So we were told Bin Laden died in 2001. Then we were told he was dead in 2002. And 2005 and 2006 and 2007 and 2009 before he was killed again in 2011. So which is it? And how do we know? Good question. Join James as he explores this and other conundrums in the 39th edition of Questions For Corbett.
For those with limited bandwidth, CLICK HERE to download a smaller, lower file size version of this episode.
For those interested in audio quality, CLICK HERE for the highest-quality version of this episode (WARNING: very large download).
Who Is Nicholas Rockefeller? – Questions For Corbett #038
How to Beat the Banksters at Their Own Game
Interview 928 – James Corbett Discusses Voluntary Solutions to Ending the Fed
Corbett Report Radio 169 – The Alternative Currency Solution with Eyal Hertzog
Complementary Currencies: A Beginner’s Guide
Think you know how to “End The Fed”? Take the #FedChallenge
India slashes Monsanto’s GMO seed royalty, says US firm ‘free to leave’ anytime
Expert panel recommends 10-year moratorium on GM food crop field trials)
ACSH: Monsanto Didn’t Cause Farmer Suicides in India
Open Seeds: Biopiracy and the Patenting of Life
James Corbett Reacts to OBL “Death”
Osama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead…For the Ninth Time
Leaked Snowden docs show for first time that DNA test verified identity of Osama bin Laden’s body
CIA organised fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden’s family DNA
He Led the CIA to bin Laden—and Unwittingly Fueled a Vaccine Backlash
The Killing of Osama Bin Laden
James Corbett on Ground Zero Radio
G. Edward Griffin Debunks the JFK/Fed Myth
I’ll just leave this here
Time to disco.
I’ll contract a native Russian speaker to confirm the subs.
You do realize that:
a) the correct translation is completely different than what
the subtitles say in this video and have nothing whatsoever
to do with Bin Laden?
b) the original video was recorded BEFORE the alleged Bin Laden
death in 2011?
In regards to managing downloaded videos, articles, etc. Besides sorting the files into a folder structure I would recommend using “tags” that make sense for you and that you can type into the finder to easily locate them in the future.
I confess that one of my greatest assets to my filing system is that I use a pretty fine filter in regards as to what gets downloaded onto my hard drive. Having access to too much information can paralyze you. Information itself is only potential power, not power itself.
I’m glad I’m not you, James. Though I imagine you are loving the variety and depth of all the questions you get. I just had my fill of it nerding out in college. I’d never even heard of the 1871 question of Pike. Of course, I’ve only given the barest of glances at the whole masonic/illuminati thing. It just gets too crazy too quickly for me. I did like that one guy who was talking about the importance of having people who could understand the context of the systems (physical and mental) of the time period of the JFK assassination. It’s too easy to view historical events from the perspective of the reader’s time.
My question regards a subject you have undoubtedly covered at length, but I have only followed you for a few years now. Feminism. I despise feminists. From our earliest years, under the tyranny of male dominance, the human vagina was regarded as a portal to higher dimensions. It represented everything better in our world. While this was not a perfect system, I think that we men were doing a pretty fair job of viewing women in a positive light. Today, people wear a vagina on their head and call that progress for women. Feminists have made a lot of headway into destroying the natural power of women. The sex that Troy would remember today if Helen’s power wasn’t so great. What is your take on the feminist movement? And do you think that beast will die an agonizing death soon? JimBob don’t mind asking the questions you’ve no doubt been asked 10,000 times before.
Re-reading this one, I can’t believe I called that a question. I just get so ticked at feminists. Under feminists, women went from being goddesses to just meat. JimBob who was raised to open doors for women and still can’t figure out how that oppresses them.
You don’t have any question marks there, but that’s a fair question you implied. Feminism is certainly an important topic, starting before WWI and the Rockefeller funded white feather movement, something James did talk about on that WWI thingy in Denmark (I think) and his QFC copout. But I doubt feminism is something James gets to see that often in everyday life, because feminism, and especially third wave feminism, is mostly a western construct which, I’d wager, doesn’t have a lasting hang time in the East.
SPOOKY to see tomorrow’s date under the title… you sent it back in time to Friday the 13th? Or is it an artifact of the IDL?
AMAZING but I do not have a question at this time! I am such a curious georgina, but I only want to say THANK YOU!
But, JAMES! please practice a bit more Zen and have a complete holliday from this morass. MY (unsolicited) advice is to NOT post a darn thing and focus on the Family and your serenity (probably a conflict right there, eh?). Much appreciation.
re Daniel’s questions and James’ response (from 48:00) yes money and trading can save the world, and some people are trying to turn the present system against its owners. Probably most famous these days is Ronald Bernard, a Dutchman who used to work for the banksters but bailed out when they wanted him to get into child sacrifices.
Bernard calls himself a Social Entrepreneur and these days runs the “Bank of Joy” with the aim of demonstrating how beneficial a benevolent organization of capital and investment can be, even within the present system. Though he doesnt stop there and views this enterprise as an initial step in the peaceful overthrow of the present system.
Anyhow since he worked within the BIS “global casino” he is acquainted both with real figures and the research work of various European firms on the financial elite who own almost everything (circa 8,000 people dominated by 13 major family groupings). In 2010 about 63 trillion dollars were needed to run the world economy while a trading capital of about 1,700 trillion was transacted and gambled by the elite through the BIS ; by 2016 this had grown to 77 trillion circulating among the rest of us while the elite was gambling with a whopping 75,000 trillion ; or enough for every man woman child on the planet to have 10 million in an account.
These figures appear in the following Bernard lecture (Dutch with subtitles);
Although these figures may partly represent funny money they shouldnt be dismissed as fictional. They fundamentally represent the order of wealth generated by industrial and other modern technologies, coupled with the human labour of some three centuries exploiting those technologies. No one would dispute the dramatic rise in living standards in the west during that period , nor that technology is the key. It’s certainly possible for the vampiric monetary system to be overthrown and for the technology to remain and become enhanced.
another Ronald Bernard video about his personal story as Social Entrepreneur. James might be struck by his final comment since James has expressed the same sentiment ;
As for JFK info – in addition to Kings & Kennedy’s website and JFK facts website, I like:
It is easily searchable on the facts.
And for audio listen to Mae Brussel about all things in the 60’s & 70’s
As for books, start with Mark Lane’s Rush to Judgement to see how the WC screwed up. JFK & the Unspeakable is one of the best, James DiEugenio books Reclaiming Parkland & Destiny Betrayed, Fletcher Prouty JFK the CIA, Vietnam, and the plot to Assassinate JFK, and For all of the assassinations of the 60s DiEugenio & Lisa Pease published The Assassinations.
I personally don’t think it’s even possible for this degree of military worship to genuinely exist on reddit and suspect that I’m actually seeing an example of next-level deep-state restructuring of a public forum through vote manipulation & shill posting.
Easily solved.
Just make it a mandatory cellphone registration site like Steemit. 🙂
I have a question for Mr Corbett. How can you claim to fight against oppression when you embrace and propagate one of the most oppressive doctrines imaginable: namely, that some people are born psychopaths, whereas others are born normal?
One of your questions was “How rich do you need to get to fight the NWO?” You answered that it’s not about money. You also added that while profit was not inherently bad, generally the super rich are almost always corrupt and did something bad to get where they are. You finished by saying: “prove me wrong.” I intend to give some examples of non-corrupted rich people.
-Nassim Nicholas Taleb: He is a hedge fund manager and professor in risk management. He made a fortune (likely tens of millions) shorting the market in 2008 due to his knowledge of Austrian Economics (real economics lol). He didn’t screw anyone over by doing this. He made a voluntary agreement with people who trusted his advice in the financial markets. He got rich through purely voluntary transactions.
Nassim endoresed Ron Paul in his presidential campaigns. Moreover, he’s been very vocally against the Federal Reserve, and more importantly, he’s been strongly against the current escalation with Syria. He’s very vocal and adamant that it was not Assad. I really do respect what he stands for; being austrian economics and non-interventionism, I just feel like he’s always on “our” side (anti-war, voluntaryist, doesn’t make money off coercion).
-Mark Spitznagel: Is another super rich guy (billionaire) who I think is also on the side of the good guys. He was the economic advisor to Ron Paul’s campaigns, being on the side of Liberty. He gets his money off voluntary transactions. He’s worth about 6 billion and is pretty much the same boat as Nassim (investor off Austrian economic principles).
-Gary Heaven: Founder of Curves (gym for women only). He also got rich off voluntary transactions. Moreover, he’s been vocal in the public light about the inconsistencies of 9/11; which is very dangerous for the CEO of a large company to do. Gary has also been vocally against these “Arab Spring” regime change wars (since he saw through them because of 9/11). Another “risky” position for CEO of a major company, especially in US where everyone tells you to “support the troops” like it’s some sort of religion.
Moreover, when the earthquake occurred in Haiti, he took all of his boats and went over there to bring supplies and helping the Haitian people. During his time there, he tried to expose the corruption of Hillary Clinton and her fake charity. He put his money where is mouth is when the Haitian earthquake occurred. He got rich by women voluntarily deciding to join his gym. He didn’t coerce anyone to join his gym, they wanted to join. I don’t see anything wrong with what he did.
Am I saying that these rich people are perfect? No, that’s not what I’m saying. Nassim can be sometimes rude to people on Twitter, he comes off as conceited (even though he’s normally correct and well thought out). Gary Heavin required franchisees to purchase his book (although it’s not like he got rich off his book). I’m not saying these people are the equivelant of the modern day jesus, but they’re clearly not “evil” or “bad” like Henry Kissinger.
I don’t look at these people as the NWO, of anything they are the people challenging them (via investing in alt positions or calling them out publically).
Moreover from personal experience, I’ve met a lot of generous and good-hearted “rich people.” I have extended family (via marriage) who happen to very wealthy (net worth estimate $35,000,000 – $70,000,000) who seem to be generous and kind. I don’t follow them everyday and track all their decisions, but I highly doubt they’re doing anything other than regular (non-evil) people do. They are just regular people who happen to have a high net worth.
Finally, I grew up in a semi-rich family. The best way to describe my parents would be “Middle Class millionaires.” Being in the 1% of the US puts our family in the top 0.1% of the world. Though I am certainly not some NWO-supporting parasite, neither is my family. My family owns a small business.
I will admit that if you look at the top 100 richest people in the world, you will certainly find some people who are bad people (Larry Silverstein, George Soros, Erik Prince), but not all.
I’d like to hear what you guys think about this regarding the three people I mentioned above. All super rich, and yet all seem anti-NWO on some level. Maybe they aren’t perfect, but none of us are.
JimBob is a redneck who shot Santa for visiting his delightful state of Fluorida. That much is obvious.
He also seems not to believe everything he reads and probably has genealogic links to winged hussar families from old Poland.
But now we’re speculating
Broc in South Vietnam? I thought he was in Australia. Just goes to show how things/people just won’t stay where I think they are. By the way, great idea there. I’m not really sure how James keeps up with the work he does now. I get the notion he is living the grad school life of never-ending questions. JimBob who never questions the official line as he don’t even know what it is.
While this comment may not cover all that you wrote, James stated on a number of occasions that he could never give access to his website to people he doesn’t know physically (and I’d wager very, very well and in depth) which makes sense.
Another issue is that I don’t think this site would technically be able to manage several different people with varying degrees of access rights.
On a more personal note, I don’t think this community is going to expand to something gigantic any time soon. James has stated several times he has “several thousands subscriber” but we have barely a few dozen regular posters in the comments section. This is not to say I wouldn’t welcome a technically better implemented comments section, where things could be better organized and people could submit their own content. This would be something akin to standard forum software, which is freely available and fairly easy to setup and implement.
I don’t mean to discourage you with this idea lorenzo but…
Before you invest too much time thinking this through and
coming up with a proposal for James on a new/improved bigger and better website…
I don’t think it is likely at all that he will be interested.
First of all what you are describing sounds an awful lot
like a Newsbud clone (are you sure you aren’t a Newsbud spy 🙂 ? ).
Second of all James absolutely relishes his independence. He thrives on it.
Working as part of a team just isn’t his bag, whether he is leader
or not.
I will never forget that BFP video broadcast where Sibel was floating the idea of starting Newsbud (the name still hadn’t even been born).
During the discussion someone asked James if he would be interested in working on such a team as a regular team member.
His response? He “bristled” (the word he used) just from thinking about the idea! That was his polite way of declining any such offer.
BTW, this was years before they had their falling out. They were still on excellent terms back then.
Having said all that, this is not to say I don’t think improvements can be made to this site; for example the comments section (as has been mentioned) etc.
I don’t think you can relegate commitments without losing independence.
Collecting information – this is something anyone can contribute to (and many do) but this actually adds to the work load
Digesting information – I don’t think anyone can do this reliably and objectively, therefore it can not be relegated with keeping independence in mind
Keep up with correspondence – has to do with what I mentioned above and also maintaining privacy. Besides, James isn’t Obama to have a dozen people acting as him on social media, on his behalf
Maintaining the website – again, a privacy issue
Maintaining the community – susceptible to bias, moderation could be relegated to a certain extent, but you’d need to have hundreds of daily posts for it to be required
Research, writing – essential to independence
Things that could be outsorced: media production, proofreading and maybe some more mundane tasks, like booking a flight or a hotel or organizing some event or doing groceries and stuff like that, but I very much doubt he’d like to have a personal assistant.
lorenzo I don’t think it registered/you understand, however good your intentions might be.
This is not about “burden of proof/trust”
(although after his latest war with Sibel, James’ ‘saboteur radar’ must be at their highest alert levels ever.)
This is about independence. James’ DNA thrives on it.
lorenzo.c says:
Broc in southern Vietnam!
When did that happen? Or am I just completely out of the loop on things and he’s always been based there? Either one is possible as some days the world is just one confusing blend of facts/truths/lies/mis-interpretations that never really settle into place before someone hits the puree button again. JimBob who knows that being a pothead could never cause one to get a little hazy on the details.
Thanks for the tip, BeaverBill. The link has been corrected.
When did James have a falling out with Sibel, et al? I thought I kept up with things…
Summer 2017, right around the time of the Titans of Truth video conference.
Question for Corbett.
Hi James, what’s the story with the pizzagate open-source investigation. Was this debunked? The alt-media community appears to be split on this, as with so many things lately.
In your view, since 9/11, has U.S. government foreign policy really intended to achieve what the top brass publicly state are their objectives, but unintentionally just happen to be clumsy, have nearly all their strategies backfire on their stated purposes (e.g. empowering Iran and other Shi’a forces, Assad winning the Syrian war, emboldening terrorist groups, creating new ones and causing previous ones to grow stronger, etc) and generally appear to be bumbling around the Middle East and elsewhere?
Or, do you think the planners in the U.S government knew that the situation in the M.E. was likely to unravel the way it has, but intentended it to, and hoped it would, as to justify endless war in the M.E. and whatever else their motives might be?
I’ve been wondering something similar. Except that I just took out “publicly stated” on the goals. However, it isn’t the incompetence which gets me; that is real. What gets me are all the news which just backfire time after time. I’m talking news announcements. You know, the ones in which the “truth bombs” go off on MSM. Is it possible that they are smart enough to just make themselves look stupid? I don’t think so. JimBob whose government experience has taught him that only the dumbest people ever stick with government jobs.
At last!I have a relevant posting! James, I just got through watching this incredibly stupid video; not the video itself, but the content. The UK thought crimes. Where hate speech has just run amok apparently. People are getting their wallets raped by this now. Personally, I find it evidence that Ayn Rand was a prophet, but I would like to know your take on this madness. Basically, it’s a WTF question. Just what is the UK trying to do? Do they WANT their government to collapse? I don’t even have the ability to grasp how anyone could be this idiotic. Of course, I AM looking at stupid from a logical perspective; so their’s that. JimBob who figures it might be best to paraphrase anything that comes out of his mouth.
I have a question for Corbett.
You have grown a decent reader and viewer basis. With its growth more emails and comments are incoming, thus more time is needed from you to attend these. How do you manage this complication of your success?
Have you thought about dictating instead of typing emails and articles etc.? An acquaintance of mine usually records emails or other textes by voice (though mostly by slave device smartphone; I think on PCs and laptops it’s not that established).
Hey James. My question for you is, “Now that it is absolutely accepted that everything he said (and lots more) was true can we now take the “hex” off of Edward Snowden?”
The thing James had to say about Edward is that he didn’t reveal much if anything new. Stuff he “revealed” was in the public domain a long time, some of it for over a decade.
Which only raises the question, why did he say what he said at the time he said it? He was certainly given much attention by the media which usually covers up stuff like this with a half meter thich layer of concrete. IMO, Edward has “controlled agent” written all over his forehead.
mkey, if we assume for a moment that he is a “controlled agent”, what purpose(s) do you believe the controllers had in mind when they set him loose to do his mission?
And have they been successful with this mission?
I’d say for achieveing the effect of normalization. There was a certain influx of the big brother controlling fascist state paraphernalia into the public domain during these past several years, thanks to some TV shows and the media.
There also may be something in sending a message to any wannabe whistleblowers in form of “if you do something like this, better run and hide in the closest gulag.”
I couldn’t really gauge how succesfull he was, but I think that role was played well and the boat moved in the right direction a bit further.
For me, the media attention he got is a sure proof of foul play. These people harp on about very specific things at very specific times.
There also may be something in sending a message to any wannabe whistleblowers in form of “if you do something like this, better run and hide in the closest gulag.”
Are you saying that Snowden willfully decided to screw up his life to send this message to any future wannabe whistleblowers?
Or during his interview for candidacy do you think he mentioned he’d like to live in Russia for 5-10 years or indefinitely?
Well, if we assume as we did that he is a controlled agent, how did he screw up his life? He’s doing his job and since he’s doing it well I’d also assume he’s being nicely compensated for it.
I have no idea what he would say in his interview for residency, but I feel fairly certain that some (future) president may “pardon” Edward, while garnering public sentiment for virtually nothing, enabling him to return to the states, supposing Edward even wants to do that.
If Nixon pardoned that lieutenant who supposedly was in charge of killing dozens of dastardly civil… I mean members of Vietkong in form of elderly and children, I’m sure Edward would be able to get a benefecator of his own, should such a neccessity arise.
Therefore, I disagree that in this scenario his life would be anywhere near ruined.
Therefore, I disagree that in this scenario his life would be anywhere near ruined.
Well I am confused. On the one hand you are saying his life is just fine now.
And on the other hand you are saying that:
There also may be something in sending a message to any wannabe whistleblowers in form of “if you do something like this, better run and hide in the closest gulag.”
Now if he was being kept in some dungeon or some Guantanamo Bay-like setting I could see what you were saying above. But if he’s doing just fine in Moscow, how does that send a chilling message to wannabe whistleblowers?
I’m not certain we’re on the same page here, I’ll spell it out.
“Controlled agent” does something you tell them to do.
They do that, get “condemmned” and are “forced” to “flee” to a “hellhole.”
The public perception is such that this person got punished for spilling the beans.
The actual person in question, with their life being effectively hung upside down, is actually a lot better off having been set nicely instead of truly banished since you don’t want the atually start talking.
Publically banished, in reality not so much.
I too think he’s doing just fine. I’d estimate he’s doing great, he just seems to be stuck in that god forsaken Russia. I wouldn’t have a problem being “stuck” in Moscow, for instance, assuming I could afford it.
Can you please explain what is “god forsaken” about Russia?
Have you ever been there?
Are you doing this on purpose? Your conclusion there is in obvious collision with the second part of my post.
Snow. Lots of snow. It does it regularly. If that don’t make a place godforsaken, then please illuminate me. JimBob who lives in fluorida for a very sunny reason.
In preparation for the Smart paradigm, it was time to officially drill into people’s heads, once and for all, that we’re constantly being spied on, with “proof” to erase any ambiguity on that point. Time to mourn privacy and forget about it.
So Snowden’s purpose was not to shock the populace about the constant, omnipotent spying going on everyday on our personal lives but rather, send a message to “Get used to it folks!”?
This is really what you believe?
And this is what the media also tried to tell the public? This is why they found Snowden’s message to be so important?
Strange that if Snowden’s message was to “Get used to it folks!” that Obama and two independent Whitehouse investigations all agreed with Snowden that the spying programs should be ended, one of which said that the spying program had no basis in law at all.
Congress, both houses, said that the spying programs needed to be reformed and ended and protections implemented so that nothing like this happens again.
I also agree with the warning message given Mkey evoked even though Snowden’s probably doing just fine where he is.
So how do you give a warning message when the messenger is doing just fine? What exactly would the warning be in this case?
Are you doing this on purpose? Your conclusion there is in obvious collision with the second part of my post.
Doing what on purpose? What is my conclusion?
9/11 was clearly a psychological operation designed to justify all kinds of surveillance and liberty-cide legislation ushering the world into a new terrorism paradigm.
The 9/11 mission had many goals. Yes it was clearly a psychological operation. I don’t know if it was designed to be one, but it certainly turned into one.
I agree it was designed to justify liberty-cide legislation ushering the world into a new terrorism paradigm.
However I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was designed from the outset to justify all kinds of surveillance.
I think the justification of all kinds of surveillance developed over time as the “you are not safe unless we do this” excuse became their mantra.
…Curiously, none of all the “Snowden Leaks” has shed any light on this horrific murder…
I don’t find it curious at all. Why should we have expected them to have shed light on 9/11?
…Snowden’s own words did not say “Privacy’s over, Get used to it” but where the entire event as portrayed in the media has ultimately, if not single-handedly, achieved the desired effect of making the world’s population blasé with regards to both their privacy and the American government.
Well that’s your opinion. I don’t think the world has become blase at all with regards to their privacy. Americans to their government, sure.
And in terms of symbolic heros entering the Global collective subconscious thanks to this operation, socialist leaning BRICS members, Russia and Brazil, were also burnished along with the LGBT community with Greenwald and Miranda playing international super activists defying the reactionary, obsolete and apparently impotent anglo-american governments. “Impotent” as Russia has taken Snowden in until at least 2020 where he lives “a surprisingly open life” by his own admission, Greenwald is enjoying his illustrious career at the Intercept, Miranda has become a politician in his own country and according to Wikipedia “…the two have been married for 11 years [and] In 2017, they adopted two siblings…”
Thus, the main protagonists of the allegedly greatest secret info theft in the history of humanity have all, to a large degree, walked off into the sunset…
So how does this hero’s life (Snowden’s) send a message to would-be whistleblowers?
Do as I do and you too can become a hero with little to no downside?
Bonus: Here’s what Snowden had to say about 9/11 as reported by RT:
… Sound familiar?
Yes, by coincidence I also watched that interview recently. I was disappointed that he didn’t say more about 9/11 but then, even if he has done his homework on it (which many bright individuals do not) he had little choice but to bite his tongue and not say anything more.
First off the MSM would never give him the opportunity to broadcast the truth about 9/11 worldwide. They would edit it out from the interview.
Secondly, he would be shooting himself in the foot as a whistleblower. The general public would subsequently dismiss him as a kook.
On people’s feelings about privacy: FAWLTY TOWERS says: “…Well that’s your opinion. I don’t think the world has become blase at all with regards to their privacy…”
The very fact that people continue to use smart meters, smartphones, apps, household appliances and certain toys, buy Google Homes, Amazon Echos, post photos and other personal info on Facebook, live with CCTV cameras everywhere, mostly don’t encrypt their data etc etc etc is proof they are blasé about their privacy.
My house has a smart meter and I use it because I have no other choice, other than going off grid.
None of my appliances are smart. I don’t use Facebook, Twitter etc.
If I could control any CCTV cameras I would.
If I had data that needed to be protected I would encrypt it.
I am not blase about my privacy, to the contrary. Am I the rare exception? Possibly, possibly not.
On the fact that there’s no hint of damning evidence in the historic treasure trove of data collected by the NSA and appropriated by Snowden FAWLTY TOWERS says:
“…I don’t find it curious at all. Why should we have expected them to have shed light on 9/11?…”
Isn’t the alleged pretext for collecting the data to get information about terrorists?
Yes the pretext was certainly for collecting the data to get information about ‘terrorists’.
With all of the double and triple hops involved in surveillance (nothing to do with mihops or lihops), absolutely no comments by any of the terrorists involved in the most high profile terrorist attack in human history used to justify the creation of Total Information Awareness were recorded in that unprecedented mass of information? Then who was being targeted?
Simple answer to that. If we go with the official 9/11 story, the only terrorists involved were 19 hijackers (possibly 20) and Bin Laden.
The data mining started after they died.
If we go with the true 9/11 story, why would Snowden or Greenwald release any information (assuming they had any in the first place) that would incriminate any 9/11 perp?
As for Snowden acting as a warning to potential whistleblowers MKEY already answered that one. Reality versus the official version of reality as portrayed in the media.
Well MKEY gave mixed signals for the warning. On the one hand he’s saying you will be banished from your country (unexpected horror-of-horrors).
On the other, he never addressed/accounted for Snowden’s not-so-uncomfortable lifestyle in another country.
definitely not a real whistleblower.
Interesting video:
40min Edward Snowden Interview Globo Brazil TV News
I guess interview was recorded around one year after Snowden gave Greenwald all documents he had.
In that year, Greenwald published almost nothing, although Snowden demanded everything has to be published (as I remember). He also got in bed with Omidyar.
One might conclude that Greenwald screwed Snowden.
Well in that video you can see both of them in the same room, old buddies, everything is fine.
I know one thing for certain. I was in Snowden’s shoes and of course, a real whitsteblower, …..forget about interview, gentlemen in front of the camera.
He would feel the whole weight of my punch.
Any specific interesting part of that video? I’m a bit miffed to give it 33 minutes of my time.
That hug between the two in the beginning looked quite acted out to me. Firstly at second 15 Edward hugs some woman, that looks like a normal hug to me. Then he hugs Greenwald as if he wears 12 inch needles for a beard. Even for a manhug that’s a bit too over the top for me. If they aren’t in relations close enough to warrant a hug, why hug at all? Granted, maybe that’s just a hood thing.
Any specific interesting part of that video? I’m a bit miffed to give it 33 minutes of my time.
I just watched all of it and I highly recommend it. I saw an extremely intelligent, well-spoken young man with great ideas and candidness.
Judging by the comments on the video I am not alone.
Tarpley on Snowden, from June 2013;
unfortunately the full article at PressTV seems to have been removed by PressTV ; the link to the article still appears in their archives (under June 2013) but clicks to nothingness
Video is not interesting. Mere existence of the interview is interesting to me.
In that year, Greenwald published almost nothing, although Snowden demanded everything has to be published (as I remember).
Can you please give citations where Snowden demanded “everything has to be published”?
No, I can’t give you citations, my database is not that powerful.
I might be wrong, but usually my memory serves me well. On the other hand, I think it is irrelevant for the point I’ve tried to make.
Up to the interview, Greenwald published very little from the stash, making shady deals with millionaires…
Real wistleblower would be pissed, I doubt he would like to have anything with Greenwald, especially being in the same room.
No, I can’t give you citations, my database is not that powerful.
I might be wrong, but usually my memory serves me well. On the other hand, I think it is irrelevant for the point I’ve tried to make.
Up to the interview, Greenwald published very little from the stash, making shady deals with millionaires…
What were the shady deals he made?
Real wistleblower would be pissed, I doubt he would like to have anything with Greenwald, especially being in the same room.
You are making a lot of personal assumptions. Do you have any knowledge of agreements made between Snowden and Greenwald?
“Secondly, he would be shooting himself in the foot as a whistleblower. The general public would subsequently dismiss him as a kook.”(your reply to @manbearpig)
So, you (still) believe Snowden is a real whistleblower and I used verb believe on purpose, because you can’t rigorously prove that he actually is.
On the other hand you demand proofs for my claims. I’m not saying you shouldn’t, just be aware of what you are doing.
Yes, I’m also making personal assumptions and theories. Since we don’t have all relevant information at disposal, there is no other way for better understanding.
Let me ask you: Are ALL decisions and conclusions in your Real Life made only when you have all relevant information (triple-checked) on your hand?
So, you (still) believe Snowden is a real whistleblower and I used verb believe on purpose, because you can’t rigorously prove that he actually is.
I never stated my position on Snowden. I will now.
I have no skin in the game.
I don’t care if he is a genuine whistleblower or not.
Only Snowden and his hairdresser (and possibly some family/friends/coworkers) know for sure if he is genuine or not.
Until someone gives me a convincing argument (hopefully with some proof) I will go with the default story on this one.
On the other hand you demand proofs for my claims. I’m not saying you shouldn’t, just be aware of what you are doing.
I am not demanding proofs. I simply asked you if you had anything to back up a claim you made.
Ironically, the claim you made stated that Snowden himself made a demand!
“although Snowden demanded everything has to be published (as I remember).”
Yes, I’m also making personal assumptions and theories. Since we don’t have all relevant information at disposal, there is no other way for better understanding.
Let me ask you: Are ALL decisions and conclusions in your life made only when you have all relevant information on your hand?
Good question!
No, I don’t operate like that.
However I am what is known as, a ‘critical thinker’. On issues that are important to me and I have time to research/reflect on, I hold back from making any commitment one way or another until I feel I have as much relevant information as possible.
At times I will go with the default story. I am never ashamed to admit I was wrong if new information/proof surfaces that contradicts my position.
Which leads us to an alternative conclusion. That being that Snowden could be genuine, and Greenwald is the choke-point to be controlled. Which would be the way I would look at the scene if’n I were in some fancy-smancy intelligence agency. JimBob who just thinks there’s a whole heap of ways to skin a cat, even though he kind of likes cats and so he’s not sure why anyone would want to skin one.
Well, he is in Russia. And Putin has made it obvious that he is not afraid to pull that “We have evidence about 9/11 that you just ain’t gonna believe” card. I also note that once you play that card, it don’t work anymore. But he has played it a couple of times already. I’m sure they have discussed the delicate nature of this card and they might have come to an agreement which you might find unethical while sitting all comfy in that chair, but ….. Anyway, geopolitics sure does have a world of players in it. JimBob who has trouble keeping up with what his crazy neighbors are doing, let alone crazy people on the other side of the world! I’m just glad they’re over there and not here.
If I may be so bold, Mr. ManBearPig; might I suggest you be a hero for others to worship instead? JimBob who just loves turning them tables around like that.
Proposal for improving comments section
Primary objective of proposal is to enable members to follow commentators they find worthy.
Present situation:
Comments section is flooded with crappy comments.
Recent Comments box on Home Page is small and easily overflowed. It is easy to miss a comment from worthy member, particularly if he comments on not so recent pages.
Introduction of slider in Recent Comments box and transform it from fixed-list-box to slider-scroll-list-box.
This way it could be easily possible to reach and view all comments, let’s say a month ago.
Solution is not complicated, no programing needed, not demanding on server resources.
No one will miss a comment from commentator he finds valuable.
Sharing and learning improved.
see none (of course 🙂 )
New reverse time sorting of comments is confusing. Former was better.
I made a similar suggestion in the past, but this type of site is really not the ideal solution to having discussions. A proper forum software plugin would be needed, I don’t know if wordpress has anything like that.
But the recent comments list should be easy to extend.
Actually, it’s super easy