel. 61 % Canadians want tempurature read in Fahrenheit instead of Cellceius . ( spell check doesn’t even know what Cellcieus is). A woman (Oma) from Red Deer proclaimed ” it just sounds warmer when you say it, for goodness’s sake!”
68 degrees F is nice golfing weather.
That is a funny story.
I guess we are all pariahs at one time or another, but at least we rock.
Homey, speaking of pariahs. MBS. I saw this last night by some fluke. I don’t much watch TV.
I put on my globalese earphones and decided to pick it apart.
This is one sorry place on earth that takes no polls before acting. I was very surprised how this got made more or less even got aired.
Don’t know that it fits here but needs some recogniton and ciphering. Poor choices on all fronts. Maybe we should take a poll?
There are so many fluoride-type poisons. That 1080 is nasty stuff, and one can see some horrific YouTube videos regarding it.
Non-organic American raisins are loaded with fluoride pesticide, which is probably why dogs die from eating raisins. (See Melissa Gallico’s article )
I think the real culprits for insanities like this poisoning of the food chain are the technocrats and corporate influences.
I eat meat, but I try to get organic grass fed beef. However, I also load up on my organic greens.
I like it when folks express their opinion and perspective.
Thanks Nusuth.
Power to you.
My brother out in Los Angeles was telling me about that tactic on his utilities.
He also got a notice that his water usage was higher than his neighbors.
Now that I finally got around to watching the second half of this #Propaganda Watch and saw that you talked about the latest YouGov survey commissioned by AE911Truth, James, I remembered that in 2016, when the previous poll on WTC Building 7 was conducted, AE’s director of strategy, Ted Walter, was interviewed about the specific questions YouGov asked. That interview can be found here:
Personally, I found the demographics breakdown one of the most interesting aspects of the 2016 survey. I’m curious to know how the demographics of the respondents compares in the latest survey. Maybe someone can persuade Ted Walter to type up an identical Q&A, substituting the 2016 results with the 2019 poll data.
They’re doing this in France too. I’ve always wondered, ever since they’ve been sending me these graphs, how is it possible that my neighbours (those with the same occupants and with the same square meters as me) consume less electricity than me when we have knowingly less commodities than them. It all makes sense now!!
Well I’d certainly be ashamed if a got a letter from a water utility telling me that I was consuming more water than my neighbors. After all it would mean I’d be consuming more fluoride than them, and they are pretty stupid people to start with!
September 23/24, 2019 – Global News
4 in 10 Canadians say they won’t get the flu shot this year: poll
We’ve come a long way when it comes to awareness around annual flu shots, but a new poll suggests almost 40 per cent of Canadians don’t plan on getting the shot this year.
According to the recent poll by B.C.-based retailer London Drugs, 37 per cent of Canadians said they won’t get vaccinated this year, due to confusion that still exists around the flu vaccine.
“Unfortunately, many Canadians might not get a flu shot this year due to misconceptions about the benefits of receiving a flu shot and concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines,” London Drugs pharmacist Gianni Del Negro said in a statement…
…“The anti-vaxx movement disseminates a lot of false information about vaccines,” he said. “They often quote unreliable and unverified scientific studies to back up their claims.”
And with social media, it gets harder for the average Canadian to figure out which site or information is truthful and which is misleading, he said…
…“You can read a website that looks and feels like Health Canada or a public health agency website that has information that is not correct,” he (Pharmacist Jordan Clark of Shoppers Drug Mart in Ottawa) told Global News…
…The poll also found 29 per cent of Canadians believed healthy people don’t need the flu shot, 20 per cent believed the flu shot can cause negative side effects and 16 per cent believed they didn’t need it, “because they are not around many people or vulnerable people.”…
Watch below (Sept. 24): A new survey suggests nearly 40 per cent of Albertans will not get their flu shot this year. Su-Ling Goh has more in Health Matters. (90 seconds)
September 30, 2019 – University of California Berkeley
New poll: Vaccine rule widely supported by California voters
Just 16% of voters are opposed to a new California law requiring parents vaccinate their children, according to a new poll from UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies.
The poll, conducted online from Sept. 13 to 18, found support for the bill from the vast majority of Californians: rich or poor, conservative or liberal, educated or not. Roughly 83% of all voters said they favored the law, 61% said they favored it strongly.
“Support is broad-based with large majorities across all major subgroups of the state’s registered voter population in favor,” said Mark DiCamillo, head of the Berkeley IGS Poll. “Liberals display the highest levels of support, with greater than nine in 10 in favor.”…
…The poll surveyed 4,527 registered voters in both English and Spanish. The poll had a margin of error of 2 percentage points.
EXCERPT from embedded link: “Berkeley IGS Poll”
…the move to email-based polling.
“It is much less expensive to work this way,” DiCamillo says. “You don’t need to employ interviewers. You can send out an email at minimal expense, and if you do it right, you can produce a good random sample.”
There are limitations. Berkeley’s IGS can only survey registered voters who have opted into the email system. While they are important, particularly in terms of elections, those who register but don’t opt in make up about two-thirds of the state’s eligible voters.
And then, there are those who just don’t vote….
So…above was the Berkeley Vaccine Poll…but…
October 1, 2019 KTVU Fox
Poll: Half of California voters have considered leaving the state
BERKELEY, Calif. (KTVU) – The findings may not come as a surprise to many Bay Area residents: A new poll said more than half of California’s registered voters have considered leaving the state, with most people citing the high cost of housing as the biggest reason.
The survey by UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies found that in total, 52% admitted they’ve recently thought of making a move. 24% admitted to giving it serious consideration and 28% said they’ve put some thought into the idea.
An overwhelming 71% of those polled pointed to the high cost of housing. That figure was even higher, 79%, among those surveyed in the Bay Area…
…Other top reasons mentioned were high taxes (58%) and the state’s political culture (46%). Researchers said, however, there were differences in these areas, depending on where voters stood on the political spectrum.
“Republican and conservatives cite these as their top two reasons for wanting to leave, eclipsing even the high cost of housing,” researchers said. “By contrast, far fewer Democrats or liberals mention the state’s political culture as a reason for wanting to leave the state, and their mention of high taxes is only about half that of Republican and conservative voters,” they added….
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr delivers a wonderful presentation at a “vaccine debate” where the opposing four experts pulled a last minute no-show.
I don’t consider him an “anti-vaxxer”, which is really a label assigned by the media. He stresses that we need viable safety studies of various vaccines.
You will see Kennedy’s presentation at the top of the “ movie” webpage.
Everything you need to know about life is taught in Kindergarten ! Polls are just Peer pressure fer adults ! Unregulated polls are gauges of how effective the media is at programing and brainwashing subjects prior to regulated polls called elections !
What about rules to go with polls , like the 80/20 rule 80 % of polls are BS , and 20 % just wrong ! Or the Pawn Shop rule , odds are too to one you aint getting your stuff back ! Or the 50/ 50 rule , you still loose half the time ! any other rule I missed ?
“Everything you need to know about life is taught in Kindergarten!”
Funny you should say that. When someone mentioned starting their own library, asking for suggestions of “seed” books for kids, Robert Fulgham’s “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” actually occurred to me later on (though it’s not really a kids’ book, but just one of those coffee table, pearls-of-wisdom giftbook thingys):
As for me, I’d put a few qualifiers on certain things like “share everything” but otherwise it’s basically the golden rule amplified mixed with a little common sense.
I feel that you are a person with a good feel for language. I feel the same way. If I used the word “feel” too many times in close proximity, I too would feel chagrined.
I feel ya.
Thomas that is a great idea!
Is this you, MBP?
If not, it’s your twin. But I suspect it’s you, based on the four playlists — especially the climate change playlist on the far left, which features a familiar-looking face in the first video.
Guess how I found your (or your twin’s) channel, MBP? Hint: Click on and scroll through The HighWire comment section ’til you reach “man bear pig,” who’s criticizing the BBC’s biased coverage in its “Conspiracy Files: Vaccine Wars.”
Speaking of vaccines (slightly off-topic, sorry), I found three episodes devoted to the dangers of vaccines on Kristina Borjesson’s and Celia Farber’s new “Whistleblower Newsroom” show, which these two co-host/whistleblowers launched last February. And how did I run across that show, pray tell? Gotta give kudos to James for directing TCR members a week ago to two side-by-side Recommended Listening links: Back-to-back “Whistleblower Newsroom” interviews with Ed Bukowsky and Ty Clevenger.
MBP, one more thing: Assuming you are The HighWire’s “man bear pig” and assuming you watched today’s (Thursday 10/3/19) entire show, aren’t you happy for that brave couple from Calgary!?
Yeah, mbp, I noticed the spaceyness/spaciness of THAT m b p. But I soooo wanted to believe it was you, so I disregarded the difference!
Definitely not happy for the couple having lost their child, but am happy that the lawsuit against them was overturned — and that they feel good about having not given up the fight, thus doing something meaningful for other parents as a way of honoring their son’s life. Anyone who selflessly, tirelessly turns a personal tragedy into a beacon of hope for others is a shining star in my book. And I’m sure yours (even if you aren’t your twin!).
I am in Ecuador now and martial law has been called by President Lenin Moreno over transport strikes that have now crippled the nation.
Fuel subsidies are being lifted, the price of fuel will double, driving working families and the economy into screaming mode.
All of this is just the beginning of the IMF imposed austerity compelled by the IMF loaning, yes loaning, Ecuador 4.6 billion.
Here, polls show about 10 percent or less support for the current president. Yet these polls are having no affect on the ruling class. They simply assure that they are not published.
I am amazed at what are called ‘advanced countries’and how slack jawed and lax their people are when faced with crisis, let alone polls.
Groupthink is only one fallacy employed on people —- withholding evidence is one of many others.
Science as propaganda
In science there are so many of these propaganda articles.
Because they do not do real polls, they select a certain group of people instead.
Like how they generated the 98% percent.
Or 9 out of 10 doctors use…
And for every study that shows that some product is bad, a company will put out 10 studies to show that their product is good.
The GMO/Pesticide lie is very similar. The selected people are all working in the field for the same company. And the funding and methodology of the research is fully controlled by those companies as well. This filters out any most of the resistance. And any opponent will lose their career and be shamed.
The shaming of the opposition, is also a standard procedure in science. With my background in electromagnetism I find some problems with astronomy. Instead of having a proper discussion, I am shamed by the “scientists” in the field. While I can clearly point out the errors, the “scientists” somehow fall back to logical fallacies, starting with shaming. Criticizing a field of science where you are not part in, is “verboten”.
Similar protection systems are in the health industry.
Science fiction of problem/solution
Instead of science we see science-fiction and futurism in these fields.
“Cure for cancer only 5 years away”. “Commercial Nuclear fusion only 15 years away.” “Quantum computer can be ready in 10 years”
These are usually claims for more money.
Problems are usually introduced with fake studies with apocalyptic statements: “Earth will die in 15 years”. “Agriculture can not make enough food” “Meteor can end all life on Earth”. “Zika will spread and kills millions”.
Often this combines with solutions just a few months later:
“Nuclear waste can safely be stored underground for 100,000 years” or “GMO will increase productivity of agriculture in the future” or “NASA works on nuclear rockets to fight meteors”. “Mosquito engineered to fight Zika”
We all now know how that last solution worked out. Guess how the other solutions (if implemented) will fail.
mbp, thanks for sharing the excerpt from an article on a subject I’d never been curious about or reflected upon ’til this #PropWatch. But I should’ve had a whole slew of questions about the origin and agenda and orientation of polls, for I would’ve concluded that . . . well, mbp, your revised quote on “tool for the elites and their instrumentalized governments” says it all.
Speaking of “tool for the elites,” the movie I’m watching at this moment, “What the Health,” shows several huge and well-known “anti-disease” nonprofits to be nothing more than that.
My response to the UC Berkeley poll published in the LA Times…
While I am writing to you from my Advocacy email account, I am writing to you as someone who has been doing market researcher for Fortune 500 firms for the past 25 years. I have to say I am ashamed to see the quality of polling coming out of UC Berkeley and the reporting done by the LA Times, regarding today’s Vaccination law poll.
You violated so many basic polling principles. I know I don’t need to explain it to you, but let’s go through it error by error…
1. Ask a leading question to bias the following questions response: The poll asked “How concerned are you that the recent outbreak of measles in California will become more widespread?” setting the respondents up to have a measles growing measles outbreak in mind. We all know if you had not asked this question the responses would have skewed downward for the next question. And if you had asked a question such as “How important do you feel the doctor patient relationship is when understanding the risk of certain medical treatments?” it would have skewed even further downward.
2. Ask a loaded and a double barreled question will confuse the respondent: “Currently state law requires most parents to have their children vaccinated for diseases like measles, mumps and rubella before they can attend a public or private school or enroll in day care. While exemptions are allowed for doctor-approved reasons, to reduce the risk of an outbreak a new bill has been proposed that would require exemptions to be subject to review and rejection by the California Department of Public Health for schools or day care centers in areas where immunization rates are less than 95%. Do you favor or oppose this new bill?” Let’s go through all the issues here.
a. This question confusing and is 4 times the length of the other questions, leading to inconsistency and people unlikely to comprehend the question fully.
b. This question is double barreled. What is the actual question? If you break it down…is the question actually is “Do you favor or oppose this bill whose purpose is to reduce the risk of an outbreak” or “Do you favor or oppose this bill that require exemptions to be subject to review and rejection by the California Department of Public Health for schools or day care centers in areas where immunization rates are less than 95%” Which are the results pointing to? Which did people answer if their answers to the two questions were different. Given the set up of the question it was likely the bill to reduce the risk of an outbreak, but we won’t know.
c. The content is misleading. While the bill is described as requiring exemptions to be subject to review and rejection in schools, etc. where rates are less than 95%, it does not say anything about the medical exemption criteria or the doctors automatically being reviewed after writing 4 exemptions, so not giving the whole story and certainly not encompassing what SB276/714 actually do.
So for the report headline to then say “Strong Support for the State’s New Child Vaccination Law” is completely bogus. You go on to say in the report (, “When asked about recent legislation requiring parents to have their child vaccinated for diseases like the measles, mumps and rubella before they can attend a public or private school or daycare center, greater than eight in ten voters (83%) say they favor the law, 61% of whom favor it strongly. Just 16% are opposed”. Could you please show me where in your survey you asked the question that said that the question was about legislation requiring parents to have their child vaccinated? That is not what your question asked and it certainly was not what the laws do. You are completely misleading the reader who is likely not going to read all 8 pages of your report to realize what the actual question was and certainly not realize what the actual law does.
Then in the more detailed summary you state:
“The statewide sample of voters was asked to offer their opinions about recent legislation requiring parents in the state to have their children vaccinated for diseases like the measles, mumps and rubella before they can attend a public or private school or daycare center. Voters were told that the law provides exemptions for doctor-approved reasons, but that such exemptions are subject to review and rejection by the California Department of Public Health for schools or daycare centers in communities where immunization rates are less than 95%.After being read this description, greater than eight in ten voters statewide (83%) express support for the law, most of whom (61%) favor it strongly. Just 16% are opposed.”
You will notice here the one key part leading of the question that was asked is actually omitted…” While exemptions are allowed for doctor-approved reasons, to reduce the risk of an outbreak a new bill has been proposed”.
Again you are misleading the reader who is likely not going to read all 8 pages of your report to realize what the actual question was and certainly not realize what the actual law does.
You’re right, those sure are slanted and confusing and manipulative questions and conclusions, christinavoice. Thank you for writing to the LA Times and for sharing your letter with us. Did your letter (or parts of it) get published? If not, would you consider summarizing it and resending it to the editors? It sure would be good if your short explanation of the poll’s bias reached the paper’s readers.