Episode 469 – A Brief History of the War on Syria

by | Dec 11, 2024 | Podcasts, Videos | 63 comments

The foreign-backed terrorist insurgency in Syria has finally accomplished the globalists’ objective: regime change in Syria. But how did we get here? Who was behind this decades-long plan for reshaping the Middle East? And what does it mean for the world? Today on The Corbett Report podcast, James dives through The Corbett Report’s 13-year archives on the Syrian war to bring these events into focus.

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Syrian insurgents capture most of Aleppo in surprise attack

Syrian rebels capture Hama for first time since 2011

Syrian rebel leaders now say they control Homs as they eye Damascus

Syrian rebels advance on Damascus

Rebel forces overthrow Syrian government

Facebook used to rally Syrians to ‘revolution’

Syria clamps down on dissent with beatings and arrests

Bloody Syrian Protests Continue

Episode 181 – Arab Spring and World War III

The “Twitter Revolution” Myth

The Sturdy House That Assad Built

The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria

Interview 738 – Sharmine Narwani on the Geopolitics of the Syrian War

Interview 1173 – Tim Anderson Exposes the Dirty War on Syria

Episode 279 – Who Is Really Behind the Syrian War?

Al-Qaeda’s Specter in Syria from CFR.org

Episode 312 – Obama: A Legacy of Ashes

Episode 295 – Who is Really Behind ISIS?

Syria, Intervention and the Path to WWIII – GRTV Feature Report

US President Barack Obama in ‘red line’ warning to Syria over chemical weapons

Horror after alleged chemical attack in Syria

World outraged at alleged Syria chemical attack

Sy Hersh Reveals Potential Turkish Role in Syria Chemical Strike That Almost Sparked U.S. Bombing

Syrians die from chemical poisoning in Khan Shaykhun

President Trump CONDEMNS Chemical Attack in Syria That Killed “Beautiful Little Babies”

Syria war: Douma chemical attack draws international outrage | Al Jazeera English

Trump orders strike on Syria in response to chemical attack

The Douma Hoax: Anatomy of a False Flag

Media Lies While Syrians Die: Media Disinformation and the Syrian War

Episode 330 – The White Helmets Are A Propaganda Construct

Bana Alabed’s full interview on Syrian attack

Story of Syrian boy moves CNN anchor to tears

We Have to Talk About the Boy in the Ambulance…

MSM Syria Lies Need to Be Exposed



  1. No. The first question James Corbett should have asked is, “Why should an American or anyone in the Western Hemisphere give a flying squirrel fart about what happens in Syria?

    • Because it affects the whole world and allows Israel a free hand to gobble up more land and resources and continue its genocide in Gaza unheeded. The West made a basket case of Libya and Iraq. America and the West only destroy and those few involved in arms sales and “reconstruction” such as Haliburton and their ilk make out like bandits. One day the worm will turn and then maybe you’ll wake up.

      • Fupi, How does the war in the Middle East affect people in Nebraska?

        • Because, one day very soon, we will all be Palestinians. What Israel is doing now, is leading towards the NWO headquartered in Erez Israel. And the fact that
          “our” (See: ZOG) government is not only paying (see: US tax dollars) over 70% of the cost of Israel’s wars, but our Zio Christian cult leaders are actually cheering Israel on. That zeal for innocent blood is coming home to roost.

          • Rex, So you can predict the future. Cool. You must make a fortune on sports betting and the stock market.

            • “TimmyTaes”, it is not about predicting the future, it is understanding the past. Honestly, you think this is a joke, genocide is so funny…we will see how funny it all is soon enough.

              • Rex, There is plenty of genocidal history right here on Sonoma County. The local Pomo were almost wiped out by slavery, smallpox, and measles. America needs to clean up its own act and stay in the Western Hemisphere.

        • (???) a Nebraska tax payer should DO care. It happens to be that USA has been funding (tax payer dollars) wars outside its domestic territory (how convenient!) over 93% of the time since 1775. USA tax payer dollars ARE behind the Siria war (among other current “very convenient” conflicts inflicted in Europe)
          Apart from the tax payer dollars reason (a mere selfish one), there are humanitarian, the ethical reasons… to mention a couple. Maybe a Nebraska citizien does not care about this either (??)
          In addition, corrupt developments in the word arena will utimately split over the USA (in my opinion, already happening… the USA is the the most shamefull state since its creation: from the economical, social, political and ethical point of view). Woul dthe Nebraska citizien care then?… too late, dude.

          USA or a Nebraska citizen (based on your example) should refresh the historical memory and revisit what happened to Marie Antoinnette, queen of France, when she was told that her starving peasants did not have bread to eat. “No bread? they shall eat cake then!” was her brilliant answer. Utimatelly she was beheaded (French Revolution)

    • Syria shares a border with Greater Israel in which Wall Street has a substantial interest.

    • Thank you so much for saying this. I couldn’t agree more. People need to be more focused on matters in their local community, not a country on the other side of the world.

      • Thanks AnCap. The other commenters talk about taxes (we pay our taxes and have NO control over where the money goes. Taxes are taxes.) Then, they bring up morals. Good grief! We have enough moral issues right here in our own communities. Why go overseas trying to fix other’s problems when we can’t fix our own?
        As for Wall Street’s interest in the Middle East, I don’t live on Wall Street. That’s not my reality.

    • I live like less than 100 km from Belarus/Russia border. Nothing to see here…

      • Geez!
        I bet you got stories to tell.

        • No, really. Nothing happens so far, except for like US military vehicles crashing from time to time on small eastern Poland roads. So far no one dead. But if sth will happen, I drive with camera and will post it. One thing I’ve noticed is that Police drives around high speed in columns but that started when the “pandemic” begun. Also when I’m on my farm that is less than 20km from the border, often all signals are disrupted. No cell phone, CB is jammed, but HAM works most of the time, ofc depending on frequency.

        • We have a problem with NGOs thou. They go at the border and are trafficking people into EU. Nobody does anything with it, leftist government even gives them free pass and funds them indirectly. One soldier at border patrol died recently, stabbed by some Pakistani with a spear. Apparently he was found somewhere in Germany, but government does nothing to hunt for him or even ask for extradition. So there is that.

    • Well, if you’re not interested to know then no one can force you to but if you’re genuinely interested to know then it’s because your government started all this. In the 70s and after what happened in Vietnam, they planned a similar trap for the USSR in Afghanistan. Jimmy Carter supported the Islamist fundamentalist to overthrow Shah in Iran and then they created Mujahideen in Afghanistan. After mujahideen we saw Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the list goes on. You know about 9/11 and the wars that followed. You probably know about the sectarian wars in the Middle East, which are still ongoing. So, how does all these in the Middle East may impact you, oil and gas prices, stock market indices, etc? Well you can wait and watch that little squirrel, or learn about the past and expect more wars in the Middle East, where the US will be directly or indirectly involved.

      • Aryon, It isn’t my fucking government! I don’t vote. I am forced to pay taxes at gunpoint and threat of prison and theft of my assets.
        I can’t do a goddamn thing about the wars in the Middle East, the price of oil, or any of it!
        What can you do, Aryon? What’s your big plan?

  2. This is likely all about Erez Israel, the land real estate mogul “God” “gave to the Jews”.

    They need this land to house all the returning Jews, who will be returning when Organized Jewry pulls the plug on the West.

    So called “Christian Cultures” have allowed their media/social media, entertainment, governments, corporations, and anything else which is up for grabs, to be controlled by one group, a group working to destroy Western societies and they have been doing a very good job at it (this started 2000 years ago when they created Christianity to destroy Western indigenous religions and cultures-if you learn about history of that time period, Christianity did not come in as a friend, but as a plague, destroying all other religions, making them illegal in many cases). Endless immoral wars that Western peoples did not want (so they used false flags to give us a little push-Pearl Harbor/9/11), the endless moving of manufacturing jobs to China (China which they built up with moneys stolen from US tax payers-as always we pay for our own demise), entertainment which acts as the backdrop to their war on society, anti-white male, anti-Muslim, anti-German, anti-gun, anti-small town, and while Hollywood can APPEAR pro gay, it is anything but. Showing effeminate hypersexualized “gay” men is anything but “pro-gay'”, it is simply divisive. The pushing of drugs into first the inner cities, then into small town America. Ever increasing taxes that once collected, are then stolen and/or used against us. Their war on us is all encompassing and ceaseless.

    They have been pushing the idea that “anti-semitism” is everywhere, yet far more Christians have been subjected to harm in America than Jews. Jews in America already get the lion share of “Homeland Security” funding (97%)

    Trump is anything but an “America firster”, he IS however an Israel firster. Trump is a proponent of making so called “anti-semitism” illegal, which also means any criticism of Israel.

    It is likely, once in office, born again Trump will fulfil his messianic role and be a warrior for Israel. They will likely create an anti-sematic false flag which will be the impetuous for creating anti-semitism laws. That Zio-Christian zeal for Israel will be quickly turned on us. It seems they will use the anti-Semitism they manufacture, like what happened in Germany, to drive Jews to Israel. That is why they need Erez Israel, they need that room for all the returning Jews. The Organized Jewry needs all these returning Jews in Israel to run their NWO. Just a theory, but one that seems to be more believable each day.

    • “They created Christianity” is not a true statement. The faith of the God of Abraham was indeed from the beginning, based upon the word of God and from the fall of man, God promised a Savior which is come in the flesh as the scriptures have foretold. Jesus Christ is the Lord. About 1700 years ago the faith which has been dubbed “Christianity” was hijacked under Constantine and the subsequent Roman Catholic Ho (Revelation 17&18) began to aquire all pagan gods and religions bringing them underneath their umbrella of idolatry.

      God’s words are from God and not of man by the will of man.

      • You want to buy into the lies, go for it, but you don’t own the truth. The Bible is not written by God, but by men, Jewish men to be exact. You believe in total fantasy, zero truth, 100% impossible. I know you, nor your ilk will ever see reason, yours is blind faith, cults don’t see reason.

        Early Judaism was polytheistic, they were converted to monotheism and Yahweh. They then created the “Old Testament” to create a nation/people of psychopaths. These are the Jews who will manage the NWO out of Israel with no empathy to anyone.

        1 Samuel 15:3 – “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”

        The “New Testament” was created to subjugate the masses, to destroy all indigenous religions and bring them under the globalist one world Jewish God. Christianity is a religion to create slaves, for us to enslave ourselves.

        Romans 13:1-2 says: “Obey the government, for God is the one who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.”

        Religion was, as is pretty obvious and certainly well established, created to control the masses. Sadly, that control over-rides logic and reason.

    • Nahh, Ukraine is New Israel.
      The middle east has to remain in turmoil.

      • “Nahh”, then pray tell, why are they gobbling it all up?

        The Middle East has turmoil because Israel is destroying all its neighbors.

        That is not to say they don’t have plans for Ukraine as well.

        • I do not subscribe to the ideology that the people that currently control the state of “Israel” are the descendants of Abraham. There’s plenty of evidence to the contrary.
          Regarding the words of God, they have been shown to be historically accurate, scientifically accurate, prophetically accurate and literally true.

          • How EXACTLY have the “word’s of God” been shown to be historically accurate, scientifically accurate, prophetically accurate and literally accurate…

            What is the ideology that currently control the state of Israel ? “There is plenty of evidence to the contrary” of what?

            Christians often come to the table thinking because many people believe as they do, they do not need to provide proof of their comments, instead, others must prove them wrong. Just like the psyop of “Global Warming”, I don’t have to prove “global Warming” doesn’t exists (you can’t prove a negative), they must prove it does. The onus of proof is on those making the claim, and the greater the claim the greater the burden of proof.

            Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.

            PROVE YOUR CHRISTIAN GOD EXISTS-Thankfully, this is not 500 years ago when questioning YOUR religion, would have cost me my life. Nothing says truth, like laws forbidding you question it…sounds familiar.

            Christinaity was a poison, it destroyed religions 2000 years ago, and continue to today. Christinaity supremacist, it IS globalist, homogenization of religion under the Jewish God.

            Christinaity was plagiarized using myths from Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Sumerian, melded with Pagan religions to make it more acceptable.


            What is more likely, Christinaity was made up by people known, even back then AND now for using deception to control the masses (Hollywood)…Or that the Bible really is the “word of God”…Sorry, logic and reason demand proof, not blind faith. It is infinitely more reasonable to think Christianity, like Judaism before it, were created to control the masses.

            • Mark Levin guest the late Dr. Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute in 15 mins of brilliant assessment of reality… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA5sGtj7QKQ

              Basically…in one hundred years of study, world temp has warmed up 9/10ths of ONE DEGREE.
              – – – – – – – – – – – – –
              In 1996, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives:

              “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”
              – – – – – – – – – – – – –
              There is no “peak oil.” The US has enough oil in the “Bakkan” field under Dakota/Montana/Saskatchewan to last hundreds of years. With the oil of Gull Island, Alaska included, oil should be $10 a barrel and gas, .50 a gallon.
              – – – – – – – – – – – – –
              Oil is not a “fossil” fuel. Oil is unlimited, abiotic, and in constant renewal from deep in the earth.
              A gillion years ago the Large Animals did NOT have a convention to decide where to die.
              – – – – – – – – – – – – –
              “Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.”
              – James A. Garfield
              – – – – – – – – – – – – –
              “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”
              – Amschel Mayer Rothschild 1838
              – – – – – – – – – – – – –
              “I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel, [Israel] control[s] America, and the Americans know it.”
              – Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, October 3rd, 2001, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
              – – – – – – – – – – – – –
              “Israel controls the United States Senate.”
              – Sen. William Fulbright
              – – – – – – – – – – – – –
              “Our goal is to gradually absorb the wealth of the world.”
              – Cecil Rhodes, a Freemason.
              – – – – – – – – – – – – –
              “Israel must invent dangers, and to do this it must adapt the strategy of provocation and revenge.”
              – General MOshe Dayan
              – – – – – – – – – – – – –
              Evidence leads to proof which is then a fact. There is NO evidence of god, jesus, or satan beyond heartfelt personal testimony, all based on man made myths to steal sovereign spiritual expression to control humans out of fear.

              Therefore can’t have an “anti-christ” without one. Just because psychotic, sociopaths choose to hide their evil ways in religious mythology does not validate the myth. They are simply cowards playing malevolent games of hate and harm.

              • I agree with all you write, outside of the religion stuff…I’m sorry, the Abrahamic religions have the same markings as the rest of psyops…

                I only trust what I see with my own eyes, OR that which is reasonable, even if I don’t see it. I don’t believe for one second in the Abrahamic religion, to me, it is far more likely to be a scam to manipulate the masses, for that is exactly what is doing.

                I agree to disagree.

              • We ran out of reply buttons. INRE:
                >>I agree with all you write, outside of the religion stuff…I’m sorry, the Abrahamic religions have the same markings as the rest of psyops…>>

                I don’t believe in god and hate organized religions.

                Don’t know what you are “agreeing to disagree” on.
                Seems no matter what I say you have some talking down to me reply. I was taking a rare moment to back what you were saying.
                Guess you showed me :-/

                BLUES IN THE PULPIT (song)

              • Sorry, misunderstood, I agree with you on all points then.

            • Since you said, you believe what is “reasonable to you” or follow reason, I suggest you to watch following video. If you manage to keep your attention for the whole hour, and dig into the research done by Ivan Panin (Harvard mathematician), you will get a different perspective of what the Bible is.


              I totally agree that religions have behaved (and still do) as political parties across history, opressing people, fighting for power, spreading lies. But mixing religion with the “ultimate truth” up is denying “reason”. God is one thing. The misuse of the “concept of God” is a human creation.

              In addition, you might also want to listen to following interview (Rabbi Shapiro, opposing the state of Israel and current events). Modern Israel is the result of Zionism, which is not Judaism. Behind Zionism (if you invest the time to investigate), you will learn that there are many politic motivations and a huge disconnect with the “scriptures”.


              In order to judge what the Bible is or is not, you need to first “study” it. Otherwise you run the risk of repeating what others say (regathless how real or reasonable their statement is).

              And last comment… the fact that a colorblind person does not see red color does not mean that read does not exist.

              Constructive food for thoughts


              • I judge a tree by the fruit it bears. One way or the other, the Abrahamic religions have been an absolute abomination upon this Earth and humanity. Endless conflicts, misery and suffering. I know, you will likely many blame that on the people/masses, but there are many other religions that have been followed that have a far less bloody track record. If the Bible is the word of God, one would think he would know enough about humanity to know to be direct and succinct. The Bible as written, is onerous, circuitous, and subject to innumerable interpretations, which create conflict.

                But, if you think as I do, that the Bible was written by a bunch of manipulative plagiarizing Rabbis, well, that is EXACTLY how they would write it: complex and open to innumerable interpretations.

                You know what does NOT should like manipulative garbage: ‘Protocols of the learned elders of Zion’, that sounds as accurate.

                If you make an assertion, perhaps that “the Bible is the word of God”, YOU have to prove it, I don’t have to disprove it. I am making no claim, I would be asking for proof. You can’t say “the Bible is true, because the Bible says so”, that is circular logic.
                This type of “reasoning”, or what is passed off as such, is typical Zionist nonsense. It is like saying “the Covid lock-down saved lives”, they don’t prove it, they demand you prove it didn’t. You can’t prove a negative.

                Furthermore, why did God ONLY reveal himself to the Jews? Those Jews then broke off to create a separate cult, Jesus and his disciples were all Jews. Why when you go to cultures around the world, they never heard of Christ, or Yahweh, or the “one God”? Have all those cultures been going to hell, that original sin, nonsense? All until the white man (understanding the same evil destroyed European cultures as well) came and saved them, while simultaneously destroying their culture and enslaving (or genociding) their people.

                If the Bible was written by a God, for man, it would be simple and concise, not an onerous tome prone to innumerable interpretations?

                I don’t enjoy logical fallacies, color blindness and seeing or not seeing red, is meaningless gobbledygook, since it is impossible for you to show me “God”, yet I can certainly be shown the color red. One is subjective, the other is objective.

              • That you imply that I am the one with color blindness, a poor analogy to begin with, yet you are the one stuck in the Jewish Matrix. You think I don’t see, the unmitigated gall of Christains simply astounds.

                Christians are far and away the most delusional people on Earth, and you think that qualifies Christianity as something to try and emulate?

                Christianity, which gave Jews a monopoly on usury, how’s that working out…and how convenient for the Jewish bankers.

                Christianity, which makes homosexuality the indication of America’s decline, not the endless wars for Israel. Did Christianity preclude us from dropping nukes on Japan, from firebombing Dresden, from wiping out Iraq, Libya…Without Zionist Christians there would be no Zionism in America.

                Christianity is the religion of slaves, and while we see the effects of Christianity on the West, we also see how well it has worked for the Jews: They control everything, and the West is on the brink of total failure…sign me up

                I know, “it’s not Christianity’s fault, it is the people’s”, the reframe of those who simply do not wish to see the truth.

                Colorblindness is physiological, what we are dealing with is psychological, willful ignorance, mass manipulation, blind faith in that which was meant to destroy you, which is exactly what it has done.

                I could write volumes on this topic, how absolutely horrific Christianity has been to this world, but I know, those who know I’m right already know this, and those who don’t will not.

    • You have nailed it! However this deception could be many layers deep. Just like it seems unbelievable that most people are ignorant of what is going on, is it possible that even conspiracy factualists are being played. Were the ‘Protocols of the learned elders of Zion’ really fake or was that more propaganda. There seems to be more to all this than meets the eye. Although the deep state appears to make many mistakes and information is realised but the true puppet masters are very focused and have practiced their dark arts for millennia. They haven’t been traumatised by war and poverty they caused and are careful to breed with their own privileged kind. The reason they are making a play now is probably due to having the technology to deal with the rebels like a dystopian nightmare on steroids. Fear is the key to control the masses!

      • All very true, it seems now they have the technology to bring their nightmare to life. It seems 2030 is the target date they have given themselves, for some aspect of this nightmare.

        On a side note: I get a kick out of Hollywood, they make movie after movie after movie showing a dark dystopian future (predictive programming), not wanting to give humanity anything to hope for…psychopaths.

        The Protocols are quite interesting, one way or the other, they do seem rather prophetic, which makes them rather horrifying, when you read how they predict this all goes.

        I think in general, people are hard wired to accept that which makes them feel comforted, and reject that which is uncomfortable (I think Frank Herbert said something like this). Which means, if you are pushing hard truths, you won’t be popular. I appreciate Fredrich Nietzsche who speaks to this reality quite often in his writings, people don’t want to hear the truth. The powers that be know this all too well, and feed the masses little comforting lies can hold onto rather than face the horrors of the truth.

  3. One of the aspects to this takeover was the speed at which the “moderate rebels” took over and how the Syrian army just seemed to disappear and allow them passage to Aleppo and Damascus.

    I think there’s merit to the theory of Maajid Nawaz, who tends to have a batting average similar to James’ in terms of understandings and predictions, when he says that this is basically a Trump/Putin real estate deal that will lay the foundations to ending the Ukraine debacle whereupon Russia will get their demands met there in exchange for the US (those of the incoming administration of course) getting their wants there.

    The silver lining of this is the backing down from the precipice of a nuclear conflict between the two powers which for everyone is a net positive thing.

    Regardless, I think that this is an interesting analysis, and I thank you ongoing for all of yours too James, your breadth of knowledge and thoroughness of reporting is such an essential thing.

    Sending Love and Good Vibes to the Corbetteers as well : )


    • Shannon Lavelle says:
      “One of the aspects to this takeover was the speed at which the “moderate rebels” took over and how the Syrian army just seemed to disappear and allow them passage to Aleppo and Damascus.”

      I too was astounded by that.
      Years from now, people will not recall that ‘rapid’ aspect. I am glad that you noted it for the historical record.

      My head started spinning, because the News Cycle was about Israel starting to invade Lebanon.
      Then later, suddenly, out-of-the-blue, Syria was in the News Cycle.
      The situations in Syria changed rapidly, almost overnight, and Assad is gone.

  4. Turnip truck has arrived. Death loves a war but keeping the peace is where the box scores ( body count) will be racked up.
    Where from or who will step forward ,like Super Zig and lead us into New Zio Land. Arab dignity must be lead by strongmen.
    Isis ? Alqieda ? or Geni Landmen based in New Jersey? Those poor people don’t stand a chance.
    Thanks for attempting to explain it to us James.

    • Syria will need a foreign workers act. All the construction and assembly of all the proposed infrastructure in the new post Assad era. Real Estate deals are always proceeded by labor and material needs. I guess that’s how you extend the collapse of New Rome by installing garrison Imperial capitalism. Will it take 600 year to exhaust itself?
      Standing armies are great for business. Belt and Road initiatives now start to look like good investments.

  5. Is there an alternative source for the video version of ‘Episode 279 – Who Is Really Behind the Syrian War?’? The link provided shows a broken link to the old YT version.

      • Thank you, for the restored link and useful guidance on any future broken links I encounter. Much appreciated.

    • Diottica,
      ‘Episode 279 – Who Is Really Behind the Syrian War?’ does have the Odysee video.

      However, when I first clicked the shownote links, I could have sworn that it took me to the link of Interview 1173.
      So, I searched the internet and found the Episode 279 link, but by that time when I rechecked the shownotes Episode 279 link was working.
      What I am saying is that there is the possibility that the Episode 279 link in the shownotes took you to the wrong url, but that it is now corrected.

      — SEARCHING for Corbett Report dead YOUTUBE Videos —
      Go to Corbett Report’s ODYSEE Channel (“content” on menu)
      (A search box is there. Or, if you know the year, you can scroll down.)

      • ha! gosh…I’m a slow typer.
        By the time I finished, James already had commented long before.

        • Welcome to the club (on typing speed)! I appreciate your efforts to assist – much appreciated.

  6. Once again, the brilliant halcyon beam of our cherished sunny coast Canadian counterculture transplant perched in the towering James Corbett western Japan independent information lighthouse, sweeps across the desolate corporate controlled media landscape shining a beacon of truth, illuminating the path through the global disinformation wasteland. All a Muggle need do is… raise the irides lids. Abracadabra. Insidious Zionist cabal revealed.

  7. Thank you James. As usual, comprehensive, spot-on deep dive into a complicated story

  8. “ Mount Hermon’s summit straddles the border between Syria and Lebanon and, at 2,814 m (9,232 ft) above sea level, is the highest point in Syria In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth. They swear upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and take mutual imprecation for their sin (Enoch 6).
    https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki”

    Israel News
    Analysis |
    “From Mount Hermon’s Peaks, Netanyahu Plots His Vision of a Greater Israel”

  9. Thank you James. Such important information.

  10. Fantastic, detailed summary of a critically important issue. It’s great to have such a reliable source of information.

  11. Well James, so glad you’re here. Sane minds are a blessing.

    I think that “they” want to start a war asap. Before Trump moves in. Maybe hoping Russia would take the bait again, like some years ago.
    Russia isn’t moving though this time but offering shelter for Assad.

    But of course, beside the Soros funded protesters, or the CIA funded Al Quaidas or IS-‘s, a false flag with the right propaganda is easily created..and propagandized by msm…so there are many ways to “start a war”. I believe we all know that here.

    The new Nato man is Rutte, Dutch, he’s been prime minister in Holland for about 13 years until he moved to Nato. No wife, no children (as far as I know), he could be prince Bernard’s son if you see his face. At Google in the Netherlands, when you search for “psychopaat” and click on images, his face is right there. Oh well..

    Still I believe wars are distractions these days.
    Their true goal is full control of the “money system” like Agustin Carstens of BIS made clear…
    All the rest is just sort of a distraction and collateral damage to redraw frontiers, favor the Blackrocks and so on…

    Trump’s not gonna be a savior, no way. What’s coming is coming.
    Crash and burn I suppose..

    P.S. How come that you’ve never referenced to Martin Armstrong of https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/blog/ ?
    Isn’t he on your radar? Would be great if you could do an interview with him!

  12. Thank you for this, James. I was aware of the fraudulent chemical attack story, the importation of foreign fighters into Syria both in 2011 and now, some international interests in Syria, and other elements of the sad situation in that country. But I wasn’t familiar with a lot of the whys and geopolitical maneuverings, and was only a little bit familiar with the Greater Israel project. I also appreciate that you didn’t paint Assad as a hero or a villain. I don’t think he’s either. No matter what he is, it doesn’t justify the horror being inflicted on the Syrian people right now or yet another overthrow of a sovereign government and all the death, suffering, and destruction that entails. Just horrific.

  13. James, your work is always a cut above and a step ahead. Thank you for your years of tireless work.

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      This is a compilation of leading websites in the world of independent media.


      • FLUORIDE
        Because I have been extremely active on this issue (e.g. in recent months spending countless hours emailing city officials and their news outlets around the US. — and I have had officials, including two Mayors, and also some smaller mainstream small town media conglomerates, sincerely thank me – not the fake kind of ‘thankyou’), I’m gonna segue to the most recent TLAV article…

        The following is a great overview…

        Thursday December 12 – Derrick Broze
        With Fluoride Back in the News, Americans Are Once Again Being Told to “Trust the Science”
        Why does the corporate media continue to fail so horribly when it comes to reporting on water fluoridation?

  14. Friday December 13, 2024 – New World Next Week
    Interview 1919 – 3D Assassins and Mystery Drones (NWNW #574)
    Story #3: NWNW Updates – US, Israel and Turkey Launch Airstrikes In Syria After Cheering Regime Change

  15. Friday December 13, 2024 – The Jimmy Dore Show
    U.S. now “OWNS” a portion of Syria

    Dana Stroul gloats that the United States ‘OWNS’ the portion of Syria which is rich in oil/gas and fertile, grain-producing land.
    Dana Stroul is the Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East, …and Co-Chair of the “Syrian Study Group.” …and should go to hell.

  16. Dec 13, 2024 [Syrian Girl Twitter post in article]
    Sen. Rand Paul Urges Immediate US Withdrawal From Syria Amid Failed State & ‘ISIS 2.0’ Fears
    US Senator Rand Paul has called for the immediate withdrawal of American forces from Syria in a statement on X earlier this week, with just over a month ago before the Trump administration enters the White House.

    President-elect Trump and his team will have a lot of major and key decisions to make on conflict zones in various parts of the globe. Syria will be a crucial focus, given it is now essentially a failed state and is poised to further become a terrorist hotbed, and given US-designated terror group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham now controls Damascus and much of the country.

    “Bring our troops home! The war pits Islamists against socialist Kurds against Iranian proxies. Not our fight. 900 US troops scattered about Syria are a target, not a deterrent,” Sen. Paul posted on X in reference to the ongoing ‘mini-civil war’ still raging in Deir Ezzor area and the north.

    While the Pentagon recently claimed there are no plans to expand the US military presence in northeast Syria, there’s no hint of bringing any troops home either.

    US forces are there propping up the Syrian Kurds (SDF/YPG), who also control Syria’s oil and gas fields, but the US proxies are now locked in a battle for survival with the larger and better armed Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA). The SDF has just been kicked out of Manbij, and fighting is still happening.

    These US proxies are now bogged down enough to have to give up any pretense at a ‘counter-ISIS’ mission, which is the “official” reason the Pentagon is supposed to be there in the first place.

    All of this is a huge flaming mess to say the least, and Trump will inherit it from day one, including the likelihood of a greatly resurgent ISIS, which can now have free reign in many parts of Syria….

  17. May i please humour you, lads?
    Some people i know rely totally on gptwhatsoever ‘analysis’ of videos rather than watching them. So i lve suddenly recalled that and bow i plug thia very video into that Artificial Idiot webpage and here s what i get. No shit. (Autotranslated from russian). Please be seated before reading.
    History of the Syrian War
    • The terrorist insurgency in Syria has achieved the globalists’ goal: regime change.

    • The insurgency was supported from abroad.

    A plan to transform the Middle East
    • The plan is decades long.

    • The goal is to transform the Middle East.

    The implications for the world
    • Changes in Syria could affect the world.

    The Corbett Report podcast
    • James looks through 13 years of Corbett Report archives.

    • The goal is to raise awareness of events in Syria.

    Further information
    • Notes and commentary are available on the Corbett Report website.

    • To go to the website, click on the “Show notes and commentary” link.

    No comment.
    Incurable Romantic

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