Peter Kirby is the author of the new book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project. Today we tackle the two questions most frequently asked by chemtrail skeptics: Would the government do something like this, and could they do something like this? We also talk about John Brennan’s recent call for stratospheric aerosol injection and a 2016 study on the health effects of stratospheric aerosols.
Website of Peter Kirby
Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project
Peter Kirby on The Corbett Report
John Brennan touts the wonders of chemtrails at the CFR
Restoring the Quality of Our Environment (PDF)
Final report of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control (1958)
Great topic. The CIA Director clip is icing on the cake.
Although an old fart, in 2008 I got my degree in the Environmental Sciences at Texas A & M (Commerce).
Commerce, TX is west of Shreveport, Louisiana by about 2-3 hours drive.
In 2007, Reporter Jeff Ferrell of Shreveport’s KSLA News 12(CBS) did a story on Chemtrails.
YouTube (less than 4 minutes) –
More research by Jeff –
Seeing the video prompted me…
— My test for aluminum —
In 2008 at Texas A & M for a class, I took air samples before and then also again after these patterned, expanding chemtrails in the sky.
I was testing for aluminum.
Absolutely NO aluminum was found in the samples prior to the chemtrail activity.
After the jet chemtrail activity, all my samples tested emphatically, strongly positive for ALUMINUM.
(I had pictures from my tests for my paper. There also was another unidentified substance showing up in my tests because of radical color activities in the tests. I suspect that it might had been Barium, but our lab was not equipped to easily test for Barium.)
Reporter Jeff Farrell also did a story about the FBI poisoning the eyewitness to two of the hijackers when they were in Shreveport.
(less than 2 minutes YouTube) –
Article about the incident…
“The 28 Pages” Revisits… “Man who met 9/11 Hijackers poisoned in Texas”
In the early 1970’s, I well remember all the talk and scare of the coming Ice Age. Articles were hitting all over the place that the earth is cooling and within decades Texas would feel like Canada.
By the way, our Texas group is kind of proud of this recent FULL PAGE Ad in the newspaper which we placed on our own initiative.
— CBS Reporter Jeff Ferrell of Shreveport’s KSLA News 12 —
I really should commend this guy. For a mainstream reporter (who has survived a career), he not only has reported and investigated CHEMTRAILS and “the corrupt FBI – 9/11 hijackers incident”, but he also explores many other “conspiratorial or controversial” topics…from UFOs to “out of body experiences” to martial law to nukes across America to the conspiracy to cause chaos in the Muslim World.
This is astounding really.
Mainstream investigative reporting.
Jeff Ferrell YouTube Channel
UPDATE via Peter Kirby
Because I was living near L3 in Greenville and knew people who worked there, I had some interesting personal encounters.
CHEMTRAILS & Greenville, TX & my personal anecdote(s)…
October 20, 2019 – Peter A Kirby put out this article…
L3 Technologies and the Early New Manhattan Project Chemtrail Fleets
Evidence suggests that L3 ISR Systems of Majors Field, Greenville, Texas has been retrofitting commercial aircraft for participation in the ongoing chemtrail spray operations so often observed in today’s skies. L3 ISR Systems is a division of defense contractor L3 Technologies….
Fascinating topic. You mentioned there were too many topics to cover in one interview. Would love for you have him on as a guest again.
Question though – Peter Kirby broached the idea of this potentially being a mass murder. I know this is a touchy subject but does he (or you James) have an opinion as to whether there really is a motivation to combat climate change or is it far more nefarious than that and the goal of this is to actually kill (or potentially at least threaten) large #’s of people?
I guess it’s probably a threat to mankind even if the true motivation IS to combat climate change.
This is a mass murder. It is reasonable to assume that the recent spike in Alzheimer’s deaths are due to the population’s exposure to the aluminum found in chemtrails. Rainwater sample test results from all around the world confirm that aluminum has been found to be the number one chemtrail ingredient. Aluminum exposure is known to cause Alzheimer’s. Please refer to the work of Dr. Russell Blaylock.
As far as the depopulation angle goes, it is reasonable to assume that depopulation is part of the plan. Both of the world’s most prominent geoengineering advocates are also population reduction advocates; those two being Bill Gates and John P. Holdren.
James, I was pleased when I saw the title of the interview and very intrigued. I’m sure most have seen the wild, speculative YouTube video compilations, poorly narrated, equally sountracked, attesting to the sinister effects of the NWO master plan of chemtrails… With absolutely zero documented hard evidence. Sadly this interview declined into much the same league. I can’t blame you for this Alex Jones-esque rambling but it would have done more for your continued, mature-alt-media preesence to have segments edited out. My opinion is critical but stems from paramount regard for your work thus far.
Continue the good fight brother..
So the voice of authority has spoken. I’m sure you have never speculated. Everything that comes from your lips and your pen must be absolute veritas or nothing at all.
Facetiousness aside, it is illogical for you to criticize my work because some of it is speculative. If you don’t know how things work, let me spell it out for you. This is a DEVELOPING INVESTIGATION. Speculation GENERATES LEADS. Some leads pan out. Others don’t. Time will tell. When I am speculating I NOTE IT AS SUCH; that is what is important. The mere fact that I engage in speculation does nothing to impugn the veracity of my work.
Anyway, most of the video is me citing evidence, not speculation. You must not know what you are writing about when you write that I present, “zero documented hard evidence.” Aside from the mountains of circumstantial evidence presented in this video and and in my book, there is hard evidence available. Rainwater samples showing anomalously high levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium IS HARD EVIDENCE. The ambient air samples taken by the California Air Resources Board showing greatly elevated levels of aluminum and barium IS HARD EVIDENCE. The soil samples taken by Frances Mangels and USDA scientists showing astoundingly basic test results ARE HARD EVIDENCE. There’s more in the book. If you had done your homework before attacking me, you would know this to be true. It looks like your flawless intellectual acumen has somehow failed you this time. How could that be?
Mr Kirby my comment addresses the interview. I cannot comment on all of your work because I have not read everything you have put forward. Your research is important and you clearly work hard. I compare the interview to the speculative videos by other people on YouTube because you didn’t answer the questions posed to you in a very direct manner. An example of this is when asked about the term New Manhattan Project. I can’t seem to find any information aside from yours on the reasoning behind the title, if the title exists outside your work.
I’m not disagreeing with you or your research, there is clearly something to be said. I am just speaking out, more so to JC that he keep his show to the same calibre -across all subjects- as a contributing member and fan boy.
As for speculation, I do not believe speculation draws out leads if anything, it can generate expectational bias.
My 2 cents.
Geoengineering is important topic, but very often ends up in chemtrails debate and wild speculation. Unfortunately this interview is not much better. Kirby’s speculation is too unsubstantiated too often.
“Wirelessly powered aircraft” (24:40)???? Really? Why would they need such a plane?
“underground facilities for airplanes” Why?? It’s very hard to make big underground facility for transport airplanes that are needed for spraying chemicals. My speculation is that is very easy to prepare any transport airplane for spraying. It can be hidden in airplane mass.
Regarding questions ‘Would and Could they?’ I do agree that the only answer is yes.
There is an important question in my opinion you didn’t ask:
How often they spray chemicals?
My speculation is rarely, but there are a lot of people thinking that almost every trail on the sky is chemtrail. Of course that would imply really big operation that would not be so easy to disguise.
Theories that chemicals are added to jet fuel are then coming out. How would chemicals react in high-pressure and temperature environment of jet engine is of no concern for proponents of this theory. Engine could be damaged and also chemicals could decompose/oxidize. There could also be problem with chemicals settling in jetfuel tanks.
Regarding toxicity of chemtrails aluminum is often mentioned. As far as I know aluminum oxide is used for geoengineering and it is not toxic in small amounts therefore it is at least exaggeration to say otherwise. I am not saying that chemtrails are harmless, just that we should be careful with information as always.
Yesterday I found out that army doesn’t need Haarp anymore.
Looks to me that Haarp is useless but maybe they just want that I think so.
Is anybody having more information?
Yes, really wirelessly powered aircraft. Do your homework. Read the book. Until then, put your head down. The patents and other evidence are legion. You obviously don’t know what you’re writing about. A wirelessly powered airplane would leave the fuel tanks available for chemtrail spray.
You imply that an underground airport is not happening because it is hard to do. As my grandma used to say, nothing worth while is easy. Although the evidence is available, you would apparently rather shoot your mouth off first. That doesn’t speak too well to your credibility. North Korea is building underground runways for aircraft:
Here is a Wikipedia listing for an underground airport and military base in the former Yugoslavia:
London’s Heathrow Airport has announced plans to go underground:
How often they spray chemtrails is easily obtained information. Do you homework. Look up.
Yes, this is a really big operation. In fact, it is the biggest scientific operation in history.
Yes, it is difficult to disguise. The theory of man-made global warming is the cover story.
Yes people are theorizing that jet fuels have been adulterated. There is some evidence for this. Read the book. Do your homework. My speculation is that if anything is added, it is added into the exhaust, not necessarily into the fuel.
Aluminum IS toxic. The California Air Resources Board classifies it as a toxin which has no acceptable safe level. Aluminum oxide from the chemtrail spray is probably causing the recent Alzheimer’s epidemic. Read the book.
Thank you for not trusting the army. Yes, I speculate that HAARP is actually still in use as well.
First. I’m really glad that you research this things but obviously not how you research.
Second. You’re are pretty harsh. Cool down.
I won’t read your book because you are not credible source for me. There are too many flaws in you reasoning. How can I trust you when sometimes your claims are more then strange.
You provide underground airport evidence for small airplanes with wingspan up to 15m. In fact, it’s more appropriate to say hangar, storage facilities….
But for chemtrail delivery you need transport size airplane like C-130 with wingspan of 40m. Building +40m wide tunnel is more then complicated, maybe even close to impossible. And still there is a question why? To hide. It’s easier to disguise as an aerial refueling airplane or something else. In army with compartmentalization you have plenty of cheaper options.
Why you need big airplane? Because it has better fuel (energy) efficiency. It has proportionally (payload) less drag then small airplane.
Regarding wirelessly powered airplane. Yes, probably is possible for 100gram model plane on a distance of 100m. But not for something like C-130.Installed power on C-130 is more then 10MW. Lets assume that for regular flying 3MW are needed. How could be 3MW wirelessly transferred over 500 miles? Electromagnetic waves that have a loss proportional to square of distance? Are you maybe talking about unbelievable probabilistic propulsion?
“My speculation is that if anything is added, it is added into the exhaust, not necessarily into the fuel.” That means you need separate reservoir and truck for pumping onto airplane. Wouldn’t this be a bit suspicious? Does regular airplane have enough extra volume and weight capacity? Can regular plane with its limitations deliver enough chemicals to have adequate concentration of chemicals in the air? Again, some logic is missing for me.
Aluminum could be toxic, but what about its oxide. Aluminum oxide is extremely stable and doesn’t react with almost anything. There is a lot of aluminum oxide on the Earth, everywhere. And we survived.
Provide some third party evidence .
Hey mik : )
Have ya checked out this movement in Shasta County at all in regards to “chemtrails”? Thought you’d find this video interesting:
Here’s an article and website that explores that movement more:
Thanks man
I looked at links, not thoroughly although.I’m not very interested in this things.
Again, there are views of supposedly knowledgeable people presented that are bullshit.
For example. Video 17:00 to 19:00.
The guy is making analogy between breath on a cold day and contrail. Utterly bullshit. Two phenomena have very little in common, water vapor, co2.
And a lot of differences: physical conditions, atmospheric temperature and pressure, relative humidity, exhaust pressure, volume concentration of water or co2 in exhaust.
All in all, completely different situation.
I think the guy’s main idea was that long standing contrails are not possible. Not true. Under adequate atmospheric conditions in upper layers contrails can stay for hour(s).
If you “prove” that long standing contrails are not possible than almost every trail is chemtrail. What a logic.
I’m not saying that California is not chemtrailed. Here on Balkans majority of trails can be explained with contrails.
But you should take into account heavy air traffic in California, probably one of the heaviest on planet.
Here is maybe one rabbit hole interesting for exploring. Once I had a conversation with a guy familiar with air traffic. He told me that jet fuel and diesel fuel are very similar. There are two major differences: jet fuel must be free of water, while diesel fuel should have very little impurities like sulfur.
So jet fuel can be in fact full of impurities like sulfur, because there is no demand that it must be clean. This might explain also some other toxins present in the air.
But hardly aluminum, because in nature it is present just in oxide form.
Forget to say
Also if you put aluminum into jet fuel it will burn, oxidize.
Tho (I’m assuming) neither of us are chemists or biologists, I think it’s imperitive that if there has been a dramatic increase in nano aluminum (even in remote areas) that that should be documented and made known. And the effects of such nano aluminium oxide on organisms should be researched/proven.
Some brief research online and there are technical articles that argue that nano aluminium oxide is toxic to the cells of both to plants and animals.
My hat’s off to this community/movement that are willing to take their environment/ecosystem into their own hands rather than assuming that their government would never do (or let) something nefarious like spraying toxins into the air. Much like the 9/11 movement/activists, it’s exciting to see people being involved and doing something about issues that are very important in our world. If toxins and/are heavy metals are being pumped into our environment, that definitely is an issue that people should be actively addressing.
I agree with your last paragraph completely.
I have quite good knowledge about many things, including chemistry.
Unfortunately many people researching geoengineering/chemtrails seems to have really poor knowledge of physics, chemistry,….Although they are doing good work (mostly) they should not be spared of criticism, particularly when they are using bad arguments and bullshiting.
I pointed out some inconsistencies and nebulous constructions in my commentaries above and provide arguments.
Pilots for 9/11 Truth have been running a fund-raiser to conduct their own research it this area.
The idea is to hire a jet aircraft and take samples of the atmosphere to be analysed.
So you are not convinced. For some people, there will never be enough evidence. I understand. Maybe if you deign to read my book, another mind will be changed; then again, maybe not. Whatever you do, I commend you on your sacred journeys of discovery. Maybe someday you will see that the sky is actually blue and water is really wet. Run along now! Don’t be late for school!
You write that weather modification, “could be perfectly benign in intent.” Anything anybody does could be perfectly benign in intent. Maybe Jeffery Dhamer thought he was doing the people he tortured and killed a favor. The fact of the matter is that both the conventional cloud seeding industry’s silver iodide and the spray known to be in use as part of the New Manhattan Project have serious problems. Where’s the long-term silver iodide environmental impact report? It either does not exist or has not been made public. Among other issues, silver iodide has been shown to have seriously negative impacts for small organisms. The crap they’re spraying us with as part of the New Manhattan Project is an absolute nightmare. If you finally get around to doing your homework, you will find that aluminum, barium, and strontium are causing a mass murder of Humans and concurrently wrecking our environment. But you apparently would rather speculate about some benign weather modification programs off in a perfect world somewhere. Well I say that we deal with the real world here and in the real world we are being MASSACRED.
Please see my response to your friend hwest for more about the HARD REALITIES of what is going on here.
LINK to recent Corbett Chemtrail interview…
“Interview 1189 – Spiro Skouras and James Corbett on CIA Geoengineering”
Has anyone seen this (or other) video(s) of expert testimony on chemtrails?!
We’re living in an important time where lots of things are being exposed!
It’d be really interesting to get an update on what’s going on with this push to expose chemtrails and their effects in Shasta County…
JC, if possible, could you do an interview episode in the future with one of the leading activists of this movement in this Califomia county? That would be awesome!
February 2016 – TV News Detroit
Air dropped Coal Ash Gunk on residents (visual)
Article about independent tests of the substance and referenced scientific studies.
…the plausible mission of accelerating ice melt on the lake as a climate engineering objective.
¡qué bien Pablo! Excellent assortment of references. Gracias.
YouTube “controlling Fake News”.
Today, I clicked on a 2007 video by Reporter Jeff Ferrell of Shreveport’s KSLA News 12(CBS) where he did a story on Chemtrails.
YouTube (less than 4 minutes) –
YouTube had a box under the video.
It said:
Contrail, also called condensation trail or vapour trail, streamer of cloud sometimes observed behind an airplane flying in clear cold humid air. It forms upon condensation of water vapour produced by the combustion of fuel in airplane engines. When the ambient relative humidity is high, the resulting ice-crystal plume may last several hours. The trail may be distorted by the winds, and sometimes it spreads outward to
and linked to Encyclopedia Britannica.
Funny, because the tests in the video show aluminum and barium.
Reporter Jeff Ferrell has done some good work, even covering the 9/11 related murder in east Texas and Shreveport.
???, thank you for posting this. There are some questions raised here about how much is not being said. I will trust Tony Heller’s subtle approach in relaying facts that can be confirmed. You said it.
Dane Wiggington provides a great deal on the spraying information and reaches the forgone conclusion of global warming is occurring. Heller provided so little information and pushes the opposite conclusion on global warming but ignores all the other agendas and as you say the time line of how long its been in practice. Seems two sides of the same coin. Will he provide more later on? Danes not steering away from pushing the heating. Strange goings on the tight rope wire.