So, you want someone to name names, cite documents and expose the facts about the decades-long globalist takeover? Then you’ve come to the right place! Join James for this week’s edition of The Corbett Report where he breaks down Dr. Meryl Nass’ presentation to the International Crisis Summit in Tokyo and provides context and further reading about the cadre of elitists who are attempting to take control of the planet and its resources.
Video player not working? Use these links to watch it somewhere else!
Attack on Food and Farmers and How To Fight Back symposium Day 1 / Day 2
The Future of Food is OURS to Decide – #SolutionsWatch)
How Big Oil Steers the Environmental Movement
Interview 1131 – Elaine Dewar on Maurice Strong’s Cloak of Green
Meet Maurice Strong: Globalist, Oiligarch, “Environmentalist”
The First Global Revolution, a 1991 book from The Club of Rome purporting to identify, diagnose and solve the world’s problems:
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we suggested that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions, these phenomena constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap. about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.
Are There Limits to Growth? – Questions For Corbett #077
How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World
Hugh Downs: Now for the first time in the history of man, an international movement is underway. The people of the nations and the nations of the world have joined together to find the answers. This building and the worlds representatives hold the solution. We’ve seen what we’ve done to bring about the destruction of our Earth. Is it not the time now to cure the disease that we ourselves have created?
Yes, the “cure” for the “disease” of mankind, according to Rockefeller-funded propaganda featuring John D. Rockefeller III as an expert commentator, was to be found at the United Nations, whose headquarters had been so graciously donated by the Rockefeller family itself. And the first step toward discovering that cure was to organize the UN Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972, the world’s first international environmental conference.
Narrator: For 11 days in June 1972, Stockholm was a magnet for everyone concerned with the environment: 1,200 official delegates from 113 nations were in Stockholm for the 1st International Conference on the Human Environment. The meeting, first proposed to the United Nations by Sweden and approved by the General Assembly in 1968, attracted worldwide attention.
In four short years, the topic of the human environment had gone from the back pages of newspapers to make headlines on page 1.
SOURCE: 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Part 1)
And who better to oversee the conference and lay the institutional groundwork for this burgeoning, oiligarch-supported movement, than a consummate oil man?
Maurice Strong: The very fact that the conference began with 113 participating countries, with very high-level delegations from those countries, this in itself represented a very significant step forward. Because this demonstrated more than anything else the real concern of the majority of countries in the world.
SOURCE: 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Part 1)
Fact Check: Polio Vaccines, Tetanus Vaccines, and the Gates Foundation
Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
“The Hard Road to World Order” by Richard Gardner
Interview 1433 – Patrick Wood on the Hard Road to World Order
Episode 322 – What Is Sustainable Development?.
Brundtland Commission Report – “Our Common Future”
Corbett Report Radio 161 – Rio+20 Wrap-up
Is the IPCC Rigged? – Questions For Corbett #096
Convention on Biological Diversity
UN Rolls Out Agenda 2030 Global(ist) Goals – (New World Next Week – Oct 2015)
2022 CBD COP 15 update – Manage 30% of the world’s resources by 2030!
Episode 465 – The UN’s [Death] Pact for the [Globalist] Future
The UN’s “Pact for the Future,” Translated From the Globalese
Planetary Regime: The Globalists’ Blueprint in Their Own Words
Shakespeare got it right with Hamlet’s soliloquy. Is it better to put up with all the shit or get off the couch and go out and fight the shit?
Hell, if I know.
Meryl Nass sure is a questionable person and I would highly recommend looking into the work of Dr. Jonathan J. Couey, who does a really amazing job at debunking all these actors in the medical freedom movement. He also has some really interesting things to say about his time with CHD, RFK, Malone etc.
For me…
It is about the MESSAGE, not the Messenger.
And, I have faith that some folks still have critical thinking capabilities in order to evaluate the message.
Have you looked into it? This is not about the messenger, it is about their message.
I know, controlled opposition isn’t really discussed here, but it is obvious that this is what CHD, RFK and Malone are. These people are an extension of government and oligach powers, not fellow rebels, even tho they like to LARP as such.
RFK, for example, was against important biological information in his book, because ‘it was not the right book for it’.
The point here is: we, as an alternative crowd, are still far from the truth behind the scamdemic and at the moment, it seems like Dr. Couey is the only one who puts all pieces together correctly, revealing even more lies and meddlers.
For me, “the CONCEPTS of what is being COMMUNICATED” is what I am most interested in.
Deep seated beliefs and ideas. Matters of substance. Facts and observations.
Knowing something about the communicator may add some context to the message.
But, that obsessive focus on the speaker is at the lower end of the scale of bright thinking.
It is low rent, kind of like gossip in a small town or Hollywood celebrity rags.
…and it boils down to…
Who is your Authority?
Is the Communicator an Authority? …someone who hijacks my own personal Sovereignty?
Not me, buddy.
I ain’t gonna worship some pundit and then relinquish my own thinking skills.
I can form my own deep seated beliefs and ideas based on the communications and observations I receive.
”Remember that you are an individual sovereign human being.”
At the one hour mark, James Corbett emphasizes this concept.
‘What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.’
Nah, I think HRS has a point. JC had an article about cognitive infiltration that I’ll post here. It’s worth a read:
If people focus too much on who could be controlled opposition it can take mental energy away from positive work to change things IMO.
Maybe what you say is partly accurate, money may be influencing CHD and people in politics.
But to be fair to your point, JC also does expose obviously corrupt entities and people such as Elon Musk and groups like Planned Parenthood.
But does this mean that everything that comes out of Elon Musk is false? I’d say no. Or even Planned Parenthood, does it mean that they haven’t actually done any good work in the community outside of their underlying eugenic agenda? No, they probably have done a few good things in the community to be honest.
Or say western medicine, is there nothing ever good that comes out of it? It’s completely corrupt in most of it’s application in this point in time, but it can and does sometimes help people.
I think the binary thinking, “good guys” versus “bad guys” is in part inaccurate. And although it is important to expose areas of corruption it may be possible to use platforms to get messages out, even CHD (at this point in time).
RFK Jr’s stance on Israel is extremely disturbing and can’t be brushed aside and it does IMO paint a negative light on his other work, however there are still some things he’s done that were good.
Whitney Webb has been on some more mainstream platforms to try to get her message out and it doesn’t mean that her message is now corrupt is what HRS is saying.
But to your point of view, yes funding and politics can cause corruption of a platform.
Being inaccurate might be fine if you are a casual viewer, but precise language does matter legally.
Transfection is the magic word all of these liars refuse to say. Try it yourself, google it! You might find the concept familiar.
Lizard, I could not disagree more. Maybe if you wore some stupid fancy hat while you wrote that, but only then!
Space Lizard Enjoyer,
Be careful not to shoot yourself in the foot when reholstering that big peacemaker of truth that shoots nothing but, as you pretend , truth bullets.
For example: in section 3-27 of the Bruntland report ” Our Common Future.”
…the abilities to absorb the effects of human activities…
As if humans take material from outside the vacuum or better said, outside the bubble, the bubble floating in the vacuum and try to super saturate the environment above its 100% state .
Where in is the truth in this magic Bruntland is trying to make real? It’s found in the next line .
” But [ BUT!] technology and social organization can be both [ BOTH?!] managed and improved to make a new era of economic[ ECONOMIC!] growth .
To claim to be arbiter of the truth may be arrogant to the point of suggesting remedial learning is needed.
Maybe you meant to say economic instead of academic in your last comment. The mind is a valuable thing that has no price. Being free it is often judged eroniously.
The stupidest guy in Sumtner, SC has a saying, “attack ideas not people” for an idiot he does have a good idea.
Okay, sure, let’s look at the word transfection. Here’s a definition from a quick search from a mainstream website:
So, in reference to the comments made here, you seem to imply that perhaps some of the people in CHD are trying to change or hijack the pursuit of freedom and justice?
Or maybe you are referring to something else.
I found the above link interesting since it mentioned “CRISPER” technology which is kind of creepy.
This is where your intuition is your best friend.
I too wondered if Space Lizard was talking about something else. I believe so. So Space Lizard what do you mean here?
The word transfection would transpose to an idea of a controlled opposition infecting a ‘ truth cell or political movement.’
I didn’t understand that until I studied your kind offering of Www. Britannica definition. It’s not a powerful word until you pare it with the word I’ll leave here. [ Cationic ] toxicity.
Two ways can make the insertion of material toxic to the cell.
1. Lipid, oil or fat natural.
2. Polymer, synthetic plastic
from oil, fat, unnatural.
It all folds into an inherently evil outcome. That of poisoning a political truth movement and poison of the biological cell. Storing a Trojan Horse for use in destroying, altering and controlling a system at a future date.
I had an intuition Space Lizard was shooting truth bullets about. I wish he had included the word ‘ cationic ‘ with transfection. It relates to S.A.I.(stratospheric aerosol injection) morgellins, smart dust, vaccines, transhumanism. Vaccination by air. ect.ect.
( non- sequitur)That’s a past time fun in Texas when target shooting, multiple meanings of the targets with just one bullet.
Cationic transfection –
This particular segment is titled….”Naming Names”….right?
That’s how it begins, in my understanding of the language.
“Naming names”, that’s the hook.
Not “examining practices”, strategy, manipulation, or outcomes.
Four fifths at least of the internet is naming names and placing blame, pointing fingers, outward, of course. Those are the posts that are supported. Check it out if you haven’t.
In any case, I can’t see how a comment on a post is an affront to your way of thinking, nor why it demands a packed response of “me me me”.
The devil quotes the bible, they say. Get it while you can, I guess.
As if you don’t care who’s speaking. You sure seem to care
here on this site.
Get a grip.
You are absolutely right… It is about ”Naming Names”.
Then Lizard says:
“Meryl Nass sure is a questionable person.”
That sets me off…
Character assassination of a “freedom fighter Messenger” (Meryl Nass) who had the message of “naming names” of those who want to enslave us.
AD HOMINEM definition: 1. (of a criticism, etc.) directed against a person, rather than against what that person says.
Lizard does not attempt to address what Meryl Nass says.
But I also want to point out that James Corbett went to great lengths to detail each of the globalists and what they were advocating (their message, their communication, their action.)
We grasp their intent from their communication.
Each globalist is called out, “named” for their bullshit agenda.
Words and actions are the message of the Messenger. By grasping the message we better grasp the character of the Messenger.
And thus, Nass and Corbett name these characters.
Yeah, huh? I have no more faith in one than the other, but I sure am familiar with the shenanigans of some of these, personally. You know, RFK daddy also wasn’t in the least against the Vietnam War, until he politically had to be.
“Expedience”, they call it.
Good luck with even daring to say so, though. I’m sure you’re about to get BLASTED BIG TIME.
Hero worship is no small deal, and it comes in many forms.
And always goes back to the same core.
I had to warn a few of my friends, not to just take RFK at his word on being for truth. I think as other people were saying in other comment threads, it is very important that we don’t lose sight of principles for the sake of personalities.
While I find RFK’s stances on Israel and other things disturbing, I do see him as a good sign. Clearly, the elites know that the truth of at least some things is catching on more with the general public. So there are going to be more controlled opposition characters. I think as long as we use critical thinking and encourage it in others, we’ll be alright.
I think one of the biggest problems that controlled opposition causes besides further division among us is the perception of normies. Normies see the personality as a representative of the principles a lot of the time. So if their first exposure to the truth, is someone like RFK and they heard some of the other things he’s saying then it’s going to be harder to wake them up. Especially when they tell half truths. At least that’s been my experience.
I don’t find the slides of the presentation, maybe i’m just blind and don’t know it yet
I can’t see it, either. And I looked around for it, but searching the internet these days is bit of a pain.
#8 under the words “SHOW NOTES”
Nass presentation (PDF)
Thank you. James added them, I see, coz i’m sure they were not there when i posted this.
Gotcha. That makes sense.
Ditto. Maybe it’s the Mandella Effect.
Hi James, another great report. I cant find the links to Dr Nass’ ICS6 Tokyo Summit presentation in the show notes either, nor on the Door to Freedom website. This is what a Brave search says about it:-
Based on available information, there is no specific data on “International Crisis Summit 6” as it seems to be a non-existent event… Is this big brother censoring the internet or have you published your report before the presentation was officially released? I suspect the latter 🙂
Meryl Nass presentation (no PDF or source, not a big deal; it looks pretty diluted anyway)
For another perspective on Meryl Nass, see I recount our comment thread where she obfuscates and attacks in response to very polite yet pointed questions about her defense of Robert Malone.
The CHD is something I don’t fully understand. While I certainly admire much of their work, the adulation of Vera Shiraz and her ‘Never Again’ series comparing the vaccines to the Holocaust certainly contradict what you and I know about the Holohoax.
And then there’s Kennedy and Israel. Of course. But it’s Meryl’s unwavering defense of Malone, on whom I’ve done 18 episodes, that shows she’s captured or complicit. If we stop doing conspiracy research when it comes to our friends and benefactors, it makes us easy to manipulate by giving us a platform. Malone and Meryl are another circle of the psyops, leading us back to the slaughterhouse through a route called freedom:
I respect Meryl Nass for her outspokenness during the scamdemic which I think cost her her MD license. I’m not sure if the dropped the case against her or not, but I thought that was a brave and selfless act to uphold the ethics that are supposed to exist in Western Medicine. I don’t agree with all of her takes on certain issues, but I do think that overall her work has been positive.
I’m not sure what “they” have on RFK Jr. but his stance on Israel is perplexing to me. Especially since their government forced jabbed the population and the state is one of the most destructive entities on the planet.
Trying to reach a larger audience is a good tactic IMO and I think that some of Dr. Malone’s work has been positive I certainly oppose much of his previous links to government sponsored vaccine programs and his use of lawfare against other activists. Even if they called him names, he should have risen above that.
However, I don’t know all the details and maybe some people do have nefarious motives. But I do think that there is a way to inform the public and use narrative to change the trajectory we are on. It might also be possible to influence the people working for the globalists to change their minds and oppose the evil slavery agendas.
Perhaps Vera Shiraz was referring to the medical experiments conducted on human subjects without their consent during WW2. I’m aware that the US did similar things to unsuspecting human beings as well so this wasn’t some unique evil done by the Nazis. But it does exploit the mainstream narrative of the Nazi Holocaust. I’m sure there many people who have difficulty examining that for inaccuracies. It’s the one thing that many people do not dare question, which is actually very telling. But I don’t think that just because someone is ignorant means they have bad intentions.
Thanks for your thoughtful response, cu. I’m in agreement with much of what you say. What’s become my specialty, according to some, is examining a person’s own words for where they contradict themselves and provide clues that they’re playing a role. This is different than someone just being ignorant or not agreeing with a certain viewpoint.
I think the episode I linked is worth a gander. In her past career, Meryl was fiercely opposed to Malone over the anthrax vaccine. Malone talks about needing global coordination to fight diseases–how is this different than the position of the WHO?
We hear a lot about Meryl’s case against her license and about the censorship of Malone, without which neither would have credibility with the opposition. Yet my YT called Mealy Mouthed Malone was up for a year and suddenly censored–a week before Malone’s YT interview with Mises Institute that got 1M+ views. It makes no sense unless Malone was involved in that censoring.
The question I ask Meryl is about the $21M contract given to the company where Malone was CMO to identify repurposed drugs to treat Covid. Instead of ivermectin or HCQ, which was the ‘standard of care’ under Trump, he tests Pepcid AC w/HCQ against HCQ alone and finds no significant improvement.
Stats 101 will tell you if HCQ is already effective, adding another drug won’t make a difference. His model is flawed–intentionally? If he had identified HCQ as effective, there would have been no Emergency Use Authorization and therefore no vaccine mandate.
Meryl goes from telling me I’m mistaken to saying she doesn’t know the published data I’m citing, to saying it’s preposterous, fantasy and crazy. Look for yourself. She says it’s stirring up controversy to get paid sub but, unlike her, I don’t even enable paid subs.
So you say Malone’s work speaking out has been positive, but he had the BARDA contract that would have prevented the EUA. What does that say about his loyalties if he flubbed a methodology that any freshman stats student could have spotted?
And as I said, I have 17 other episodes showing his contradictions and none are redundant. As for Vera, it’s not that she ‘exploits’ the Nazi Holocaust by comparing Covid to it, or that she is ignorant of the facts or doesn’t dare question. Her entire reputation is built around being a ‘Holocaust survivor.’
An episode I did on James and Keith Knight on The Unnecessary War has been getting some traction: Vera is a fraud, if what James presents about WWII is true–and I agree with him.
I’ll have to look into your research on Malone. I have not really followed his work in any depth. My mention of the positives were in reference to coming out and opposing mandates and questioning the safety of the jab in mainstream discourse.
He has a large audience and may have planted a few seeds here and there even if it was not done intentionally. Even hearing an opinion that diverges from the mainstream can help snap some people out of their hypnosis.
I’ll check out more of your work. I was just sharing some thoughts that came to mind.
Thanks, cu. Here are my episodes in reverse order. I started by analyzing the lawsuit in his comment thread, back when he was my main hub:
That’s not fair to James or Vera. He never said anything about the holocaust in that episode and Vera was deported due to ns policy to a camp/ghetto where she stayed 3 years as a child. So unless you prove that’s a lie, i don’t consider your assessment fair.
Fair point. And I think there were people who were sent to gulags and ghettos and kicked out of the country. In fact, I have family who were kicked out who lost all of their possessions and had to come to the US with nothing.
My grandma worked from the age of 16 to support her family and died in her 40s because she had an untreated heart condition. No welfare payments. No help from anyone and she achieved a masters degree and propelled her family into a better life here. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to live and thrive here in the US.
Both Jewish and non Jewish relatives of mine from one side of my family were both harmed by the war. They were a mixed family who loved each other and stayed together despite the NS racial laws of the time and they weren’t trying to disrupt or corrupt the culture in Austria and were good people who worked an honest living over there and were victims of circumstances, a war for profit of wealthy psychopaths.
But, I will say that they were fortunate to have the opportunity to come here and their experience though very harmful is no different from other atrocities and in fact they were probably very lucky.
They never tried to profit off of the experience, collect welfare or fame or anything of the sort. Just regular people who turned something bad into something positive.
Maybe Vera is doing that now? I’m not sure. But I do think that the Nazi Holocaust is held out like some uniquely evil thing that is beyond reproach and in fact anyone who challenges any facts about it is shunned, shamed and in other countries jailed. That to me is wrong and hinders credibility.
I’m not saying Vera is lying or that atrocities against innocent people didn’t happen, but these atrocities are still happening now and they have happened in the past.
At any rate, I’m not arguing with you or terez here, just adding some thoughts.
I have never known what it’s like to live in a gulag or a ghetto and I’m sure anyone who has must have been traumatized by it, especially as a child. It’s sort of like how the civilians in Gaza have been living for years now.
Oops, correction. Anyone who challenges the Nazi Holocaust narrative to find facts is shunned, shamed and in some countries jailed.
Early morning for me, my writing and attempt to convey my thoughts is worse than usual.
I agree with that. But that doesn’t mean concentration camps or ghettos didn’t exist, so i don’t understand how the sole fact of having survived one would make Vera a fraud.
Agreed. In fact, I do think concentration camps and ghettos did exist. I have not read any evidence to the contrary.
I also know food was being blocked by the allies, which for the scapegoats meant starvation. I’m sure some Germans died as well, of starvation and war crimes etc. And some did war crimes and commit atrocities against scapegoats.
These scapegoats included others besides Jews too. People were sterilized against their will and human experiments conducted on prisoners. That is sick and revolting and shameful to do to any human being.
And I’m not trying to minimize suffering of Jews in the Nazi Holocaust. There were many innocent people who suffered and it was evil.
Yes, to your other point about Vera. How is she a fraud I would ask.
I am open to new ideas and information so if Terez could explain, I’d like to know as well.
I was really only adding my thoughts to try to understand and learn, and don’t mean to confuse issues here.
I would also like to know more about this.
Any evidence to the contrary that ghettos and concentration camps did not exist or human experiments not conducted??
I thought that James had questioned and researched the official narrative of the Holocaust that Hitler and the Nazis killed six million Jews in concentration camps. But I just did a search and he hasn’t written about this, which surprised me.
The information I presented in my episode on James and Keith led to readers providing more sources and unravelling more historical deceptions about the World Wars, most of which are linked here:
The fundamental question is ‘did the wrong side win?’ And the answer my research leads to is yes. Judea declared war on Germany in 1922 newspaper headlines in retaliation for expelling Rothschild and the merchant/bankers. I think Hitler was their agent, for reasons I explain in the article. The propaganda war of the Holocaust was developed in the 1960’s in response to the truth being exposed. Before that, holocaust meant a nuclear attack. But the true Holocaust was of Germans: &
It seems like anyone reading James would agree that the truth matters, even if someone is doing other good things. And that exposing propaganda and those who promote it, especially as their primary identity, is valid. And James would stress that nothing can be accepted or rejected on someone’s word–I’m providing links but you need to do the research for yourself. That’s what this website stands for.
Did the wrong side win?
Solari Report here agrees. There is no longer any pretence.
Here the disaster capitalists use weather amplification and over there it’s just munitions industrial profits. We the people pay for it all but can’t conceptualize the pretence. The greatest propaganda campaign ever. If we the people could forget and look at the present with new eyes , we just might see the dybbuks that keep the evil going. Maybe?
Katherine Austin-Fitts and John Titus discuss pretence.
Well, I guess that during the Pandemic, and also before and after, you were very busy disseminating to lots and lots and lots of people.
I am guessing that you are not a couch coach, like the fella who watches football games and critiques how others should do things.
After all, earning your dissemination skills in real life with countless interactions, then gives you some altitude of experience and knowledge in order to pass judgement on others who are disseminating.
As for me, I remember watching Vera Shiraz during the Pandemic.
I admired that old lady for speaking out at a time when one would be crucified for doing so.
But moreover, I am so very very thankful for her website ARCHIVE.
Advancing Voluntary, Informed Consent to Medical Intervention
If it was not for this website’s archive, a 2002 Washington Post article and other links about the Homeland Security bill would have been memoryholed.
The article exposes incredible corruption which had a direct effect upon my friend…
…and effects each and every one of us currently.
The Homeland Security bill that passed the House includes sweeping last minute provisions attached to it that have nothing to do with the war on terrorism.
The provisions put the interest of pharmaceutical industry giants above the health and welfare of the public.
Of particular concern is a White House-backed provision that would give pharmaceutical companies immunity from liability for adulterated products–such as drugs and vaccines–even if the manufacturer is willfully negligent in using adulterated products!
According to the new bill such items would could escape from liability lawsuits, simply by being designated by the head of the homeland security department as “necessary for security purposes.”
I knew about this.
But having the documentation was hard to find…until I found her website.
Here is the STORY…
circa 2001 Vaccine Class Action Lawsuits & Senator Bill Frist & now the connection to Fluoride
So, I am deeply grateful that Vera saved that information decades ago.
How can an activist action like that be poo-pooed?
I’m not sure what Vera’s stance is on the Gaza war/Holocaust, and perhaps she has spoken up about it too I’m not sure.
But if people stay silent about that, it does kind of diminish their other work. And to be perfectly honest, I also fall into a category of silence about some issues. In fact I may be a “couch coach” too, so maybe I have no right to judge anyone at all.
But I am disappointed by some people’s silence about that issue, those who have the bravery to speak and don’t because they want to win politically. I guess I can kind of understand why people do it, but it’s still probably wrong.
But I don’t know anything about this Vera lady and I’m not saying anything bad about her and it was a good thing to do the degree of activism she did do. It’s far more than I have done or probably many people do who put themselves out there.
Just trying to understand the psychology around these issues and I think I get it.
I guess what I’m saying is that in some ways the messenger does matter to the narrative. It probably shouldn’t, but human psychology isn’t logical. People are swayed by emotions. Someone’s character can matter.
Maybe Terez is saying that because some of these people may believe in official narratives and promote them and have been silent on other issues diminishes the value or induces suspicion?
I can understand the inclination to feel that way. I also think that people can still use good information for less than “pure” sources.
I mean is anyone completely pure and innocent? Probably not.
But your comment adds some very solid points. I’m not arguing with you or taking a side, just some thoughts.
One more thought. There are some people who take purity to the extreme and try to discredit others and their intentions may be good in their view.
But I think it is far more effective to use good information an get it out there and be of good moral standing so that the character of the messenger is just as good as the message. Of course no one is perfect, nor is perfection achievable or perhaps even desirable.
I think JC does a good job at this, uses very good information from a variety of sources and uses his good character to amplify the messages.
If he was some slimy politician, there are some people who wouldn’t even listen.
Doc, I echo your concept.
“Be of good moral standing so that the character of the messenger is just as good as the message.”
And as someone who is personally rough around the edges 😉 , I’m glad you tossed in…
“Of course no one is perfect, nor is perfection achievable or perhaps even desirable.”
I’ll reply here where it’s not down to one word per line. And I don’t know if the comments send replies to other people in the thread, so sorry if this is redundant. This is why it’s not a purity test, to me, if Vera’s credentials are presented as a Holocaust survivor and her multipart series Never Again compares Covid to the Holocaust:
I thought that James had questioned and researched the official narrative of the Holocaust that Hitler and the Nazis killed six million Jews in concentration camps. But I just did a search and he hasn’t written about this, which surprised me.
The information I presented in my episode on James and Keith led to readers providing more sources and unravelling more historical deceptions about the World Wars, most of which are linked here:
The fundamental question is ‘did the wrong side win?’ And the answer my research leads to is yes. Judea declared war on Germany in 1922 newspaper headlines in retaliation for expelling Rothschild and the merchant/bankers. I think Hitler was their agent, for reasons I explain in the article. The propaganda war of the Holocaust was developed in the 1960’s in response to the truth being exposed. Before that, holocaust meant a nuclear attack. But the true Holocaust was of Germans: &
It seems like anyone reading James would agree that the truth matters, even if someone is doing other good things. And that exposing propaganda and those who promote it, especially as their primary identity, is not ‘poo-pooing’ someone on our side. And James would stress that nothing can be accepted or rejected on someone’s word–I’m providing links but you need to do the research for yourself. That’s what this website stands for.
I can understand why she compares the two because during that time there were experiments conducted on human subjects without their consent.
Also the idea of people having to wear a yellow star to indicate they were Jews according to Hitler’s policy was very similar to the “green pass” in Israel.
In fact Covid is similar to the Nazi Holocaust or any propaganda campaign. I can attest to the fact that people did die of “Covid” and it did make some people very sick. It was a real issue that was blown way out of proportion.
Is that something you witnessed during WWII or something you were told? Did the sources who told you this tell the truth about other things? If James stands for anything, it’s not making general statements about history and current events as if ‘everyone just knows this.’ What we know with 100% certainty is that we’ve been lied to, both with the World Wars and Covid. You personally know people who died and got very sick … from something. That’s valid. But that’s all you know on your own authority. And with the World Wars, we know even less.
Eye witness testimony is always biased. No one is completely objective. But having family, both “Aryan” and “Jewish” flee Austria and tell my mom what they personally saw and felt and experienced gives me a sense of the spirit of what was happening at the time. I got a little bit of both perspectives. There is something to be gained from anecdotes. Human beings are not computers and feelings an experiences help tell a story. Facts help with context.
Wearing a yellow star armband was a real thing. Having to leave ones place of birth with no possessions was real. And having a policy that tried to forbid love between people of different origin and ancestry was real. My great grandparents chose to leave all the bigotry from both sides to the wayside and make their own destiny.
I treated sick people with “Covid” in 2020 and it was a different syndrome than the flu. I saw with my own eyes. as a nurse. It wasn’t just some statistical manipulation and re-branded flu.
It was not overall more deadly than a flu, but it was different from past flu syndromes since I’ve worked in hospitals for the past 10 years. That’s what I remember.
My point is that I think your pursuit of truth and objectivity is important and simultaneously it is important to recognize that other people are not perfect.
It does not necessarily mean they are bad people or have bad intentions even. Some people will not live up to expectations but it should not hinder your work and your efforts.
But, I would urge you to focus on facts, rather than people’s potential motives or the identity they have embraced. That’s all I was trying to say, I think.
I’m guessing that your opening paragraph is sarcasm, yes, to assume that I’m critiquing Meryl, Vera and Malone without having spoken out myself?
My interest isn’t in critiquing anyone but understanding what information is true or false, not to convince anyone else but for my own sake. If I know that someone is intentionally misrepresenting themselves, like Malone, I don’t reject what he’s saying but I also don’t accept it as true just because he’s saying it and I know other things he’s said to be true.
I thought that James had questioned and researched the official narrative of the Holocaust that Hitler and the Nazis killed six million Jews in concentration camps. But I just did a search and he hasn’t written about this, which surprised me.
The information I presented in my episode on James and Keith led to readers providing more sources and unravelling more historical deceptions about the World Wars, most of which are linked here:
The fundamental question is ‘did the wrong side win?’ And the answer my research leads to is yes. Judea declared war on Germany in 1922 newspaper headlines in retaliation for expelling Rothschild and the merchant/bankers. I think Hitler was their agent, for reasons I explain in the article. The propaganda war of the Holocaust was developed in the 1960’s in response to the truth being exposed. Before that, holocaust meant a nuclear attack. But the true Holocaust was of Germans: &
It seems like anyone reading James would agree that the truth matters, even if someone is doing other good things. And that exposing propaganda and those who promote it, especially as their primary identity, is not ‘poo-pooing’ someone on our side. And James would stress that nothing can be accepted or rejected on someone’s word–I’m providing links but you need to do the research for yourself. That’s what this website stands for.
I think people should research this topic on their own. Another thing I find interesting is the narrative of “master race” and “chosen people” are so similar, like two sides of the same coin.
It’s like people trying to beat their enemy by becoming their enemy, or their supposed enemy.
And what is the goal? What is “the final solution”?
IMO, the goal should be peace and reconciliation and ultimately self determination.
Is fascism better than communism? How do we know what would have been?
I’ll respond here since the other thread is down to one word per line. cu, are you based in Israel? Is that why you mention the green passes there? Or is that where Vera is?
To go back to my original point, from my research, the official narrative of the holocaust is not just wrong, but inverted. The actual holocaust was of Germans in both world wars, through treachery, deceit, violations of the conditions of war, and massive propaganda that allowed the survivors to be enslaved, evicted, starved or raped to death.
In the interview, Meryl, Vera and Tessa present the official narrative as fact, and are smug in their moral superiority. Vera makes statements about what people will do, who feel they have the right to rule over others–they downgrade you as not even human and take away your property because you’re not entitled to it.
How more clearly could Israel be described today?
I’m in the US, not in Israel. I may have a a few distant relatives who live there that I’ve never met. I’ve never been there myself nor felt it was ethical to go there considering it has been colonized by force.
But I did follow the activist/anti Covid lockdown protests out of Israel when the jab mandates went out. That kind of confirmed to me how that state views it’s citizens.
I think the Nazi Holocaust was a propaganda campaign that was in part generated by Hollywood. But there were people on “both” sides that suffered, including “Jews” that just happened to born that way.
I use quotes there because Jews actually have their own definitions of who’s in their tribe and who’s not, so I’m mostly referring to how it was determined by the Nazi’s as they considered it a separate race.
But I am learning of the difficulties the German people and in Austria suffered around that time before WW2 and even a bit before that. Stalin’s reign of terror is revolting. Millions starved to death.
And some of this was enabled by the “religious” narrative of the elites but it doesn’t mean that every person who shares that gene pool is on board with what they are doing.
I’m not sure why, cu, you say I’m blaming a gene pool. Ashkenazis aren’t even Shemites according to the Torah. But I’m also not blaming them, I’m talking about two individuals, Meryl and Vera, and showing how their words contradict James. I find the combo strange.
I really don’t know either one of these ladies, but Vera is probably older than Meryl Nass. I’d guess they are both above 70. I think that gives them a little bit of a pass if they are well meaning.
Just my opinion.
But by all means, you can certainly reach out to Vera and tell her how you feel. Inform her and see how she responds.
“I’m not sure why, cu, you say I’m blaming a gene pool.”
I never said you were, I simply made a statement that I remind myself of as well.
“…Vera makes statements about what people will do, who feel they have the right to rule over others–they downgrade you as not even human and take away your property because you’re not entitled to it.
How more clearly could Israel be described today?”
I’m in total agreement with you here. This is the only logical conclusion one could make.
Is what Israel is doing to Palestinians similar to the official narrative of the Nazi Holocaust?
The Palestinians call it “The Nakba” I think when they were kicked out of their homes.
The book about the culture in Israel written by the Jewish historian Israel Shahak “Jewish History/Jewish Religion, the weight of 1000 years” explores this.
It’s really worth a read. He spoke up in Israel about a situation where a Jew refused to save the life of a Gentile on the Jewish Sabbath because it was okay in the Talmud to do this.
I mean can anyone imagine that that is official policy or socially accepted to not save someone’s life because they are not Jewish?
And that it is custom to curse Gentile churches and burial grounds if someone is raised as a Jew in Israel?
That is actually normal in the culture there and there are other things that are taught when people are raised to be Jews anywhere. It’s a very weird culture overall IMO and these kinds of things should be questioned and pointed out and like WTF?? that’s not normal or acceptable to teach people to hate.
If someone is mistaken or uninformed, I can still learn from them while avoiding their blind spots. If someone is intentionally misleading, it’s important to know that because it reveals the underlying agenda and those who are behind the propaganda. Vera’s life work is perpetuating a fraudulent narrative that’s killed millions and continues to kill. Intention is the only thing we can hold others responsible for, not results.
> Intention is the only thing we can hold others responsible for, not results.
I don’t think this holds water, genrally. Ex. I get drunk into my car with the intention of going home, not killing anyone. But I still kill people due to delayed reaction times. You say all good, I get to walk away scot free?
Cmon, you’re intentionally obfuscating! You murder someone with intent or you accidentally kill someone, even by being drunk and driving. There are severe penalties for the latter but it’s not the same as killing with intent.
Obfuscating with a very simple example proving that your generalization does not hold water?
I don’t understand how she is intentionally misleading if she does’t know all the facts which is possible.
I don’t know what Vera knows or what Meryl Nass knows about WW2.
A lot of people just believe the MSM narrative.
So this lady Vera claims to have been interned into a Jewish ghetto or a camp and compares her experience to Covid and this means she is responsible for people’s deaths??
It sounds like she was a young girl at the time, how could she be responsible for anyone at that time? I just don’t get it.
How do we know she’s intentionally misleading? Maybe I just don’t know enough about these people to say.
A good while back, I watched a video where Vera Sharav told her early life story. It had some great photos.
This might be the video. The article has some details.
By the way, a person can also find:
Holocaust survivor and important C-19 dissident Vera Sharav comes out to say that, sadly, she must call out a “genocide” in Gaza, and why she cannot stay silent.
Thank you for sharing this, I’ll check her out. Glad she’s speaking out about the massacres and genocide in Gaza. It’s always refreshing when someone can view another person’s suffering with compassion, even if they have been propagandized that they are an enemy.
To be fair to your point about the identity around perpetual victim-hood is infuriating.
Gilad Atzmon’s book “The Wandering Who” goes into this. But he does not castigate people for things they have no control over like what race or ethnicity they were born. It is a matter of now being the writer of one’s own destiny and forging something positive in the world to leave to the next generation.
I think that Ms. Nass is of Jewish lineage?
In any case, to cease to “follow the leader”, a large part of human/animal “lead or follow” instinctual nature, is to ring the death bell to the military agenda.
Which terrifies many more than anything.
Go figure, but it’s so.
I’m reading just now how the military spends billions trying to sew and fashion “back on and working” soldier’s blown-to-bits “parts”. “Grunt” The Curious Science of Humans At War.
Nothing into peace though. No scientific research on peace. Haven’t noticed much of anyone wanting peace these days. Everyone’s looking for a fight…online, safe.
Interesting. Do you have a source on Meryl being Jewish? Just curious. I’m watching this interview between both of them now:
She looks Jewish to me and she’s tenacious and vociferous so I assumed she was.
Maybe I’m revealing my ability to stereotype and perhaps that’s not politically correct. Some people look Jewish. And she does. But does this matter? Everyone has a vantage point, a biased point of view since human beings are not objective.
BTW, I’m not picking on Jews in fact, some of my Jewish family look very Jewish. And I may even have some Jewish features that someone could pick out.
There is an ethnic norm of Eastern European Jews that some but not all have. This doesn’t say anything about the character of the individual though, at least I don’t believe that it necessarily does.
But it would be interesting to know if she was or not. Not that this should matter in the least.
I think it matters very much if Judaism is a religion, not an ethnicity. The Torah says God gave Shem and his descendants, the Shemites, the right to rule the world and for the descendants of Ham and Canaan to be their slaves in perpetuity:
Being Jewish is not a religion. It’s a “tribal” affiliation and what I describe as an ethnicity. There are some shared genetics, so some say it is a race. And not just people who could be called anti-Semites either, but geneticists.
I think it’s like how a Greek is different from an Englishman or a German in a way, as far as the ethnic aspect goes.
But the religious aspect is very different and there are many authors who note that the religion itself at least in the Orthodox and Conservative branches of the religion have a strong sense of entitlement and also a hatred towards Gentiles.
If someone looks into the Babylonian Talmud and actually reads some of what it says, it’s pretty clear. This is certainly not to say that all people who practice “mainstream” Judaism feel this way or even know anything about the Talmud. In fact, most “ethnic” Jews or even superficially religious Jews have no clue.
But the sense of superiority is present in the “ethnic” culture I’d say, which is what I have been exposed to. However, my family certainly was aware of this and did not encourage this distasteful tendency. And I’m sure that there are many other Jews who also don’t believe they are superior or have a hatred of Gentiles. In fact, there are many families who are composed of both, such as mine.
Haha, we’re getting to the one word per line level. I wonder if James does these deep indents on purpose to discourage conversations? We’ll foil him!
I think you might like this episode:
I appreciate your openness to the discussion.
I’ll check out your episode. Some books I have found interesting and helpful are:
“Jewish History, Jewish Religion” by Israel Shahak who describes the culture in Israel which he critiques.
Also the book “From Yahweh To Zion, Jealous God, Chosen People” by Laurent Guyénot’
And another book, “The Wandering Who” by Gilad Atzmon.
Some haters may call these books anti-Semitic but that is a lie. They are not, They are as objective as possible and written by Jewish authors I’m pretty sure. The first book was written by a historian I think so he knows what he is talking about.
No, only my experience with Jewish friends. They have a confidence and a way of speaking and presenting that testifies to a focus on education and public life. They are not fearful of the sound of their own voices.
I’m referring to liberal American Jewish culture. They value education and being involved, from my experience.
Hey James. Heard of Jens Stoltenberg?
More than a few references, yes:
Iv’e just signed a petition with Citizen Go against the EU wanting to spy on communications by e-mail in France! All that time taken our money they are spending spreading lies against us and all the time we are taking, to push against the narrative of, supposedly, needed (climate change and the rest) control! Thank you James and Meryl for all that you do to get the truth out! We have all suffered discrimination by the control bodies whether we are aware of it or not; as some of the things we can and can’t do are many but silent noxious and all pervading.
Random interesting tidbit:
BBC article about electrosensitivity:
“Gro Harlem Brundtland does not own a mobile phone and has banned anyone from using them in her Geneva office.
Brundtland does not own a mobile. She says this is to protect herself from electromagnetic waves, which she argues give her a headache.
“If you enter my office, you are invited by me. No one who is invited would like to give me headaches,” said Ms Brundtland at a news conference in Oslo, where she attended an international conference on cancer.
Longer discussion about same topic
It is interesting.
Thanks for this.
Here’s a couple of additional entries to your lexicon of Globalese:
Globalists: capitalists doing capitalism
Technocrats: capitalists doing capitalism
Yogi Berra
“You can observe a lot just by watching.”
“It was impossible to get a conversation going; everybody was talking too much.”
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it’s real because that’s how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it’s very brightly colored, and it’s very loud, and it’s fun for a while.
Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, “Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?” And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, “Hey, don’t worry; don’t be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride.” And we…kill those people. “Shut him up! I’ve got a lot invested in this ride, shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry, look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real.”
The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one. Here’s what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.”
Bill Hicks
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originality”
– Henry Louis Mencken
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“The fundamental tools of deception are the encouragement of FEAR and a belief in SCARCITY.”
“We have been engineered into a perception prison of belief and held in place by shackles of fear.”
– EJ Doyle
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
Scarcity, that’s been a siren call since the beginning of the latest feardemic.
(It’s not possible to watch A Jones talk about starving, or even going hungry. Not even fasting. )
I recall chuckling at twelve bulk bean bins stark naked empty at my local organics when the scare came down. I waited a while to do the shopping thing. I really didn’t expect they were planning “food riots”.
That and the “survival foods” sold online from every fear barker repeating what’s been repeated make me grin , wondering how it’s going with all that yummy food on hand.
Funny. As long as “Wolf” changes to “Bear”, we’re off to the races again.
PS It’s not really named ,nor considered, “educating”, but rather “schooling”.
Schooling means training.
At the end of the 1975 movie 3 Days of the Condor, the protagonist, Condor (Robert Redford) is in front of the New York Times building talking with the CIA antagonist, Higgins (Cliff Robertson,) Higgins is answering Condor’s question “Are we planning on going to war in the Middle East?”
Higgins: It’s simple economics. Today it’s oil right? In 10 or 15 years, food, plutonium, and maybe even sooner. What do you think the people are going to want us to do then?
Condor: Ask them.
Higgins: Not now, then. Ask them when they are running out. Ask them when there’s no heat in their homes and they are cold. Ask them when their engines stop. Ask them when people who have never known hunger start going hungry. Want to know something? They won’t want su to ask them. They’ll just want us to get it for them.
In 1970, Henry Kissinger said:
“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
As I say often here, most everything people under 50 “know” comes from the “entertainment weapon” of the controllers, the Movies, TV, and endless crap Music.
I went over 50 years with no TV, Movie watching. When I did get free cable in 2016 propaganda was sooo very clear. Most others have been exposed to the Berneys influence to hundreds of hours of advertising/drama Cartoonification of the senses and like the COVID Injection lie…I am pure blood and mostly pure mind of their influence. From paying attention, not consequences.
Agenda 2030 – 30×30 – Hijacking private land in TEXAS
52:30 mark
James Corbett says:
“by 2030, they are going to have management of at least 30% of the world’s lands, inland waters, coastal areas, and oceans.”
(Meryl Nass is mentioned in the second comment of this Subthread)
Targeting Seven Million Acres in Texas and New Mexico for Acquisition
(American Stewards of Liberty (ASL) and Yahoo News | Carlsbad, NM paper present information)
“deliver in-perpetuity conservation of up to 700,000 acres of land” for federal control in Texas and New Mexico. (which surprised the owners of the land)
— ‘natural asset companies’ (NACs) – The Securities and Exchange Commission tried to make these tradable entities on the stock market.
[Preface: Keywords “ + Kyle Bass” in a search. Kyle Bass, a Texan, often was in the news during the Pandemic. I think that he was shorting Chinese stocks or something.]
For those who can only read one sentence…
Kyle Bass is buying land so he can make money selling the ENVIRONMENTAL CREDITS
…the financialization of biodiversity…
“We’re focusing on mitigating or offsetting physical impacts on the environment,” Bass said in a video interview from his home in Dallas. “And we’re going to make a pretty penny in doing so.”
What’s new?
How did this land become “the USA”?
Did you really think that those who sold you what they stole would not also steal from you?
So after seeing the slides, i don’t see connected dots regarding Von der Leyen, Farrar and Gates. Meryl merely posts their pictures there without any further explanation why they were selected (out of dozens of other, equally deserving names) nor what their specific role is in the UN agenda. That’s a bit thin don’t you think?
If it’s that easy, you can put whoever. Why not Juncker, Tedros and Kofi Annan? Or Barroso, Ban ki moon and Soros?
“The common enemy of humanity is man” passage is pretty well known but a few pages prior to that are a couple of paragraphs that should always be included to make it even clearer what they were thinking back then (and now)
A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome
Page 70
….It would seem that men and women need a common motivation, namely a common adversary against whom they can organize themselves and act together. In the vacuum such motivations seem to have ceased to exist – or have yet to be found.
The need for enemies seems to be a common historical factor. Some states have striven to overcome domestic failure and internal and internal contradictions by blaming external enemies. The ploy of finding a scapegoat is as old as mankind itself – when things become too difficult at home, divert attention to adventure abroad. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either real, or else one invented for the purpose. With the disappearance of the traditional enemy, the temptation is to use religious or ethnic minorities as scapegoats, especially those whose differences from the majority are disturbing.
Page 75
The common enemy of humanity is man
In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.
Thanks for posting that!!
I think that comments like yours are “on topic” and help to add to the Corbett episode.
Thanks for pointing this passage out.
It’s interesting how it begins “it would seem”…a very positioned and tentative statement…and then quickly moves from “a common motivation”…which in cultures that create what are called “civilizations” is identified as “co-operation”…to “enemy”.
“It Would Seem”….giggle… that they weren’t really interested in any other kind of “motivation”. How is the desire to destroy the other “a common motivation”? Who’s motivation? Who says? How does that serve them?
They’re right, tho, when they say that humans display the most enmity toward other humans, that’s the little ringing bell I got from this. That’s the title of this post…those humans, the “enemies”. Names and faces.
Anyone who has ever raised a child fully and kindly knows how many times one human can ignore one response and ask the same question incessantly. Fifty times in a row is nothing for them.
I swear, it’s been halloween-forever since 2020.
Regarding James and Meryl’s information about the biodiversity conferences of the 1990s…
Patrick Wood brilliantly explains how as far back as the early 1990s, the bio-Pharma con was already well in the planning, leading eventually to this technocratic resource-based economy they hope to implement, via the use of bio-security, digital IDs and so on.
Start from 19:19 min., and to 27:50 for the crux of the Agenda 21/2030 info (only 8 mins listen if played back at 1.5x speed), then listen to the whole thing later if you want more context.:
And if you found that interesting, this is also excellent:
Brzezinski, Rockefeller, Kissinger, etc. went to China in the ’70s in order to help setup a system there that they hoped to one day bring back home to the West. As Patrick Wood states, “China not only took the baton, they ran the race”. The Chinese model, as many will notice, is slowly making its way here.
Technocracy was implemented, developed, perfected in China since the psychopath knew decades ago that they could never develop it here, so they brought it to a fertile field, and now that it’s grown ripe, they intend to bring it to every country globally.
See here, very interesting reading, a sampling of Brzezinski’s thinking back in the ’60s… keep in mind that Brzezinski has been a consistent advisor to presidents from the ’60s to the 2000s, maybe up to the 2010s, I forget:
We are learning everyday. It is difficult to articulate what you have learned for it is so complex and at the same time we stumble over the simple concepts.
James has been very helpful but not the only instructor. Culturally we have become diverse to the point of confusion.
Take it in , one at a time. Observe the messenger and one statement at a time. Speak up act out in the presence of lies and misdirections. There is truths and half truths and lies. 5 year olds come to this before they are 6.
Listen to this discussion it’s packed with many of the concepts James has brought to our attention. This is all under the American umbrella. Maybe Americans think differently. At one time we were taught things that got introduced to the conscious mind , right and wrong and for a short time we, the people were off the leash. Right up to the coup of 1963. Makes you speculate with the access to the internet that we my be due another coup before we break free of inertia and find movement.
Listen to
Mike Adams and Dr. Ayyadurai. American news. Some history
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