via Freedom From Rulers: James returns to Freedom From Rulers to discuss philosophical topics such as government, common law, natural law, human rights, God and more.
Video courtesy Freedom From Rulers with Gilbert Aldama Rumble Channel
Freedom From Rulers with Gilbert Aldama Rumble Channel
Interview 1379 – Patrick MacFarlane on Liberty and the Law
Episode 461 – I Read The Most Dangerous Superstition (And You Can, Too!)
Schoolhouse Rock- How a Bill Becomes a Law
Episode 090 – Our Leaders Are Psychopaths
Episode 309 – Solutions: Agorism
Episode 335 – Solutions: Spontaneous Order
Mandated Rabies Dog Vaccine?! Dog Owners and Rabies Shot with Dr John Fudens
2024 and The Pursuit of Happiness
The Philosophy of Liberty animation video
>>government, common law, natural law, human rights, God and more.>>
The controllers of our world, our reality have been around for hundreds of years and have created a built-in need in humans for outside direction of their lives. They are not political, etc. just evil.
As Voltaire said:
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
Meaning war, domination of others, rape, torture, etc.
All organized religions are based on man-made “gods” used for power and control over others. They strip humans of sovereign spiritual expression of thanks for the miracle of sentience to be replaced with rule books of fear from made up evils like satan, hell, demons, sin, etc.
The control and power of the church state is maintained using a form of psychological manipulation in what I call the game of Demons and Redemption. This is not relegated to just the church state. The concept is one that is working on certain psychological factors of intimidation, fear, trust, etc., and can be successfully used in a wide field of human control. The men in charge of controlling the government, the military, the global corporations, university systems, etc. have adapted or blue printed the same tactics as the very successful male run church state:
Organized religion has sin and the devil; the government has terrorists and communists; global corporations have yellow waxy floor buildup, bad breath, etc., the universities say you are ignorant and need to be taught. They all promise to provide Redemption for a cost. Parishioners, taxpayers, customers and students must fork over money in a never ending dance of new demons, or new ways of redemption.
The idea of being a free man or woman is based on a true understanding of not needing that sort of nonsense.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom – gracefully written.
Agree with generalbottlewasher that your Demons and Redemption song is nice.
Thanks jo-ann.
The controllers have had centuries to instill those beliefs in humanity so resistance to opposition to the indoctrination can be VERY challenging. All the fear talk comes into play about being possessed by demons and the such and the mere offering of critical thinking view points is seen as bad.
Thanks for the song
You bet. 75 more videos there to experience 🙂
Here’s a recent fav of mine:
” They are not political, etc. just evil.”
And yet without the existence of God (not Church) then concepts such as ‘evil’ are meaningless. 🙂
Just sayin’
Without the ‘concept’ of god…. maybe. But you have to tackle the conundrum that your ‘god’ created evil, devil, the whole game,
we can throw it back to him, and ‘thanks for the free will, I’m not playing any more…’
Or if is he not creator, just a bystander like most of us…?
God did not create evil…. people choosing to turn away from God and say “MY will be done” created evil.
You could argue that God ALLOWS evil (He does) because He allows you the freedom to choose. You might wish that God had made you a robot but as CS Lewis says if God is willing to allow evil because He thinks that the price is worth paying its probable that (what with being…well, God….) He knows its worth the price.
I have choice, but if I make a choice that defies god’s commandments, I am condemned to eternal torture? How is this different from the government that says: “Obey govt. laws or die, you choose?”
Both disrespect the individual’s right to think for themselves, i.e., the very concept of a “right”.
Govt. law is a political concept. If we are all “equal politically”, sovereign, we have no sovereigns over us. To claim so would be a contradiction of the concept of “individual rights”, i.e., rights can only be individual.
To forfeit your rights is your choice, alone, but it comes with the choice to reclaim your rights, anytime, instantly. Rights don’t disappear if forfeited. They are part of our humanity. It follows, we can’t choose for others, e.g., forfeit their rights, using violence or force of numbers. Majority rule doesn’t eliminate rights. It is tyranny.
Hi Voluntaryist,
Lets break it down
“…..Both disrespect the individual’s right to think for themselves, i.e., the very concept of a “right”…..”
Where do YOU think this ‘right’ comes from??
“……If we are all “equal politically”, sovereign, we have no sovereigns over us….”
WHO said we are equally sovereign?
I never did….where do you get that idea from?
“……To claim so would be a contradiction of the concept of “individual rights”, i.e., rights can only be individual…..”
Where do you get this idea of ‘individual rights’ from????
THAT point I will add to since the idea of a personal right is a VERY new idea. No one in the Classical world would have had such an odd idea. I cant think of anyone in the Medieval world who thought such a thing….pretty sure everyone up until the Industrial or French Revolution or there abouts would have just head scratched when you said “individual right”.
Counter point
You have, if you wanna be Brutally Realist, the RIGHTS YOU ARE ABLE TO SECURE.
In pure materialism it is :
You have a right to be free IF YOU CAN STAY SO
You have a right to life IF YOU CAN STOP ME KILLING YOU
“Rights” under such a system are what you can fight for, and there is no debt owed you at birth of ‘natural’ or ‘inborn’ or ‘human’ rights.
All that waffle about giving up or taking your rights is waffle UNLESS you have the means to force others to think you have those rights.
As to the slop atheism “If I dont do what God says he will punish me”…. yes. Thats right.
Why exactly is that ‘wrong’????
looking forward to reading your responses!
Take care
Animals survive by instincts and physicality. Humans can’t. Take away their mind, unique to humans, and they would quickly become extinct.
It follows our ability to think needs to be expressed by action, liberty, to put our thoughts to work. We “owe it to ourselves” to develop our cognitive ability, and it comes natural to do so. Why would we fight or doubt it?
We call this necessity, a “right”, or political sovereignty.
When we exercise our rights in groups, we magnify our powers exponentially. This is also true over time, as we leave our thoughts for all to benefit from.
I can’t force others to think, to acquire the ideas I develop. They must choose by themselves, as I do. But, we can combine our mental effort by communication. Is this most effective under duress, e.g., fear, or voluntarily?
I can choose to be free and then get killed. I don’t become “unfree”. I had that right when I lived. Dying didn’t make me choose slavery. Killing is not “making a point” or an alternative to thinking. Thinking creates life. Murder is the act of destruction, a “dead end”, cognitively.
Humanity may have started using their superior brains, unwittingly, sub consciously, but so what? We slowly changed, becoming better at survival, as we got better at thinking. We did that together, BUT still as individuals. There is no “collective consciousness”. We think separately, and share/compare, as we discover it to be more effective, enjoyable.
As an addendum I REALLY suggest reading the Fictional “Draka” series by SM Stirling.
It was kinda hated because it actually asked the question of what happens when you actually have to deal with someone not locked into an Enlightenment worldview?
Feral Historian has four (IIRC) videos on that series but really reading them is an experience not to be missed- if you get them off annas archive try to get the single copies because it has cool little in-world quotes in the chapter headings.
Good comment. I feel you are in the ball park on this.
I would add that VERY little in life these days is based on true critical thinking “choice” as I have often pointed out.
In our “modern” time the majority of what most people “think” or “believe” is manipulated by the collusion of the mind control weapons of the controllers…the “entertainment” business and the media.
Then taking into account all the recent revelations about the hidden history of the Mandela Effect and the Mud Flood we really don’t “know” our “true nature” now do we?
When they decimated the tribal cultures it wasn’t only for land and resource acquisition, the Tribal cultures carried wisdom and understandings of our real past and our real abilities.
Hence in the 60’s the repression and demonization of young people (I was one) embracing the moral, spiritual (not religious) and philosophical paths and use of teacher plants for finding the “doorways” to higher perception.
Most tribal cultures did not practice that tyranny of majority rule, but rather wisely chose medicine men and women and elders to assist behavior for the benefit of all.
“….Animals survive by instincts and physicality. Humans can’t…..”
NOR can they survive WITHOUT those things.
“……It follows our ability to think needs to be expressed by action, liberty, to put our thoughts to work…..”
Follows from what????
Because you need to think to survive does NOT mean that you have a right to liberty UNLESS you have a right to live.
From where do you get this right to survive??? Who gave it to you?
The only place you get such a right to life (unless it comes from the Divine) is from YOUR ABILITY TO STOP OTHERS KILLING YOU.
You think you have a right to property because you NEED it to survive?
Where is that right derived from?
“…. We “owe it to ourselves” to develop our cognitive ability, and it comes natural to do so. Why would we fight or doubt it?…
We call this necessity, a “right”, or political sovereignty…….”
Call it what you like you have NOT established that its anything you deserve UNLESS you can make it so…..I might as easily say I have a ‘right’ to sexually assault you because ‘sex is natural’ or ‘its my nature to rape people’.
“….When we exercise our rights in groups, we magnify our powers exponentially….”
1st tell us where these ‘rights’ come from?
“…..I can choose to be free and then get killed. I don’t become “unfree”…..”
True. You also become irrelevant.
“……Killing is not “making a point” or an alternative to thinking…..”
Tell that to my chickens. I have a population problem with them, they think they have the right to life.
Now… IF my chickens attack and kill me I guess THEY were correct, they do have the right to live. When I kill the spare chikens, however, its right to life suddenly evaporates.
Honestly, farming animals gives great insight into the ruling classes mind IMO- they are after all farming people.
Governments do enforce and coerce but God gives us a choice and choices do have consequences. And in reference to Hell I think it is simply a place where God is not. Being in Hell is the natural EFFECT of choosing to not live in God’s presence, not wanting to be in the Kingdom of God. If you do not want to be there you do not have to.
Dad says to his child, this is the way things are, if you jump off that rooftop you are going to drop down (due to the reality of the law of gravity) not float upward like a feather. God, who created us knows how we work best, in his Word, laws and ways of living are given for us that would make us well, materially and spiritually. Due to the free will he gave us we can choose to obey the laws of the reality that our world, or not obey.Touch a hot stove and you will be burned.
He says in Isaiah ” I set before you this day life and death.” Then he advises “Choose life.” but most don’t. Dallas Willard deals with this question well in his book the Allure of Gentleness. These wonderful and deep questions deserve more than two bit soundbites or a comment board to answer.
Most people dont think thru their ideas very far.
They will cry about morality while denying the divine source of morality…..which can only leave ‘morality is the will of the powerful’ and the same people cry because the will of the powerful is gross.
Such short sighted people will always be ruled over, because they honestly need and want it.
Duck said: “…people will always be ruled over, because they honestly need and want it.”
That sentiment was “dishonestly” invented by those who want/need others to believe it. It is impossible to rule (exploit, abuse) others if they fight back, dissent, disobey. Slavery begins in the mind of the slave. If one refuses to believe in “the right of some to violate the rights of others”, the fraud is over.
Self-enslavement, however voluntary, is not psychologically healthy, mature. It damages self-esteem, self-confidence.
“…It is impossible to rule (exploit, abuse) others if they fight back, dissent, disobey. …”
Sure…. but I can just kill you and pick out the children that will submit. From a selective breeding POV humans ARE domesticated, which would also explain the neotany we see in humans compared to other primates, if you want to be Evolutionary about it.
Consider Dr Duttons work on that- they killed off 1% of males in Europe for crimes for 3 or 4 hundred years and weeded a good chunk of the more anti-social genes out. The Chinese did the same at times by killing the family of criminals. Selective breeding has effects, and humans HAVE been bred to work in a group and submit to slavery
I do find evolutionary psychology and evolutionary biology fascinating. “Slow life history strategy” versus “fast life history strategy” and similar theories are interesting IMO.
I will say though as you pointed out above that there are some holes in Darwin’s theories and it the fact that environmental factors on complex beings like humans do have impacts on human traits. There are always outliers and also genetic defects which result from inbreeding and man’s messing around with things they don’t understand completely.
So while I do think there are genetic traits that are (mostly) inherited, such as types of intelligence and physical ability and perhaps even creativity, the exact “formula” is not something that has been elucidated.
When I studied genetics as part of my bachelors degree my mind was blown at the complexity even in organisms like flies.
So though I certainly agree that selective breeding in human beings has been and probably is being done, it is not a science with hard and fast rules like physical science has.
My point is that there is some nuance here and you being someone who has stated you are not a materialist (with good reasoning) should be aware of the limitations of genetics being a determinant of outcome.
It could also be possible that obedience is in part a learned behavior, not a genetic determinant (at least not 100%). Domestication is in part psychological conditioning, like what Pavlov’s experiments showed.
Correction “in fact, environmental factors do impact human traits”
The extent of this IMO is unknown with extremely complex living beings like humans.
Hey! Not spoken to you for a while.
OH, I DO think people have value and rights but I also know those can only come from OUTSIDE of the material world to have any real meaning. What makes me itch is hearing people waffle about such things while denying the philosphical grounding OF those things- as we think we eventually do and that thinking leads to nilhism or Will To Power.
Genetics are not “king” but nor are they to be discounted.
No one would suggest that a person with Downs is going to be a great scientist because their bad genetics cut that possibility off. On the other hand the best genes for IQ in the world wont get you far if you grow up without stimulation and education.
The genes are the cards that we get, or the number of chess pieces we can bring to any board we play upon….. so they ARE a big factor.
I’m all for the old kind of Eugenics, natural selection where we see what happens without state welfare or insane levels medical intervention. I am against the lie that everyone is interchangable and can do anything- its cruel to push stupid people past their level and then tell them they failed because their not a lawyer or a Dr.
I know that genetics are only about 50% or so of IQ, and only about 50% or less of someone turning into a sodomite….so genetics dont rule everything and eviroment matters.
I also know many smart people who do dumb things, and not so smart ones who make good life choices.
“…My point is that there is some nuance here and you being someone who has stated you are not a materialist (with good reasoning) should be aware of the limitations of genetics being a determinant of outcome. …”
It’s nice to “speak” with you again!
I like what you add to these discussions and I enjoy hearing ideas outside of echo chambers. I think that adds value to a community.
I agree that people have certain talent or “gifts” and we are not interchangeable cogs and “anyone can do anything” is a lie.
Some people though do have the IQ and ability to achieve much more than they have though.
I certainly could have gone to medical school and be a wealthy radiologist by now but I’d have no time to fart around like I do.
I’m sure there are gifted people who could do that and have time as well, but I’m not one of those!
But, I hear what you are saying and it makes sense to me.
Duck, Cheers, yes I agree. And thanks for doing the heavy lifting here, I popped in the this morning prepared to deal with any objections but I see you’ve tackled them already and saved me the effort. 🙂
But IIRC this discussion was done in the public square during the height of post modernism in the 90’s. Without an external, objective source of morality there can be no such thing as evil or wrong. All we can have are things that in our personal opinion are wrong. But I have never ever met a true relativist, not a single one, they are relativists up to the point that someone pushes their hot button and then they become absolutists pretty quickly. Even though we’ve gone past post modernism into absurdism the arguments still stand (IMO). That fact that we have this community is one evidence of that, people know that something evil is in the world, or at the very least something is wrong, objectively. We are not here because we have an opinion that 911 was an inside job used as the justification to kill and injure millions of innocent people. We are not here because we kinda think that force-injecting billions of people with a deadly gene-altering drug wasn’t something we would do. We are here because we know that these things are objectively wrong and objectively evil.
For now at least I’m reminded of the warnings in Kipling’s ‘Gods of the copybook headings’, the whole thing is worth a read, it’s only short but I wont paste all of it.
“Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire;
And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing (UBI?) and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!”
No worries 🙂
“…But IIRC this discussion was done in the public square during the height of post modernism in the 90’s…..”
Oh, I bet they had it in the 1st Century or something too.
Your bang on when you say a dog returns to its own vomit – Every hundred years some one ‘thinks up’ a heresy that was debunked a thousand years ago.
I guess thats the REAL “great reset’ – people not bothering to look at what went before. The forgetting appears worse now, because everything happens so fast with the new media but its probably always been like that.
“Oh, I bet they had it in the 1st Century or something too.”
On God’s existence and/or the nature of that God for sure. Not so sure that relativism was a big thing back then though, to me it seems more of a byproduct of the ‘enlightenment’ and the ability to propagate ideas widely through technology rather than sometihng that has been robust enough to stand on it’s own legs for too long. As Francis Schaeffer put it “A relativist is someone who has both feet firmly planted in mid-air.”
It’s also been said that a man never sets foot in the same river twice, so I guess while the war remains the same as it ever was on the most fundamental level, the battlefields change throughout time and our time is to day. The once regional despots and empires have melded into one great global empire. The spirit behind them all remains the same. Previously there might have been outside forces that were able to come in and rescue the situation, at this point in time the salvation either comes from within or not at all. I suspect the former, but maybe not for a few years yet. 🙂
Oh I agree it was not a BIG thing.
But i found the linked thing (skipped to sec 3… and I pasted a snippet further below) and the beginings of the idea were already starting back then- I mean was not the main criticism of the Sophists in socratic dialogues something like that they could make good look bad and bad look good?
Really nothings new I think, lol, one of the reasons the New Atheists put me off atheism was how they talked philosphical points that I’d already read argued against as a kid in old books.
I also read an ancient book (‘against hereisis’ or something like that)about the tricks Roman spirtualists used to do- using a bowl of water as a magic lantern to show ‘the gods’ projected from the room below, speaking tubes to carry ‘hidden knowledge’ to a mystic and such….all stuff the table rappers of the 19th century did. That said, I am pretty sure both sets of charlatans were sometimes vessels for something more unpleasant then fraud.
The majority of Enlightenment ideas would have just stayed with rich weirdos and perverts if the world had not gotten so rich that regular people could take up such retarded ideas and not die right away from bad decisions.
This is the first time people can ruin their lives and not notice very quickly, too late to serve as an example to others 🙁
I snipped a bit for folks who dont want to follow the link
“…..However, Plato also ascribes a social or ethical dimension to
Protagorean relativism which seem to go beyond individualistic subjectivism. In Theaetetus 172a 2–6 he says
what may or may not fittingly be done, of just and unjust, of what is sanctioned by religion and what is not; and here the theory may be prepared to maintain that whatever view a city takes on these matters and establishes as its law or convention, is truth and fact for that city. In such matters, neither any individual nor any city can claim superior wisdom. [emphasis added]…….”
From my very long life of exploration of religion, philosophy, human behavior modification, etc. I have never come across any evidence of the existence of “God.” Just the heart felt desires by folks with personal testimony that can be explained with critical thinking…”God” didn’t cure your disease, you did, “God” didn’t punish some bad guy/gal the consequence of actions did, etc.
THAT is what Demons and Redemption mind control is about and soooo very hard to except when taught victim hood by others in movies, books, from authority figures, etc. and the need for outside saviors and heroes, etc.
“…From my very long life of exploration of religion, philosophy, human behavior modification, etc. I have never come across any evidence of the existence of “God.”….”
People tend to find things they are looking for.
As someone who started out as an atheist who “Fking LoVed Science” before it was cool I can assure you that 90% of not finding God is down to not wanting Him to be there.
Or, 100% of “finding god” fills a need to replace “mommy/daddy”, to not feel alone.
I didn’t start out as an atheist or theist. I thought about the concept of the existence of a god, what it would imply, and received input at Sunday school, got no arguments for atheism anywhere. I was unduly influenced, heard only one side, e.g., my parents wouldn’t tell me what they believed, telling me it was an important, very personal decision, and I needed to make in on my own, without prejudice. It took 3 months of constantly, daily consideration, but at 8 I reached my conclusion that my life was mine to live, unforced directly or indirectly by anyone or anything. It was the only acceptable way to live. Anything less made life unlivable.
“….I didn’t start out as an atheist or theist. I thought about the concept of the existence of a god, what it would imply, and received input at Sunday school, got no arguments for atheism anywhere…..”
Ha, funny. I started from the OTHER side. We must have passed mid-stream.
I am sorry you had such rubbish teachers, I would suspect that either their own faith was weak and situational or they were not all that smart.
Its funny because I used to a full on science nerd, with a childhood desire to selectively breed woodlice back into Trioblites…now days I’m leaning towards Young Earth Creationism.
The funny thing about that is, almost all the people telling you how evolution of species is a thing NEVER READ A DAMN THING ABOUT IT. One educational chap cited some finches become nocturnal as speciation from the daytime finches over a 40 year period- which is hilarious since I’m pretty sure MY ancestors never bred with Chinese for over 40 generations and no one says we’re different species. Lol
“…., my parents wouldn’t tell me what they believed, telling me it was an important, very personal decision, and I needed to make in on my own, without prejudice….”
More fool them . Did they let you choose if you went to school or did drugs too?
Sorry for you my friend, 🙁
Geez, you’re a pretty fart smeller.
Thanks. And I am only using one terd of my brain 🙂
Lots to think about there James but with all those intrusive advertisements I lost the thread of your argument several times and gave up altogether after ten minutes. I don’t see why, after paying for membership of your excellent channel, I should then be forced to pay extra to watch your videos without this incessant interference.
It is a small price to help pay for non legacy media lies isn’t it?
You can download clean audio. Rumble will likely add commercials of their own and likely depending on who submitted the video.
Can you see this bit?
-> Video courtesy Freedom From Rulers with Gilbert Aldama Rumble Channel
That’s a nice song.
Thanks. Lots more good stuff there.
Would love to have a crew again to present my creations at a higher level but alas, living 50 miles from town off the grid has its compromises.
Professor James, another inspiring, educational interview!
The wide range of government lies covered in this interview reminds me of a recent guest, Dolan from Inversionism, on episode #481 of the Macroagressions podcast, where Dolan shares how he discovered everything the “experts” claim to be “true” is just the opposite!
Intro to Dolans Substack:
Intro to Inversionism
James; was it the turkey and stuffing from Thanksgiving dinner ?
What an interview. Is this you ?
You are putting it out there. Sounds like you know something.
You know a book of those thoughts of yours would not be an anchor; it would be the whole damn ship. You said it about people reading…15 seconds propaganda?and the time not having any equity like the equity you get from a book. So you know the ideas will carry the day. You don’t have to be a guru, the ideas have just been hidden from us. Be the great revealer. People will make that leap when the time is right.
Hats off to the production crew of Freedom From Rulers. Gilbert Aldama is too cool for school .
God, government, and laws are all figments of human imagination.
So is the money that pays for your pension, healthcare and food.
Like in one of the rubbish later Matrix movies when the president and Neo are looking at the machines and Neo says humans control them since they can shut them off and the president points out that then they would die
Perhaps not “human” imagination but rather human adherence to some other level of consciousness instilling behavior modification for nefarious agendas of control?
The concept of “As Above, So Below” is a very powerful observation of some possible universal patterns of behavior in living things. In the entertainment business the idea that off planet life forms are always trying to take over the world and should be killed is very common.
For instance there are plants that have nodules (teats?) that give off a liquid that ants can live off of so a symbiotic relationship occurs. Anything alighting on a branch and the ants swarm to remove it, even at their own peril for the good of the “tribe.” So perhaps “humans” have some long forgotten education within their beings to see different as dangerous?
And in that “As Above, So Below” mind set the government and military (other than Musk) are the ones who go into space (or in sailing ships financed by royalty back when) so why wouldn’t some off planet consciousness not have a similar experience and instead of gentle exploration by scientists of a kind nature be guided by conquest and domination?
“…The concept of “As Above, So Below” is a very powerful observation of some possible universal patterns of behavior in living things….”
Pretty sure that slogan is just Hermetic alchemical / magical weirdness.
I mean…. do you still think your horoscope affects your life?
Yes, god, coercive govt. and deadly threats (law) are failed attempts at political order. As humanity progresses it learns, passes on knowledge, and some flawed beliefs. Tech (physics, physical tools) can be tested instantly to verify their usefulness. Politics is much more difficult to judge. It involves human deceit, fraud, abstract complex ideas.
But useful politics also relies on individual maturity to be understood. Male maturity comes late, around early twenties, explaining why the soldiers are usually under that age. It’s easier to fool, convince a young male to join a murder/suicide pact (war) than older, more mature males.
I admire Mr Corbett as a researcher but he does not appear to understand one very important thing….He is not actually arguing for ANARCHY when he talks about community driven law.
LAW (even common law) IS ALWAYS BACKED BY THE COERCIVE USE OF VIOLENCE otheriwse its just a suggestion.
What is the difference EXCEPT FOR SCALE between a village where you are bound by the will of generations long dead and superstitious villagers and a ‘state-ist’ system???
Seriously…. THEY ARE THE SAME THING, just on a different scale-
In both you are constrained by the will of others.
In both you will be coerced (by force if needed) into complying with the ‘law’.
In both ‘the law’ is the product of the minority who have the will to exercise power over the majority.
Mr Corbett is NOT really praising ‘anarchy’ when he lauds the community rule, he is lauding a smaller and more responsive ‘government’.
As to the matter of anarchic violence- while the subjects of aggression surely DO have something to say about their victimization in the real world their actual ability to resist depends on how much organized force they can apply.
An example would be the Boers in South Africa who, armed with modern weapons, were man for man better fighters then the British army and YET STILL LOST. The Empire could bring the massive power of organized industrial society- men, machines, food, weapons ect and then destroy the Boers ability to live off the land.
How did living ‘the anarchic life’ work out for American Indians?
James’s early bit (~ min 9) about common law and the last bit about God (~min 58) reminded me about a passage in Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death.
At the start of chapter 3 Postman cites Benjamin Franklin autobiography where Franklin tells about an exchange he had with one of the founders of the Dunkers – Michael Welfare. The Dunkers were being accused of promoting abominable principles and so Franklin suggests that they should publish the articles of their belief in print.
To which Welfare replies
“When we were first drawn together as a society, it had pleased God to
enlighten our minds so far as to see that some doctrines, which we once
esteemed truths, were errors, and that others, which we had esteemed
errors, were real truths.
From time to time He has been pleased to afford
us farther light, and our principles have been improving, and our errors
Now we are not sure that we are arrived at the end of this
progression, and at the perfection of spiritual or theological knowledge;
and we fear that, if we should feel ourselves as if bound and confined by
it, and perhaps be unwilling to receive further improvement, and our
successors still more so, as conceiving what we their elders and founders
had done, to be something sacred, never to be departed from.”
Postman points out that this is a notable criticism of the epistemology of the written word. And he concludes by stating that the Dunkers came close here to
formulating a commandment about religious discourse : Thou shalt not write
down thy principles, still less print them, lest thou shall be entrapped by them for
all time.
I think the argument resonates well with James’s observation of common law as an iterative and incremental process for discovering Justice. Namely, that the writing down a law coats it with an aura of sacrality and becomes a trap from which people cannot get out of.
I would point to the Roman plebs who REALLY wanted the Law codified in the 12 Tables because since no one knew what the law was it existed in the mind of the old Patrician judge dealing with your case. The Patricians fought writing the laws down tooth and nail because it limited their ability to play lawfare
You can get away without codification when dealing with small groups of people who know each other….NO ONE lives like that anymore. We codify laws so that we can live in a predictable legal landscape
Fraud is much easier to perpetrate in groups over 150 because of a loss of personal, face-face contact. It is harder to look someone in the eye, and fool. Hence the need for written guidelines in modern, large groups. However, there is no subsitutite for all to monitor and judge the judges.
The “dumbing down” in public (govt.) schools has made it easier for rulers to lie, exploit, subdue. That is the major goal and “cost” of “free” ed. Govt. ed is child cognitive crippling that is reinforced by govt. propaganda.
“….The “dumbing down” in public (govt.) schools has made it easier for rulers to lie, exploit, subdue….”
As per my comment on ‘rights’ you must be competent to enforce your rights. Westerners have been trained into helplessness.
People get the Government that they deserve and that suits them. If the people are vice addled pigs then they get a swineheard, and one must admit that description fits the majority of people today.
In some ways the FORM of government is much less important then then quality of the people…. I mean, people complain about ‘kings’ that exercised WAY LESS day to day influence on a normies life then we have today. I would hazard a guess that the normie was much freer then we are today, back living under George III. Kings were absolute, and you absolutly knew who was to blame when things went wrong
Mr Corbet cites the jews calling for a king as Tom Paine used it.
I would however point out that God took this as a rejection OF HIM as King.
God is not an anarchist- He is declared as King of the Universe. As one of the Stone Choir chaps pointed out His authority ultimatly rests upon His ability to rain infinate destruction upon those who reject Him as King.
“I believe in God, but I detest theocracy. For every Government consists of mere men and is, strictly viewed, a makeshift; if it adds to its commands ‘Thus saith the Lord’, it lies, and lies dangerously.
On just the same ground I dread government in the name of science. That is how tyrannies come in. In every age the men who want us under their thumb, if they have any sense, will put forward the particular pretension which the hopes and fears of that age render most potent. They ‘cash in’. It has been magic, it has been Christianity. Now it will certainly be science. Perhaps the real scientists may not think much of the tyrants’ ‘science’– they didn’t think much of Hitler’s racial theories or Stalin’s biology. But they can be muzzled.”
C. S. Lewis (from “Is Progress Possible: Willing Slaves of the Welfare State, 1958)
CS Lewis is such an Under rated thinker….the man basically predicted the Technocracy we’re seeing now and showed us where it leads. He debunked (while predicting) the nihilistic effects of relativism we see today and warned us about now half a century before it happened.
Most people just know him from the Narnia stuff. 🙁
Lewisdoodle does not appear to have their version of “Abolition of Man” up anymore, that video seems to have gone away some time during the coof. I’ll throw a link in to their channel
You always know you are in the Matrix when fear and reward are the primary drivers of that reality. I have long since seen religion in general, but Abrahamic religions in particular as a primary factor in herding humanity into a NWO, controlled and ruled out of where, Israel…just ask the Zionist Christians.
Religion is seemingly an extension of the human psychology, to not only explain the universe, but to guide their own actions. They create a archetypal perfection, all to guide own their actions. But to hear a Christina tell it, we would be inbred savages without the bible guiding us.
Covid, Global Warming, Free Press, Democracy, Capitalism, certainly religion, all are carefully constructed to give us a world that is easy to control.
The case against my own religion Christinaity started to munt decades ago:
-You have the Jewish monopoly on usury, what could go wrong with that?
-How about the focus on the “next life”, not this one, the one we know we have, nope, it is the afterlife” we
should be focused on.
-How about “original sin”, no sooner are we out of the womb when the guilting begins, we are not only
responsible for what we do, but some mythical guy named Adam.
-Certainly the hierarchical aspect of Christianity would never be a problem, spirituality always needs
bureaucracy to function. How well that bureaucracy works during covid.
-Less I not forget the most telling and destructive of psyops, the savior mentality: Don’t save yourself, a savior
is prophesied to save you, you just keep working the plan. It worked GREAT for the Christian Russians,
Armenians, Irish, Palestinians ..fill in the blank, I’m sure they are all doing just great in the “afterlife”, too
bad they had to be starved, shot or blowup to get there. Unless of course they were sinners…
Of course “those are not real Christains”, but they are, every bit as much as anyone is. You judge a tree by the fruit it bares, if the Bible is so flawed, written in a way people can come away believing whatever they want, that is not a guide to follow, it is obviously a tool of control. Thus you have endless varieties of Abrahamic religions because the Bible is so clear and concise. which is then used for endless conflict. They will blame humans for this, never the system that creates them.
Logic dictates that the greater the claim, the greater the need for proof of that claim. Sadly, many people live by the inverse, the greater the lie, the more easily they will buy it that lie.
For those who think the Christ figure is hated by those in the Jewish faith, first of all, the Jewish faith was worse thought of 2000 years ago, than it is now, and unlike what many people of today think, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Pythagoras were not idiots, nor the people of their time. In order for people to accept the Jewish religion they made it out that “Jews hated Christ”. Look at Hollywood today, endless movies hold Christ up as wonderous, it is HIS FOLLOWERS THE HATE.
Yes, when religion is used as a pseudo (or not so pseudo) government you get the problems you have mentioned. Conversely, and especially in our time the opposite is also true, that for many, authoritarianism is their religion and government is their holy prophet. Of course neither of these have anything to do with God, even if most authoritarians say otherwise. A lot of people seem to conflate all of these things to suit their own worlviews and more times than not, their ignorance of the subject matter pulls the rug from under their feet. Those who reject the Bible have mostly never read it, the same goes for those that praise it. I’ve spoken to many Christians who have never read it for themselves and have simply got their ideas and beliefs fed to them from the Church, their parents, their denomination etc. When I first read it I was more impressed by what wasn’t in there than by what was.
The other mistake that people make is in assuming (as the americans say) that the Bible is “gods instruction book for life”. It isn’t. But when the mystery of ‘Christ in you’ is rejected then all you have left is a set of rules, do’s and dont’s and how-to’s and in the process we make God boring and then wonder why people are leaving the Church. If you have read the Bible (which I’m pretty sure from your comments that you haven’t 🙂 ) and you reach the conclusion of ‘religion’ then you’ve missed the whole point.
When writing you should leave out personal assumptions, you don’t know me and I don’t know you. I have read far more of the Jewish Bible than I have the Vedas, the Buddhist Scriptures or the Quran. I live in a so called Christian nation, whose inhabitants are now getting their panties in a knot because of trans and “global homo”. They see THAT as the sign of the fall of America, not the murder of tens of thousands of Iraqis, Libyans or Afghans…America is the only nation in the world that has used nukes on civilians…and that was long before the “taint of global homo”.
Thou shalt not kill, period. But that is not what the Jewish Bible established (it is the Jewish Bible, a tool to destroy the “goyim” from with, and it has worked exactly as planned), the Bible is allegorical, Symbolism, typological, in other words open to interpretation.
I am so sick of the excuses used to wave away the endless list of atrocities performed by Christains against mankind Christianity made knowledge a crime, used to destroy free will throughout the ages. I have not witnessed much in the way of “white supremacy” in my life, but I have witnessed endless religious supremacy, Christinaity has been the greatest perpetrator of religious and cultural genocide. Destroying one culture after another, all to “save souls”, to force their globalist, homogenized blood god onto one civilization after another. Christianity is supremist, it believes it is the ONLY path to “salvation”, you can’t get more supremist than that.
I am not interested in arguing religion per say, but the way it is being used, purposely in my opinion to destroy free will. I find reading Nietzsche far more illuminating than the Jewish Bible. Christinaity was created to take down Rome and the West, to conquer the Goyim. You may think that is far fetched, just as far fetched as Globalism and Covid were used to bring us towards a NWO as well.
You can look at Christinaity from a hundred different angles and see how it is perfectly established to create sheep ( it says you are the flock, how much more direct do you need-flocks don’t have free will, they are meant to be herded, and herded they most certainly are) people who look OUTSIDE for guidance, EXTERNAL LOCUS of Control. You have the savior complex, someone needs to come and save them, instead of taking matters into their own hands. These are the philosophical ideas I contemplate, these are what have answers, religion has no answers, it is pure conjecture.
Christinaity is antithetical to free will, it places the Bible as their code. Christinaity was created to be the basis for the theory that is coming: Naohide laws.
Reason and logic should guide mankind, not blind faith. Logic dictates that the more fantastic the claim the more evidence there needs to be to support it.
Based on all we know, Christianity is pure fantasy, it is impossible, it is infinity more likely is is as I believe a tool of control.
“……. Christinaity has been the greatest perpetrator of religious and cultural genocide. …..”
Thats actually not even close….. Islam whacked way more Hindu’s in North India then Christians ever killed. There were just too many, lol, so they had to give up trying to exterminate Hindus.
“……Destroying one culture after another,…..”
Like, yeah, Aztecs were disgusting. I’m glad they got crushed , even today whats left of their old culture leads to ritual sacrifices with that santa mertue crap.
“…..stianity is supremist, it believes it is the ONLY path to “salvation”, you can’t get more supremist than that. ….”
Yes… whats wrong with thinking THE TRUTH is supreme ?
The stupid idea that all cultures are of equal value is just Classical Liberalism trash thinking
“……inaity was created to take down Rome and the West, to conquer the Goyim. You may think that is far fetched,…..”
IF jews were smart enough to plan two thousand years of Christians giving them shit so they could then rule those Christians then….come on….they would DESERVE to the the world wouldn’t they?
Hahaha…. I thought I had paranoid fantasies. You sound like that dip that shows up on as a regular guest on “Our Interesting Times” and spouts the same dumb idea that Jews are the ultimate hive mind that can plan milenia (but still get kicked out 109…or whatever ) times
Two thousand years (and some serious change in their own genetics are real jews got bred by Khazars and such) just so their incidentally related distant descendants could rule the world…..holy crap, thats like the ultimate planning! lolol
……I am so sick of the excuses used to wave away the endless list of atrocities performed by Christains against mankind Christianity made knowledge a crime,….”
WHERE has Christianity ever made KNOWLEDGE a crime?
“….. used to destroy free will throughout the ages….”
Amazing…how exactly did it do that? Pretty sure people still have free will these days.
‘…. I find reading Nietzsche far more illuminating than the Jewish Bible. ….”
You DO know the dudes brain was rotting with the syphilis?
Why would you trust the thinking of a dude who cant keep it in his pants, and later is going bonkers as VD eats his brains??
Where does his thinking end? In Nilhism and death and the post modern Piss Earth we’re heading towards….he’s almost worse then the Jews TBH, they at least just want to feather their own peoples nests.
OK, it’s clear to see where you’re at now so thanks for that. I wish you all the best on your journey.
Hopefully, and sooner rather than later, people are finally going to start to at least get the notion that the way people treat animals in this world reflects back to the people and so the people too get treated “like animals”.
Thank you for saying the one thing in all these comments that I understand — and for saying it so simply, sweetly, sanely, sensibly.
If you decide to repeat your observation in the “I, Sandwich” comment thread, I think the lovely chickens (who have done nothing to deserve their heads being chopped off or their necks wrung) would be much obliged to you. 🙂
I do put it out there, now and again, but I don’t want to go overboard repeating too often for fear of wearing it out 😉
Well, mkey, I’m glad you repeat it every “now and again,” because it comforted me when I read it this time.
Someone slightly better known than we are 😉 expressed the same sentiment in even fewer words than you used:
“As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields.”
May that Leo Tolstoy truism awaken humble human hearts everywhere.
Oh yes, this is indeed excellent. It flows off the tongue as haiku, but unlike haiku it follows with a sucker punch to the gut.
I think those who watched that movie – not just as mere entertainment but through their consciousness – made a decision themselves at a profound level between blue and red when this scene took place.
Yet the part most overlooked was “I didn’t say it would be easy”.
I utterly reject everything in the declaration of independence. I don’t believe in rights, unalienable or otherwise. I don’t believe in an American revolution.
A criminal elite plotted a way to get the French back to America despite losing a war and agreeing to leave under the treaty of Paris. Also to steal Indian land protected by the British crown.
This is what the glorious Found Fathers of the nation did with their new found freedom.
Insider Trading is the American Way: The Founding Scam
Soon, Hamilton’s associates — bankers, agents, and speculators — got wind of the government’s secret plans to pay off the debt in full and bought up the supposedly worthless Continentals at 10% of their face value, letting the rubes believe that they’d starve before there would ever be a government capable of paying them off, or that they’d never be able to prove that their claims on the government were valid.
Jesus never pursued earthly happiness nor encouraged anyone to do so. Christianity is not a materialist project. America is. Christianity is about spiritual freedom. not earthly freedom
I read recently that private prisons were heavily invested in hip hop music which encourages crime, violence and drugs. The CIA was apparently also involved. It epitomises what happens in an elitist kleptocracy like America. Pharma has committed horrifying crimes against the human race with no consequences save trivial fines.
“Joined up thinking”
Was a line in the passage of the Paul and Caesar
Paul and Caesar: A New Reading of Romans.
Worth a look .
How will any curious historiographer 100years from now be able to understand the thinking of some Jew in Jerusalem in 2024? It’s all gonna be an unpleasant insufferable mess. Throw in the mysteries of the talmudists and the propaganda of the winners and we have a picture of New Rome. The Caesar Netinyahoo [ na’- tiny- ahole] the prince of peace in Jerusalem.
James how do historians come to any reliable consensus?
Trudging through mile after mile, step by step? Gawd help us.
“[…] how great an element of faith is present in the operations of even the most disinterested rationality. All reasoning presumes premises or intuitions or ultimate convictions that cannot be proved by any foundations or facts more basic than themselves, and hence there are irreducible convictions present wherever one attempts to apply logic to experience. One always operates within boundaries established by one’s first principles, and asks only the questions that those principles permit […] we are today more likely to be committed to “my truth” than to any notion of truth in general, no matter where that might lead.”
David Bentley Hart (from Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and its Fashionable Enemies, pgs. 101-107)
The same idea that without government you will have anarchy, you have the religious who believe without their religions guidance you will have unbridled sin and debauchery.
These ides go hand in hand, they are constructs to take away autonomy and replace it with external controls.
I used to think the Abrahamic religions were coopted, taken over and subsequently used to control the masses. But considering how well these religions have served to give external forces control over every aspect of our lives, setting us up to self-police ourselves into their gulags, I now believe the origin of these religions was to create just that situation. Christian vs Muslim with the Jews orchestrating from above. There is no doubt they are leading us towards a NWO, with Israel as its religious and “moral” center. The genocide going on in the Middle East has always been about clearing out the indigenous people, all to make way for the returning diaspora, who will return when the West falls.
It all comes down to control, any system that teaches us to look outside for control is likely there to undermine us. It is the rare system/individual that teaches us to look within for guidance, teaches us self-reliance, independent thought.
I remember back when I was a practicing Roman Catholic with my male circumcision to mark my obedience (nothing like mutilating a baby’s genitalia to show you who is boss, and how sickeningly servile Christains are), and sitting, standing, kneeling in unison, reciting one mindless parable after another, all with forced reverence. This was just like our education system our military, our democracy, just another tool to force uniformity through repetition and peer pressure/group think.
As a person of Irish decent it has been challenging to say the least to understand and rationalize the so called “Irish potato famine”, which in reality was a purposeful genocide perpetuated by the usual suspects all to diminish the Irish population.
The pious Charles Trevelyan, the man tasked by the British governemnt to manage the “famine” stated “The judgement of God sent to teach the Irish a lesson, that calamity must not be too much mitigated…the real evil with which we have to contend is not the physical evil of the Famine, but the moral evil of the selfish, perverse, and turbulent character of the
Irish people”.
That sentiment was so typical, blame the victims for their plight, and use “sin” as justification not to help or to exact harm.
I remember when living in San Francisco and we had the 1989 Earth quake, how it was considered as righteous destruction because San Fran accepted gay people.
Obviously such sentiments don’t represent all people’s of any religion, but the fact that such statements can be made and accepted by any religious group says that religion, NOT THE PEOPLE, the religion is flawed to its core. People are NOT the problem, it is the system that corrupts them that are.
Re: The dumbing down of humans. Many churches have been part and parcel of this since the 1970’s with hymnology. That is when I remember churches stopping the singing of hymns and substituted only generic refrains, blown up on a big screen at the front of the church.It was like they were saying you guys are too dumb to remember a hymn, it is too trying for your simple minds. But such good church doctrine was within those old hymns. And forget scripture memorizations.That has gone out the window. Hence it is difficult to meaningfully engage in certain conversations now because there is such a dearth of basic bible knowledge.
Religion, especially Christianity is dangerous on many levels, but one that is rarely discussed is the savior/supernatural aspects and its ability to take people out of the fight.
I remember during the covid scam, the discussion about a chip being put into your hand that would identify you as vaxxed or not. One channel I listened to said it was the “Mark of the Beast”. The host and the guest are both Christian, they said their Christianity gave them insight into this chip for what is truly was “the mark of the Beast”. I asked, why assume some fanciful supernatural origin of the chip in your hand, versus the obvious globalist Zionist agenda?
Is Trump the “anti-Christ”, maybe it is Jared Kushner, you know he has that 666 building on fifth avenue.
The movie “the Exorcist” caused people to flood back to the Church, scared straight.
On and on and on, they play us like fools, endlessly falling for one scam after another, while they slowly and surely take over the world.
These people would more likely believe in some supernatural phenomenon based on nothing but their carefully conditioned fear and superstitions, instead of what is more than demonstrable, that this is a Zionist plot to rule the world.
At the end of the day, the real problem is, if this is a battle between “good and evil”, and some savior is going to come and save us, it takes us out of the game, we are simply pawns on this supernatural chess board. We are supposed to sit back, pay our ever increasing taxes, go to church, do as we are told, turn the other cheek, and hope our team/God is stronger than theirs.
I know this is proactive, but I also know we are racing towards our destruction and the Judeo Christian Muslim dynamic is at the core of this destruction.
Even if, some how, we avoid this coming disaster, how many Muslims, Christains and Jews have already paid the ultimate price for this religious abomination. Iraq was set up like another crusade, Christian against Muslims, while Zionist war mongers orchestrated every part of it. Zionism-Christian Zionism is the root of why we don’t do anything while Palestine is being genocided.
I always remember the poll that asked different religions what they thought about each other. Much of the information was illuminating, but what struck me most was how Christains liked/supported Jews the most, yet conversely, Jews disliked Christians (they state qualifiers, I don’t) the most, quite illuminating indeed.
Interesting article that is informative while not totally honest (I do not agree how Jews have been primarily concerned about the welfare of African Americans in America, I follow the Malcolm X perspective here).
What is your definition of a Christian?
What is your definition of a Jew?
Have you ever met a real one of either?
If you knew anything at all about God Jesus Christ, you would know that a True Jew and a True Christian are in fact Identical. There are those who say they are this or that but the proof is in the pudding.
You come across like you have the perfect solution to every problem.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, (Old Testament) today (New Testament) and forever.
It was always Him speaking in every case where He communicated with man.
His guidelines for peaceful living for “His people” were given and there are no others that are better.
Anyone who believes they can improve upon God’s rules and guidelines are what?
Faith is the Key. Without faith in Him there is no hope for anything or anyone.
You are gonna die someday Rex. Then What?
True, «..For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel,»
Romans 9:6 ESV.
But Rex has some good points. Christians supporting jews are often totally unaware of how much they hate us, and they have no idea how evil the zionist agenda has been from their colonial project of ethnically cleansing Israel started.
It was certainly not God who gave Satan dominion over the world 🙂 It was us human beings. And that has been the main problem. But Jesus defeated Satan at the cross and established his kingdom on earth.
For Those interested in understanding the most important and definitively most sold book through all times, the Bible; The process of kicking out Satan, a defeated enemy, is explained in a series called «Kingdom of God» found here, .
Steve Gregg is doing a Great job in other bible teachings crushing the most important foundation for Christian support to the biggest deception from Satan the last 200 years, the modern state «Israel». He exposes the lies of dispensationalism. It is the most extensive twisting of the Word of God. Almost no christans believed anything like it until about 150-200 years ago. Scofield who made it mainstream 100 years ago was an evil con artist who got convicted.
Nukes are nonsense and do not exist. They carpet bombed both Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Hard facts stand behind this as in weeks they were rebuilding. Nukes leave just glass no? Oh these weren’t those type of nukes.
IE bullshit. There are no nukes unless you believe that people have not wanted to kill.
Hmm North Korea, Cuba and Iran are the only players left not under the IMF. The IMF owns all the Corporations. UNITED STATES Inc.
I brought facts see below
For a modern-day Divine Incarnation Royal Family, check out the Kims of N. Korea. Not mere Divine Right, but flat out Gods.