Clocking in at 1300 pages of small print text, Carroll Quigley’s seminal work, Tragedy and Hope, is an intimidating and weighty tome. Today we talk to Joe Plummer of about his guide to Quigley’s massive book. Available as a free e-book or as a paperback or kindle purchase and dubbed Tragedy and Hope 101, Plummer’s guide condenses, summarizes, explains and footnotes the highlights and lowlights of the text so you can understand the nature of the conspiratorial network that Quigley exposed and why this information is so important.
Joe Plummer interviewed by Richard Grove
I’m on my second reading of Tragedy & Hope; my first was a few years back and I feel like I’m a lot more grounded to sift out the gems from the page after page after page of blah blah blah hey guys I’m Carroll and I have total contempt for basically every culture not American, oddly enough including the British (though I am BFF w/ the British Empire paradoxically.) There’s more there of interest to me beyond the life and times of the Rhodes-Milner Cabal (like all the analysis that’s fallen flat on its face, for instance) – I feel like a truly first-rate, comprehensive critique of T&H has yet to be written.
On a lighter note, some great doppelgänger split screens there James. Is Mr Plummer trying to look like you or vice versa?
Not much more to say than: excellent conversation, thank you.
I’ve read Tragedy & Hope (except the Russian chapters – I couldn’t stay engaged with them as so much has changed since it was written) and I’ve ordered Joe Plummer’s primer.
I have to say that Quigley was an excellent historian and had a razor sharp mind – I enjoy reading his analyses very much. It is also very interesting to me, again, that “their” plans for us are just laid out plainly for all to see. Very much like ‘Brave New World’, we shouldn’t worry about a world where books are burnt, just a world where they lay unread on shelves.
Great call, Brad. I couldn’t have put it better myself.
@James: Thank you as always for introducing us to other voices who, like yourself, are contributing time and energy towards the goal of sharing critical information and analysis in hopes to provide all of us with knowledge and thus a greater set of tools for illustrating the true nature of the way much of the social ills and the players most responsible for shaping the system which upholds the structures of power as they exist.
For my part I attempt to find a way to share this information with those within my immediate circles and I’d have to say that I’ve found the current United States election cycle a useful practical example for illustrating the fraudulent nature of the illusion of choice which is carefully managed and massaged into place through various forms of theatrics.
I stated before the election cycle when it seemed clear that Hillary Clinton was going to be the next chicken hawk in chief that I suspected this would be the case. I wasn’t sure who the contender was going to be but I’d say this in general: the specifics of the social aspects of the relative success of both Trump and Sanders aren’t entirely void of social context as a reflection of the mood of the American People. I don’t think it’s realistic to try to characterize either the elections here or other domestic or geopolitical issues as being entirely void of organic elements which create the elements of discourse which the PTsB then manipulate to fit their designs.
For example, I don’t think Trump was a predetermined election spectacle. It seems to me that he’s merely emerged as a useful tool for making Clinton, a really nasty unappealing hard line political insider with little appeal among the hope and change yearning Democrat leaning segment of the society seem more “progressive”, or at least less dangerous than a president Trump. Donald Trump has thrived in a spotlight where his “villain you love to hate” persona makes for great entertainment and politically superficial talking points for the “experts” at various networks to debate. Whether or not there will be some sort of socially engineered coup to remove Trump from the final showdown is anybody’s guess.
While I generally like much of what Sanders has to say, particularly his critique of the financial system, I feel that at this point the extent he’s been allowed to attain a certain level of success within the current political paradigm is mostly a matter of selling the illusion of an “organic” democratic process on one hand, while on the other, feeding the necessity of selling the public on the latest political gossip “news”. Let’s not forget that the election cycles are highly profitable for the various news outlets who thrive off the sorts of sound bites they’re provided with, which allow them to improvise and perhaps even throw in a few legitimately intelligent insights or talking points with the real virtuosos massaging these ideas into the public conscience and discourse.
In conclusion here, while this is a bleak outlook on my part, I think that it’s important to remember (as I often forget myself) that, just like the surveillance state and the agendas it’s been designed to serve, it’s important for those of us who have become more aware of the threats these structures impose on our capacity to live and think within a certain degree of freedom and autonomy (let alone with whatever degree of physical security and wellbeing we’ve been afforded in life) not to allow ourselves to fall into the despair, apathy, and helplessness that going along with a sober realization of the scope in which these structures impose. The moving pieces which form the semblance of the illusion of an organic exercise of free will or political participation aren’t entirely void of “organic” elements of ebb and flow.
Despite constant reminders that would lead me to believe otherwise, I do believe in the greater good of humanity and I do believe that, provided with opportunities to act freely outside of the power structures that uphold various levels of suffering and injustice for the majority of the population (of course to varying degrees), positive social change can occur in ways which the PTsB aren’t able to immediately disrupt and subvert. A greater knowledge of the truth on these matters provides all of us with a set of tools which we can put to use when an opportunity presents itself.
Amen @BennyB!
Really sound/profound thoughts here. I feel the same way. Though over the last 5 years or so since I “took the red pill”, I’ve had an increasingly dismal view of our world… There is still a deep (spiritual?) sense of hope that I can’t seem to shake. I do believe that even tho there is a very deep darkness, an evil that humanity is wrestling with, there also is a light, a goodness that is both within and without us if we are willing to grow in it and it’s “infectious”, transformative power. It is very important for us not to become apathetic and fatalistic, because that is exactly what the elite so desperately want (or expect from us).
“..They’re natural-born experts on the human psychology – they’re genetically wired to be able to manipulate us actual humans…”
That is just psychopath propaganda.
They really are not any smarter or better at manipulating people then any one else, they just dont feel bad about doing it. They are not any higher IQ just because they lack empathy- again, thats just TV propaganda.
If normal people dont let themselves get domesticated and stupid they can just avoid such people causng them issues 99% of the time…that other 1% though 🙁
“..The fact is they are smarter, more focused, dedicated and persevering than the average Josephine or Joe will ever be…”
WHERE do you get this info?
I disagree, since both “mask of sanity” and “the psychopath test” (more amusingly..) say otherwise. According to the mask of sanity the vast majority are basically drunken bums who lack common sense or self control. How many have you met?
“..What’s more, they are far more knowledgeable about subjects that most people don’t even know exist like mysticism and the occult….”
Really? How do they gain such knowledge?????? DO they have a tel-psycopathic link to the other side?
Can normies get a subscription? 😉
“..How.. they get their dogs (the police and military) to do their dirty work for them…”
Well…considering that large numbers end up in jail I guess most DO NOT, and the ones who end up working in walmart or the DMV dont have that much power either
“.. They don’t bloody their own hands, you see?..”
TRUE..most are not violent, they are just assholes. They will back stab you and cheat you but as long as society is half functioning they wont bet getting violent
“…How do they do that if they aren’t master manipulators?..”
“..Not knowing your enemies and/or underestimating them are recipes for losing a war…”
You are not at ‘war’ with an army of psychopaths like some kind of zombie movie…. even th elite psychopaths are not magic (at least not in that sense…) they just have money for better toys and minions then you do… personally I wonder if they think tank’d it and found that being ruled by ‘superhumans’ was acceptable to most folks, hence the propaganda
Well, if the oligarchs wanted to keep their existence a secret, they shouldn’t have locked down the world. We have another watershed moment happening which will, in fact, bring about a “new normal”. Hopefully it will be one in which the great majority of humans are able to push past the myths that have been created to confuse and blind them. I do not include spiritual practice when I say “myth”. There is a natural tendency for humans to reach out to something that lies beyond matter and energy. Unfortunately, organized religions tend to come under the domination of the elites just like governments do. Has there ever been a time when every person in a society has operated fee of mind control? I don’t think so. Group-think tends to take over. But the balance between group-think and individual-think is definitely not working in favor of individuals right now. Let’s hope we can tip the scales in our favor before said scales are destroyed completely.
Control Savey
“..Well, if the oligarchs wanted to keep their existence a secret, they shouldn’t have locked down the world…”
I dont know… pretty much most people dont know they exist, if we do we think its some public figure like Gates or Soros Klaus S or something like that.
James, I have been following and supporting you for a few years now, but there is so much stuf, I don’t have the time to look at all of it. So I missed this one. But now finally I have the source of your ever recurring narrative about the powers that souldn’t be.
Thank you for reposting this, it makes so much sense now. Carroll Quigley! You always tell us to look at the source. Finally I found the part I was missing.
Just make sure your in the ones still alive….
I remember this interview during my early “Corbeteer” days.
Back then I didn’t buy the book…but now I bought a copy on Amazon Kindle and am reading it avidly, and I’m almost done.
Very astute compilation and congregation of quotes from Quigley that I have not seen before and very enlightening take of our current geopolitical scenarios that are still playing out like they did in the past.
Great post.
Are these recent tragedy and hope videos in preparation for the WW2 documentary? ? Ya boy is pumped!
I love you all, and I used to post often, but we’re over a year into this, and I may get some flack for saying this, but I’m seeing a lot of talk, but very few (if any) concrete solutions offered.
For example, we need alternative scrips/currencies NOW. We need to be proactive in setting up local economies off the dollar. Are people doing this? The only thing I’ve seen come up are the cryptocurrencies, but please tell me if I’m wrong and if there are local communities that have established their alternative to the dollar.
And maybe I’m just venting, but I feel like the vast majority just enjoy reveling in the disaster that is coming our way, and are perhaps lazy / apathetic to making change happen. Kind’a reminds me of Obama’s “Hope and Change” speeches…
“… lot of talk, but very few (if any) concrete solutions offered…”
There is only one real solution and one partial solution.
No one here is going to be able to offer you a ready made solution because they CAN NOT. Only you and they can do the most important thing to survive, which is disconnect as much as they can from the system…that emotional connection to the system is what will kill them.
That emotional bond is going to get them way more then actual privation or vax laws or stuff.
Its quite possible that this is just another wave crashing on the shore and not the actual big one that makes the cliff collapse but either way modern culture is rat poison and unless people get their heads right they will die of it anyway
I recommend finding a decent churchwith trust worthy people in it but people will do what they think best
You need to repost this one. So good.