Interview 1906 – Censorship, Search & the MAM on The Ripple Effect

by | Oct 29, 2024 | Interviews | 28 comments

James Corbett joins Ricky Varandas on The Ripple Effect podcast to discuss the mainstream alternative media, censorship and the future of search.



The Ripple Effect Podcast: iTunesSpotify / ROKFINBitChuteODYSEERumbleBanned.VIDEO

Previous Corbett appearances on The Ripple Effect

YouTube Blacklists Federal Reserve Information. It’s Up To YOU To Spread It!

We Need to Talk About Search

Writing A New Narrative – #SolutionsWatch

Episode 265 – The Myth of Journalistic Objectivity

The REAL Dangers of the Chatbot Takeover

Liberty on the Rocks 2024 | The Voluntaryism Conference

The Strange Story of Peter Thiel | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (coming soon)





  1. Alex Jones, at one point, MAY have been a reliable source, and that is a very big may, because he is certainly not now. Jones started out as a truth teller perhaps doing so just to gain credibility for future psyops. Jones and “Infowars” was infested with Mossad and Israeli operatives.

    Jones, like so many other “influencers” (See: Israeli Sayanim), are nothing but agents to misdirect and derail those looking for answers.

    Jones and his “Chi-Coms”, Q-Anon and the rest of his misdirect garbage, all part of the Trump/Alt-Right psyop born and directed out of Israel.

    When Jones got “kicked off YouTube”, He was removed from YouTube for the same reason they removed Tucker Carlson from Fox, to give them “street cred”, to continue their misinformation scam.

    And when Jones got sued for questioning Sandy Hook, that too was a scam, like Trump, these so called trials, where EVERY SINGLE participant is a controlled entity are done just to create narratives and control discussions. Obviously Sandy hook is free speech, but when you control all parties, whose to challenge that unconstitutional verdict? I am sure, while it looked bad in the public eye, Jones was well compensated for this role in that play.

    People who use Jones as an example of a “truther”, lose all credibility.

      • Absolutely, history is filled with “influencers” who say much truth, but with a distinct hidden agenda. For my money, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Bradley Manning (oh yes his “sex change” was so well timed to match that which they had begun pushing on society)… I believe so, not from any smoking gun documentation, you don’t get that in the world we live in, but in observing what was leaked, how the leaked information is used, and how that leak supports the current narrative. In this case, these leaks undermined the credibility and image of the archetypal “Democracy” on earth, America.

        If these were REAL leaks, the controlled media would never mention them or the leakers, let alone make it a national sensation (Watergate anyone, people simply don’t learn, Nixon was not going along with the plan, so they destroyed him). These leaks and those who tried to reveal damaging information about the system would be silenced, brushed away.

        This major characteristic in common (as well as the Panama Papers), of damaging US credibility and image goes along with the theme of undermining Western Governments in general, while simultaneously making Putin and “Russia” (CCCP by any other name, The Perestroika Deception by Anatoliy Golitsyn, He not “Ann Frank” should be compulsory reading in the West) look well managed and reasonable (That ties into the Alex Jones Putin fan boy psyop). I mean Snowden ran to Russia for protection from unjust treatment, LOL!

        I know it is hard for some to comprehend, even after Covid and the Vax, but the world government is already in place, it IS a Zionist NWO, and they are moving to first control us all, then, if their blueprint/Bible is to be believed, wipe most of us out.

        But what is most telling is how Zionism/Israel are not in any meaningful way mentioned in these so called leaks, how the hell can that be, you can’t make a move in Washington without it going through the ADL or Israel’s innumerable agents in Washington. Israel and Zionism is behind just about everything the American government does. America IS ZOG, this is true at every level and in every department, Trade, DHS, State Department (when I lived in DC, a friend of mine told me when you are at the state department out front where the public sees is all American flags, but when you go inside, to where the work gets done, it is all Israeli flags, that is true throughout Washington). When I lived in DC what was most amazing was how many Chinese, Russian and Israeli nationals were there-that is a story unto itself and far more horrifying than any Halloween movie.

        They are taking America/the West down, while simultaneously building up “soft” communism, like Russia and China, “they are doing things right, no wokism there” (America is the Weimar Republic 2.0). This is likely about making the West more amenable to Communisms as the answer to all our woes. Hegelian Dialectic in action.

        These are just my observations, hope I am wrong.

    • I still want to hope that James Corbett is truly “independent” of the controlled opposition, but there are several concerns that I’ve had over the years. One is that James is one of many journalists that have been connected to what I have called the “Alex Jones hub.” Namely, he has been associated with quite a few known opposition agents that came directly from Prison Planet/Info Wars, such as Aaron & Melissa Dykes, Dan Dicks, Luke Rudkowski, etc. Jones came under some fire that was quickly quenched with the internet censorship that began on October 1, 2015 when it was discovered that Alex had several interns that were directly hired from an information media corporation that was contracted with the CIA. I believe that company was named “The Straffor Group” or Staffor, Stafford… I’m unable to find the video where Alex blew up over that controversy. I also cannot find my emails which had the exact name of that company. Melissa Dykes revealed that she was required to sign a Non-disclosure agreement with that same information company.
      It’s also suspicious that James Corbett was a keynote speaker on the infamous “TED-X” stage.

      I’m not saying that he is controlled opposition. I am suspicious that he might be commissioned to appeal to the growing population of intellectually inclined people that seek documented, verifiably sourced, factual information that indicts conspirators of their criminality, regarding the tentacles of this global beast which is the fulfillment of the ancient prophecies that were foretold of old. James, being an anarchist, provides people with hopium in a social ideology that cannot function, practically. Anarchy can never work, but it seems to be a plausible alternative to the kingdoms of men, from what history had shown what governments have done and are doing.

      I’ve also been curious how James has had the ability to accrue so much content with limited time to do so and how he seems to have endless resources to discover information. I’ve never seen anyone that can do half of what James has done. I do hope that he’s an anomalous, independent genius that’s not working to keep people occupied with endless rabbit holes of research…. but I have long suspected otherwise. I’m not a worshipping fanboy that thinks he can do no wrong (as some here are). I have already learned that he is not without major character flaws, as he has personally attacked me with unrepentant false allegations for speaking the truth of him censoring me and refused to concede his “error,” but he didn’t heal the sick, set at liberty those that were bound, cause the blind to see, raise the dead, make the lame to walk or shed his blood for the remission of sins, so I try to keep a sound balance of understanding that men are sinful and mercy is only found through humility, ownership of evil and repentance. And James, if you’re reading this; I have prayed for you and will continue to. I’m thankful for the work you do.

      • The idea that James Corbett is not in the same boat as a criminal like Alex Jones, should be self evident, as if he were I would said so, nor did he fit the criteria of going along with the Covid scam and finally, if he were I would not be a paying member.

        I try not to waste time preaching to the choirs nor stating the obvious.

      • I strongly disagree. JC is brilliant and has used his gifts as a researcher and great thinker to help humanity. Just because you can’t do something, doesn’t mean others cannot. He’s been doing this for a very long time and is a full time researcher and journalist and has his methods fine tuned.

        Lots of people were inspired by Alex Jones especially over a decade ago. He’s even had some good material before he got a bit weird. JC also had a very good article on cognitive infiltration about how the focus on speculation on who’s controlled opposition is sometimes counterproductive.

        People have to learn to think with their own brain and JC has helped people regain that ability through his teaching and mentorship. I think that’s actually quite unique.

        Also, my intuition is pretty good since I work around people quite a bit. It’s actually always been good. Maybe it’s one of my gifts. And I’m certain JC is legit. Not that people should take my word for it, but I would definitely endorse him. I wouldn’t support him if I thought otherwise. But you are entitled to your opinions.

      • Setatliberty,
        The healthy sceptical is a counterbalance to propaganda. At all levels and at all times.

        [generalbottlewasher on 10/26/2024 at 10:11 am
        You think? Q E was a complete theft and no doubt gave some juice to Fauci handlers / crooks to pull the next heist. It’s all gone South. Upside down and backwards. I can’t find any integrity outside my front door. Which leads back to my original post . Sophistry and the editor-en-chief. Time lines and locations coinkydinks. I’m just hoping someone has something good to say about it with conviction. The more American the better. Globalism has no idea ( forgot really ) what a native American is capable of..]

        So Steve, you are not alone. However , look at the twelve disciples in KJV. They all have flaws and yet I still am in search of an honest man. Until then I fund the least of all evils.
        I got hopium in many directions still. I can’t wait to see what Americans will do when the giant wakes up

        [Yes, Diogenes, the Greek philosopher, said something about the afterlife:
        Burial instructions
        When asked how he wanted to be buried, Diogenes instructed that his body be thrown over the city walls for wild animals to consume.
        Response to concerns
        When asked if he minded being eaten by animals, Diogenes replied, “Not at all, as long as you provide me with a stick to chase the creatures away!”.
        Response to awareness
        When asked how he could use the stick if he were unaware, Diogenes said, “If I lack awareness, then why should I care what happens to me when I am dead?”. ]

        We are dealing with some very clever people. I feel very lucky to have lived in this short time quite unlike anything in the past

      • I don’t think you’ll get much support here for your theory that James is controlled opposition.

        You need to put some real meat on the bones if you are going to make that accusation.

        So far you have failed to do so.

        I am 110% convinced that James is the real deal, with no one pulling his strings.

        What exactly in his TED talk did you find to be suspicious?
        Or do you consider everyone who makes a TED talk to be controlled opposition?

        • I tried to show the Corbett Report to a conspiracy leaning family member a few years ago and they said he MUST be controlled opposition because his logo is a ‘ball earth’… 🤦‍♂️

          • Times change. People change.

            Try showing the family member the Corbett Report today.
            The updated website logo no longer shows a ‘ball earth’. It’s now simply a sphere.

      • SETATLIBERTY is a blatant LIAR (with warped narrative twisting as a weapon)
        I have proven it and have the subthread.
        It is not just me calling him a liar.
        James Corbett has called him a liar too.

        Occasionally, setatliberty intentionally tries to restart trouble on the comment boards. …like he is now.
        I see it again and again.
        He is a leach who tries to capitalize on James Corbett for cheap so he can take advantage of the comment section.
        A leaching liar.
        I have asked him to leave the Corbett Report.
        He doesn’t deserve to be a member.
        He is not Corbett Member material with his underhanded actions.

        This is not the kind of person who you would want to befriend in real life, because he will eventually twist your narrative and covertly undermine you while he himself pretends sainthood.

        • Some people are jealous of innovative thinkers and artists. It’s a common human failing. Instead of being inspired to use the material for good purposes, they want to tear others down. I suspect there may be some of that going on. But, it’s never too late to catch oneself and use the opportunity to grow.

        • I’m not referring to you, but sealiberty above. There seems to be some psychological issues going on with them that perhaps aren’t even done deliberately, but they can’t help themselves. The neurotic behavior just comes out.

          • I know. I caught what you meant.

            In fact, from the original “LIAR” Subthread here is a Feb 22, 2022 comment from you.
            cu.h.j said,
            “Machine not working” is probably what’s going on.

        • Sin must be confronted, because sin is the source of breaches in relationships. Forgiveness can only be offered to those that confess and forsake their sins with genuine sorrow, contrition and repentance.

          When we sin against anyone, we cause pain and a breaking of that relationship. That pain cries out and demands justice.

          For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

          And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.

          For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:

          But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

          For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness.

          None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.

          If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

          “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

          For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

          Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

          Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God”

          • SETATLIBERTY,
            Your DOCUMENTED LYING and MENTALLY SICK gymnastics have been thoroughly exposed.

            And you are so mentally unstable that your pretending religious sainthood is a predictable behavior for you.
            I have seen it repeatedly from you when you try to stir up trouble and cite an imagined injustice. …that occurred in very early 2016.

            Who does that?!!
            What kind of mentally warped mind would clench tightly to an imagined ‘missing’ comment from 9 years ago?!

            Only Crazy, Obsessed, over-the-top Mentally Disturbed People (like in the movies) would act like that.

            If a comment doesn’t ‘take’ (which happens to many Corbett Members), a NORMAL person would just shrug… and then maybe try again if they felt it was worth typing again.

            Your PIETY PLAY actually positions religion very badly.
            Your behavior (false accusations | lying | restarting trouble) mixed with this pious pretense…then it paints your religious message like the Crazy Sicko in a Movie.
            Your voice will not recruit religious converts, but actually drive people away from your religious message.
            …And a sane person would recognize this. A sane person would recognize that anything mixed with sewer sludge will smell like _____.

            • HomeRemedySupply your triggered reactions of insults and false accusations only show your heart when faced with the truth that you despise. You’re the one that linked that comment that JAMES ABSOLUTELY CENSORED. In 2016 he stated the reason he censored it right there on the comment itself, which was the claim that it was off topic when it was not. The part he left published was off topic.

              In 2024 James said thar he never censored my comment, then falsely claimed that My comment must’ve been auto censored for having too many characters, which was a lie. In return, he called me a liar so you parroted his words showing that you despise the truth and here you are railing false accusations against me.

              Your own words reveal your heart

              • You well know that I nailed you on your twisting of the narrative on that subthread.
                It is PROVEN.
                You just can’t admit it and you insanely hold onto an imagined injustice 9 years ago of a non-published comment (when, if any, you could just write the comment again, which you said you did.)
                So…all you are trying to do at this point is “be right” and cause trouble.
                It is nuttiness.
                You strain to cause trouble repeatedly.
                It really is madness.
                No sane person wants to closely associate with troublemakers.

                You reveal many characteristics…
                Parasitic leaching of Corbett’s venue, glibness/superficial/religious charm, pathological lying or rumor spreading, conning/manipulative, lack of remorse or guilt, irresponsibility, failure to accept responsibility for own actions, grandiose sense of self-worth in being superior by religious virtue, unable to find faults within self.

            • If you or James ever decides to apologize for your unjust insults and false allegations, I am a very forgiving man.

              As it is with God, forgiveness is offered to those that repent and confess their sins.

              If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

              If we justify our sins, we forsake our own mercy. And judgment awaits.

  2. The Covid scam was indeed terrible, but there was a very thin silver lining: in that is was a great litmus test, those web personalities that went all in on Covid psyop, versus those who were either skeptical or flat out against the obvious scam which it was.

    Anytime the entire media sphere covers something from one ONE direction, dissent is banned and unacceptable in social media or even criminalized, it is an OBVIOUS SCAM: War on Iraq, 9/11, Germany, Holocaust, Vaccines, Global Warming, Israel, Open Borders, Covid, White Privilege, Institutionalized Racism (like “affirmative action”, that IS institutionalized racism)… All Global Zionist narratives pushed by their media, corporations, entertainment and Politicians.

    That is not to say, everyone who went against the jab were copesetic, not at all. Kennedy was a great example of this, he was there to direct those questioning not to go too far down the rabbit hole, just far enough, he was the proverbial cul-de-sac as it were. This was made abundantly clear in his rabid Israeli-philia and his blanket support for Trump. Kennedy did not question that covid scam itself, just the jab, “covid was real”. Absolutism if you will, is always a giveaway.

    That is also not to say, everyone who went against these scams is to be fully trusted, or that those who went along with these scams still can’t give us valuable information. Our own developed logic and reason should be our guide, period.

  3. “Sheep dipping” is a term that should gain larger usage and meaning.

  4. NOSTR is a great censorship resistant protocol that has many bitcoin enable functions. I know you talked a little bit about it before James but I think you should look further in to it. Maybe try to interview Vitor Pamplona or Matt Odell or Alex Gladstein or Mijian of the Primal client.

  5. The purpose of public “education” was to create rule followers, just like religion, external locus of control. These are systems created to mold humanity into a self-enslaving population. They can’t control 8 billion people unless those 8 billion want to be controlled, and most certainly do.

    I always thought it was interesting when I read that home schooling was illegal in Germany. Germans, being one of the most feared people by the powers-that-shouldn’t-be, Germans are endlessly manipulated into never being allowed to develop a questioning populous, lest the global zionist BS narrative would quickly unwind. Lies upon lies upon lies. Reading George Patton’s ideas about the situation in WW2, was far more informative, than the crap I was told in school, at every level. I remember my nephew sending me the list of his required reading material before he was to start his freshman year at Harvard, the material was so pro-Zionist in nature you would think he was going to school in Israel, and likely assembled by the ADL. But that is our leadership, well indoctrinated into the Zionist cult.

    Great nuggets of information if you can skip past the prejudicial commentary:

    To be clear, because you need to these days, I am pro Jewish, but anti Zionist. Organized Jewry has its own agenda outside what is best for the Jewish people, just like the NAACP, NOW, and Gay organizations do not represent the best interests of their supposed constituents, but the globalist’s agenda.

    ^^^^^^ LEFT – RIGHT [The CULTS oversee/reinforce L/R division]

    People need to concentrate on moving upward

  7. Office of governmental efficiency. This new proposal to incorporate Elon Musk into the halls of government by Trump is a shinning example of the expert manipulation of a card board cut out . This reeks of Technocracy. It’s a three card Monty slight of hand. It’s parallel to Bill gates and Bills Mother’s time line and trajectory.
    Elon’s mother says her boy is a genius and instead of being a eugenics royalty she is a Technocracy Princess. Creepy.



    You called it James!

  8. Thanks James for the link to this interesting interview.
    Lot’s of food for thought there.

    It’s just a pity that Ricky couldn’t balance the audio levels (his mic and yours).
    Ricky’s level was not just much lower than yours but his mic was also quite muffled
    in comparison to yours.

    Hopefully in his next interview he’ll correct this.

  9. James listening to you and your guests discuss the things that really matter to me, is the refreshing sea breeze in the morning sun. In America here and now there are no such activities, the banter back and forth that we hear is dems vs. repubs in every venue, so depressing that no exchange is solely based of on truth finding or moving the culture forward. It’s only trenching and re-trenching, a la WWI. You remember WWI, it was in all the newspapers. Oh, wait… those papers are buried now in the A and I trivialization of historical records, therefore virtually invisible. Thanks for keeping these discussions real as Rome falls. Really I love it, Buz Eldredge

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