Today James joins Patrick MacFarlane and Keith Knight, the co-hosts of the Liberty Weekly podcast, to recommend books. From non-fiction to fiction, from propaganda to exposes, from liberty to conspiracy, from the serious to the light-hearted, here are a couple of dozen books to add to your reading list.
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What’s On Your Bookshelf? – Questions For Corbett #035
WWI Q&A – Questions For Corbett #042
A New World Order Reading List
BOOKS tag on
The Politics of Obedience by Etienne de La Boetie
Swarmwise by Rick Falkvinge
Revolve by Aaron Franz
The 2001 Anthrax Deception by Graeme Macqueen (+ interview)
Seeds of Destruction by William Engdahl
Tune In by Mark Lewisohn
Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order by Patrick Wood
Authoritarian Sociopathy by Davi Barker
Science on the Verge (+ interview)
Bit by Bit: How P2P is Freeing the World by Jeffrey Tucker (+ interview)
Visas for Al Qaeda by J. Michael Springmann (+ interview)
Tragedy & Hope 101 by Joseph Plummer (+ interview)
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein (+ FLNWO)
Walden Two by B.F. Skinner (+ FLNWO)
As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society by Dave Grossman (+ Liberty Weekly “Blood Makes The Green Grass Grow“)
Illiberal Reformers: Race, Eugenics, and American Economics in the Progressive Era by Thomas C. Leonard (+ Liberty Weekly “Economics, Eugenics, and the Minimum Wage“)
How to Win Every Argument – The Use & Abuse of Logic by Madsen Pirie
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
Short Answers to the Tough Questions by Dr. Mary J. Ruwart
A Theory of Capitalism & Socialism by Hans-Hermann Hoppe
The Franklin Cover-Up by John Decamp
Bohemian Grove Facts & Fiction by Mark Dice
63 Documents the Government Doesn’t Want You to Read by Jessie Ventura
America’s Secret Establishment by Antony Sutton
Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
The Lusitania by Colin Simpson (+ caveat)
Day of Deceit by Robert Stinnett (+ interview)
Grossman is full of #$%@ and the study of SLA Marshall is reported to be flawed and possibly even suspect.
Grossman is good at giving motivational talks to people who want to think that they are “sheepdogs” and the white hat and black hat people are markedly different.
Humans traditionally have very little compunction about offing “out group” people unless they spend a lot of time developing a moral framework… The ‘Lucifer Effect’ is well worth looking up.
people forget that FDR reportedly had a human skull as a paperweight sent from Pacific theater troops.
The idea of ‘sheepdogs’ and ‘warriors’ is a disgusting aristocratic affectation and a way to insulate those who do not know themselves from the evil that lives in all human hearts including their own
Were all both sheep and wolves
1924:The Year that made Hitler by Peter Ross Range changed my outlook on that period.
a weak joke state no one respected and Communist uprisings and violence leading to the rise of a home grown nationalist socialism acceptable to the old guard and the masses made so much more sense then people just deciding they were pi$$$d about the first war or being hypnotized by H’s magic eyes.
Your right , in many ways we are in a similar position now with action/reaction/solution leading us into unpleasantness
EU votes for more internet control by monopolies
EU Votes In Favor Of Article 13, Giving Copyright Holders Undue Power Over Internet Platforms
Game critic version:
Content creators and artists will be duped, and
they were already attacked by monopolies.
Computing forever
Alternative news sources will be blocked due
publishing similar information or criticizing
war propaganda.
Time for Euxit
Enough MEPs Say They Mistakenly Voted For Articles 11 & 13 That The Vote Should Have Flipped; EU Parliament Says Too Bad
There will be ways around it…but the point is to make it so the lazy mass of people can no longer get EASILY get sent disturbing alternate news stuff to alert them to things. We’ll be doing comments like this on bulliten boards like its the 80s (lol…… ????) one day…. 🙁
Its always about making it hard for MOST people to get info…. the only bright side is that if it starts making it hard for regular people to surf then they may become irritated enough to cause a roll back
James, As I Lay Dying? Really? It’s little more than morbid and depressing. It reads like an assignment from an avante garde “creative” writing teacher and not a worthy representation of Faulkner’s genius. Please, don’t send people to the least of his works.
My favs are Go Down Moses and The Sound and the Fury.
true… Good people have little or no need for laws and governments, the law is needed when people cant control themselves….. when you go against reason and nature in favor of appetite it gets wonky
E micheal Jones talks about how sin is used as a tool of enslavement (in a VERY catholic way..but still good)
ALSO talks about how the Rockerfellers used their money tp shift social attitudes
I have taken up the cause to check and verify by buying the sited sources of the red pill publishers. It has added to my library books of non-fiction and some fiction. I have enjoyed some thinly veiled fiction on people ultimately culminating around politics from the past. Always with a grain of salt.
The latest in que is Vol.1; The Origins of the World War by Sidney Bradshaw Fay. The copy I have is from the reissued Jan.1929 version, you have to wonder what changes the first edition, Oct.1928 went through.
Of course you have to compare to know. I love the hand written personal notes in the margins and the dedications in the front leafs that people left. I notice too publishers like MacMillan Company where not shy about their corporate logo on first page before the title page, Horace’s boat and eye, Isises sex , the pyramid, the compass and the square, rope and noose. A real Masonic publishing house right up front. However timidly Fay’s arguments were he does question the official narrative of who really was responsible for WW1. That makes me think what did the first print say cause this was a real water downed proposal. Thank God for Docherty and MacGregor continuations in sorting things out. That’s what it all should be about. Can only hope and dig through the overburdens to find the gold. And yeah! Your gonna get wet.
5 Reasons Not to Vote
Although democracy is just one way to structure a state, the concept has reached cult status; unassailable as political dogma. It is, as economist Joseph Schumpeter observed, “a surrogate faith for intellectuals deprived of religion.” Most of the founders of America were more concerned with liberty than democracy. Tocqueville saw democracy and liberty as almost polar opposites.
At least 95% of incumbents in Congress typically retain office. That is a higher proportion than in the Supreme Soviet of the defunct USSR, and a lower turnover rate than in Britain’s hereditary House of Lords where people lose their seats only by dying.
Thank you. I’ve corrected the link up above. How telling that you’re the first person to notice!