Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
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Story #1: Hamas Leader Haniyeh Killed In Iran By Alleged Israeli Strike, Threatening Escalation
The Secret History of Hamas
Iran’s Khamenei Orders Attack On Israel As Revenge For Haniyeh Elimination
Russia Calls For Middle East To Step Back From Brink Of War
Episode 002 – WWIII Starts in Iran
Jewish Sex Therapist ‘Dr. Ruth,’ Who Fought In Haganah, Dies At 96
Story #2: The Frankengreens Are Coming
Pairwise – Our Products
Jiankui He, Creator of CRISPR-Edited Children, Relocates To Chinese Medical Tourism Hub
NWNW Flashback: Saudi Succession, Shootdown Showdown, CRISPR Mutations
Flashback: CRISPR Gene Editing Can Cause Hundreds Of Unintended Mutations (May 29, 2017)
Gene Editing Causes Unintended Genetic Changes With Implications For Food, Agriculture
Episode 460 – The Future of Food
Bill Gates FAKE Lab Made ‘Butter’ Is Here ‘To Significantly Reduce Our Carbon Footprint’
Singapore Approved 16 Insects To Eat As Food
“Future Food” – No Thanks!
Image: Southern Gas Stations
Story #3: NWNW Updates – Man Releases New Footage Of 9/11 After 23 Years Revealing Unseen Angle Of Twin Towers Collapse
Are Olympics Actually Trial Run For 1984 Digital State?
Climate Activists Thwarted In Paris
CIA Denies Conspiracy Theory That It Used MKUltra On Trump Shooter
Bohemian Club Uses Copyright Strikes To Scrub Ritual Footage
The ‘New World Next Week’ Store
Corbett Report 2016 Data Archive (USB Flash Drive)
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Thank You.
Thanks for the heads up on the potential intensifying mess in the middle east and all that creepy CRISPR stuff they are pushing into the grocery stores.
I also appreciate you guys highlighting how glyphosate can contaminate store bought food labelled as organic and non-gmo (they spray so much of it on the GMO farms it gets in the rain water, ground water and tap water).
In the interest of empowering people to embrace food and health sovereignty (in the garden and in the kitchen) I put together this list of foods that can help neutralize and detox glyphosate out of the human body (and your garden soil) here:
Thank you for that list, Gavin. Very helpful.
You are most welcome.
I also wanna give a shout out to HRS (Corbett Report Member ‘HomeRemedySupply’) for getting the discussion rolling in reference to N-acetylcysteine (NAC) back in 2022 and getting me thinking about the role of that compound in Glyphosate detox. Thanks brother!
(for reference: https://technovoyagers.com/december-open-thread-2022/#comment-144448 )
For anyone that wants a fast way to find it, here is a link to the Regenerative Agriculture Solutions Watch episode that JC mentioned in the video above in reference to “working with nature rather than working against nature” :
I was going to see the new film “Common Ground” in London yesterday but it got canecelled as this film has not been certified by the BBFC for classification but is planned to be re-scheduled in the near future.
Well I appreciate the fact that you were trying to reciprocate the hard work of creator’s of the film by paying to watch it (as they are good people I have had the opportunity to interact with a few times and I have contributed towards their works on several occasions) but if you are unable to watch it due to bureaucratic nonsense at this time, here is a link to where you can watch the full film:
I feel that the practical implications and time sensitive nature of taking action based on the information presented in the film outweighs the ankle dragging factor of waiting until one’s government approves it to be able to pay to watch, at this point in time.
I agree with JC in that the film contains some over the top hollywood glitter and some carbon-centric anthropogenic climate change narrative nonsense, but the core message that pertains to the soil, building it’s fertility through aligning with life/nature, and how living soil translates into a stable, high quality food supply which represents a choice to pay it forward to the next generation is 100% on point. Thus, I recommend the core message the film offers.
Thank you! I will watch it but also go to the cinema just to see who I am going to meet there.
Happy to help, and I like that idea for meeting like minded people.
Getting pretty close to August 6th. Just sayin’ 🙂
Shadowring – Film
Sunday August 4, 2024 – 5 pm
Angelika Film Center (Mockingbird @ Central) – Dallas 75206
(Bring a friend for free!) – Meet like-minded people.
Archived screenshot – https://web.archive.org/web/20240731032024/https://www.ministryoftruthfilmfest.com/
One might say that aspects of Anarchism and Voluntaryism are approached from a different angle in the 2015 film Shadowring. It is a somewhat indirect approach without using the terms, but hopefully some folks will walk away with this Celente quote: “What sick person would vote for the lessor of two evils?” (43:08)
ShadowRing (2015) Runtime: 2:17:27
Details the virtually unknown story of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and how this think tank is responsible for defining the US globalist agenda. (The short segment on World War ii delivers.)
Written by James Perloff
Narrated by Hercules …er… Kevin Sorbo
Katherine Albrecht, Chuck Baldwin, Catherine Bleish, Jack Blood, Gerald Celente, Aaron Dykes, G.E. Griffin, Rosa Koire, Adam Kokesh, Jim Marrs, Mark Passio, James Perloff, Joyce Riley, Pat Shannan, Ben Swann, Patrick Wood.
G. Edward Griffin:
”So if you understand who these people are, and you understand what their mission is, and how they think and what their ideology is, then most of the mysteries of the modern world of: “How come we are getting into this mess?” or “Why are doing this and so on?” – They become easy to answer.
If you don’t understand that little twist of that word: REALLY RUN AMERICA – it’s not the voters, then all of these things remain a mystery to you.”
Adam Kokesh:
”…When you have a government, what you have done is put an army of enforcers at their disposal.” (their = the elite)
”…lead people to realize that non-coercive, voluntary, peaceful relationships are superior to violent coercive ones….”
Good to know none of this will interfere with your full enjoyment of August.
Looking for something else, I came across a recent and quite readable report on the origins of the Bohemian Club. https://sacramento.newsreview.com/2023/01/11/2700-acres-henry-george-and-the-bohemian-club/
The footage of the Bohemian Grove rituals remind me of the Hollywood movie “Eyes Wide Shut”! Is there a connection here? Hollywood has often made movies about real events but disguised so the populace think,”aw, it’s just a movie!” I don’t think so. I believe Hollywood is controlled by the elite worldwide cabal of bankers, industrialists and probably Israeli military agents. But, hey, what do I know? I am just a retired elder actress who has seen a lot of creepy things in the name of “entertainment”. Perhaps the “entertainment industry” is the brainwashing aspect of the cabal’s agenda to control us all. Thoughts, anyone?
“….Perhaps the “entertainment industry” is the brainwashing aspect of the cabal’s agenda to control us all. Thoughts, anyone?….”
short answer=Yes.
Long answer is to suggest you go watch the OLD VIDEO ESSAYS of “BlackPilled” (devon stack) on either Youtube (I THINK his old vids are still there ) or he is on Odysee to this day (link below) but his BEST work is his long form breakdowns of movies and TV shows AS PROPAGANDA.
He has some real good live streams on cool subjects (esp ‘Patcon’, ‘Dont say Gay’ or ‘Boxcutter’), but his best work is his one shot long form breakdowns.
heads up on his new stuff…live streams are not near as well done as his vid essays and in his newer stuff he is ….uhm…..kinda racist and homophobic and a tinny bit anti-semetic….
THIS guy on YT did another video about how long Storage lasts….for those worried about their USB’s I will say that USB sticks (the old ones which were not cheep) last a long time if you just leave data alone on them.
I have some from the year 2000 or so that still had the stuff after not being plugged in for maybe a decade…..SSD’s WILL LOOSE DATA IF YOU DONT POWER THEM UP FROM TIME TO TIME, and I have realllllly old spinning Hard Disk Drives that still work ok.
Storage Media Life Expectancy: SSDs, HDDs & More!
If you are worried that your computer wont have a USB slot you are probably one of those people missing their DVD drives because you have not yet learned to BUILD YOUR OWN DAMN COMPUTER…..its really really easy these days, watch a few “building a PC” videos on YT.
Your REAL issue is going to be if you stick with windows or mac and one day your computer goes N Korea on you and refuses to open your files because their not ‘digitally signed’ by an approved media source.
watch some Linux videos and install it on your old computer…just start with LMDE or Ubuntu.
The whole world is festering
With unhappy souls
The French hate the Germans
The Germans hate the Poles
Italians hate Yugoslavs
South Africans hate the Dutch
And I don’t like
Anybody very much
But we can be tranquil
And thankful and proud
For man’s been endowed
With a mushroom shaped cloud
And we know for certain
That some lovely day
Someone will set the spark off
And we will all be blown away
Kingston Trio
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
And the game goes on. The manipulators of consciousness and pretend reality been at it a long time. Just like out of 1984…EurAsia and EastAsian and on and on always some new issue or enemy to bring fear.
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
– Senator Daniel K. Inouye
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
I’ve found Deepin Linux to be very easy to install and use. Any other dist I’ve looked at requires too much googling to make it work and even then there are some basic windows thing it just wont do. I do support Linux over Windows but there is a barrier to entry. And I’ve been a tech for about 40 years. 🙂
Transcripts to this show and more. Will update monthly
Re: the Hanniyeh assassination, breaking news this morning is saying it was not a missile strike, but sabotage involving an explosive device that had been hidden in his room, apparently for some time (2 months?) Seems like Iran has even more explaining to do if that is in fact true, how they could have allowed that to happen.
The IRA blew up the British prime minister back in the 80swith a bomb detonated by a video recorder timer IIRC. They planted it a long time in advance i the hotel, weeks IIRC and unless the Iranians were yanking out all the drywall and such when they check a place it could have sat there for years waiting for remote detonation.
I can easily imagine that the Israelis plant remote controlled bombs all over places people they might want to murder might visit.
hmm I was 3rd in queue, started to write and now theres replies aplenty, and first time ever: my comment wont post? trying to seperate by link variety,,:
JC “pulverized into dust”,,
V Thats a supposition I struggle with. Unless pulverizing can occur without kinetic action (crush, beat, grind)? Apparently it can, though nobody seems too sure exactly how?
I’ve spent most of adulthood building and destroying (light & heavy boats and buildings), making and breaking with a good range of materials. still do when not getting hooked by sites like this.
In my opinion,
the speed of collapse was too fast to include the process of “pulverizing”.
What physical thing would do the uniform/comprehensive pulverizing? itself? not without putting charges on every floor as appears to have been done with #7.
it appeared that the remaining debris, once the dust settled was 10-15% of the original mass. Therefore alot of steel and concrete and glass and coffee makers (the NY gov web site below lists 30,000 cups/day),,,
“The 47 box columns that made up the core were as much as five inches thick on all sides and were in some areas 54 x 22 inches (Figure 3). The size of the steel was reduced on the higher floors after about the 66th floor.”
all disappeared or floated off as fine & quite foul tasting greyish white dust (after 30 days and from about 5 blocks away, an extra-foul stench spun us in our tracks, speed walking away). The change from solid was fast, and uniform dust appeared to be the remains of 80%+ of the 2 sky scrapers.
“pulverizing” would indicate some kind of resistance/slowing down if done without explosives; some were seen and heard, but in my opinion not enough to disappear that much mass. unless maybe binlado borrowed the art student dancers his “Q 36 space modulator”.
Why would that pulverizing action suddenly stop at ground level? there were 7 sub levels un-touched?
Would pulverizing cause the aluminum cladding to vaporize while falling (as seen in many videos, vapor or dust trails going up while disappearing sections of cladding are falling)?
“200,000 tons of steel used in the construction of the World Trade Center complex
425,000 cubic yards of concrete used in the construction of the World Trade Center complex”
If J. Wood is accurate in reporting most of that mass changed from solid to dust in the same time it would take a bowling ball to land if tossed off the roof (“free fall speed”: debated to be 10-13 seconds), then controlled demolition aint what it used to was.
I imagine all of the options were used, including exotic/little known about explosives. Yet its also clear that much of the visible structure was not exploded while it all flew without resistance to the lobby.
successive collapse would have taken longer and left a bigger messier pile.
JC “,,wins you extra internet points”
V I hope your deserved break wins you the inverse of whatever thats supposed to be?
“….Why would that pulverizing action suddenly stop at ground level? there were 7 sub levels un-touched? ….”
I am NOT saying this is what happened but an idea of how it MIGHT stop pulverizing at the ground level = I would suspect that street level is much more rigid because of all the roads and sidewalks and the earth itself surrounding the below ground levels.
Not saying thats the actual reason, just an idea
the inertia of a couple hundred thousand tons moving at 200mph,,, the (2.1 & 2.3) seismic signatures were comparable to a small quake. i’m guessing there wouldnt be excessive structure at street level, not anything that could resist that much weight moving fast, unless that much weight never actually hit the ground?
as to aluminium cladding…. again just an idea but its a super reactive metal (hence thermite being made of it) so if it got hot it might actually burn or vaporize.
In the Falklands the British Navy discovered that making ship super structure out of aluminum was a bad idea 🙁
could be? but what disappeared 47 rectangular hollow section verticals approx 4.5 x 2 ft with a 5′ wall a quarter mile long each, thats an enormous amount of material/structure.. notice how none of those can be seen posing as memorabilia? I reckon they were converted to dust.. excuse me for overstating the obvious: one does not “pulverize” that kind/amount of steel in 10 seconds. ffs
“….what disappeared 47 rectangular hollow section verticals approx 4.5 x 2 ft with a 5′ wall a quarter mile long …..”
I have no idea, I was just spitballing an idea on the aluminum.
The thing about being underground I would argue actually might be a reason (again, not going to argue hard about it because I have no real idea) because you said “sub levels” which would have had the weight of the earth pressing in on them and thus couldnt blow outwards or really move much.
But TBH really still just spit balling here.
There is no way that two planes took out three buildings and no way that the attack was a real shock to those who are supposed to stop that kind of thing. I am personally sure the towers got taken down deliberately.
Honestly it does not really matter that much IMO because whatever anyone says about it the average Normie person is going to just let the ‘experts’ cancel each other out- whatever you or I say hits what the media says and like antimatter and matter the two ideas annihilate in the normie mind and vanishes.
Its interesting but not going to change anything
What caused two skyscrapers to turn to dust in 10 seconds? I believe the answer to that question will reveal, perhaps a version of, the current “biggest gun”; and as aunty Catherine A. F. has often said: “who ever has the biggest gun has always gotten the last word”. considering we all keep claiming “they” & “them”, we’re in the fog. accurate names can be at least a radar blip that exposes the rock (gun) before we ground (get annhialated)..
Just spitballing here, not arguing that I’m right but
Personally If I an evil mastermind was going to bring down those buildings I’d just use pre placed charges because its simple tech that works reliably.
If I had a directed energy weapon I’d need to test it a lot before I bet the farm on it and probably there would only be a few places I could do so. Honestly the only kind or esoteric device I’d trust to work would be Low Freq sound which probably could do the job and be, >>> IF <<< I undertsand the tech properly, would be big but not insanely so and could be put in the basement.
The people who are accomplished in the arts of such weapons as discussed here have reached parity. To test or demonstrate the mastery of such things on one’s own people had to be beneficial in physical problems that those building presented to the owners . The display of power to ones adversaries was also folded into the mix of positives that outcome must have presented. As to the art of war and to those who possess such weapons, one must demonstrate ones ability to accurately deliver the goods.
Here is some more of ” in their own words” weapons of mass destruction. Thanks to Dutch at dutchsince.
1987 talk by Col.Tom Bearden to the science academy.
finally found time to listen to (most) of that clearly propagandist albeit likely stacked with “semi-truths” rave. The physics was way above my pay grade. Nevertheless there are dots to compile re electromagnetics, interferometry and the like. Thanks for sharing.
as for what weve been getting hit with, this adds to the notion that tech is in a few (peoples ?) hands that makes guided missiles look like child’s play.
a recent interview of J farrell by Dark Journalist touched on the possibility of fusion without fission, via a “ripple effect” that could be infinitely scaled and leave no radioctive fallout, in otherwords hirroshima x 100 without the dirty long term mess
I wonder why we haven’t been culled quickly? With weaponry on these scales surely we’re being kept alive, or kept scared? humans must have a use for those few in ways we can only guess at.
or our 3d limited window of knowing is merely an expression of a struggle thats occurring beyond our sensory perception, and the fat lady has yet to sing.
hope you’re having a great labor day weekend. keep it light, choose sanity (its so much easier)
I love the term “Supreme Leader.” Hahaha! Is there a sub-supreme leader? Perhaps an apprentice leader? Maybe an auxiliary leader?
There’s one guy or gal at the top. There always is.
could be,
miss leader
that drunk,
Mr wandom ralker
good thing those jokers are not at the actual top
whats the top of grass roots governance look like or called? and how do we activate it?
What is this “work with nature” crap? “Mother Nature” has been trying to kill me since I was born.
We make “nature” work for us.
Rose Sayer:
“Nature, Mr. Allnut, is what we are put in this world to rise above.”
Screw with working with nature. That bitch works for us.
I wish the old footage had come up before all the digital effects and AI made me doubt half of what I see online
The kids that were killed in Southport, UK, 2 days ago seem to have the MK Ultra killer feel. What’s better than having little girls killed to get people to be really pissed off! I have no proof but it’s what my instincts tell me. They don’t care who and how many they kill to get their objectives achieved.
Import enough barbarians and you don’t have to MK Ultra anyone, they are already programmed. This was not an isolated case by any means.
JC should tell JEP to get a camera like his
Looks pretty sharp @ 720p. Yeah man
I checked, but I did not backup that Bohemian Club video. BC things kid of make me doze off. And the recording felt like being on the fake side.
There seems to be a mirror here, but odysee may be out of it. A lot of sites have been going batshit crazy during the past weeks.
What a surprise Pilato, your last comments on media degradation are so far off base from reality. What? Yes, Pooh Pooh thru and thru, my 1825 book ‘ The Chase” by J.F.Cooper is a shining example to counter such nonsense. Again just another book story. Still around and still unalterable.
Regarding downloading actual valuable videos on gootube before their bot can pull it, I used to have an ancient but great app for my Mac which would download gootube (and other channel) videos, and even just leave it as an mp3 if I wished that option. But about a month ago they killed it and left me the option to subscribe monthly to ‘gootube prime.’ The last thing I want to do is pay a monthly ransom to these parasites. So anyone have a suggestion on how to download one of their videos? Thanks.
Jdownloader is still a good option.