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From search algorithm fine-tuning to social media shadow banning and filter bubble traps, this ain’t your granddaddy’s censorship. Join James for this thought for the day as he explores censorship 21st century style and what we can do about it
Episode 318 – A Decade of Dominance
The Social Media Exodus Has Begun. Here’s Where Everybody’s Going.
The Corbett Report on BitChute
QUESTION clarification – Corbett Report Data DVDs –
James will often cite/link to a referenced webpage article when he writes an article.
Over the decade(s), I often have seen articles or webpages disappear.
Do these Data DVDs contain a copy of the webpage article?
Thanks for the question, HRS. To clarify: the dvds contain only the raw files themselves. They do NOT contain the documentation for each item.
James, I like the idea of using a video platform other than YouTube. I come to watch this video from your own website which appears to use YouTube instead of BitChute. I suspect you have a reason for that. What would that be?
Thanks for the comment, okgardener, but I’m afraid I can’t make heads or tails of “I come to watch this video from your own website which appears to use YouTube instead of BitChute.” Can you rephrase that or explain what you mean?
When clicking a video from the video plays in a YouTube player rather than a bitchute player automatically.
Not always does it play on YouTube automatically. It depends.
Corbett has recently been placing both versions of the video (YouTube and BitChute) links below the video at Corbett Report’s website near the SHOW NOTES.
Corbett Report Channels…
BitChute –
Corbett Report YouTube –
Corbett Report EXTRAS YouTube –
An historic tidbit which is cool…
The FIRST video to premiere embedded on BitChute was from Corbett Report.
Hey James,
Do you have any deals for buying X amount of DVDs? If someone wanted to buy the whole collection of data DVDs, would there be a price break? Just checking! Thanks.
Thanks for the comment, Beau. Let me remind everyone that there is a coupon code at the bottom of every subscriber newsletter that you can use when checking out to get 25% off any DVD purchase any time.
I second Beau’s comment. Also, is there a ‘very good year’ of a DataDVD to choose from first? Should we start chronologically, or somewhere in the middle, or the latest year and work backwards? Should we consult a ouija board? Is it possible for Congressional leaders to form a blue-ribbon panel to discuss this issue and provide a consensus for the consumer?
I purchased 2007-2010. I’ll try and get the other years in the hopefully not-too-distant future. I agree, it’s a good thing to have hard copies of this data, and it saves me the process of ‘laboriously’ downloading and cataloging myself. When Skynet goes online, I can review the material in my bunker. Plus, it’s good to support the site!
That coupon code was quite a bit of savings, too. Thanks for the tip, Beau and James!
You are so right!
The Comparative Value of Corbett Report DVDs is extremely good. Like you pointed out… it saves me the process of ‘laboriously’ downloading and cataloging myself. Besides spending lots of time, a downloader would need to purchase storage capacity.
These DVDs are top of the line, not the ordinary type DVD which has half the storage capability.
The raw blank product is definitely not cheap in cost nor in quality… (And some CorbettReport years have 5 discs!)
Verbatim 8.5 gigabyte dvd+r dl
James Corbett shows the DVDs here…
Also notice that Corbett has the discs themselves imprinted with a wonderful graphic label.
It really does take some time, effort and cost to burn, print, package and mail these.
Corbett’s Data DVDs
The question you raised came at a perfect time, because just yesterday I was discussing politics with my parents. The topic of terrorism in the Middle East came up and my mom said she believes the reason why Iranians “hate” America is because they are taught from a young age in schools to hate Americans and to wipe out the infidels and yada yada. I didn’t believe this to be exactly true so I opened up Start Page and typed in something like “are Iranian children taught to hate America.” I was expecting to get mixed results, some MSM, some alt media, etc. but all I got was not only MSM type material but it was Washington think tanks, pro Israel websites, and anti-Islam/get all the terrorists because this is ‘Merica type websites.
I did find the information my mom was talking about from these pro-Israel websites. Obviously this information is biased, and without doing a lot of further research I can not confirm or deny the statements that accuse Iranians to hate Americans and Jews. Obviously I’m doubtful that they hate just to hate. It is instead a result of America’s intrusive and hegemonic foreign policy. But I was indeed surprised and frustrated by how surpressed any alternative information was.
This is the type of information I found.
On the thought of playing by “their” rules, where “they” control the narrative, how feasible is it for “us” to have an “alternet”? A place where information/communication can flow and reside freely? A “net” running parallel to what we currently have to offset the so called sensorship.
Are there any IT or software engineers out there amongst our midst who could comment on this? Why should we look only for scraps at this “table” when we could start a new “table” (like James had every so often mentioned)?
Herrqlys, I understand the immensity/scope of the current internet and the expense in putting it together, not to mention the time it took. However, as are most things getting “heavy” under their own weigh, I believe in the near future “decentralization” maybe our answer.
For the life of me, I came across a website about 7 years ago reading about such a thing. All I can remember now in what were proposed was that the parallel network be formed around nodes put together from each individual community. It won’t have all the “wizbangs” but would be resilient. At any rate, the idea is not to duplicate what we currently have but to build an alternate to safeguard our data and communications should “they” decide to place more sensorship, or kick “us” off.
The way I see it, you don’t even need the global internet. Just move all the “sane” people (about 10000 or so) to a new location (probably best somewhere in Switzerland) and setup a simple local network, decentralized, based on web torrents and mesh networks. Easy-peasy. Why go through the bother of laying untold kilometers of fiber cable just to be able to connect to, pardon my French, a bunch of sheeple?
Firstly, I joked about the move to Switzerland. Forced relocation is not the way I picture freedom. If there was such a community I would consider joining it.
The reason I specifially mentioned that country is because of its perceived neutrality, something one could hope to leverage and make use of. Also, when one is starting anew, local prices do not matter much.
“Sanity” litmus test: would you or would you not agree the government is lying to you practically at all times? Criteria: those that attack, verbally or otherwise, the interviewer fail to qualify. Interviewer should be an unknown person as to not slant the criteria through personal relations.
I was very literal about the last bit. Why bother? There will almost always exist commercial networks and point to point connections are hard to stamp out. The only real problem remaining is the access to the network, but there are ways around that as well. Like a solar powered wireless transponder dropped on a building in range of free (as in free beer) wifi.
I see both Switzerland and Belgium as a kind of globalist forts. I mean, if you went right ahead and spread havoc all around Europe, wouldn’t it be great to have a safe heaven? Of course it would. What better way to observe a mass slaughter during winter but from your Château in the mountains? Yodeling sounds a lot better than mortar shells.
Not stating there is some sort of monolithic conspiracy going on there, just a convergence of various interests.
…a community based on cooperation, exchange and friendship.
My brain fluids really start churning with some of Corbett’s thought provoking concepts, such as Catallaxy and I, Pencil (“the invisible hand” and Economics in One Image as mentioned on this Corbett Episode What Are You Going To Be When You Grow Up? and linked in the comments.
Actually, “growing up” fits with …a community based on cooperation, exchange and friendship.
For any family or group, there is an active creative development. It is actions, not just thoughts. It is nurturing.
One aspect in creating a Catallactic community based on cooperation, exchange and friendship, would be to not only find like-minded people but also to strive towards “making” like-minded people.
Sure, there are those who are awake and actively involved with their awareness. These like-minded folks often run into each other on forums and in life.
But if we take no active role in helping to educate and wakeup others (little-step by little-step appropriate for the individual), then we lose and “The Powers That Shouldn’t Be” win.
After all, the entirety of their psychopathic control is banked on manipulating an unaware public.
It’s a pioneer family…
We can “birth” more folks for our community which actually helps the community to better survive. By waking up others, we are more causative and in more control of our destiny.
The anti-thesis of “birthing new awakees” feeds “The Powers That Shouldn’t Be”.
There is a reason “The Powers That Shouldn’t Be” disperse and direct attention towards matters of non-substance. The Censorship in the 21st Century is for reasons which include don’t wake up.
…don’t have communities of awake individuals.
That classic movie “They Live” comes to mind.
(3 1/2 minutes)
Joe Bob Briggs says “Check it out.”
My inbred cousin’s cousin, Joe Bob Briggs, (who lives in the Texas trailer park next to mine), is a Drive-in Movie Expert.
Tonight Show Jay Leno discovers the history about the Drive-In.
(7 min)
Communist Regulations and Breasts
Liberals, FCC, 1st Amendment & politically correct
The early days of Joe Bob Briggs with real drive-in scenery.
Interview with Joe Bob Briggs (who actually is an award winning investigative journalist and author.)
Joe Bob Briggs website
Joe Bob Briggs works with a Church to expose religious money fraud. – …or the original hilarious pilot (tie the boy’s hands when he sleeps so he doesn’t sin)…
James Corbett QUOTE
“I’ve talked before on The Corbett Report about wireless mesh networking as an alternative to the existing internet backbone. Although this technology truly does offer the promise of an alternate infrastructure that evades the current NSA track-and-control matrix and could be configured to be as neutral (or not-neutral) as its users want, the idea of a wireless mesh network that could truly rival the scope and penetration of the existing internet is not realistic in the short term. In the meantime, though, mesh networking could still be used to harness an already untapped potential of available bandwidth: unlicensed spectrum, i.e. the wi-fi connections that remain locked away behind passwords by their owners. As Peter van Valkenburgh writes in a compelling Wired op-ed, the combination of bitcoin micropayments, traffic encryption, and peer routing could create a mesh network that would in effect be a ready-to-go competition to the broadband monopoly giants. In effect, a community of interest could set up its own broadband network by pooling together the resources of its constituent members. The best part about this plan? It’s the peer-to-peer economy at play in the process of providing peer-to-peer connections through a peer-to-peer network itself. Talk about Inception….”
(taken from )
Episode 262 – Solutions: Pirate Internet
Thanks for pointing that out, HRS! I did see that episode come to think of it. ;P I will definitely give it another review. I’m just curious (as I posed that question originally) as to how feasible it is. Will we able to do it within 3,5,10 years, etc? I realize it would probably take a movement with lots of folks with similar mind frame to get going, perhaps from an awakening much like 9/11 did.
Hey James, good discussion.
Maybe you and others like you (I’m thinking of Newsbud in particular, and the various organizations attending the impending RedPill conference) should collaborate to produce (or contract production of) alt media oriented search engine(s) which tweak the user AWAY from MSM products.
I guess we’re all subscribers here and I’m planning to purchase most of your data DVDs eventually. Would be money well spent from this contributor’s point of view.
Directing Attention
“Attention” is necessary when an individual receives or sends communication.
“Directing Attention” gets lumped into a bad rap, because sometimes it is utilized by con artists, hustler salespeople, The Powers That Shouldn’t Be, Big Pharma, etc.
We certainly are seeing “Directing Attention” in this decade by the MainStreamMedia and the internet of things (e.g. YouTube, Google, Amazon, etc.) Manipulation by directing attention. A hijacking of an individual’s potential interests.
But “Directing Attention” in itself is not a bad thing. Each of us use “directing attention” all the time. A teacher uses it, or suffers mayhem in the classroom. An honorable salesperson uses it to point out the benefits of the product or service.
A Parent uses it to get a small child back on track. (Example: A parent can sometimes stop a crying toddler just by pointing to interesting objects in the room with “Oh! Look! Wow! See this!” )(I often use this technique in the grocery store when the kid is making a big ruckus.)
When we communicate an idea, we are “directing attention”.
Urban Farmer Curtis Stone talks about HOW TO CRUSH IT AT THE FARMERS MARKET!!
In the above video, he gives pointers on how to direct people’s attention, not a shyster but as an alert, free, prosperous individual.
Urban Farmer Curtis Stone YouTube Channel –
My point:
The keynote is the intention behind “Directing Attention”.
A psychopath is gonna try to use it to further psychopathic ends.
A sane, caring individual will use it to better conditions.
I hear ya!
That “Busted” video about Social Capital is a real statement!
Throughout history “social capital” prevailed well.
Moonshine Capital of Texas
About 2 hours from me is Glen Rose, Texas, once the Moonshine Capital of Texas. The small town was a tourist place back during prohibition, both for the mineral water/sanitariums/magnetic healers and for the booze. The whole county was making the stuff, even the Sheriff and County Attorney. My kind of people.
Social Capital made it work.
Grin… That Channel has some good stuff sometimes.
Doing search engine comparisons on just this topic, I have isolated exact cases of censorship. Many are guised under copyright violations. Though the filter bubble is also a huge issue that is very real.
Rather than show exact cases I will give my tool set for comparison and isolation.
If you suspect your search engine is corrupted with the disease, there are indeed search engines that are not on the google algorithm to compare and get another opinion.
These are different simpler algorithms, neither are as hasty to censor results and they give options to show filtered results, more like the google of olde.
Try entering a domain name you know is censored on google into either of these sites and you will be pleased to see a difference. Unfortunately you also get more spam results to self navigate through.
It’s late, so I didn’t get a chance to read through all the comments; but I thought I’d post an event I immediately thought of when you asked if we had an experience with 21st century censorship.
I remember a few years ago, I was trying to follow up on the time that Baxter Pharmaceuticals tried to “accidentally” kill off the entire country of Finland around 2008. I had to literally wade through at least ten pages of totally unrelated garbage before I got to the first article on it. It took me long enough that I had begun to believe they had “scrubbed” it from the internet completely. This wasn’t my only experience, but it was the one that stuck out the most. By the way, am hoping to start building my own DVD collection of your show. That should help fill up that extra half hour of free time I get a day! Thanks, Jim
I was just watching a Susan Lindaugh video and Chelsea Manning’s name was brought up. It was then that I remembered that when his trial (even by military standards THAT was a kangaroo trial) began, Cassie Anthony came back in the news again. From the very first day of the trial to the last, all of the air time was spent on Cassie Anthony. I’m sure it was just a coincidence.