In this edition of Film, Literature and the New World Order James is joined by author, artist, podcaster and researcher Thomas Sheridan of Together they tackle James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man…and the entirety of the Joycean ouevre. Is Joyce the ultimate anti-imperialist, post-colonial, iconoclastic exile hero? The smith of the uncreated conscience? A literary magician? A man whose hand did many other things as well? All and none of the above? Yes I said yes he will yes.
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Thomas Sheridan’s website
James Joyce: The magus from Monto
James Joyce’s Definition of Epiphany
James Joyce — Modern Psychonaut
Strauss-Howe generational theory
James Joyce reading his work (1924/1929)
Last month’s episode and comments: Daredevil – FLNWO #028
Very interesting episode. Thank you.
Love the discussion! I have only recently come by Joyce, but when learning more about him and Finnegans Wake, I found these recordings that demonstrate the playfulness of his language:
The Ballad of Persse O’Reilly (melody and lyrics by Joyce): (shortened arrangment by The Dubliners) (the full song, sung in a pub)
Joyce himself reading an excerpt from the first chapter of Finnegans Wake:
I love how rhythmic and sing-song his prose is.
Thank you for that! I said I was going to include the Joyce reading in the show notes and then forgot to do it. Will add it to the show notes now.
Thank you for this introduction to Joyce. I also enjoyed the analysis of Borges’ ‘Library of Babel’ (FLNWO#27) which spurred me to read a few of his highly mystical short stories and essays.
Totally agree with Thomas’ sentiments re: ‘Art is magic’. These works can have a profound affect on the consciousness of individuals and are a very powerful force for change and subversion. I think it will be art that saves us in the end!
Though I’ve been interested in your journalism for quite some time, I am, now, a new subscriber to The Corbett Report. What sparked my interest to finally join was a brief comment that you made in the recent podcast discussion you had on the film, “Conspiracy Theory”. I, too, love the words, and images of James Joyce, and this podcast on your site, FLNWO #29, A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man, was my first look and listen.
For some years on June 16th, WBAI-99.5-FM, would broadcast Isaiah Sheffer’s production of readings from, ULYSSES, “Bloom’s Day On Broadway”, at Symphony Space in New York City which I often recorded.
It would be my pleasure to share two of these audio file chapters with you, CYCLOPS, and PENELOPY, recorded in 1987. The cast of readers was superb_.!
I hope you will have a moment to read this message, and if you are interested, please let me know where to e-mail the files.
Best regards,