This audio podcast comes via Every other week, James joins Ernest Hancock on the Declare Your Independence radio program to discuss the latest news and information and how it relates to the quest for individual freedom. This week they discuss a new idea for Ernie to seed into the public consciousness with his activist efforts: namely, that the (fictional) social contract will spontaneously combust in the wake of a mushroom cloud.
Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock
IRS Doesn’t Fire Its Tax-Delinquent Employees as the Law Requires
Norman Dodd on the Reece Committee and the Influence of Tax Exempt Foundations
The Syria Strikes: A Conspiracy Theory
The Chicoms are Coming! Quick, Close the “AI” Gap!
This Horrifying ‘Slaughterbot’ Video Is The Best Warning Against Autonomous Weapons
This LiDAR-equipped 30-pound robot dog can be yours for $1,600
The CIA’s ‘Pokémon Go’ App is Doing What the Patriot Act Can’t
‘Pokémon Go’ Players Are Training AI Models To See The World
I thought that it was an Alex jones interview for a minute there………
That podcast was painful. AJ seems like a genius compared to this bombastic pundit.
Even James’ attempts to agree with him were brought to new low level of digestibility for me.
If you go on with him again, please consider a preliminary drug screening, or an EEG.
He will never pass. Couldn’t make it through 2 minutes.
You must be a talented artist. I find artists to be the most keen but cruel of artistic critics. The visual or audio shape, colour and presentation of what’s before you can be so minimal or so complex that it triggers the artistic aesthetic reflux you experienced. You must have gotten indigestion instead of gesticulation . Art as I have previously stated on numerous occasions is in the eye and stomach of the beholder. Ernest has an audience as did Picasso and Warhol or Yoko and some freaks like James Joyce or Decamps or Oscar Wild or Robert Maplethorpe. They were no Ernest Handcock. Just the audio of that should trigger a visual. Maybe that’s what it was and not what you just earlier consumed?
So, I’d say your criticism is, cruel but quite possibly accurate on so many other levels.
Am I cynical, or just skeptical? Am I cruel, or just being clear?
I do almost no online criticism of people lately. I did lampoon Cheney and Rumsfeld back in the day. But I made an exception here because I value the integrity of the Corbett Report so much. I’d like to here James’ take on this…
Well, I don’t know that’s ever going to happen. That Icepick puck pounder from South of Red Deer, Alberta has an aversion to critics. That must be why he hasn’t finished that book he started back in 2004. Critics are always ready to pounce on anything that comes their way and are generally mistaken or are paid schills to discredit any works of ” value or integrity” from rivel publishers . Especially in the litterati of New York and Los Angeles. So it’s no wonder he is holding back. He must know something we don’t know. He must have as great a time being recognized as Ernest Handcock. Market the narrative and the narrative is so shocking that it can’t be marketed. I feel for the artist who wants to reinvent the wheel by abandoning the broke wheel in use today. Abandon or repair . Like these two gals and their brilliant fireside chat . A chat between a Canadian and an American on the Here Comes the Meat Bastards show.
I like and respect James.
I value what he does. However, he is human, and doesn’t have eyes in the back of his head. I hope something useful can result from my criticism.
PS I was going to apologize for my typo when I said that I wanted to hear James’ take on this. But since you had several more misspellings, I won’t worry about it. But the Handcock ones were wild. Was that deliberately scathing, in a sophomoric way, or was it divinely subliminal?
I tell ya, the comparison of those two ladies talking, the link I left there above and the talk James and Ernest have in this podcast is what prompted a wave of visualizations. So it must be subliminal.
Picture these two women at a kitchen table with a cup a tea or coffee really bearing down on a conversation about life, ideas, meanings. Contrast that with James and Ernest’s talk and what do you come up with visually?. Is it just men talk? women talk? or is there something more going on in one camp or the other?
On a side bar look at Ledogars painting of Darwin.
I hate-listened to the entire episode. I genuninely, and without hyperbole, wish with all sincerity that Ernest Hancock of Free Your Indpendence dies horribly in a nuclear exchange with Russia. It would be worth it for me for the entire West-of-Mississippi to be reduced to a rubble of radioactivity in order to rid ourselves of the Great Stain that is Ernest Hancock. This is man is the worst thing ever, in the history of the universe.
There, I got that out of my system. James, of course, is going to continue to do podcast interviews with Hancock just to piss me off, and I’ve accepted this. My input means nothing. Of course, I suppose I really don’t – or shouldn’t – wish death upon Mr. Hancock; but he is an annoying, egotistical and bombastic boomer that grates on me. But, we all need a pebble in our shoe to complain about, or some similar adage that is probably more appropriate here. Ernest Hanock in Corbett’s audio feed is, I suppose, my continuing cross to bear as we enter 2025 and beyond. Thank you, James. Thank you for not listening to me and my past memos to you regarding my disdain for Ernest and for continuing to have conversations with this boomer libertarian.
Is this what you had in mind for E.H.
There can be 100 reasons why you shouldn’t express those ideas in public. What in the world came over you?
This is no joke , no matter how absurd the m.o.. You gonna wind up like San Diego…
My Grand Aunt Mary, a tough little red-headed Irish spinster in Minneapolis, worked for the IRS back in the last century. As she neared retirement from the IRS, Aunt Mary quit paying taxes because she figured that she’d be dead before the IRS caught her.
Well, they caught her. Aunt Mary called my Dad and he paid her back taxes and fees.
So, I guess IRS policies have changed.
Kind of off-topic…going bananas…
Fri, November 29, 2024 – Associated Press
Cryptocurrency entrepreneur who bought banana art for $6.2 million eats the fruit in Hong Kong
[IMAGE of duct taped banana art on wall]
HONG KONG (AP) — A cryptocurrency entrepreneur who bought a piece of conceptual art consisting of a simple banana, duct-taped to a wall, for $6.2 million last week ate the fruit in Hong Kong on Friday.
Chinese-born Justin Sun peeled off the duct tape and enjoyed the banana in a press conference held in The Peninsula Hong Kong, one of the city’s priciest hotels, in the popular shopping district of Tsim Sha Tsui.
“It tastes much better than other bananas. Indeed, quite good,” he said.
“Comedian,” by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, was a phenomenon when it debuted in 2019 at Art Basel Miami Beach, as festivalgoers tried to make out whether the single yellow piece of fruit affixed to a white wall with silver duct tape was a joke or a cheeky commentary on questionable standards among art collectors. At one point, another artist took the banana off the wall and ate it.
The piece attracted so much attention that it had to be withdrawn from view. But three editions sold for between $120,000 and $150,000, according to the gallery handling sales at the time.
Last week, Sun, founder of cryptocurrency platform TRON, made the winning bid at the Sotheby’s auction in New York. Or, more accurately, Sun purchased a certificate of authenticity that gives him the authority to duct-tape a banana to a wall and call it “Comedian.”
At the time, Sun said in a statement that the piece “represents a cultural phenomenon that bridges the worlds of art, memes, and the cryptocurrency community.”
“I will personally eat the banana as part of this unique artistic experience, honoring its place in both art history and popular culture,” he said.
The South China Morning Post reported the banana he ate on Friday was bought in Hong Kong.
Sun on Tuesday announced on X he had invested $30 million in World Liberty Financial, which was launched by U.S. President-elect Donald Trump in September as his family’s cryptocurrency venture.
Sun said in the post that his platform, TRON, is “committed to making America great again and leading innovation.” Following his investment in Trump’s venture, he became an advisor of World Liberty Financial.
Last year, Sun was charged by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with fraud and other securities law violations. In response, he said on X the complaint “lacks merit.”
White Lie (off topic)
The only moral to this story that I see, so far, is that lying is good if you are a businessman, so long as we can classify it as white.
Have a White Christmas, at least in your dreams.
Japanese holiday chicken.
The Kentucky Fried Chicken marketing narrative in Japan – REVEALED
The Magic of Christmas in Japan.
This is a cool KFC story with a drumstick roll mashup covered in gravy.
Really, this story serves as a lesson to the Power of the Narrative, to the Power of Suggestion.
Corbett quote follows:
”MAGIC, in a sense, is REAL”
”Why do the put the all-seeing eye on the pyramid of every single dollar bill?
Why do they put the 666 in every corporate logo?
Why do they do this?
…it’s because, MAGIC, in a sense, is REAL.
At the very least, because They know that these ideas, these images, these mythologies, these narratives, shape our lives and our experience.
And can truly weave webs around us that we dimly are aware that are even there.
…we abandon all of that understanding to our own detriment.
Because we will be enslaved, ultimately, not by boots on the ground…
…but more fundamentally, people will enslave themselves because they are given a NARRATIVE that they can go along with.
And that’s why, I think these ideas that are being seeded into the public conservation right now….
…we do not understand how important these NARRATIVES are to shaping the future of humanity.”
Thanks for posting that article. It is a keeper.
You probably heard me tell it before, but I’ll tell it again ‘cuz I’m old like you. 😉
Back in 1975 I was managing the Kentucky Fried Chicken store on Valley Mills in Waco, Texas.
I always wore my black slacks, white shirt and Colonel Sanders bowtie, and handled the hot grease pressure cookers like a pro.
It was a very popular KFC store with High School cheerleaders in their cute KFC uniforms behind the front counter.
I’m watching for the infographic / ‘meme’. Where do I watch? Lol!
Another entrapment case occurred on Nov 4 this year, akin to the ‘Whitmer Plot’ –
These people need to realize that fighting the state or rulers in general cannot be waged through physical or Faustian tactics that the rulers themselves use. As even a fictional AI model concludes in a world-ending game: “The only winning move is not to play.”
As a tip to horticulturalists or home gardeners, now is the time to sow carrots, parsnips, Hamburg-rooted parsley, broccoli, and salad greens. $10 worth of seeds and a few piles of good quality compost & mulch is all you need to start your ‘winning move’ against the ruling class. Splurging on black Friday or cyber Monday junk is a pointless, consumerist endeavor.
I agree. I like the quote “The only winning move is not to play.” Of course, I do play, but not in their game. (Or as little as neccesary.)
Here is an article more in line with what I have slowly pivoted towards.
RE: The Mushroom Cloud and the Social Contract on Declare Your Independence
Those show note links are great to have.
When listening to a podcast, the mind’s eye tries to conjure an image of the concept.
–No War Narrative–
I just love when Professor Corbett talks “narrative talk.”
I like the strategy of this preemptive approach. Getting the Trump train to wear the “no war narrative”, to own it, to be invested in it, to incorporate it into the self-image of patriotic virtue.
I guess ideas can be thrown up against the wall to see what sticks.
I’m often surprised at what buttons becomes hot.
Last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I was toying with the idea of selling Trump silver rounds as a means of self-financing the “buying of the narrative”. There’s nothing like owning the narrative. And it’s a virtue.
You know… something along these lines …A Trump image with script like “Trump says “No more wars or we all quit compliance.”
One could make up virtually any quote and assign it to Trump.
Perhaps one should consult a professional wrestler to figure out a good Trump train narrative.
If Jeffrey Epstein was still around, he might have advice on a Trump narrative for getting a piece…er uh… peace.
[VIDEO clip of TRUMP-EPSTEIN courtesy Broc West]
By the way, that video belongs to November 22 If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, ATACMS! (NWNW #572) which syncs to the dime with this Ernie interview “The Mushroom Cloud.”
i.e. Story #1: Ukraine Fires US-Provided Missiles Into Russia In Major Escalation
Love it! …”A Trump image with script like “Trump says “No more wars or we all quit compliance.”
One could make up virtually any quote and assign it to Trump.”
I disowned the corporate federal government years ago. If you don’t sign the IRS forms, they have no contract to enforce against you. Don’t work for the public, and you don’t need to be licensed.
We should recall that Woodrow Wilson was sold as the “Peace Candidate” in 1916 as he was re-elected after signing the 16th and 17th Amendments as well as the Federal Reserve Act during his first term. After being reelected Wilson took the United States into the first World War for the Bankers that got him elected. Yep, the people of the States should have disowned the federal government at that point, but the propaganda and lies won out.
The tools of War may change, however the need for mind manipulation of the masses remains paramount to pulling off these world wide scams that benefit a handful of deceptive evil bastards.
It is through the use of deception that reasonably good people can be made to participate in great evils. Thus, the Truth made easy to understand is perhaps the best weapon against allowing the masses To Be Fooled Again.
No more War!
I used to comment on ZeroHedge the “far-right librarian blog site, founded by Daniel Ivandjiiski (good Irish name) an investment banker…Nothing says grassroots like a business started in NYC by an investment banker.
To me, all these national blogs are created to corral in those who fall within the self-described political affiliation of leaning.
But there is much more to the story, while the blog site is carefully controlled to push issues from a particular perspective (Pro-Israeli-Anti-Muslim), they work hand-in-hand with Israeli Hasbara and “Sock-Puppets”.
This was most notable during ISIS terrorist events. these of course were staged terrorist events to goat the western populations into supporting the war against innocent people in the Middle East and Afghanistan, as well as eroding Western freedoms and values. Each time the news would unanimously parrot some false flag ISIS (Israeli Secrete Intelligence Service) garbage, you would see all the corresponding outlets parrot the same story from their own perspective, left, right or center, would repeat the story but converted to the speech their audience could digest. But while some aspects would be altered, the who, why and how would be consistent. Then the Hasbara would drive that message home, but with more gusto, and with names like: “Texas Patriot and Freedom fighter” and the like, good wholesome sounding names we goy can trust.
The comment section would be so vulgar, so over the top, and ALWAYS extremely anti-Muslim. That is one way to tell it is an Israeli, that IS how they think, and how they want us to think.
There are many real people on ZH, and it is not too difficult to spot a sock puppet, whom I always call them out.
I do not agree with Mr. Corbett’s suggestion, that reading comments “pollute my mind with other people’s opinion”, I could not disagree more. Are there comments that would pollute one’s mind, absolutely, but I skip over them. I only read comments that are of interest.
While there are many creatures such as hasbara trolls, and trolls in general in comment sections, there is also great insight and alternative perspectives.
I don’t like sycophantic comments, which I will say are no stranger to this site.
But some comments rise above the din, insights and knowledge that is both profound and novel.
I generally see three types of comments:
1) Comments that insult or attack (this is often hasbara-a safe assumption), they add nothing to the discussion, but write to disrupt and distract, they poison the comment section. These are seemingly on every web site. These comments often corral people back into the matrix: Democracy, Christianity, Capitalism…but at the root is always labels, the “us verses them” trap. Republican v Dem, Christian v Muslim, Capitalism v Communism…All constructed systems meant to control. You can think anything you like, but it belter fall within their matrix, or they will attack you.
2) Then there is the fluff comments, sycophantic or meaningless, they really don’t go anywhere or move the discussion along, just fill space. This too can be hasbara, make reading the comment section so laborious people just glaze over. But more often than not, this is people who just like to share.
3) Then there are perspectives that either build on the topic or see it from a different perspective, that is what I look for and sometimes find.
Great breakdown of any typical Comment Section for a video.
Here’s a few snappy suggestions…
“With the start of World War Three, We will not comply with Thee”
“In the case of a World War, we stop being your tax whore”
“In the case of World War, tax collection is no more”
“With the start of a Global War, our independence we will restore”
“If we see the mushroom cloud, our tax compliance is disavowed”
Hire me Ernest!! I’m a freelancer. You can even pay me in silver. I can learn to make memes and get the campaign moving. Corbett has permission to pass along my email.
Thanks for the suggestions. I’ve passed these comments (and your email address) along to Ernie.
You can also pass them along directly to him:
“Anti-war, tax no more”
“Peace on Earth; Not Scorched Earth”
World Peace, I Guarantee It. With Trump’s head on the coin.
The proud father of the vaccine would be proud to save all those lives from war.
James @ 31:00
“Yeah I get what you mean and certainly, I agree that they will, I think to the extent that they ever actually use a nuke it will be in some sort of false flag event, that will be like, OMG, look at this and look at what can happen and they will try to use that rather than a full scale nuclear war…”
No James, been there done that. 🙁
Think 9/11, a false flag event that used nukes as its pièce de résistance and no one even noticed!
The normies are just too out of touch with reality.
Ernie @ 32:40
“But there is definitely war when you’ve got a mushroom cloud. You’ve got a mushroom cloud that’s friggin’ full on.”
Ernie what about mini mushroom clouds like we had on 9/11? Do they count?
If the normies couldn’t notice mushroom clouds hidden inside buildings
what makes you think they’ll notice naked mushroom clouds?
Mainstream can explain away anything.
“They looked like nukes but actually they were …”.
And the normies are back to paying their taxes.
I can’t believe someone hasn’t posted this on the comments following this show . So here it is and I know James Corbett is the rascal who will be un- offended by this. He may be polluting his thinking by listening and that’s ok, cause he won’t be alone .
John and Yoko, Merry Christmas 🎄. War is over.
Great song!
Simple, but so moving and right on the money.
I never get tired of it. 🙂
Transcript to this show and more. Will update monthly.
Thanks for doing what you do.
The old man (Professor Corbett) talks about things like this as the way to move forward.
Creating our own world.