Don’t Throw Big Tech in the Briar Patch! – #PropagandaWatch

by | May 14, 2019 | Propaganda Watch, Videos | 16 comments

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Oh, no! Don’t regulate Big Tech! How will they ever be able to put up with the government enshrining them as the monopoly platforms that everyone must use?

Problem Reaction Solution: Internet Censorship Edition

Mark Zuckerberg is begging for governments to regulate Facebook

Zuckerberg: Maybe tech should face some regulations

YouTube and its users face an existential threat from the EU’s new copyright directive

Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle” – FLNWO #35


  1. I like the phrase Normie Land.

    Corporate Warfare
    I am so glad that Corbett is again discussing corporate warfare strategies and tactics and “false flag” ploys. The corporate data collection activities have put the game on a whole new level.

    I think that…
    …the normie mindset completely underestimates the evil manipulation which occurs in corporate warfare.

    There is a normie mindset which does not recognize that, for the most part, corporations do not have an altruistic mission. The corporate mission is always to become more dominant and controlling. Profit (example “Amazon”) may not be on their top agenda, but domination is.

    The normie mindset doesn’t recognize that corporations do not give a damn about the health and welfare of people. People are just cattle herded towards the Impossible Burger.

    • Intelligence is not measured by how one fits into a civilization’s measurements such as in intelligence testing. Intelligence is definded by the ability to adapt, to move among the world and survive when others don’t. Normies are too compliant and unaware of the larger world perspective to do so within this survival parameter–unless they find an enabler to protect them. Of course, the true definition of intelligence is neither soothing nor usually known. It requires a longer-term perspective.

      Yes! So true, “…value their comfort zone more than their freedom.” Why? They have never been without either.

  2. James,

    You have instructed us well to see the pattern that is immanent with FB:

    Break me in to smaller pieces
    I Regulate me; I regulate you
    I invest in my own smaller parts
    Watch me grow, bigger, stronger
    You will love/hate me
    And I will own you.

    Almost a song.

  3. See Rothbard’s “The Progressive Era” for a comprehensive history of exactly the sort of thing James is talking about (regulation as a way to strangle competitors) being the genesis of much of the current Leviathan state. This is the way things are done and it has been for a long time.

  4. An international grand committee on big data, privacy and democracy is meeting in Ottawa, Canada today in the second of three days of meetings.

    They are trying to figure out “how best to protect citizens’ privacy and democratic fairness in the age of social media.”

    When I read about it today I immediately thought of James’ “Don’t Throw Big Tech in the Briar Patch! – #PropagandaWatch” piece.

    Jim Balsillie, retired chief executive of Research In Motion, the company that invented the Blackberry smart phone said “Social media’s toxicity is not a bug — it’s a feature,” in testimony before the international committee.

    The committee members will be questioning representatives from internet behemoths such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Amazon and Mozilla on what they’re doing to prevent abuse.

    With still a day left for the meetings this might be an opportunity for James to voice his opinion with some panelists as to what direction they should take in this matter.

    ‘Balsillie decries toxic, unchecked technology at big data committee’

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