The White House announced on Monday that they are preparing to frame Syrian President Assad for the next chemical weapon attack in Syria, essentially giving the green light to their Al-CIA-da forces to proceed with another false flag event. So who is behind this, what is at stake, and where is the attack likely to take place? Join James for this Thought For The Day as he goes over the latest information on this false flag attack and solicits your participation in an open source investigation.
Watch this video on BitChute / Youtube
White House press release announcing coming chemical weapon attack
White House Says It Will Fake “Chemical Weapon Attack” In Syria
Dispatch From the Middle East: U.S. Buildup All About Iran
Mattis: US arms for Syrian Kurds will continue after Raqqa
Air Strike in Syria: “We Got A Fuckin’ Problem”
Pentagon, State Dept ‘Clueless’ on Trump’s Assad Allegation
Mattis Claims White House Threat to Syria ‘Worked’
That Seymour Hersh article Air Strike in Syria: “We Got A Fuckin’ Problem” is well worth reading.
‘AS: No one is talking about the entire reason we’re in Iraq and Syria in the first place. That mission is fucked now.’
So true. The more this escalates, the further that question is from everyone’s mind. Mission accomplished, USA!
I need to work up a calendar and note a series of events and policies which have occurred within the last six or nine months.
There are a lot of players on the field within that sector of the globe, economic and otherwise. (China, __istans, India, Russia, NATO, IMF, ClimateChange agenda, etc.)
Also, some unexpected events have taken place. (e.g. Brexit, Trump elected)
Trump is such an unpredictable, TV show style wild hair, with a record for inflaming situations.
Related directly to Syria are some eyebrow raising aspects and events. (e.g. connection to Israel, orbing with Saudi Arabia followed by the Saudi ‘Game of Thrones’, disregarding Russia, aggressive action in Syria, the major White House announcement on Tuesday 27th about making the U.S. a dominant world energy exporter, etc.)
I need to look at the timing, the sequence of all the many events.
One day after the June 26th Press Release on Syria and chemical weapons…Tues 6/27/17: White House Press Briefing – An Energy Dominant America / Exporter
(This is the same briefing where the Project Veritas CNN ‘fake news’ video was highlighted.)
…and it is beyond me that the Administration is going to accent a proliferation of U.S. Nuclear Energy. What a train wreck coming!
HomeySupply: Thank you for the link to White House brief by Sarah?and your old gov.Ricky Perry now head of the , gee ah gosh gone can’t remember what cabinet it was , probly don’t even need it Secretary. Just ribbing ya.
He said some very revealing things interspersed in a lot of crap. The truth does rise to the top.Sarah? said some things also. I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO LISTEN TO THE ENTIRE PRESS CONFERANCE!
I list a few things that are of interest to me. Sorry I’m not giving the time stamp of where exactly but everyone should hear the whole thing anyway, you will pick it out.
1. ” Capturing coil gas and ash to mine rare earth minerals/ metals,while removing the excess CO2″. Very important to have for zero point energy electrical production. We’ll see if they share it with the common people of this land.
2. “Laboratory researching new energy sorces that you can’t even imagine” Again will it be shared with the American people. Military industrial complex has had ZPE developed since 1957 or sooner. We doNot need oil for energy only axle grease.
3. “Nuclear needed” by whom? Bombs military not electrical grid. Waste? The dumb ass steered away from waste several times and the press didn’t say a word about the Jap disaster so who is complicit?
4. “Climate change is a hoax ” at least he got one out of twenty right. Somewhere I saw an Australian or New Zealand woman talking on the Agenda 21/ 2030, seems like it was a 6-8 part Youtube on the subject. Excellent piece, I linked from the Corbett Report.way down the rabbit hole.
5. Sarah? Who is this Arky mouthpiece for the deep state. Jeez. She needs a lesson on the pump and dump of the budget office, the black hole in the accounting office. Its too depressing to go on . Thanks Homey for the link very informative on the deep state today. And thank you James C. September is going to be exciting you can count on it.
James, I can’t say a thing on this site about military news for fear of being a target or you being further targeted. That is a shame. My how nothing changes. Good luck in today’s mind field.
How did the Red-Pill expo go.go.Will you report on that?
I hear ya.
The sequence, the calendar of events, are more than coincidental.
The White House makes this week “Energy Week” and starts out the gate on Monday with the Syria-Gas Press Release.
One example is Qatar which James talked about recently in Bombshell in the Gulf: The GCC/Qatar Crisis
The top 3 countries with natural gas reserves…
#1 – Russia
#2 – Iran
#3 – Qatar
#5 – USA
#6 – Saudi Arabia
#7 – United Arab Emirates
Bloomberg June 29, 2017
Trump Said to Tout Coal Projects, Nuclear Aid in ‘Energy Week’
“…And Trump described new deals aimed at sending U.S. liquefied natural gas to customers in Asia. For instance, Energy Transfer Partners and Royal Dutch Shell Plc on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding to evaluate collaborating on a liquefied natural gas export project in Louisiana. Trump also touted Sempra Energy’s decision to sign an agreement to begin negotiations over selling more liquefied natural gas to South Korea…”
“…He also described U.S. exports of coal to Ukraine, where power plants are built to handle anthracite mined in areas fraught with conflict. Coal exports to Ukraine “will have more to do with keeping our allies free and building their confidence in us than anything I’ve seen,” said Energy Secretary Rick Perry….”
From that 6/27 White House briefing on energy, here is a 2 minute clip about “Project Veritas” exposing CNN.
Here is the Project Veritas video which White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders encourages all to watch. (8 or 9 minutes)
P.S., On my comments above.#5 about Catherine Austin Fitts from “Secret Space Form” on You-Tube a year ago. She was brillent at explaining the ponzie scheme of the deep state in the housing crash of 2008 and the looming pump and dump just ahead for the US. Which made Sarah? look all the more ridiculous in answers about the budget office.
RT News five days prior to the White House ‘Syria chemical’ Press Release.
letting the different sides bleed out
Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof and former CIA officer Ray McGovern are interviewed about Syria. Like Corbett pointed out, there is focus on that Iranian supply route.
(8 minute interview)
Unfortunately, this is probably the ugly writing on the wall. Syria will never be allowed “to win”.
The objective is to keep it embroiled internally.
Syria will never be allowed to “win”.
The more I ponder, especially after re-watching the interview above, I realize that Syria is screwed. We may even end up with a WW3, but still Syria is screwed.
Once the 5th safest nation in the world…no more. I get very disturbed by the thought of so many lives ruined because of the psychopathic global players.
I guess like other things (Requiem for the Suicided, Libya, 9/11, Kakistocracy, Big Oil, money, etc.) we can set the record straight and try to inform others.
It does look like it’s just a matter of time until Assad is ousted. My thoughts on this whole thing are: after Syria, Iran is next most likely. I’m looking to see when the SCO nations will step in. I’m not sure how close of an ally any of them are with Iran, but it certainly would make those countries more vulnerable if/when Iran goes down. It seems like it would be in there interest to protect Iran.
HomeRemedy; You are so right on this point. I am moved to an actionable state from the media drugged inertia I have shamefully been in during the past, you authentically seem to have a good heart. Im waking slowly to all aspects of this new paradigm and Im overwhelmed at times. Catherine Austin Fitts layout of the next economic 911 was the latest that just sucks the life out of what I thought America used to be. I knew a number of Syrians and Iranians while attending University of Tulsa. Oklahoma State University 75 miles away had the largest Iranians students in the US after the Shaw was overthrown. They where wonderful people and the stories they told me did not square with what the MSM was saying at the time. Wish I knew then what I know now! I regret not knowing these people today that I interacted with daily then. Regret is eternal.
So today there is #unrig. Its not perfect but it is reasonable. In Tulsa the black and Hispanic Community’s are being targeted and lethal force is the only response law enforcment has put forward. Our fighter wing has been training daily above our fair city and the chemtrails are present every third day. This has got to change , this is not the normal I want for my community. Im hoping to get Cynthia McKinney and Robt.David Steel to barn storm this town this summer and hold Senetor INhoff ,Langston and Lucas, Cole and dumb ass Sullen to name a few, to sign the integrity pledge to enact election reform on return from summer recess.Baby steps. Can you help do the same in Texas Homey?
Trolls please stop. In my reply to Homey I have typed the name Mullen, Congressman, dumdass Mark Wayne Mullen 3 times and it changes to Sullen every time. Sorry Homey for the disruption. We have a AIR FORCE cyber unit here in Tulsa cause of Williams communications installing the first fiber optic lines in all their gas pipe lines that run from the US STRATIGIC OIL TERMINAL IN CUSHING 30 MILES FROM HERE TO EVERYWHERE IN THE US. SEN. INHOFF BRINGS IN THE BACON.THANKS SO LEAVE THE CORBETT REPORT TO THE 1ST AMMENDMENT. PLEASE.THERES ANOTHER ONE YOU CAN ADD TO MY LIST OF NOT NORMAL.
Hey Okie!
Did you hear that the governor’s mansion in Oklahoma burned down?
…Almost took out the whole trailer park.
generalbottlewasher, I love your take on things.
Actually, for more than a decade I have been extremely busy as an activist.
Watch some of the videos on this “North Texas for 9/11 Truth” YouTube Channel which I put together.
The Texican way(4 minutes)
We have done so many actions, I just can’t list them all.
Here are some…
2006-2008, I personally burned and distributed about 10,000 DVDs
At my own expense, I have placed newspaper ads, and done all kinds of promotion such as mailing out many thousands of 9/11 Truth DVDs/brochures to public officials and politicians, judges, fire departments, police departments, FBI, architects, engineers, celebrities, etc.
Now I am letting some others take the reins. I got to get my finances in better shape. So, I am less active than I had been, but I still interact with “new” people almost daily about “truther” stuff.
I built this and maintain it…
Homey, Very impressive resume. The first thing that came to me upon awakening was fluoride in the water is a poison. You seem to be way ahead of that in deed and word. Having worked for the City and inspecting some things at our water plant and waste plants I was struck by the secrecy in the bowels of the facilities. I was creeped out every time I had to be around those people. Call it 6th sence or whatever I got the impression something was not good, healthy or wholesome in the places I interacted with. Your web site is commendable. In the future can the content be used freely here if need be?
Just a thought off the top of my head watching this – Could the press release have been a way of stopping a false flag gas attack that was imminent? One that was going ahead but Donald and his merry muppets found out and scuppered the dastardly plan by releasing a statement that makes it too obvious to go ahead as planned right away?
I very much doubt this. Perhaps it’s just wishful WW3 avoidance thinking on my part.
My wife and I watch House of Cards because it’s a show that exposes some of the corruption of Washington and politicians in general in an interesting and entertaining way. Bill Clinton is quoted saying that it’s 99% accurate (surely aside from the murder and salaciousness, right Bill?) so it’s fun to have conversations with other people who still have the mainstream blinders on to any degree about HoC and point them to real stories that demonstrate that corruption going on right here and now, outside of a Hollywood set.
That all being said, I found it very interesting how even this show is subtly indoctrinating people that Russia is evil, the Syrian government is evil, and ISIS (ICO in the show) is evil. Don’t get me wrong, all three are evil in their own rights just like the US government is. But season 5 has a gas attack written in. Who do you think they say is definitively behind it? The Syrian government. Viktor Petrov (aka Putin) is painted as the antagonist causing all of the other trouble in the Middle East. It’s just interesting how even now that a mainstream TV show is portraying some truth as to the palpable darkness and evil running rampant in the “sacred” US government machine – they still have to sew in the lies to keep people rooting for the nationalist home team and plant seeds of hope that if we just vote the right people in things will get better. The list of White House advisors in the credits for HoC is something like 10 or 12 people long. I wonder where those lies being planted come from…
Either way, in the show the president learns from intel that the Syrian government is going to gas its own people. And he decides to let it happen so that they can get boots on the ground and he can garner political support to maintain his crumbling presidency. It’s not about right or wrong, right or left — it’s about winning, he says at another point in this season. What’s the best way to fool and coerce? Tell the truth with some lies sprinkled in.
That is very interesting about Season 5 on House of Cards and the Syria/gas scenario…and Russia as a demon.
I watched the first few seasons with my ex-wife. I enjoyed it. Kevin Spacey plays the part well. A very sharp, cold-blooded, psychopath politician who climbs the ladder to the top.
I found “House of Cards” very realistic with its portrayal of the prolific Beltway corruption. The way real politics works.
My wife’s sister/brother-in-law, both retired Math Professors, are strong Democrats who digest The New York Times. They are so Democrat that they donate towards many liberal causes.
Once I had a heart to heart with them about 9/11 and gave them 9/11 DVDs and Ae911truth literature. After all, they were Math-Computer Science Professors and know about the acceleration due to gravity. The 9/11 info didn’t take…they just couldn’t confront that the government and media might cover-up 9/11.
And so it goes with House of Cards. They found the show very unrealistic with all the government corruption. For them, the rampant political corruption made the show far fetched.
As for Hillary and her sins, this couple is so naïve that they believe the Justice System works. They believe that if Hillary did some of these atrocities that she would be prosecuted.
I find anecdotes like these very interesting. Thanks.
All my life, I have noticed that a minority of folks have a strong interest in matters of substance, while a majority of folks really don’t have a strong interest in matters of substance…they prefer shallow, not deep discussions.
I told my mom to watch House of Cards because it was a realistic look in to how our government functions. She made it a couple episodes and stopped. She told me she just couldn’t handle the darkness and evil it showed. Even though she didn’t continue to watch, she now has another seed planted that will make her doubt the political system more and more.
Some people just aren’t ready to face the truth. I think we have to remember that when we spread the truth and get stonewalled. It’s nothing personal, those people just aren’t ready to hear anything paradigm-shift-worthy. But just the existence of conspiracy nuts like most of us here gives those people a reason to consider what we tell them. Even if it seems like they didn’t listen or they immediately reject us, they heard it. And when our cause continues to grow like it has been since the advent of the Interwebs and more evidence piles up against the status quo, it will only cause more people to question their positions. Then they come asking us a few questions. Relational evangelism.
madmovond, So right!
“… Even if it seems like they didn’t listen or they immediately reject us, they heard it….”
I guess it really is like waking up. Some people jump right out of bed, alert and ready to go. Others, try to slumber a little longer not ready to wake up. I do best in disseminating to others when I “understand” and maintain my compassion and tolerance.
I agree. Some people are just not ready. And there are shades of gray in between.
Well to be clear, Seymour Hersh’s “Trump’s Red Line” article made no indications that chemical weapons were stored in that cinderblock building that was bombed by the Syrians. He said chlorine and other chemicals used to clean dead bodies before burial, and fertilizer chemicals for crops were the ones that created the chemical cloud in the secondary explosion that killed so many people.
I did have a similar feeling when reading Hersh’s article that he wasn’t giving all the details and more so painting a narrative of it being just some big accident paired with Trump being a hot-head. I think there is something more going on.
The fact that, as Hersh said, there were open communication lines between Russia and the U.S. where Russia made it clear several days in advance of the bombing that their intentions were to bomb that particular building, would have given the White Helmets et al. enough time to set the film scene for a chemical attack, assuming that the CIA passed those communications on to them. But there is no way anyone could have predicted with certainty that secondary chemical explosions would occur.
I recall, during OBushma’s reign (although I can’t recall the date), he wanted to take troops into Syria. But there was such resistance, such lack of support, that he came out and said “because there is no support for it, I won’t send troops into Syria. I’m sure there are “Advisers” there, like in Vietnam).
I wonder if that same lack of support would disused Trump from going into Syria, or continuing the toppling scheme. The one Gen. Clark talked about in 2003?
== Off Topic – Porkins Bonus ==
Corbett was my introduction and I’ve heard almost every Porkins Policy Radio Review show. (I’ve avoided episodes about TV or movies I haven’t seen yet.) I get the PPR newsletter that tells me about new episodes, including this weeks “PPR bonus podcast episode 7 How to Defeat Trolls”. I’d been corresponding with him about a favour I helped him and Tom Secker with, and he was going to share bonus episode(s) with me, but he hasn’t yet. I don’t want to “troll” him with my “spam” (I often ramble on) and hoped someone here might share it with me.
With what we know of Seymour Hersh being a limited hangout mouth piece for the establishment we can take his ‘the intelligence agencies are a paragon of virtue and Trump being a rogue Pres” for what its worth which is not much. It appears Trump, as the estab. excuse patsy is even more of an idiot than I took him for.
Since when has the ‘Commander in Chief’ had the power to issue an order directly to the American armed forces or intelligence agencies [sic] and had them followed without going through the establishment’s filter operations for any such government figurehead decree? This is all the work of the over heated inner ‘bunker’ workings of the Empire command and control system as they contemplate military defeat in Syria. Or as Carl Rove explained the Empire now creates its own (un)realities.
Exactly. Where are the legal checks and balances? So if Congress is the only branch of government that can declare war (launching cruise missles at the Syrian airbase), if they simply ignore the fact that the Executive branch circumvented that check and balance then it makes everything okay? Who holds Congress accountable for not holding the Executive branch accountable? If everyone just ignores it and pretends there are no checks and balances for it then it’s as if nothing ever happened? This baffles me. I’ve never heard a legal explanation to this. Maybe there isn’t one.
This is one of my issues with the government. It’s reached a point where the president, or government agencies do things that are clearly against the constitution, which is supposed to be the “law of the land”. Yet no one complains and the “watchdog media” is bought or co-opted so they are no help. In this country who’s government is supposed to be by, for and of the people, we the people have no authority or means to ensure our “elected” representatives act for our benefit. Obama made all these promises, yet when he got elected he didn’t try to accomplish any of them. Sadly, it’s looking like Trump may be doing the same thing. I’m trying to remain hopeful, but looking at who he’s put in positions of power and who his advisers are, it doesn’t look good. You hear things like “Oh, the president can’t act without negotiating with other politicians” or ” the president doesn’t have much real power”. However, if the president went before the American people, in a televised speech, and said “I want to do such and such, but I’m being blocked by congress, or by other politicians”. Then it would open the door for the citizens to demand their elected representatives back the president in whatever beneficial thing he wants to do. But we never see that happen. Which leads me to conclude that the president is right there with the corrupt monsters who are just trying to push the globalists plots along, inch by inch.
Lately I’ve been following the guy who started #Unrig. He seems to be an honest guy who is trying to change things for the better, rather then simply getting rich on empty promises.
#Unrig is Robert Steele, his site is –
James, I don’t think this is as dangerous as it appears (although it could be very dangerous in certain circumstances). When you combine Sy Hersh’s article with the April attack you realize that in both cases Trump fell for Fake News! The April attack appeared to be for show because half the missiles misfired/fell in the sea but it partially got Russiagate off his back. This episode seems to be similarly for show. Mattis says the next day, “Our warning worked! they stopped preparations for the chemical attack!” Obviously that is ridiculous so this time instead of sending cruise missiles he threatened to attack and achieved the same result, ie. counter Russiagate which is imploding anyway. Hersh’s article with its look at how the GIs (not the top brass) were reacting to what was going on indicates that they have a good working relationship with their Russian peers on the Deconfliction line and that they have respect for them which is good. James Jatras has an article on Strategic Culture Foundation that makes this very point. This threat is just chum for the talking heads, however it is of extreme importance for Trump and Putin to meet next weekend at G-20 so it can be made clear what is going on. However, this is very dangerous chum that can blow up if the terrorists fake an attack or do an actual chemical attack but they may not have any supplies of lethal gas because they have lost a lot of their supply lines in recent weeks and may be out of supplies. The April incident was not actually gas, it was a lot of chemicals including fertilizer that got caught in an early morning inversion layer of cold air preventing dispersal. Inhaled organophosphate fertilizer could appear ‘sarin-like’ in the autopsy tox-screen.However Tox-screens at autopsy take weeks to come back but the autopsy reports were pretty soon after the incident making the reports suspect.
The primary risk remains accidental war, not intentional. The Saker has looked at a US war on Iran and his view is the US would lose unless they did a nuclear first strike. Conventional war is out of the question for the same reason that I previously about DPRK: conventional attack would be a disaster for SK plus Russia and China would jump in because it is an attack on them as well so neither a conventional nor nuclear first strike is possible. The other thing is that I don’t believe the Pentagon wants WWIII and would resist. I saw a picture of Mattis a few days ago and he has a worried look of the weight of the World on his face. He is a combat commander unfamiliar with Geopolitics and strategic planning for World Empire. He hasn’t even got a strategy for Afghanistan let alone WWIII. Dunford has already said he isn’t going to start war with Russia, which again, also means war with China and Iran at the same time.
The Wildcard is the Air Force, the most rabid warmongers in the entire US military plus they are full of fanatic fundamentalist Christians. The shoot-down of the Syrian plane was an on-the-spot decision of a trigger-happy hotshot pilot. They all think dropping bombs and winning dog-fights is how you win wars. They are crazy as hell and in need of adult supervision.
Herqqles, All that money is real and goes into the deepstate black-opps projects. Pork no longer has a source of funding. It literally goes into a blackhole. Checkout a real kick in the balls Youtube show.
” Catherine Austin Fitts:Secrete Space Program Conference 2014,San Mateo” May already be down.
I am still sick over the information. How? Complete coup of the taxpayers money. Why? Funding a break away civilization. We paid for our own enslavement to this break away ruling society. Our treasure funding our demise. You pointed out the sources and this has been going on since Mr. Sam (Rayburn) and LBJ conspired to take over the legitimate government for the deepstate. We was robbed.
Sorry Herqqles.The Catherine A. Fitts link is not correct above . Try
Having some local computer bugs lately.