We all remember when Aaron Russo gave us his story of getting the inside scoop from Nicholas Rockefeller…but who is Nicholas Rockefeller? James explores this question and answers your queries on Japanese debt, IMFcoin, health care without government, the Bin Laden “confession” and much more in this edition of Questions For Corbett.
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Questions in Copenhagen – Questions For Corbett #037
James Corbett’s Third reddit AMA
Marc Abela on the Tokyo Tea Party
Ken Shishido of the Tokyo Bitcoin Meetup Group
James Corbett on the Voluntary Japan podcast with host Graham Smith
Episode 062 – 9/11 Truth in Japan
Yoshi Kan introduces Satori Coin
Reflections And Warnings – An Interview With Aaron Russo
Nicholas Rockefeller’s website
Nicholas Rockefeller page on Bloomberg
Nicholas Rockefeller on the CFR membership list
1999 NY Times article on a Nicholas Rockefeller luxury hotel deal
How Government Solved the Health Care Crisis (essay)
How Government Solved the Health Care Crisis (video)
IMF’s Lagarde Warns Banks: Cryptocurrencies Will Bring “Massive Disruptions”
“Central bank cryptocurrencies” – BIS whitepaper
Complete Bin Laden “confession” video (C-Span)
Higher quality clip from Bin Laden video (from Moussaoui trial)
Taking the fat out of the fat bin Laden confession video
Interview 285 – Maher Osseiran
Episode 174 – Patriot Mythology
Original Das Erste report on video translation (GERMAN)
English translation of Das Erste report
Episode 118 – Who Owns Your DNA?
Announcing the DNA Control Grid
Eugene McDaniels – Headless Heroes of the Apocalypse
Episode 321 – Why Big Oil Conquered the World
BOJ assets swell to 90% of Japan’s GDP
The Myth That Japan Is Broke: The World’s Largest “Debtor” Is Now the World’s Largest Creditor
Don’t call me shorty: Japan still top creditor nation
Episode 114 – Newspeak is Doubleplusungood
Economics, Eugenics, and the Minimum Wage – Liberty Weekly Ep. 14
Yes, very interesting regarding Japan as a formidable creditor. One would think China would be first, and yes, they would be right, when it comes to the US.
Don’t trust any government or bank statistics but for any easy way to dig into the issue:
In August 2017, China owned $1.2 trillion of U.S. debt. It’s the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury securities. The second largest holder is Japan at $1.1 trillion. Both Japan and China want to keep the value of the dollar higher than the value of their currencies. That helps keep their exports affordable for the United States, which helps their economies grow.”https://www.thebalance.com/who-owns-the-u-s-national-debt-3306124
So, I think James is right. Unlike the US, Japan owes to its private bank.
It is important to see the US as the largest debtor nation for then one can see why they are fighting foreign imperial wars: to keep the dollar the world reserve currency, for one.
As to memes, although dialectically they do some good, the issue is far worse than I think many people know.
Nicholas Carr has written a book called: The Shallows: What the Internet is doing to our Brains. I highly recommend it. It’s not good news.
When one thinks about it, language is primarily used to ‘distinguish’ between objects, thought, ideas, what have you. Saying one is ‘happy’ distinguishes it from ‘sad’. Saying the rent is too high distinguishes the rent from being too low. And on and on. Thus, language as a distinguishing device has been essential for human interaction and development, both subjectively and materially.
What will happen when language is so dumbed down, the meme so ever present that thoughts no longer can be conveyed with language? Or am I just fantasizing? Well, to fantasize is very different than to realize, isn’t it and reality very different from fantasy.
With memes: who will and does control them and how will they effect a population that cannot distinguish needs from wants? That cannot think through language but only through visuals or audio?
READING A cultural morphing.
I have noticed over the years since the 1950’s, a general deterioration of people’s desire to READ and WRITE.
When I say “read”, I mean read with understanding and curiosity and interest. And perhaps thoroughness.
Maybe part of the situation is that with the “Internet of Things” there is an over abundant amount of written information coming across a person’s plate. An individual does have to delegate what to read.
But this doesn’t explain the lack of interest where people just glance and move on.
Corbett poked fun at this trend with his post ““Study: 70% of Facebook users only read the headline of science stories before commenting”
It is interesting to note that cursive writing is not taught in schools anymore. The newer generation has a hard time reading it.
I still, very often, handwrite letters to grandkids, family and friends. In cursive.
Barbie voice intonation morphing
Compared to the 1960’s, many verbal voice intonations have changed.
I am not talking about terms or words, like “hip” or “Cool man”.
It has to do with the way some folks talk, their voice or sounds they produce. It is more than an accent.
It is almost like the voice has assumed characteristics of an identity.
One particular voice change is the “Barbie” voice in some women, especially younger women.
Not all, just some women.
The voice is kind of a squeaky high “Daddy’s little girl” Barbie sound with odd intonations and nuances and phrases.
An example of this “Barbie voice” can be found here…
I am not criticizing the voice, just noting the change.
In the 1960’s, women did not talk that way.
Before it is totally out of date. I started searching for Nicholas Rockefeller.
I will point out some results.
Proving he exists was easy by Nick Matzorkis:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6moHq9aP6Ow (0:32 and forward) (less than 3 minute clip)
The Matzorkis website and the nicholasrockefeller.org (as well as .net) are all related as well with a couple of others.
I thought, okay, well, let’s find out how he is connected (post this here) and then prove the likely evidence he is one of the Rockefeller family (as suggested by the cited LAT article by James as well as an NYP article as well as the Matzorkis stuff) – or disprove it, if not. The more I am searching the more confusing it gets.
He is a CfR member but has only a one-time appearance and this is NOT personally but only by letter: https://www.cfr.org/event/conversation-ali-akbar-salehi (I believe it’s at 44 minutes, it’s scripted anyways).
He is definitely mentioned in 2003-2007 RAND reports as a member of the “Asia Pacific Policy advisory board“ (NSRD Annual Report).
However! Up to this moment I am actually more convinced he is a kind of impostor, in the sense he used his name to achieve high level positions or connections – some of them are unclear, like Perkins Coie LLP (an extraordinary influential law firm, visiting their website to check it out (a blockchain headline) may be worth it) – and create companies with high sounding names, sometimes referencing companies which may or may not actually existed.
Also he is not mentioned on any “philanthropic” Rockefeller sides I visited. Their are other reason why I am not convinced he is a member of the Rockefeller family. Nick Matzorkis is a very special guy too – apparently with the need to brag about high level connections he one times made.
It just got too much (Cayman Islands Hedgefund connection?; a 160 million dollar case against him?) at this moment. Also it was a perfect example how a startpage search will omit some google search results.
I will try to bring this to a conclusion but it will take time and so I wanted to mention it here ahead.
Furthermore there is the state bar of California site mentioning Nicholas Rockefeller (no picture) with address and phone number in L.A.
It is probably totally outdated but maybe some American wants to check that out.
PS: I did not forget to activate email notification this time if anyone likes to comment further xD.
yeah of course I remember you. Some of us missed you back then or wondered what happened after you moved to Berlin.
Haven’t been active on steemit recently. Logging in here now to ask a question for corbett haha.
Happy to hear from you and hope you are well.
A Corbett Classic Catchphrase
Keep Voting Harder!
Around 18:20 mark…
YES! YES! YES! This is the of content I’m looking for to animate!
I wasn’t even looking for it when it zoomed by.
(I watch everything at 2x speed, more like reading.)
The oil movies are too deep and serious to get quotes from.
While anarchy won’t protect you from tribalism, I still believe it’s an ideal worth striving for. But since we are forced to have corrupt exploitative “leaders” to pretend to vote for, and everyone is crying out for voting reform… Why not merge the simpleton voting for with the complex tax form to vote on issues rather than puppets thereby actually getting taxation with representation, assuming the rest of all elections aren’t rigged?
Keep Voting Harder
I love it! You are right. Spot on.
When I watched the video the first time, that line “Keep Voting Harder” just hit my funny bone. I couldn’t help but to laugh.
Repost the link to your graphic.
It does not reflect on those who like the band, but the lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins might be a little delusional…
The Vigilant One
“William Patrick ‘Billy’ Corgan Says He’s Met A Shapeshifter”
John O. : I have some interest in this subject. Does Ms.Jacobs speak to race relationships as well as class differences . I will track it down tomorrow. Thank you for sharing , hope it will be a ” great read”.
Thank you for this info, Manuel. The quote from David seems particularly definitive that he is a very distant relation at best.
911Blogger – The Fat Bin Laden Confession Video – ? Translation Questioned
More on The Fat Bin Laden Confession Video.
A friend, someone who is familiar with customs in the Arab world, stated this:
…The volume is unintelligible in few spots, but the translation is more or less OK.
What is really “strange” and spooky is the setting of the “meet”. It appears to be Osama Bin Laden visiting with a person (I don’t know who this person is) who has just survived a life threatening incident, (person covering his legs with blanket), yet, they hardly spoke about what happened to him, and instead, Osama Bin Laden (prompted by the other speaker who is not on the video) was busy showing off in no organized fashion.
The whole thing was weird, and you would never see it in a real Arab community. It is just not how things are done in our community, and appears to be orchestrated or at least “put on”, and not genuine for whatever reason. (Could Osama Bin Laden be testing the person in question??)….
There might be more to follow…
Hi James. Thanks so much for doing this segment. You are likely one of the most “self informed” people on the planet. Thanks so much for sharing what you discover.
I have a question for you. It seems you did a segment at one time on who originated the whole UFO/aliens thing. Could you please refer me to that?
Thank you James Corbett. I found the piece on “How Government Solved the Health Care Crisis” particularly enlightening. For quite some time, I have debated with friends the importance of small governments (i.e. fraternities, service groups, church groups, etc.). At the grass roots level, these small groups have the peoples’ best interests at heart. When governments get too large (i.e. provincial, federal, global), they become impersonal, and insatiably greedy. Rediscovering the health care strategies of the early 1900s is an important social tool that should be revived. Thank you for your work.
Hi James,
What was the last thing you discovered which truly shocked or surprised you?
Hi James,
I wanted to ask if there is a way to download your videos in high quality (720p) without using youtube? I know that we can download them from your site or BitChte if we want to avoid youtube but the quality is low in both cases. While I understand that it’s probably to save space or some other technical reason, I was wondering if it’s possible.
Hi James,
Just wanted to bring this links to your attention.
It’s an item redacted and send to the memory tube. Basically saying that we should not examine our own life. Or maybe this was the correct way to understand Socrates quote, this whole time.
“The Examined life is not worth living”
This is Wikipedia’s citation:
“According to Socrates, an unexamined life is not worth living. This view is controversial. Is the unexamined life worth living or not? Most philosophers disagree about the answer. While some argue for the worthlessness of an unexamined life, others support the superfluity of self critical examination. In his recent article, Jamison pooh-poohed the claim that an unexamined life is not worth living. According to Jamison, not only is an unexamined life worth living; the rigorous examination of life should not be encouraged due to its possible negative effects on the participants and the entire society. In Jamison’s view, a consistent and unregulated examination of human life produces a feeling of ecstasy (a specie of spiritual feeling) in those who engage in it. The feeling, if allowed, could endanger both the thinker and the entire society. For Jamison, “once you get a taste of this kind of thing, you do not want to give it up”. Someone who engages in self-critical examination eventually becomes entangled with it. Socrates became entangled in dialectics, became unpopular, was accused of corrupting the youth and eventually sentenced to death.”
Keep up the excellent work.
Roberto Saenz
Sorry, I grew a bit lazy, so I didn’t finish my research yet, or happened to write an article with more definite answers, which I originally wanted.
Wanted to provide four details here though now.
A) The Wallstreet journal article (not Washington Post, as is obvious by the abbreviation wsj) mentioned by manuel, you can read in full here (Nicholas mentioned on the short page 2 of 2): http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2005-10-09/business/0510090546_1_mitsubishi-estate-rockefeller-group-international-real-estate
B) I definitely have to reject the opinion he had nothing to do with RAND. https://www.rand.org/search.html?query=%22nicholas+rockefeller%22&sortby=relevance You’ll find several entries, and I have checked some of the NSRDs (usually non-searchable but you’ll find him at advisory boards lists if you need to, e.g. 2005 on page 40, together with a person he is frequently associated: Donald Tang), or here (searchable): https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/corporate_pubs/2010/RAND_CP1-2008.pdf
It is usually (always?) Asia Pacific Policy Advisory Board. Employers range from Perkins Coie LLP to RockVest or several others of his firms.
http://www.nicholasrockefeller.net/rand_dinner/ Photo on his website alleging RAND dinner.
C) Wiki discussed if he is worthwhile and came to the conclusion: not, mainly due to the above mentioned wsj article: https://wikivisually.com/wiki/Wikipedia_talk:Articles_for_deletion/Nicholas_Rockefeller
D) He is alleged to have written a chapter in the book by deSouza “Economic Strategy and National Security: A Next Generation Approach”, dubbed a CfR-book. Supposedly several CfR members have written several chapters and deSouza is simply the editor. I found this several times in the net, and very credible, as for example Stephen Leeb has it on his website (thus claiming himself to be an author): http://www.leeb.net/content/press (there is also a google books overview of his “Game over” where on the first side Nicholas R. is praising Leeb). Furthermore in this article is directly mentioned which chapter Nicholas has written:
DeSouza, Leeb and Nicholas Rockefeller also have direct business ties, as you can read in this ominous document:
Apart from Nick Matzorkis who had direct contact to THE Rockefeller family through Laurance/Laurence Rockefeller, there is at least one another individual named Brian Treiger who had contact to Nicholas and THE Rockefellers (or an organisation closely associated with them, the asia society (founder John D III)): http://asiasociety.org/southern-california/our-board
My take on this is, he is very likely not part of THE Rockefeller family (less than 500 people), but could very well stem from the larger Rockefeller family, meaning from the family (parents etc.) of snake oil Bill (possibly thousands of people). After all he had a lot of siblings. And the Rockefellers became also Rockafellows, Rockefellows etc. For example he could stem from several ones now located in the Michigan area, specifically Gagetown. They all seem to be not of THE Rockefellers, but still of the larger Rockefellers. They themselves seem to come from Ontario Canada (snake oil Bill maybe didn’t only simply flee to Canada but to (some of) his family).
Nicholas Rockefellow pictures:
Ah, got longer than I thought. Not the wished article though.
Hi James,
On your episode ‘The Revolution Will Not Be YouTubed’ you recommended to your readers/viewers that if they come across important material (for example great articles, podcasts and video’s) they then should save it locally to their hard drive so that it can’t disappear.
This is what I am currently doing, but the problem is that just saving all those different types of multimedia becomes chaotic to manage without some kind of system when the collection grows.
Could you tell me if you have a preferred ‘Multimedia Database Management System’ or some other kind of system that you use to manage your own collection of important material, and keep track of why you saved a particular piece of information in the first place?
Thanks for all your work!
Just to elaborate a little:
I did a search myself but I didn’t find a satisfactory system, and then it occurred to me that you (and perhaps Broc West, so this might also be an appropriate question for him) probably have an enormous collection of multimedia material to manage so you should be well suited to answer this question.