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If all the “alternative” media ever does is report on “the news” (as decided by the MSM), then aren’t they just unwitting participants in the mockingbird media system? Join James for this heady thought for the day as he dissects the idea of “the news” and talks about the real value of an outlet like The Corbett Report.
You Are Being Gamed
Interview 1294 – James Corbett on Declare Your Independence
The Revolution Will Not Be YouTubed
The Social Media Exodus Has Begun. Here’s Where Everybody’s Going.
I am looking forward to the big event you spoke of at the end. Also, while I quit watching the news so long ago that I don’t even remember when I’ve sat down to watch it at all other than it being on a tv that I happened to be in front of somewhere, it is funny how they dictate the agendas for others. I can see how there is a degree of use for that, since it is a bunch of fermenting methane gas, but I think it is not as useful as it is portrayed.
I had to laugh at myself when you stated “I know what I’m talking about.” One of my inner voices said, “Well, that sounded arrogant”, while the other said, “No. It’s just honesty”. Which it is. Thanks again, Jim
FLUORIDE NEWS reported on CNN September 19, 2017
Fluoride exposure in utero linked to lower IQ in kids, study says
…evaluated nearly 300 sets of mothers and children in Mexico and tested the children twice for cognitive development over the course of 12 years…. at a cost of about 2 million dollars.
There was a study done by Harvard/China about a year ago which concluded that fluoride had pretty much the same effects as lead on mental development. There aren’t many studies on it, wonder why, but the few that exist conclude that fluoride is great for making dumbasses.
This study is kind of a landmark study on Fluoride.
…University of Toronto
…a 12 year study
…2 million dollars
…nearly 300 sets of mothers and children (testing the children twice)
Basically, the “credibility factor” of the study is beyond reproach for these hardcore “normies”.
And bottom line…
The study demonstrates that when pregnant mothers drink fluoridated waters at 0.7 mg/L fluoride, they will give birth to children who will have meaningfully lowered cognitive function.
This means that most U.S. cities which fluoridate their water (0.7 mg/L) fall into that camp.
You will see James Corbett and some old dogs talk about Fluoride here…
I remember hearing someone once say that if you look at your toothpaste box, it will warn you that if your child swallows this tiny bit on their brush, that you should call for help. They pointed out this was the same amount of fluoride which was in the glass of water they wanted the same child to drink. Dissonance much?
Oh yes. Also baking soda or even just using a brush alone. Also taking horsetail powder. So many ways, yet we are only told about how we need to put so many deadly poisons so close to the brain. It’s almost as if they don’t like us very much!
And they do like to make a profit off of their hatred. It’s amazing. They are the ones that set up the system for people to become as they are, and then they act as if that is how people naturally act. I get so sick of self-fulfilling prophecies. By the way, I was just watching some old Truthstream videos. I didn’t know that stevia was an old Paraguayan Indian birth control plant. Apparently, it’s about 80% effective. Is there anything we haven’t been lied to about? I know, there isn’t. But that’s okay, I’ve been here 57 years and I’m still standing!
Hola Pablo! Just put it on my watch later list. Let me guess, is it the Alcoa company? I know they were the ones that contacted Bernais (sp?) to lobby the loving government to use it on us because they are so concerned about our teeth. 🙂
Oh, don’t worry, you would die of the STD long before the fluoride got you!
Oh don’t worry on my protection. Whenever I drink the water, I am protected by the asbestos lining I had surgically implanted on my esophagus. This way, I know that none of this can hurt me! 🙂
Directing Attention
James Corbett is spot-on.
We certainly are seeing “Directing Attention” in this decade by the MainStreamMedia and the internet of things (e.g. YouTube, Google, Amazon, etc.) Manipulation by directing attention. A hijacking of an individual’s potential interests.
“Directing Attention” gets lumped into a bad rap, because sometimes it is utilized by con artists, hustler salespeople, The Powers That Shouldn’t Be, Big Pharma, etc.
But “Directing Attention” in itself is not a bad thing.
Each of us use “directing attention” all the time.
A teacher uses it, or suffers mayhem in the classroom.
An honorable salesperson or marketing-man uses it to point out the benefits of the product or service.
Writers use it.
A Parent uses it to get a small child back on track. (Example: A parent can sometimes stop a crying toddler just by pointing to interesting objects in the room with “Oh! Look! Wow! See this!” )(I sometimes use this technique in the grocery store when the kid is making a big ruckus.)
“Attention” is necessary when an individual receives or sends communication.
When we communicate an idea, we are “directing attention”.
My point:
The keynote is the “intention” (or purpose) behind “Directing Attention”.
A psychopath is gonna try to use it to further psychopathic ends.
A sane, caring individual will use it to better conditions.
Did I direct your attention to Directing Attention?
An added note about ATTENTION:
I contend that every individual has a tough time “directing his own attention”. In short, the mind often wanders.
Have you ever been driving down the road lost in thought?
Have you ever walked into a room to get something, but forgot what it was you were going to get?
Have you ever been reading down the page of a book and found yourself not having been aware of what you just read?
Many times we are not mentally doing what we are doing while we are doing it.
Sometimes staying focused is a tough go. One has a tough time guiding or directing his own attention.
So, I contend that a person’s ability to volitionally control his own attention is somewhat lacking.
It is an odd human trait.
Sure. This ability to “direct one’s own attention” can be improved, but it is a human characteristic worth noting.
Do you remember the experiment with the random number generators and the people focusing on making it go “up” or “down”? Even experienced meditators had problems focusing on it for very long. I’ve been meditating since 1976, and it is still not something I can do for very long; just a few minutes on a good day before I wander. Then add the chaos that is modern life. It’s a wonder any of us can pay any attention to anything at all.
— Memory Exercises —
In the late 1980’s, I got with a Chiropractor friend. We were researching and trying to improve our memory about earlier times in our life.
Basically, our simple premise was… if physical exercise can help improve the body, so could a memory exercise help improve one’s memory.
The short story… We gathered a long list of “topics” to remember. The focus was not to target traumatic memories, but rather pleasant or mundane memories.
A few examples: “Remember when you walked in the woods.” or “Remember a time you kissed a girl.” or “Remember when you smelled something good.”
The idea was to remember a personal event, then an earlier event like it. Also, there would be a focus on a specific perception of the memory, such as sight or colors or smells or motion.
The problem was that this was difficult to do alone. The mind would wander. Or one would doze off. It was hard to maintain a straight, focused concentration of attention.
So, this is why we teamed up. One week, the chiropractor would help to direct my attention to the topic and perceptions. The next week, I would help direct the chiropractor’s attention to the topic of the memory exercise. We did this for about 3 months or so, more or less spending about 15-20 hours in a week together depending upon our schedules. It was fun and interesting. Kind of like hearing someone’s anecdotes and then telling another about your own.
And it did help improve my memory of past events in my life, along with my overall attitude and general well being. Not a “superman” type improvement, but there were subjective benefits. The chiropractor noticed benefits also.
In fact, before we started I had an eye test for contact lenses. Finally, the contacts arrived after I had been doing these exercises. The contacts did not work…my vision was blurry. I went back to the eye Doctor and he was surprised because my eyesight had improved.
I am not surprised at all by that improvement. By the way, I have been taking the Kevin Trudeau Memory Course. I had taken the audio course when I was in college, back in 1992. At that time, I could read a textbook and then didn’t need to carry it around with me to classes for the rest of the quarter. The book is far more in-depth than the audio course. Yet, I still remember the relevant parts from that time. The quality of one’s memory affects the body in many seemingly unrelated ways that defy any attempts to describe them. Today, I am taking the course slowly, as I’m working on so many things I actually exhaust my brain from over-load. A common problem/blessing with me.
Yet, even though I am just coasting along with the studies, I find that it has had a positive impact on many other areas as well. They are subtle, but numerous. I have been pretty lucky to be born me!
Did I direct your attention to Directing Attention?
You almost caused an endless loop there with a stack overflow. Careful.
Thanks HRS , lets not miss this opportunity to mention the spraying for Solar Radiation Management. I can’t think clearly the days after the sky turns that gossiper milky pale yuk color. After freeing myself from fluoride it seem a wasted effort to get hammered with the stuperfying fog from 70,000 ft. I seriously feel like its Lyme disease being sprayed as tried as we get after a huge dose.
Also could you linkup that paper you did on floride, that was very good.
HRS, memory also seem to be jarred by the spray from 70,000ft. I was thinking of your stevia paper, that was directed attention from wingsuitfreak.thanks. to flying florida freak my memory is back.
It’s a scary situation when I am of service to someone! Strange that a pothead can help someone with their memory. Errrr, I mean that I occasionally accidentally wander through a cloud of it. Yeah, that’s it. Jim, who has an S tattooed on his DNA which repels chemtrail chemicals.
Specifically when referring to Youtube, I think of the “recommended videos” self-perpetuating spin cycle that they try to put people in, where it becomes difficult to find new videos that aren’t immediately related to what they’ve been watching.
I have just been dealing with that very issue! I normally just watch Corbett, Truthstream, MediaMonarchy (since their site problems), and similar videos. They didn’t overload me on those, but I watched a couple of George Carlin videos and now that’s all they want to show me. Both rows are usually just George Carlin videos. Now I don’t ever want to watch another Carlin video ever again! Thanks Youboob.
Allow me to direct your attention to the center ring, where Bimbo, the voluptuous elephant, will perform an exclusive and remarkable pole dance for your pleasure and amazement.
When they pull the old ‘distract the child’ trick on us adults, the hypocrisy and fraudulence of our democracy is what I see.
“What is this Canadian in Japans take?” Priceless, you have such a unique way of making people, who would otherwise not understand, very clearly see your point. Thank you for you work James.
I am contemplating some train of thoughts in the last couple of weeks that go along with your little provocating thought of ‘a social construct’ or narratives laid out (and made by ourselves) here.
Sigh, where do I wanna start?
For me it’s in the end about what is missing and what may should? have happened years ago to bring upon more positive change, going along with James Pilatos: Don’t hate the media, become the media.
However, let’s start.
Some time ago I stumbled upon some article by some ‘left’-leaning guy in a major newsoutlet (maybe NYT) comparing alt-right, libertarian and altmedia (I believe including lewrockwell and other major outlets) to talk-radio of dunno the 60s-00s.
All this started watching Brittany Pettibone and Lauren Southern asking the question what name they should give their new podcast. I started to ask myself some basic questions, like what do they want to produce/accomplished, what was unifying in their videos until now and why viewers are likely (which reasons do they have) to watch those videos (as well as how does this apply to other similar producers?).
In another video they were talking about what would be the biggest threat or problem or cultural happening in their influence-zone (or somethingly vaguely similar). (I don’t get to grasp or formulate it precise yet.)
My conclusion to answer these three points and partly an answer in the article: Entertainment (and confirm (like in confirmation bias) a viewpoint as well as make a cozy feeling associated with moral sentiments).
I know James articulated numerous times he doesn’t want to be considered a Guru. Still people do to a degree.
Frankly I Know that I sometimes crave new videos by corbettreport or truthstream-media or whatever and I also know part of it is a longing for satisfying (and that usually has to go along for me with intellectual) entertainment.
*Consumption, entertainment, school-like “teaching”. My impression is most of the work produced on the web is just a continuation.*
In network-marketing areas they often give a lot on personality development, talking about the negative moods, fear etc. which are induced by television and the uselessness of it. This talk is normal, as is such advocating to shut them (TVs) off. In some regards altmedia can be even worse on that. Totally depressing, making the world look like you are impotent and totally helpless and “everything” is “controlled”.
(Sidenote: God, how I could get fucked up about the word control alone. Often assuming some kind of almighty-ness though when I think about almighty I come to the conclusion almighty is a contradiction in itself.)
So I got really happy discovering a small clip about a little document in China of the 70s, focussing not on the Rockefellers or the PRC-party but the small decisions casual people made – having a huge impact:
[SNIP – There is a 500 word comment limit on this board. Please keep comments within that word count. -JC]
Yes. A solutions driven format is what I read your comment as espousing. There are quite a few of them, but most people are either not that interested, or they are badly done. I personally prefer a mix of both. One does need to know what the enemy (government) is planning, but also know they don’t have to fight on their battlefield. Like my old drinking buddy Sun Tzu used to tell me; “Don’t attack where dey is, Jimmy-boy!” Yep, good advice that I rarely take.
What email service do folks recommend instead of gmail?
You can try lavabit, the guy operating that site has been through Sodom and Gomorrah over it.
Would you happen to have a lavabit promo code you could share?
I don’t have one. It used to be free, but theb the service was smacked down because the owner opted to have it closed, rather than to give in. Now it’s a payed service, which gives a bit more confidence than a “free” service.
I personally wouldn’t trust any email service other than one I would have access to.
Another aspect of “reacting to Mainstream Media”…
Have you ever noticed that Mainstream Media undermines the quantity of people who are aware of the frauds?
GMOs are a great example. We all know for a fact that a huge number of folks are aware that GMOs could have health risks. The reason we know this with certainty is because of the changing grocery marketplace.
9/11 Truth is an example.
Mainstream Media will not reveal the large number of folks who question the official story. A large segment of the population questions 9/11, but Mainstream Media makes it appear as if only a fringe few question the official story. However, media places like YouTube will do all they can to promote “loopy ideas about 9/11 Truth”…I mean have you ever noticed how some of the weirder 9/11 videos get top YouTube ranking?
JFK is another example. A dynamically huge portion of the population does not believe Oswald was the culprit. On this JFK topic, the Mainstream Media is a little mild on trying to marginalize “conspiracy theorists”, because of the fact much of the public doesn’t buy the official story. The Media doesn’t strain as hard.
My point is that the Mainstream Media will never, ever, tell us how large our numbers are.
They really hated reporting on it when Chump brought it up during the campaign. 9/11 was one of the hooks he used to trap people into voting for his “outlaw” campaign. Since he used the services of the algorithm company whose name I have forgotten, it indicates that these exact points are of serious concern for the majority of people. They had more to do with his victory than anything else in my opinion. And they were disappointed. As usual.
Are you allowed to disconnect from the electric company? Solar power, etc. Personally, I would choose to live without electricity before I accepted a smart meter, but I know that is not an option for most people. There are also devices which create a Schumann Resonance frequency on your person, and in a house. I have the link somewhere and can try and find it later on if you like. That’s all I know on it.
I know about the meter…I once had a wrestle match with the electric company here in Texas.
I feel that tremendous dollars are spent to ensure that people stay on a “Power Grid”. It is one of the most insidious forms of controlling people.
And it is a “subscription fee” which makes an individual a life-long serf.
The “Powers That Shouldn’t Be” never want energy to be decentralized, for the average individual to be able to generate his own energy.
Once, I was interviewing a company which does the wind turbines in West Texas. They told me that the ‘power lines’ cost about a million dollars per mile to construct.
Go figure… a million dollars per mile…and running the lines hundreds of miles.
The Social and Psychological Roots of Machiavellian Thinking and Sophistic Thought
I got through a page and a half, but then I would have had to turn off my ad-blocker, so that was it. But from that it seemed the article was bracketing the people who use The Prince as being different from uncritical thinkers. Duh!! Yes, that is because critical thinkers are completely different from uncritical ones. But, it seemed like their viewpoint was leading to a framing of the powers that cower as psychopaths. Blah, blah, blah. It seemed the things the article deemed most note-worthy was that psychopaths only read The Prince (guess I’m a psychopath as my copy is one of my most precious books) and so we should never read The Prince. Which totally means you should totally read it. Like totally. I know it went on a few more pages, but I’m guessing that pretty much covered how that article was framed. But I also don’t really want to turn off my ad blocker either. Those Ruskies are everywhere!
Hi James,
I really hope you will be talking about how the ‘Living Man’ or ‘The Living Woman’ has been stolen from us and replaced by our ‘Legal Fiction’. In my view, there is no bigger story to tell than that!
You have opened my eyes and ears, which is why, when I 1st heard about our legal fiction, I couldn’t believe that we had been so utterly tricked …. and it’s been going on for years ….. how DO we get out of it? For me, it’s to become that ‘living woman’, to live her, not to be intimidated by the police or anyone else …. and to be true to my true, living, being self. To reconnect with the basics of what is universally the Common Law.
I can’t wait to hear your biggest story ….
James’ work on the big picture issues is invaluable. I appreciate his diligence and eloquence, finding and presenting, detailed facets of topics that many of us never really thought about clearly enough. It has really helped me find viable perspectives on “the news” more efficiently and effectively.
Off the top of my head, he has clarified such meta subjects as…
Crises in Science
Biometric Security State, etc.
They are all more relevant and memorable than the average multitudinous ‘news’ items that I have consumed. Thank you James
During the early days of the Agenda, from 9/11 onwards, they have seem to have set the American population as the main target of their online propaganda. Hence most Left/Right and East/West debate and perceptions are framed from that angle.
But these days, the Globalists seemed to move on and target the global population as the main audience of their messaging. And with the increased pace of events, it is as if they have successfully set up a virtual Colosseum encircling the world. Gladiator participants from Ukraine, Russia, Palestine, Israel are forced to participate to keep the global audience captivated and constantly emotionally roused.
If people are not so captured, they would decline to participate as audience, so as to question and demand the end of the agenda setters.
On Saturday May 11, 2024 FLASHBACK to The News is a Social Construct (Sept 2017)
EXCERPTS [Full Transcript at Substack link.]
James Corbett says:
One of the booby traps that’s implanted in our language is the term, “The News”.
As if there is one set of events that we can all universally agree upon are the set of events, “The News” that took place today that everyone must talk about.
Think about what that implies.
Who gets to choose what is “The News”?
And why do we insist on everyone that we consider to be in the news sphere to talk about the same set of events…
…I think there’s something insidious to that phenomenon…
…But it’s still the fact that the MSM, the editors at you know, MSNBS, get to set the agenda that everyone’s going to talk about by presenting “The News”. And sometimes there are spectacular events that one cannot avoid discussing….
…But I think people get so caught up in the day-to-day flow of “The News” that, again, is being picked for your consumption in some office by some editor at some MSM publication.
People get so caught up in that that they miss, I think, the bigger picture of what’s happening.
And that’s detrimental because if we do not take it upon ourselves to really interrogate the overall narrative and see what fits into or does not fit into that narrative and where it’s trending, that’s, I mean, that’s where I think the real value of something like the Corbett Report lies.
Because it has been pointed out to me on several occasions in the last few weeks alone how seemingly relevant some of my old work is to what’s happening today…
…So, you know, I know what I’m talking about. I know what’s coming down the pipe…
…Whereas an outlet like the Corbett Report can be an exploration of the larger issues that are going to be affecting us however many years down the road. And it’s happening time and time again now that I see these events playing out in “The News”, “The News” that everyone is now talking about, that I covered this years ago. We talked about it already…
Yet again, I’ve done this before, but I just want people to think about the fact that:
(A) – There is no such thing as objectivity when it comes to news and news reporting, because even what you choose to talk about and what you don’t choose to talk about is itself an editorial decision that will frame everything…
…And my role, I see it with increasing clarity now, is to be that person on the watchtower looking at the big agenda items that are coming along the road….