Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
Story #1: Trump’s Swamp Lets ISPs Sell Your Browsing History
House Rep. Pushing To Set Back Online Privacy Rakes In Industry Funds
VPN Searches Soar As Congress Votes To Repeal Broadband Privacy Rules
Story #2: CrowdStrike Revises, Retracts Parts of Explosive Russian Hacking Report
What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google
Story #3: Want Liberty? Build Your Own Floating Free City
American Farmers Hacking Tractors With Ukrainian Firmware
Perhaps someone can code a Firefox Addon that would perpetually make random searches on your favourite sites for you to “clothe” your open naked search history.
= Animation =
Also, did you like the animation test I emailed you? It was only a test. I can do much much better. I have 25 years of experience in animation and creative direction.
Would you consider collaborating on an animated short?
Some options: Santa government, Halloween of CIA spooks, a Truther’s 101, a brief history of mass control and exploitation, the distopian future technocracy, the solution revolution, Max Headroom or Carlin spoof, or something else you’d prefer.)
I’ve 2D & 3D animated and creative directed countless projects in various styles over the last 20 years. I seek neither fame nor fortune, just good infotainment work with bite. This test shows only a tiny glimpse of potential. I will do MUCH MUCH better.
This offer does not expire.
= MSM Fake News =
Back at the end of PropOrNot you stated that you don’t need to make a video showing that the MSM has been lying to us all our lives, the core message of Corbett Report, more than geo-politics. I beg to differ. I just can’t get through to my 70 year old mother, and may never, but still wish to try. I’d politely request it if it wasn’t so important, so I demand that you create a beginners guide summary of how everything we’ve been told is a lie. Five minutes or fifty-five minutes, I don’t mind. You’ve earned my trust and loyalty, but not my blind obedience. Please please please make an MSM For Dummies, that if nothing else of yours they watch, at least they’ll get something. (Also, you could use my animation skills, just ask.)
== WikiTrust ==
WikiTrust, now featured on Wikipedia.
Google it.
“WikiTrust is a software product that assesses the credibility of content and author reputation of wiki articles using an automated algorithm. WikiTrust is a plug-in for servers using the MediaWiki platform, such as Wikipedia.”
(They couldn’t bear to just open up and adapt “fringe” and “fancruft” in some way to make Wikipedia more manageable. Now it’s auto-elitist.)
Sounds good-ish. Keeps vandals and trolls and idiots at bay.
What if you’re the only sane person in the room – or the Mad Mad Mad Man’s Man’s Man’s World.
The Residents – Man’s World (James Brown song cover)
Wikipedia bookmarks used to say:
“[Article Title] – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia”
but now just say:
“[Article Title] – Wikipedia”
Has anyone noticed this change somewhere between 2016-10-08 and 2016-10-15? (The dawn of Fake News and PropOrNot.)
Request: Please do an piece on alt-right author Vox Day and InfoGalactic.com, the Wikipedia forked mirror he owns and funds but is not much involved with.
At least they won’t ban you for improving political and “fringe” content like Wikipedia does.
I may be wrong about some of this.
Something like this would be helpful for those who still believe the Lamestream media looks out for our best interests, the government represents the will of the people and government agencies like the CIA, FDA, EPA all exist to safeguard the population. But I’ve encountered people in the past that, when faced with a earth shaking truth, choose to flee rather then realize that everything they’ve been told all their lives is a lie (for the most part). I think that to some people, it’s better for them, if they maintain their illusions.
I could be wrong! I’m sure some of these people do wake up in their own time and in their own way.
I’m not the only one who thinks we need this!
I’ll even make it for you with your guidance. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. I’ll keep tweaking it until we’re happy with it. I used to love pleasing the ad agencies I used to make MSM commercials for. Now I want to please “our community” at the highest standards, like with all the TV ads in the 90s and 2000s I worked on.
= Justice Systems =
You talk about alternatives and solutions with forms of anarchy, cryptocurrency, etc – but I have yet to hear about alternative forms of justice and conflict resolution.
Listening to the directors commentary for The Last Of The Mohicans, Michael Mann explains that at one time there were at least three systems of justice operating simultaneously on the continent – the French, the English, and which ever First Nation’s territory you may happen to be upon.
I’d like to point out the Rangers of Black Rock City for the Burning Man event/arts festival. Rangers are community organized and selected individuals who train in the arts of conflict deescalation, basic first aid, and other good stuff. We’d rather have our Rangers talk a violent drunk or high hippie off of their troubles than get the police involved. Mostly they’re just there to self monitor and help. Maybe someone has a fire too close to tents or someone passed out from heat exhaustion. They can help. No need for cops who, depending on the years management, may like to bust hippie heads, some years they’re ‘cool’. (The hip cops know it’s a prime gig.) The Rangers are often the first-responder to accidents or incidents and are always the buffer between the Burners and cop communities.
This rangers concept is very interesting, indeed.
I guess there’s a bunch of anarchist “rangers” out there as we speak, monitoring the southern USA border for immigrants and traffickers. Some would probably refer to them as “militia” and possible abuse options are obvious but do not negate the fact people with “proper authority” abuse their power as well.
Like when people assume contributionist society couldn’t work because you’d have many sloths, leeching of off the society. As if we don’t have innumerable sloths now. We also have a hell of a lot people who have the skills and wish to work, but can’t because the economy religion isn’t making any strides in the positive direction. Trillions of wasted work hours because people don’t have any direction nor support.
They may both have the best intentions in mind but helpful Burning Man hippie rangers armed with CB radios are far from paranoid xenophobic redneck rangers armed with guns.
Burning Man is all access back stage passes for everyone. Participation is encouraged and yahoo spectators and frat-boys are discouraged. Money and advertising is forbidden. It’s a gift economy for the entire 3rd largest city in Nevada for one week (except for the central coffee bar which goes to charity, and some still debate it’s purpose).
I went to Burning Man every year from 1999-2008. It changed MASSIVELY between 1997-2003. I expect it’s changed some since. It would be a great topic for a show. I could tell you all about what it used to be, which at its core likely hasn’t changed much.
In 2007 my life started failing as chronic bipolar took over. Faith in big pharma made it all SOOOO much worse for 5 years and a few to recover. I’m now unemployable in this world of deadlines for profits. I still have all my talent and wisdom and am very capable for some of the time, but that is not profitable. That’s why I want to animate for Corbett, etc. Without deadlines.
I wouldn’t go as far as to claim that the people watching the borders are “xenophobic rednecks” which is, firstly, just a blanket statement and, secondly, it masks the fact these people are trying to provide a service which the state isn’t, while it obviously should. In that manner, “xenophobic rednecks” made a citizen arrest of a CIA suv with 2 agents at the wheel, running several dozen kilograms (I forgot how much) dope back to the states.
You are correct.
I apologize to all Rangers of all types.
I was merely trying to create humourous contrast, with as few words as possible.
I have many hippie tendencies and in sunlight everything on me exposed gets red in minutes, including my neck.
= Canadian Hemp-ocrisy =
Please expose the hypocrisy of Trudeau and the Canadian government about pot, and illuminate the world about the political prisoners Marc & Jodie Emery. (Full disclosure: I rarely socially smoke pot and drink alcohol on rare occasions, but neither are my preferred buzz. In fact, I don’t like them but for the social aspect. Ketamine is, though more rare, more safe, and an antidepressant.) In the early 1990s I used to buy my books at the only good bookstore at the time, Marc Emery’s City Lights in London Ontario, though I lived in Windsor and Toronto. He sold great counter culture and banned books, including drug education and safety books, and was perpetually harassed by police. Then he moved to Vancouver to sell pot seeds and paraphernalia while fighting the establishment. Since the 1960s over 2 million Canadians (of less than 40 million) have pot criminal records which have negative social consequences. I’d also love to hear your ideas about my theory: if Canada legalized pot the entire drug war house of cards will be shook to it’s foundations like never before with serious effects on the police state, military industrial complex, prison complex, big pharma complex, on petroleum complex. For some reason I just knew any hopes in Trudeau were too good to be true. ‘Doh!
The “War On Drugs” is directly related to, among other things (big pharma, big booze, police state, gov ctrl pop) such as:
= Slavery In The USA Today =
– ICE rounds up “foreigners”
– ICE detains “foreigners” until trial, whenever
– detainment centres force them to work for $1/day or solitary
– prisoners are the only constitutionally permitted slaves
– prisoners slave wages are exploited (enslaved) by corporations teamed with the prison industrial complex and justice system (slave labour matrix)
– black populations are over targeted by police, stop & frisk, etc
– etc
There exists (or existed) such an addon, which made request bursts to fool the opponent.
Its been a long time since I’ve messed with it, but back in the mid 1990’s I was involved with people who later became the hackers everyone talks about. Back then you could run a tiny program called Telnet that let you mask your ISP, making it look like you were connecting to the Internet from a different location. We usually used free .edu accounts. But I wonder if it would be possible to create a small randomizing program that took several people’s connections and mixed their internet activity together making it harder to identify just who did what online? It may well be impossible, or more difficult now that government agencies have taps at connecting hubs of the backbone.
I wanted to throw the idea out there in the event that such a thing might work.
3/30/2017 White House Official Statement on “The House votes to let internet providers sell your browsing history”.
(1 minute) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb1wrAV3Eyg&feature=youtu.be&t=5m27s
The White House supports the House bill in that it places “Google”, “Facebook” and others on the same playing field as internet providers. “…and consumer protection and privacy concerns to be reviewed on an equal playing field….” instead of bureaucrats supporting special interests (such as Google or Facebook).
Hopeful News! Syria– 3/30/2017
Rex Tillerson – U.S. not seeking President Assad’s ouster
CNS News – http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/6-years-later-obama-gone-assad-remains-tillerson-syrian-people-will
RT -(3 minute) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWYR02qbH4M
Rex Tillerson avoids the Media’s perversions and he seems to do his own research.
AOL – https://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/03/31/report-rex-tillerson-exhibiting-reclusive-tendencies-state-department/22020074/
Washington Post – https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/secretary-of-state-rex-tillerson-spends-his-first-weeks-isolated-from-an-anxious-bureaucracy/2017/03/30/bdf8ec86-155f-11e7-ada0-1489b735b3a3_story.html?utm_term=.0f15662b7f27
Perhaps there is some inkling of integrity within this corrupt system…
Rex Tillerson on Integrity and Ethics
I’m afraid this means they are probably going forward with their “Asian pivot” wet dream while cancelling some projects that have run really late.
Rex Tillerson & China – NEWSBUD Mar 29, 2017
RUSSIA Links via CorbettReport
March 30, 2017 – VIDEO – 33 seconds
“Read my lips – NO!” Putin slams allegations of Russian meddling in US election https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXtS35GPha8
He took that as a joke. He obviously wasn’t angry in this video.
VD …that’s funny VoltaicDude.
ANECDOTE on VD / STDs – This is from a scientific study. A bunch of folks had VD(Chlamydia). They took their antibiotics and soon were pronounced cured. However, some folks showed up back at the Doctor’s office saying: “Doc, I haven’t been messing around. No lie. But I got the STD again.” A clever researcher started having the folks who “had the repeat STD” eat a lot of cilantro. This fixed things, because it pulled out some of the heavy metals. Evidently, biofilms and microbial critters can “be protected” when they are located near heavy metals.
That’s damn interesting.
James what is the strange symbol on the bookcase behind you> The Key with the three pronged fan?
Just wondering what it means?
Buck, Thanks for asking the Q. I wanted to know also.
NEWS April 3, 2017 – Erik Prince & Trump & Russia
Days before President Donald Trump’s inauguration, Blackwater founder Erik Prince met with a Russian close to President Vladimir Putin in the Seychelles islands to create a communication back-channel between Trump and Russia, according to The Washington Post…
Erik Prince on Corbett Report
(Personal comment – I have to chuckle at the MainstreamMedia and their strained attempts to sensationalize the “Russia” scenario.)