Imagine being the real-life Tony Stark: A billionaire, jet-setting tech whiz playboy who’s developing the multi-billion-dollar rockets that will not only privatize space travel but help get humanity to Mars. And imagine you announce the whole thing on Twitter with a big, splashy “Occupy Mars” picture of the red planet . . .
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 23, 2019
Only to be told that you posted a picture of the moon by mistake. A red-hued “blood” moon, to be sure, but the moon nonetheless.
How embarrassing.
Luckily, the cool billionaire tech guru who’s selling electric cars and building underground hyperloops and rescuing Thai children from caves (and selling Not A Flamethrowers to raise some money on the side) took it exactly how you’d expect he would: by tweeting a couple of laugh-crying emojis and a hearty “Moon too!”
What class. But then again, would you expect anything less from the man whom Werner von Braun predicted would be the future leader of Mars? Of course not.
What many may have missed in the back-and-forth about the moon/Mars gaffe, however is another tweet Elon Musk made about the scheme. Granted, this one is not quite so exciting to the general reader: “Accelerating Starship development to build the Martian Technocracy.”
Accelerating Starship development to build the Martian Technocracy
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 23, 2019
The “Martian Technocracy?” What’s this? More whimsy from everybody’s favorite mega-rich tech geek?
Sadly, no. In fact, what Musk’s supporters might not know is that he has a very real family connection to the actual, historical Technocracy, Inc. movement/political party, which might help explain Musk’s outlook, his rise to prominence, and some of his wackier (not to mention creepier) ideas on the eventual merging of humans and machines.
Intrigued? Of course you are. Find out all about Musk’s surprising family tree and his plans for a technocratic, transhumanist nightmare future in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber.
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vol 9 issue 25 (July 13, 2019)
by James Corbett Imagine being the real-life Tony Stark: A billionaire, jet-setting tech whiz playboy who’s developing the multi-billion-dollar rockets that will not only privatize space travel but help get humanity to Mars. And imagine you announce the whole thing on Twitter with a big, splashy “Occupy Mars” picture of the red planet . . .
Only to be told that you posted a picture of the moon by mistake. A red-hued “blood” moon, to be sure, but the moon nonetheless. How embarrassing. Luckily, the cool billionaire tech guru who’s selling electric cars and building underground hyperloops and rescuing Thai children from caves (and selling Not A Flamethrowers to raise some money on the side) took it exactly how you’d expect he would: by tweeting a couple of laugh-crying emojis and a hearty “Moon too!” What class. But then again, would you expect anything less from the man whom Werner von Braun predicted would be the future leader of Mars? Of course not. What many may have missed in the back-and-forth about the moon/Mars gaffe, however is another tweet Elon Musk made about the scheme. Granted, this one is not quite so exciting to the general reader: “Accelerating Starship development to build the Martian Technocracy.”
The “Martian Technocracy?” What’s this? More whimsy from everybody’s favorite mega-rich tech geek? Sadly, no. In fact, what Musk’s supporters might not know is that he has a very real family connection to the actual, historical Technocracy, Inc. movement/political party, which might help explain Musk’s outlook, his rise to prominence, and some of his wackier (not to mention creepier) ideas on the eventual merging of humans and machines. For the three or four people out there who have never heard of Elon Musk before, the bullet points:
That’s where the story becomes more familiar. As I elaborated in my article on The Brain Chip Cometh two years ago:
More recently Musk has become known for his . . . shall we say, “eccentricities.” Like when he called British diver Vernon Unsworth—who helped in the Thai cave rescue of 2018, and who dismissed Musk’s ham-handed attempts to help in the rescue as a “PR stunt”—a “pedo guy.” Or when he (falsely) tweeted that he was taking Tesla private and had “funding secured.” Or when he started selling flamethrowers to fund one of his business ventures, but renamed it “Not A Flamethrower” to help insure it would sail through customs without being confiscated. Or when he smoked marijuana on the Joe Rogan podcast (with 6% of Tesla’s share value evaporating in one puff of smoke). To his fans, all of this merely adds to his mystique. He’s just a fun, unpredictable guy who knows how to generate publicity and make money. However, as even his fans are forced to admit, this does mean he oversells and under-delivers on every project he ever announces: Production of actual working Teslas is consistently short of expectations, and whistleblowers have revealed that the production process itself is a hot mess; his grand vision of a futuristic “NY-DC in 29 mins.” hyperloop quickly devolved into a normal car tunnel; his “private” space exploration company is the recipient of billions of dollars of taxpayer money; his tiny contribution to Tesla’s $2.8 billion capital raise this year (which came after Musk’s insistence that Tesla would not be raising any more capital) shows that he’s either not confident in his own product or too far in debt to make a significant investment. But to his supporters, these failures are just signs that Musk’s genius is constantly pushing him beyond the boundaries of current technology. His detractors have a simpler explanation: He’s a conman. But if he were only a conman, that would be one thing. The problem is, he’s much worse than that. As I also noted in my brain chip article: “[Musk is] like Beelzebub, popping up every time the worlds of government funding, military research and Bilderberg technocrats collide.” When our good friends at DARPA hold a Robotic Challenge, Musk is there. When the World Government Summit convenes, Musk is the star attraction. Need someone to pimp transhumanism? Musk is only too happy to explain the potential dangers of AI and to present his solution: We must merge with the machines so that we’re not “irrelevant” when the robots take over. (And, oh yeah, he happens to have a company that’s working on the first “neural lace” mind-machine merger technology). Yes, wherever the globalist fat cats meet to discuss technocratic ideas for the future, it’s a safe bet that Musk will be within spitting distance. But the part of this story you may not know is that Musk’s technocratic proclivity is not just a happenstance of character; it’s in his genes. You see, Elon Musk is the grandson of Joshua Haldeman. Never heard of Joshua Haldeman? He may not be remembered today, but he was a notable figure in his day. An American by birth, Haldeman moved to southwest Saskatchewan in 1906 at the age of four. During his eventful time in the Canadian prairies, Haldeman helped found the province’s first chiropractic association; he “waged a public health campaign against Coca-Cola;” and, depending on whether you trust the Canadian Chiropractic Association or The Financial Times, he was either the “research director” or the “party leader” of the Canadian branch of the Technocracy Party (or maybe both?). As I’ve discussed on The Corbett Report many times now, technocracy was a social movement/philosophy/political ideology seeking to construct a system of “scientific” control over society. In the technocrats’ vision—which gained widespread traction with the public in America and Canada in the 1930s—the world would be divided into regional units called “technates,” which would be run by “technocrats” (scientists, engineers, economists and others with specialized knowledge of specific technical fields). According to this ideology, economic—and thus societal and even geopolitical—turmoil could be eliminated if the technocrats were given control of the economy and all its aspects, from manufacturing to retailing to the currency itself. The idea was ludicrous. The type of technology that would have been required to properly administer this technocracy—technology for monitoring every industrial process, every product and every transaction in the economy in real time—simply did not exist when the idea was first conceived. But that didn’t stop the technocrats, or the visionary leader of what became Technocracy, Inc., a fully-fledged movement/political party/cult complete with a uniform (a “well-tailored double-breasted suit, gray shirt, and blue necktie, with a monad insignia on the lapel”) and a mandate to salute the movement’s leader on sight. As viewers of Why Big Oil Conquered the World will know, that leader—Howard Scott—was a charlatan, and he was quickly disgraced when it was discovered he had “padded his resume” and falsely claimed engineering credentials that he did not possess. But while the technocracy movement might have been set back by the fall from grace of its charismatic leader, the idea itself never fully went away. The Canadian branch of the party, meanwhile, gained enough attention to be banned in Canada, where, it was feared, this subversive organization of revolutionaries were conspiring to overthrow the government. This caused the disillusioned Haldeman to give up on Canada altogether. He packed up his things and moved his family to South Africa, which is where his grandson, Elon Musk, was born. This connection is not just tangential. It tells us something about Musk’s roots and his vision. And it tells us that when he says he is preparing “to build the Martian Technocracy” he is not using that word in a careless way. He knows exactly what it means. As The Financial Times notes: “Maybe technocracy will finally have its day, appropriately enough, on Mars.” Let’s hope not. But first we have to convince Musk’s supporters why the creation of a technocracy is a bad idea. Good thing there’s a handy dandy documentary on this very subject that you can show them for free! |
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[supsystic-price-table id=59]
I like reading your posts. You are a funny dude. I am assuming you are male, otherwise it would be womanbearpig?
I too am drawn to TCR and this forum like a magnet. I learn so much from Corbett and the guys and ladies in the comment section.
Due to circumstances I was able to escape the hamster wheel and stop working about three years ago. Lucky me. At the same time I finally got internet. I worked on the road as vendor, listening to NPR all day, all week,, thinking how informed I was.
I will pause here for reader laughter
Ok then. So as the dumb kid sitting in the back row in this forum, I just have to say you all are some of the smartest people I have ever come across. I believer animals are smarter than people, but as far as people go…
Cheers everybody.
Believe, not believer, obviously. I have a sprained thumb due to a drunken accident that I’d really rather not go into.
Usually, drunk people are followed by incredible strokes of luck. I see this exception just as proof of the rule.
Pass me another beer.
I believe she took the moniker “ManBearPig” as a symbolic statement. (The Climate Change imaginary boogeyman.)
On the TV series ‘SouthPark’, there was an episode.
Al Gore visits South Park Elementary and warns the school’s students about ManBearPig, an imaginary monster which roams the Earth attacking humans. Gore blames this imaginary monster (ManBearPig) for all kinds of stuff and tries to instill fear in others, and all the while Gore is behaving erratically irrationally blasting a shotgun anywhere and everywhere.
As far as I know, ManBearPig is still in France and helps people learn languages. In her younger years, she lived near New York City where her hardworking, loving Father worked as an executive in marketing with J.C. Penny’s.
Thanks for informing me!
I have not seen that episode, had never heard of that fictional Al Gore monster. Knowing that now, I am even more impressed with her sense of humor.
I just have to say you all are some of the smartest people I have ever come across.
Well said, Cooly. I’m always impressed by the contributions and insights given by the good people here, but manbearpig has a special place in my heart.
About the time you were being informed by NPR, I was a foxnews junkie, so I hear ya.
You forgot about me, and have you read any of my comments here? I come here sometimes too, & although I don’t always agree with James Corbett on some stuff, I really like a lot of the intelligent and honest info he brings, he’s near-perfect quality, especially the majority of his solutions goodies.
Who you talkin’ to, Robert? 🙂 I don’t believe you and I have engaged in a conversation, but I do recall reading you converse with others a while back. Great to see you again!
Don’t be embarrassed! I was close to that age too, and radio was pretty much the gatekeeper of popular music. Besides, the Genesis stuff in those days was not exactly “radio friendly.” I only discovered those records because I would sneak into my big sister’s room and “borrow” her music.
I have no idea of your taste in music, maybe it will not be your cup of tea. But I can suggest a few things. Those albums vary a bit from one another.
1. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway
An absolute masterpiece, I think. But it’s a double album, a long listen. So maybe first try…
2. Trick Of The Tail
Phil Collins takes over singing after Peter Gabriel quit the band. For a taste of it, try these songs- Ripples, Entangled, and Squonk.
3. Selling England By The Pound
Some of the coolest instrumental jamming ever.
But BEWARE! dear listener. This stuff is nothing like their later albums, which were more pop and “radio friendly.”
Maybe you’ll like this stuff, maybe not. Either way it’s fine!
Thank you! Just what I needed! So far, I’ve only heard Trick of the Tail (song, not entire album), and now for the others you mention…
I gave ’em an honest listen, but found myself longing for this 😉 :
Hey pearl.
Cool! As far as the other stuff, Ripples and Entangled are two of the most gorgeous songs I’ve ever heard. (These replies are out of order because for some reason the reply option is missing from some posts).
I liked that song you tossed my way. His voice reminded me of Hank Williams Sr. I have a cd of his that I used to listen to over and over and over again. (My musical taste is all over the map. If it’s good, I like it. If it sucks, I don’t like it.)
My musical taste is all over the map. If it’s good, I like it. If it sucks, I don’t like it.
Same here, but my Led Zepplin-loving step-brothers would add that I’m guilty of also liking the stuff that sucks, (disco).
For the ol’ redneck in you, check out that entire CD – it’s a live recording of Jerry Jeff Walker (guest appearance by Gary P. Nunn) at Luckenbach, Texas. Even better if you’re drunk.
Haha! You started this party, mbp! I’m having a blast! And my youtube suggestions are all over the music map! What’s next?
Now I’m sad. Hit it!!
You’re hilarious and adorable. I’m terribly selfish for keeping you up so late, but I must add to that funk, which I recently learned was written by Mr. Wonder himself:
And in case you have to work in the morning, this is to cool you down:
I wanna go home with the Armadilla…
1973 – London Homesick Blues – Jerry Jeff Walker
I well remember singing that song to the car radio as I was driving just north of Austin around 1973.
Pearl, Do you ever make it over to Luckenbach or Fredericksburg?
First off I have to say that Corbett may be reading this thread and thinking, “Uh, you all are a bit off-topic here.”
That being said, I love the Zeppelin albums. And what musical authority can say that disco sucks? The BeeGees were masters of that genre. And what’s that song called? Love to love you Baby? I could listen to that tune a thousand times and never get tired of it. If someone out there could do a metal cover of it, I would greatly appreciate that. As to your final suggestion to listen while drunk, that was my standard, back when I listened to music more often. Your brain is shut off, and you hear it in a more emotional, visceral way. At least for me.
Cheers, darling.
That area where you’re at sure has grown over the decades.
So many, many more shopping centers and Big Box stores…I miss the old flavors of Texas.
Mid-May, I was just up the road from you in San Marcos for my granddaughter’s college graduation. She jumped in the river, gown and all, afterwards.
HRS, it’s relentless. Ranches are being sold right and left to make “green” neighborhoods for all those who want to live in the country. Luckenbach is looking good to me now.
Ah, sublime, mbp!
That’s right: Congrats to your granddaughter!
Mbp, that’s the place!
Oh no…brubeck just ended…
MBP and Cooly, ya’ll gave me a great day. Thank you!
Yes, Corbett’s been incredibly patient. With each successive clip, I cringed in anticipation of a mild rebuke.
Don’t get me started with the 80s!
Love it!! Musicwise, the 70s were so good.
Yes pearl!
For me personally, the 70’s Genesis albums are some of the coolest things ever recorded.
Oh I love that one too, mbp – played it for my daughter just a few months ago!
Gosh, I’m embarrassed to admit it, cooly, but unless specific songs were played on the radio, I can’t recall Genesis pre-80s/Collins (I was 10 years old in 78). I’ll have to go browse those albums on youtube.
I don’t see an issue here. Do they want to go to Mars? I’m sorry for Mars, but let them. Load’em all up and off they go. Sorry Mars, better you than us.
True. Can only hope that on the way Musk and his mates get fired out the airlock by the onboard computer in order to reduce mass after it figurers out that the ground crew only loaded enough fuel to get to the moon.
You guys!
I am chuckling as I type.
Finally, the world makes sense to me.
Let them get to the moon, at least then we could enjoy their corpses… errr thriving colonies through mighty telescopes from this planet. When all the partying subsides and we recuperate from massive hard liquor ingestion and general application of all over the place, that is.
refuge de l’humanité
If humanity needs to find a refuge in a desert, plenty of deserts on this planet. Along with forests, oceans, plains and all the other non-wasteland type of surfaces.
I spent those years in diapers. Homemade and hand-washed, of course, the family couldn’t afford the disposable, and highly problematic when disposed of, fancy stuff.
Diapers in the desert. That would have been one sonofabitch ride.
James, your site has some minor technical issues.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Resolution: Replace http with https in googleapis fonts URLs in the site source
The Apathy and Inaction of Vice President Dick Cheney During the 9/11 Attacks
Thursday, 11 July 2019
Good catch!
That Shoestring sure can do research and put pieces together.
He made some excellent points.
Cheney was a uniquely powerful Vice President.
And he was so indifferent to certain aspects of the 9/11 event, sometimes showing no urgency.
Exactly. The indifference and lack of urgency were more of the tracks those who perpetrated the attacks forgot to cover and are so obvious now. Cheney apparently remained indifferent to the seriousness of the situation when the armed Secret Service agents rushed into his office and said they needed to move him immediately. He just nodded his head, indicating that he would respond to them in a moment, and turned to say something to one of his colleagues.
Special Agent James Scott had to slam his hand down on Cheney’s desk and order, “Now!” and then the agents practically had to carry Cheney away in order to get him out of the office, according to Barton Gellman. [123] Even then, the vice president took the time to pick up the latest issue of The Economist from a table, so he would have something to read if he got stuck anywhere. [124]
And from the Newsweek story cited (124): “I’m always carrying something in case I get hung up someplace,” Cheney explains. “I’ve got to have something to read.” If Cheney really was unaware of the attacks beforehand, if he got “hung up someplace”, he would not have time to read the stories of the past month in the Economist, he would need to deal with the present-moment crisis that was unfolding. The fact that he sits back and acts a spectator until the attacks were finished, then starts acting, is so extremely telling.
Just so you are aware:
CO2 is not a harmful emission. It is never anything to be concerned about, unless one is breathing in an enclosed space.
Plants need it. CO2 and H2O make a plant grow. Greenhouses often will have CO2 machines to encourage growth (and keep insects at bay).
Petroleum, however, does contain harmful pollutants whether it be from emissions or from the vapors. These “Ozone Action Days” which we see here in Dallas, are a result of pollutants (not CO2) becoming more volatile from the heat and sun.
Alcohol powered cars produce extremely clean emissions with absolutely no pollutants. The original Ford car was designed to run on alcohol, but Rockefeller had a different agenda. (Corbett’s “How Big Oil Conquered the World” – alcohol and also mass transit are covered).
Actually, many cars now can run almost entirely on alcohol now (flexfuel), or most all the new cars can use about 40%-50% alcohol.
David Blume is the modern day expert on alcohol fuel and has some fascinating videos. I have his book (a tome) from when I was getting my degree in the Environmental Sciences.
I think the Natural Gas industry is going to love the electric car.
I predict that for the most part, depending upon the region, the electric power grid necessary for a nation of electric powered devices will choose Natural Gas, which is basically a petroleum product (methane).
The Fracking Industry ought to love a demand for natural gas too.
Pollution on a different level.
“I love the smell of methane in the morning. It smells like… Victory.” — ‘The Powers That Should Not Be’
(16 seconds)
By the way, this new electric Harley-Davidson, the “LiveWire”, which will soon be available in a limited number of dealerships, will cost nearly $30,000 and can go zero to 60 mph in three seconds. There is no clutch and no shifting.
Homey; you are an asset to humanity! However bigger is not always better. The emissions from natural gas ,methane, and lets don’t forget the cancer causing oderant they insert in the methane is anything but harmless. The alternative is of course much safer but will never serve the American lust for life without risk. The equation may be in your favor but reality says there is some risk as to ethyl gasoline ( lead) and alcohol . Plants will love it but the carcinogens for humans need the really clean electricity and big oil and all their additives is a bummer. Where can we get the facts without lobby’s blowing smoke up our patuty. My last recollection of a natural gas fleet still produced ozone levels and CO1 at unacceptable levels. Especially in the $#iГ hole like my home town of ” oil capitol of the world.” Can you imagine riding a rocket of direct drive and 100% tork as the “Live Wire”
No emissions and all forward motion? I’d be dead in a week, some may say a blessing. Aint America great? Nuts… Thanks Homey I may be wrong but I remember my mechanics concerns over CO1.
ha! I like the last line and your good nature.
Thanks OneOhOne.
“All Hail Elon’s Martian Technocracy!”
Fascinating article about Elon Musk by Corbett. Again, I gotta say that I love the way Corbett writes. It is easy to digest, but always full of interesting turns and twists.
Grandpa Josh. Elon surely had influences emanating from Grandpa.
As a Grandpa myself, I have to watch what I say with the Grandkids. I happened to mention that my Granddaughter would be good in the “marketing” field. Then I find out that she chose that as her major. I tell her some old HRS adventure stories and how I kept a journal…and the next thing I know, she packs up from Texas and moves to a small room (with her big dog) next to Manhattan. Then makes a YouTube journal entry video describing her adventure and plans.
My High School grandson likes the idea of white hat hackers after I tell him some stories, saying “I want to do that.” And he was extremely excited about getting bitcoin from me one Christmas season.
Some years back (young teens), I sent him a package full of “survival gear” (knives, even some switchblades, ninja throw stars, fire starters, etc.). His Dad told me how he and his stepbrother would camp out on the back acres, even trying to cook a steak on a rock. Which, as I understand it, did not really have the taste value of the back porch grill.
I made a decision to be a little more cautious on how, as a Grandpa, I express things. I don’t want to adversely influence the kids. I want them to carve their own volitional paths. I want them to do what they want to do and be.
Anyway, my point is that Grandpa Josh may have made an impression on little Elon.
Elon Musk mentioned…
On Robert F Kennedy’s website is a July 11, 2019 article:
5G – The Global Human Experiment without Consent
…5G builds on existing infrastructure and, in addition, uses extremely high (millimeter-wave) frequencies of 24 gigahertz (GHz) or more. These 5G signals don’t travel far, so antennas will be installed approximately every 2-10 homes in residential neighborhoods. 5G will significantly increase our wireless RF radiation (radio frequency microwave) exposure on a 24/7 and 365 days a year basis.
In a February 2019 U.S. Senate hearing, senior telecom executives admitted they have not done any safety testing on 5G, nor do they plan to do any…
…Thousands of independent studies indicate adverse health impacts from wireless radiation…The government’s human exposure guidelines haven’t been updated in more than 20 years…
…The 5G agenda is vast. It includes 200 billion transmitting objects, according to estimates, that will be part of the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020, with one trillion transmitting objects a few years later. 5G is meant to usher in more robotics, artificial intelligence and autonomous vehicles, including 5G antennas installed inside cars – behind our heads and irradiating our brains – so we can talk to people in other vehicles and instruct our driverless cars on where to take us.
5G base stations and 5G devices will have multiple antennas in phased arrays that work together to emit focused, steerable, laser-like beams that track each other. Each 5G phone will function like a mini cell tower, containing dozens of tiny antennas working together to track and aim a narrowly focused beam to search and connect with the nearest cell antenna. The FCC has adopted rules that permit those beams to be as much as 20 watts, ten times more powerful than levels allowed on current phones…
…More than 10,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies conducted by independent researchers from around the world demonstrate the harmful biological effects of wireless radiation…
…The Telecommunications Act of 1996, section 704, gives the telecom industry free reign and prohibits opposition to wireless infrastructure based on environmental effects, which includes health effects…
…In addition to millions of new base stations on Earth, 5G includes an eventual 20,000+ satellites in low orbit, affecting the ionosphere. Players include Elon Musk’s SpaceX, OneWeb and Amazon. At this time, 66 5G satellites have already been launched, with more on the way. The direct radiation from these satellites, combined with their contamination of our ionosphere, along with pollution of the global electrical circuit would likely be catastrophic to all life on Earth….
But to his supporters, these failures are just signs that Musk’s genius is constantly pushing him beyond the boundaries of current technology.
This sounds very similar to the belief of a percentage of Trump supporters. Whatever Trump does, even if its against his campaign promises, is all part of his 4D-chess master plan. I guess some people are just going to believe what they want to believe. They eat up the grand visions and promises of some “leader” and must continue to justify those false promises to protect their own mental commitment to those ideas in the first place.
Good article, James. Thanks for recapping the known info, too.
Elon will under-deliver in his Mars promises for sure. Anyone at least mildly familiar with space technology knows it’s simply very very complicated to send man on Mars, because that means first lifting huge amounts of stuff to the orbit, then very long journey. Descending to Mars has until now high failure ratio. And so on.
At the end, although it should be at the beginning, is a very simple question:
Why go to Mars?
I guess the answer is just to prove it’s possible.
That would the most stupid answer.
I see no purpose going to Mars. Except, PR stunt for humanity.
With all the latest space hype, particularly private companies entering the show, thousands of satellites planned, concurring Moon and Mars….
Why there is no talk about damage rockets are doing to the atmosphere?
Also nothing about increased possibility of Kessler syndrome.
“For our species to survive,…… elimination of 100% of the CO2-producing vehicles that exist today, replacing them with 30% of the current vehicle count in electric vehicles that are shared. Single-ownership of vehicles needs to be abolished, again, if we are to survive.”
Oh, those nasty vehicles.
You not knowingly bought into technocracy plans.
Electric cars with subsidies for the rich (regular tax breaks are not enough), fleets of self-driving electric cars “regular people” are paying on per-service basis, for the poor …fuck them, let them die.
In my earlier reply I made the casual assumption that you were a man. I had never heard of the “manbearpig” monster.
I apologize for that. I certainly meant no offense.
“??” Exactly. Humanity is so retarded, me too by definition.
Cheers to you Ma’am, and a good day to you.
Do you remember all the crowds chanting “We want Driverless Cars!!” ?
That comment of yours was so poetic and so spot on.
The Hyperloop BUSTED!
Thunderfoot has a great overview of hyperloop.
TLDW: Elon has no clue about the science and engineering
that is necessary to implement a working tunnel.
Almost none of the real-world engineering problems are solved.
And some proposed “solutions” are scientifically impossible.
It is a total scam.
The same is true for the mars-base.
It is also an environmental and economic disaster.
To setup a mars-base we need to use so many rockets that we will
damage Earth’s atmosphere.
That is because we for each tonnage base-construction
and life-support (food/air) we need to a lot of rocket and
rocket-fuel to get it over there.
That is why it is better to use robots instead.
They also do not need to go back.
Going back requires a full functioning (multi-stage) rocket on mars,
just to leave the surface.
Bring people over there equals killing them.
Ep 86 of @TFTC21 with Ben Hunt @EpsilonTheory and @jamesob to discuss:
– Bitcoiners as Coyotes
– Bitcoiners fighting a losing battle
– Homeschooling
– much more
Late Nomination for must listen in next weeks letter
So incredibly disturbing. Only 15 minutes into the video and I’m muttering, “stop the ride, I want to get off.” How does someone get from “summoning the demon” to this? He’s gotta be snorting something.
My goodness, mbp, I’m almost certain I checked back with this thread the late morning after I left my comment and there was no response. But how can that be, since the time/date stamp has yours only ten hours later??! Anyway, I’m so sorry I missed your reply until just earlier today (Sept 2). I’ve since watched the Harris video, read the transcript, taken notes and am still bewildered.
There were so many either/or situations I lost count, and to address just one of them would be to re-visit numerous, deep philosophical discussions going back centuries (what is man and who owns man?). But Mr. Harris manages to sweep all that aside by distilling mankind’s existence into a Yea or Nay course of action (the two doors). Deciding that Yea is the only right choice, he then dictates to us that there exists only three assumptions with regard to progress; again, within these assumptions are accepted premises to which only a few billion people might take serious exceptions.
The second assumption, that they will keep working to improve AI so that AI can help us solve diseases, economic problems and climate issues stood out to me. Each one of those “problems” (disease, economics, climate) is a can of worms. But, like he said, the train has left the station–and there are no brakes, so it I might as well accept that it sucks to be me.
He concludes that until there is a kind of “Manhattan Project” of great thinkers who are merely interested in protecting our “interests” as opposed to an arms race (at least two more cans of worms here), he does at least appear to be taking issue with the rush to integrate AI with mankind, or am I missing something?
More than anything, I wish I could sit in on one of your classes!
Thinking more on Harris’s appearance of caution, something from Joseph Plummer’s book Tragedy and Hope 101 occurred to me:
“With its legislation successfully written, Taft ousted, and Wilson in the White House, it would seem that the Network could rest easy. However, there was one more swindle needed to guarantee passage of the Federal Reserve Act. To help garner public support, the very same people who helped author the legislation on Jekyll Island began speaking out publicly against it.
So, along the same devious tactics, maybe the appearance of caution asserted with the suggestion that AI and integration must be further researched and perfected before making the grand evolutionary leap, is to spark a distracting, worldwide debate until a miraculous alien technology will swoop in and make it all okay, when the technology shouldn’t be considered at all.
*The Creature from Jekyll Island, pages 463 and 464.
Oh boy, you better not read this comment from this point onward.
That’s a great way to abuse the cost of accruing and processing information. People think they are smart when they play their kids that way, but can’t understand when they are being gamed with reverse psychology.
For some reason this reminds me of a dog chasing a car. If he did catch it, what would he do with it?
I hear ya, mkey.
I do tend to overthink things, missing the most obvious right in front of me, as I did here; if it were a snake, I’d’ve been bitten!
You made Perfect sense! Very scary manipulations by Harris going on there.
Apparently John Bush thinks this article does not have any substance. Also his view on nueralink ” I wont be wearing one! But I believe he is genuine in his intent behind it which is to give humans a leg up in the coming intelligence race with AI. In the beginning the tech will be used to help folks that have nerve damage or brain problems and have limited use of their body. That’s pretty badass. Not my favorite project of his but I think his intent is genuine and not evil.”¬if_t=feed_comment_reply¬if_id=1642371135896690&ref=m_notif
I’m not sure what Elon Musks’s intent, but if I were paralyzed I’d want one if it was available.
I think John Bush likes technology. To be honest, I have a lot of doubts that we’ll ever have AI that exists as an autonomous entity and has awareness of it’s own existence. I just don’t think some of these weird technocratic devices will be possible. Not in our lifetime anyway. Maybe the brain chip or human augmentation with robotic parts, but not a real AI that thinks on it’s own accord. I have doubts about the quantum computers too. Most humans don’t have a handle on quantum physics.
Humans, man in this century. Ever notice the “self driving” car hang up.
I still think man is the master of the machine(s). And, I am certainly not an expert, but know an expert. He programs Kernals and has a degree in astrophysics and has doubts about capabilities of a self aware AI. I have another friend who has worked for a governmental agency, granted not doing classified research, but has raised doubts about the development of viable quantum computers.
Here’s something I found on quantum computers, but I have no expertise in physics, but some of it is accessible to lay people:
I’ll do more research into the rows and rows of computers. I have a hunch that a lot of the material put out there is to cause fear and doubt and inaction on the part of regular people to take control of this runaway train.
I think you have an interesting fascination with “the machine” and at times sound in awe of it, like it is better than humanity.
AI can ruin and kill people, and will do so, but its vastly inferior in intelligence to even a dumb human in real world use.
Computers are just a fancy tool, like a wrench. The nuts are the ones who put their data in its jaws
“Now you think all the supercomputers are faked?”
No, I didn’t say that at all. I said I will have to research the rows and rows of computers you mentioned.
You say people are “self liquidating” and that is interesting, because there must be a logical motive for this, for rulers to cause “self liquidation” and that could be to have another species colonize the earth. That would make sense as far as motive for this insanity.
If an alien race made a deal with these weird elitist psychopaths, give them hopes of immortality, but they would have to help get rid of the human species. Sounds like a good book idea.
I had a friend who believed humans were genetically engineered by aliens. I always thought she was a little nutty. But who knows.
Yes, von numan machines replicating themselves and eating the planet would be kinda bad. What was that stuff in the Pern books? Thread or something like that that did the same kind of thing I think
Ai is mostly algorithmic ways of solving a problem written by people…. e even the self learning AI is pathetic comp6to a human IN REAL WORLD tasks.
AI can only compete with a human in massive data sifting or if humans go into the VR world. AI will ruin and kill people but its actual intelligence is far below a human retard
I did some cursory research on Von Neumann, who was a mathematical genius who went on to work for the the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project in the United States, and Manhattan Project. Here’s his Wikipedia biography:
He came up with theories of computers and machines that included “self replicating automata”
According to my understanding other theories built upon his work that included the hypothesis that civilizations would try to colonize other planets to survive. Even if there are no disasters on a planet, life is limited by the life of it’s sun, that some day will go nova, at least in my understanding.
If another technologically advanced species built machines to travel into space and find other planets that would sustain life may have found our planet. Maybe the alien species itself or the machine probe(s) found earth. Based on historical artifacts found in other cultures, it does seem to indicate that an alien race may have come to our planet, at least some people think this is the case.
At any rate, I think that genius minds such as VonNeumann and others could have given humanity a theoretical framework to develop machines that are beyond comprehension of people who do not understand complex math and physics, including myself.
I’m curious about what type of technology that might exist that we don’t know about. I’m sure DARPA and other agencies like that would not inform the general public. Maybe there are other elements on the periodic table that have not been disclosed.
I don’t understand why people are building this machine out, if it will wipe us out. Maybe they think they will be able to live forever in the machine? Or that it will give them new experiences they have not had before? They think life will be better as cyborg?
This has certainly been a theme in many science fiction movies.
I understand that some of these wealthy elitist psychopaths are always looking for a new thrill and to have thrills as long as possible, so if they think a bio-digital convergence will give them this, will continue to build up the machine.
How can AI be both “inevitable ” AND “unknown ” ???
I have no issue believing that AI can do big things but all the CCRU level BS about it becoming cthulu is fake and gay.
I have been reading for decades on and off on that stuff and it’s not going to ever develop actual intelligence… if you know better then please tell us how
I understand what you mean “actual intelligence” meaning creativity and unique thoughts and ideas and the awareness of oneself as an independent being. I don’t think computers have the ability to achieve that, not yet anyway.
The idea of a machine that is designed to make more of itself running a program kind of makes sense, that that could happen.
“..Duck if you actually want to learn something instead of just constantly shitposting vulgar taunts and sophomoric dismissive insults..”
I am sorry that your mental state causes you to interpret criticism of your opinion as insult.
“..presentation by Peter Watts..”
Yes, I watched the Harbor Seal guy talk.
It is nothing more then BIOFEEDBACK which they get to sync… which is not unlike the stuff I was reading about 20 years ago (A room full of people flying a sim plane by ‘voting’ with colored paddles. They managed to create a barrell roll … as an ORGANISM… woooooo… (lol) kinda like a flock of birds or fish do complex behaviors. ( less wooo…)
ITS HYPE to get funding… they have been saying that stuff for years and its still not happening.
As to sensory sharing via electrics the way the twins do with biology
a)Its receiving a SIGNAL from the other rat, NOT parallel computing. Its more like I train you to press the button when I tickle your foot
b) it works 65%of the time…. Foot tickling is superior
So… in light of that NO humans are not “…. raw materials to be “rat-netted” in order to upgrade AI with the features of unitary (quantum) consciousness…..”
the only people who ACTUALLY believe that are
a)Sci fi nerds
b)Evil Oligarchs who throw money down the research pit because they think they will be gods
d)ignorant people
“…In short, a machine intelligence can “bootstrap” any mammalian psychic trait its programmers want it to, by appropriately linking the machine to a mammal with a bio-digital interface….”
WTF does that actually MEAN and how does it work?
You can go watch THIS documentary
and see they were saying the SAME BS 30 years ago, sold to the gullible by TIM LEARY the FedPuppet who got a generation of retards to LSD their brains
“…As Mr. Burns said, “This isn’t rocket science, it’s brain surgery!”
Speaking of which the “artificial hipocampus that we will be getting implanted within the next 7 years according the talk to cite???? Uhh…. Yeah…. We’ll see that some time after never. I made a list of stuff on the talk but my main irritant was his having a “Han Solo” moment and saying the Corpus colopseum (re split Split Brain) has the “SAME BANDWIDTH” as a Cellphone……
WHAT ??? Like, does he mean the amount of data the cell phone can send? Or the processing power ? But then why say ‘smart’phone? And how do you measure the info passing thru the CC in the same units?? 😉
“…Again, your unhinged tone and frantic….”
Bahahahaha…. dude. You are the most unhinged of us all.
That said I watched your link, a video by a guy who’s claim to science is studying Harbour Seals and writing scifi….. a man who listed a series of experiments and grossly over stated the importance…. that you do not counter any of my points makes YOU the nut bar running in circles and crying the sky has fallen.
Now… while you may enjoy choosing to be a useless loser wallowing in doom porn at least use that fine, if warped, mind of yours and consider that cyberpunk is the vanguard of popularization of trans humanism. If you did more then wallow you would know that AND who is behind it
“The whole world, it almost seems, is divided into those who lead meaningless, futile lives without being aware of it, and those who, being aware of it, are driven to madness and suicide.
Why do men not break out of this trap? Why do they do nothing more than try to get by, day to day? Fr. Rose offers that it is because they do not think. One cannot blame them: the realities of the present day are better left in spaces unexamined.
What is this absurd philosophy? It is entirely negation – it exists only in opposition to something; its character is wholly determined by that which it desires to negate. it cannot exist except in opposition to something that is wholly not absurd.
Absurdism cannot be understood apart from its Christian origins.
For the genuine Christian, divine coherence is found in every aspect of life and thought. Not so for the absurdist, for whom everything falls apart. The philosophy is not merely an error and self-contradiction. Yes, it is these, but it is much more.
It is not a product of reason and the intellect – after all, to proclaim ultimate meaningless, one must believe this statement of meaning. “
This jumped off the page of the very good article that I was reading.
Its worth the time to read the whole thing.
In addition to Musk’s grandfather having been head of the Canadian technocracy movement for a time…
“The Mars Project” was written by Wernher von Braun in 1952.
In a chapter about governing Mars he said “the Martian govt. would be directed by 10 men, the leader of whom was elected for five years and entitled “Elon”. 🙂
And now we have Elon head of SpaceX, which plans to send humans to Mars within the next 10 years.