You know what the most powerful weapon in the world is, don’t you? And you know how to use that weapon to change the course of human history, right? If not, don’t fret! James is here to tell you all about it. Don’t miss this short, simple, to-the-point presentation on How To Save The World in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast.
Video player not working? Use these links to watch it somewhere else!
Well that’s a fine howdoyoudo. The narrative of a story represents, what, as bait? A lure to catch the soul of mankind if but for a moment. A moment that will break the spell that binds us to this realm of existence. The binding put on us by other narratives . Much as I would love to be story teller I’m not in any position to alter course at this time. It can be traced back to my youth. The philosophical and religious training that set my altimeter and compus. It was set in motion with my apprenticeship to a master metallurgists. His father was a reader at the 1st Church of Christian Science in my home town. I had no idea my Master teacher was his son. I had attended 2nd Church and I never connected the names. It began when in preparation for the Herbert Gusman student art show. The metal sculpture I entered was made at the shop I worked at another location. The piece was first seen by my instructor the opening night. He was furious with me for some reason. Why? Have you been snooping in my papers in my office? No. How did you arrive at that design. You lectured about it. It’s from that talk you did on black holes, collapse and the vail.
You be in my office at 8am tomorrow morning.
What do you suppose happened?.
If some one knows why James should write a book after reading and as we just did listen too that editorial. Or why he shouldn’t , leave a comment and I might tell you what happened in my narrative. They may intersect along the way. And so it goes.
RE: Book by James Corbett
I invite folks to visit this 2009 article by James Corbett entitled:
Who’s Afraid of Hiroshima?
Obama’s nuclear hypocrisy
You will see an animated gif…
Essays on The New World Order
The New Book by James Corbett
The gif links to ~~WWW (which is not now an active webpage)
I do remember that James has talked about the book writing thing and how he has so many things on his plate, that it is tough to go in that direction.
My Context to finding this animated gif was because I was searching for a video.
Recently there was the interview: Michel Chossudovsky on the Hiroshima Nagasaki Dress Rehearsal
Years ago I seem to recall watching a moving James Corbett video where he visited Hiroshima.
Question for Corbett or anyone?
Can you find this video?
(or was it my imagination?)
Impressive LIST of Corbett Report articles in 2009
Homie ,
What a find there, the Reportage. An interesting word ” portage” much more cognizant to Canadians than Americans below Minnesota’s southern border. Oh that’s gonna solve all the problems with the squirrels running amuck on my hampster wheel.
What a memory you have! So it goes, with that 55gal. hat size you sport .
Reading the comments from today’s re- portage, today being 2024-May-11, the drop of old Corbett’s ” The News is a Social Construct” It occurred to me that reading others comments while listening to him is not a proper listening. I can see why the cargo of free comments that come along with the paydirt would be disheartening to the canoe captain who has to carry that load from lake to lake traversing the terrain. Portage! So it goes. Especially if it’s re-portage from seven years ago. Is it less? or more effort than writing and publishing a book? Well let’s ask the head canoe dragger, James , what about that book?
By the way, I did find the VIDEOS where James Corbett visited Hiroshima.
Homie ,
Great to see young James at work. The morph to today’s James is remarkable and commendable but IMO lacking by my old measuring stick. Old and in the way. Much as that old microphone in James hand. The respect James shows Mr. Aratani In his interview is noteworthy and gives a gravitas to the act of viewing, observation and voyeur of events occuring and the events described by Mr. Aratani .
As it goes, as for me, like an authentic book. By an authentic author.
Greetings from Music City, Tennessee!
I appreciated the acknowledgment of the grassroots Make Americans Free Again movement launched by naturopathic Dr. Pam Popper of Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Pam saw the writing on the wall from day one in early 2020 – perhaps because, as I later learned, she did her doctoral dissertation (years ago) on one Anthony Fauci! For the past three years, I’ve been part of a Nashville-based MAFA group where we support one another’s businesses, share moral support and information, and exchange home-grown veggies.
I got the chance to get personal with Dr. Pam Popper on my podcast, Vegan Posse, which has featured a number of notable freedom folks, including Derrick Broze (also referenced in this Corbett Report episode), Dr. Jen Howk, and Dr. Will Tuttle, author of the bestselling The World Peace Diet. You can check out these episodes here:
Vegan Posse with Dr. Pam Popper:–Unapologetically-Uncompliant-Dr–Pam-Popper-on-Disserting-Anthony-Fauci–Getting-Folks-out-of-the-Medical-Mill–and-the-Values-of-Veganism—w-Special-Guest-Winston-e22um2d/a-a9ppbgv
Vegan Posse with Derrick Broze:–Founder-of-the-Conscious-Resistance-Network-From-Addiction–Suicide-Attempts—Turning-21-in-Prison-to-Health–Joy–Freedom-Inner–Outer-e2ie7lg/a-ab6avs7
Vegan Posse with Dr. Jen Howk:–Dr–Jen-Howk-Checks-in-about-Relationships–Her-New-Podcast-The-Face-of-the-Deep—Evolving-beyond-Evolutionary-Pscychology-e2dtq3p/a-aaqtj08
Vegan Posse with Dr. Will Tuttle:—A-Wild-Ride-Inside-the-Head-of-Revolutionary-Thinker-Dr–Will-Tuttle–Author-of-The-World-Peace-Diet-my-personal-vegan-bible-e201eke/a-a9g8158
Latebreaking news…Vegan Posse is now on YouTube!
Thanks, friends – stay strong and stay true!
This is interesting to me. I have been vegan for 35 years. It has recently gotten tangled up with politics, and that is not good. My vegan life has been conflated with things that had nothing to do with me, and my reasons to go that way. Our kids, now in their upper 40’s were not vaccinated… until the youngest one, was given an ultimatum around 1999. He wanted so badly to stay in that private high school, and stay on his soccer team, I could not overrule him. Anyway, he survived but did suffer from the multiple shots they gave him to ‘catch up.’ He was a big strong athlete. Imagine what that does to tender little babies.
We are living in a kakistocracy.
Amen and SHEESH. I feel for you, Hanky – my friend’s daughter wanted to get the COVID jab just due to peer pressure, but fortunately her dad dissuaded her.
It’s especially annoying to me when the concept of veganism gets conflated with people like Bill Gates and “fake meat.” To me and the people I connect most with, like Will Tuttle, Derrick Broze, and Pam Popper, veganism is about freedom and respect and bodily autonomy for ALL bodies, human and non-human. It’s a double-win that a whole-food plant-based diet happens to be our best shot at preventing/reversing all of the standard American diseases 😉
Vegan story
My experience may be somewhat different than yours. I did this for health reasons; I had no pretensions about moral strength or superiority. I became vegan at the age of 40, I am now 75, and doing very well. At the age of 25, my wife and I became ‘vegetarian,’ eating cheese and pastries, but no eggs. I was still having health problems.
The reason that I cannot claim moral strength for my becoming vegan is that it was so dramatic and sudden. No extended period of transition, or wrestling with habits and cravings were involved. It seems more like my personal fate or irresistible Karma. This is because it relieved me of such a high degree of lifelong suffering from allergies, and even asthma, instantly. That particular day is another story, but I became younger, and even started coaching and doing gymnastics, like I did in high school. I still have all my hair, and didn’t even have any gray in it, until I was in my 70’s. The five of us, wife and three kids, thrived, even excelled, on this diet. We never take any pills or vitamin supplements.
The biggest thing, for me, was the realization that this huge and painful burden I had been carrying since I was eight, was ironically the key to my health and happiness. I had always considered it an insurmountable evil curse, but now saw that there was a whole world of possibilities in most challenges. In this case, I simply had to learn how to get out of the way of my body’s own, often mysterious, healing processes. I walk around with a smile on my face now, and am open to many forms of solutions to all kinds of problems, without resorting to dysfunctional negativity.
What bugs me most is the ignorant use of soy boy slurs by people like Luke Rudkowski, Infowars people, and my truther buddies. It is a little harder to take when it is coming from those who bravely provide some real news in this censorious era. The ‘fake meat’ issue and global warming fraud compound it further, giving them license to be even more loud and ignorant in their stupid insults. My children and I don’t fit into any of the negative stereotypes that they parrot. Another effective ‘narrative’ trumping truth.
Onward and upward… Thanks for sharing this issue with us.
Amazing story! I’d love to have you as a guest on the podcast if you’re up for sharing your story. Please email me at [SNIP – no email addresses in the comments, please. If someone wants to contact you they can contact me and I’ll send it along. -JC] if you’re interested!
Again it’s called Vegan Posse 🙂
And I share your frustration re: Luke Rudkowski! I crossed paths with him and We Are Change when I first moved to NYC in 2010, and they will always hold a special place in my heart for opening my eyes to the truth around 9/11. But yes, the soy boy stuff, the seed oil cards (yes, seed oils are terrible but in fact so are all oils), and the general Joe Rogan-esque nutrition advice are a continued source of angst for me and were in fact the reason I stopped being part of his membership community 😉
Thanks for shining a light on Pam Popper. She has brought actions to life. Much to my surprise she has done what needed to be done in contradicting the Industrial Medical Establishment. Her reporting and teaching has been inspiring to see and it is needed. The Medical cabal has come unhinged. The whole industry can learn something from her . And as an aside, the whole nation could learn something from the Tennessee lawmakers and SAI. Wishing you and Pam the best.
“Amen” expresses solemn ratification, affirmation or agreement. It is used descriptively to mean “certainly,” “it is so,” or “so it be,” or ‘let it be so’. Amen is derived from the Hebrew āmēn, which means “certainty,” “truth,” and “verily.”
PS I reckon that we are all going to someday physically degrade and die, but I feel it is incumbent for me to reflect my true experience, rather than jump on bandwagons, until I do. Most of us here share that sentiment, don’t we?
Please enjoy the natural life, as well as death, that we have been blessed with. Is it necessary to submit to all of their palliative treatments and outrageous bills to survive in, and to leave this world gracefully? Of course, like so much in that industry, the opposite is true.
You, James, are our Tom Paine.
I fear that an ideal narrative will not save us. What will? Only the evolution of humanity, itself. But who can wait for that?
Well, you are clearly right that a victorious competing story is greatly feared by our foolish elite, but consider this. The crafted and controlled narrative is the weapon of our foes. Of course they fear it. But do we want to use that as a centerpiece of our struggle? To me it is a little like adopting the tactics of Hitler or Mao, or Maddow and NPR, if you prefer. The narrative you seek may be full of common sense and truth, but in the long run, it is still wanting, because the very psychology and capacity of people must change, not just the story they are given.
So, what is still pertinent in our age of radical social and technological upheaval? What is even more basic than story and narrative? The compelling story works, but only because the general population is shallow. There is no substitute for the deep genuine evolution of mankind’s mind and spirit. That looks like it will take a long time, but your work is a real accelerator and catalyst, so I consider it very valuable. It just seems like a seed that may show a beautiful bloom, only after an uncomfortably long time. I am not advocating for passivity, but I know I must be patient and remain true to some basic values. It reminds me of the story of Moses, who strove mightily and led his people to the Promised Land, but never got to see it himself, in this life. I am not giving up, but I know condescension and impatience need to be set aside.
Maybe you think I am playing with semantics, but promoting a narrative, any narrative, sounds like it runs counter to my simple religion. My religion has no ornate temples, demons, gods, heavens, and hells. It has but one simple article of faith. That is why I call it a religion. I can’t really prove it logically, so it is just a belief.
There it is. Pretty simple, but hard to implement. My personal idea of truth is analogous to a clear, unwarped mirror. Our mission is to clean and straighten that mirror, so what we do and speak is truth, untainted by ego. Usually little steps. Crafting a narrative, is what the ego constantly does. It can be aggrandizing, it can be pitiful, but it always warps and tints the mirror of our souls. I am in it for the long haul, and I hope that I am not alone. Our little earthly schemes and dreams, repeatedly crumble. But we carry on in darkness, feeling the pull of the compass of truth. We all are becoming philosophers, as the unthinkable is unfolding before us.
“Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” is an old Yiddish adage meaning,
“Man Plans, and God Laughs.”
I don’t think using narrative to save the world contradicts your ideas of truth and evolution of consciousness. In fact, your comment is an inspiring narrative coming from your heart. Narrative is a tool and can be used for good to inspire people to tap into the good parts of themselves and use their efforts to better the human condition rather than work to build the dystopian slavery grid.
It is true that many human beings tend to do what is easy and convenient and follow basic drives and many people just blindly follow along. Many humans do look for examples and emulate behavior they see around them. This may be in our nature, or is a temperament common among many human beings. It is how people learn. People can learn by emulating good examples and can learn to evolve. It’s like riding a bike.
Use whatever you can use, but stories are not THE key to our exit from this massive slide away from truth. Story is spin. We need people who easily untangle spin. There won’t be enough in the near future. But that is what it would take.
Anyway, I expressed thoughts around my ‘religion.’
It is not for everyone. I don’t have all of the answers; look inside for that.
Beware of condescension and impatience.
Some favorite truthy quotes:
Some trust in the Truth of Authority
Some trust in the Authority of Truth
Truth doesn’t mind being questioned
A lie doesn’t like being challenged
Every time I get tired of trying to juggle my various obligations and keep my podcast going, I seem to be reminded that there is more at stake than my comfort. I appreciate this little inspirational kick in the backside. Thank you, James. I am pretty sure that I’m not likely to be the next Thomas Paine, but I can hold my little hill until reinforcements arrive. It can be really difficult to step out into the arena of ideas. Self-doubt and insecurity in a world of “experts” can dissuade one from speaking out. I am grateful for your tireless efforts and for all you who support The Corbett Report and the work James does.
I hope it is not too brazen of me to sign off with this shameless plug: Episodes 18,37, and 51 feature James as a guest
Thank you Aaron Smith for what you do, the wall that makes up the Cassandra syndrome is showing some cracks. Hold on tight , the ride seems to start over ever single day but that could be only illusion. Every media avenue needs to be explored. It’s people like you that are deserving of support. Wish you the best.
I have been interested in this idea of the great forgetting. When current affairs make that transition to becoming history. Where will that history be located . What a threat a book will be when the internet becomes inaccessible to us. What a future is in store for us! Books of prediction, observations of the present and books of history. Which of these are useful to us? Which are a threat to those whose agenda is antithetical to life? Which ever it is , if you possess the capability, publish and hold on till , as you say , till reinforcements arrive. Books will have to be burnt to be cancelled. I imagine a book as important as a gun in the future to address tyranny. Maybe even more so. A gun needs ammunition to accomplish a task, but a book never runs out of ammo to its potential task…
Thanks Arron, for all you do.
Episode 18
Thank you for that. I absolutely agree with you about printed books. If I was ever to be accused of hoarding, it would be for my collection of books, for that very reason. Your comment also serves as fuel to continue writing. I appreciate you.
For some reason, I am not open to narratives.
But this video reveals to me that a lot of people are following narratives.
Is that like a NPC or like a religious person, or a close minded person?
I noticed various powerful narratives in the conspiracy investigating community.
They are often false, and can not be discussed by the narrative followers.
I often state: things are not as you think they are, and here is why.
But that does not connect due to the fixation on narratives.
Things that are “unknown” can not fit into any narrative.
Note: Also “science” and religion can not deal with “unknown” things.
Belief is a bogus replacement for anything unknown.
And I think that propaganda agencies try to lock opposition into certain narratives,
so they can be disposed of. (Like Qanon)
That is why opposition against medical experiments are portrayed as very religious
or as denying science of diseases,
Also “Anarchy” appears to me more like a narrative than a real solution.
It is mainly criticism on state-like systems, almost demonizing them.
And is using that criticism to promote mainly abstract solutions.
Question to all:
What narratives do you see in the conspiracy community?
Good questions to think about.
Could your aversion to narrative be found in you past programming?
Anarchy seems to me to be anything in opposition to the Zionist and Jewish diaspora.
Disease, and dis- ease comes from the same source of propaganda or false conclusion. The lie. On rare occasions the proof of that lie comes into existence through observation and the truth becomes apparent.
Only takes one and the hypothesis is revealed for the junk it is. Religion can be like Schrodinger’s cat , it’s state is dependent on observation and belief. Demonization is an earned endeavor. Then the integrity of the reporting of the observer becomes , Molac or Christ like. One keeps you chasing your tail in confusion the other brings it to a conclusion and peace. I was surprised at the origin of the word ” scientific” from its constituent parts from Latin recently. What have you been up to Zyxzyen?
This is what will happen if religion is cancelled out to humanity.
> Could your aversion to narrative be found in you past programming?
I feel manipulated as soon people start talking about anything else than: facts / reality or their real feelings.
(unless it is for entertainment)
So as a kid I asked people direct questions about their belief.
Like: why is your religion better than that from all other people who
also think that their religion is better.
> Molac or Christ like
Aren’t these both narratives?
You use them like “evil” and “good”.
But it is about unknown and invisible
external powers that makes people do things.
And in certain circumstances (and narratives),
what is good for one might be perceived as bad/evil by another.
Like: capitalism and communism.
Extreme example: the conflict in Israel.
Is that just evil powers outside our grasp?
I think it is better to avoid the narratives and
be more clear about what concrete powers are responsible.
Like the Zionist party does not mind mass murder, for a greater Israel.
And the other groups fight till death for their people.
This can bring us clearer solutions.
Z- man,
I don’t know much about the man who’s ideas I’m using here. August Mobius
Here in is an example of the Molac and Christ like expression I was so poorly trying to use.
Maybe you can appreciate these two images. They have a long history of symbolism and do have latent abilities.
The Mobius tri angle , known as the Penrose triangle.
Penrose triangle
And the Mobius strip.,Escher.
One is an illusion and one is accessible to all. One is built on a lie that it is real but illusionary trick. The other can be witnessed by all our senses materially.
The principle of dis-ease is the Mobius triangle, the principle of peace, or inercia is the introduction to the spiritual. Puting a stop to motion , coming to rest, time , are the spiritual truth for elimination of sin,M, sickness, disease and death, the Molac.
It borders on unbelievable. The crossing point of the threshold of material and spiritual.
One is magic of the material the other is reality of spirituality. What narrative can be attached to these two geometrys ?
>What narratives do you see in the conspiracy community?
The ones I look for are generally the ones which are literally made illegal to question. Have to say the corbett report isn’t the spiciest thing out there. Ask yourself whos doing time in jail for offending based on a political stance and you’ll be closer to seeing where the flak is coming from
> the ones which are literally made illegal to question
Like: How are spirits and angels involved in our world?
(the extreme unknown)
I experienced a lot, and saw a lot of cases with other people.
It breaks with anything (!) that people believe.
Never met a person correct on that issue.
When ghosts are robbing me blind as the head of a central bank or pharma corp. then I’ll give a damn. Simple as
I have it from THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN that in 1774 he influenced Thomas Paine to emigrate to America.
As much as COMMON SENSE shaped the narrative of people living in the American colonies at that time, I think it is important not to overlook the influence of the Bankers and British Corporations that made up the British Empire. There were some very evil British Corporations that engaged in the Slave Trade and even traded disease infected blankets to American Indians. Although the Rothschild’s didn’t come to control the British Empire for another 30 years or so, I think they were involved in bringing the War of 1812 to America, as well as creating the divide which lead to a civil war in America.
Ben Franklin did not believe in Patents and offer his ideas and inventions to the world for free. Today corporations buy ideas and inventions so that they can make sure that they will never see the light of day, as a means to maximize profits. It is the Corporate way, and there is no humanity in it.
Perhaps we should think about a world where there are no Patents, and Ideas are not owned to be sold and horded.
I think James Corbett has these ideas
Martin Luther King Jr. had a Dream which was changing the narrative and we saw what they did to him.
Indeed, those who should not be in power did fear him because of his narrative.
But then, one could say the same for Jesus Christ whose world changing narrative the Zionists are still trying to kill.
The Zionist captured United States Congress has just made it a crime to say anything revealing about the Zionists. They say Anti-Zionism (Israel should take over the world) is the same as Antisemitic (hate for Semitic people). Clearly this is a lie legislated into law. It should be clear to everyone now that AIPAC (American Israel Political Action Committee) is the power that shouldn’t be. AIPAC is the most powerful lobby group in D.C.. They are a foreign agency that has taken control of the United States Government and are using it to kill Americans like they did on 9/11/01, or June 5, 1967 with the USS liberty, or god knows how many other events.
Dear James,
If you by “where is Thomas Paine when you need him?” are calling for someone being that person who will wake up the masses, I think it is doomed to fail. Maybe your question is “where are the Thomas Paines when we need them…?”
With the overwhelming and massive media noise from all angles and in all aspects of everyday life the voice of common sense from one person has the chance of a snowball in hell to be heard. And even if there was this one voice it would be immediately silenced one way or the other by censorship and what have you… So, what is the solution to this? I believe it has to be ‘Thomas Paines’ scattered all over—in families, workplaces and all other places where people come together. And NO, NOT on SoMe! These digital prison cells make so much distraction and noise that people either resign to sharing recipes and pictures of cute pets and/or become more isolated, insecure and fearful or gather in sectarian-like clusters of likeminded, howling at the “moon” in their frustration and bitterness, bordering hatefulness. “But what about the campus gatherings and rallies that are on the rise? Aren’t they a result of the powerful influence of SoMe?” You might say so, but without ‘the Thomas Paines’ at exactly these GATHERINGS they will die out—just like ‘Occupy Wall Street’ and alike. Right now there is an ‘Occupy Campus’ at the University of Copenhagen. I went there to get a sense of it. I didn’t see or hear any ‘Thomas Paines’. Right now it is the ‘new black’ to occupy a campus’, the weather is okay and everyone can have a moment of meaningfulness. But believe me, when it is time for the upcoming week long traditional music festival at Roskilde (old Danish city) they will all be gone to party. Only more ‘Thomas Paines’ at campus will be able to make them stay. But being such a person takes so much of the individual—not only personally and mentally but also skillfully. That is why I only see a doable way ahead when all the little every day and common gatherings of people are influenced by their own ‘personal Thomas Paine’, who are not at the mercy of the rootless, distracted and impatient crowd.
Good stuff James.
“With a gun you can kill a man. With a bomb you can kill a family. With a nuke you can level a city. But with a story you can control the world.” and with a story grounded in aligning our own energy with the irrepressible regenerative capacity and potential for abundance of the Earth combined with a handful of seeds, one can bring life, healing, feed a family, feed a village, feed the soil, feed the pollinators, enrich the atmosphere, clean the water, nourish the soul and give to countless generations in the future.
Radical decentralization of food and medicine production gives you sovereignty, a solid foundation to become an empowered resister against tyranny and an example to inspire the pacified and half-asleep masses to give their head a shake and choose to take action to make this world a better place.
Thanks for the narrative. And to the commenters for their shared, experiences and stories.
Stories are certainly not a replacement for the truth, but they are good for getting people started on their quest of finding out what is and what is not and why is that so.
Youre the Thomas Paine of our generation James. I know you don’t want the responsibility, but thats another reason its gotta be you. The reluctant hero is always the right choice in the annals of heroics. I’ve been saying this for months and came here to see you say the same thing. What we need is a viral video or a tv hijacking like in V for vendetta and an uncensored 4 or 5 hrs of catch up for the masses on the edge of waking up.
Thanks for all your work these years. You’ve been the morpheus for my family!
Chat 4o told to write a story to the people today in the spirit of thomas paine.
To the People of the World,
In the spirit of liberty and justice, I, Thomas Paine, speak to you from beyond the annals of history. The torch of freedom must forever be lit by the vigilance of the people. Today, as in the days of yore, the forces of tyranny, greed, and corruption threaten to engulf the rights and dignity of mankind. Our task is to recognize these threats and rise against them with the fervor of true patriots.
Look upon the world stage and see the actors of oppression: nations wielding power not for the common good but for the perpetuation of their own dominion. The wealth of many is siphoned by the few, and the cries of the needy are drowned by the clamor of the avaricious. In every corner of the globe, from the corridors of power in Washington to the palaces of autocrats in distant lands, the same struggle endures: the battle between the rights of the people and the might of their rulers.
Consider the plight of the oppressed in war-torn regions, where the innocent bear the brunt of geopolitical games. Reflect on the surveillance and control exerted by governments that claim to protect, yet in truth, they seek to dominate. The spirit of freedom must reject such encroachments. It must kindle the flame of resistance against every form of despotism, be it blatant or insidious.
To the citizens of every nation, I call upon you to remember that sovereignty lies not with kings and presidents, but with the people. The power of any government is derived from the consent of the governed, and this sacred trust must never be betrayed. Unite in common cause, transcend the boundaries of nationality and creed, and champion the universal rights of man.
Today, we face challenges that require global solidarity. Corporate waste and pollution threaten our air and water, poisoning the very resources we depend on for life. Let us not be divided by the machinations of those who would seek to profit from our discord. Instead, let us find strength in our unity and purpose in our resolve.
In my time, I wrote of common sense and the rights of man. Today, I urge you to embrace the principles of transparency, accountability, and justice. Demand that your leaders act with integrity and in the interest of the public good. Advocate for policies that protect our environment from corporate exploitation, promote equality, and ensure that the fruits of progress are shared by all.
The legacy of freedom is not a gift to be received but a duty to be fulfilled. As you navigate these turbulent times, remember that the power to shape the future rests in your hands. Stand firm in your convictions, speak out against injustice, and work tirelessly for a world where liberty and dignity are the birthright of every human being.
In solidarity and hope,
Thomas Paine
Certainly! Here’s a call for freedom in the style and tone of James Corbett, a journalist known for his insightful, critical, and often provocative analysis:
Dear Fellow Citizens,
We stand at a crossroads, facing unprecedented challenges and an uncertain future. The centralization of power, the concentration of wealth, and the erosion of our freedoms have reached a critical point. Now, more than ever, we must be vigilant and proactive in our fight for liberty and justice.
The powers that be sit comfortably in their ivory towers, believing they can dictate our lives, control our destinies, and suppress our voices. But history has shown us time and again that the true power lies with the people. It is our duty to reclaim that power and to hold those in authority accountable for their actions.
We are witnessing a systematic dismantling of our rights and freedoms. Surveillance, censorship, and corporate control over our resources are not mere inconveniences; they are direct assaults on our sovereignty. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the very information we consume are being polluted by the interests of a few. We must stand up and say, “Enough is enough.”
Our environment is being ravaged by corporate waste and pollution. This is not an issue of climate change as framed by the mainstream narrative, but a matter of justice, equity, and survival. We must take control of our resources and ensure that they are used for the common good, not for the profit of a few.
Economically, we are witnessing a staggering concentration of wealth. The disparity between the haves and the have-nots has never been greater. The promise of the American Dream, where hard work and determination lead to success, is being shattered by the reality of an economy rigged in favor of the elite. We must strive for an economy that works for everyone, where opportunities are equal, and where success is determined by merit, not by birthright.
In this digital age, our freedom of speech and our right to information are under siege. The media, once a watchdog for democracy, has become a lapdog for corporate interests and government agendas. We must reclaim our right to free and uncensored information. We must support independent journalism and critical thinking.
This is not a time for complacency. It is a time for action. We must educate ourselves, question the narratives presented to us, and seek the truth. We must unite across all divides—national, racial, economic—to form a coalition of the willing, committed to the principles of liberty and justice for all.
Our forebears fought for these principles, and it is our duty to continue their legacy. We must resist the forces that seek to divide us, control us, and strip away our rights. We must stand firm in our convictions and unwavering in our pursuit of a better, freer world.
We stand at a crossroads, facing unprecedented challenges and an uncertain future. The centralization of power, the concentration of wealth, and the erosion of our freedoms have reached a critical point. Now, more than ever, we must be vigilant and proactive in our fight for liberty and justice.
The powers that be sit comfortably in their ivory towers, believing they can dictate our lives, control our destinies, and suppress our voices. But history has shown us time and again that the true power lies with the people. It is our duty to reclaim that power and to hold those in authority accountable for their actions.
We are witnessing a systematic dismantling of our rights and freedoms. Surveillance, censorship, and corporate control over our resources are not mere inconveniences; they are direct assaults on our sovereignty. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the very information we consume are being polluted by the interests of a few. We must stand up and say, “Enough is enough.”
Our environment is being ravaged by corporate waste and pollution. This is not an issue of climate change as framed by the mainstream narrative, but a matter of justice, equity, and survival. We must take control of our resources and ensure that they are used for the common good, not for the profit of a few.
Economically, we are witnessing a staggering concentration of wealth. The disparity between the haves and the have-nots has never been greater. The promise of the American Dream, where hard work and determination lead to success, is being shattered by the reality of an economy rigged in favor of the elite. We must strive for an economy that works for everyone, where opportunities are equal, and where success is determined by merit, not by birthright.
In this digital age, our freedom of speech and our right to information are under siege. The media, once a watchdog for democracy, has become a lapdog for corporate interests and government agendas. We must reclaim our right to free and uncensored information. We must support independent journalism and critical thinking.
This is not a time for complacency. It is a time for action. We must educate ourselves, question the narratives presented to us, and seek the truth. We must unite across all divides—national, racial, economic—to form a coalition of the willing, committed to the principles of liberty and justice for all.
Our forebears fought for these principles, and it is our duty to continue their legacy. We must resist the forces that seek to divide us, control us, and strip away our rights. We must stand firm in our convictions and unwavering in our pursuit of a better, freer world.
So I call upon you, fellow citizens, to join me in this fight. Stand up for your rights. Speak out against injustice. Demand accountability from those in power. Together, we can reclaim our world, our freedom, and our future.
Thanks James. This landed on two ears right here 🙂
Such an important message, thanks James